The Reflex Edge est fATENTEO Fish Brand . Reflex Slicker sjrsieali all trass ras slaaltfrialalrl it te ihs Wee el eoei. TU I aWutalr iwpnul M averf pal. TV Bsesl sjraHssI slklar I yea. $100 EffrywIfW. OWEJl A. J. Towrn co., oaroM if ATENTS TO I VALUABLE INFtmMATlON II FREE. IfyoiihHVPHnlnvvit' linn or any patent mutter, writ- Immediately to V. It'. W 11 If HIT, nglten-d fit fortify, Loan M Tnmt Dldg., I VA HI 1 1 .V'i i i WV, U. V, J. L. LYONS, D. u. 3. IHntlst OWce In WataoiTa Block, Laktv view, Oregon Rltkl Tear's et perl, or lii Mlaai VmlHU af llvrlr el Mttklssa J. N. Watson ?EAL E8TATE Farm Land a a Specialty LAKEVIEW l OREGON PRUDENCE It pays to be prudent when it comes to pro tecting your gardens from tho squirrel vannin HALL & REYNOLD'S SQUIRREL AND GOPHER POISON FOR SALE IN ALL QUANTITIES TIT Good wiring is II the very best insurance policy you can have and the cheapest. We do it. E.T.SPEIMCE $1,000 REWARD Th Oroion. Cal ifornia and Nevada LIT HKM'k Folw Mob AlsoclstoD, of which lb under lined Is member will five l WW 00 reward loi eviaono .Inadlng lo lb. r lrest sua ooovmuon 'lot euv party or pr ttessleallii horses. cattle or mulee be lons-lngtoany of 111 la addition to Ibt ahove, the unrlcratined offer, on lb. condition I 0.00 for all bore M branded horse-shoe bar ou both or either taw. Brand recorded In eibt oountle.. Kanxe laraer, Lake and Crook eouulle. Horsus vented wben aold. None but grown hone, aold, and onlyln. large nhobai W. W. Vbowm. HI.. Oregon. ALFRED BOORSE Practical Painter and Paporhanger ftr I have recruit ly located In Oil Lakeview, and la conjuue ll tlon with the, Lakeview Mercantile Co., mil prepared to handle any work and simply material for all contracts lu thin line. ALGER LAND COMPANY . Real Estate Brokers High Grade Mining Stock i OrYloea at NEW PINE CREEK & LAKEVIEW Let the Examiner figure on your next Job Printing. .,,r ,rT-r- r . --flgj 4 - -T' Cm.,.,,.. ; I, ' " JuL-S-,(yC Mffslit mfmwmJ i Foot oupyrlght by lUrnt hnu fOR VICE PRESIDENT. JAMES S. SHERMAN . Mr. Sherman la nrty-aeven yrar. old. being a native of TJrJea, N. T. He waa aa mftted to the bar In IM0 If aaa mayor of Utlca m-. New Tark oofiTeaema IM7-1 and Id-1M LEADING FEATURES OF THE PLATFORM. Raaeevelt'a adminlrtratlen. inderaad. Aoain.t raoall af Judg.a, but far aimplifieation ef proeaaa af ramoval bl aaaa af oerruptnaaa. Far amandmant ta antl-tru.t law pravidlng far criminal puntahm.nt. far protaotiv tariff, but with "proper" r.ductiona. Fad.ral trade commieaien ta hava adminiatrativa p. war arar Inter tata affaira. Law urged ta aid farmara in lean a. Ext.nei.n af fadaral civil e.rvloa law recommended, with araatlon af retirement liat. (Tna plat'ons la allent a the Initiative and refarendum aad aoma of the other proareeelve d.manda It waa adopted by thle vote: b'or. a; acalnat. U; not voting. Ma. tlm to conform to changing condition and to rt-due eaorealve ratea. but with out Injury to any American tnduetry. To accomplish thla correct Information la In dlapcnaable. Thla Information can brat be obtained by an expert commlaalon. aa the large volume of uacful facta contained In the recant rvporl of the tariff board haa demonatrated. W condemn the Democratic tariff bill paaand by the houae of representative of the Slsty-aecond congree a .eollonal, a Injurtou to th publia credit and a de structive to bualnea enlerprlee. Th teady Incrrnn In th coat of living ha baoom a matter not only of national but of worldwide concern. The fact that It la not duo to the protective tariff system I evidenced by the ealstenc of similar con dition In countries which have a tariff policy different from our own, as well aa by the furt that the cost of living baa Inoreaaed while rate of duty have re