Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 11, 1912, Image 2

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Brand Clothes
v e :-js
President's Forces
Firm All Through.
Gcionsl Personally Nominated
by Own Delegates.
Harding's Nomination Speech
Lauds the President
For President,
For Vica President,
MAN. Chicago, June 23. The split has
come. Colonel Theodore Koosevelt
withheld his name from the fifteenth
Republican national convention. lie di
rected his delegates to remain in the
convention, but not vote. He was in
dorsed by his followers to lead a third
It was a bolt, yet not a bolt. Claim
ing the convention roil had not fown
purged of alleged illegally seated Taft
delegates, the colonel would have noth
ing to do with it.
rresid-jnt Taft was renominated.
'With Vice President Sherman.
Roosevelt's action in tossing bis hat
into the "ring" against his former
friend, the president, made the pri
mary campaign remarkable. Ilis with
drawal of his delegates from voting,
when his last hoe was gone, and his '
announcement of leading a third party
of progressives was still more remark
able in the annals of Republican con
ventions. Nothing Like It Before.
Nothing like this tvxil ever hapened
since the tiiaV l-'remilt wan cboxen tor
president in the first .convention of th
Republic!! p:irty. in 1"f. in I'htludel
phia. After years of ensy goiug suc
cess, broken i y the Cleveland terms,
the ' I' f:iit?s the crilic:i I pe-
riixl in its I' ory. What will House
veil's iriei--n'e Nlt amount to?
Vh:'f wii! Hi- Menu nits now do at
ir.'. a eV 'l liese are now the ques
tions of the hour.
The Taft for- es controlled the con
vention from i!u start through favor
able decisions by the national commit
tee and Liter by the credentials com
mittee. A( no time did the Roosevelt
forces muster a majority of the 1.074
The Rooseveltians shouted "Steam
roller!" throughout.
The president's forces shouted little,
but they elected their man. Their ma
chine worked smoothly.
The convention was not uninterest
ing. Far from it Everybody looked
for the bolt, the stampede, the strong
arm work at any moment. Roosevelt
wag in the llmelicht until the last day.
All the "hurrah" settled around him.
It was a fight to beat him more than
to nominate Taft.
Taft Controlled All Through.
Several test votes were taken during
the five days the convention was in
session, the first over the temporary
cliHirmauship and the others over the
contested delegates. In all Tuft main
tained a small majority. The first test
stood: Tuft, 5".S; Roosevelt. 11. The
necessary majority of the convention
for ch tice was LV. The highest test
vote for Taft was t05.
Barring Roosevelt no Republican as
piraut for the presidency since Lincoln
has elicited such enthusiasm from his
supporters as James (J. Itlaine. lie
secured the nomination in 1HH4, only
to be defeated at the polls. He refused
to be considered as a candi late in 1HHS,
but in 1802 tried for the nomination.
But the crowds in the galleries could
not vote, and the delegates on the floor
when the storm of cheering bad passed
named Harrison for the presidency.
Since 1802 the Republican conven
tions have not been memorable for
Iiard fought contests. McKlnley of fit.
Louis in IHM overcame all opposition
on the first ballot. He was renominat
ed without a contest at the Philadel
phia convention In 1900. when Roose
velt was chosen to fill second place on
the ticket. Ttie hitter's nomination In
1004 wi" a f m-g-ino conclusion, and
the iertectly oiled machinery ui the
1908 convention accomplished the nom
ination of Taft without a jar.
It will le recalled that Roosevelt,
then the sponsor for Taft, had a Wt
to do with the machinery.
Fhoo copyright br MofTett Hiudlo.
Mr. Taft ta the twenty-seventh president of the United Slates. He la flfty-flve
Mra old. tie via elected In by a popular vote of T.sTs. 908. a popular plurality of
ltiS.BM ever William J. Bryan. Born In Cincinnati. Mr. Taft was graduated from
Yale In 1S73. the second In class of 13L Admitted to Ohio bar In 180. He was United
fStatea circuit court judge. Sixth judicial circuit. 1892-1900; first civil coventor OT rail
tpplne Islands. 1901-04; secretary of war In President Roosevelt's cabinet, 1SO4-0S.
