Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 18, 1912, Image 5

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    "IV Se Tie ?oa Earth"
Lake view : Oregon
More Bargain
$30.00 per cere for 200 acre of timber land, clone la, eaay terma.
$1000.0.) For A flu nw 10 room hotue with large lot, 76x11', clow toiceoter of
town and High Hchool. Knay ttrtn .
I'JOOO.OO Por O-rwm new tmngnlow, in IdM up-tn date home, cloae to coter of
town oo Bernard Htrvet. Kimjr U-nim.
12100.00 For ft-rimm new tumunlow, wnodahid and thicken hnuM. On n lirj
rornr lot, ffiiii.l, Jin) Ifto. Lawn am Hue fruit trm od LnknHtrtM-t.
Ksey term
$1300.00 For A hew 4 room lioiiae and wood abed, lot 60 X 129, good lirtvitloa.
JCaay loruiM. y
$1(100.00 For it it npto-dat ntw bungalow, In entire reel'lcnee part ot theilty.
Km ay trin.
IIZ.MJ For 320 acre rood anil in the valley mllee from Lakeview. If
J 90
want a bargain ooo t pm thin. Term caab.
$20.00 Per acre for 100 acre fine grain laud, eeven mi lea from Lakeview, WMt.
Kaa.v terms.
Haw mill in flrat claae order, Including a large quantity of dry, flniahed lumber;
aaw loga and lxo acrea of standing timber. The book will prove It to
' lie a floe investment.
Wl acrea of fine timber on the Weat Side, cloae to a aaw mill.
Ci.1l acrea, deaert claim, with improvement. Relinquishment can be aeenred very
cheap, Oood aoll anH Kc&r li line of the O. E. Kallroad which will
bs built through there in a short time.
Town Property r;
Xahc Count? Cramtncr
Tllt'lHDAY, JULY II. 1J2.
0 lUlnior on drmiKth at the Hotel
L. J. Hendereon, of Paialey, waa one
of the last waak'a vial tors.
Manly Currier, of the Paisley Hotel,
waa a Lakeview visitor lait weak.
Chlldrena white lne, elxoa 2 to
yrara. Lakeview Mitrcaatlle Co. .
1 Horn at New Tine Creak, June 20,
to tna wife of J. B. McNew, a daugh
ter. Haying baa ttartad on practically all
of the ranchea In thia vicinity, and
big crop la anticipated.
Mra. August Hogner, of f'luab, waa
ajvlsltor here thia week aa the guest of
Mr. William Gunther.
Mr. and Mra. Frank WHaon are now
having vary nice houio oonatructed
on Slash atreet, juat aaat of the It. A.
Pax ton raaidence.
George Chandler came in Monoay
from bia ranch In the lower Chewaucan
countrv on a buaineaa visit. The trip
waa made In hia auto.
Lewia Wylde, local agent for the
Oregon Life Inaurance Company, laat
week, paid a viait to the north end of
the county on buaineaa.
Mr. and Ura. K. L. Beneflel, of
Crooked Crock, laat weak came in town
end while bere Mra. Beneflel made
proof on a timber claim.
Twa of the choicest lota In Itounae
veil's Addition for aale ly Alger
Ijnl Oo. at a spwiul price. Exorp
ttonally fine resident Lota. tf
Mr. CoDeland, formerly clerk In the
1. & Bernard Hardware a tore baa been
acting aa clerk in the Hall Si Revnolde
atore during the abaence of Fred Key
noldi. Mr. and Mra. Tom Mulcahy have re
moved from Uia Boone realdence on
Main atreet to the Howard realdence
oa Weet atreat. Their cootie were re
moved Tueaday.
W. J. Bradley, of the Crawford A
Jaager Lumber Company, laat week,
received a carload of lumber, ahinglea
and doors and windowa here for one of
hia legal cuatomera.
