Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 04, 1912, Image 7

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A Want Ad In Tho Lako County , Examiner
Kcpcatctl n few time, il m-ccssxiry, will find a customer
for that property of yours. Tlicy arc scanned closely
by intending l)Utrs, and the cost is nominal 5 cents
the line for each insertion. Special longtime rates.
L'llll Ull It I lu ulmll IIIMKrlllMl lilt V
gelding, 4 yrw old, well broke,
NtiUUil, Weight U7"0 polllld.
One pan peltilng 1 1 '" '.
sound, true train, welaTit 27iX) lb,
l'rleefor lour with thrio liuniea
.'..(. Write or M. 1). William,
Davl jwk, tallt JdSTlf
KOK HALF. I .(very & Hales Hialila
located at l'i ttxtt. Oregon. Com
plete out lit Including kI1ii en
gl.o, corral, etc. W ill m-U lor con
Mdcrabl ! tliin the bullllng
alone pout. A money maker fur
gcod livery man. Adilrea J. J. Van
Keiilfii, 1'IuhIi, Oregon, Jnl.'J tf
I-'OU HALF. One of the Ix'Ht corner
In therlty of I akevirw, NMUIZ. In
quiry J . CtliM Hlllllll, l'rltaii Mill
lucry, Haiti fcUreet, Wit til Court
Huiiae J4t
FOU SaI.K Oih 8) Mitchell wgt,
tm mint', one m-l double tiarueN,
n.' II u in weight, mill one net heavy
work harm-. Lvcrythun In Ural
rltt km couOltloii. Inquire Mammoth
lively Ktllllltl.
Toil BALK Lot 4'.!. block 7 :. tract
SJ of N)fof Nr. 14 of W&, K"C. IH.
i ;W, UauKyi. 10 acre. 6 acre
wair right. Taxf pm.l. Frlro f.'JO
cash. Addiw K. J. Oogin, (iallup,
N. Mexluo.
FOU .-Al-K CIlKAl' A iiiiiutar of
good young borae. grade I'erclier
oiih; i wo good waeou; one lialu
lu. front ami 3, titntl axle; one
'eler MiulliT 3,1. elo aluiuat new
Apply to K. K. Funk, Lakeview,
OrVaoii. MK-tlll.
FOR SAI.K Tract M. Nee 7. twp JW,
range ami lot 11, lilk 76. For
murk ate '.'.'( cuall get It. Ad
die W 8, Mulrlne, 143 Llodnle
Ave N. Minneapolis, Minn.
.FOR SALlC To the hlghet bl
Wi irrin, tire, 7, I. 37. 11. W. Spr
DDI If tit
IMt.. .una Ihriilluh If Mm. J. I
Kirby, 110! Felix Sirvet, 81. Jowpli.
FOll BALK Cood 4 foot au.l lu loch
eordwood. Delivoiy now or In th
Ull. Ste Dan Hn-nuan. MJO-Jn'JO
FOR 8ALK 'M acre. N of XBW o(
XWU of deUon S3, T M, U K W
M. la -n-ret. NX of SJf of HK. of
8E-i. 8-ctlou 25, T 05. It l, nlm)
lota 14. 2o, 43 In block .123. 1U, 05 in
UUfViiw aIUItlon- Make me an
otli ron part or all. Kuiiiiinlt'ii,
Haktrnd. nl. Calif. "3 41
FOllSAI.F Tliebt'ittKiulppeil frelitlit
ln outlll lu Ike Couuty, Inquire
of Cliewaui'an Mercantlla cutnpatiy,
l'alxlej. Orejtou.
i:,(K)0for l.'iU tu rr ol linnet land ou
nil. ire of lioo Lke, Jutt now open
sl to rallroail. lhpot adjolim tht
laml. Cnfk run lhrouli land,
full of brook trout. Fine tinhlnic in
the lake; elulit room boune, lnrjre
liaru ud uutbulldiuK. Thin land
can te wad Into a beautiful Mum
mer report, and that In what It
aliould lie. Uoohd Luke la lortv-llve
nitlea oii and fintit to DfleeD tnllea
wide. I-aktvlww Development Co.,
Davia Crrt'k. Cal.
FOR BALK 20 acrea In cultivation
Mux P"t, of the Sfc of KK of
bee. 16, towiiHhip :)5.S. ol It. 87 h. iu
Harney Co. frlco per acre or
would take lot In Tortland. Gray
deal c Lucia, K2 I'nioo Ave. No.,
a Wt ,l(Mf vnvi
FOR BALK 20 acrea In aectton 23,
towuHhlp 3:1, rauKe 39. Knijulro of
Keawr Itroa., likeview, Ore.
