Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, August 01, 1912, Image 5

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    "Wm 6ml I Thm Rmal Earth"
Lakeview : Oregon
More Bargain
IKKW.O,) For a flu naw 10-ronm houae with largo lot, 75x12.', close to .center of
town and High Bchool. Kaay terms.
t2(VK).00 For 0-rm new Iwatalow, an ldal up-to-date home, clone to center ol
town on Bernard Htrtet. Kawy terms.
"100 00 Kor 6-rontn new huniralnw, woodahd ami chicken hone. On a large
corner lot. fenced, Iihj x lf(. Lawn end flan Irult trees on Lake8treet.
F..y terms
i:K)0.00 Kor a new 4 room lioiim and wood shed, lot 60 i l'2ft, gotxl location.
Keay term.
flOOO.OO For an lip to-dntr- new bungalow, In choice rceldenr part of the city.
Kaay tiTina.
130.00 pr sere for 200 acre of timber land, clows In, easy terms.
12.50 For 320 acre (rood oil In the valley 6 ml lea from Laker lew. If yen
want a bargain don't psss thle. Term casta.
120.00 1'er acre for 160 acrea floe grain land, seven milce from Lakeview, west.
Kaay terms.
Haw mill In firat class order, including a large quantity of dry, finished lamber;
aw log and 180 acrea of standing timber. The book a will prove It to
be a fine investment.
AO acrea of fine timber on the Weat Hide, cloae to a aaw mill.
520 acrea, doaert claim, with Improvement. Relinquishment eao be eeenred very
cheap. Oood soil and near the line of the O. E. Railroad which will
be built through there in a abort time.
Town Propmrty
Xahc Count? Eramlncr
Rainier Itwr on draught at the Ina
A dispatch from Portland under data
of July 2T, aaya:
Somebo-y haa eatd: "Whatsoever a
man seweth, ba ahall also rip.
t'lilldrens wht'e drvme. aliea 2 to
fl yeara. Ikvlw Mercantile Co.
Man and wife wants work, envone
having anything to offer kindly Inform
thla omVe.
One donen bou ilrraaee, oteorted
iaUrna and mvm to clou at reduced
prions, lakeview Mercantile Co.
L. C. Vlnyard and wife last Friday
came up from New I'lne Crock and
apent the day in town.
Mrs. J. Hay den Kiike, of Portland,
wife of local Dentist Flake, haa Join
ed her huabaml In Lakeview.
0. F. Holbrook wm a visitor this
week from Vlstllas. lie aaya hay cropa
and range conditiona in that section
are the beat thla aeaaon.
E. R. Patch and family who have
been living In New Pine Creak thla
eummer eipcot to return to Lakeview
thla week and reaume realdcnee In their
property on Nullsrd atreet.
L. F. Conn and family and Jamea
Judge and wife have eatabliahed
camping beadquartera on Deep Creek.
The colony will probably be Joined by
aeveral more partlea soon.
Alfred McUonncll, civil engineer, of
Klamath Falla, Sunday arrived In
Lakeview and will spend aeve-al dsys
In this city witn the view of locating
permanently, lie la well pleased with
the outlook.
Meaars Bond snd Johnaon of Flower
street started Isat Sunday evening on a
camping tour. Members of their
families accompanied thrrn. Tbev ex
pect to visit Crater Lake and be away
aeveral weeaa.
Re. Meville T. Wire Friday of laat
week returned from a viait to hia par
ents at Newberg, Oregon. Mr. Wire'a
vacation waa moat deaerving and well
earned, the benefit of which was well
worth the consideration.
A. B. snd Mrs. Whitney, of San
Francisco, are spending the week In
Lakeview In soliciting orders for
Health & Longevity, a family doctor
book published by Home ilealtn
Society of Fhiladelphis.
It is reported in Lskeview tbst Sher
iff Smith of Modoe County this week
made a raid on a couple of "blind
pigs" at High Grade and arrested
Messrs. Montgomery and Taylor on a
charge of violating the local option'
11. J. Bruner, eon of Joe Bruner of
the High Grade District, was a visitor
In the city the first of the week. It
was his first trip to tue County's me
tropolis and he was very fsvorably Im
pressed with the appearance of the
The biggest bargain ssle of machin
ery In hiftory Is promised upon the
completion of the Panama canal. To
dispose of the mschirery costing more
thsn $15,000,000 is the problem con
fronting government authorities when
the canal is opened.
J. Martin, a famous and enterprising
miner formerly of Cripple Creek, but
now located at High Grade, was a busi
ness visitor in Lakeview last week
He has recently taken a lease on a
promising prcperty In the district
and is very optimistic as to the future
of the camp.
