Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 05, 1912, Image 7

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A Want Ad In Tho Lako County Examlnor
Kcpc.'itcd a few times, if necessary, will find a customer
for that property of yours. Hiey are scanned closely
by intending buyers, and the coet is nominal 5 cents
the line for each insertion. Special long-time rates.
l !-
I'Olt MliE- About llHHI IVM'lt Blnl
(1(10 lii Ml 1 1. Kmc4 nearly Nil tllidi-r
live ,vui - ul'l and idicatcd 1 1 1, Si Itm
tin year. I..1111I14 Irniii Ritiulioii
let t InicR. sheen hungo lit foster
1'1'it Applj ' Thoa. II. Sherlock.
D.ivi Creek, Modoc Co., "ul. tf
FOIl HA l,K: Lincoln and WucU face
V'.H i..- I'lir i. Al-o lambs. W.
A. Mifi nch. Ainu. ". i:nl. A'2'Mt
I'Oll ,. I Ciuiruilltl'il (ioVcminent
m-rlp, will 'i (. 11 r any agricultural
Inn. I In Oregon. " cr acre. '.
O Ibm lid. f.xctcr, nl.
FOR S I E To 'he highest lihl'l' r.
Ml acre. Si-e. 7. 1 . .17, II. IU Last.
Lake Count v, Or-goti. Hprngil"
Itivi r ro m t liruimli n. Mn J I
Kirliy, sr J.i-wpli, M. J.v4 lot
. KAl.l".- 'in-(.pHii matched liny
geldings, 4 inn ol.l, w ell broke,
sound, weight. 2e") I t n m I k.
One spun gehllngH II .'"' ll.
sound. I mn team, wciuhl 2700 IIim.
I rU- f tr lour wHh clu iu hnri.os
f.Vii Write or M. P. VM Iiniim,
Du.U t in k. 1 ullf Jo -Til
FOR I.K l.ivcry Jt Sale. Ivnlile
located at I'llisli. Oregon. C'lii-pt.-l,.
oinlit Including gaollic ii
g. i, i-.n rula. fir. W III hi ll tor om-
MlllirilllUl eS ll'MI 1 In lllllldlllg
alone cot. A money maUiT for,B
IT 10 !
ilvrrv num. Aililrci .I.J. 1111
kciilen, flush.
1 reg 111.
mill If
.'( HU,i:-l.oi IiI.m k ;:t. triii-l
Mi ( NV. .if N. va "f !. IN
I wn. :is. Kiini' 3i, 1 hu m. fi in rcc 1
vtT rlKht, Taxi M ihii. l'r!"
rimli aiMivmh K .1. tinulu, liiillup,
N. Mi'Xlf".
KOil SAI.K Trm-t i0, S.h- 7. lv,p :;,
muK" -M. mi l l"l 1". " "N "r
nil k x.ili' -'Hi nihil It. Ail
tlif.n N S. M.ilrlm-, 143 l.lnil'ilu
Av N. Mllini apolli. Mum.
Tor ball Lot 'ii, blH-k 7:1. tract IS,
Tcwiiflilp :is. Kuiiif - M arr'.
;J7 60 pHiil m utlilitUiniil wal r
ilitblH. I'll'H I.. J. K. Htruutf,
Cilliliuii. Nfb.
" HI MA I ,K Tlie ImmI iiiilpl freiulilr
lux out lit In l-Mke Cou'iiy, lintilrn
iil iiHwinunii Mcrriiuille coiiipuny,
I'airtii-y. on-noii.
KOK BALK "JO arri'M to cultivniloii
Ik-iiik part of tin' SKJ-4 of M-1 l
hv.. l.', towimbiii o( It. !7 K. in
liartn y Co. I'rbv t'JO l"-r tu ro or
iiiilil taki lot I-i rortliiinl. lirny.
Iwal & LucU, &2 L'nioo Ave. No.,
i'ortlniitl, "'
KOlt HA I.K aO iu-ri-a lu w-rtlon
towiiMblp X. rnnw .'. KihjuIh' of
St-aner Hrox., l-iikeview, Ore.
TUKLakevifW AliMtnut A Tltlu Co.
