HAS THE CIRCULATION- -PRINTS THE NEWS- REACHES PEOPLE THE EXAMINER IS THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF LE COUNTY VOL. XXXIII LAKE VIEW, LAKE COUNTY, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 12. 1912. NO. 37 STATE ELECTIONS ARE BIGSURPRISE California Goo Progres sive; Maine, Republican; Democrats Gain In Vt. The resume of the election held In different state In the Union last week Indicate many complication at the final election for president of the United State. The progressive party raptured Cali fornia with tin overwhelming vote and President Taft wait repudiated. It la aaid that Taft lender have already be gun a diaouaslon of plana for placing their candidate on the November bal lot. By the ruling of Atto'ney-Ueneral Webb, their only recourse la to launch special petitions, each of which moat bear the oarm-s of 11,000 voters who did not parlclpate In the primaries. The republicans sustained a lor of 43 per cent of the vote In Vermont which elected 1'routy aa governor of that atate four years ago. The democrats gained 27 per cent. The republicana gained victory in the struggle tor the main control of Maine. One of it four congressional districts went democratic. In all the states the most bitter fights for electoral votea between the new progressive partv and the repub lican party. NEW SYSTEM FOR IRRIGATING LAND Man In Northern Lake Dies Large Cistern and Uses Pump Silver Lake Leader : How to obtain from a reliable source' a sufficient amount of water to irrigate the so called desert and insure good crops, without depending upon rain, ban been the one treat serious problem whloh. has confronted the homesteader in that part of the Fort Rock vnlley which can not be watered from living stream or lake at a cost which would be profit able. Mr. F. C. Eickcmlre has suoccna fully solved the proposition by digging a cintern 27x32, 17 leet deep, then bor ing a ten-inch hole till ho struck living water which raised up and stood eight leet in the cistern. With a C horee power Old's gasoline engine and a 4 inch centrifugal pump, with a capacity of 400 gallons per minute, he raises the water about 2l) tect to the top of a ridge, from which it can be distribut ed to any part of the ranch. Mr. Eickemeir estimates that he will have sufficient water to irrigate 50 sores of land during the summer, but by flooding the land during the winter will be able increase to 100 acres. The plant win not installed in time to be of much service this year but will aurely do good service next sea son. E. R. Patch rma been called East to attend his mother who in reported ill. RUNAWAY TEAM I P. C. Coon and Jack Mil ler Thrown From Wagon Near Paisley The following is fromjthe Chewaucan Press In regard to the ocoident that occurred near Paisley, a brief account of which was in tact week' Examiner: Monday P. C. Onon and Jack Miller met with an accident on the road to Littlo Chewuucun, whloh might have proven fatal to both. They were taking a load of supplies to the round-up camp, and had juat crossed the mountain and started down on the other Bide when the team they were driving hruke away and ran down the taoiii f in "Ida. They left the road and Bltfitud off through the mahogany, Tne hill is v ry statu lit thia noint, and Hi- . uui iX run far before Coop bin' nior were both thrown from the IihoI . When Mint and A. E. Banis ter, w' - c l lulluwiiig in another wa gon i . Lu..mi, turivud upon IU i j I j - y - scent, they found Coon lying in the road and Miller sitting on the hillside a few rods farther. Coon had evident ly been nrsgged about 100 yard. Both were In a semi-conscious condition and badly bruised up. Tna wagon was lying against a Juni per tree on farther down the moun tain, side up, with part of the wheels entirely minting, and the team had con tinued Its journey alone. Klder and Banister loaded the crip plea In their wagons and brought them to I'alsley aa quickly as possible, ar riving about three o'clock in the after noon. Dr. Thayer was summoned at once, and an examination revealed that Coon had broken a bone In hi arm and several lbs, beside several minor bruise. Miller was but little more fortunate, and received a dislocated shoulder and a deep gash on the side of hi head. Both at thin writing arc pretty stiff and aoro, but a week or two will probably see them well again. BODIES TAKEN UP FOR RE-INTERMENT Remains of Frank Bauers Taken to AshlandE. H. Loftus Moved Here Last Sunday Undertaker Wallace & Son went to Crane Lake and disinter ered the remain of E. 11. Lofftus, father of John, Henry and C. C. Loff- tus, who had been buried there for twelve years. ' The body of Frank Bauers, who died about six months ago and was buried in the I. U. O. F. Cemetery, Lakeview, was taken up Monday and removed to Ashland for reburial. Mr. Mary Bauers and son Frank accompanied the body, they leaving Tuesday morning by way of Reno and Sacramento. The casket containing the remains of Mr. LorTtus wi reburied in