Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, August 29, 1912, Image 1

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    Jpfe '
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the examiner is the official paper of la. e county
Lake view's Educational
Institute Will Lure People
to Town
The benefit to be derived from tht
High School in Laaevlew cannot be
estimated, it will benefit all of the
realdente who have children to aend to
achool aa well aa all realdenta and
property holder in I he city. Upon
completion, who will be In all readiness
for the coming School year. Lakevlew
will be equipped with one of the beet
educational Institution! in the atate. All
plana will be perfected for an accredit
ed hlxh achool the certificate of which
will be recognised anywhere.
With the addition of thla fine achool
ing system Lakevlew haa attained a
V subatantlal and permanent aaaet that
will be an inducement for people to
move to the town. Education la the
moat important factor In the live of
our children, it bring them health and
comfort aa well aa financial atandlng In
the bualnea world and prepare! them
for the time when tbey may leave
home and go out Into thla great world
to plod for themselves. All parent
feel better when they know that their
ann or daughter haa had the advantage
of a thorough education you feel that
h or she la capable of taking care of
themselves, should It become peeeasary
by bo me unexpected happening In the
family circle aa often la the ease.
It baa reached the time when it
takea an educated perton to be a auo
ceaaful farmer aa well a it doe any
other buaine man. We mutt atrive
to reach better degree of civilization
and thla can be done by better educa
tlonal facilities only. And Lakevlew
haa provided thla in her maBnloent
High School and let ua hope it will be
taken advantage of from every avail
able aource.
Spirited Game With Al
turas Tigers Close Ball
In a aplrited contest laat Saturday
afternoon between tne baseball ninea
of Alturas and Lakevlew the ball
tournament was brought to a oloae with
first money going to the Lakevlew boy.
The game last Saturday wa one of the
moat Interesting game ever witnessed
on the local diamond. A score of 11 to
10 1" the eleventh inning is going some
for the bovs. While (hi ia rather a
high acore the majority of runa were
made in tho first part of thn game and
the last part waa finished with a neck
and neck race and plenty of laurel for
either aide. Jimmy Higgins, pitcher
for the Altura tiger pitched a good,
clean and strong game from the first
and to him wa due much credit for the
race that they gave Lakeview. How
ever,! all the Altura boya did some
clever playing. They played better ball
all the way through than Lakevlew.
Tbey were cheerful loosera and won
many friends for the courteous manner
in which they accepted defeut.
When Alturas tied the snore In the
last half of the ninth which made It 10
to 10, much interest whs munifestud
from then until the final inning waa be
gun they gave Laaevlew a run for the
money, and during that time no man on
either aido reached second base.
Following is the icore of the game:
4 R. H. E.
Lakevlew 11 12 7
Alturaa ' 10 13 8
Batteriea Lakevlew : Keaselring,
Weir and Williams: Alturas, Higgina
and Evans.
An exhibition game between the
aame teaina waa played Sunday after
noun for tho gate receipts. This result
ed in a aoore of 14 to 0 in favor of Al
turasa. There were aeveral changes in
the line up from Saturday' game.
Dr 'V. 11. Lyilo, of JVidloton, Stute
Veteiinarieti . was in Lukevie laat
week. Ho repoit that very fittio dis
ease exl' among LakoCfUliy stock
ana t! iJ oi minion look g d.
Ue euy Pendleton ia arranging to hold
the biggest Roundup yet thla season.
SUM OF $575
New Pine Creek's Drink
Emporiums Raided by
County Officers
A L. Montgomery, Thomaa & Far
well, William A Anderson and Sher
man Crumley, all of New Fine Creek
appeared before J uttio Tho. S. Far
rell Friday and pleaded guilty to the
charge of selling Intoxicating liquor
without a license. Hia Honor Impoa
ad a fine of 1200 on Mr. Montgomery
and I12C on each of the cthera. It ap
pear that the cause of their undoing
wa brought about the day before wben
the Development 'league delegate
visited the o'ate Line town. Report
have it that everything waa wide ooen
and the report reaching Sheriff Snlder'a
eara he derided to verify the aame. He
thereupon Instructed Deputies RIne
hart and Arthur to go in and purchase
drink, which they did, the Sheriff
himelf performing the aame feat.