Im nukuiH hixh-ihI prlrt'i on Abntrai-U
to O. V. I, t'o.'a TraitH anil Town
1 OK HA I.K: l'l arrca of lanil. NW)
of Sr.t4. Stttloii Towiihhlp
KaiiK' KhhI W. M , ami lot No.
18. block, No. :. of MieOn-Kou V al
ley La ml Co. Aiblliion. ijkevle-.
I'rlce :UIII U0 caah, 1 Miler,
Kerndali', Humbolt Co. Culif., Uox
f OK HA I.K- ll 1. bliH-k 47. trct in. wtlm
lwtmiiii raiiiiu IV lu mn. I olliiH n
oR f mi the Ihvu or rloe nil tl) lilulug
laud. . 0 V lluy, Uarflclil, Kubr.
roKTXl7K Ixit US, blix'k 7, ami Truct H'j if
ol N W(i .( S W4. (m-0 1, TarpW. Kiik i",
lu vri. Villi wkut rliflil AUilrcw red
Onr.lmT, I.UlNin, North Dakota
rOK 'Sai.K-1 ret 14, T.HH. R. 1U, lu aero.
I.. J. l orltT, 1'orlUinl, Ti'.
roKTil Trrt 1, Il. T. 87. K. U, 4iaiTM.
J. H. IVarmin. W Alamwla Ave. Di'Uvur.Cul.
Kmk A I.K -Ut 21, blocu II mul irnot , Hw IH,
41. K IK, ) H.!n-. Ail.lrvu Tiltluu Ward, 111
t. ..i M. Ihh Miilno, iowa
roll MAI K -I ol 14, hllliU l;tU,Ilil N1, ol H104 Ol
SWU, Vfc 17. Tim acri. Kiln L.
rJ. Ikis 14, KlilK.'lIrl isl.- I'rlta In-iM.
ami NK't, h1-,. -AU.Ir.
u J Pierre Wo.
, !. ilitltlou,
. fl fi hi: rut.
f 1 Villi.
;. i ...
M tir '1 1
KOlt HAl.K--l.ot -4. li It i.. .....Ion.
ami n' ol N w .4 ol H, '. , 1 KJi., 0
arnn. A(llr'i- C. C. lluruiou loo Klin t,
Ki.inlil. H. V.
I.4IMT (Ml Kt l
LOST: Olio ri'd roan borw, wearluK
hII mul liolililt'H, lirumli'il J ..
LiimI m'fii about two wwkH bro on
(Cottonwood went of Lakevli'w.
Will pay - M lor information leail
liiK to' retovcry. 1. 1'. Ala liny.
Jl.tikevli;v. )ri'Kon, ' tl
rolJM: lu Laki'vlow litnt wet-k,
lady's buihII koIiI watch with t-hiilu
attaclied. Owner call at tlio Kxaiu
lncr 'iinl prove property nnti tlicy
may have lama by pnyliiK for thin
ad. A2i)
WANTKD to lie located 011 tlratclaaa
100 acroa. tilvu particular an to
aoll, cliuiat-, location, water, tim
ber Htc. W. M. lirowu, 112, K. 10th
St., Portland, Oregon. 2tp
We need a aaloHinan iu each of sev
eral excellent flielda to null our apleu
did nuraery atock. A permanent
place, chhIi weeklv and a square tlrm
ba:k of you. Write for particulars.
WaahluKtou Nuraery Co. T'oppeulah,
Wanted Anent. Write Health A Ac
cldeut Insurance. Oregon Surety &
CuuHullty Co.. 322 Board of Trade,
Portland, Oregon.
Caniaa Sawmill la now running
right aloutf. Any and all persoua
wanting lumber will find It here. All
orders promptly tilled. Sllmfllg k
Christie. Jn2()-t(
Waitf Ads
I.MI OMN lu un.
i. rr7:T"n.i:n whikya't the
Hotel IrflKevU-W bar. The Ih'et llt d
i,u- -i 'vlilxk v mad,-. 1 f
r..rv f.M.
I.i 11 1 K AT Til E NOTICE FOR Rl
ward Issued by tin 'l t'ihlH"
Company for deal roylng lu pro
ert.v. DM
A REWARD of .fly dollars Is bar
iijr olfered for ieiormatlnn will
lad to t lie art-en nil') conviction of
h 11 y peiaou who has stolen wlrcH or
t litr ruirl from our Coi)iHiiyi
ri'l 1I;b ani rnnrl In Imrnliy olferoiJ
for tnfoniiH' v n I hut will lend to tha
rrpMt Hint riftvletlni) of anyoua ' dnb-
roylriH tl property of Hie OoinpHny.
