Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 04, 1912, Image 8

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n Genuine
throughout this store. In every department you will find a marked
difference in the selling price of our goods. On broken lines and broken
sizes we make an extra cut price to sell the stock quickly. Compare
our merchandise and be satisfied with the quality. No store dare give
you as good for as low price. Watch our window displays, it will pay you
All Men's Suits All Men's Suits All Mens Suits A 11 Men's Suits
formerly f Q 9 Cf formerly J 1 f f? formerly rt 1 C f P formerly (719 9 t?
$12.50; CpO.i D $17.50, tyl.l D $2000 $ID.ff ro$2500,(jl .CO
Men's Fancy Hose Men's black and tan Men's Fancy Hoys' Suits in all new
formerly Oxfords, formerly Straw Hats styles and weaves
3 for CTX- $3.00 nor J fA formerly f f as low t 1 ff -
$1 00 J IDF JUG $3 50 y&.W $200 jfr , JU r I , jQ
Ladies' White Duck Shoes Misses' White Duck Shoes Ladies' Oxfords, black and Ladies' odd sizes Oxfords,
formerly ft J? scs & 1 sC C tnns or" ( A f reduced as ft 1 tf '
$4.00 4),JU 8 to 2 $ 1 .O J n;crr$3 50tJ),HV Am-as JJ) 1 J3
Big Reductions In Boys Clothing to Close Out the Line
Ladies' Elbow-length Gloves, pair . 75c
Children's black and tan Hose, pair. 10c
ft Valanciens Laces, 12-yard pieces
good $1.00 value for, piece .
The Store That Is Selling Out!
Pregnant ewoa hud about nh
well be Iiii-ihkI out among wolvca ,
as to In1 left where tlio otlirr
stock ' niul ktt k them (
around, h l hi In oik rnuno n(
weak, paralysed or dead Intulm "
at liimtiliiu time.
The fl.H k should N kept happy .1
and contented by iUm cotiNtntil 1
lid watchful cure of the mIm ,j
herd, Little things cotint much i
In the euro of h Hock. !
Itnin mill 1 1 meed incut are the I
!! grains to feed the wm '
Wheal brau unci HtiNccd meal '
contain a large iH-tventage !
protein, which I iieceaalty tu i,
breeding animal, tllve ii vmiIi t ".
of amnll potatoes applea anil "
roota wliu the grain ration,
n cure there la im crowding '
at the feed rack aa th ewe t
grow henry with Innib, 1
TU cwf attoulil tn strong and !
vlgoroua when alio drop lir 4
Ininb. If tba ewe la thin mil !
wpk. there will be no proiii in
her lamb. , i
Those who hnve been mlalug V
ebeep In rwfiit years have but
no rvnaon to romplnln. A tltx'k J
well rarMl for at1 aubntnniliilly 4
to tha fnrin proilia anil vxiicia.
but a inlnlinutii of rnrc.
Ruling More Strict About
Actual Residence Than
Amount Cultivated
Twin Valley Land Co.
- Incorporated
C R. BLOOD, Ast. Sec.; C O. MISENER, Cen. Agt.
We have for sale:
Orchard and Alfalfa Lands
Farm Lands, Timber Lands
Homesteads and Desert Lands
Special attention given to O.V.L. Land Holdings
We are agents for
The Fairport Town & Land Co.
Watch our ad for the announcement of the
sale of Fairport Town Lots and acreage tracts.
Be prepared to make an early selection of a
camping place at this famous Summer Resort.
TO PINE creek;
Wedding: Presents
Following ia the iat of preienta re
eeivtd by Mr. and Mra. Frank Uuaaey,
whoae wedding occurred in New Pine
Creek lait week :
Mra. Mary MMer, mother of bride,
.. . bedstead, furniahinga and rug: Mra.
Being: Centrally Located, Buaaey, mother of groom, rocking
Lots Make Good Buy In chMr nd bedstead. Mr. Uuaaey,
groom a lamer, oinner aet: Mattie
Town Property
The Comfort of
The Saddle
hiiH all to do with thejtitn.
un of the ride. You will
find our Hadtlles hh comfort
able an un arm chulr even
ufter a hard gallop. And
they are as comfortable for
the horse too. While .rou
are looking at, one don't
forget we have the latest
hrldlvs and the best of hits.