The County Clerk Republican Nom
nee, Harry Utley'a campaign was yes
terday made brighter by the arrival
of a fine baty boy In his borne. Mrs.
Utley und son are nicely, but It keeps
Harry pretty busy telling the boys that
he Is now papa as well as a candidate
for oilice.
4 W. A. Dunaway, of Keno, Nevada,
superintendent of the Nevada, Cali
fornia and Oregon railway, and Miss
Jessie Wiley, daughter of Mrs. Annie
Wiley, of 1308 California street, were
married in Grsce Catholic church last
week in San Fransisco. They are now
on a tour in the east.
The Examiner office was this week
presented with a cherry limb full of
ripe lucious fruit taken from a tree on
T. B. Vernon'a ranch at Crane Creek.
The cherries are of the Lambert vari
ety and are euqal to the wild plumb in
size. Mr. Vernon la endeavoring to pre
aerve some of the specimens for exhi
bition at the Central Oregon Devel
opment League Meet.
Rainier on draiigth or in bottles at
On' Hrewery. 5t
Ladle suit sale at Lakeview Mer
cantile Co.
II. It. Rlggs, stockman of Wsrner
Valley, was a welcome visitor In town
Isst week.
Mrs. J. Beemer, daughter of Mra.
F. II. Taylor aad aiater ot E. Dstrlok,
laat Seturdsv left for her home at
Sparks, Nevada, after a tew weeks
visit In Lakeview.
Mstt Wells, an old time printer, who
was formerly empolyed on the Exam
iner by Besch & McGesry, thla week
returned to Lakeview after an absence
of about ten years spent In vsrlous
parts of Ihe country.
Newspspers are the world's cyclope
dia of life; telling us everything from
every quarter of the globe. They are
a univeraal whispering gallery for man
kind, lonly their whispera are some
times thunders. Tryson Edwsrds.
F. P. Light hsd so sufficiently recov
ered from his relspse thst he wss able
to be up town Monday. He Is quite
wesk snd unable to es, anything sub
stantial, but his friends will be plessud
to learn that hia recovery Is assured.
W. P. Heryford and wite and Mr.
and Mrs. J. 1). Heryford this week re
turned from an extensive auto trip over
California. They visited the Heryford
boys father at Millville, and also rela
tives In Sacramento and Santa Rosa.
They report a most enjoysble trip.
S. L. Bsiley left yesterdsy tor San
Francisco. He was hurt at the Snider
Opera House fire and his physician ad
vised him to go to Laire's Hospital for
an operation. We all hope for a apeedy
recovery and to aee Sam on the atreet
and to hia work among us again soon.
By falling from the rear porch last
Friday, Roland, the one year old son
of Mr. and Mrs. R. Vsndervort of this
city, suatslned a broken arm. The ac
cident caused a pa'nful fracture to the
forearm but from last reports the child
is recovering nicely. Ur. Smith is in
S. P. Moss Tuesdsy evening returned
from San Francisco where he has been
in Lane'a hospital for the paat six
weeks suffering from blood poisoning in
the foot. The affected part is still
swollen somewhat, hut with the aid of
crutches he is sble to be about. His
msny friends will be glad to bear of
his return and of his recovery.
The Lakeview Tennis Association 1 a
having extensive improvements added
to the court, preparatory for the games
thst will be held here during the con
vention of the Centre) Oregon Develop
ment Lesgue. Alturas baa already
aigned up to join a tournament and the
matter will be taken up with Klamath
Falla and other places to interest tbem
in entering the tournsment.
The Nevada State Journal on July
28 issued a 92 page souvenir supple
ment edition with the regular paper.
The souvenir is published in msgazlne
form and is confined exclusively to the
stste of Nevada. It is a very creditatle
publication and Alls the great need of
heralding the resources and possibili
ties of that country.
Chester F. Studley, son of S. J.
Stndley, formerly of this valley but
now residents of Sonoma County, Cali
fornia, returned this week atfer three
years' absence. Chester says thev are
well satisfied with their location aad
are raising considerable fruit and gar
den truck. They have about seventy
five acres of land, all of which is plant
ed to fruit and In garden. He la taking
orders for dried fruits for delivery this
The Fandango Lumber Company that
recently established yards in Lake
view has changed ita title and is now
Incorporated under the name of the
Sunset Lake Lumber Company. They
report an excellent business since
opening here and are well pleased with
the outlook fur future conditions.
They have taken up a modern and
classy advertising campaign through
the columns of the Examiner and are
obtaining satisfactory results there
from. As a demonstration of the fertility
of the dry soils of this valley, a trip by
the Foot nonnested northwest of Lake
view will convince the most skeptical.