(Jlin. Liiil.nch
siTftii' , mV Co. Tel. A Tel,
1- tf.
I.I J l. ,! K HI lllMi
lc artini nt of flu Inli ri. r, United
Slaleii I .HUH Olllrc. uakevlew Ore
Kim, AtiKUHt II, If'I'J
To the belra of Martin 1" llrMWu. de
(wired, ol pri'Hent addrc-M tinkiiown,
You arc hereby no llh-d that lwla
K. I'eiirnw ho (tlvea 1'oit liock, Ore.,
iih liU p hi olllee adilr.M h. ill.) 011 Jul.
I.I, llilj. Ille III ihin olll.e Ida duty cor
rohoraled nppltciitiini to (niiteat and
(.cur,- I he ra lid-Hal l"tl of 1 1 omeatend
i:mr. . N rial No (llvil mule April Ml,
l'.KI'.!,"for Loin I. 2, II Section .1, 'roan
i: S . IIiiiil'" U I... W lilumette MerUl
Ian, and n-i prnuniN for lilx con
(Ml be iillecH that HHid land baa been
iiliHiidoiied liy lieirx of da 1.1 entrymau
(or more 1 linn alx niootha IhmI pnat:
thiil. the helm ol Hild eiitrvman lue
uoi cultivated or Improved auid land
In any maimer.
You are, therefore, further notified
that the aald alleattoiiM will la tak
en by thUolll-e a lit vlnif latui con-fe-ci
d by you. and votir kbIiI entry
will In canceled thereunder without
your furl tier rljtht to lie heard there
in, either before thin office or on ap
peal, If you fall to tll In thin offire
wit bin t wenty (lay after the FOURTH
publication of thin notice, a4 ahown
la-low, your BiiHwer tinder oath, ac
clllcally iiiiH'tiii and reapoDilliie; to
thene allenationH of content, or If yorj
full within that time to (lie In thla
ollti-e due proof that you have crved
a copy of your anitwcr on the aald ron
teMaiit either In peraon or py retfla
teriil mall. If thin acrvlce in tnade
by tho delivery of a copy of your an
awcr to the conteitaut in mtod.
proof ol audi acrvlce inuat la either
the aald contestant's written acknow
leilKUient of Ida receipt of the copy
aliowini; the dale of la receipt, or
the attldavlt of the in-rnon by whom
the delivery wna ma a alatlu when
and w her the copy wan delivered i If
inadu by reentered mall, proof of
micli aerrlce inuat cooalat of the all J
davit of the pi re on by whom the copy
nan mailed Klatlun when and the
poat ollice to which ll hh mailed,
and lhiatlidnvlt mum tie accouipuni
ed bv the p'l tiaaater'H receipt for tin
let te'r.
Y'ou Bhould wtato lu vour answer
the. mime of the poatollice to which
you desire future noticea to be aent
to you.
A. '.V. OKTOX, UfxUu r.
Date of llrct niiliUcallon Autf t
" ' Hii-oud "
" " third " "
" " foui Hi " Sepl. ..,
(Not Coal Landn)
United Statea Land Office at Lake
view, Orejrou, July 20, 1SI12.
NOTICE is hereby izi veil that Jamea
I Ij. Wheeler, Jr-, whoae poat-ollice ad-
dreHH Ih Lakcvlew, Oregon, did, on
the lltli (lay of May. HU'2, llle lu thin
ollice Sworn Stutcmeut and Applica
tioti, No., to purchase the S)B'
SV.y,. Section 11. TowmhIiIp 41 S,
HnutrelSK, Willamette Merldan, and
the tiiplM-r thereon, under the pro
viidona of t he act ot .1 lino 3, 1S7S, and
acta amendatory, known oathe"Tliu
ber and Stone Law;" at Biich value
aa mliiht be fixed by "iippralHiuent,
aud t hat piirauatit to auch applica
tion, the laud aud timber thereon
have bee" apprnlHod, lit a total of
$200 the tiiulier eHtlmated 70,000
board feet at 2.00 per M., and the
land MO. 00; that aaid applicant, will
offer Until proof in tuipport of thin ap
plication aud a worn ata lenient on
the 2lHt day of Kepteiubur, 11)12, bo
fore the KcKinter & Itecelver of the
United Statei Land Ollice. at Lake
view, Oregon.