mained stationary or been reduced. For 8af Banking Method. Th Republican party haa alwuva stood for a sound currency and for safe bank ing methods. It la responsible for the re sumption of specie payments and for th establishment of the gold stnmlurd. It la committed to the progressive develop ment of our banking and currency sys tem. Our banking arrangement today need further revision to meet the reqtilre menta of current condition. We need measures which will prevent the recur rence of money panic anil financial dis turbances and which will promote th prosperity of this country by prodMdng constant employment It 1 of great ltnportnnce to th social and economic welfare of this country that Its farmera have facilities for borrowing easily and using the money. It I Im portant that financial machinery be pro vided to supply the demand of iurmera for credit. Tlierefore w recommend and urge an authoritative Investigation of agrlctiltiirnl credit aocletle and corpora tlona In other countries and the passage of stute and federal Uiwa for the estab lishment and capable eupervlslon of or ganizations having fur their purpose th loaning of funds to farmers. The party stanils committed to th main tenance, extension and enforcement of the civil service. Ihw, and It favors th pus es ire of IcKlslutlon empowering the presi dent to extend the competitive service far as practicable. We fnvor legislation to make poaxlhle th equitable retirement of dlaahled and superannuated member of th civil service In order that a higher standard of efficiency may be maintained. V favor the amendment of th federal employees' liability law so a to extend It provision to all government employee a well aa to provide a more liberal seal of compensation for Injury- and death. For Clean Campaign. W favor such addltlonul legislation aa may be needed more effectually to pro hibit corporations from contributing funds, directly or Indirectly, to campaigns for th nomination or election of the pres ident, the vice president, senators and representative In congreaa. In the Interest of the general public, and particularly of th agricultural or rural communities, we favor legislation looking to the establishment, under proper reuu lutlons, of a parcel nost, the postal rales to b graduated under a lone aystom In proportion to th length of currlHg. We approve th action taken by th president and congress to securo with Kussla, as with other countries, a treaty that will reoognlxe the absolute right of expatriation and thnt will provent nil dis crimination of whatever kind between Amorlcuii oltlsens, whother native horn or alien and revardless of race, ivlljjiun or previous political allegiance. The MIhnIshIppI liver Is the nation' drnlnngo ditch. It Hood waters, gather ed from thirty-one states and thu Do minion of t'unnda, i onxtltiite an overpow ering force which breaks the levees and pours Its torrent over many million acre nf th richest land In th Union, stopping malls, Impeding commerce and causing great loss of life and property. These flood are national In scope, and th disasters they produce seriously affect the general welfare. The states unaided cannot ro with this giant vroblem; hence we lielleve the federal government ahould assume a fair proportion of the burden of Ita control so aa to prevent 01s listrrs from recurring floods. Republican Accomplishment. The approaching completion of th Pa nama canal, tho establishment of a bureau of mines, the Institution of postal savings banks, the Increased provision made In 1912 for the aged and Infirm soldiers and sailors of the republic and for their wid ows and the vigorous administration of the law relating to pur food and drugs, nil mark the successful progress of Re publican administration and are addition al evidence of Ita effectiveness. We challenge successful criticism of the sixteen years of Republican administra tion under 'residents McKinley, Roose velt nnd Taft. We heartily reaffirm the Indorsement of President McKinley con tained In the piatform of 1900 and of 1804 and thnt of President Roosevelt contained In the platform of 1W4 and 1908. VOTE FOR FIRST PLACE. 