Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, August 29, 1912, Image 5

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    Town Proporty
:10IW 0.1 For flnn nw 10 room Ikiiimi with lirge lot, 7!xlZ', cloae to center of
town and lllh Heboid, Knr trrm.
I.MliK) do For 0 M in iii'wr bungalow, an lil up-w dine home, clot to center ol
town on llernnrd Htreet. Knay term.
Vacant I.oti oil Hloah Ktrewt at a tiirgntn. ,
t:H0.iM) For a new 4 room Iioium mul wood aliod, lot 60 x 1'iS, good kx-Atloo.
kf turuiH.
$1000.00 For an up-todnto n Imtigalow, In choice realdenoe part of !! ilty.
I'. iiny term.
"W Soli The Roal Earth"
Lakeview : Oregon
More Bargain
$20.00 pr tor for 200 acre of timber land, clom in, cany term.
12.50 For 320 arrea good soil In the valley 0 miles from Lakeview. If
y no
want a bargain don't dim thin. Term caah.
Haw mill In flrt claw order, including a law quantity of dry, finished lumber;
mw log and 10 acre of standing timber. The books will prove It to
be fine Inreatnwnt.
HO acre of floe tlmlmr on the Went side, cloee to a nnw mill
80 acre of the beat In the valley. 8 mile from Laknvtow with Improvements and
a fine water right low price I'Kl.OO per acre. Eaay terraa.
200 acre Joining tbt O. V. L. Addition to Lakerlew. Fine for cutting np Into
email tracts A bargain at only 130. 00 per acre. .
Xahc County Cramtncr
SATI KDAY. AlHitTsT 20, 1012.
lUilnter Herr on draught at the Inn
Wood for Hate: In any quantity.
rhntietf2. Hirt Tatro. tf
Kinder MeT on lap or in bottle at
li t iiiti. A Kelitau nlo .in at I'altdey
Henry Leehman. rancher and Block
man near New Fine Creek waa a busi
ness viHitor In l.akevlew yeaterday.
Judge H, Pa'y ban consented to de
liver theVldrvs ol the day at the Irish
lcnio at Camm Frairla nest Monday.
Mr. 8. li Turner, formerly ot Lake
view but now of Klamath Kalla, arrived
tare lat week on a visit to her many
local friends.
MAKRIF.D-Mm Huth Itehart and
Ld MrArthur were milted in marriage
laat week Judge Farrell pcforming
the ceremony.
The prototype of Mutt, Tom Stevena
of Hums, waa . one of the visitora
here lut week. Turn la well known
to many of the otd timer.
Mersr. Ilanaen and Wella, minora
from Alaska accompanied by J. M.
Fulton will go to Windy Hollow to
morrow to Inttjiect the mines.
C. W. Reynolds, who with bia family
baa boen living on a homeatead on the
haad of the liike waa called to Spokane
on a two month 'a buainesa trip. He
left y way of Klamath Falls Sat
day. Harry tlenaon, of Klamath Fulla,
nd Minn Claudia Jarole, of Baker,
Or., were married Tuesday at the home
of the bride'a parent;. Mr. Itenaon ia
the aon of Judge H. L. Benaon, on the
Circuit Hench in thia district.
All who heard Farmer Smith'a talk
on the dairy cow and raising pork
apeak of it aa being the moat inslruc
itve to farmera of anytning aaid
at the institute. It waa replete with
suitable things, formulas and facta.
Mr. and Mra. A. I). Manley of Port
land arrived Thursday having been de
layed by raina in the vicinity of Itoae
turg. They started on their trip some
two weeka ago going first to the CouHt
and then coming here by way ot Med
ford Crater Lake and the Falls.
Governor Weat has appointed G. W.
Kice of thia city as delegate from
Lakeview to the National Irrigation
Congress which will t:e held at Salt
Lake City, September :i0 to Octoter 3.
Kex Harrower waa named from I'uIh
ey and Wm. Ilanley from Hums.
The Labor Day picnic, to be held at
Camaa Frarie will be beat of the sea
son. There will be speaking, fnuair,
Kameasnd all the eatables known to the
culinary art. It will be an opportune
time for all to take a daya outing and
will Ihj attended ov people for miles
Mia Eiliih Howe, of Heno, gave a
very interesting and charming humor--nua
and dramatic entertainment in
trie High School Tuesday evening.
Miss Howe did not have aa large an
audience as the cIuhs of her work war
ranted as she is a pleatiing and delight
ful entertainer.
The Margaret lies Shorw cl aed their
engagement at Snider! Opera house
Sunday niuht in a vaudeville entertain
ment. 'Ihia performance was giver, by
the company for the benefit for Ed.