Any jH'raun la at liberty to protest
Huh purtdiaae before eutry, or lolltate
a content at any time before patent
lHHUea,by llliun a corroborated affi
davit iu thia office, allexlug facta
which would defeat the entry.
Jy26-Dt A. V. Orton, KejflHter.
Department of the Interior, United
Statea Land Office, Lakevlew, Ore
gon, August 5, 1912.
To James ItobiMon of prerent ad
dress unknown, Conteslee:
You are hereby notllled that Nor
wood Nash who gives c o James Ualn,
Law Library, Court House, Portland,
Oregou, as his poat-otlioe address, did
on July IU. l'J 12, file in thla office his
duty corroborated application to con
test and secure the cancellation of
your JioracHtead Entry, Serial No.
02414 made September 10, 1009, for
Lou 1. 2, K N Wjf, Section 18. Town
ship 27 , Kunga 16 JO., Willamette
Metidlan. mid aa croundn for hi" con
test alleges that entrymau has aban
doned eulil laud tor more than Mix
uioutlu latit pant. That suld entry
man uever cultivated said land, or
I.Mil 41. AltVMtTlMI
iixed the aania for KruzlDir purpoaea.
Yon are. therefore, further iintltled
that the an Id allegation will betaken
by thla nfllco na bavins la-en coiifeaa
eil by yon, anil your nalil entry will
be (iniceled thereunder without your
further rlhl to be beard theieln,
eil her before thla olflca or on appenl,
K coil fll to tile In thla off) co u nlHti
twenty tiny after the Fourth publica
tion oftida notice, a ahown below,
your niiawer. uinler oath, ii.eclllcall v
J lii'ellnir and reaponillua' to theae nl
. h hum of content, or If you fall
I wit bin that time to lile In thla ollice
1 due proof that you have aerved a copy
1 your aiiawt-r on 1 lie aalil con teal
ant either in craoii or by reKlatered
mall. If thia aervlce ia inade by the
delivery of a copy of your ana w'er to
1 he ctinleaiant in peraon, proof of
Mich ervlco intixt be either the eaid
oiiteaiatil'a written acknowledge
ment of bla receipt of the. copy, Miow
bi tbedateof Ita receipt, tir tba alfl
davit of the MTon by w horn the de
livery aim made atatilitf when and
where the copy win delivered: If
made bv ri-Uteied mail, proof of
nich aervice inuat conalat of the afll
I'avltof the peraon by whom the ropy
waa mulled Mtu'liijf a In n ami t he
poat. ofllce to which It waa mailed,
and thla affidavit ninat be acorn
IMtnleil oy the poatinaater'a receipt
for the letter.
Y'otl ahould atite in your answer
the nam-of the poaloffice 1o which
you dealre future if. tlcea to be aiit
to you.
A. W. Oltl'OV. Keiflater.
I 'ate of flrat publication Auk. 15, llI2
" " aecoml ' ' VI, "
" " third " " SI. "
" fourth " Sept, 5. "
Not ooal lauda
U S. Land Office at Ijikeview, Ore-
MHI. AllLftlat 0, l)V.
Not Ice In h'-rel.y e;iven that (ieore
W. A inn i, vvliow! piint-i llice lidllrepa
la Fori I'.ldwell, Cal., did on the lit h
Say of October, I'Jll, tile In thin olll-e
Hworn Klatemeiit and Application,
No O.iOll, to purchnae the vM SWVi.
