Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 25, 1912, Image 1

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NO. 30
Elaborate Program Outlined Which Inctudes
Speakers From State's Highest Ranks
Crowd Will Be Well Taken Care Of
Following li an outline of a tentative
program for tbe August Meeting of
tb Ceniral Oregon Development Lea
gue at baa been prepared by tba Gen
eral Committee, compoeed of W. Lair
Ihomspon, G. W. R ee and Mra. E. E.
Rincbart. As abova elated tba pro
gram ttntativa and will be subject
to alight cbanga. It will also ba added
to, a tba committee on porta will ar
range for eome apeclal featurea In that
Una and it I now believed that it will
ba ona of the moat complete and euc
cessful programa ever undertaken In
Southern Oregon:
All aetilona will be held in ma au
ditorium of the new Lakeview High
Secretary's Office and Regiatratlon
Headquartere, Rotunda, Lakeview
lllgh School.
Room assignments, privilege card
and badgea will be issued only at Reg
iatratlon Headquartere.
Arrival and registration of delegate!.
Assignments of rooroa.
Band Muale on atreeU, 4 to 8 p. ra.
Opening session of convention 8:30
p. m.
Convention called to order by E. L.
Written, prealdent Lakeview Commer
cial Club.
Addreaa of welcome, Hon. E. E.
Rlnebart, Mayor cf Lakeview.
Reeponae-Wllllam Hanlev, Preal
dent Central Oregon Development
Secretary'! report-The Year'e Work
J. E. Sawhill, of Bend, Secretary of
Central Oregon Developmen League.
' Appointment of Committeea.
Farmer's Inatltute 8:00 A. M. Pre
aidmg officer, W. J. Kerr, President
of Oregon Agricultural College.
Addreaa Dr. Jamea Withyoome,
Professor of Animal Husbandry and
Map Makers Will Now In
vostlsrate the Best Route
Across State
U. P. Beck, manager Portland Auto
mobile Club, E. Frank, road engineer
and mapmeker for same club and II.
R. Glenn, pilot, the last party of the
Portland Pathfindere, lust Thuraday .rrivail In Lakeview and con
tinued to Klamath Falls the following
The main object of their visit on thie
trip is to make the official tourmapof
Central Oregon for the Automobile
Club end affiliated organizations
throughout the United Statea. These
maps will be published In the Portland
Automobile Tour Book and the routea
covered will be the official routes for
Club tours in and through Central Ore
gon. One route will be aelected for a
trans-continental tour from New York
to Portland. They were alHO to eelcot
an official route for the Portland Auto
mobile Club's annual California tours,
provided they could And accomodatione
and road condltlona such aa to warrant
having the official route through Cen
tral Oregon instead of through the
Willamette Valley, Umpqua and Rogue
River Valleys.
The party including the first two
cars which was one day in advance of
the official pathlinding car, were pilot
ed from Bend around by Burna and
Wm. Hanley'a large ranches out near
Stein mountain and Catlow Valley
Some of the practically abandoned
roads that were found on this route had
a very discouraging effect on Mr. Buck
Continued oa pag eight
Director of U. S. Experimental Sta
tion. Address C. L. Smith, Agrioulturlat,
O.-W. R. & N. Ry.
Question Box.
KeDorta bv Farmera I. S. Gear of
Burns, on Dry Farming D. S. Denser
ot Bend, Irrigation Farming.
Remarka and general discussion.
Visiting Men's Excursion to Drewa
Dam: lunch will ba aerved, followed
by toaata: Frank P. Light, Toast
master, by Railroad KepreaenUtivea
and other visitors.
Open Session of Convention 4 P. M.
Subject Water.
Presiding Officer J. W. Brewer, of
Redmond, Vice President
Addreaa John H. Lawfa, State En
gineer. Diacusalon,
Report by Resolution Committee of
Resolutions concerning Irrigation
and Water Power Legislation and Prac
tice. - Open Seaaion of Convention 8 P.M.
Subject Farm Demonstration and
Extenaion of Agricultural Education.
Preaiding Officer Hon. J. N. Wil
liamson, of Prinevllle, Honorary Vice
Prealdent. . Addreaa-W. J. Kerr, President of
Oregon Agricultural College.
Address L. R. Alderman, State
Superintendent of Publiu Instruction.
Addreaa Emery Olmatead. Vice
Prealdent Portland Trust Co. nd
Chairman of Agricultural Education
Committee, Oregon Slate Banker'a
Addres-Hon. J. N. Teal of Port
land. Report by Reaolutions, Committee
on Resolutions recommending legisla
tion for agricultural education exten
Farmer' Institute 8 :00 A. M.
