Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 05, 1912, Image 1

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Sixty-Six Tickets Arc Sold
at Lakeview N.-C.-0.
Depot Last Monday
Sixty-six tickets were Hold at I he
Lakeview N.C.-O. ollire list Sunday
morning for the special train going
to the Barnum & Palley ciroua at Keno.
The majority of the crowd returned
Tuesday on the return limit train while
rverwl of those going down took the
opportunity of going on to San Fran-
oiaoo and other cities. Thoee attending
the circus report that it with the Labor
Day fi'itivitiea wero great successes
and that Ktno ranked among the first
aa an entertainer. They also aaid that
the weather man showed no partiality
Ini tending ua a chilly spell the lint of
the week, aa Monday in Heno waa a
very windy day and that Tuesday morn
ing considerable anow waa In evidence
on the hill tops surrounding that city.
Four train of 83 eara were reouired
to tranaport the huge ciroua which la
aaid to t e largor thia year than ever
The big ahow had aeveral fcaturea
of attraction, two of whirh were the
flying trapeze exhibitions and the II
luitration of jiu iitau and wrestling
Con ii.u. d on jmire eight
- beginjept. i6tr
Several Will Attend High
School From Outside J
Points During Winter
Everything is being put In readiness
for the opening of the city schools
term Monday, September 16. Regard,
leaa of thia being the first year for the
new Lakeview High School and the
mount of work that haa been finished
and aome yet to be done, City Superin
tendent O. M. Gardner says that he is
expecting no obstaclo to delay the
opening on the regular date. Several
inquires have been had from outside
points in regard to the school and aome
nave signified their intention of attend
ing the next term. Part of these ap
plications have come trom the North
end of thu County, while one cornea
from Modoc County, California.
Professor Gardner says without ex
ception the Lakeview High School has
one of the most completely equipped
Domestic Science departments of any
school in the state. Thia branch la in
charge of Mrs. Gardner who has had
much exeprlence in that Hue,
Sixty-six tickets were Bold for the
excursion to the circus at lie no.
Many Take Advantage of
Opening vnd Have Fine
Sport and Good Bags
l ast Sunday, the opening of the
Goose season In Luke County brought
into play several well and carefully
oiled guns for the occasion. Hunting
partlea in many different conveyances
repaired to the lake to participate ;in
the sport of bagging these splendid
game hirdH. Nearly all reported good
aucceaa and elate that geese are auite
numerous this season.
Howiver the shooting will improve
later aa there is considerable grain to
be'eut alter which they will fly more to
the fields.
Sunday, BeptoniLer 15, markB the
opening of the duck season which will
be the beginning of the real sport.
UooHe hunters luat Sunday saw numer
ous din'l " Iho lnKo ili-1 picpcttii
look promising for aome splendid shoot
ing when. the season openB.
C. O. Metzker Congratu
lates Paper Printed Dur
ing League Meeting
the following letter from our goop
friend (War Metzker shows that he
appreciatea the worth of the Examiner
and that he still retains Irterest at
heart In Lakeview. For aeveral years
Mr. Metzker published the Lake
County Examiner and during his ca
reer as publisher e tablished a reput
able standard for a nowapaper hard for
hia auccessora to maintain. Since going
to San Francisco he nan been Identified
with the Unitype Co., and la now Pad
Ac Coast Manager:
"San Francisco, Cat., August 29,1912.
"Lakeview Daily Examiner, Lake
view, Oregon.
"Gentlemen :
"1 received copies of the Daily Ex
aminer covering dates Auguat 20 to
August 24, this morning, and am thank
ful for eame. Enjoyed reading every
bit ot them, and wiah to thank the
kind triend who ao remembered me.
I congratulate the Examiner Publish
ing Co. on ita much deserved auceeas
In getting out such a creditable dally
paper during the meeting of the Cen
tral Oregon Development League at
that important center. You certainly
ha no" led the aituation admirably. How
could you do it? Tne busincsa men of
Lakeview are deserving of a "hand"
for the encouragement in which they
patronized Examiner apace during that
"Yours Very Truly,
"C. O. Metzker."
Lake County Has Sent
Samples of Cereals For
"The Great Northern Railway is
preparing to feature the products of
Oregon at the Minneapolis Land
Show," said E. C. Leedy, General Im
migration Agent of the Great Northern
Railway, after hla return from the
west recently. "The results achieved
bv this kind of advertising in the past
haa been highly successful and we are
thoroughly convinced that bringing
the products of the west to the people
of the east is the roost effective and
modern method of advertising the agri
cultural possibllitea ot any country.