Kingsley'a Addition to New Pine
Creek afforda one of the best opportu
nities for a cheap buy in a lot in that
thriving town. Kingsley'a addition ia
located in Oregon on the atate line and
immediately joining tLe new resort and
business townsite of Fairport on the
California aide. The location ia op
posite the beautiful home of Felix JM.
ureen toe t tie me or praise for every
one who sees it.
The town and surrounding eountry
is capable of supporting almost any le
gitimate venture, and his offer will no
doubt be soon taken op.
E. R. Patch ia aaloa agent, with
headquartera at New Pine Creek.
Stanley-Harris Nuptials
Rev. A. F. Simmons last Friday offi
ciated at a wedding ceremony that
united in marriage William Stanley
and Ollie Harris, at the home of the
bride's parents in this city. The wed
ding was a quiet affair and was per
formed in the presence of the home cir
cle only.
Mra. Stanley is the eldest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Harvey while the
groom ia the son of Mra. Cox, of Lake
view. Both are well known in thia
section, having lived here the major
portion of their lives.
The Examiner joins with their
friends in extending congratulations.
A Good Performance
Margaret lies company Sunday even-
Follett, fruit dish:
jelly atand : Mr. and
set of glasses: Mr.
Funk, cake stand; Mr.
Cook, table linen ;
Mabel Follett,
Mrs. Simroona,
and Mra. Dan
and Mra. C. J.
Mr. and Mra.
Henry Cook, velvet rug: Mr. and Mra.
' J. U. (Jentrv, silk aofa pillow. Mr.
and Mra. Al Gallagher, bed spread: Mr.
and Mrs. E. . Woodcock, allumlnum
coffee pot : Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Vin
yard, table linen and napkins: Mr. and
Mrs. Freeman, eake plate: Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Bussey, set leafpoons and
pie plates : T. H. Fleminv, bracelet.
Moat Profitable Kind For the Farmw
te Bala.
The heavy liorae la a rronturo of
nwcaalty. Tlila being an ao of mini
mum motive power, the tii-ovy Ornft
home baa bla place, wrltoa an Ohio
home ralttor In Itural New Yorker. In
tbe cltlea bla worth bna bven loug rec
ognised, and the tempting prirre nld
show well tbe couixtltlou. Hut It I
not alone In tbe clUve that tbe ln-avy
borne la needed. Tbe former of today
numt use bravlcr equipment, botb ma
chinery and hnnioa. The fiirnlclittsl
farmer baa hljtb grades or pure bred
brood inn re ranKlng from 1.600 to 1,800
pounda to do bla work. Tbey alao ralao
a good draft colt for the trade. By
keeping puaiObly one or two extra
niarea where heavy farming U done
euro mare will do a good eeaann'e
work and raUe a colt ttint will be
worth from $100 to $123 at weaning
time and $.t0 to $300 wbeu ready to
go Into plow at three yeara old.
For beat reaulta tnnree and fonla so
bandied abould be fed pleuty of ivita
bran, clover or alfalfa bay and eonie
ing presented tbe bill entitled "The
Sweetest Girl in Dixie" at Snider't
opera house. The scene of the play was
laid in the south and revealed a most
pretty story. It was true to aouthern
life in the days of tbe old plantation
holdings, immediately afte the civil
war. The lines and plot of the story
depicted tbe true characteristics of
southern blood as well as the loyalty
of tbe aegro to the master when once
treated with consideration. The fea
ture dancing of George Lucky was met
with hearty applause and the only dis
appointment to it was tne failure to
oome back after tbe third encore.
The company ia now playing at Pais
ley during tbe celebration there and
will return here next Sunday, evening
wben tbey will present "Miss Texas."
On that night they promise a comio
quartette songr aa a special attraction.
Mr. Lucky will also appear with them
then and be and his wife will do the
Texaa Tommy dance.
Dr. B, Daly yesterday left for Port
land on a short buineHS trip and while
there will iacidentally take in tbe Elk's
Frank Deter Married
Monroe, Oregon, June 29, 1912.