Meude who la now in the Fabiola hos
pital in Oakland, being treated for a
paralytic stroke. ,
J. 0. Auten thia week went to Klam
ath Falls to get Mrs. Auten and baby,
the latter having Deen in a hospital at
that place the past several weens.
Ah atuted before in the Examiner two
operations were performed upon the
child both of wblch proved successful
and it is sincerely hoped the little one
Ih now on tne road to premanent recov
ery. Mayor H. F. Jones and Marshall
McClay, of Kedmond, both of whom
had incurred the ill will of Governor
West, handed in their resignations to
the Citv Council, and thus made un
necessary Governor Weat'a threatened
raid of the city with the state militia
and declaring martial law. No auc
cessor has been selected to fill either
Rev. Wlllam Booth, commander in
chief of the Salvation Army, finally
succumbed to the inevitable! and passed
way on the night of the 20th Inst. The
'General organized the Salvation Army
m 1878, and it now consists of nearly
10,000 posts under the charge of 20,000
.officers and employees. The army Is
organlred In SO odd countrys and
Kalnier on drmigth at the Hotel
J. M. Batchelder and wife yesterday
went to Faisley by auto on short
business trip.
Two year old Lake City Floor for
salu fl.TA per sack. Inquire at
telephone olllt-e. if
Mr. and Mra. Cheater Godfrey, of
Alturai spent last week in Lakeview
aa guesta of Dr. and Mrs. T. V. Hall.
Two beautiful atatues have arrived
for 8L Falrlck'a church, a chartiv gilt
of a Catholic lady from Detroit, Mich
igan. The aupcrviaora uf Modoc eounty
have denied the petition for a aaloon li
cense at High Grade says a dispatch
from Alturaa
Hon. A. W. Orion, who accompanied
the remaina of the late Chaa. H. Mer
rick to Fortland, expects to be absent
atuut ten daya.
F. M. Green Sunday returned to
New Fine Creek from Sacramento
where he took his family for the win
ter and to enter hla children in school.
Dave Filler, Lake County's sheep
king, came over from his lily head
quarters the llrst of the week to make
arrngumente for securing winter sup
plies. Geo Swanston came in last week
and is probably ready to buy any
thing in I ho way of meat producta.
Heretofore prlcea have been alightly
too high for the Sacramento man, but
ha probably thinks he can make good
thia time.
The pnatoffice and national highways
appropriation bill, carrying approxi
mately $266,000,000 has become a law.
The passage of thia bill meana that the
government will back the building of
trans-continental roads in lh United
Governor West Tuesday iaaued a
proclamation removing District At
torney Cameron of Multnomah county
from ofllco and aimultnaneoulsv ap
pointed Walter H. Evuna, republican
candidate for district attorney, to fill
the ollicc.
Kev. Father Schmitt, who for the
past year has hau charge of the Lake
view Catholic Church has been trans
ferred to South Dakota and will leave
for that place next week. He will be
auccceded by Father Kern, of Tacoma,
Wash., who will arrive next week.
! The Klamath Herald says: "Trving
' to make up loat time in getting started
i Luke Clapp ran his auto stage along
Main street Tuesday far in excess of
the speed limit. This morning he ap
I peared before Judge Leavitt in the
I police court, and paid a fine of S10.
I J. F. Hanson and family who were
expecting to leave for Los Angles the
I Hrst of the week to place their child
' ren in school, were not'Hed that infaii
j tile paralysis is prevalent in that city
j and that the schoola have been closed
.Indefinitely. They will probably not
I leave before October 1.
L. H. Mott, M. D., of Salem, urrlv
i cd in Lakeview the hrat of the week
with a view of locating permanently.
; Dr. Mott comes from a very prominent
t family, his father being a physician
! also. The Examiner welcomes him to
Lakeview and trusts that he will enjoy
' succeas in hla new field.
I C. O. Hoe, of Filer's Music House,
I Fortland, is In Lakeview and will lo
cate permanently. They have a ship
ment of 17 pianos and four organs in
Lakeviwe. Mr. Coe has a complete
line of muBlcsl instruments and it is
gratifying to know that he with his
family will locate with us.
G. W. Rice ia the proud possessor ot
a blue ribbon awarded for his display
of peaches at the Development League
Mr. Kice has several trees of fine
peaches on his residence property near
the Fublio School. They are especially
fine this year and compare favoratly
with thoBO brought from California.
A dispatch from San Francisco under
date of August 20 says that a petition
ia being circulated for the recall of
Governor Hiram Johnson, of Califor
nia. One of the charges made in the
petition Is that Governor Johnson "ap
proved legislation Intended to foster
land grabbing by wealthy individuals
ard prevent occupation of pubic land
by actual settlors."