United States Senator Elihu Root of New York (Taft man) elected
temporary chairman of convention over Governor Francis C. MoCovern
of Wisconsin (Roosevelt man) by 558 to 602,
Argument took up entire day on motion of Governor Hadley of Mis
souri (Roosevelt floor leader) that seventy-eight Roosevelt delegates be
placed on temporary roll instead of Taft men seated by national oom
miltee. Matter left te credentials committee after hour's demonstration
for Ro?velt.
No action by convention while credentials committee considered con
tested cases.
8everal teet votes taken by convention on reports of credentials com
mittee over contested cases, showing Taft gaining strength over the first
test vote on the opening day.
President Taft and Vice President Sherman renominated.
Nominates President Taft In Address
Riddling Opposition.
Chicago, June 23. Warren O. Hard
ing of Ohio in his speech nominating
President Taft said:
The first utterance of the first Repub
lican national convention ever assembled
In refcGiutlon declared "that the mainte
nance of the principles promulgated In the
declaration of independence and embod
ied in the federal constitution Is essential
to the preservation of our Republican In
stitution " Fifty-six years have not al
tered thai truth.
Much 'f the contention between disput
ing schools of American politics has relat
ed to means of development. Until very
recently there was never serious question
about It e wisdom of representative democ
racy, because surpassing- results In human
advancement made It unassailable.
You ve heard much lately about the peo
ple's rule. The people's rule la no new
discovery to a sovereign American people.
Nor is demagogic employment of the term
hew to the world's hearing. Through such
demagogic employment centuries ago re
publics tottered ui;d fell und republican
liberties were lost in the sway of empires
In their n :id. Human rights and their de
fence .;.-(: u &M a. civilization, but, mure
important to us, the foundera wrote the
i-ignt of the people to rule Into the consti
tution. People Have Always Ruled.
The American people literally began to
rule In 1776 and there has not been and
never will be any suspension of that
Th same people, a plain people and an
honest people, ruled in the awakening of
the Amer an conscience that marks a
new era ijj our nuiloiiai lliu. They are
ruling today shielded by the law's su
premacy ;,'id safeguarded by understand
ing. And t.'.tj aie ruling with unwaver
ing faith and Increased confidence In that
One embodiment of honesty, that fearless
executor of the law. that Inspiring per
sonification of courage, that matchless
exemplar of juyiice, that glorious apostle
of peace und amity, William Howard
Noting his stalwart greatness in the
tress of passing events I believe him the
finest example of lofty patience since the
Immortal Lincoln bore the scourge of
vengeful tones without a murmur.
Sirs. 1 heard men arrogate te
themselves the title of "Progressive Re
publicans." seemingly forgetting that
progression la the first essential to Re
publican fellowship.
Progression Is not a proclamation of
alaver. It
Is not pretence nor play on
It Is not the perturbation of a people
passion wrought nor a promise proposed
progression la everlasting lifting the
standards that marked the end of the
world's march yesterday and planting
them on new advanced heights today.
Tested by such a standard President Taft
Is the greatest progressive of the nge.
It is needless to magnify and needless
to belittle the crisis of this eventful year.
Hepresentitivf democracy has come to
the crucial test, and we know that a
pure democracy has never been secure.
W hatever Is uttered now through ambi
tion, misunderstanding or falsehood, mat
ters little except to warn and sober us.
There Is a call for a sober and righteous
leadership and a need of Justice unfailing
Justice to the least of them. Justice to the
greatest men. If no other motive Impelled
In the very name of Justice, the Justice of
a parly, a people and a nation; the Jus
tice done and Justine hoped for to sustain
our faith, this Republican convention
would enlist again under the Just leader
ship of President Taft.
Opposition Without Reason,
Opposition to his renomlnatlon Is as
nearly without precedent as It is without
reason or excuse. This opposition was
born of expediency, but a triumphant Re
publican party is not one of expediency.
