Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 11, 1912, Image 1

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NO. 28
nn i mn ni nmn i irmnn i m
Was Active and Honored Citizen and Veteran
of Cival War Body Being Taken To
Chico, California For Interment
Many Turn Out to Cele
brate National Holiday
at Neighboring Towns
"Portland, Oregon, July g.
"T. EL Bernard, Lakeview Oregon.
"Mr. Watson died on te itreet her
thla afternoon. Mrt. Wataon la at Al
Beach's noma.
"Seneca Beach."
Tb above concerning the death of
Hon. J. N. Wataon 'are the only -oar-tieulara
received In Lakeview, other
than that the body waa being taken io
Chleo, Cel., for burial nd that It waa
expected to reach there at five o'clock
Friday morning and the funeral would
probably be bald tba aama day.
Mr. Wataon waa a native of the atate
of Illinois, and enjoyed bia 69th birth
day laat January. lie waa a veteran
of the C.A.R., having engbged in
nearly three yeara active aervlca in the
Civil war. Aa near aa the Examiner
la able to learn, there la a alight vail
aac In report of the exact age of
deceased aa well aa regarding the time
be enllated In the army. Ha recently
had occasion to give bla age and it
waa repeated to ua aa 69 yeara at bia
laat birthday, and that be Joined the
army in 1862. Ale waa m member of
Company D. regiment 12rt of Illinois,
nd aerved in the rank of Sargent.
Ha waa cne of.tha moat active mem
ber! of the local poat, and bla demlae
deala a hard tlow to hie admiring com-
lie held the distinction of belnr the
first sheriff elected In 'the County of
Labette, Ket.aar, to which pleqe be
moved ahortly aftar the war. Ha came
to the Pacific eosst ttwhr near
the earlv nlnetys and located at Chico,
CaL, where bla former wife waa buried
and to where hia body la now being
taken for Interrment. When be flra
came to Lake eounty about 20 yeara
ago he engaged In aheep railing which
he followed until bla appointment to
Register of the U. S. Land Office al
Lakeview, in which capacity be aerved
one and one half terma op to the time
of hia realgnation. Three children
were born to tbe union of be and and
hia flrat wife, two of whom aurvive
him: Mra Boyd, who when laat beard
fora by local acquaintances, waa reald
ing in Bellingnam, Wash, and one eon
Ben, who Uvea In San Francisco. They
are expected to meet tba body at
Ha waa a member of tbe B.P.O.E.
of Klamath r ail, and of tbe Masonic
lodge of Paisley, and tba Eastern 8tar,
of tbia place. The funeral will likely
be conducted under tbe auspices of tba
Masonic order. $
About elgbt yeara ago Mr. Wataon
and Mra. Cornelia Knox, daughter of
Mr. and Mra. J, E. Bernard, and slsUr
of Wm. and T. E. Bernard, of thla city
and Mra. Mssiino-ill, of San Diego,
were married and their wedded career
has been one eternal round of blisa.
Onlf one week ago today did Mr.
Wataon in company with Mra. Wataon,
Melville T. Wire and Mr. and Mra.
Fred Reynolds, leave for Portland to
attend tt4 Elka Reunion. He drove b.'s
car aroaa country to Bend, and from
there they went by train. It la thought
thla trip together with the sadden
change of altitude coupled with bia age
Continued on pujre four
W. Z. Moss Takes Two
Leases and Will Start
Work at Once
The Jumto Chief Mining Co., whoae
properties include the Jumbo Chief and
seven other mining claims in the
Windy Hollow District have tegun op
orations under the leasing system and
have executed two leases to Wm. Z
Moss, ooe in the Elliot Hole the other
in tbe main ahaft of the Jumbo Chief.
The leases were let for eighteen
mouths and upon the condition that
leasee work not less than 62 shifts on
each lease per month. Mr. Moss will
start a big crew of men at work Im
mediately and it ia expected that high
grade ore ahlpmenta will be made from
Windy Hollow in the near future.
The projects ot the promised camp
have received favorable reporta from
experts and absolute confidence in tbe
future of the district Is maintained b y
those who have Interest in that sec-
Jail Fire Saturday
The Are belt rang Saturday noon,
just about 12:30, and a big crowd Im
mediately gathered about tbe City Jail
to assist in extinguishing the blaze
wherever it might be. They were not
obliged to go far, however, as the fire
waa in one of the cells and was caused
by a prisoner's bed having become; Ig
nited in some mysterious way. There
was a strong odor of smoke In the air,
but no damage waa done except to the
mattress in the cell. The prisoner ap
peared to be none the worse for his
experience, although be stood a good
chance of being smothered had it not
been for the prompt arrival of Day
Marshal Bemis, who let bim and tbe
smoke out simultaneously.
C. C. Harris and family last week
came down xrom their Summer Lake
ranch by auto.
