Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 18, 1912, Image 4

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Lake County Examiner
Official Paper of Lake County, Oregon
macular ataiKlIn art. 11.00 aa Inch
Mlini iio, Mr atoutn
at tngvd fr twV
All atamtlna a la.
i month. (Ml ol compwi-
hanrod nr all atra ehanm. All PCJJ
paaltloiia tr. All abort larm ads. tilr
leadera-lorai column, loo. par lint trh lu
rtlon. w nl 60. llnvrarh Inaertlou
Card of thtnka 11.00. Resolutions O.
leaoa, I1.M and npwaxda.
aTXPTranlnt AdTr1Ulnf sad Job Print
(i. cut in advanea.
A I bill muit b paid tha Ant ol each month.
vB war. In advance.
Hi mmh
fare months,
It not Bald la sdvance,J.Mtarei
pettoe la Sebecrikere
Sutcrierata Tba Biamlner wae ramora
. from o'i locality tu auotber, or rbant
their pi'ili'Tlra eddrraa hiuM trnrntwt in
drop imi 'tra a card ao t h 1 r paparran ba ad-drw-.i
to iha right poetoSce.
Our ASteatti!
Continues Unabated
Lakeview, Oregon, Thiirwl:y, July 18, 1912
No on should be misled by atste
ments that tb construction of a sewer
age system q Lakeview will cause an
immediate heavy burden upon small
borne owners, livery public portion of
the proposed sewersge system, includ
ing tha) "T" for bouae connection,
will be taken up many yean from now
when the town baa grown in population
and wealth and there will be new peo
ple to help pay the bills.
Beware of statements of Impending
calamity if bonds for a sewerage
system are voted. Ten chancea to one
such statements are made for the pur
pose of Influencing votes against the
bend issue, and with small regard for
detailed truth. If you want to know,
ask G. W. Rice, the engineer, who
planned the sewer, knowa its cost.
what its efficiency will be. etc.
Any statement that the construction
of a sewerage system In Lakeview will
cause an immediate heavy expense en
nome owners for connections is mis
leading and wrong. The main sewer'
age system in Lakeview will be in
course of construction J for several
months and when it is completed the
work of making private connections
will occupy many months more.
Everyone will have ample time'and op
portunity to meet the small expense of
private connection which will be leas
than one half the amount that has been
stated on the streets by the enemies of
a sewersge system.
Whst shall we have a clean, sewered
and drained town, properly equipped
for the construction and maintainance
of many new and modern business
buildings and homes, or shall we stop
the wheels of progress lust when our
town is beginning to grow? Mr. Car
penter, brickmason, teamster, and
laborer, you are directly interested in
thin. Mr. Father of Children, you are
vitally interested in this. Show yoor
interest by your vote on the bond issue
Saturday, July 20. i,t
Every believer in a sewersge system
should vote next Saturday, July 20.
Remember the money raised by a
bond issue for a sewersge system will
be expended for labor right here in
Lakeview, for the benefit of Lakeview.
Every teamster and laboring man
will profit directly by the construction
of a sewer.
More Land Opened
The following dispatch from Salem,
under date of July 2 appeared in the
Portland Telegram :
Advices have been received here
that the Secretary of the Interior has
responed to a petition presented to
him by Congressman Bawley, asking
that about 73.000 acres of land near Ar
row and Fort Rock, Lake County, be
thrown open to settlement, and they
will be made subject to entry July 22,
under the provisioaa of the enlsrged
oomeetesd law. The land is of a semi-
arid character.
In ikTprnl atrlpa .nntau.1,1 A vsrlety of Taffeta, Mcssaltn lenities' fancy Collar, as-orted Insertions, edgings, and hand,
hioh 7 m vmiV ehnlcl no.H I.iua Silks. worth 80c to 1.25 sty Ics ami colors, worth 38o and .tig h. to 10 yarn piece
n.go as .ou yourcnoire a yard at )ot only worth 10c to 6O0 a at
$2'50 l-3tol-2ofT 25oonta 1-3 to 1-2 off
Men"s fine golf shirts In many Fine Klaxon and Batistes Valenciennes lace In length line Harrettrs Iti several
pretty patterns, worth up to sold formerly at 2.V, now a yd of 'J to 10 yards worth Ac to Hoc shades anil designs, worth 36o
11.50. Your choice tf . a yard at each, selling now al
OSoenta ' cent8 U3 to t-2 off 10 cent a
"""" nassnsswsssawawwsswnsnsS-e LOT 2s lOT 3 Q'J1 4
This lot of ladles' footwear Including latent novelties, ThU lot Include.) anything to
Ijulte fine shneeaod oxfords consist ol thoe lines that sold worth up to 4.00 a pair, selling our stovk worth up to V0O pair
worth up to $2.50, now a pair. np to 3 60. now a pair now nt olly -No buck and all other leathers
$1.50 $2.50 $3.00 $3.50
Crop Increase
Oregon Journal : Reports from
agents of the U.-W. R. & N. received
by Traffic Manager R. B. Miller, in
dicate that the wfaest crop in this rail
road's territory in Oregon will be125
per cent greater than last year. This is
greatly in excess of and in contrast to
the crop trospeets for U.-W. R. & N.