Continued on paw eltfht
Robert Hartin Died Last
Friday In ftoseburgof
Robert Hartin, well known In Lake
view, died last Friday morn in? at his
home near Roaeburg. He had been
bopnlesslv ill ot tuberculosis for sever
al months past. He was 46 yeare of
age, and la aurvived by hia mother,
Mra. M. J. liartin, a aiater, Mra. J. H.
McKay, and one aon, Evan, now at
Summer Lake in this county.
Mr. Hartin had many friends bare In
Lake county, tew of whom were aware
1 that he was suffering from the dread
disease. He waa engaged in buainesa
in Lakeview three years ago, and when
i he left here he was apparently hale and
hearty. While engaged In prospecting
last Fall the disease manifested itself,
and from that time on he constantly
grew worse until death came to hia re
lief. Ilia wife died about two years ago
at Roseburg. after Buffering from
the same disease for several years.
Working: on Dam
Work on the upper Chewaucan dam
htn been commenoed by the .Northwest
Townaite Company, a force of 15 or 20
men being now employed. The work
is of a preliminary nature, test-pits,
i trenches and the like being dug, and
the necessary data secured for exten
sive work.
The dam will be located about a mile
below "the buttes," at a point where
the canyon narrows and a rocky slide
extends to tbe water's edge on the
north side of the river.
City Superintendent, O. M.
Gardner of Forest Grove
Busy With Work
Professor O. M. Gardner, cltv super
intendent, haa returned from Forest
Grove and la now auperlntendlng the
completion of tba work in the new
High School building and beautifying
the grounds. Men are excavating for
tbe large stptie tank and digging tbe
ditch. Sam Bailey, with tbe assistance
of three men, la putting concrete floors
in the basement. Six men are levell
ing tba grounda and preparing for
walka and grounds. The S-bool Board
met with Prof. Gardner and Electri
cian Caosey and arranged for tbe moat
complete ayatem of lighting and the
best light fixtures they eould obtain.
The furniture which waa tbe bett that j
could be aelected, after having exam- !
Ined samples from several firms, will
arrive in about a week.
A four year course ot High School
work baa been adopted which conforma
to all tbe requirements of Oregon and
California. This coarse will be pub-!
Hshed In the Examiner aeon.
Some of tbe new teachers elected to
teach tbe following year are: O. M. i
Gardner, Ph. D., City Superintendent,
Mra. O. M. Gardner, Profeaaor ot
Domestic Science, F. E. Dunton, A.B., I
from the U. of O., and Ida S. Fletcher, !
M. A., of Vermont. A complete list!
of all teachers and the gradea assign- I
ed to them will be published next week. I
Profeaaor Gardoer waa too busy to j
give all the newa yesterday evening
wben approached by an Examiner reo 1
reaentative in fact ba la "up to bia '
eara in work" and can't get time to!
talk. Tbe Board of Directors la doing
everything possible to have the beat !
building and tbe beat school in South
ern Oregon.
Total Votes Polled 228, With 82 In Favor;
146 AgainstProposition Strenuously
Opposed By Many Interests
By Vote of almost two to one Lake
view last Saturday defeated the bond
issue for the proposed sewer system
for the city. Tbe total number of Votes
polled waa 228, out of which J46 votes
opposed while 82 were in favor of tbe
issue. At the last city eleoton of offi
cers 207 votes were oast, which was ex
ceeded at the bond election by 21 votes.
The election last Fall waa considered
the most lively one ever held in Lake
view but the bond issue succeeded in
getting out more voters than there
were then.
The issue was bitterly opposed by
some of the larger interests rf the
town while those supporting the plan
made little or no effort to make it car
ry. It waa clearly evident from a few
hours after the polls opened how the
election was going. On the same day
and under Identically the aame plana,
the little town of Bend to our North
voted on a $60,000 bond Issue for a sew
age avstem and out of the 143 votes
Notices Great Change
"WTH." Shirk, president of the First
National Bank, of Lakeview, went to
KUmath Falls Iat week to meet bia
brother, Andrew J. Shirk and family,
of Kansaa City, Mo. Thev returned to
Lakeview Friday and Mr. and Mrs.
A. J. and son spent week visiting here,
they leaving for LosAngelMnthis morn
ing. Mr. Shirk waa formerly engaged
In the atock business in f Harney
County. and had not been in Lakeview
for several years. He ia : now in the
gravel and cement roofing business
in Kansas City. He noticed .numerable
changes that have taken place since
hia last visit and was greatly pleased
with the many advanccmentsthat bave
taken place during hia absence.