SK'.j, Sect'. n XI, Tp. 40 K.. it. 22
I.. V liUmel te .Meriilhin, and the tim
er tli'-r.Mii, midf thi' irov Ulotia if
the act of J line ;i, lTs ami n.ta amen
latory, kiio-vu aa the "Tiiulier and
Stone Law, at auch value an iniht
be fixed ty (ipiiralni'iiient, and that
piirauant to audi ai plication, the land
and 1 1 tn I ht thereon have been np-pralHi-d
at a total of 9100 i 0 Hie tlmta-r
eetimated at Ii2ll,0n0 bunrd feet at 2.1
and 50 i-enta ia-r M, and the laud at
(Um.OU; that KHid applicant will oiler
dual proof iu aupport of hU applica
lion and aworu atatemeiit on the 11th
day ol October, 1U12, la'fore the Kegla
ler ami Ko .elver ol the United Statea
Land Ollice, at Lakevlew, OicLTOti.
Auy peraon la al liberty to proteat
thi ourchaM! beforeentry, or Initiate
a con teat at any time la-fore patent
Ihmich, by tlllnu a corrolarated affi
davit lu thla office, alli-KlUK facta
which would defeat the eutry.
A. W. OKTON, llejriater.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Lake County:
Notice is hereby given that Myrtle
Payne, formerly Myrtle Uaroum.
administratrix of the estate of
Kll liarnuni, deceaaed, will veil at
private sale for caah In hand, purau
ant to an order of the county court
of Lake Couuty, Oregon, the follow
ing described property, to-wlt: rom
menctng at a point thirty feet North
and two hundred and fifty-five and
three tiourlliM (26,'iJ) feet Kaat of the.
Southeast corner of the .Southwest
(jiiarier of t he South west (jaarler of
i-eci Ion ten ( 10) In township thirty
nine South of Kauge twenty Hunt o(
the Willamette Mcridhiu, running
theiico east one hundred twelve and
three fourtliH ( 112"1,) fi et; thdu'e run
tilnn North two hundred hixty (our
(201) feet;; theuce ruiuuua went one
hundred twelve 11 lid three-fourths
(HU'j) feet; thence running South
two hundred sixty-four (204) feet to
I place of heginning, said property be
ing situated in the town of Lukcvlew,
The above described property will
be sold from and after the Hut li day
of Al.gust, 11112, at private sale, sub
ject to the continuation ot the above
entitled Court.
Pate of llrnl ptbllcatlon August 1st,
AdiniuiHtratrix of the estate of Kll
It irtitim, (Icci-axcd.
liepartinent of the Interior, United
States Land Office, Lakevlew, JOregou
Aug. 3, iyr.
To Clarence W. Walker of 110
known, Coutostee :
You are hereby uotiiled that Jacob
II. Helsser who gives 2ttij ltussell
St., Portland, OreKon, as his post
office address, did ou July 5, 1012, tile
In this office his duly corroborated
appllcntfou to content and secure
the cancellation of your hornet-tend.
Serial No. 04H4.uiade September 4,
1II0S, for I xt a 7, 8, 0, 10. Section 1,
Tuwnship 20 S., linage 14 E , Willam
ette Meridian, and as grounds for his
content he nlh'gea that said entry
man has wholly adundoued said laud
for more than six months last past.
Yot are, therefore, further no titled
that the said allegations will be taken
by thlH office as having beeu coofoned
by vou, aud your said entry will lie
canceled thereunder without your
further right to be heard therein,
either before this office or on appeal,
If you f.ul to file In this office within
twenty days after the fourth publica
tion of this notice, aa shown below,
your answer under oath, specillclally
meeting aud responding to these alle
gation of contest, or If you (ail with
in that time to tile la this i tiice due
proof that you have nerved a copy of
your answer on the said contestant
either lu person or bv reentered mall.
If this aervice la made by the delivery
of a copy of your answer to the con
testant In peraon, proof of auch ser
vice must bu either the said coutcst
aui's written acknowledgment of bla
receipt of the copy, showing the date
of Its receipt, or the affidavit of the
person by whom the delivery waa
made et. 't tin l; when ami where the
copy waa delivered; if made by regis
tered mail, proof of auch service must
couolat of in.' affidavit of the persou
by whom the copy was mailed stat-
Ing when and the poat office to which
It waa limited, and thla affidavit must
1st accompanied by the poatmater's
receipt lor the letter.
You ahoull state in your a newer
the name of the poaloffice to which
y ou (leniie In tore notice to be scut
'oyiin. A. W, ORTON'. Register
Hat of first publication .liirf. 1", VAYl
' ' aecoml ' " 22.1IH2
' " third " !W Irfl'i
" " fourth " Sept. S. 1012
n oFh i f fo iT 7 ubLTcaticoT
.Not Coal Land
Pennrttiient of the Interior, U.S.