territory m Idaho and Washington.
In the Snake River country, includirg
Camas prairie, the indications are for a
crop 15 per cent less than last year,
while in Washington sooth of the
Snake river the crop will be according
to present prospects, only 10 per cent
greater than last year.
Mr. Miller estimates tbst the crop in
O. W. R. & N. territory In the Inland
Empire this year will be 22,000,000
bushels, where it was 20,000,000 bus
heU last year.
Closing Out
To make room for
our New Stock
Amongst these remnants are
some of the famous
Gotzian Brand
A gridiron of electric roads through
out the most fertile parts of the Wil
lamette VsIIey, coating 13,000,000 is
announced by the Southern Pacific.
Yamhill, McMinnville. Corvallis, Al
bany, E a gene, Molsla. Salem,
Falls City, Canby, Aurora, Lebanon
and many other points are to be
reached by this new system of roads,
which will develop the country reached
as nothing else csn. With these big
improvements going on snd the oiggeit
crops in ita history to be hsrvested.
the state has nothing to fear from tne
uausl blighting effects on business of
Presidential year. :
The Home of Good Values The Home of Good Values
S. ad-
60 57
23 00
33 50
(Continued from last week)
The following claims were ex
amined, by the Court, allowed and
warrants ordered issued, as by Isw
provided, to be paid out of the General
Road Fund of the County, towit:
F. M. Green, one half payment
for bridge .ft 17 34
Geo. S. Down, for road work dis
trict No. 11 288 50
Legal Bartling, same District
No. 3, bv C. F. Bartling
Tom Msraden, same
Maurice Murphy for cash
vanced for Road Work of
W. Moss District No. 3..
Maurice Murphy, for cash
vanced for road work of hi
Farrow Dist. No. 4 55 00
M. H. Daggett. For Road Work.
Dist No. 3 63 50
Chewaucan Merc. Co. for road
work, Dist No. 3 -by Jack
Henderson 25 00
Legs I Bartling, for road work.
Dist No. 3 48 50
Chewsuean Mere. Co , same, by
Geo. Nelson 25 00
George Drumn same 23.00
H. Harris same and board
for man 16 25
B. W. Farrow, for road work
and board of men, Dist No. 3.
Meyers ssme
A. G. Moss same
, E. Anderson, for cash advanc
ed for road work, Dist. No. 3
106 32
135 05
83 f5
6 25
for road work
8 77,
6 70 w.
26 76
9 50
It will pay you to investi
gate these Bargains
Economy Store
L. Minifie,
Dist. No. 3
Virgil Conn, tor road tools....