Did Not Receive Patronage
That The Purpose Warranted
1 be open air dance given last Fri
day night by the Lakeview Commer
cial Club on the aecond floor of the new
Ueryford building waa a thorough suc
cess eocially, but some little disap
pointment waa met on tbe financial
end. Tbia is partially attricuted tJ tbe
aomewhat inclemency of tbe weather
during tbe afternoon, at rain threaten
ed to interfere, wbicb would bava caus
ed post pon men t of the feativitiea.
Therefore, several were skeptical
about making preparations for tbe
dance and waited ao long upon tbe
weather man that it waa too late to
attend. About 70 tickets were aold at
II 50 each and thie with tbe amount
received from spectators made tbe
total autn near SI 14. Ibe band waa paid
H5 which expense plua incidentals in
cluding wiring, floor wax, etc., left
tbe Club a net profit of a little over
Tbe band boys proudly acquitted
themselves in furnishing tbe muale,
and tbe time they played waa tbe
theme of praise for all the dancers'
Everybody waa overjoyed to learn that
tbe band could produce aucb splendid
muaic for dancing. And it waa not
alone appreciated by those dancing aa it
held a large audience scattered around
tbe vioinity of tfie building until a late
hour. While tbe floor waa not con
structed for dancing only, It waa not
entirelv bad and waa soon wore down
to a respectable condition. Tbe wea
ther Droved ideal for aucb an occasion
and the happy crowd made merry un
til th clock chimed three in the morn
ii'g. cast, only 24 were agalnts tbe issue.
A dispatch from Bend to the Ore
gonian aaya in part :
"Within 60 daya the bonds will be
aold, and before Winter Beta In, con
struction of the system started. Five
milea of line will be laid. Tbe dis
posal plant will be located northeast
of town, and sewage will be used for
farming purposes."
Numerous objections were raised
against a eewer system, some contend
ing that it waa premature, while others
picked flaws in the submitted plana and
others arguing that it would create
too heavy indebtedness for tbe town.
Some objected to the twenty year bond
ing system, and during the day discus
sions were rife discouraging the idea.
However, all contend that a aewcage
system for Lakeview is necessary, and
since the election, rumors are in the
air that it is probable the opposing ele
ment will undertake to fatnom plana
that will meet with more popularity.
Musical Tonight
The musical program prepared by tbe
L.C.I. Club, which waa to have been
given over a week ago but waa post
poned on account of the death of J. N.
Watson, will be given tomorrow night
in the Smith Picture House, Mr. Smith
having donated the hall to the ladies
for this purpose.
An interesting program has been
arranged which includes the best musi
cal talent ot the city, and all patrons
are assured of the full value of their
money. The proceeda as stated before
will tart a fund with which to buy
a street sprinkler for the town and this
cause la sufficient to justify the ex
pectation of a generous attendance.
Is Travelling Over Country To Get Correct
Insight To Conditions Promises To
Furnish Fish To Stock Streams
Deputy State Game Warden W. W.
Fmley, who in behalf of the Bute
Game and Fish Commission of Oregon
ia making a tour of tbe State. Tues
day arrived in Lakeview from tbe
West. Accompanying Mr. Finley on
tbia trip are Stanley Jewett, of Port
land and Dallas Lore Sharp, the noted
magazine writer of Boa ton. It ia tbe
mission of thla journey to further pro
mote the fish and game intereata of tbe
state and to co-operate with tbe publie
in bringng about a change and correc
tion in some of tbe present game Iawe.
A meeting waa called by tbe Gooae
Lake Gun Club ' Tuesday evening and
Mr. Finley met with tbe roe niters of
tbe club a" well aa other interested
partiea In tbe Court Houae and ex
plained what tbe Commission bad ac
complished. An open discussion about
tbe different seasons for game and fish
enaoed, and below we give a copy of
the changes aaked for by tbe local gun
club. Of course, as Mr. Finley atated
be would recommend these changes
but can give no assurance of the game
lawa that will be enacted at the next
Open aeason for all water fowl, Sep
tember 1 until March 8. Limit of ducks
25 per day or in 7 consecutive daya.
No limit on geeae. Tbe matter ot
closing tbe duck aeaaon on January 1
or March 8 cauaed some debate. A
vote waa taken which (bowed each aide
ot those present to be practical!, even.
Tbia ia a matter for discussion and
later when ducks and geese become
less numerous it will quite likely be
necessary to keep the season closed in
the Spring. However there were some
plausible arguments offered to oppose
this idea and this law will probably re
main intact for some time.
