Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 25, 1912, Image 2

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Leaser Dossier Has Com
plete Plant Ready to Re
duce Tonnage on Dumps
Alfred T. Qoodell of Amer
ican Smelting Company
Passes Opinion
of all
First Car Load From Snow
Robed Wonder Nets
S235.85 Per Ton
(High Grade Newt)
Secretary Charles L. Fulton received
the Seloy tmeiter returns of the 28,498
pound of ore recently shipped from
iht Sunshine mine by Wro. Sobauer
an-1 Charles Laughlin. ,
The rrtnrns show that the ore a
eraged 12 .18-JOO ounces jrold and 21 13
100 oun. t-s eiWer per ton net atfer de
ducting charges of S13.20 per ton for
freight and $10.00 per ton treatment
The consignment netted the owners
1235.85 per ton, aggregating $3134.54.
This return hss been the cause of
general rejoicing throughout Camp
(Hljth UradM Newe)
The boom of blasts in High Grade
will ioin the roar of dropping stamps at
the Big Four next week.
Leaser John P. Bataler baa bis plant
installed, and the 'battery of Ave
stamps will begin grinding out the yel
low metal next week.
This effort is experimental to test
the ores and determine the best method
nf treatment. It is generlllv conceded
that the cyanide processa ia the proper
treatment ;for High Grade ores. The
gold, as a rule, is very fine, and much
of it associated with other material.
Some of it is "rusty" gold, which
cannot be profitably treated by amal-
i High Grade. While many expected a
much higher percentage and more ! gamation.
j profitable results, there is no dissent-1 Mr. Brassier bss several hundred
ing voice as to the statement that High tona of mill dirt on his dumps, and will
Grade is now properly on the map. i make an effort to realise on same bv
It is generally conceded that the Sel- j home treatment. His tests will be
and the result
by Smeter management did not give
itself the worst of it in msking its test
and giving returns of same. Mining
men general understand what happens
to a smsll consignment by a new sihp
perin any of tne great reduction
worka of the eumrjany.
But if only $235.00 was actually in
the rock what other mine in what
other camp bas made sucb remsrkable
showing within the first 30 feet below
the surface?
The returns received tully entitles
the district to the title ot "High
The news spread over the district
like an electric thrill. It hss atrau
Iated owners and leasers to renewed
energy and activity. It is sweeping
the camp onward to success.
B. X. Dawson is sacking picture rock
in the Sunshine shaft.
The vein is widening and the rock
improving every foot.
Nelson and McFall are busy in their
lease. The Lucky Dutchman still holds
the people. The entire property is
busy with life and activity, and a re
cord breaking campaign of develop
ment ie assured.
Mr. Scbauera ia dissppointed with
the returns. He is joined by many
friends in the cpinion that his consign
ment waa too heavily penalized by the
smelter people. It Is generally known
that single, small shipments rarely
meet the assay returns or expectations
of owners Mr. Scbauera advices home
trestment in future.
ith interest.
Simple Mixture Helps
Lakeview People
That simple remedies are best has
again been proven. Hall & Kenolds
report tbat many Lakeview people
are receiving: QUICK benefit from
simple buckboro bark, glycerine, etc.,
as mixed In Adler 1 ka, the German
appendicitis remedy. A SINGLK
DOSE helps sour stomach, gas on the
'stomach and constipation INSTANT
I LY because this simple mixture antl
leeptielzes the digestive organs and
, draw a off the impurities.
Gold Basin Camp
(llijlh Grade New)
Recent developments In Gold
on properties in course of development
hss shown gratifying results, demon
strating the existence of large and
valuable ore bodies to the south and
west of Camp High Grade which
proves conclusively that the mineral
ised area ia not confined to a limited
scope of territory, in the dykes
throughout this basin are found all the
Plutionic and Intermediate rocks and
their associates, being found in an un
disturbed condition they are invaribly
traceable for long distances on the sur
face, with the ore matter associated
with ausrtz, phonoilte, flourite, por
phyry and blue lime, the permanency
at depths is saured, the unanimous
opinion of several eminent engineers
examining the various properties, un
qualifiedly are of the belief that com
mercial bodies of ore exist in these
The sampling tsken for assays during
the past ween have shown favorably,
considering that bias and the uncun
trolable desire of many mining men
and prospectors for high runs on picked
specimens was wholly avoided, and sam
ples were made from the entire vein
matter necessary to mine on a com
mercial basis.
