LAKEVIEW 1 RRHCTEI) IN IWH) MODIIRN !&f9,' I I1KUUUI" I F"L' FIRST-CAL5S ' ACCOnnODATIONS 4 SAJ1. I 4 lyjil,3h iilh noon A:f f5 E ifeBS&&S! LIGHT & MARROW, Proprietors f. f. UQHT QBO. HARROW TEN APPLICABLE THE LAKEV1EW ABSTRACT & TITLE CO, ABSTRACTS TO ALL REAL PROPERTY IN LAKE COUNTY, OREGON Our Complete Tract Index Innuromi Accuracy, Promptteas and Reliability Kuril ho Imlrs In Uih ONLY Ithl.H Itl.K s.VMtetii from which fttl Atmtract can I' mii'li-, oliowlnif nil (leltfta of title. We A I so Furnlsh 9WI1mn1? H. W. MORGAN, Manager, LAKEVIEW, OREGON ronrorncu box 243 phon m Lakeview Ice, Transfer and Storage Co Trli'plionn No. 101 J. 1. DUCKWOICTH, Manaoeh Cuss to Meet All Trains. Transfer and Drayago. Storage by day, Week or Month "OVll CUSTOM KKS AUK OUU AIVKItTISKUS" LAKE COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY Incorporared. A Complete Record We hare 111ule an entire triinmrlpt ol all Record In lnke County which In any way, affect Ileal ProiMrty In the county. We have a complete lluconl of every Mortvnira aud transfer tver mode In Lake County, and ever IW tflven. Errors Found In Titles la trannerihMK tiie record we have found numerous roort gaKfa recorded In the Deed record and Indexed; and many deed are recorded In the MortKfW rcord and other hookM. HandrtnU of mortniwe and deetlii are Dot Indexed at all. and moat dllllcult to truce up from the record. We have notations of all these Errors. Othera .annot find them. We have pot hundreds of dollar hunting up theae errors, and we can fully guarantee our work. J. D. VENATOR, flanager. The Kentucky WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LIQUOR STORE Post & King - Proprietors Lakeview - - Oregon Have You Ever HAD A Visit by the Sea on a Run on the Sandy Shore AT NORTH BEACH WASHINGTON Did you know yon could renck this delight ful, cure tilaylng, health giving, fun making SUMMER RESORT lJY TAK1N0 THE O.-IV. R. & N. to PORTAND THEN DOWN THE COLUMBIA RIVER via STEAMERS "T. f, POTTER" "HASSALO" and "HARVEST QUEEN" ToMEGLER W here trains connect wtth bout for North lleach Points You Can You Should any Agent of the O.-W. R. fl X. am find out how little It will cost to lr ve cure and dust and heat behind and hu in a teal REST BY THE SEA Ask 1. Thou anait not rend thy good morn y away to Keara Hawbuck & Uo. fur thv gooda. thou nor thy wife, thy ton uor his wife, for verily the money la needed at home In order to make thinga tmom, aa every " 00m" addetb ten dollars per acre to 'he value of thy property. 2. Thou ahalt patronize the home merchants, yea each of them, for verily the merchants hsve the goods. 8. Thou ahalt give employment to thine own mechanics and laboring men, that they be not driven from home In search of bread for their little ones. 4. Thou Khali psy thy bills promptly that thy credit may Ls good in the land where thou dweiiest, for it is neither good to dun nor b dunned : yes, verily, the man who puyeth the cnh csuaeth the heart of our business, men to leap for joy, and hia praise are rung from the house top. C Thou ahaii not he a knocker, for the knocker. In mnn Instance, veta knocked at a time when he leant ex pecta it and in a way he knoweth not of. Out thou ahalt do whatever lietb in thv power to promote every unlnesa interest and Industry, that thou may rejoice with others and shsre the pros perity. 6. Thou shall spend thy dollars at home, for a portion of them will re turn unto thee not many days hence, snd will help give nourishment to such as come after thee. 7. Thou shalt not bear false witness against the town where thou dwelleat, but thou shall spesk well of it in the eara of all men. For it la a dirty bird that fouleth us own nest, ana they that doeth such things ahull be cast into outer darkness, where they make their beds with the polecats. 8. Thou shall not covet they neigh bor's seed potatoes, his oats nor his broad and fertii acres, for verily if thou wsntest to have as much of this world's goods aa he, thou shalt surely hustle for it. 9. Thou shall strictly adhere to these commandments and shall teach them unto thy children, that ihey may flour ish and wax fat after thou hast been tenderly laid to reat in the cemtery. 