They experienced no dillicultyin obtain
ing the liquor, and there upon the ar
reita were mada.
It had been the general opinion that
the law ha been violated without com
punction at New Pine Creek for tome
time pact, and Sheriff Snider baa re
eieved numeroua anonomou lettera to
that effect. However none of the peo
ple of the town were willing to make
affidavit that aucb waa the eai'e, and
not until Thurdy were the officer
able to get aatiafactory proof. After
the evidence waa obtained the arrest
were dead easy. -
Deceased Was 69 Years of
Afire and Had Lived Life
Last Friday at 10 o'clock the body
of Mra. J. W. Maxwell, an account of
whoae death appeared in last weeka
Examiner, was tenderly laid to rest In
the I.O.O.F. cemetery. Rev Melville
T. Wire, pastor of the Methodise
Church, delivered a very impressive
sermon over the body at the residence
and remaina were followed to the
grave by a long procession of sorrow
ing friends.
Elizabeth A. Maxwell, whose maiden
name was Stanley, waa born in Salem,
Iowa. May 1st, 184.1 and died on Tues
day, August 20, 1912. at 4 o'clock in
the morning, at the age of 09 year, 3
month and 19 days. She continued to
reside at the place of her birth until
after her marriage to James W. Max
well, March 14, 1871. During that
same year they moved from Salem,
Iowa, to Humbolt Co.. Calif., and in
1H93 they moved to Lakeview here
they have resided ever since. Six
children were born to them, five of
whom survive, and were preaent at
their mother'a death. They aie aa
follows: Mra. Anna M. Neilon of
Lukeview; Mrs. Jeanett M. Parker,
of Fortland : Mra. Lulu C. Goueh. of
Portland, Victor W. Maxwell, of Lake
view and James 1. Maxwell, of Sacra
Deceased had been confined to her
bed about six weeka. A few daya be
fore her death there seemed to be a
marked change for the better, but as
so often happena when death la at the
door, it was only the lucid Interval bo
fore the final departure of the spirit to
the God who gave it.. She passed
away easily and painlessly aho merely
stonnod breathing. Aa stated before
I l
lahe passed away surrounded by all her
living children, besides her devoted
Mr-. Maxwell had led the Life Beau
tiful. A life ot unselfishness and ser
vice. Patience and kindness were her
cxi-. l!.jtit virt ue. As R girl she Iden
tified herself wit" tho Friends Church
at Salvm, Iowa, whioh relationship she
held to her death. She waa a mem-
Escorted to the Depot by
Friends Where Brief Ser
vices Were Held
The remalna of the late Cfiaa. B.
Merrick were escorted to the train
Tbureday morning by a number of
Lakevlew people, a well aa by numer
oua personal frienda from Portland and
other point throughout the State.
Brief ervlces were held on the depot
platform, Biahop Scadding offering
praver for the departed and aeveral
hymna were aung.
After the aervlce the remaina were
placed aboard the train to be conveyed
to Portland, Hon. A. W. Orton accom
panying them. Among thoae preaent
at the aervlcea were Biahop Scadding
and Padoock. Wm. Hanley, C. C. Chap
man. J.W. 8awbilL Wm. Karre, quit a
number of Portland cltizene and many
from Lakevlew and other point.