The Gold Stripe now operating with
day and night shifts is making rapid
progresa on tbe shaft under contract
to S. M. Castle, assays from this pro
perty gsve returns of over $3 per ton
from a foot breast. and S35 ner
(High Grade Ne a)
Mr. Albert T. Uodell, ore purchaser
for Tbe American Smelting and Rafln
ing Co., with cilices in the Paulsen
Building, Spokana spent nearly two
weeks in camp, departing for the
Northwest on Tuesday last.
Mr,. Goodell has recontly been buy
ing lead ore in the Couer De Alene
country, and waa ordered to High
Grada to investigate tne proposition
of silicious ores, now very much in
demand by bis company. He found
condition here perfect as to that mat
ter. Mr. Goodell expressed himself as
pleased with our quartx. He ssld:
"It looks live, and lus no hungry ap
pearance. "
He said that 100 men wnrklng In
High Grade 6 months will make a
great mining camp,
While In the district Mr. Goodell
waa the guest or N. E. Guyot. his old
time triend. with whom be arranged
for the free assaying of ore samples
from the district at the plant of bis
company Rait Lake. Samples ahould
be left at High Grade, New Pine Creek
or Fort Kidwell. rare of N. E. Uuyot.
marked, 'Special." Mr. Guyot will
send the samples and return asssy
Twenty Four MenEmploy
ed on Mine of the Oldest
Property on tho Hill
11 you want a really irood sm
f'r Dickie, try fr-Uirkman's Leader
A REWARD of fifty dollars is here
by offered for iniormbtion that will
lead to the arres' and conviction of
any pel son who baa stolen wires or
other property, from our Company;
and the sam reward is hereby otfered
for inform' -.n that will lead to tbe
.rraat and nviction of anyoue des-
i troying ti- i roperty of the Company.
. I Cnas. Umbacb,
ke ' . , . r Tl Tl. f!n
let. .
. f a ir.v a
Have You Ever
Visit by the Sea
Run on the Sandy Shore
Did , you know you could reach this delight
fill, cure slaying, health giving, fun making
I!V the
O.-lrV. ?. & N. to PORTLAND
Where trains connect with bouts for Sorth Bench Points
You Can You Should
Ask any Agent of the O.-W. R. & N. and tind out how little It will
cost to leave cure and dust and heat behind and have a real
from a 15-inch strlncrer. this contact i Mai?rard. of
can be traced lengthwise on the entire H. Deveren
group, the veins being uniform at the
several places sampled a crosscut will
be made from tbe sixty toot level to
explore tbe entire contact an addition
al force of men will be utilized when
this level is reached and sinking furth
er will be continued. The Gold Stripe
The Gold Strip recently passed from
Thos. Mays and Frank Lynch to F. D.
Sherrv and Artie Keitel and associates.
Messrs. Nance, Callahan, licit and
Matson have begun active operations
on their eight claims in Pleaxar.t Can
yon known as the "Hobo Group," their
atest strike from which specimens
were here on exhibition bas caused a
general rush to that section, arrange
ments are now under wsy for the com
mencing of their 200-foot tunnel, the
god and silver values of their ore
ranging up to $25 per ton, these gentle
men maintain an ideal miners csmp
where hospitality reigns supreme, the
well filled larder contains all the con-j
stituents of Mulligan and delicacies
including spirits Fermentia necessary
for tbe maintinence of the eons of toil.
The properties of D. M. Mahoney
and Homer Mears show much promise
and both are exploring and uncovering
bodies of ore, specimens from these
propert:es show free gold. The Big
Blizzard was sold to F. D. Sherry and
associates during the week, for a con
sideration of J6000, this property has
40-inch vein of 116.00 per ton or expos
ed on the breast of the tunnel, this
claim in connection with the mineral
land on the John Snider Gold Basin
Ranch waa purchased this week by
same parties will be developed with
out delay and Beveral cars of ore shipp
ed to ascertain the best method of
treating bunk houses will be erected
here for the accomodation ot the min
ers. It is the intention of the corpora
tion now being formed to install a com
plete equipment of the latest mining
appliances, also a mill for the treat
ment of this ore if further develop
ments justify a custom mill, additional
machinery will be installed.
Sniders Gold Basin Road Ranch is
headquarters for mining men of this
section, a portion of this ranch is to be
used for a town site purpose.
(High tirade Ncae)
Up at the Consolidated tne thunder
of -temps proclaim the existence of
Camp High Urade, on the map, and
thoroughly up-to-date.
There ean be no question as to the
value of the Consolidated holdings,
when one exmines tne masses of free
gold encountered in the workings this
There can be no doubt as to the in
tegrity of the company with directors
and offices relected at the annual
stockholders meeting at Fort Bfdwell
on Monday last.