the Bauers grave Monday afternoon. Mr. E. H. LofTtua waa the father of Mr. Baucs. Some Plum Tree Altura Plalndealer We visited New Pine Creek last week and stopped at the Bonner ranch on Sugar Hill to in pect aa plum tree growing in the or chard. The tree was planted many years ago by the father of the Bonner brothers and i a Wisconsin wild plum tree. It la estimated that the tree bore this year fully a ton of fruit and judg ing by the number of boxes gsthered and the amount still on the tree we are satisfied the amount was not over estimated. The fruit was sweet and iuicv, and found ready sale. Now just figure a little. A ton of fruit produced on one tree, what would an acre pro duce? It will give one an idea of the value of fruit lands, once we have a railroad to carry fruit to market. Eugene Baylias and Miss Mina Smith, of Bly, were last Friday evening unit ed in marriage by Kev. Melville T. Wire at the Green Garden Houbc. Mr. Bavliaa came to Bly quite recently, while the bride has lived there for some time. They left on the western stage ard will probably make their home at lily. The Examiner joins their friends in extending congratulations. lakevWto!et creamery plant Rumored That Outside People Will Equip 500 Cow Creamery Rumors have it that Lakeview ia to get a creamery within a period of a few monthB. It ia said that the men behind the deal are from Bono and California and it ia their intention to equip the creamery to use the product of 300 to 500 cows. The company ex pects to anend $20,000 for cow alone, to be sold to the farmer. It is alao said that some of tho prominent sheep men of the county have signified their intention to sell their sheep and take up the dairy business. A creamery ia a audly needed enter prise in thia section, a considerable money is Bant out of the country every ynnr for butter. The range conditions and winter fee I are the best tor cown and it is to be hoped tho promoters of this sehcrne will mutt with sutiiuient encouragement to make their plans Carry. STOCK RATES DECREASE N.-C-O. TO ESTABLISH COMPETI TIVE SCALE AFTER OCTOBER 4 Sixty Cars of Sheep Will Be Shipped Out of Lakeview This Month New Rate Same as From Klamath Falls The following letter from H. V. Mc- Namara, of Reno, to V. L. Snelling, local livestock agent, regarding ship ment from LBkevlew over the N.-C-O. Ry., I self explanatory. The fact that these rates are to be estai lished will be a revelation to the Lakn oounty stockmen. Mr. Snelling inform us that he expect the market to take a decided impetus within the next few week and say there are now about GO car of sheep that will be ready for shipment by Sept. 18. The letter follows: "Reno, Nevada, Sept. 3, 1912. "Mr. V. L. Spelling. "Lakeview, Oregon. "Dear Sir: Confirming mv conver sation with vou yesterday : "1 wish to advise that competitive rate will be put In from Lakeview and published about October 4th, mak ing the ssme rate on sheep to San Francisco a now carried from Klam ath Falls. In making this rate we used the following basis': "Sheep from Klamath Falls, Oregon, to San Francisco is $75.00 per 30 foot car, or 289.09 for a 36 foot 6 inch in gle deck ear. We figure that 135 sheep can be loaded in each single deck 36 foot 6 inch CBr, and 90 In each one of the SO foot cara. Thia weald make NLf SCHOOL HAS The installation of Domestic Science and Art into our schools up until the last few yesrs has been confined chiefly to olty schools. But as the views and principles of educators broaden, it is found that mind and band must be trained together in order to produce a practical person when school life is over the lire's duties begin. So it is that now, nearly all of our Bcnools are, to some extent, teaching industrial work. The girla of the Public Schools of Lakeview are very fortunate in being able to have a thoro course in Cooking and Sewing, and, an equipment' suffi cient for its promotion. j This work may be and should be correlated with Reading, Language, Spelling and Geography in the grades, and English, Physics. Chemistry, and Botanv In the High School. One may help the other, and to some extent, will be made to do so. Also the home work of the girls should be given recogni tion, and it is hoped that each may prove an incentive to the other. . In making out a ''ourue of Study for this school, this beginning year, much thought has been given to make It cover the object of the course, and at the same time te of practical use in this particular section. The work actually begins with the tirat grader, wiio under the supervision ot his teacher learns to use hia hands in paper cutting, folding, weaving, etc. In fact, the firsts three grades bring out the capabilities of the child in a strong degree, so that when the fourth and fifth grades are reached quite effective work ia done, and the foundation for sewing proper, well laid. The State Course of Study give a suggestive course in sewing, which we have fallowed to some extent. The following outline show