Mr. Foot has sown about twenty acres
of spring wheat which stands from
about two feet to thirty inches in
height, is of fine color and tbe heads
are filling most promisingly. He also
has considerable garden stuff all of
which is growing vigorously. Hereto
fore this land waa considered practi
cally worthless only for grazing pur
poses, but now a little cultivation has
shown what the man and plow can do
to Goose Lake valley soils.
Rstnler on draugth at the Hotel
W. K. Barry Is a business visitor in
tbe city this week.
Why not drink Balnlerr It's THE
ber. 2t
Dr. 11. W. Herman, an eyesight
speclsllat. of Klsmstb Fslls is spend
ing the week In Lakeview.
Mrs. C. W. Clsss, wife of tbe local
N.-C.-O. agent laat Friday left on the
south bound trsin for Sacramento.
Mrs. Homer Pallard, who haa been
visiting here the paat month witb her
mother, Mra. Carrie Downa, Saturday
left with ber two children on her return
borne to Berkeley. ,
K. N. Strong, of the Oregon Life In
surance Company, and wife last week
came in from Klamath Falls and spent
several days In Lakeview. They left
for Burns Tuesdsy morning.
A trsin load of sheep, which was
bought from vsrlous growers In the
County ty O. F. Rickey, Tuesdsy wss
hipped out over the N.-C.-O. Tbe
mutton was consigned to Reno and San
Francisco houses.
N. T. Cory, a former resident of
Lakeview, but who with his family
left here a short time ago, writes the
Exsminer thst they have located In
Loa Angelea and gave instu'tions to
send his psper to thst address.
Found, yesterday in Lakeview on
Slash street, a small telescope valise
contslning vsrious items of wesrlng
aoparel, money, etc. Owner may
have ssme by calling at this office and
proving Identity of the property.
II. A. Utley is hsndling the S10
Vacuum Cleaners, more than ntty ma
chines sold in Lskeview. Everyone
baring them are pleased witb tbe ex
cellent work they are doing : any one
wanting them write or call on li. A.
Utley, Lakeview, Oregon.
Judge Hanford, tbe Seattle Federal
Judge, undergoing Congressionsl in
vestigation, tendered his resignation
to President Taft last week. He as
signed 111 heslth, but it Is understood
thst the probe ty the investigating
committee (was the cause of bis ill
Capt. Evans, manager of tbe New
Pine Creek ball team, has agreed to
bave his team in Lakeview next Sun
day for a game witb the local nine.
They have seversl outside players and
it promises to be a very interesting
J. F. Hansen came in from the Point
Ranch first of the week to meet with
committees to mske arrangements for
the Central Oregon Development
League meeting. He with W. H.
Shirk and H. V. Drenkel have charge
of exhibits and they are making an
earnest effort to get every farmer in
the county interested in making dis
plays of their products.
Mr. and Mra. W. W. Finley, who
have been visiting here for a few days
at the Willits home, Sunday met witb
an accident while going to Bly. While
crossing a bridge tbe horses became
frightened and ran the buggy off,
throwing Mr and Mrs. Finley to the
ground. Fortunately they received no
aerious injuries aside from a few alight
Last Sunday Geo. Harrow received
a telegram from Alturas bringing the
sad news of tbe death of his mother.
He left on the next train. The body
was laid to refet Monday. Mrs. G. G.
Harrow was eighty' three years, eight
months and six days of age. Her hus
band died three yeara ago at the age of
eighty-nine. They were pioneers, hav
ing crossed the plains in 1865. She is
survived by nine children six sons and
three daughters.
Game Wardens, L. Alva Lewis and
Harry Telford, laat week passed
through Lakeview enroute to Klamath
FallB. Tbey bad been in the Harney
country investigating the possibility of
establishing an antelope preserve. Mr.
Telford has been assigned the work in
Lake county for this season and will
soon return to Lakeview wbere he will
make his headquarters.
The Modoc exchanges last week con
tained the' very sad news that Will
Street, of Cedarville, who waa recent
ly taken to a San Francicso hospital to
bave an operation performed tor ap
penditcitls, wss brought home and giv
en up to die after the doctors discover
ed that he was Buffering from an in
ternal cuncer In an advanced stage. His
brothers Joe and James and families
of Crook county last week passed
through Lakeview on way to be with
their brother. They considered it a
race witb death and tbe party passed
through here in tbe night without
stopping bat a few minutes.
See tuoe ladles skirta at half price
at Lakeview Mercantile Co.
Government Hunter, A. II. Canter
bury came in from his camp thla week.
F. I. Everett, tbe hardware com
mercial man, is In Lakeview this week
securing Isrge orders from local dealers.