For t land, Ore.
THE Lakevlew Almtriu!t4 Title Co.
Ih niakind aiecUI iirlmt on ADHt rttclt
to O. V. Ij. Co.'e Tracta and Town
rOK HALK-Ixit 1. block 47, trtct Id, -potion !M
Kiwunhlp .11), rans l. lo -turvn. 1 ullvli n
nl t oil Hie nlKive or price on tot ailjolulug
roHUAl.K lxt KH, liliK'M 7N. nd Traol 81 ol
W ol KWU ol N W', mis I, TwpW. lUnge JO.
10 arret Yull water right AUJrwa Iftvd
Uartlunr, LlaUiD, Soitb Dakola
rvn MALK-Traol. 8or. 14, T.KB, K. ID, luaoroa.
L. i. 1'urter, f orlland, Toiaa.
fOK BALk-Tract I. He. 1&, T. 87. K.4, 40 acrva.
J, M. I'aarann. ail W AlauiMla Atra.DoDTtr.lkil.
roK SAI.K -lxit M, blaca l:m and tracts, Koc 1,
' 41. R IX, 'in aura. AdilroaaTUtlau Ward.lU
k tat HI, PeajMuliioa, Iowa.
FOK BALK tot 14, block 10, and NH ol HK4, ol
NWW, Hoc 17. I'M. i .H0 aorra. Kaut L.
Wray. tnii H, KlilKctt.'l I'rlot idott.
rOK HAlJC-Lol l I. addition,
aud KB'., HWV, i' i',, 1' S . H St to acre.
Adilraaa J. I'tarot Viu.'r MfOittrK-l. K'na.
ton tAU-l'H i. Oiifi'it .. - . ...... ion,
MdHUotNW ol bW, Ha ' , t Mh.KiW.a;
aoroa. Addreo C. 0. Harmon lot Kauaaa tit,
Kadflald.H. I).
WANTKH a reliable uiHurance writ
er with executive ability. A good
offer lor an experienced writer who
wauta to better his p rest' tit condi
tion with a company over 4 years
old. Top-uotcli eomnilHHion and
renewal for the rltfht party. A. li.
ConitiH, MaoaKt-r 300 belling II u I Id
liiK, Portland, Oregon.
WANTKD A live, exerieuced and
rcupouiiible naluHinan to tell to
farmer, inlour, utockiiieu, etc., to
repretii'iil tin In this tet rliorv. One
that known price rtiitj people. Ultf
money fortberiuht party. Addrtm
Hmltir (Huh IStore, San 1 ranclHco,
Cal. .ln20J4
WANTKD to le It. fued on (lrntilau
I K) acren. (Jive particular, a to
Hull, climate, location, water, tim
ber Mtc. W. M. Urown, 112, K. 10th
t., Portland, Oregon. o2tp
Want Ads
Wn ne- d a Hulemnan In each of ev.
rrit I exivllHil tiielda to im'II our Mplnn.
lid nnrwry timrk. A (icriiiniient
plare, i'hmIi Wieklv and a aiiarn linn
iimkofyoti. Write for part IrnUrM.
WnlliiKion Nurwry Vt Topim-iiImIi,
roM t.ST
Full KKNT lloiim and barn, enquire
Kind Niiamri nberii. tl IMIAM.
llo4l I jmevlew bar. The lt ami
till""! wlilnkv made. '
t - . ' . "
ward IkmihiI by the Telephone
Company for litroylnff It prop,
erty 1M
STOLKN May 3lt One very leiruy
bay mine, while fail-, white IiIikj
leu. "111" Ht ahoulder, 1200 lbs.
Oue li-Kiry very dark browu Kt'Mim
"II or on left hip, rAW. 1 year
old. One bay Reldlnir "11" Mt hip
1100 lt. quite old l.ilieral reward
for Information k-mlltiic to their re
covery. 5. J Manlier, 11. Urook
ItiKM, llolyaUOn-Koti. Ju 13-3t
STIIAYKD or ttolen lnt week Iroiu
the HlrkiTHon ranch near Fort Hid
well, Cal., one black horae. wplitht
about 13)0 pound, branded F'H on
left Htille, wire cut Ui front foot.