Numerous Qeese and Duck
Reported to Be Coming
on Lake
Sportsmen of Lake county will have
aome of the beat shooing thla season
in aeveral vears accord irg to reports
regarding the number of geese and
ducka that are now coming in. Tbe
aage chicken shooting this year baa
been good and blrda quite plentiful
Those wbo have bad occasion to
visit the lako and tributary slough aay
that' tbe ducka are very numeroua,
aome of which are yet too young to
fly. Tbey ehould be passed op by tbe
true BDortsman. . Some people go out
shooting with the idea that it ia per
fectly proper to kill every bird powsi
ble regardless of whether or not they
are able to uae them. Thla ia a serious
mistake, especially wben the season
Bret open aa the bird are then gentle
and can be slaugthered by the unscrup
ulous hunter. Duck and goose shoot
ing in this county will no doubt remain
first class for several years but . in or
oer to conaerve the aupply they should
be more or less protected and sports
men guard against their malicious
A bad effect in our game lawa ia that
the goose seasons open September 1,
while it ia not lawful to shoot ducka
until September 15. These birds prac
tically haunt the aame territory and
while bunting geese one ia quite likely
to see ducka. Thia la realty a tempta
tion to violate the game lawa, however,
it should not be done aa there are num
erous ducks too young to fly, and to
take advantage Of thia would be a step
toward tbelr extermination.
Burden of Support to Be
Lifted from Bill Hanley's
"ihe Officials of the four counties,
Crook, Harney, Klamath and Lake,
comprising tnia diBtrlct, met yesterday
afternoon and decided to advance ne
cessary funds to continue the work of
the Development League. Heretofore
President Wm. Hanley haa dug; up no
inconsiderable amount necessary to
promote the work from hia own pocket,
and inasmuch as it waa wholly volun
tary on hia part and there was no tell
ing when he would becsmd weary of ao
doing, it was considered advlaatle to
put the finances of the League on a solid
financial basis, there waa no hesitancy
on the part of anyone to the plan, and
it is likely that each county will ap
propriate $1000 to the object.
ber of Eastern Star, Oriental Chapter
No. 5.
She haa left us an example which
may well be emulated. The fragrance
of her ' character will linger even
though she, herself has gone.
OREGON, AUGUST 29. 1912. ' . '
Qrasses and Oereals Will
Be Taken East Over the
Great Northern
Numeroua grains and some grass and
alfalfa samples that were exhibited in
the High School laat week have been
boxed and sent to the Portland Com
mercial Club. Tbey will be turned over
to the Hill lines and exhibited on eara
In the East and probably at the Chica
go Land ahow. Louis W.Hill in offering
a loving cup for the best individual
exhibit requested that hia road ta giv
en the eample winning tne prize.
It ia too early to secure matured fruit
and vegetable but a little later this
will likely be done and sent r ut to fol
low op the grain aamplea. Thia affords
a fine method for getting our produce
before the eyei of tbouaanda of people,
and that It will prove beneficial will no
doubt be evidenced by result wbicb
are sore to be obtained.
President Hanley Sue
ceeds SelfJudge Daly,
Vice President For Lake
At tbe election of officer and chcoa-
mc olace of meeting next year tor
the Development League all waa bar
monius, and President Hanley was re
elected midst loud cheering and clap
nlnsr of hands. C. C Chapman per
formed tbe parlimentary etunt, aa be
termed it. and a be I neither "bash
ful or mideat," be kept tbinga going
in hia uaual bappy manner. Vlce-preai-dent
from each county aside from
that in which tbe president resides
vera chosen aa follows: Crook. J.
W. Brewer: Klamath. Judge, W. S.
Worden: Lake Judge B. Daly. All
were chose unanimously and none beat
tated to aoeeDt the honor.
The Executive Council, consisting
of four honorary vice presidents, for
"... .
the next year will consist or jueasr,
Coman. ChaDman and Jobnaon, all ol
Portland, while C. L. Hudson, tbe
Bend banker will handle the funds of
the League durinir tbe coming year.
The Executive Council haa tbe selec
tion of the Secretary and no doubt J.
W. Sawbill will again be chosen to fill
that responsible position.