Alaska is going to observe the fiftieth
anniversary cf ita becoming a part of
the United States, tv holding a World's
Fair, in Fairbanks in 1917. Newtpupcis
and commercial organization! are co
operating. To bring the attention of
the people everywhere on the event,
Kenneth C. Kecr, industrial agent for
two of Alaska's leading transportation
companies, Is already preparing a
folder. It will be circulated widely.
I .ad it tiilt Mi'e at 1-akevle Mer-J
ciiiiiili Co.
Mr. and Mrs. 1. J. Flook, of Rock
Creek, were visiting In Lakeview the
first of the week.
Victor Maxwell is confined to the
home of bis father, J. W. Maxwell,
suffering from an attack of appendi
citis. School opens thia yesr September
lGth. Snyder & Reynolds will have a
complete line of school books and achool
Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Wymore. of
Los Angeles, are in Lakeview this
week as guests of Mr. and Mrs. A.
rJ. Florence.
Modern bungalow to rnnt, seven
room and bath. Darn, chicken
hoUHft aud cellar. Large gro-mda
f. u. ed. On Lake Kt. A 29
Walt L. Dutton, of the Forest Ser
vice, came in Friday from Bulla
Fralre where he has been stationed for
the past several weeks.
L. C. Reckwith and A. O. Kellev
i Warner Vallev boosters are camped
near town. They will take a hunting
ard fishing trip after transacting some
business here.
Gravel is now being hauled te the
East aide of Water Street between
Canyon and Center preparatory to lav
ing a cement walk in tront of all the
buildings in that aection.
In no instance was a single com
plaint heard, but on the other hand all
expressed their pleasure over the en
tertainment afforded by the people of
Lakeview and the good results to be
ohtained from the work ot the Devel
opment League.
It takea just two weeks to get a
letter from here to Lakeview, a dis
tance of 200 miles. A petition is be
ing circulated for a mail line direct
from here to that place, by which the
time will bn reduced to three daya.
I'rineville Review.
E. S. Ede and family Friday arrived
in Lakeview on a short visit. Tbev
formerly lived at thia place and New
Fine Creek where Mr. Ede la a property
holder but are now residents of in
gomar. Cal. They were extended a
cordial welcome by their many friends.
F. P. Light, of Hotel Lakeview.
who it will be remembered recently
suffered considerably from an attack of
appendicitis, expects to leave tor San
Francisco shortly to have an operation
performed to permanently insure him
from any further trouble with the dis
ease. Jay Mitchell, of the well known
Mitchell family of cattle buyer,
spent several days in Lakeview
j during the pat week. He has a pow
erful six-cylinder roadster to travel
abou over the country, and it is built
about the same linea of Jay himself.
To join the Antlered Herd several
are going to Klamath Falls next Satur
day. Among the candidates going are
Geo. Hankins, Wm. Proudfoot, C.
Crowder, and Wm. F. Faine. Some
of the old bucks including W. Lair
Thompson, W. F. Grob, Bert Snyder
and several other local Eika will ac
company the candidates.
S. H. Adams and R. Kohlman of the
Frovident Trust Co., of Portland arriv
ed in this territory the first of the
week. These gentlemen visited Lake
view last Spring representing the
.lacob-Stine Realty Co., the former
name of the concern tbey are now with.
They have sold several lota in the Fort
land addition to local parties.
Fred James England the special rep
resentative of the Chicago Tribune has
been sending his paper glowing ac
counts ot thia section. He ia very fav
orably impressed with what he has seen
the Development League and considers
thia the equal of many sections that are
lamed for the superiority of their agri
cultural and horticultural products.
President Taft signed the Panama
Canal bill. The canal bill provides for
free passage of American ships engag
ed In eoastwide trade, and for the en
trance, in the United States, tariff
free, of foreign building materials
designated for use on American ships.
It also provides for a one man govern
ment in the canal cone when the canal
is completed.
Court Hall, brother of Dr. T. V.
Hall, of this city and wife und son,
Feoley, of Medford, Sunday left on
their return home after spending the
week here us guests of Dr. and Mrs.
Hall. It was Mrs. Cuut Full' tiixt
visit to Lakeview In several years and
she noticed many important changes
that have occurred sime. They wero
present at the Development League
ineetir.g mid report having a very
enjoyable time.
Rainier gt them all.
T. B. Wakefield, candidate for eounty
commissioner, with his family visited in
town Isst week
Snyder & Reynolds Drug store ia
(he borne of Dure drogi. Take your
preseriptlona to them.
The local in last week'a Examiner
advertising Lake City flour should have
read SI. 75 per sack instead of $1.75
per hundred.
. Harvey Cannon who has been the
candy k'd and ice cream hoy at the
Frost Kandy Kitchen, this m rning left
for Woridland, California.