Hewarl will v paid (or any In
formation lead 1 ii u recover j .
tlfy A. J. Hkkeraon, Lakevlew,
Cam a Sawmill 1 now ruunltiK
rixht alonif. Any and all ihthi.ii
wantlnit lumtier will II nd U here. All
order promptly tilled. StlmlllB &
Cbrittie. Jn2i-tf
I, Andn'w Vlnyartl, have one bay
borne that came to my ranch June r
1012. 11 rain led TK on (lie let houl
diT, owner plena come and pay for
ad and take the borne. Ju 3I-A22
Not Coal Land
Department of the Inttrior, U. 8.
Land Oltlee at Lake view, Oregon,
May 9, 1912.
Notice I hereby given that Evrena
M. Benenel. who pott office ad
drel l.aketietv, Oregon, did, on
the 2'Jud day of Seotember, J9H. lile
in thin nillce Sworn SUtement and
Application, No. 04tHM. to purcunxe
Section 34, Townahlp M.S., Range 21
K. Willamette Meridian, and the tlm
lier thereon, under tba provlttona of
the art of June 3. 1878, and acta
amendatory, known aa the "Timber
and 8tone Uw," at aucn value an
might be alhxed by appraitetuent,
and that pureuant to mich applica
tion, the land and timlier thereon
have been apprnied, at ftti5 the tim
ber etlmated 020,000 board feet at
$ .75 per M. and the land nothing;
that waid applicant will offer final
proof in mipport of her application
and tworn ttatement on the 12th day
of July 1B12., Iielore Hen I titer and Re
ceiver U. S. Laud Ofllce at Lakevlew,
Any person 1 at liberty to proteat
this purchase before entry, or iuttiate
a content at any time Iielore patent in
met. by flllnir a corroborated elate
uient in thli oflica. alleging (act
which would defeat the entry.
A. W. ORTON. Register,
Kttate of Meredith Wade, deceased.
Notice in hereby given that the nt.
derntmied. blrt Wane, was appoint-
ed admlulMtrator of the eniate of the
above named Meredith Wado, deceaned
by the Houorable County Court of
Lake County, State of Oregon, on the
tUh day of May, 1UI2, and hat qualifi
ed annuel! administrator. Therefore
all er0UM having claim agalnat
tald estate are hereby required to pre
nent them with the proper vouchers
within alt month from the date of
thin notice to the tald admiuitrator
at the otllceof Batchelder & Combo,
In the Tow n of Lakeview, Lake Coun
ty, State of Oregon.
Dated tlii 23rd day of May, 1012.
11IRT WADE, Adminis
trator of the estate of
Meredith Wade, deceaued.
Iu the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Lake County,
In the matter of the estate)
of Citation'
Ell Barnum Deceased. )
To Karl Barnum, Orva Uarnuui,
Thayue Barnum ant) Myrtle Payne,
and the unknown heir ol Kll Barnum
deceased ;
In the name of the Btateof Oregou:
You and each of you are hereby
cited and required to appear In Couc
ty Court of the btate ol Oregon, for
Lake County, at the Court room
thereof In the Olty ol Lakevlew, Lake
Lake County, Oregou, on the l'Jth
day of July 1912, at the hour of ten
o'clock A. M. and then and there
how cause, If auy you have, why an
order of aale BhotiRi not lie m ade, dl
rcctiug, authorising and llieublug
Myrtle Payne, an administratrix of
said estate, to aell at private sal for
canh In hand the following deacrlbed
real estate, Indonglng to the estate
of Kit Barnum, deceased, towiti
Commencing at a point thirty feet
North ami two hundred lift) -five and
three fourth (253 3-4) leet Kant of the
Southeast corner of the Southwest
quarter of the South went quarter of
ectlou ten ( 10) la Township thirty.
i bit (!IH) Mouth of Range twenty (201
ICmt of the Willamette erldlan, run
low thence Katt one hundred twelve
and three four' hn (112 H-l) feat; thence
riinnlinc North two hundred nix y-four
(2ll) feet; thence running went on
hundred twelve, and thie fourth
,(112,1-4) feet; thence running South
i to hundred tixty four (2U) feet, to
I the place of Iwulnnlliif, id property
Im-Iiik rltuated in he Town of Lake
, ln. Lake Coi.nty Htale nf Oregon,
In aeeornauen with tb iM'tltion here
'In on file for ald naln. to pay -he
j claim ni(ftiiiMl the naid entatn and
, the rxiNMisea of t h admliiUiratloti.
WliDe4 the llonrirahlM It. Il.-ilr.
