Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, August 01, 1912, Image 8

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    A Real CleaivUp-Sde for August
Savings on Everything, Especially Dry Goods and Shoes
If you've thought of buying anything at all, you can undoubt
edly find something here and pay less than you intended.
You will find many good values in this store not mentioned in
this advertisement
Fall Samples of the
Famous ROYAL
TAILOR Line are
now ready for your
inspection. We will
be pleased to ac
quaint you with the
latest New York
Fashions for Fall.
All wool Garments
guaranteed in every
respect, made to
your individual
measure, delivered
in Lakeview at as
low price as $ J 6.00
a Suit
Get your next
suit here
Ladies' undcrvests n 20
cent value to close out
2 for 25
Ladies gauze pants 50e
kind to close out
at 25
Elbow length Lisle
Gloves, only about 12
pairs left to close out
at 75
Cotton, Figured Pongee
27 inches wide, sold
formerly at 30 cents to
out 6 yds 00
Fancy and plain cotton
Poplins a splendid 35
cent value, to close out
a yard 25
Fancy white goods
at One-half the
regular price.
to 6 yard lengths at
cost and below.
Men's Cotton Cloves
knit wrist or plain, 2
pair 15 cents or 12 pair
Men's Blood Ribbed
summer underwear of
broken lots und sizes
worth G5c to 75c
Men's Wearwell hose
black or tan, all sizes
best values, 2 pair for
Men's Summer
Hats The remainder
of our stock of silks and
cloth hats all varieties
Fruit Jars
Pints per doz. $ 90
Quartz, " 1.15
1-2 Gal. " 1.65
Sanitary caps .25
Wellman Rub
bers 3 doz. 25
Stone Jars
1-2 Gallon $ .25 ea
1 Gallon - 50 ca
2 Gallon - - 90 ea
3 Gallon - 1.25 ea
Parraffme 2 lbs
25 Cents
Liberal Reductions oi All Royal
a saving of fully 25 PER. CENT
Twin Valley Land Co.
C. R. BLOOD, Ast. Sec; C. O. MISENER, Gen. Agt.
We have for sale:
Orchard and Alfalfa Lands
Farm Lands, Timber Lands
Homesteads and Desert Lands
Special attention given to O.V.L. Land Holdings
We are agents for
The Fairport Town & Land Co.
FAIRPORT TOWN LOTS now on sale. Make
your selection before the best ones are sold. A
big investment for a small amount of money.
Distance Much Less Over
S. P. Lines than by W. P.
From Doyle
We have taken over the entire stock of Hall &
Reynolds Drug Company, which will hereafter be
conducted under the firm name of Snyder & Rey
nolds. We are going- to enlarge and improve our stock
to meet the demand of our customers. We will
endeavor to make trading with us pleasant as
well as profitable. We want your patronage.
Keno Gazette : It seems somewhat
paradoxical that "the longest way
round is the shortest way home," but
it ia proDven in the case of the journey
from Lakeview, Oregon: AHuras,
California and all other points along
the line of the Nevada-California-Oregon
and the tributary country In the
two states.
First glance at the map would make
it aeem to appear that it would te lesa
mileage and shorter time to leave the
N.-C.-O. and take the Western V aclflc
for San Francisco and other coui-t
points at Doyle, but careful figuring of
the distances over this route and that
by continuing on the N.-C.-O. to Keno
and transferring to the Southern Paci
fic shows that there is a remarkable
saving by the latter route.
The distance from Dovie to Ban
Francisco via the Western Pacific is 303
miles, while by way of the N.-C.-O.
and Southern Pacific via Keno it is only
3ol miles. It thus affects a saving of j
62 miles to travel from the northern '
country to San. Francisco ov wav of
Meeting Of Commlttles
Held To Decide The Cost
Of Celebration
Automobile Bargains
Lakeview Garage
One "1910" Buick. Model 17, 40 H. P. Just overhauled and
in fine shape. Guaranteed to give satisfaction under all conditions.
Come and try her. Cheap for cash.
Oue "1910" E. M. F.. 30 H. P., also in fine shape. Cheap, ;
Visit Neighboring Towns
Sunday's excursion train to New
Pine Creek and Fairport was boarded
by eighty-five Lakeview people. The
day proved ideal for the occasion and
the crowd fully enjoyed the trip, boat
ing on the lake proved a novel amuse
ment and that together with the
baseball game at New Pine Creek,
pleasant pastime was provided the ex
cursionists. At the ball game Lake-
view met with defeat in a score of
7 to 9.