Land Ollice at Lakevlew Oregon,
August ll. l:il2,
Notice In hereby given that Orover
Wittier, allow post ollice address Is
I ake City, California, did, or the -j:!rd
day of October, 1011. Hie In thla ollice
sworn Statement and Application,
No. 0WKJ, to purchase the V. XKl,
NX 8E, Section Township 40 8.,
Itango 22 K., Willamette Meridian,
and the timber 1 hereon, under the
provlHlons of the act of .1 nne 3, 1X7N,
and act amendatory, known as the
"Timber aud Stone Law," at such
value aa might la llxed by appraise
ment, aod that, pursuant to such ap
plication, the land and timber there
on have been nppraliu-d at a total of
1470.00. the limber estimated 740.000
hoard feet, at 5 and 50 cents per M,
and the land ft 10 00; that aald apyll
cant will offer final proof iu support
of Ids application and sworn state
ment 011 the 11th da of October.
1012, before the Revister and Receiver
of the United Statea Laud Office at
Inkevlew, Oregon.
Any peraon la at liberty to protest this
purchase before en try.or initiate a con
tent at any time before patent issues,
by llllng a corroborated affidavit In
this ollice, alleging faclaw hlch would
defeat the entry.
A. W. O It TON. Regl-ter.
In the Couuty Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Lake.
In the matter of th CHldte of)
Edward A. Su.vder, Deceased. )
To all Whom It tnwy concern: No
tice Is hereby given, that the uuder-
sikiuiI Administrator of the i-ntate of
hdward A. Snyder, deceased has
tiled the liuul account nf big adinluls
tratloa ,f said eMtate, with the clerk
of the above entitled Court, and that
Itno. li. Daly, .ludge of said Court,
has fixed and appointed t-afurday,
the IJbthdayof Se)tember. 11112, at
the hour of 10 o' -lock in the forenoon
of pa ill day, at the court riiiin of bald
Court In the County Court llonneli.
fhe town ol Lnkeriew, County of
Lake, State of Oregon, aa the time
and place for hearing of objections to
such final account, if any there be,
and for the settlement thereof
Dated and fimt published thla 29th
day of AugiiHt, 1912.
Administrator of the eetate of
Edward A. Snyder, deceased.
In the County Conrt of the state of
Oregon, for the County of Lake.
In the matter ol the Estate of)
Clara It. Ch ippull. Deceased )
TO all whom it may concern: XoMee
Ih hereby given that the undersigned
waa, by an order of Hon. it. D-dy,
Judgo of the above entitled court,
duly made and entered In said matter
on the 29th day of August, 1912, duly
appointed as administrator with fhe
will anaexed of the State in Oregon,
of Clara B. happen, deceaaed, und
has duly qualified as auch Adtninistra
All persons having claims against
said decedent or said estate are here-
be required to piepeot the same, duly
veiltietl. together with the proper
vnucbr. 10 i.-iid Administrator at
the 1 m orfie hi L. F. Conn, lu the
town 01 I .akeview, Lake Coii"tv, Ore
gon, within nix months from the date
of the tirst publication of this notice.
Dated and first published this 29ch
day of August, 1912.
Administrator with will an
nexed, of the estate In O e
gon, of Clara P. Chappell,
Not Coal Lauds
Department of the Interior, United
States Land Ofllce, at Lakeview, Ore
gon, August 22, 1912.
Notice Is hereby giveu that James
B. Searing, of Lakeview, Oregon, who,
on March 9, 1910, made homestead
entrv, No. 03124, for BW4'. Section
12, Township 39S., It tinge 17E, Willa
mette Meridian, has tiled notice of In
tention to make dual three-year
proof, to establish claim to tho land
ubove described, before the Register
and Receiver ol the I lilted States
Land Ollice. at Lakeview. Oregon, on
the 2" til day ol September, 1912.
Claimant names as witnenaes-.
Oeorue Homier, Dan Chandler,
Ceoige Hugh Weal und Lawrence
Trucy, all of Lakeview, Oregon.