Klamath Falls was chosen aa tbe
next meeting place, and her Invitation
was warmly accented. Redmond an
nounced that she would be in tbe field
for the meeting in 1914.
The resolutions committee submit
ted a Urge number ot resolutions
thanking everybody for doing every
thine, and the meeting adjourned with
the utmost good feeling among the
Citizens Deserving of
Credit for Entertain
ment of Delegates
J. F. Hardy of the North Sank road
of Po'tland, O. C. Henkle, Judge H.C
Ellia and Atty. V. Uorka of Bend
Messrs Peterson, LaFullott Aya, of La
Pine and Mr. Bayley of Laidlaw who
I were in attendance at the convention
! departed tor tbeir respective homes
Friday morning.
Before leaving Mr. Hsrdy informed
ua that he waa one of the party who
bad the good fortune while here to be
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. L.
Thornton, and to express bis reelings
of appreciation of their hospitality
would take too much apace. The
last thing we beard him say was:
"Everything free and plenty of It."
This Is only an instance of p'
that have come to thia office of the
way the visitors have been entertained
by our people. The citizens are hos-pi'.-'-!-
as of p;c?'.? t"V
feel proud, and suon spirit la a great
advantage to the welfare of the town.
Final Adjournment Was
Taken Amidst a Blaze
of Glory
The Development League e I o a d
Thursday evening a blaze of glory, aa it
were, all of tbe speaker being at tbeir
best. Tbe subject waa "Good Roads,"
and tbe need and advantgea of the aame
were set fourth in forceful word,
the discussion wa opened by County
Judge Warden and ex-county Judge
Baldwin of Klamath, and the latter
waa followed in turn by County Judge
Ellia of Crook and Judge Daly of
Lake.' Judge Worden stated that bis
County bsd already graded 60 miles of
road this year, cleaned '.he rocks and
high centers, bumps and the like for
200 miles more, while Judge Ellia told
bow bla county had been compelled to
build aeveral expensive bridge accrou
the Deechutea and tbe Crooked River,
and hence was unable to expend much
on roads. Klamath County ia evidently
expending vast sums on ber bighwaya.
Inasmuch as a roadbed SO feet wide ia
ber atandard, with steel culverts and
crushed rock surface in many instancea.
Judge Baldwin waa of reminiscent
turn of mind, and related some of tbe
doing in early timea.
Judge Daly devoted hia time to the
good road billa that will be voted on at
the coming election. He explained fully
tbe advanages of tbe bill proposed by
the Commission, known a tne Harmony
bill, ebowing how the State at large
Contibued on page eight '
Organization Will Urge
Development of Central
and Southern Oregon
The second session of the Central
Ureogn Development League that cloa-1
ed here last week was. frought with
unlimited importance to tbe people of
Southern and Central Oregon. Tbe
leaeue haa for its object the settlement
and development of this section of
Oregon and it adapted resolutions that
will insure this development.
That it means much to the people of
thia section of the state ia patent on
its face. We should not loose sight of
the fact that the settlement of this
country will mean much to the people
of the whole eountry, because it will
furnish homes for many who are now
living on rented land and do not know
the peaf e that comes with the posses
sion of one'a own aorea and because it
will increase the number of producing
acres in the United States and thus
have a tendency to lower food prices.
Nowhere in the whole United btates
is there such a great body of undevel
oped land of aucb richness, says the
Klamath Northwestern in an editorial
on this Bection.