The Committee on Sporta for the De
velopment League Meeting in Auguat
are endeavoring to get up intereat in
bae ball football racea etc. for the
week in queetion. Prise will be offer
ed. Viewa of the city of Richmond. Cali
fornia, were ahown Thureday aod Sun
day eveoinga at Snlder'a Opera House.
Quite a number of local people are
- owoera of lota in Richmond, and the
viewa naturally attracted oonaiderable
Mr. and Mra. George Wright who
purchaaed the reaidenoe property juat
north ot the Methodiat church will con
duct a hoarding and rooming houae in
the aame. The house waa occupied un
til within a few daya ago by Mr. and
Mra. Man Wborton.
Mra. Mary Poet, who baa been under
treatment for aeveral montha paat in
a San Krancloso hoapital, Saturday,
arrived in Lakeview. Mra. Poat ia
now feeling conaiderably better, and
her permanent recovery ia hoped for
by her many local frienda.
The cement walk in front of and
around the W. H. Shirk realdence baa
been completed, and it certainly la a
dandy. It ia to be hoped that more of
the ownera of city property will follow
Mr. Shirk'a example and do away with
the old faahioned board walka.
The Poat boya are now the proud
possessors of a burro, acquired from
one of the minera enroute through the
oity. The burro ib made considerable
use ot aa la evidenced daily by the
numerous tripa It tnakee up and -down
our main streets. It baa a capaoity of
no leaa than three passengers at time.
d William Harvey, son of Mra. McKay
a former resident who ia well known
In this aectlon' and ia Vpendlng View
daya here; 'is f greatly J surprised at
the many improvemente and new build
ing under conatruction. He la now on
fc vacation trip to the Chewaucan
ft About twenty llvehoostera ot High
Grade, incfud'ing the New. PinV"Creek
baseball .nine, Sunday came up to
Lakeview and a good game between
the two teama waa held on the loaal
diamond. A lively contest full of
friendly competition enaued which re
aulted in a score of 8 to 6 In favor of
Lndica ault ale at Lukevlew Mer
cantile Co.
J. J. Monroe, of Willow Ranch, waa
one of Saturday's vMtora.
The two Enquist Brother, of Plush,
with fsmlllee, are Lakeview visitors
this week.
Dr. B. Daly Monday returned from
combined bulsnass and pleasure trip
to Portland.
Palntera bave been at work thia
week palntibg the fence etout the
Court House vard.
O W. Jacoba, stockman and rancber,
of A'lel, wac a buaineaa visitor In the
County aeat last week.
One dor en houae drpaaet. araorted
paterna and al;a to cloae at reduced
pric. lakeview Mercantile Co.
Mr. and Mra. John McAuliffe are
now the possessors of a fine pup bull
dog, whlcb anawera to the name of
Miss Elsie Post returned the forepart
of the week from Bidwell where she
baa been on a visit with relatives for
aeveral montha past.
Mr. and Mr. Jay Billinga returned
last week from the Summer Lake
country, where Mr. Billinga waa en
gaged in Forett Service work.
Carpantera have been at work dur
ing the past week fixing up the fence
and otherwise greatly improving the
Joe Fuller realdence on Slash atreet.
Lonzo Frakea, a well known Warner
Valley stockman, haa been appointed
foreman on tbe 7T ranch, to till the va
cancy caused by the resignation of
Frnk Lane.
Frank Wilson and Champlain Fitch
have accepted a contract to cut the
hav on the big TT property in Warner
Valley. They will commence opera
tiona at once.
Bob Wier, of tbe Davla Creek Or
chard Company, waa up from Pavls
Creeka Monday. Bob ia well known
hereabout and waa welcomed by bia
many local friends.
Messrs. Jacobaon and Erickaon,
Saturday, took a trip to the new min
ing town of High Grade and while
there secured some very nice pictures
of the place and ita activltiea.
Mra. Ward, of Milwaukee, mother
of John Ward, bookkeeper for the Hall
Construction Co., laat week arrived on
a viait to her eon and family. She went
out to thier Weat aide ranch Saturday.