3 9 B 3 8 r s " Alabama ....... S3 Arlxona I Arkansas California .... Colorado Connecticut .. IelHware Florida tleorgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Ixtulslnna Mains Maryland Massachusetts Michigan 30 Minnesota Mississippi 17 Missouri 14 Montana 8 Nebraska Nevada ( New Hampshire 8 New Jersey New Mexico.. . T New York Ttf North Carolina 1 North Dakota.. .. Ohio 14 Oklahoma 4 Oregon , .. Pennsylvania... 8 Rhode Island.. 13 South Carolina. Iti South Dakota.. .. Tennessee ...... 3 Texas 11 Utah 8 Vermont 8 Virginia 21 Washington.... Jl West Virginia. ., Wisconsin ..... .. Wyoming 8 Alaska I! Dlst. of Col 8 Philip, Ina Is... S Hawaii , U Porto lco.,... f 63 1 io is 10 Total 6.1 107 41 17 I 841 Absent, tl. Total number of delegates In convention, l.Oib; noci-ssary to choice, ita :M IIIGKADE IS tfACKTO MINES Wr ,t Thay'DId To Him In an Francisco and How They Did It (Flijrli GriMe Nt-wn) I Ham to the mine. Ibat't you Uoclti lli sm. A i d iherVi clasicl tiaf action In , lh- thought. ' K.l-ofi, with ita glittar ind glim. 1 KrlNOo, with iti lure of "Native Son" and otherwise. Knsrn. with It clatter and cavort, with ita coming Panama. All hall. : Frico, where Occident and Orient J meet and mix uo. Frisco, the old, the one and the only. Oakland, the end of the world, the spot where you awap orange grovea for b'lunrling billow. "All Aboard" for no wher(?) everywhere. Friaco the emphatically "IT." Hsck to good, old K rooked Kreek, and Old Quartz and the Krumbler. And that the very beat thing that haa hap pened to Hiram ainre Fraction Jack located hia first l-133rd on the exten sion of the Hardacrabble. What did they do to Hiram? Let the lonesome winda and the aad aea wavea relate. And what did they try to do Hiram? Let the pelican of the aimoon and the lobster ot aalt aoaked aanda recite. Acroaa the bay rode Hiram in hia greatness. Hoary haired whiakera robed hia complexion, and be yearned for San Francisco emancipation from the fozx that refugee to cease. And Hiram found reat and restitution at 90-92 Mar ket Strett under the legend "Modern Shaving Parlor." within 15 minute and after d involving partnership with a touriat berth on tbe Western Pacific. "Shave!" inquired be of deft aotion and peculiar maneuver. "Shave," responded your Uncle Hi ram. I striped and prepared for the or deal. It came in abort awilt curvea and feative gyration. "Neck Shave?" interrogated be with razor and foam. "Yep," I reluctantly responded. "Massage?" wbiapered tbe man at the belm. "Sore thing." Responded your Un cle Hiram. "Tonic" Interrogated that man be bind tbe cbair. "Two of them," retorted myself. "Wet or Dry Comb?" Onoe more in quired tbe man. And I shrleed in his long, pale ear the answer, "Both." Wben I arose from tbe dissecting table aod an eternity of doubt and un certainty to place my person once more on the Inside of a free man, tbia idol- a tor at the ahrine of tbe almighty American dollar confronted me with a bill for S6.75 for aervices rendered. Wben I gazed upon that bill with my two pale blue eyes I thought 1 ahuuld then and there proceed to faint. It waa the moet supreme effort at awfulneaa I have vet encountered. Full grown tbroba tumbled over each other to find an abiding place within my boeora. I walked up to the altar in front of the cash reg ster and placed thereon the