1". Yea, verily, thou shalt at once ,eno in thv subscription to the Exam iner and accompany the same with two dollars. Swiped. $9.95 BEND TO PORT LAND AND RETURN $9.95 Portland and Retnrn via Ore goo Trunk 1 y. for th Portland Fair August 20 to .lie. Return limit Sept. 2. Through truln leaven Bend at (5:10 A. M Daily. Schedules aud details will be furnished 00 request. J.U. Corbett, Agent, Bend, Ore. A29-1 Quit Frank About It "So you are going to merry Tom?" "You saw the announcement, didn't your -Yes. buf'- "It wnsn't a fake." "But, dearie I never thought that Tom would he your choice." "Tom nln't my choice. He's my chance, flave you any other questions to ask. darling?" Durllng decided she hadn't. Cleve land IMaln Denier. Energy of Will. Energy of will la the soul of every great character. Where It Is there U resolute character; where It Is not there Is falntness, with effeminacy, denpondeuey, neglect of duty und fail ure. "The strong man and the water fall." sn.vs a proverb, "channel their own path." In Training. S'ell Why does khe always dress In black? Relle She's In training. Nell Training for what? Belle Well, you see. ulie married an octogenarian. PhllMdelphlii Iteeord Opiionenrs think Unit they refute no when thev re:e-it their own opinions mill Mke n:- notice of mils -Hoot tie Look Here! I own and wish to sell my 320 acres of deeded land, lo cation the IJast half Sec. 1G, Town 27 S., Ran lS East. Level, good soil, all tillable except perhaps twenty acres; raw land, no improvements; about two miles from rail road survey; free of imcum brance; perfect title. I am told this should be cheap at $3500.00 to $4000.00. If it is not worth that price to you, make me a bid on it. We must raise some money, hence this offer. Don't over look thin. Here is a Bargain for someone. Investors and Keal Estate Men get busy. Address: E. M. Crumrine, Iiox.233, Butte, Montana. THE PECTORAL FIN'S. Without Trim a f,'- Would Open ii .. 'J lie 1e. te1.1i 1, ip. ,1 flxli Hie th'. two lit,., one 011 e.11 ti Mile. Itlxl ImiiK of ti e h.' id. TI,mi. Mil- nld the Nil) ie omne etent in - lii,inii. They are HiiiiiM uira whieh (;, ilii f.'flilieiH ver? heiinlifiilly and are of vulue chiefly to preserve Hp eiillhrlum It Is with Ihe-e nut Unit the flKh rmilntninx lt horizniiiiil rH,lllori In the water when not awliiiiuliiK Without them the IWh would flu ml on us head Sometime n Huh loxin one or both of Its perioral Bus by dlxe.iNe or by accident A IMi without iiechirnl dim In In a had wnv While inoxt IIhIipk keep a horizontal M)xlilon In the water when not swim uilng. there are t)Hhes that do not. One of thette flxtiin Is the flleflxh. which when iimtlotilexa MU-ndM Itxelf In the water, head downward, at an angle of forty-five decrees or even nearer the periM-iidlcular A filefUh kept In an atiHrluiii uhlch had lout both Its pee otral Aim Inclined met backward I10' the iierpendb-uiar wbeo WJtlonleM to Httout the Hume nt'de that It would have kept In the other direction If It pectoral Otis had been Intact, so that when not In motion It Deemed to be lying at an angle on Its back Id the same aquarium there was a st rl 1 Mil baKn weighing about a pound and a half, one of boxe pectoral dun was attacked at the tip by fungus, which gradually encroached upon It Finally the dlKeased portions of the On were cut off wltb a pair of sharp shears, the cut being made within the sound part of the fin. At first the flsb was like a mr.a In a boat pulling one long oar and one short one It couldn't hold a coure But It soon accustomed Itself to Its new condition, and there after It got along very comfortably. MINING LOCATION TEST YOUR LUNGS. A Simple Method by Which Ono May Measure Hia Development. People often suffer from weak, un develoed lungs without suspecting It True, small, feeble lungs are osually associated with a small, narrow or sunken' chest, but not Invariably. By means of the misuse of physical cul ture It ls possible to develop large chest muscles, tbua acquiring a big chest measurement, while the lung remain small and 111 nourished. Airaln. lung mischief la often so slow and Instduous In Its upproacb that the trouble Is not discovered until it Is firmly established. Here, however, is a simple test whlcb will tell yon whether your lungs are healthy or not: Take as deep a breath as yoo can. and then. In a slow but distinct voice count from one onward aa tar as you can without taking In more breath. The number of seconds you can con tinue counting la a pretty reliable In dex to the state of your lungs, so yoo should have some one to time you. If your lungs are sound and normal ly developed your range will be be tween twenty and thirty-five seconds. If your limit Is between ten and twen ty seconds, there la no need to be alarmed; probably your lungs are merely In need of eierclse. to be readily obtained by regular deep breathing In pure air. A range of less than ten seconds, however, points to more or less mischief, and you should not delay In bavlng your lungs ex amlned by a medical man. Ixmdoo Aaswers, Chair of the Giant Idris. One of the mountain peaks of north Wales Is known as the Chair of Idrls. or Cader Idria. as the Welsh people call It. because Its top Is hollowed out like an immense couch. According to local tradition, whoever spends a nli-'ht In the Chair of Idrls will on the following morning be dead, raving mad or endowed with