Al Smith of moving picture fame baa
aocepted a position aa clerk in the Post
Office store where he preside with all
the dignity and grace becoming that
office. Al statea that he haa aold many
gallons of Hiree Root Beer since the
fountain was installed.
A amall jelly glasa, filled with tbe
largest strawberries tbe writer haa
ever aeen, haa been on exhibition thia
week in the Kandy Kitchen. Tbe ber
rie were raiaed by Mrs. U. D. Brown
In the garden in South Lakeview, and
taste just aa good aa they look.
W. R. Steele, a former 'resident of
Lakeview but now of Portand, Monday
returned to thia city on, an extended
viait with relatives. He' will probably
return bere later in the aummer and
locate permanently.
J. M. Gilchrist and family, of Dal
las, Texaa, who apent aeveral weeka
In Lakeview, baturday, left for San
Francicso, enroute borne. They, will
also visit Portland, Loa Angelea and
other coast pointa before reaching Dal
las. Mra. C. Watson, widow of the late
J. N. Watson, Saturday evening ar-
ived home from Chlco, where the fun
eral over the body of ber husband waa
held last Friday. She waa met at Chico
by. her brother T. E. Bernard, who
aocomnanied her home.
Lost, laat Saturday between tbe old
Tom Bernard place and Dry creek on
Weat Side, coat and book containing
name of the owner waa in a pocket of
the coat. Finder pleaae return the
same to thia office and receive $10.00
Photographer E. J. Stone aecured
some very good pictures Sunday morn
ing last of the pariahionera of the local
Catholc church, Bishop Q'Reilly and
Father Gallagher and Scbmitt, all of
whom J were grouped on the front stepa
of thejehureb building.
Reverend Father Gallagher, S. J.,
laat week arrived here for the purpose
of conducting a week's mission at the
local Catholic Cnureb. Tbe Father
spoke at the Sunday morning and even
ing services, and at both morning and
evening services every day this week
to date, the mission to continue until
Saturday evening. He ia a very Im
pressive apeaker, and large audiencea
bave beard him at all the services at
which be ba spoken.
Joh;. Ward, of the Point Ranch, wa
in Saturday on a brief viait.
Kee tlioMlndlee skirt at half price
at I,nkev?w Mercantile Co.
E. J. Merrill and M. J. Kelly, reel
danta ot Bend, were among last week's
local visitor.
A carload of bog conaigned to
Hayc Grob, waa received bere this
weak from Alturaa.
Many corda of wood are now being
bauled to town for consumption during
the coming winter.
Superviaor Brown, of tbe Forest
office, Wadneaday, made a trip to
Paisley on business.
J. S. Branch, aheepman of the Clo
ver Flat section apent aeveral daya ot
last week In Lakeview.
S. C. Campbell, foreman for tbe O.
V.L. Company, waa In from tbe Dam
Monday on a business visit.
Ssm Dicks. the Crooked Creeit rancb
er, waa In town Taeaday and Wednea
dav attending to various matter.
Miss Mable Arzner ia now spending
a few daya in tbe Chewaucan aa tbe
guest of Mr. ar.d Mra. Roy Chandler.
J. L. Wheeler, Jr., who ia superin
tending the Dry Creek Irrigation pro
ject, waa a buaineaa visitor Saturday.
L. D. Hoy, the Summer Lake ranch
er and atockman, Tueaday, came down
on business. The trip waa made by
Wm. Nixon, who formerly conduct
ed the Mud Creek etation baa taken
a position with tbe Lakeview Brewing
N. A. McCurdy. proprietor of one of
the local barber shops, ia tbla week
having hia residence treated to a fresh
coat of paint.
Father O'Kielly, of tbe Catholic
chruch at Alturaa,' Tueaday evening,
arrived bere to take part in the mis
sion at tbe local church.