Attempt Is Made To Have
Junket Postponed Until
Development Meeting:
Keno Gazette : The Lakeview Com
mercial club ia plessed over the fact
that the Reno Commercial club pro
poses a Junketing trip from this city
to tbe Oregon terminus of the N.-C.-O.
Tbe secretary of the Lakeview club
aaya in response to a letter from Secre
tary Stevenaon of the Reno club :
"In reply 1 would atate that I be
lieve you will find the people of Lake
view, and especially the Commercial
club, will be ready to do all within
tneir power to make aucb a trip pleas
ant at any time.
"However now that It Is hardly
practicable for you to make the trip
until after the Fourth, I believe that
you will find the trio filled with plea
sure and some profit if you postpone
ssme until the time of the annual meet
of the Central Oregon Development
league, Auguat 20, 21. and 22. Youra
very respectfully, E. D. EVERETT,
The matter of the excursion will be
taken up at the nexi meeting of the
Reno Commercial Club.
While Independence Dav waa this
year left unobserved In Lakeview, our
neighboring towns provided aufllctent
amusement for all visiting delegationa
and we are glad to aay that goodly
crowds turned out from here to attend
outside points.
The celebration at Alturss waa pro
nounced a decided success. From
bare about ISO people were In attend
ance and July 4 waa made Lakeview
Day at tbat town., Many went down to
witneaa tba aviation performance of
Weldon Cook, who made several suc
oeasful flights during the celebration.
The baseball tournament was a
atrong addition to tbe festivities. A
big purse waa bung up for first money,
wblcb Alturss succeeded In keeping at
borne. Tbe game between Lakeview
and Alturss the day of the Fourth waa
won by tbe local nine In a acore of 5 to
8. Thla gam waa proclaimed one of
the best of the tournament, but the
victory gave Lkview no title to the
prise aa they aid not enter the tourna
ment. Tbe nine waa given a apecial
puree of 1100 for plavine? the game.
The delegations from bare are unani
mous in vowing that they bad a good
enjoyable time and In their praiae for
Alturss for tbe manner In wblcb they
handled tbe large crowda and tbe
courteoua treatment they accorded all
Seven automobilea and other private
eonveyancea loaded with about fifty
from here attended tbe celebration at
Continued on page eight
Rev. O. T. Morgan Takes
Charge of Local Church
Creates Impression
Inland Town Will Provide
Talent For League Meet
In Lakeview
Rev, O. T. Morgan, Ph. D., the new
pastor of the Presbyterian Church, ar
rived in Lakeview Saturday by way of
Klamath from the Rogue River Val
ley. He preached bis introductory ser
mons to good audiencee Sunday. From
the reporta tbat come to ua concerning
the aermons, it seems tbat a new boost
er has come to our city. Dr. Morgan
disclaimed any intention ot trying to
build up merely a aect or religious
sooiety, but declared that be wished
to be counted in on any effort to bet
ter tbe educational and business con
ditions of the city, aa well aa tbe re
ligious. The people of the church were
much pleased with these opening ser
Dr. Morgan ia a man in the prime of
life and cornea to ua enriched by much
experience and a thorough education.
He spent a year in graduate work in
John Hopkina University and holda the
degrne of Doctor of Philosophy from
the University of Cbioago. He taught
Greek and Hebrew for ten yeara in
Drake University, Des Moines, la., ana
also correspondence Hebrew in the
University of Chicago. He baa also
held pastorates in Illinois and Cailfor
Dr. Morgan's family ia atill in Rogue
river valley and be will not bring them
here at present. He expresses himself
as much plessed with this city and val
ley and we hope further acquaintances
will strengthen that good opinion.
V. L. Snelling, who recently re
turned from a trip to Burns, Informs
ua tbat a largo delegation will come
from that place to participate ia tbe
meeting of the Central Oregon De
velopment League bere next month,
He said tbey were going to bring over
all tbe available talent of tbe town to
take part in tbe doings, and that tbey
were contemplating hiring a big auto
truck to bring over tbe band. Tbia
will be a jnv somewhat unexpected
but nevertheless bfgbly appreciated
by our people.