Seversl couple attended the social
bop at Snlder'a ODers house lat Satur
day night The music was par excell
ent and tbe lovers of the Terpsichoresn ,
art all report a moat splendid time.
Mra. A. E. Florence and daughter
Miss Rotb, wife and daughter ot A. E.
Florence, president of tbe Lakeview
Mercantile Co., yesterday evening re
turned from a several weeks visit in
Cslifornia cities.
Tbe Isdies of the Presbyterian Aid
will meet at the home of Mrs. E. D.
Everett this week and appoint com
mittees to conduct the bazaar and lun
cheons that will be given at the Devel
opment League Meeting.
While opersting tbe bottling mschine
uf'the Lakeview Brewing Company,
Fred Longfellow last week received an
ugly gasb in bis arm caused from a
broken bottle. Although the wound
was painful, he lost no time from his
Today the deer and ssgehen season
opens and many bunting carties are
being formed to go out and get the
first buck of the season. Ssgehens are
said to be plentiful this yesr and they
afford good sport ss well as excellent
G. W. Rice, chief engineer of the
O. V. L. Company, last week went to
Klamath Falls in his auto to meet and
bring back Miss. Msry Hsger,
of Paintsville, Kv., who will spend a
few weeks here visiting witb Mr.
Rice's mother and family.
The case of the state vs. John Allen
wss heard in the Justice Court Mon
day. Tbe defendant waa charged witb
having cut a wire fence belonging to
Wm. K. Bsrry and was bound over to
await action of the grand jury. He
waa released on his own recognizance.
Mr, Allen was represented by Atty.
O. C. Gibbs.
Judge Farrell officiated at a wedding
ceremony this week tbst united In
marriage Ealten Verley and Miss Lily
Schmidt, both of Lakeview. Tbe bride
is tbe dosughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Wil
ling Schmidt of tbe North Lskeview
Feed Yard, and has lived here for sev
eral years. Mr. Verley hss been here
about two years.
Townsman Ben Daly this week re
ceived the sad newa that his mother,
Mrs. Benjiman Daly, of Meelin, County
Cork, Ireland, died July 6, at the age
of 70 years. Her husband proceeded
her to the grave several years ago.
Mra. Dsly was the mother of eight
children, five of whom are left to
mourn her death.
Cbarlea Rhodes and family who bave
made Lakeview their home for tbe
past several years last week left for
Lexington, Morrow county, Oregon,
where they expect to permanently lo
cate. Mr. Rhodes still retains some
pronerty in Lake county, be having
exchanged his town property here with
Dr. T. V. Hall for the old Perkins
place at New Pine Creek.
F. M. Miller and family left yester
dsy for Berkeley, where they will make
their home. Their new residence has
just been completed, and is a large and
magnificent building witb all modern
conveniences, and comforts. They
shipped some ot their furniture from
here for their new home. Mr. Miller,
who hss extensive interests here, will
return in about a week and will divide
bis time bewteen Lakeview and their
California home.
A. Bieber, merchant last week re
ceived his new Chalmers 36 car and it
certainly met witb all expectations.
It is the very latest imnorved, being a
1913 model and fully equipped and is
a large roomy five passenger machine.
It is one of the neatest designed and
most admired cars in town. Zim Bald
win, agent drove it over from Klamath
Falla and remained Beveral days and
while here furnished Mr. Bieber witb
a full stock of information as regards
the mechanism and bow to properly
handle the machine.
G. W. Welsh la now delving into all
the mysterlea and wonders of astron
omy. He has purchased a strong As
tronomloal telescope that Inverts the
image of the object, and on evenings
after twilight is changed to darkness
his observatory may be found station
ed at the corner of Hotel Lakeview,
where you can for the simple sum of
ten cents, near the corner of the
Brewery saloon, take trip to Venus,
or visit the man in tbe moon.
Curtis Sb Utley
Mining shares of High Grade and Windy
Hollow bought and sold on commission
Big 4 Stock Wo Ft. Bldwell Con
solidated 15o Gold Shore stock 20o
Feather weight Hats, just the thing
for hot weather, price . . $3.00 .
Canvas hats SO
Linen crash hats .... mT5
Pongee hats,extra light weight 1.00
nl be closed out at big reductions. g
These are new goods and snappy styles.
Notice the following prices:
$15.00 Suits $10.00$22.50 Suits $16.50
J8;50 Suits 13.50 25.00 Suits 18.50
20.00 Suits 15.00 27.50 Suits 20.00
$30.00 Suits $21.50
About ' one dozen in the
lot, so come and get choice
as they will soon go.
We also have a few 9
Skirts we are closing out
at half price.
Don't overlook
these bargains!
Real Estate
and Brokers