some of the problems we hope to work out this year: 4th Simple Raffia and Reed. Beginning stitches on Java Canvass. Burlap Articles, By the assistance of the teacher we expect the boys of this grade to do some of thia work also. Gth Aim : Introductory Work. Articles : Chroqhetlng and Weaving. Gth Aim: Simple ititchea. ' Art. : -Towel, dust cloth and bag, three of our cars equal in carrying ca pacity to two sinele deck standard 36 foot 6 Inch car. On thi basis three of oar 36 foot cars at 144.00 to Dovle, equals 1132. Two standard 36 foot 6 inch cara at S44.26 Doyle to San Fran cisco equal $88.50 or a through rate of 122.50 Lakeview to San Francisco for 270 sheep. The rate for two 36 foot 6 inch cars from Klamath is $178.18 for the same number of sheep a diff erence agairat us of $42.32 for 20 sheep or about lb 1-2 cents tier head. How ever, you can use double deck far out of Doyle or Reno, which will reduce the difference to about 10 cent per head per sneep. The double deck rate for 30 foot 6 inch cars i 10 per cent of the aingie deck rate, cr $75.23'lfor270 nee p. Ky using three of our cars to Doyle at $132.00 makes a through rate on a double deck car Lakeview, Oregon to San Francisco of $207.23. Basing this against Klamath rate for two single decks of $18.18 it means difference of 29.05 or about 10 cents per head higher from Lakeview than from Klamath. Thia will be absorbed and published, as I'stated above on Octo ber 7tb. "Youra truly. "H. V. McNamara, Traffic Manager. N.-C.-O. Ry." MANY ADVANTAGES iron holder and button bag. 7th Aim: Same on more advanced article. Art: Towel, apron, patching, hem stitched towel, stocking darning, mending. 8th Aim: Review stitches, decora tive stitches simple pattern cutt ing. Art: Napery, patching and darning, petticoat, laundry bag, kimona. 9th Aim Ubc of machine and simple garment making. Art: Easy machine-sewed articles, underwear. 10th Aim : Drafting, simple dress making. Art: Shirt waist, lawn or dimity dross, white lawn or linen waist. 11th and 12th. Optional. Aim: Hand embroidery on gar ments. Advanced sewing hand and machine. Aa thia class will be optional, full detuils cannot be given until ihe class ia organized. Any of the above prob lems may be changed should circum stances po advise. An exhibition will be given at the end of each semester and the work of the pupil will te kept by the school un til that time. Cookery A very complete labratory has been equipped for this work, also a dinning room service provided.and it is expect ed that thia department will be one of the most interesting tetttures of the school. It must be understood that this first year course will not be like the year which follow. Some ot our girls, we hope, will complete the High School thia year, theretore, for their benefit a course has been arranged which will include 11th and 12th grade girls. Another year, it can be placed in the years of the High Schoool where It more properly belongs. This may apply to sewing as well. An optional class of the 9th and 10th grade girla will be formed in which the course will be planned with a thought to future classes. It ia also hoped that a boy class in cookery can be organized. Special attention will be given to the preparing and serving of mealu. The members of these classes will be re quired to wear a uniform during labora tory hours. This will be tully explain- ed at organization. Jn planning for the year'a work in sewing and cooking, care baa been taken not to add a heavy burden to the parent in supplying the materials. etc., and we earnestly solicit your co operation, hoping that you will be free to converse with the instructor on any phase of the subject not made clear. O. U. Metcalf, of the freight and passenger department of the S. P. ar rived the first of th week from Reno and spent several day in this section on business connected witn hi line. He brought witb bim a beautiful paint ing of Del Monte that was presented by b company to the Lsdies Civic Improvement Society. The ladiea have aeveral other picture and a large map that were presented them by the Southern Pacific. Thia ia a kindness that is greatly appreciated by the ladi es as welt a all the citizen of Lake view. THRESHING OUTFIT FORJORTH END F. M. Chrlsman and Gus Schroder Invest In Rus sle Machine Silver Lake Leader: F. M. Chris man and A. B. Schroder bave closed a deal for a brand new threshing out fit. Both engine and eeparater are the Russel & Co. make and the engine be ing a ten horse traction and the separa tor a 24-inch cylinder. The outfit will be in Bend by the lOtb of September and it ia the intention of the owners to bring it in at onCe. On the way in they will atop at Fremont and Fort Rock and thresh, it the people so de sire. This part of the .country baa needed a thresher for some time and no doubt the investment will prove to be a profitable one. - . f Weather Was General What was to have been the grand Labor Day celebration for the organiz ed laborers of Portland