While we have gone on to successive vic
tories, holding measures above men and
principles above personality and alius
above animosity, we have been so commit
ted to abiding principles that every utter
ance of fifty years la In consonance with
our declaration of today. The common
enemy has been the party of expediency,
catching up ephemeral whims, paramount
log new troubles, bullying the sails of its
ship of state to the winds of new griev
ances or the recrudescent old and rarely
reaching port. And, sirs, Ohio proudly
reminds you now that one of her six Re
publican sons who have borne the party's
national banner never trailed It defeated.
The record of the present Republican
administration Is not only proof of the
conscience and the wisdom of our party
declarations and an Impassable barrier
to self repudiation, but the record Is Im
pregnable to Democratic assault. More
over, except for the attack of dlHloyalty
In our own ranks, the record would rate
In current criticism as It will In hlhtory,
the marvel of the progressive accomplish
ment In one administration.
Eulogy For Taft.
The sum total of things done Is far too
extended for detailed enumeration now.
I present to you today a leader who Is
composite of the virtues of all those de
servedly enshrined In our party pantheon
William Howard Taft as wide and pa-
I evpect to be re-elected, fust as 1
expected to be renominated. From
the beginning I believed 1 had law
and order with me. I did not make
a hysterical appeal to the people
for supitort. I did not try to ooerce
my deiegatee. The victory came to
me, I believe, honestly.
I am pleased to have been renom
inated. The honor Is the more deep
ly appreciated because 1 did not
It I think the level headed
Republicans of the country will sup
port the regular ticket.
The nominations were eecqrd by
theft. There la no question about
that. The decisions III the contest
ed oases wete given by S packed
Jury, Neither the national commit
tee nor the oredentlala committee
was unbiased. How could It decide
any other way than It dklT And Its
decisions ruled the convention. The
contested rase formed the balance
of power.
ttent as Abraham Lincoln, as modest and
dauntless as U. M. Urant. as temperate
and peace loving as Hut her ford II. Ilnyes
as patriotic and Intellectual aa Jrinea A.
tlarfleld, aa courtly and generous as Chea
ter A. Arthur, as leurned In the law aa
Benjamin Harrison, as sympathetic and
brave aa William Mckinley, ms proere.
alve na his predecessor with moral slum
Ina. breadth of view mul sturdy manhood
all his own.
Rejoicing In the gratifying record of
things done, contldent of the far want
movement to the things we are plvdged
to do, mindful of the eptrtt of the time
and the requirement of polae and a
ttence, glad of the new hopes and higher
aspirations of our x-cpl. und their faith
In national progress and the harmony of
his purpOM, therewith reaaaurlng Ills ra
pacity by the exaction of experience,
testing hie patriotlntit by every demand
of honesty, courage and Justice; knowing
hla devotion to hla country and Its people
on behalf of Ohio and for PU.Ci.i or
Americans, I name for renotnliuitlon our
great president W'llllim Howard Taft
Conservative Planks Form Ground
work, With Sop to Progressives.
Chicago. June 23. The platform on
which Taft and Sherman were nomi
nated Is In part as follows:
The Republican party, assembled by Its
representatives in the national conven
tion, declares It unchanging faith In gov
ernment of the people, by the people, for
the people. We renew our alleglunce to
the principles of the Republican party
and our devotion to tte cause of Repub
lican Institutions established tjr the fa
thers The Republican party looks hack upon
Its record with pride and satisfaction and
forward to Its new responsibilities with
hope and confidence.
The Republican party reaffirms Its In
tention to uphold nt all times the authori
ty and Integrity of the courta, both state
and federal, and It will ever Insist that
their power to enforce their process and
to protect life, liberty and property ahall
be preaerved Inviolate.
Upholds Authority of Courts.
Tliat the courta. both federal and state,
may bear the heavy burden laid upon
them to the complete satisfaction of pub
lic opinion we favor legislation to prevent
long delaya and the tedious and costly
appeals which have so often amounted, to
a denial of Justice In civil cases and to a
failure to protect the publlo at large In
criminal cases.
Since the responsibility of the Judiciary
la so great the standards of judicial no
tion must always and everywhere
above suspicion and reproach. While we
regard the recall of Judges as unneces
sary and unvlM, we favor such action
aa may be necessary to simplify this pro
cess by which any judge who may be
found to be derelict In his duty may b
removed from office.