Judge of Kind County .tirt, with tfie
eal of a,ttd Court affixed thin 11th
day of June, !l2.
Fj, W. PAYNK. County Clerk J 11 J 13
DcpartiMi nt, of the Interior, United
Stale l-aiid Otllce, Iakevlew, Ore-
Kou, June 3, 11)12.
To l-eonard S. Davit of unknown,
You are hereby not ified that Theo
dora W. Fluley who nlven I'ort Rin k.
On-Kuli at bin pOMtnfllce IlildreKM, (lid
on May II. 1912. Die iu thin office lilt
dulv corroborated application to coo
ti-at and aetmr the cancellation of
Vt.iir hinn'Me;n Kntrv No. 04'lfiO. Ser
ial N . 0ll made May IIHh. Mil. for
Nv Section 2T, Townahlp 24 South,
Kiiiiite 14 Kanr, Willamette Meridian,
ami aa ground for hit content he al
leuca that n Id entry man never ettat-IIhIh-iI
or malntalaed renldeuce on
ald land; that ald entryinao rul
tlvateil or Improved aald land In any
manner: that aald entrymaii ha ab
andoned l'i lam for more than nix
month laxt pant.
You aie. therefore, further no tilled
that the aald allegation will U taken
by thin office an having txen confeaiwH
by you, and your tald entry will lie
canceled thereunder wit bruit your fur
ther right to lie heard therein, either
before I hi office or on apieal, If you
fall to II Ih in thin office within twenty
day alter the Fourth publication of
thia notice, an nhown below, your an
taer, oodi-r oath apeclfically meeting
ami rnpoud'liK to thi-ae alienations
of content, or if you tall within that
time to tile in thin office duo proof
that you have nerved a copy of your
answer on the aald coo teat ant either
In pemon or by reglatered mall. If
thia aeryir I made by the delivery
of a copy of your anewrr to the con
teatant in is-roon, proof of such ser
vice must i either the natd content
ant written acknowledgment of hi
receipt ol the copy' showing the date
of it receipt, or the affidavit o the
lnVson by whom the delivery was
made ntatlng when and where the
copy waa delivered ; If made by re
giHtered .mall, proof of hucu aervlce
miiat consist of the affidavit of the
perwon by whom the letter waa mail
ed atatltiK wbtn and the post oflica
to which It wat mailed, and thin affl
davit must be accompanied by the
Dost master' receipt for the letter.
You should a late la your anwer
the oameof the post office to which
you desire future notice to be sent
to you.
A. W. ORTON, Register.
Date of first publication June 13. 1912
" "aecond " " 20. "
" " third " " 27, "
" "fourth " July 4. "
In the County Court of the State
of Oregon for the County of Lake,
In the matter of the Partner
ahip, Ktate of DAN URAP
now deceased, and PAT
BARRY', doing business un
der the It I rm name of URAF
To all whom It may concern: No
tice It hereby (riven that the under
signed wan by an order of lion. B.
Daly, Judge at the County Court of
the mate of Oregon for the County
of Lake made and entered In tbe
above entitled Court and Matter on
tbe 27, day of May, 1012 duly appointed
aa Administrator of the partnership
estate ol lan Ural, now deceased,
and Fat Barry, partners doing busi
ness unJer the firm name of Graf &
Barry, aud that he has qualified aa
aucn administrator.
All persona having claims agalnat
said partnership estate are hereby
required to present the tame, duly
verified, accompanied by the proper
vouchors, within six months from
the date of the first publication of
this notice, to tald Administrator at
the Law OtHc of L. F. Conn, lu the
I own ol Lakeview, .Lake County,
Dated and first pnbllshen this 30th
day of May, 1912.
PAT BARRY, Administrator
of the partnership estate of
Ural & Harry aforesaid,
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Lake County. ,
Frank M. Duke, plaintiff)
U. T. Penlnger and
Maria Peninger, defend
ants. To whom it may concern.
Notice In hereby given, that under
and by virtue of an executiou and or
der of sale duly issued out of the office
of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of
Iike County, Oregon, June 4th, 1912
In the above entitled suit upon a de
cree made and entered In said (Circuit
Court, to-wit: the 23rd day of May,
1912, in favor of the above named
plaintiff, Frank M. Duke, and against
the above named defendants, U. T.