He aald the only bad feature about
tbe trip was the unpardonable condi
tion ef tbe road In places across the
country between Lakeview and Buroa.
lie aaya thla can be greatly eliminated
by tbe meana of a comparatively
small amount of work and at a normal
coat. He aays tbe people of Harney
county have offered to prosecute tbe
work of leveling down tbe roads if
tbey were provided with a road
This is a circumstance 'that ia an
pleaaant, as we do not want any ob-
staclca to atand in tbe way of large
delegations visiting us upon this occa
Thla road Is soffleieutly travelled
to warrant a reasonable expenae to
tbe county, in order to place it in a
auitable condition for utility. It is to
be. hoped the matter will meet with
favorable action from tbe county road
Central Oregon and East
ern To Come South To
Bend Via Prinevllle
Will Visit Burns
Burns Times-Herald : According to
plana outlined In Sunday's Oregonlan
Secretary Chapman of the Portland
Commercial Clut la arranging to show
Portlsnd delegates to the Lakeview
meeting of the Central Oregon De
velopment League interior Oregon
right. He bas arranged three different
routes by wh'ch the Portland people
may reach Bend then ho has planned
a route tbat will bring the entirn dele
gation over to Burns where they will
spend one night. From here they go
by way of Narrowa and the P. Ranch
to Lakeview, going through .Callow
Branch for Parisian
Through an advertisement in the
Examiner, thia week a deal waa closed
between Dick Kingsley and J. Chaa.
Smith.of the Parisian Millinery, where
the former oonveyed to Mr. Smith a
lot in the Kingsley addition to New
Pine Creea for the consideration of the
latter establishing a branch millinery
and ladiea furnishing store on the pro
perty. A building will be constructed Im
mediately in which to bouse the new
business and after tbe return of Mra.
Smith from Chicago, where she goes
to purcbsse their fall line of goods, a
complete stock will be installed. Tbe
business will be conducted in conjunc
tion with tbeir Lakeview store and
Mr. Smith will handle the branch.
The next rumored move in nearby
railroads circles is the statement ot
proposed construction on tbe Central
Oregon and Eastern railroad from Me
tolioua to Bend, by way of Prinevilie,
a distance of about thirty miles, it is
said that articles of incorporation have
been filed and the steel for tbe work
bas been ordered for delivery October
15. One hundred thousand dollara of
the stock was subscribed in Prinevilie,
while the remainoer will come trom
St. Louis.
It is begining to look as though too
many railroads are beading thia way
for us not to get one of tbem. It is
not reasonable that Bend would be con
tinued the terminal of both thia new
extension and the Oregon Trunk, which
built to'that town last year, 'lbey will
of course connect with the Oregon
Eastern, probably near Fort Rock, and
with a further extension to join the
N.-C.-O. Ry. at Lakeview. would
make a railroad net that would tap one
of the richest sections of Central and
Southern Oregon, and one tbat bas only
been waiting for steel rail, connection
with out side points.
Johnson Easy Winner
Owing tor tbe walk-over tbat Jack
Johnson had in the fistic contest with
Jim Flynn on July 4, at Las Vegss, N.
M., the state polio stepped in and
stopped tbe Bght during the ninth
ound. Little interest was msnifested
in the bout because of the one-aided
rostch between the fighters, and the
crowd left the ringside disgusted. Tbe
scrap was decidedly in favor of tbe
tig amoke from trie word go, and it is
atated tbat he was capable of putting
Flynn out at any time he wished.
Johnson returned to Chicago and ia
quoted aa having said : "1 will meet
Palzer or any other before Labor Dav,
then I will retire, sure." Palzer ia a
heavyweight and classed among the
leaders of tbe dsy. It is to be hoped
thst he or anybody else will be able to
wrench the laurela of tbe world'a
heavyweight championship from this
tig, burly Negro as he. regardless of
his righting abilities, has placed a
damper on the once popular sport.
L. A. Carriker, of the West Side,
wss a Tuesday visitor.
. r
Spying Party Sent Out From Metropolis To
Select Best Automobile Road From The
Columbia South To Lakeview
Portland, Or., July 8, (Special) To
apv out tbe beat automobile route from
tbe Colombia Kiver south to Lakeview,
touching tbe leading cities of the in
terior, ao tbac the Portland delegation
to tbe Central Oregon Development
League convention to Lakeview, , in
August, may have tbe beat route to
travel, a party of Portland pathfinders
will leave this eity Monday morning,
July 8, for a a two weeka toor of in
spection through tba interior. Tbe
party will be beaded by C. C. Chap
man, manager of tbe Portland Com
mercial Club, who ia very entbusiaatie
about tbe Lakeview trip and who hopes
to take to tbe convention to a large
number of Portland business men in or
der tbat tbey may have a better know
ledge of tbe Central Oregon country.
Besides finding tbe most favorable
roads for tbe Auguat convention party,
the preliminary trip haa another inter-
eating feature in that the Portland
Automobile Club will send a long map
makers with a view to making; per
manent records of tbe interior high
wsys for tbe Club road book. The
Club also baa under consideration mak
ing the trip in August tbe official Sum
mer tour of tbe Club. The automobile
men have in mind the Central Oregon '
roads aa tbe best highway to Califor
nia, thinking tbat possibly the route to
be followed this week may' offer ad
vantages over' theT Western Oregon
route for the large number of machines
tbat annually traverae thla atate to and
from California cities.