Snipe, open season August 1, until
December 1. Limit 25 in a day or in
seven consecutive daya. .
Quail, tbe same aa it ia under tbe
present laws.
Was Born in Scott County,
Illinois, January 3,1843;
Died July 8, 1912
John Nelson Watson, the subject of
this sketch, was born January 3, 1343,
in Scott County. Illinois, wbicb was
then considered the Far West. He died
at Portland, Orecron, .July 8, 1912 to
which place he bad gone to attend tbe
Elk'a Convention, while conversing
with some children relative to tleir pet
rabbits, and while apparently in the
test of health.
Mr. Watson scent bia younger daya
on a farm ?and underwent tbe many
hardships 'incident to a (life on the
frontier. He came f rugged loyal
stock, and shortly after tbe War of the
Rebellion broke out he entered the
Union Army, "enlisting in Co. r, lU6th
111. Regiment. He served until the
I close of the war and soon after with
other members of the family removed
to Kansas. Again waa be compelled
to undergo 'hardships which only the
hardiest could withstand, and hia cour
age and perseverance were recognized
by bia neighbors and friends bv hia
eleotion aa the first sheriff of Labette
County. While residing in Kansas be
was married to Melissa J. Craft.
In 1876 he removed to Cbico, Cal.,
where in 18S2 bia wife died, leaving
him three amall children. During bia
residence in.Chioo he engaged in (buy
ing and shipping wtock, and 'while in
that business traveled extensively
throughout tbe coast and became 'well
known not only in that state but in
Eastern Oregon as well. In 1801 he
settled at Lakeview, where bia sterling
Continued on page 8
Grouse aeaaon to open Aoguat 1.
Deer, open season from August 1
until November 1, applying to bucka
only: unlawful to kill does and bucka
under a year old at any time, with a
limit of 3 bucks in a aeaaon. A debate
also arose on tbia aubjeet, some "con
tending tbat in keeping the limitat
three, to eliminate the qualifications
of sex would be a better law than to
confine tbe limit to three bueka.
Antelope, unlawful to kill at any
Fish, to be qualified as follows :
Lake trout and Mountain trout. Onea
aeaaon for Lake trout in streams from
February 1 until April 15, with a limit
catch of 25 per dav. Fishing permitted
in lakee of Lake County during tbe .
months of October, November, Decem
ber and January. Open aeaaon for
Mountain trout from May 15 until Nov
ember 1, with a limit of daily catcb of
not to exceed 75.
Sarebens. open aeaaon from July 15
until September 1, with a limit of 5 in
one day or 10 In aeven consecutive
Wben asked about stocking different
streams and lakea with bah Mr. Finley
aaid the Commission waa only too anx
ious to do this, but that at present ow
ing to lack of proper transportation
facilities from Portland to this place '
it renders it impracticable. However
be aaid the trout egga could be trans
ported and assured oa that they ; eeeld
be bad for the asking. He will alae
take op the matter of stocking the O.
V.L. reservoir on Drewa creek with
black bass, but aaid tbey would likely .
be obtained from a California hatchery
and ahipped in over the N.-C.-O. Ry.
This was Mr. Finley'a first trip te
Lakeview and he waa very favorably
impressed with tbe eountry. He aaid:
"Tbia ia surely a sportsman's paradiee
in reality." Tbe party left for the
northern part of the County fyesterday
Railway Magnate Will Be
Here When Development
Men Meet
Portland Telegram : Louis W. Hill,
of tbe Great; Northern plana to visit
Lakeview in August, when the Central
Oregon Development League holds its
sessions August 20. 21 and 22. A com
munication has been received by tbe
Oregon Development League officials
stating tbat the Great Northern mag
nate wanted to attend, and would join
the throng of automobile 'excursionists
who plan to leave tbia city August 16,
17, and 18.
Inquiries about the excursion to
Lkvw have been far more numer
ous than thb cflW!" expected.
Already 200 inquiries have oeeu made,
indicating that the number of people
wanting to go may .reach more (than
100. One contingent of the ""excursion
will go to Bend, thence to Hums and
from there to Lakeview, while another
will go to Bend and thence directly
across to Lakeview.
Death of Infant
The infant son of Attorney and Mra.
j H. P. Welch last Sunday died of in
digestion and stomach trouble. Tbe
child was born July 8 and lived but
thriUen days. The snow white and
j flower laden racket bearing , tbe little
j body wan tenderly laid to rest Monday
I oftArnnnn hl L I nil uril m i i .
friends In t I O.O.F. cemetery.
The I2xr: , : 1 1. wUb the
young parents who er ao suddenly
bereft of their first born.