Great areas of the Southern Oregon
country are veritable Gardens of Eden
with Btreama and valleys and wooded
mountains of such beauty that a poet's
harp were needed to sing of their glor
ies. And yet this country is barely
scratched by settlement. When the
people of the East and Middle West
awaken to tbe fortunes that await
them in Southern Oregon, there will be
no more rushing to Canada and no more
languishing back borne wishing for
The decision of the four county courts
to finance the Central Oregon Develop
ment League by tax money is indeed
laudable. This will place the business
of advertising upon a sound and certain
baafa. Those in charge of tho puhli ity
woTK f ill ("nc txm-tly ho much
money is to be expended annua'iy and
where it ia cumins from. Voluntary
donations are often uncertain and, in
mjtf v. tv-vy Be u(T. !f hrciu.c tUe
development of tbe country help every
Continued on page 8
NO. 35
Oregonian Pays Tribute
To Postmaster Who Died
Near Lakeview
. In editorial oomment upon the death
of Charles B. Merrick, wbo died laat
week in the hot mineral bath below
Lakeview, tbe Portland Oregonian
"The Reaper, in claiming Cbarlea B.
Merrick aa untimely toil, abstracta
from Portland an efficient Postmaster,
an invaluable worker in the cause of
civic betterment, and an agreeable per
sonality. There are few men wbo
would be more widely missed or more
sincerely mourned in this city.
Comparatively a young man and a
newcomer to Oregon, be nevertbeleea
impressed himself firmly upon tbe pub
lie mind and affection because of an
inexbauatible energy expended in the
public good plus an inherent kindliness
and wboleaoirfeness of personality.
During two year be served aa post
master Mr. Merrick found time not
only vastly to improve bia department,
but to particioiate moat actively in a
aoore of campaigns for a greater and
better Portland. He waa the leading
spirit in tbe Greater Portland Plana Aa
sociation, as well as in several lesaer
improvement ora animations. His lei
sure ours went to the planning ol
means to provide parkways, boulevards
and ooblic playgrounds. In carrying
on these undertakings histnethoda were
effective and aerved to overcome op
position without creating friction or
In its several aspects hia life, cut
short in its prime waa a worthy and
useful one. He waa a useful citizen,
useful jsldier . V08, wuV official, 1
and in his death ia found irreparable '
loaa. " '
Miller, Hanson, Amick
and Tyree Lose By But
Few Points
S.B. Chandler, of Crooked Creek waa
tbe fortunate winner of the Hill cup
offered for the best display by a single
individual, although bia margin waa
small, S. W. Miller losing by only to
points, while Dexter Amick and J. F.
Hanson were but 5 points behind and
W. P. Tyree only 7. The Judgea were1
W. J. Kerr. C. L. Smith and 1. S.
Geer ana the four exhibits were mar
ked on tbe percentage basis, the
number of specimens, the quality, ap
pearance, etc., being taken into con
Tbe representation SDeecb waa made
by President Hanley, and he took oc
casion to say that on hia trio last Win
ter through the Eastern and middle
Statea on tbe "Governor's Special"
that in no instance were the exhibits
superior to those be saw here in Lake
view. That Crooked Creek should have the
Dest display was much of surprise, for
it was tbe general supposition that that
part of tbe County waa most adapted to
stock than to agricultural purposes.
Chandler's exhibit waa very complete
In fruits and vegetables, aa well aa in
grains and grasses, his display includ
ing upwards of 20 varieties. While not
so neatly arranged aa aome of, tbe
others, yet its quality waa plainly dis
cernible on close inspection When bia
rating waa 100 and otbera 98, 95 and 93
respectively, the closeneE of the com
petition is plainly in evidence.
As evidence of the rare quality of the
Lake County products was the num
erous blue ribbons awarded exhibits in
tbe High School building last week.
Tbe Judges: W. J. Kerr, president of
U.A.C.. Corvaliia: C.L.Smith, agri
culturist of the O.W.R. & N. and I. S.
Geer, ot Burns, are conceded among
the tet agricultural authorities of the
state, and the fact that tbey pinned
?o mitny blue ribbons upon Lake
county exhibits ahowa that these are
In a cirtfn f their own. Tho Judgea
ua .'.i.c in pri'f....Ij tlistify-
ing t-.xhiVff hut their ilejiaions were
toe i'i red fair and met with the ap
proval of all.