Among tbe aheep men in town thia
week were G. L. Holbrook, W. K. Bar
ry. Mike Angland, Con Curtin, Con
Fitzgerald and Dave Jonea.
The residence of A. W. Orton, Re-
! gister of tbe U. S. land office, was
psinted and otherwise improved thia
week. The work was in charge of H.
O. Kuhl.
Mra. F. M. Harria ia now in Port
land, where abe will act aa representa
tive for the local lodge at the Grand
Convention of the Degree of Honor, A
O. U. W.
Mr. and Mra. Jonaa Nor In, wl.o re
centlv acquired a new auto, may be
aeen making daily use of it on our
main streets. Jonaa makes a fine
Mra. II. H. Riddela Saturday left
1 for Pyramid lake, Nevada to join ber
husband who ia doing contract, work
on the Fernley-Lassen extension of Toe
Southern Pacific railroad. ,
Mra. Mici.oel Hart, wife of the well
known local buaineaa man, last week,
arrived bere from Reno to join her
husband. Tney are now occupylngtbe
Jackaon residence on Main atreet,
H. A. Utley ia handling tbe Ho
Vacuum Cleaners, more than fifty mi-
chines aold In Lakeview. fc.ver.yone
having them? are pleased with the ex
cellent work they do: any one wanting
them write or call on H. A. Utley,
Lakeview, OrefJ X ft-,
" Frank Lane baa resigned bia position
aa foreman of the 7T ranch in Warner
Valley, and may possibly engaee in
some local bus'nesaa. It ia"Vepotted'
that he ia seriously thinking ofpur
chasing tbe Wilshire sawmill, north
west of town, with Charley Arthur.
The deal, however, haa not aa yet been
Albert Finley, who accidently ahot
himself in the arm last week, died
Taeaday evening at 8 o'clock. Tbe
abock to bia nervoua system was more
than he could atand. Mr. and Mra. Fin-
lev bave the sympathy of the com
munity in their bereavement. 'Tie aad
to aee one auddenly cut down in the
apring ot life.
A large and entbuaiastio meeting of
the members of the Duhallow Football
Club waa held Sunday afternoon on
the High School grounda. A aeveral
hours practice waa indulged in, after
which arrangements were perfected
towards the formation of two teama
here to participate In the field aporta
at the Development League Meeting
in August. A collection waa taken up
among the members for the purchase
of suits, and these will probably be
ordered within tbe next few weeka.
There are very few local people who
have aeen the game of Football played
under the Irish rulea, and it will pro
bably be a feature of the League
E. J. Davis, o Paisley, waa a local
visitor Tuesday.
Wby not drink Rainier It'a THE
ber. 2t
Emilio Vasquez Gomez, for tbe third
time haa been choaen provisional pre i
dent of tbe republic of Mexico.
J. F. Dally, who recently purchased
the O.V.L. sswmlll, waa in town Mon
day and Tueaday of thia week on a
buaineaa viait.
Miaa Bride Flynn returned laat week
from Plush, where abe apent aeveral
daya aa the guest of Mr. and Mra.
Thomas Sullivan.
Mr. and Mra. Roy Chandler and
children, accompanied by Miss Annie
Snyder, were in town laat week from
the ranch. Tbey came in bv auto.
Henry Leebman, who baa a big
ranch thia side of Pine Creek, waa in
town Tuesdsy and report haying in
full swing down hia way. Bumper
crops are expected.
Contractor C. G. Sellmon, of Keno,
ia now on the ground making prepara
tfonato begin work on the tttrr Fair
port hotel. Tbe building ia estimated
tojeoat about 120,000.
C. C. Harris and wife made a trip
to Lakeview Saturday. Mra. Harria'
mother, Mra. Colvin, and aister re
turned with them, and all started to
Po'tland Monday by automobile.
About twenty-five ladiea from the
Presbyterian Ladiea Aid Society took
the train tbla morning to Davia Creek
to be guests for a day of Mra. Leslie
Seager. Dr. Morgan, the pastor ac
companied them.