The representatives of the Immigra
tion Department are canvassing every
community in the state of Oregsn col
lecting grains in the straw, grasses,
vegetables and in fact all producta of
the soil. They are co-operating with
the Commercial Clubs, responsible real
estate men and the 1 armors who are
growing the crops. The thorough man
ner in which this collecting of exhibits
la being followed insures us the great
est collection of agricultural and horti
cultural products that has ever been
assembled by Any railway.
The very beat and choicest samples
will be shown at the Minneapolis Land
Show, where thousands of homeseek
rra and lnveors will visit. Our rep
resentatives are meeting with great
success, aa the local people along the
entire line appreciate more than ever
the great benefit of the wide publicity
which is given our particular section
through this medium of advertising.
The Northwest Land Show at Minnea
polis will mark a new epoch in the his-
torv of agricultural and horticultural
exhibits. Undoubtedly this will te the
greatest collection of products of the
soil ever assembled under one roof and
the Great Northern country are certain
to bemong the leading attractions."
Lake County haB already sent aome
samples of cereala for thia exhibition.
They were exhibited in the High
School building at the Convention. It
waa then too early in the BeaHun to se
cure friut and vegetable samples but
later when these have matured it
should be made a point to get aome of
these exhibits at the Minneapolis Land
Si'pt. L. K. Alderman hR )t.c( for
a picture of our new High School build
ing to place In his Biennial Report.
Unlimited Amount of Good Things to Eat--Sports
Provide Much Amusement Will
Probably Be An Annual
Regardless of the unfitting weather
last Monday for a picnic early in the
morning numeroua vehicles were
brought into use to convey eager
crowda to the grounda ot the Irish Pic
nic at the Hog Ranch in Camas t'rsirie !
given to celehiMe Labor Day. The
character oi the dav waa a real repre
sentation of Novemter weather in thia
country, but thia fact did not despair
the happy picnicera in the least.
Tne major portion of the crowd '
reached there about nine o'clock in j
the morning, but rigs and autoa heavily,
loaded kept coming to the acene of
merriment until afternoon and when all
had assembled the crowd numbered
upwards of 400 people.
The Irish boys had left nothing un-
done In providing pleasure and comfort
for their guests. Everything In the
way of necessities were the aa well
aa many luxuries. The apot nicked out
waa Heal for nicinolng and the plea
sant grounds added much toward the
success of the affair.
Eight pieces of the Lakeview band
were employed to furnish musio
throughout the day and the class of
musio, appreciable anywhere, waa
made doubly ao by the open air and
zephyr breezes that whispered through
the pines.
Tents were stretched to house that
enormous staca of eatables and to fur
nish resting quartera for the ladies. A
platform was erected that waa appro
priately and patriotically decorated
with flags and colore emblematic to
the Grand Old U.S.A. and the Beauti
ful Krin'a Isle. From this rostrum
speakers delivered addresses and they
were surrounded on all sides by a group
of eager and attentive listeners.
The long list of sports that had bean
carefully arranged bv the managing
Quietly Goes to San Fran
cisco and Becomes Bride
of Hotel Man
A dispatch from San Francisco to
the Oregonian under date of August
28, says :
"Mrs. Mabel Ely, widow of Eugene
Ely, aviator, who was killed in Macon,
Ga., October 19, 1911, while givii.g an
exhibition (light, la reported to have
stolen a march upon her friends in
Marion County by quietly coming to
San FranciBco last ween and being
The bridegroom is Phillip Cross,
manager of the Bon Air Hotel at Es-
ealle. Not even the parents of Mrs.
Cross were taken into her confidence,
and they were as much surprised as her
friends when the news became known
that an elopement had been maneuvered
under their eyes without a hint having
been dropped by either of the two.
Cross was often seen in Mra. Ely's
company, but their marriage waa unex
pected. Mrs. Cross is the daughter of Pro
fessor H. C. Hall, principal of the
Corto Madera achoola."