According to reports prevalent in
banking circles George Wlngfield,
millionaire Nevada banker and mining
man, who recently declined Nixon's
place In 'he Senate tendered bim by
Governor Odaie, ia to accept the presi
dency of the four banks of which the
late Senator Nixon was the chief ex
ecutive. '
The finance committee, composed of
A. eT Flo'ence. Geo. B. Whorton and
Cobb Henkle ao far have raised the
total sum of $1431. 50 for the conven
tion of the Central Oregon Develop
ment League. Following ia the petition :
"We, the undersigned, subscribe, and
agree to pay, to the Financial Com
mittee appointed to solicit funda to
conduct a celebration and entertain
ment in Lakeview during the meeting
of the Central Oregon Development
League, Aug. 20, 21. 22, 1912, the
amounts set opposite our repsective
names an below."
Whorton & Mailoy $100 00
Bailey & Masslingill 75 00
Lakeview Mercantile Co 75 00
Britten & Erickson, 15 00
A. L. Thornton 10 00
G. Schlagel 100 00
Flynn & Herytord 50 00
C. llenkle, 50 00
Lane & MoAulitfe, . 100 T)0
Post & King 100 00
Ahlstrom Bros , 25 00
Hotel Lakeview, 100 00
W. P. Dykeman, 10 00
Woodcock & Leonard 10 00
American Kestaurant, 5 00
J. P. Duckworth 5 00
Keene & Barne 10 00
W. K. Dyer 7 50
S. V. Rehart 10 00
C. E. LonwzMy 15 00
T. II. Cloud 30 00
Elmer C. Ahlstrom 15 00
W. II, Shirk 40 00
S. O. Cresslcr 5 00
Anna M. Neilon 15 00
U. W. Welch 2 00
Hayes & Grob 25 00
Examiner Pub. Co.... 20 00
Mat'oless Store , 10 00
J. Chas. Smith & Co 10 00
J. B. Auten 20 00
Con Breen 2 50
A. Bieber 20 00
Mayfield & FetherofT 25 00
H. W. Drenkle 10 00
Thus. ti. Farrel 5 00
H. W. Morgan 5 00
O. C. Gibbs 5 00
E. J.Stone 6 00
P. Marion 8 00
Wm. Wallace ,' 6 00
J. L. Lyon 5 00
(). E. Wood a 00
K. I). Everett , 2 50
F. W. Tayne 5 00
E. E. Kmehart 2 50
8. A. Mushen 2 50
Dr. Harden Klsk 7 50
E. II. Smith 6 00
N. A .McCurdy 10 00
J. W. Hunter 6 0(1
Kli Kestaurant 15 00
Lakeview Herald 15 (Ml
W. R. Stodder 5 00
F. M. Miller 6 00
Iteno Drawing Co 25 00
Alfred Smith. 5 00
F. F. Cheney 100 00
Dick J. Wilcox 6 00
T. K. Bernard 15 00
C. U. Snuler 10 (Ml
W. It. 8nldcr 8 0-)
Auto Livery Co 25 00
A. McCallen, paid 25 00
Twin Valley Land Co 6 00
L. N. Buchom 2 00
Consolidated Stage Co 6 00
Lakeview Garage 10 00
Hart & Lynch 25 00
Vanderpool A Combs 10 00
C. II. Langslat 2 50
Keynolda A Snyder 10 00
The varloua committeemen met Mon
day evening; in the Commercial Club
rooms to outline plana for definite
work, and tor assignment of funds
amongst the varloua eommltteea. Lee
Beall, chairman of the sports com
mittee agreed to prepare a good pro
gram of sports ana make all arrange
ments for SXoo and the privilege of
gate receipts. Mr. Shirk, chairman of
the committee on exbhibits, felt that
their part of the work could be handled
at an epeneae of about $100. The
committee on Luncheons was unable
to estimate the cost but It is thought
that the luncheon to be served at the
Hanson ranch on the West Side will
cost approximately $100. Mr. Rlnehart
chairman of the transportation com
mittee, had the happy information to
Impart that their work could be handl
ed without asking for uny money. The
committee on music, being undecided
as to what kind and the amount of
music to be furnished, waa unable to
make any report.
The finance committee will collect
the subscriptions in few days, when
the general committee will meet and
apportion the funda and make all final
prepartions for the work.
Mothers' Club Meeting
The Mother'a Club held their regular
weekly meeting Tuesday afternoon in
the Methodist Church. It was decided
in the future to meet on the second
and fourth Tuesdays of each month.
After the introductory exercises con
sisting of songs, a talk ty the presi
dent, Mrs. Cloud, and a solo by Mrs.
Leonard, Doctor Morgan was introduc
ed as the spesker of the afternoon. He
discussed the subicct of infsnt mortal
ity and social impurity. He showed
by atatistica that four out of hve
deaths of Infanta are preventable. He
citen some remarkable instancea of
the decrease of the death rate aa a re
sult of inducing mothers to nurse their
babiea and of education aa to their
proper care. Aa a corrective of social
impurity he advocated education, agi
tation and as much as possible keeping
young girls from going to the cities to
The Mother's Club was only recently
organized but it ia growing ateadily
and ia promised to be a strong force
for good in our city.