at Crystal Lake Park, near Milwaukee, was par tially abandoned because of the inclem ent weather. The above from ibe Oregonian would indicate that Lakeview waa not alone in experiencing bad weather on Labor day, and that it was not so bad here as elsewhere. The inclement weather was not sufficient to dampen the ardour of Lakeview's picnic goers and espe cially that of the Irish boy and ladies who gave it. And it ia aome consola tion to know that other celebrations were abandoned while oura waa such a success. The Teachers' Institute tl.is year promises to be the most instructive one evtr held in Lake county. All who can possibly attend the day session should do so and bear Dr. Win- ship. Dr. Winship is preeminently one of the best educational men, always drawing large crowds in the largest cities. Word has been received that C. II. Jones, editor of the Oregon Teachers Monthly, will be here for the institute. FILINGS INCREASE SINCEJEW LAW Commissioner Dennett Making: Tour of West Aiding: Local Offices Of the 300,000 homestead entries on file with the Interior Department, Commssioner of the General Land Office, Fred Dennett estimates that the number of final proofs led in the next 12 months will increase 50,000 due to the Borah three-year homestead law. "Already applications for final proof are pouring into the General Land Office." says Dennett, "and expect the proportion will grow rapidly, because the settlers are learning of the new provision, and enlarge number of them who already have spent three years or more on their land, will hat ten to take advantage of the new p:iveleee." Commissioner ii notr is n'vjs'nf a tour of the West, uiilii.g the Incut offices to adapt their work forces to the reduced appropriation made by Con gress, the total having beun ieduc.J for field work from $650,000 to W0. INTEREST IN GUN CLUBJSJ1EVIVED New Members Are Be Ins: Taken In and Preserve Will Be Protected A meeting of the Goose Lake Gun Club waa held in the Forest Office Fri day night. At this meeting proontera of the club decided to increase the membership and employ a man to look after the ground. Thev own 120 acre of land at the head of the lake and bave considerable ground under lease. The choicest bird haunts on the lake have been acquired and if properly se cured will afford splendid hunting for it members for all time. Mr. Bernard was appointed at the first (netting to make a canvaaa of the town in the interest of increasing the ciut'a membership and at another meeting held Tuesday nighf, reported that be had secured aeveral new mem bers and that many more had aignined intentions of joining. All the grounds of the club owned and under lease at the head of the lake will this week be posted with tresspass notices, warning all non members from bunting on the leads. The gun club has been to con siderable expense in getting their prop erty and in erecting a club house and witb their holdings will bave plenty of shooting for all the desirable local member who care to join. LAKE STILL LEADS IN LANDENTRIES Land Office Report for Aug:. Shows Much Land Was Taken Tile fei j'minA i Utebted io Hon. A. W. Orton, register of the U. S. land office for the following lists of lands in acres entered and relinquished in Lakeview Land District for the month of August 1912: Land entered : Lake county, 11, 177.32: Klamath county, 1,762.84: Crook county 1,994.31. Land relinquished: Lake county 2.679.58; .Klamath county, 603.47: Crook county, 1,181.56. While Lake county is ahead in both entries and relinouishments the above shows that it leads the other two coun ties in this district in entries by over 7000 acres, while it is only ahead about 900 acres in relinquishments over that in Klamath and Crook counties. A party consisting of A. M. Davis, Jr., George A. Davis, George T. Rud dock and L. T. Blanding last week motored ud from Berkeley, Calif., and went over to Warner Valley to inspect some land. The Dvis brothers are said to be interested in the large Em porium store of San Francisco. They stayed in this section several daya but nothing waa given out in regard to their plans of making any purchases in the Warner Valley. I MAKEJjRIEF VISIT Amadee Moran and Gener al Manager Dunaway Came Up In "Special" Amadee Moran ot Mnran Brothers, principal stockholders of the Nevada-California-Oregon railway, who came to Reno to attend a meeting of the board ot directors of the road, and Vice-president and General Manager T. F. Diinaway, Tuesday came up from Reno on a special arriving in Lakeview at 7:30 in the evening. It is said that extensive imorove ments and tetterments are contemplat ed by the management, which will in clude the building of several depots at different fttUions nlong the line. Their visit in La!;oview, however, was very brief and ro information was given out. r li i vrt in the lilies c.f regular bui'iinsb. 'Jh;y returned to Reno the following morning. J. X. Flunk, of Rock (.'reek is regis tered at ' :: I lakeview this week. .4.