Mra. Ely and her deceased husband,
Eugene Ely, were well known in
Lakeview, he having been associated
w ith V. L. C!.-:jl In ' I'. uJ . '. ir j
stage line between here and Alturaa in
the summer of 1907.
eommmittee were begun about ten
o'clock. The first was a 1U0 yards dash
foot race, which waa entered ty five
contestants and won by Pat Duane,
prize Waltham watcn 15 jewels.
220 yarda dash, foot race! nine eon
t -slants, result, tie between John Welsh
and Tim Burke. Each were awarded a
Running high jump, eleven entered,
won by Walter Dutton, height 4 ft, 8
inches. Prize leather watch fob.
Standnig jump, four contestants, won
oy Pat Duane, height 4 feet, 8 inchea.
Prize gold scarf pin, emerald set.
440 yarda dash foot race, five con
teatanta, won hy Pat Duane. Prize,
gold filled vest chain.
Horse race one mile, thirteen entries.
. "on by Willard Mulkev. Prize silver
', mounted bri lie. Horse race one-half
"rile, Afte. n entries, won by John
Welsh on Jack Murphy'a home. Prize
: silver mounted bridle and r mal.
Thar waa oo regular football game
as was first announced owing to the in
clemency of the weather, but there
waa scrub match pulled off later in
the day that aroused considerable in
terest. Along about the noon hour when
everybody was deeply engrossed in the
interest ot the sports that were takinr
place, the announcement was auddenly
made that lunch was ready. And one
glance at that long table standing
there under those trees, pitiably groan
ing under the overtaxing weight of
those delicious viands, told one that
lunch was sure enough ready and that
they need not be spareini? in participa
tion of the refreshments, lo give some
idea of the enormous amount of food
that was flnisned, one can imagine
291 pouiids of choice hams deliciouOy
Contiuued on page 8
There Should Be a Good
Turn Out for the Elec
tion of Officers
Owing to last Monday being a holi
day no meeting of the Lakeview Cora
mecial Club was held in the evening
and cards have been sent out by Secre
tary Everett announcing a meating for
next Monday night September 9. At
this meeting offices will be elected
for the ensuing year and it is hoped
that everyone who can will be present.
Thia meeting will be held in the city
hall and will convene at eight o'clock.
It is quite probable that before that
date a canvass of the town will be
made in an effort to secure the aenti
ment of the Dublio in regard to the best
method for the maintainance of a
Commecial Club and to get people's
views aa to who will make the bent
officials to be put in charge of the
work. However the most important
mission of the canvass will be to get
the people interested in this matter of
vital importance to the e ommunity
and try to encourage them enough to
at least attend the next mooting. If
thia can be done and a good turn out
attends more enthusiasm will be mani
fested, and it la felt that thin will lead
t. i ' : ..rccttad ut'tl etfeciltt illult
in tlio work to be inaugurated for the
genuine good of this section.
Sunshine Twins Leasing
Co. Hit Ore That Aver
ages $1300
Elmer C. A bis trom, treasurer of
the Sunnhine Twins Leasing Co., re
ceived information that another rensa-
tional strike had been mace this week
on their property at High Grade.
The following message was sent from
the hill by Superintendent Hager:
New strike, pens into thousands.
Ore chute coming in. Looks immense."
The strike waa made in the breast of
the main tunnel, 270 feet from the en
trance and only eighty feet below the
surface. It is said that pieces of rock
taken from random from the strike are
full of gold, the averaga ot which as
sayed over $1300. The vein is making
ita appearance in the floor of the tunnel
and panninga of the ore indicate great
er values than have ever been taken
from the mine.
This news comes as good cheer from
the High Grade Mines and substantiates
former reports as to the merits of the
district. The Sunshine Twins leasing
company has secured an extension of
t!sie on their lease on the original Sun
shine propertv and now have their
holdings secure- for the next thirty
months. This is considered a very
liberal lease and givea ibe promoters
ample time to work their property to
a good profit.
James Dodson this morning left for
San Francisco on a business trip and
before returning msy be called East
to Kansas City, Mo.
Portland Delegates Say
Trip to Lakeview Beats
Yellowstone Park
Portland Telegram : With tne bark
peeled off their faces by the wind and
sun turn of the, desert, the Portland
delegates to the Central Oregon De
velopment Congress at Lakeview, have
returned home to soothe their pucker
ed, features in cold cream cans and
vaseline pots. Some of the boys look
like boiled lobsters and the more chub
bv ones have faces that would cass for
ripe tomatoes at a courty fair.