The dairy industry has been given a
decided impetus by the action of the
Willamette Valley Irrigated Land
Company in providing the settlers on
the irrigated tracts with funds to buy
all the milch cowa they can feed, re
paying amounts in monthly installments
out of the cream checka.
Contuucd from first pugo
writing table and ladies toilet ad
jacent. The carpenters are now at work tear
ing out the old store front which will
be replaced by modern display win
dows. These will be one foot above the
cement walk, to be constructed. The
windows will be six and one half feet
high by six feet deep. Above the win
dows will be a three foot Prism glass
across the entire front. A steam heat
ing ami lighting plant In the baoeroent,
la Included in the many changes being
made, all of which will be completed
within the next few weeks. 'I his In
crease in floor apace has been a long
felt want by thla growing and progres
sive hrm and It will adequately equip
them to take care of their large trade.
The addition to the First National
Bank, which la 4148 feet with full
basement, Is being constructed of
brick. This will be two atones in
height, the lower floor of which will
house the Lakeview postoffice, while
the upper floor will be fitted up for
office rooma. A cement aidawalk will
be laid arose the building on the
south side and around the front. This
undertaking will cost approximately
$5,000 and will add a great Improve
ment to that corner. , 4
Between thv north wall of the First
National Bank and the Lane & Me
AulifTe saloon, Dr. Daly is having
erected a 7624 foot one story brlok
building, with full basement, which
will have a cement aldewalk acroaa the
front When completed the building
will coat upwards of $3000 and ia being
constructed for restaurant purposes.
China Eli. who conducted the restau
rant in the old building on the same
site, Is now In San Francisco purchas
ing furnishings and equipment for the
purpose and will fit uo a modern and
first clsss cafe In every particular. It
la atated that a young oojsln of hla
will manage the buainess.
The N.-C.-O. Rnilwsy company la
now working on and have nearly com
pleted a new 115,000 depot at the foot
of Center Street. The building ia con
structed of stone and briok and when
completed will be, without exceolon,
the handsomest and moat modernly de
signed depot In Southern Oregon or
Northern California. The building
that ia being used for a depot at pre
sent and which will be used for a
freight house after the completion of
the new one, was oeilt since January
1, at a cost of no less thsn $3000.
Another valuable addition that haa
been added to the town aince January
1st is the Snider opera house that waa
built at an expense of $0000. This Is a
wooden building but Is of modern de
sign, with msple floor and equipped
with a large atage and containa the
conveniences of a plsy house, motion
picture show and dance hall.
The Reno Brewing Company's ware
house in the Welter's addition, north
of tho depot ia a building that repre
sents a coat of at least $1,500.
T. E. Bernard, hardware man, baa
spent aoout $500 on the addition of a
brick front across bis entire store or
Water street.
The following dwellings have been
completed this year and the estimated
cost given below is a fair one:
Sam Bailey on Park street, brick
$2000: H. O. Kuhl In the Watson addi
tion, bungalow atyle, $2000: Dan F.
Krennan, in process of' construction,
bungalow in the Drenkel addition,
$:i000: John Lewla on Slash street.
$1500; the Catholic rectory, brick that
ia being erected immediately North of
the Catholic church, $1,000 and Frank
Wilson, on Slash street, $1000.
The Sunset Lake Lumber Co., form
erly Fandango Lumber Co., that es
tablished a lumber yard on Center
street reports that they have aold a
considerable amount of lumber since
establishing a yard in Lakeview. At
present they have about 300,000 feet of
lumber on the yard, and inform ua that
they have contracts to fill for six
dwelling houses and three barna to be
erected soon.
The Lakeview Land and Lumber
Company report that their sales of
lumber since January 1, will nearly
reach the $10,000 mark, and that they
now have about 350,000 feet of lumber
on hand in Lakeview.
This progressive and enterprising
spirit shown by our citizens is a dem
onstration of the faith they have in the
future growth of Lakeview. Regard
less of the fact that this is the so-ealled
Presidential year, and money la consid
ered somwhat tight, the citizena have
not waivered from their convictiona'.that
Lakeview is the coming town of South
ern Oregon and they have backed their
convictiona with their dollarsin adding
to the stability and in substantiating
the growth of a greater Lakeview.
Our building era alrcudy established
thia year more than doutles that of
any place heard from in thia entire in
terior country.
ho Is certainly a ilamly.
Take a look at the harness.
See how pliable the leu t her
Is, how strong anil neat the
stitching. ote the hand
hoiiio metal, work and trim
111 1 lifts. Looks us pretty ua
' a picture, though oura Is
not picture book harness by
n great deal. It Is the real
thing us you'll flml out
when you come to use It.