George Drumm, for road work ot
Gus Nelson DiBt No. 3
H. C. Carmack road work Dist
No. 3
S. 8. Bannister same
D. T. Jones, for repair of road
H. C. Carmack, tor road work
170 50
Carl Lind, ssme 71 25
Geo. Mickel ssme Dist. No 77 50
Dave Mickel same 27 00
W. D. Robinet, for repair of
road tools Dist, No. 2 6 10
Geo. Detwiler, for road work
Dist. No. 2 30 00
Charley Clsrk ssme 12 05
David Mills, ssme 72 75
C. C. Harris C92 95
Eph Miller, for cash advanced
for road work 5 65
Chewauoan Merc. Co., for
road supplies and freight.... 47 85
Johnston & Nichols, for repair
of road tools 27 20
F. W. Silvertooth, for Road
Supplies Dibt No. 1 3 80
Augur Valley Lumber Co.,
Lumber Dist. No 1 49 04
F. M. Chrismsn, for (road sup-
piles 73 40
Frank McBroom, for road work
Dist. No. 1 10 00
Howard Benedict same 43 75
J. H. Beechingsame 63 75
James Nichols same 32 50
J. H. Martin aame 83 75
A. W. Dunning same 7 50
Verne Johnson same 7 50
Walter Lundy ssme 12 50
Everett Long same 2 50
Charles Pitcher same 10 00
E. B. Brewer same 212 75
F. K Anderson same 92 00
Woodcock & Leonard, for repair
of road tools 69 00
A. C. Christie, for lumber for
road Dist No. 6 21 95
L. H. Hsyes, for road work
Dist No. 14 73 2f
K. Meyers ssme. 20 00
Claims against Lake Co., Oregon
were also examined, allowed and
warrants ordered drawn, as by Isw
provided, to be psid out of the Genersl
Fund of the County, as follows to-wit:
Bank of Lakeview. for cash ad
vanced for paints and work on
Court House S 569 30
W. G. Spencer, for carpenter '
work on Sheriff's office.... 22 50
S. S. Thayer, for autopsy on re- j
mains of L. R. Jones 75 00
Mrs. T. H. Msrsden, for report- j
er. inauest of L. K. Jones ...
A. G. Clarkston, for witness,
inquest of L. R. Jones
Wm. Wsllsce, for fee and ex
pense, inquest of L. R. Jones
Bushong & Co., for supplies ...
Mysell Rollins Bank Note Co.,
10 00
1 10
Lake County, Oregon, estsblishing
ssid road ia hereby set aside.
Thereupon Court adjourned for the
County Judge.
Be it remembered that a regular
term of the County Court of the State
of Oregon, for Lake County, was be
gun and held at the Court House in
Lskeview, Oregon, on Wednesdsy,
July 3 rd, 1912, with the following
officers present, to-wit:
Hon. U. Dsly, County Judge . C A
Rebart Commissioner; F. E. Ander
son, Commiasoiner: f. W. Psyne,
Clerk and W. B. Snider. Sheriff.
Wben the following proceedings were
In the matter of the application of
A. M. Boener. for a license to sell
spirituous, mslt and vlnuoua liquors
in lesa ausntlties tbsn one gallon, in
North Warner Precinct, Lake Coun
ty, State of Oregon, for a period of
twevle mo..ths from the 8th day of
July 1912.
This matter coming on regularly to
be beard at this time and it appearing
24 00 to the sstisfsetlon ot the court that the
10 60 said A. M. Bogner, haa complied with
I the Isw in sll particulars, as in such
suppl ies 270 80 j cases required. It is therefore, bereoy
Gluts & Prudhomme Co., for (ordered tbst a license be issued, as by
supplies 2 40 j law provided, grsnting A. M. Bogner
The Irwin-Hudson Co., ssme.... 45 25 j authiority to sell spirituous, malt and
G. W. Welch, for telegrams.... 4 28 sinuous liquors in less quantitiea than
87 65
14 20
13 00
13 00
22 00
24 00
24 00
24 00
24 00
24 00
T. V. Hall, for aalary, etc.
Lakeview Transfer Co., for rail
road freight drayage, etc 8 29
State ot Oregon, for law books 12 00
Geo. Jsmmerthal, for cost in
suit, Jsmmerthal vs Lake
County 10 00
M. S. Barnes, Grand Jury wit
ness 2 10
Andrew Nelson, same....
J. S. Kelsay,- same
W. M. Msrsters, same....
G. W. Marvin, ssme
Leonard Brandt, same
Oliver Brandt, aame
B. 1'. Lane same
Everett Emery same
Ellis Adams same ,
Floyd Lane same 24 00 A
T7 tj in ja 1
Kittle same
Bob Robinett aame
Everet Long ssme
Hi. Adams same
Lloyd Miner same
Clay Kinnev ssme
10 40!
4 10 j
26 00;
one gallon in North Warner Precinct,
Lake County, Oregon, for a period f
twelve montha from tne 8tb day of
July, 1912.
The report of F. W. Payne, County
Clerk, ahowing that from May 2. 1912
to June 24, 1912, both datea inclusive,
be had paid bounty amounting to
f 160.50, on 95 coyotes and 9 bobcats, wss
examined, found to be correct and the
scalps and front' feet destroyed ac
cording to law.