Witness O. M. Plummer, of the Port
land Stock Yards.
He and his party made a tour of
fully 1000 miles by automobile and he
says that for natural wonders, beauty
and charm, the trip reveals more ma
iestio and inspiring scenic attraction
than he ever saw in Yellowstone Park
or any of the other hieh-priced Sum
mer resorts of the land.
In the party were Pr sident W. J.
Kerr, of the Oregon Agricultural Col
lege : Professor Van Winkle, of tLe
United States Geological Survey:
Joseph M. Healy. W. H. Chapin, R.
G. Calvert and P. S. Jackson. They
shipped their cars to The Dalles and
motored the rest of the way. Among
the high sp ts which they hit on the
journey were Wamic, Tvgh
Maupin, Antelope, Gateway,
Plains, Metolius, Prineville,
stone. Burns, Silver Creek, Warner
Mountain, Warner Lakes, Lakeview,
Klamath Falls, Crater Lake and Bend.
Educationally and entertainingly,
the trip was a grand success, but gas
tronomically, the boys brought home
a pang or two ot dissappointment. The
hospitable ranchers and peoole along
the route gorged them on Spring chick
en as a special piece de resistance,
when their heart and souls yearned for
Want State Crematorium
Salem Statesman: Superintendent
Stiner of the Oregon asylum for the
insane, has called on Assistant Attor
ney Van Winkle to draft a bill to be
presented at the ne t legislative ses
sion providing fur a crematorium at the
asylum for the u.e of all the state in
stitutions. If this till becomes a law
hureiftcr inmu'ea of the institutions
who die wai.ijui f rn.nda to uuiy w.uni,
or who are pauperized, will be cremated.
Portland Party Makes a
Heavy Investment
After Short Visit
' Aa an instance of real good that was
accomplished in Lakeview during fh
meeting of the Central Oregon Devel
opment League, thia week a deal was
closed by H. W. Drenkel & Son for the
sale of the George Jammerthal comer
on Water and Canyon streets, where
the Brewery saloon stands, also includ
ing the Drenkel office on Canyon
The property was purchased by A. B.
Manley, of Portland, whose first trip
to Lakeview was week before last.
As exclusively stated before in the Ex
aminer, Mr. Minley did not reacn here
in time for the League Covention, ha
having come by way of Crater Lake
and was delayed on the road. However,
he stayed here a few days and while
here expressed himself aa being well
pleased with Lakeview, and now that
be haa rods a substantial investment
is conclusive evidence that he has full
confidence in the future of tne place.
At present no changes are announced
to take place in the property and for
the time beinsr it ia expected that the
eame tenants will occupy the ground.
Biick Work orv-tvfr-SUiss
Will Be Completed By
End of the Week
Work on the large Heryford brick
and eteel structure is pushing forward
at a'rapid gate. The brickwork on the
North and East walls will be complet
ed this week, regardless of some delay
caused in the supply of brick. Repress
ed brick is being used for finishings,
which is being manufactured on the
yard below town. The delay in this
material has been caused principally by
the heavy damp weather of late.
Supervisor Underwood stated yester
day that if all nc-cessary brick waa
available the building would be com
pletely enclosed within thirty days. He
also said that work would begin in a
few daya on the lath and plastering on
the third floor, aod that the roofing
could seon be started. The plumbing
under the supervision of K. T. Baldwin
is advancing smoothly and is moving
in accordance with the remainder of
the work. Of couse after the building
ia once enclosed inside work can pro
ceed without interruption, and the big
building will be ready for occupancy
before we realize it.
C. L. Smith of O.-W. R.& N.
Says Lakeview Meeting
Was Far Reaching
Oregon Journal : By far the best
and the moat permanently far reaching
in its benefits of all development meet
ings ever held in Oregon was the Lake
view Development league meeting,
says C. L. Smith, agriculturist of the
O.W.R. & N. ompany who has iust re
turned from its attendance.
"It put into effeot the truth we have
been trying to have lodged for a long
time that if you want to teach a farm
er agriculture you must get out on the
farm and show him how. Education
by demonstration those are the words.
"Tiij agreement at Lakeview was
that I'wf hJ been too much litera
ture and not enough ot this practical
education, hut that hereafter the new
; poll. , .. .n . o a.'iiveiy uiu buieuy
adhered to. And that means good for
j tune for the state of Oregon.