Tbe Portland party left by train for
Tbe Dalles Monday morning and tbe
machines will be started from tbat
point for tbe South. Dates of arrival
at tbe various Central Oregon points
are necessarily uncertain beyond tbe
first three daya. It ia expected that
Wamie will be reached tonight Prine
vilie Wednesday noon and Bend "Wed
nesday night Tbe route from Bend on
to Lakeview baa not yet been outlined.
Pointa on the trip whirh it ia expect
ed to viiat, aside from . taose mention
d. are : Red mod, TerTeDODD. C01rtv
Dofur, Antelope, Sbanlko, Madras,
Summer Lake, Narrows, Imperial. La
Pine, Drowsy, Burns. Lakeview,
Klamath Falls, Fort Klamath and
Those who will be in the pstbfinding
party, aa now outlined, are : C. C.
Chapman: Mra. C. C. Chapman: G. V.
Beck, manager Portland Automobile
Club tourbook . E. Frank, road en
gineer and map maker ; H. R. Glenn.
Portland Automobile Clob pilot:
Phillips S. Bstes, publisher Pacific
Northwest: C. L. Smith and D. E,
Clark, of the O. W. R. St N. Co. : I. T.
Hardy: E..M. Asb, U. S. Steel Pro
duct Co.,' all of Portland. BL B.
Skewes, secretary of Central Oregon ft
Eastern Rilroad ; T. M. Baldwin; c as fi
ler First National Bank, and W. F.
King, merchant, all of Prinevilie.
Dr. U. C. Coe, of Bend Commercial
Clfh, and Q. L,-,J)river, , res.ic!tit of L
tbe Wamic Comnxcia! Clu; "V
It la expected tbat the aquad of auto
mobilea will number five or six and
tbe distanoe traveled will probably ag
Continoed on page 8
Lively Contest Between
Local Boys and Rose
vllle Nine
With K. A. Clark, of Garden City,
Kansas, pitching a gilt-edged game and
Hov, of California, behind the bat.
and both being given gingery aopport.
the local diamond Sunday wss the scene
of one of the best base ball gamea
ever pulled off in thia section, when
Lakeview crossed bats with tbe Rose-
ville team of California.
Tbe first inning Roseville went to
the bat and aucceeded in capturing two
runs; but with this they had to be sat
isfied until near the finish of the game.
Lakeview did not succeed in getting
a run for several innlnes, when they
finally copped two which made the con
test even tor some time. Tbe next tal
ly waa made by the local nine and gave
them tbe lead. When Roseville went
to the bat in the first half of the ninth
inning tbe game was a tie, but they
grabbed one more during tbat valuable
time and kept Lakeview from making
any more when they came up. Thia
gave a final score of 4 to 3 in favor of
the visitors. The game all the way
through until the last belonged to no
body and much interest was manifested
by tbe audience. The band, which was
seated in the grand stand, discoursed
music during the amusement.
Mr. Clark the pitcher, who haa re
cently located with us, bad not pitched
aball tor six months, was slightly out
of trim, but all tbe way through, play
ed a good clean game and deserved
considerable credit for the manner in
wbiob tbe game was played. The
catcher plaved a fast game and waa en
tbusisstic to do all tbe work and dur
ing his clever maneuvers no errors
were noticeable.
Tbe Roseville boya displayed good
courage and were a very generous lot.
Felix Green Sells 1800
Head -- Yearlings Bring:
$2.70; Twos, $3.00
Tbe first sale of mutton reported
locally thia season was made last week
when Felix Green, of New Pine Creek, .
sold to A. G. Swansoo, the mutton'
buyer from Sscramento, 1800 head of
stock. Tbe yearlings in the band sold
for $2.70 per bead, while the two-year
olds brought $3.00. The sheep were--all
loaded into stock cara early Monday
morning and shipped. to Reno, at which
point they will be transferred to the
main line for shipment to California,
points. It is expected that Tsome of tbe
other sheep men who have been hold
ing their muaton for better prices will
a 11 within the next few daya.
A Beautiful Garden
One of tbe prettiest and best kept
gardens in Lakeview will be found on
Dewey street, which belongs to
"Grandma" Taylor. ' ffgttJ3
Mrs. Taylor by her unceasing efforts
bas demonstrated to a ' successful
extent what can be done bere in tbe
production of various vegetables and
garaen trucks. She spends many hours
of each day faithfully working in ber
garden and it affords her much plea
sure aside from the products she ob
tains. Her tidv little garden receives
tbe admiration of all who sees it-JiJT:
Durirg their short stay they made sev
eral friends who will always extend to
them a hearty weloome on any . future
return. C. W. Anderson, manager of
tbe nine, ia a brother of C. Ross And
erson, formerly of Lakeview. At one
time C W. wss associated withJR.-1Z
Sloss in publishing the New Era at Al
turss, as well aa having many acquain
tances in Lakeview. He waa given a
cordial greeting by many local friends.