Claims against Lake County, Ore
gon, were examined, allowed and war
rants ordered drswn as provided by
Isw, as follows, towit:
To be psid out of the General Fund :
B. Daly, for sslary 166 66
J. Foster, same 166 66
Chss Cox ssme 18 10
Newton Stsnley ssme 18UI
Ed. Hsrtzog ssme 19 80
Chss. Morris ssme 18 10
A. D. Frskes same 27 40
Bert Tatro ssme 20 40
J. W. Boydston ssme '2 70
Frsnk Loveless same 12 00
Joseph Reed samo 6 00
L. A. ('arriker ssme 12 20
L. C. Meyer ssme 19 80
C. O. Hsrris ssme 32 00
Will Vernon ssme 19 00
W. R. Berosrd ssme 18 10
f. O. Bunting ssme 18 10
J. D. Heryford ssme
Hurley Vernon ssme
Carl Lue ssme
J. B. Auten ssme
J. L. Hsmpton, ssme
Frsnk Loveless. Recalled for
Grand Jury Service, May, 1912
Chss. Pitcher, ssme
E. B. Brewer, ssme
J. L. Hsmpton ssme
9 10
19 80
19 20
9 10
18 00
9 00
Paisley Plck-up
(Chewaucan I'reaa)
The sppralsers are busy todsy, Wed
nesday, inventorying .the roperty of
the Iste L. K. Jones.
Mrs. Dodge, of Sacramento, Cel.,
and Mrs. Klsnchs Cannon, of New
Pine Creek, Oregon, are visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. Jsmos Hsmpton.
The PrcMldent of the Northwest
Townsile Co., wss in Paisley for a
short time .last week. Mr. Hugh Gil
mure and Mr. Bailey are in Lakeview
for a few days.
The rsncbers and farmers sre getting
Into their haying and early harvesting.
The prospects for good crops are good.
A Mother's Club was organised fur
the study of Equal SulTersge, Tem
perance and Social Purity. A member-
26 80 1 ship of thirty one aa enrolled and the
27 20
15 00
J. D. Heryford same 6 10
J. B. Auten ssme 6 10
L. A. Carriker ssme 9 20
The claim of C. V. L. Bet-be, for
mad work of Jim Jones, was examined
and ordered paid out of the General
Road Fund in the sum of $40 00.
In the mstter of the petition of
Harry Morren, Martin Kennedy and
other voters of Crooked Creek, Pre
cinct, No. 4, Lake County. Oregon,
petitioning for the creation of a new
election Precinct at or near Vallev
Ssid petition being considered ty the
! Court. It is hereby ordered thst the
petition be, and the same la dismissed,
tor the resson thst the County Court
hss nn Jurisdiction to oreste an elec-j
tion precinct st the present term of
following officers were elected. Mrs.
B. F. Cloud, President; Uias Delia
Snelling, Vice President: ;Mrs. L.
Vanderpool, Secretary; Mrs. Cbss.
Dunlsp, Treasurer. Regulsr meetings
will be held at three o'clock every
Tuesdsy afternoon at the Methodist
Church. Every Mother of the town is
cordially invited to attend.
I, Andrew Vlnyfinl, have one hay
tiorsu that chiiih lo 111 jr ritnrti June 5
11)12. BraudiMl TK oo the l t shoul
der, owner plcti miue And pny for
uil iinl tnke tl lior. Jn i1)-A23
F. W. Pavne, ssme
F. O. Ahlstrom, same.
W R 4nila nin.
SOOOjJ. Q. Willits same
100 00 D. P. Mslloy, for salary,
34 40 inspector
30 00 , D. T. Godbll, for aalarv
300 00
66 66
416 06
166 66
66 66
K. Frickson same 56 00 janitor 120 00
G. M. Williams ssme 32 00 F. E. Anderson, for salary and
K. O. Buick ssme 81 00 ' milesge as County Commis-
H. S. Kadoliff same 124 00 1 eioner 34 00
Dsve Dotson same 30 00 C.
Andrew Konnertb same 12 10
Walter Drenkel same 12 10;
If. W. Drenkel same 12 10 J
F. E. Harris same 12 10 !
C. W. Snider same 12 10
S. B. Chandler same 6 00
In the matter of the General School
Library Fund :
It is hereby ordered that the County
Treasurer be and he is hereby author
ized and instructed to transfer from
the General Fund to the General
School Library Fund the sum of One
Hundred and forty ($140.00) Dollars.