Editor Examiner: Wedding festivi
ties were tbe order of tbe day at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Roes of
Southern Benton on Sunday, June 23rd,
The occasion was the marriage of
their daughter. Ethel Jennie Ross to
Frank Deter, formerly of Lake county,
Oregon. Tbe young people, tastefully
attired entered the room at noon, where
In the presence of relatives and neigh
bors, the officiating miniHter, M. M.
Waltz, of Bell Fountain, Oregon said
the words that made them husband and
wife. Afterward, in tbe long dioing
room, the company aat down to
splendid wedding dinner and as a cli
max io mis jeast, ice cream was serv
tin i ... .
ine newiy weaned Dair may soon
leave for Lake county to make their
home, although they may remain in
Benton county, and their manv friends
here will be glad to have them docide
to cast their lot with us A Friend.
Marathon, tha hamlaoma Percher
on stallion, whoa f nrtrall from llf
la hera reproducatl. i typical
horaa ot his brawl l waa Ilia rtrat
prlM aged I'archrton amnion a tha
Chicago International. Marathon la
owned by Dunham Oal iawn farm,
Wayne, III. Aa la proper In a aire,
Marathon ahnwa etrona moacuiln
Ity. aa Indicated by vltforoue, bold
cariiuae and tnaaalva, well created
Lost a Valuable Horse
K. J. Boiler, proprietor of the City
iransrer, bid the misfortune to lose
a valuable gray horse Sunday last. Ihe
horse wss driven the latter part of
last week with another hauling dirt
out of the basement for tbe Daly build
ing. ibe pull ia a hard one out of the
bole and a team of mulea was bitched
to a pair of stretchers ahead. By ac
cident, the stretchers broke and the
horses fell back into the bole. It Is
thought that the fall internally In
jured tne horse, aa a result of which
it died Sunday.
Rev. Father Hugo Gallagher, S. J.
will arrive here July 12, and will give
a aeries of Mission Sermona from July
14th till July 21 in the new St. Pat
rick's Church of Lakeview.
Rev. Melville T. Wire has been
granted a vacation and will spend It
visiting his parent in Newberg. There
will be no Church Services while be is
gone. But Sunday School and Prayer
Meetiag will be maintained as usual.
com. A colt ahould never be allowed
to lose Oesb, but ahould be kept grow
ing until fully matured. We keep alx
brood niarea to do tbe work four
would do If not raising colts. Wben
we count tbe work tbe mares do we
would auy tbot tbe profits on raining
heavy draft horaea are greater tbun on
other lluin of live Block, with tbe pos
sible exception of aueep. Investment
feed and cure conxldereti
It Is potialble that beavy horses may
get somewhat cheaper, but so long as
tbe farmers theiUHelves need an In
creasing number of horses to draw tbe
beavy mucbliiery required to tbenpeu
I ) 'fetal II tli Innron aaaa Iwl ..,.(....
of the farm crops there la no danger attM "nd ""V ouch entryman may,
of heavy horaea becoming unprofitable,
at leuat not until production overtake
consumption, and that la yet some time
In tbe future. I would recommond to
tbe average fiyuior tbe I'ercherou e
tbe bent all round draft borne. As
clans be bus better feet and limbs and
la freer from aide bones and splints,
baa more stylo, action and endurance
than any other breed of beavy horned
TbeHo polntM alone creute a great de
muiid for tbe 1'ercberou In tbe cities.
Warts on Cows' Taats.
Take of rrenb butter two parts by
weigbt. Duel j pulverized table suit
one purt by weight Mil by rubbing
together thoroughly. Keep In a tight
wooden box; apply enough to cover the
suiface of tbe warts after milking
Tbe warta will dry up and come off.
Feed the Cew Liberally.
...... ..... . .
iouniui.-r iui uuiier rui cun come
only from the feed commuted: that If
tbe cow eats' hj-artily and she la ca
pable of fouvertlug feed Into milk she
will be highly prolliable. Dairy prof
its come from feeding the right kind
of a cow well.
Alfalfa as a Dairy Feed.