An automobile, K. M. F. 30, Model
11)11, In pood condition, is offored at a
bargain if Bold boou, (See Mra. C. A.
Wataon orT. E: BernaVd. A29-tf
The Alturas Flaindealer haa started
a subscription contest and ia offering
an automobile aa a prize for the ladv
receiving the most votes. Contestant
are confined to Modoc county.
Ranch for sale 160 acrea on Camas i
Prairie. l.'iOO cords wood; good
aheurlnn corrala; large house, bam :
and oat buildings, Addresa Roaa
McDanlels, Lakeview, Oregon. A 21
Mrs. J. Burrns and mother, Mrs. L. j
A. Blair, who were vistir.g in Lake-
view last week returned on Saturday's '
train to their home in Keno. Their visit
here was greatly enjoyed by many old j
time friends. !
Mrs. H. W. Morgan sold the largett
amount ot fancy work on card ayslern ,
for toe Presbyterian Aid Bazaar, the
prize was a handsome Irish Crochet .
Hand Bag given and also made by ,
Mra. Campbell.
Orchards. Gardens and;
Waving Fields of Grain
Pleased Visitors
The trip down to New Fine Creek
and Fairport Thursday was greatly en
joyed by the delegates to the Develop
ment League, and tney returned witn a
changed ouinion aa to the possibilities
of a country lying in the elevation of
nearly 5000 feet above the level of the
sea. Waving fields of grain, fine or
chard und h irdens, with attractive
farm residences greeted them all along
the line, ant the lake stretching far
away to the west left an impression
that will remain tor years to come.
The day was ideal, tne roada tine and
not a single instance marred the plea
surera of the day. Upwards nf 50 autoa
made the trip, and all were crowed
with passengers. Aside from the min
ing exhibit. New Pine Creek made no
effort to display the products of that
section, the display here in Lakeview
being considered sufficient, although
Fleming Bros, had a small window dis
play of fruits. However, the mining
exhibit was excellent and attracted
much attention from the visitors. There
were samples of ore from numerous
mines, among them being the Gold
Stripe, Big 4, Laat Chance, Sunshine,
Lucky Dutchman, and others equally
well known.
What was termed a metoric stone
attracted much attention, inasmuch as
wheo it was hit with a piece of iron it
gave forth a silvery-like tone resembl
ing that of a fine bell. It was found in
the hills back of town, and many other
pieces abound in the vicinity.
Boosters From 'Way Back
One of the best lot of boosters attend
ing the League hail from tort Klam
ath in the Wood River Valley and they
have no hesitancy in letting the rest of
the delegates know where tbey are
from. They were beaded by John Ellis
and his efforts ably seconded by
Senator Weed, James Pelton, L. C.
Sisemore and others. They had neatly
printed badges, the badge being green
with gold printing, which ia emblema
tic of their fin. pastures and golden
sunsets, besides a large banner which
they stretched acrosa the Btreet. Their
section ia particularly well adapted to
dairyine, the industry having made
a remarkable growth during Ue past
year. A modern creamery haa just
been completed, and the hrat roll ot
butter was sold for S26.40.
Tl a tnwr r .' Vt.rt Klamath la but a
... 3 . !
few miles from crater L.ake, ana on
accrunt of its location ia becoming
noted aa a Summer resort, mary tour
ists making it headquarters while
visiting points of interests in the
Rainier on draugth or In bolt e at
the Brewery. 2t
George Rosa, student of the Stan
ford University, last Saturday started
on his return for Halo Alto to be pre
sen at the opening of the school year,
after spending bis vacation in Lake
view. The auto road between Lakeview
and New Fine Creek, and up to High
Grade baa been placed in "rat-class
condition. Nelson Rounsevell, of New
Pine Creek will carry passengers to tne
top of the hill.
Wide Toe, Medium High Heel, with
Double Sole, carried in Black
Platinum Calf, at
1 1 be closed out at big reductions, g
These are new goods and snappy, styles
Notice the following prices:
$15.00 suits $!0.00$22.5O suits $16.50
18.50 suits 13.50 25.00 suits 18.50
20.00 suits 15.00 27. 50 suits 20.00
$30.00 Suits $21.50
About one dozen in the
lot, so come and get choice
as they will soon go.
we also have a few 1911
skirts we are closing out
at half price.
Don't overlook
these bargains!
Rainier made Lakeview fatnousj.
j Rev. Father Schmitt will ssy Masa
next Sunday at the usual hoar, 10
Who Did It?
Who ia it that clean the land
That plows the ground
That sows the seed
That harvesta the grata
That feed the b. eve
That fatten the plutea
Wbo stole the earth
That God made? Welsh.
til (i