the loftiest poet leal Inspiration. No one seems to know exactly who Idrls was or when be lived, but be must have been a gin ut If his body was In proportion with his celebrated "chair." Mrs. He mans has a One poem with the Chair of Idrls as th theme, and Tennyson also mentions It in ".Enid." Tart! In the days when Mrs. George Corn wallls West was La (It Randolph Churchill she mixed considerably among politicians and political affairs, and one story told of her shows how she scored ofT Mr Joseph Chamberlain and the late Sir William Harcourt. They were chntling her about some pulnttuga she bad done. "But why not palut us?" one of them asked. "Where can you And more at tractive modols?" "Impossible!" Lady Randolph ex claimed. "I could never paint you black enough r-Loadon Tit-Bits. Fifth Monarchy Men. The fifth monarchy men formed a re ligions sect that sprang up In the days of Charlos L of England. They were so called from the fact that they as serted that In the last days the four ancient monarchies, the Assyrian, the Persian, the Babylonian aud the Ro mnn, would be restored, and to them would be added a Christian uiouarchy. or fifth monarchy, of which Christ would be the king. Secret Aocount. Family Physlclan-The trouble with your husband, umdani. Is that he has overdrawn his account at the bank of vitality. Mrs finymun-! felt sure be was decelviug me about something! Doctor. I give you my word 1 never knew be had eny account there. Ex change. Making excuses takes time that ( better spent in "making good." Youth's Companion.- BLANKS Complete and reliable Form with Affidavit Blank attached. Also containing copy of Ore gon Mining Laws. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY THE BEST FORM OB TAINABLE. DESCRIP TION THE MOST COMPLETE Price 5 cents Each Special rates on quan tities EXAMINER PRESS LAKEVIEW, OREGON Pnone 521 TOWER'S FISH BRAND REFLEX SLICKER KEEPS OUT ALL THE RAIN . SATtNTtO Wateh These w I Cannot Reflex Edges v Run In At Protect You a W The Front Waterproof Durable satisfaction guaranteed $3.00 Everywhere x-rWwTO'r. A. J. TOWEA CO. BOSTON J n POLK'S- OREGON and WASHINGTON Business Directory A Directory of each City, Town and Village, slvlnt descriptive (ketch of e&cb plofe. location, population, tele graph, (hipping and banking point; also Clauiaed Directory, compiled by buslneu snd profexlon. R. I. POLK CO., fi RATTLE PRUDENCE It pays to be prudent when it comes to pro tecting your gardens from the squirrel varmin HALL & REYNOLD'S SQUIRREL AND GOPHER POISON FOR SALE IN ALL QUANTITIES CHICHESTER SPILLS ' The Best Bib Overall Two Horse Brand nui J m A New Pair FREE If THey Rip LEVI STRAUSS & CO. MFRS., SAN FRANCISCO DIAMOND CiCfjX BRAND T.ATrwa f Ar AA rw DrajHrfat for CHT-CHES-TEM A DIAMOND BRAND PI1.L9 la Rro .ndA Gold metallic boxes, sealed with Eloc0 Klbboa. Ta wo OTBBit. B.t tw V nwht M Hk fcr CHI-CHKK.TCB a V BIAMOKD BHANO PILLS, for twenty-0 years regarded as Best. Safest, Always Reliable, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS .523. EVERYWHERE $1,000 REWARD Tne Oregon Cal ifornia anil Nevada Live Btork Potee Mod Aasociaton, t f which ths under signed ls a member will glre I', (00 00 reward forerfdence leading to the - reet and conviction of any party or par tiessiealing borBes. cattle or mules be longing to any of its memDers. In addition to tbe above, the undersigned ffers on tbe same condition SAf 0.00 for all bore- as branded horse-shoe bar on both or either giw. Brand recorded in eight counties. Range j . araey. Lake and Crooa counties. Horses Tf ft,p Pv a miner flPTire Oil vented when sold. I None but trow n horsessold, and only In large . t U "T).J i.; obches W. W. Bowk. Fife. Oregon. I VUUf UCS I tll) l uuuug. TTTGood wiring is 1 1 the very best insurance policy you can have and the cheapest. We do its E.T.SPENCE Always Ready From the moment a Studebaker (Flanders) "20" is delivered, you have a car ready to go on the job. It will stand up to its work day in and day out take the hills and rough places as cheerfully as the smooth, and the only care it asks is lubrication. Studebaker cars are built for honest everyday service, snd will give you service not excuses. You can start on the longest journey in full confidence that you will finish as strong as you began. Mechanical stability, beauty of design, simplicity of control, low price and low upkeep cost combine to make the Stude baker "20" an ideal car. 1 V. "rnm m a a a r-. 11 1 ,r-i i 'Tr1' 1 he ctu oiuaeDaiicr v iaiu" Prlc., Standard Enulppd. f W f . o. b. Dtro t. Eouippad as above, withTop. VVindh..ld, Pret-0 LitaTank snd Speedometer, KSS. Amk our de..r for lh n.i Sad&r art tao-s or send to B. fr The Studebaker Corporation Detroit, Michigan T. E. BERNARD LOCAL, AuEN X Telephone No. 131, LAKEVIEW, OREGON 1