Together with peaceful and orderly de
velopment at home the Republican party
earnestly favors all measures for the es
tablishment and protection of the peace
of the world and the development of
closer relations between the various na
tions of the earth.
The Republican party Is opposed to spe
cial privilege and to monopoly. It placed
upon the statute hook the Interstate com
merce art of IW and the Important
amendments thereto and the anti-trust
act of If"), and It has consistently and
successfully enforced the provisions of
these Iswa Jt will take no backward
step to DcrniTt the re-establishment In
any degree of conditions which were In
tolerable. For Stronger Anti-trust Law.
The party favors the enactment of
legislation supplementary to the existing
anil-truKt act which will detlno as crimi
nal offenses those specltlc acts that uni
formly mark attempts to restrain and
monopolize to the end that all who obey
the law may have a guide for their ac
tion and that those who aim to violate
the law may the moro surely be punished.
The same certainty should he given to
the law prohibiting combinations ami
monopolies that characterize other pro
visions of commercial law. In order that
no part of the field of buainesa may be
restricted by monopoly or combination;
that bUKiness success honorably achiev
ed may not be converted Into crime and
that the right of every man to acquire
commodities and particularly the neces
saries of life In an open market unlnflu
1 enced by the manipulation of trust or
combination may be preserved.
In the enforcement and administration
of fedtrnl laws governing Interstate com
merce and enterprises Impressed with a
public use engaged therein there Is much
that may be committed to a federal trude
commission, thus placing In the hands of
an administrative board many of the
functions now by necessity exercised by
the courts Thin will promote promptness
In the admlnlHtratlon of the law and
avoid delays and technicalities Incident to
court procedure.
The Tariff Problem.
We re.iftlrm our belief In a protective
tariff. The Republican tariff policy has
been of the greatest benefit to the coun
try, developing our resources, diversify
ing our Industries and protecting our
workmen against competition with cheap
er labor iihr"d, thus establishing for our
wage earners the American standard of
living. The protective tsr'fT Is so woven
Into the fabric of ocr agricultural life
that to hive a tariff that would destroy
many Ind JHtr es would ilirow millions of
our people oui of tipIt ment. The prod
uet of tho fir ii n.l of the mine should
trt "!- 1 1 . . -m a , rnteriton.
K'l -'''' !!. I'm . i it; ... . , l.ocld
In high i.r.ouiih hlle yleldln i a ufll lent
revantiH. to profit adequately American
InrUistrle.K an 1 w je-ce
Home of th eHtlnc; m oi.rt duties are
too h1rh rfit sh-"iM be . ed Rnd
Juattnent should tie i.inde from time to
Ouu.t eel on (jjc turee
If you arc well ilrosal you're n herald of
prosperity; you're worth more to your employer
to your own husinos than if you're poorly
or carelessly clad. You'll feel jour worth when
dicssed in worthy clothing,
n'e've the tanking of much prosperity
here in this Men's Good Clothes Shop
We'll be glad to help you to your share
The Matchless kind of clothes costs only
$12 50 to $25.00. Lots of fabrics; tailoring
that's faultless. Suppose you conic in and look
them over.
The Matchless Store
Exclusive Clothing and Cents
Furnishing Store
2 Doors North I. 0. (). V. Hltlg., Lnkcview. Ore.
County Surveyor
City Engineer
Land Reports Mado
Blue Prints of Government Townships
Clear Lumber, Mill Work
and Mouldings
Center Street, Lake view,Ore.
A complete line of
wagon ami buggy
tiaruetiM, w til pa,
rol', 1Um, rlutoM,
Hpum, quilt, roeie
ettctt, etc. i etc.
Successors to S. P. AHLSTROM
Special Attention to Transient Stock
Homes Hoarded by the Day, Week or Month
Always Open Phone 571
Read The Examiner Want Ads
Kverytlilnir In tlio
line of carriage
and hurtie f uriilMli
lugs. Itcpalrlng
by competent
wast or
11 1