A. W, ORTON, Register.
Estate of Thomas Fenls, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, administrator of the estate
of Thomas Ferris, deceased, has filed
with the County Court of Lake County
State of Oregon, bis final account of
the Administration of said estate
and that the Honorable U. Daly,
Judge of the said Court, has by order
duly entered, appointed Saturday, the
fitb day ol October 1912, at the hour
of 10 o'clock a. m. as the time; and
the County Court Room In the
County Court House, in Lakevlew,
Oregou, aa the place for hearing any
objections to aald filial account, and
for settlement thereof.
Now therefore all persons interest
ed are hereby notified and required
to tile theirobjbctlona In writing with
the said Court on or before said date.
J. O. DODSON, Administrator
of the estate of Thomas Fer-
Dated this 29th day of August, 1912.
Notice to the Public
All outstanding bills owing the
Lakevlew-Plne Creek Electric Co. tor
electric wlrlug, globes, etc. now due
must be paid to lhe above company
at the First National Bank ot Lake
view, E. C. T:if C4io.-, PresI Jent.
I Thla great institution oimmis' lis
dooia for the fall semester on Si-ptetn ;
1st 20th. Cournes of instruct loo in
cbtdej Oeneral Agricultural Agrou-
omy, Animal Husbandry, Dairy
Husbandry, Bacteriology, Korony
I and 1'laot Pathology, Poultry Hua-
, bandry, llonlculture, Entomol -vy,
: Veterinary Science, Civil EnirinK-rlng,
'Electrical Engineering, Mining l-n-ginerltig,
Highway Engineering,
Domestic. Science, Domestic Art. Com
merce, Forestry. Pharmacy. JS-'olory,
Chemistry, Pbyscs, MHtlieinatlia,
English Language and Literature,
Public Speaking, Modern languages,
Hlatory, Art. Architecture, Indus
trial Pedagogy, Chyalcal Edncatlon,
Military Scieucn mid Tj.'IIc-, and
and Music.
Catalogue nod illustrated literature
mailed free on Application. Address; DUl" 01 lne ,a" le,r 01 newe "0'
Reglntrar. Oregon Agricultural Col- etnd beyond the sheaves of the first
lege, Corvallis, Oregon. ! tcir- E' h "acceding teir is laid siml-
Schoolycar opens September the j'1,ar'y. gradually increasing the height
ofjid Jy25-a,0lo' B,ac' relatively in the center and
The crop of small grains in the
Northwestern statea the present year
ii unusually good. In fact it is in a
sense phenomenal. It is exceedingly
'mportant to all concerned that, this
crop shall be paved. If possible not
one buahel ahall be lost. The hazard
is very considerable that the farmers
may not he fully able to properly take
CHre of this great wcrk. It is fitting,
therefore, that everytb ng in reason
should be done to
auxia f hia ruin r f 1 r m I !
Much of the grain grown in the
Dakotas and Montana in 1911 was lost.
This loss resulted from the inability
uf the farmer to get the grain threshed
in time. The outcome was that snow
fell on the shocks in the field and on
the flax lying in the sheaf, with the
result that all of thia grain was greatly
damaged and much of it was a total
loss. This loss might have been en
tirely prevented bad the farmers stack
ed thier grain. The harvest of 1911
waa late, especially in regard to the
flax crop and as a result much of the
late flax was buried under the snow
while lying in the sheaf. This loss
might have been avoided bv stacking
of flax as soon as it was dry. The flax
crop of 1912 will also be late, and in
order to save the crop it ought to be
stacked as soon as it is dry.
If it was not possible to get the
comparatively light crop of 1911 thresh
ed on t;me, it is a foregone conclusion
that the bumper crop of 1912 will fare
worse in that respect. It wi 1 be sim
ply a physical impossibility to thresh
all the grain grown in 1912 when it
should be threshed, if the threshing is
done in season. It, however, the grain
crop is properly stacked, the farmer
may thresh it at hia leisure, even dur
ing the winter season. His crop is
practically safe as Boon as it is stacked,
let the weather be what it will. The
farmer may then not only thresh his
grain at bis own personal convenience,
but when labor is more plentiful and
cheaper than if be threshed bis grain
at the usual season.