At this annual meeting Mr. G. M.
Stone, Sam Levey, S. Williams and
ton I H.i. Capua of Detroit, Mich. H. K.
Coining, California, J
nd H. R. Bsher of Fort
Bidwell, and A. J. Cumming of St,
Paul, Minn, were elected directors for
the next year.
G. M. Stone was elected president,
J. H. Deveren, Vice President, Sam
Levey, Secretary, and R. R. Baher,
Treasurer of the compsny.
A force of twenty men are now
working two sibfta on the Consolidated
and a five stamp battery is pounding
away on high grade mill dirt from
the Sugar Pine, one of the properties
of the company. Another five stamp
battery will be put in operat on early
next week.
A. J. Cummings is manager of tbe
mine, and Ben R. Binn, one of the
best mill men in the west is breaking
in two young mill men.
Tbe snow is gone. The developmen
mines are working. A pay roll has
been established. The mineral is here
Camp High Grad has come ot stay.
You Will Hake No Histake If You
Follow This Advice.
Whooping cough li not daugaroui when tbe
cough la kept looae and expectoration ujr by
giving Cbauibfrlaln'a C'ougb Humr.dy. It bas
been ucd lu many epidemic of thli dlieaK
Willi perfect tucceM. For ule by all dealer).
Never neglect your kidneys.
If you have pitlu In the Ixiek, urinary
dlHorderH, dizzineHs and iiervoiiHnuss,
it's time to act and no time to experi
ment. Tlietw are common tymptoniM
of kidney trouble, and you should suck
a remedy which to recoin mended for
the kMne.VH.
Douu'h Kidney Fills is the remedy to
use. It Ium cured many stubborn
CdHeH la tlilrt vicinity,
oan Lakeview n-MldentH demand
further proof than the following tes
timonial? Mrs. eorge Bell, Wai biugtou St.,
Klauiatli Fulls, Ore., anya: "Kpiutj
time ao I begun to euffur from paiue
III my back, due to dlHordered kidueys,
Tbe kidney secretlwia were most un
natural, causing; me annoyance. Hear
inn o( Douu'a Kidney 1'IIU, I procured
a supply and bexan their uite. They
completely cored m. I eau highly
recommend Doan'a Kidney I'illn to
other kidney aufferers."
For sale by all dealers. I'rlce CO
centH. Foster-Mllburu Co., buffalo,
New York, sole agents 'or the United
Iteuit4uler the oame Doan'a and
take no other.
NO end of variety of stylish patterns
NO limit to our willingness to show
NO question as to the fairness of our
NO such stock of clothing in this town
No previous approach to beauty of
NO doubt as to our guarantee to fit
NO repairing beyond our skill
NO old stock
The Matchless Store
Exclusive Clothing and CenLs
Furnishing Store
2 Doors North I. O. O. F. IlM., Lake-view, Ore.
County Surveyor
City Engineer
Land Reports Made
Blue Prints of Government Townships
We Wecome Woman
and her Suffrage
If through It the run aeromtlMi a gnutter liitm-nt In good
homes and set higher Ideals fur tho youth of our country.
Ity Instinct woman Is a home hulhler fn-rause she realhes
the good Influence It has on the rhlldren, and you men will
It terrlhly surprised If you knew as well as ire do what
good common sense ldcn they have on arrangemeut and
In the choice of lumber. They know that our smooth llnlxh
ed siding, casing, Ihmc tind moulding Is a labor and money
saver because It rroulrea no extra work from the carin-nter
or valnter, ami their taste In the selection of doom and
windows Invariably adds lienuty and attractiveness at lit
tle extra expense. If yon arc thinking of building we want
to talk to both you ami your wife and hrlp yuu sclwt
your lumber.
Fan dan go L um b er Co.
Center Street, Lakeview, Ore.
Lakeview Saddlery
P$8 "r.
A complete line of Mpy!!!" fll Kverjtlilnir In the
wagon und lujfKJ f f?? "II line of currluifc
liuriieHH, whips, IF"''''1 ' T 0 tt,u' uor"e
robvH,bltH, riiitaH, I Wrs.' ( Ikn. Kepalrlnjr
MurH,(ulltM,roMe- wiVl ly competent
ettcw, etc., etc. I men.
Successors to S. F. AHLSTROM
J. MURPHY, Proprietor
Special Attention to Transient Stock
Homes Boarded by the Day, Week or Month
Always Open
Phone 571
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