Alfalfa hiiy dliould be crown ohnn-
dantly on every farm, particularly on
every dairy farm. It U the ifruaiesi
tullk itvtiw lug rouKhuce known n
oubly Here your land will net irrow
It before yon give op' trying.
The full text of the amendment to
th homestead law which reiluoea the
residence period to three yeara and al
lows a leave of ataenoe for five con
tinuous months, la printed herewith,
Revised H'atutes, are amended to
read aa follows :
Sen. 2291. No certificate, however,
shall be given or patent Uaued therefor
until the expiration of three yeara
from the date of such entry; and if
at the expiration of such time or at
any time within two years thereafter,
the person making such entry, or If he
he dead his widow, or In oa of
widow making such entry her heirs
or devisee, in case of her drath, proves
by himself and two credible wttneaea
that he, sho or they have a habitable
bouse uuon the land and hve actually
resided upon snd cultivated the same
for the term of three years succeeding
the time of filing the affidavit, and
makes affidavit that no part ot aucb
land haa been alienated, except as pro
vided in section 22X8. and that he, aha
or they will bear true allegiance te the
government of the United Statea, then
in auch caaea he, she or tney, if at that
time citizen of the United Statoe.
shall be entitled to a patent, aa In other
esses provided by law :
Provided that upon filing In the local
land office notice of the beginning of
sunn absence, the entryman ahsll be
entitled to a continuous leave of ab
sence from the land for a period of not
exceeding five months In each year
after establishing residence, and upon
the termination of auch abaence tbe
entryman shall nle a notice of auch
termination In the local land office, but
In caae of commutation the 14 months'
actual residence as now required by
law must be shown, and the person
commuting must be at the time a
citisenofthe Un'ted Htatea:
Provided that when the person mak
ing entry dies before the offer of final
proof those aucceeding to the entry
must show that the entryman had com
plied with the law in all respecta to
tha date of bia death and that tbey
have aince compiled with the law in
all respects, would have been required
of the entryman bad he lived, except
ing that they are relieved from any
requirement of residence upon the land :
Provided further, that the entryman
hall. In order to comply with tbe re
quirements of cultivation herein pro
vided for, cultivate not less than one-
sitxeenth of the area of hia entry, be
ginning with the second yesr of the
entry, and not leas than one-eighth, be
ginning with the third year of tbe en
try, and until Anal proof, except that
In the case of entries under section six
of the enlsrged hemeatesd law double
the area of cultivation herein provided
ahail be required, but the Secretary of
the Interior may, upon a satisfactory
showing, under the rules and regula
tions prescribed by him, reduce the re
ouired area of cultivation;
Provided, that the above provision as
to cultivation shall not apply to entries
under tbe act of April 28, 1904, com
monly known as theKinkade act, or en
tries under the act of June 17, 1902,
commonly known as the reclsmatlon
act, and that the provisions of Ibis sec
tion relative to all unperfeoted entries
aa well aa entries hereafter made upon
which residence Is required : I A
Provided, that the Secretary of the
Interior shall, within 60 dsya after the
paasage of thia act, send a copy of the
same to each nomestead entryman of
record who mav be effected thereby, bv
(ordinary mail to his last known ad-
giving notice within 120 days after the
passage or thia act, by registered let
ter to the register and receiver of the
local land office, elect to make proof
upon his entry under the law under
which the same waa made without re
gard to the provisions of this act.
Meotlon 2297. If, at any time after
the filing of the affidavit as required in
ection 2290 and before the expiration
of the three yeara mentionod In section
2291, It is proved, after due notice to
the aettler, to the satisfaction of the
register of the land office that the per
son having filed such affidavit haa fail
ed to establish reside nna within el
montha after the date of entry, or b
abandoned the land for more than alx
months at any time, then and in that
event the land so entered shall revert
to the government:
Provided that the three years' ncrlod
of residunce herein fixed ahull Hut.
from the time of establishing actual
permanent residence uoon the land.
And provided further, that where
there may bt climatie reasons, sickness
or other unavoidable cause, the ldhi-
mlxsioner ot the General Land OfTlne
may, In hia discretion, allow the aettler
12 montha from date of fill ntr in n.'Mfh
o - -"
o commence his residence on rud l..nd
nder such rules and regulations as he
my prescribe.