The obiections that are usually
urged to stacking grain are, that it
Involves more labor than threshing
from the shock. That is true, but
when the thresher cannot come until
much of the grain is lost, as it stands
in the ahock from shellinir and other
causes, the loss is far more than offset
the advantage from threshing the 1
grain from the shock. It is morally
certain that the present season, the
thresher cannot overtake the work
when it ought to be done. If, there
fore, loss is to be prevented, much of
the grain will have been stacked.
The advantage fro-n stacking much
or ad of the grain includes the follow
ing: 1. It insures the crop from loss
by birds, by undue shelling, by hail
and snow, also tv rain, should the
weather prove showery. 2. It enables
P. Mm CORY, lessee
Operate Stage, carrying linlted State Malta, Express and Pasngr ea the
following route:
PARBSi One Way Round (rip
Klamath Falls Route - - - $10.00 $18.00
Plush Route - - - - - 4.00 7.00
Lakevlew . aae MHce
ptuth 1 Sullivan tlil
Klamath Pall . AoMrtcan Hot. I
he farmer to threrh at hi leisure and
at a time when labor is leas co tly than
in the rush of the harvert reaeon 3.
It enable the farme' to diac his land
as oon as trie shocks have been renor-
and to plow It later, thus putting it in
good condition for growing of crops
; the next season. In this way the moia
, ture now in the ground may be so cob
! served as to mske practically sure m
crop in 1913.
) It does not reauire great skill to
, slack, but, of course, experience is
; neceaaary to Insure perfection In stag
ing grain. The method to be followed
is in outline as follows: A tier of
sheaves should be laid after the fash
ion followed in building a round shock.
This tier should be as wide as the bot
tom of the stack and circular In form.
The stacker then begins in the center
of the stack to lay the next tier. The
sheaves of this teir lap over one an
dher so as to make the center the
highest part, the lap being less and less
;owards the outside of the stack. The
, graouHiy iweiung me aiameier Dy
) the overlapp ng of the butts until the
i height of about 10 feet is reached. A
I few tiers then follow o an equal cir
cumference, and then the stack shrinks
in diameter with the laving of each
succeeding tier, keeping the center
I high until the last tier of fheaves ia
I laid. The narrowing ot the stack is
! brought about by not permitting the
sheaves of each tier last laid to extend
so far cut as those of the preceeding
The stack should not have a diame
ter of more than will enable the men
on the stack to work withou- discom
fort. The one who lavs the soeaves
usually treads on each as he lays it.
The Eheaves should be Ditched onto
1 lhe Btack from the waon on different
sides of the same. If all are pitched on
from one side the stack will settle most
on the opposite side, hence the stack
will naturally tip to that side. The
top covering she Id be of some material
that will readily turn rain. For 'bis
purpose there is nothing better than
slough bay or Kentucky blue grsHB.
If kept high in the center and proper
ly spread, it does not take much tor
each stack. The stack should .not be
so wide that it will call for the work
of more than two men to build it. One
takes the sheaves aa they are thrown
onto the stack from the wagon and
pitches them to the stacker.
The stacking ought to be done aa
soon as the grain ia dry. It may be
necessary to delay, however, until the
grain is all cut: that is. it may be ne
cessary to delay stacking each kind of
grain until that kind ia all cut. The
number of days called for to leave the
grain in the shock will decrease with
increasing ripeness in the grain. When
building the stacks they should be so
arranged with an eye to convenience
in threshing. The aim should be to
place them eo that they will be thrown
to the machine from two sides, having
an opening between the two tiers of
stacks in wnicb the machine could be
moved forward from time to time.
To allow the crop to waste after it
has been grown is nothing short of a
$11.05 BEND TO SA
f 1195 round trip Bend to Salem via
Oregon Trunk Ry. for the Oregon
Stae Fair. September 2 to 7. 1912.
Tickets w ill be sold August 29 to Sep-
tember 7th inclusive, with return
,llutt of September 11th. Through
dally train for Portland leaves Bend
ot C:30 A. M., arrives Purtland 5:30
P. M. in same station with Oregon
Electric Ry. for Salem. Details fur
nished on request. J. H. Corbett,
Agent, Bend, Oregon. A 29-2
J. L. LYONS, D. D. S.
Office in Watson's Block, Lake
view, Oregon
Eiprm Tear experience In Mleblgaa.
Gradual ol Culvemlty of Mlchiu.