This order is made in compliance with
Section 4153 of Lord's Laws of Ore
gon. In the matter of the petition of
Philip Lynch, Frank Roggers, and
twelve other free holders of Road Dis- W
trict No. 6, of Lake County, Oregon I F.
praying for the opening ana laying out
of a County Road in aald District. It
is hereby ordered that in conformity Chas. Pitcher
with a decree of the Circuit Court of E. B. Brewer
Lake County, Oregon, the order here- Geo. 8. Down
tofore made, by this court, on October J. S. Branch
3,1911, and entered at page 398, of E. C,
Volume V of Commissioner's Record for F. B.
18 20
A. Rehart, ssme
F. W. Payne, stsmps, clerical
assistan c e etc 239 65
E. E. Rinehart, for clerical as
sistance and Deputy Sheriff's
office 237 50
Trixy MoVey, olerlcal assis
tance, Sheriff's office 100 00
W, B. Snider cash advanced for
I deputy hire ot F. II. Ander
son 57 50
W. B. Snider expense for arrest
and return of Richard Willis . . 48 00
W. B. Snider, stamps and tele
gram s 43 00
T. B. Vernon, clerical assistance
for Asse s s 0 r 106 00
Examiner Publishing Co., print
ing, publishing and supplies 124 75
A. L. Thornton supplies 5 7q
P. Fuller & Co., paint 11 03
M. Duke, for juror May,
1912 18 10
H. H. Hahn same 18 10
same 29 80
same 30, 20
same.. 19. 60
same 22 80
Thurston same 20 00
Houstonlsame 27 60
FOR BAI.E-I.oi 27. Mlk. 1H. tract 45,
Nm 23, Two. 39. Kunge 18, 10 none
'17.50 puid for Hd titloniil wstsr
rlahte, addrews O. J. lanllson,
Miami, Florida. Jy 1M-21
Automobile Bargains
Automobile bargoms, at Lakeview
Garage. One 1910 Buick Model 17, 40
horae power, Just overhsuled and In
fine condition. She has new bearings
and new gears throughout New over
six resr tires. New break linings and
a new coat of paint This car is just
as good as a new one, and a great buy 1
at S1500. Come and look at her, and
agent lu every county In Oregon
to tmndle a popular priced line of
autoiuoMlcw; a Kood name and
reputation for Integrity couuts more
with un than money or experience;
If you have (475 and cau furnish
bond, you can procure the agency
for our high-grade cur anil we will
furnish you with demonstrator. For
full particulars sddress K. K. Uerlin
ger. Kales Mauager, UM8 Washing
ton Ht, 'ortland, Oregon. Jyl8 at
good points. We have also one E. M. Oregon, for the County of Lake,
r. jo norse power ror sale. This ma- In the Mattel of the Estate of)
chines is likewise In great shape, and I JOHN N. WATSON, deceom'd )
bargain at S750.00. Try her.
Lakeview Garage Lakeview, Oregon.
What Happened
To Jones
And a lot of other
People Is Described In
Less Bowell Trouble
In Lakeview
Lakeview people have found out
that a SINGLE DOSE of simple buck
thoru bark glycerine, etc,, as com
pounded in Alder i-ka, the German
appenolcltia remedy, relieves con
stipation, sour stomach or gas on the
stomach INBTANTI Y. This wimple
mlsture atiticepttxes the dlgeatlve or
gans and draws off the impurities
and It la aurprislng how QUICKLY
It helps. Hall & Reynolds, Drugglrits.
Notico is hereby given, that the un
dersigned haa been, by an order of
Hon. ii. Daly, Judge of tbe County
Court of tbe state of Oregon, for the
County of like, duly appointed Ad
ministratrix of the estate of John N.
Watson, deceased, and haa duly qual
ified sm such Administratrix.
All poraotm having claims against
said decedent or aald estate, are here
by required to present the same, duly
verified, together with proper vouch
ers, to said Administratrix at the
Law Office of L. F. Coon in the town
ol Lakeview, Lake County, Oregon,
within six months from the date of
the first publication of this notice.
Dated and firm published this 18th
day of July, 10)2.
Administratrix of the Estate
of John N. Watson, deceased
Piles permanently cured
or money refunded.
I have cured the worst
cases in Oregon. NO FAKIJ.
Terms: $2.50 down, $2.50
when cured. Address
Kfc'KKKKNCB: Madrai Hiate Bauk
Madras .... Oregon