munificent sum of fifteen cents, jumped twenty seven feet through the door, dodged a hard hearted policeman, and boarded a Market street car, with out bidding the pail faced Israelite in charge, Poor Jew : No flag, no home, no country Nothing but money, "a fond farewell. I waa a poor orphan, far from home and tbe endearments of mountain trout and sage hens three times per twenty four hours: miles and miles Irom K rooked Kreek and its everlasting murmur and charm and thrill, and 'entire caper. But the artists who en deavored to pry a pieoo of HI thy coin from your uncle Hiram's underwear in tbe "Modern Shaving Parlor" will nev er forget that Hiram ia something of a barber himself. I then went to the Jobs House in Chinatown to transfer all of my aina and tbe sum of two bits for absolution pure and complete. The joss ia a good, old pagan deity, manufactured in Hong Kong, with powers conferred by hia manufacturers to forgive the smok ing of Oriental dope in the fraction of an Irishman's pipe, and to convey the souls of yellow men from the here to the great over there with dispatch and safety. Then I went to a department store to purchase, purloin or otherwise possess myself of a pair of soft pink cuff but tons for Old Quarts. One young lady clerk who waa also intensely interest ed In said roof, "I'm a Rube". And the other young lady clerk giggled in several la'nguagea and responded, "I'm a Rube." I there and then satisfied the gray matter within my noodle that they were flirting with your uncle Hiram and that ia a thing which I per rnit no woman to do with impunity. f T"e.rave ;them both a v copy of the Coutiuued ou 1'age fcuvtm I The High Grade Ne ws If you want the facts and all the NEWS about the High Grade district send $k to The High Grade News New Pine Creek, Ore. Nw Pin Crk on thm V. C. O. ?. ft. only movon ml Urn from thm hart of tho dlmtrlet HOTEL LAKEVIEW ERECTED IN 1900 MODERN THROUQMOIT FIRST-CAL55 ACCOnnOOATIONS SAflPLE ROOn ) For COnriERCIALf! TRAVELERS 3 - ' LM LIGHT & HARROW, Proprietors p.p.uqht aeo. HARROW NEVADA-CALIFORNIA-OREGON RAILWAY Daily Service Reno to LaKeview Except Sundays No. 1 Arrives Lakeview at 8:45 P. M. No. 2 Leaves Lakeview at 6:30 A. M. Daily Except Sunday C. W. CLASS, AGENT :: LAKEVIEW, OREGON CONSOLIDATED STAGE CO. f. M. CORY, Lm LAKEVIEW - OREGON Operata Stage, carrying Ualted 5tateelMalls, Express and Pass giia a ta toll swing reatei: ALTURAS TO LAKEVIEW; 1 LAKEVIEW TO PLUSH KLAMATH FALLS TO LAKEVIEW AUTOrtOMLES OPERATED IN CONNBCTtON WITH TUB STAOES PARESj Om Way Reaae trip Klamath Falls Route - - $10.00 $18.00 Davia Creek Route ... - 4.00 7.00 Plush Route - - . - - 4.00 7.00 OEFICES: .. - - Lakeview . ..... Stag Office Plush ... SaUlvaa Motel Klassaiti Pall . . Assertcaa HeUI Davit C eek Stag Office THE LAKEVIEW ABSTRACT & TITLE CO. ABSTRACTS TO ALL REAL PROPERTY IN LAKE COUNTY, 0RE60M Our Complete Tract Index Inauroat Accuracy, Promptness and Reliability Such an index iatbe ONLY RELIABLE svatem from -which an Abstract can be made, showing all defects of title. IVe Also Furnish rgr H. W. MORGAN, Manager, LAKEVIEW, OREGON POSTOPFICK BOX 243 PHONKTT1 E. Arabolad & Co. General Merchandise Ladies' and Gent's Furnishings and Groceries Sugar, perewt f7.00 Eulaue Coal Oil, ease JO gallons . $4.20 Extra Star Coal Oil, case 10 gallons $3.50 Star Coal Oil, case 10 gallons .....$3.20 Standard Can Corn, case 2 doten $3 00 Extra Standard Tomatoes, case 2 oien.... $3.25 Extra Solid Back Tomatoes, case 2 dosen ....$4.00 ' 1 SATISFACTION OS ALL SALES ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER AND BECOME CONVINCED OF THE QUALITY OF ' -OUR GOODS AND LOW STANDARD OF PRICES New Pine Creek, Oregon Let The Examiner Figure on Your Next Job Work ii