Cbaa. U. Flory, assistant distriot
forester for Oregon, of Portland, baa
been bere for aeveral daya locking over
tbe Fremont forest in company with
forest Supervisor Brown and Grazing
Assistant Billinga.
Deputy Game Warden Harry Tel
ford, wbo Jbas many frienda in thia
section was a Lakeview viaitor laat
week. Mr. Telford arrived bere in bia
newly purchaaed Metz auto and from
here left for Paialey on buaineaa.
Tbe Forty -eighth Grand Lodge re
union of Elk, (aid to be one of the
most important conventions of tbe
order In aeveral years, laat week ad
journed in Portland. Every Elk left
with a good word for Portland and ita
Tbe Rebekab lodge held their semi
annual installation last Friday evening
when the following officers were in-
sailed . Louise Storkman, N. G. : Mra.
R. M. Cor bet t,. V. U. : Mra. W. Z.
Moss, Sec. and Mra. F. O. Bunting,
The sagehen season opened in Ne
vada State July 15. Such ahould be
the case bere aa tbe birds that can
be aeen along the roada in almoat any
direction from town, look to be nearly
grown, and some are hard to distin
guish from last season's birds.
Burns Times-Herald : V. L. Snelling
and daughter, Mra. Barry, and hia
neice, Miaa Snelling, bave been bere
from tbeir home at Lakeview this
week, gueata at the Faulkner borne.
Mra. C. M. Faulkner ia a daughter of
Mr. Snelling. They were accompanied
over by R. A. Hawklna.
The regular semi-annual Installation
of officera of Lakeview Lodge, No 63,
I.O.O.F. waa held in the lodge ball
Saturday night, with a good attend
ance' present The following officera
form the coming term were installed:
D. T.Godsil, N. G. : W. P. Dvkeman,
V. G. ; E. F. Cheney. See; Harry
Bailey, Treaaurer.
The Supreme Court baa reversed tbe
decision of Judge Noland in the case
of Porter vs. Small and remanded the
case back to tbe Circuit Court of a new
trial. This la the action inwhich Col
umbua Porter and othera sued George
Small for 150,000 damagea. The caae
was decided in favor of Small and
Porter appealed with the reault that
he get a new hearing.
By a vote ot 66 to 28 the United
8tatea aenate took away from William
Lorimer hia aeat aa the junior aenator
from Illinois. Hia election waa held
to have been invalid and he waa de
clared te have been the recipient of
votea obtained under the "Corrupt
Methods Praotlces." Mr. Lorimer
had been a member of the Senate since
June 18, 1909.
Tbe Ladiea Aid Society of the Pres
byterian church at tbeir meeting on
list Thursday appointed committee
and completed tbe preliminary ar
rangements for thnir basaar to be held
during the roeetino- of the Central Ore
gon Develporoent League. Tbey will
have a aale of work and aerve meala
during tbe three daya of the meeting.
Tbe Masonic ball baa been aecured for
the purpoae. 1
Oilers the Best Close-In Howe Sites ia Lakeview!
Near Schools, Churches, Depot and Business Center.
Buy Now! Lots 50 x 125, $140.00 to $275.00
Easy Terms.
Shown in High and Low Cut. Button
Lace, Tan and Black Calf
Custom grade, price $5.00
Other Walk-Overs at $3.50,
$4.00 and $4.50
All our LA VOGUE SUITS will
be dosed out at
These are new goods and snappy styles.
Notice the folio wins: prices:
$ 1 5.00 Suits $!0.00$22.5O Suits $16.50
J 8.50 Suits 13.50 25.00 Suits 18.50
20.00 Suits 15.00 27.50 Suits 20.00
$30.00 Suits $21.50
About one dozen in the
lot, so come andjget choice
as they will soon go.
We also have a few 9
Skirts we Jare dosing out
at half price.
Don't overlook
these bargains!
big reductions &