Peninger and Maria Penlnger, order
ing the sale of the hereinafter describ
ed premises, which premises are par
ticularly dencrtla'd In sal.: suit and de
cree; said promises to be sold to sat
isfy the Judgement and decree of this
court In said suit In the amount of
four thousand eight hundred thirty
five and 66-100 (14836.65) Dollars, with
Interest thereon from tho 23rd day of
May, 1912, at the rate of six ptr cent
um iter annum, uud the further rum of
ten (flO.00) Dollar a cost aud dis
bursements and for accruing cost.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said
execution aud order of sale, and lu
compliance therewith and In com
pliance with the order of the court
recited lu said writ, 1 will, on Satur
day the Oth day ol July, 1912, at the
hour of ten o'clock a. iu., of said day
at the front door of the county court
house la Lakeview, Lake County,
Mat ol Oregon, sell at a net loo
to the highest bidder for cash In haod
ail the right, title, interest, estate or
demand whatoever, t law or in i
ulty, including the tenement, herdl
l amenta and appurienanoe thereto
lielooglng or lo any wiao appertaining
to the heieh, after dewrllied premise,
belonging to the said defendant
ab.Aa named, or Hf her of f hem. Iielng
the following !, -rllx-d prrml, to
ult: The North half of the North
went quarter of section thirty-live (3u)
TiiwiimIiIo thirty nine South. Ittoge
twenty (20) Kat ol the Willamette
.Meiiiiiau. ('-X pec t two and one half
acre lying in the Northwest quarter
of the Northweat quarter of aid ";
thin thirty-five (.To) wlilh ban I men
heretofore conveyed by F. M. Duke
and wife to H. P. Vernon the drnerlp
tlon wt'crcof It more fully ret lorih
In the conveyance thereof a record d
In Book 10 ol deed pnirn i of Iake
Co jnty records); also the Northwest
quarter ol the Montheatt (J'lar'er of
the South Half of the Northeast Quar
ter of section thirty-three (33); the
Sou ihweat quarter of the Northwear
quarter of cectloo thirty-four (34);
the Kant half of the Went hall of net:
ttoo twetity-ifi (2(1), all In Township
thirty-nine (39) Houth of range twenty
(20) Kan of the Wllamette Meridian,
Oregon, or such part thereof aa may
las necessary to aisfy said execution
a ad amount named therein. Includ
ing Judgment,, cost. Interest and ac
cruing cost; the proceei.a of aald sale
tube appil d to the satisfaction of
tald execution, order of aale and de
cree including tald Judgment, cost,
interest ami acrrulnu interest, aud the
overp-iiM, if aoy t heretic, to be paid
into th court to h applied aa may
In require.! or illrected
Dated Lnkevisw, Lake County.
State of Oregon, thin Oth day of June
W. It. SNIDER, Sheriff of Lake
couuty, State of Oregon.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Lake.
In the mutter of the estate of Rob
ert Nelson, Deceased.
To all whom it may concern: No
tice It hereby given, that the under
signed, axeruto of the last will and
testament f Kola-rt Nelson, deceased
bat filed the final account of his ad
ministration of said estate, and that
the Hon. B. Daly. Judge of said court
bat, by d order duly made and en
tered to tald (kiurtand matter on the
14tb day ol June, li12, fixed and ap
pointed the 1st day of Augut, i'Jli,
at the hour of 10 o'clock lu the fore
noon of said day. at the Court room
of said Court, at the County Court
House of said County, iu the Town of
Lakeview, Oregon, aa the time and
place for tho bearing of objections to
said Dual account If any there be, and
for tbe settlement tlie-eof.
Thin notice Is putllfhed in the Lake
County Examiner, a weekly news
paier published in Lake County, Ore
gon, once a week for four successive
weeks, the first publication, thereof to
be made on J one 20, 1912. and tbe last
publication thereof to be made on
July IS, 1912. by order of Hon. B.
IMfy, Judge of salil Uonrt,
tor of the Last Will and Testa
ment of Robert Nelson, Deceas
Notice Is hereby civen that the Btate
Land Board will receive sealed bids
until 10- o'clock. A. al., August 13,
1912, for the following described
swamp lands acquired by the State
from the Warner alley Stock Com
paay. to-wit:
Lot 4 of Section 15. NEJf of SW
oi section "it, Nt ol Sfc4, E.5 ol
SEfc and SEk Of SW'tf of Section 2fl,
Lot 6 of Section 27. T. 39 S. R. 24 E.
Lots 6, 8. and 7, Section 20 and Lot
2. Section 29, T. 80 S. R. 25 E.
Lots 15. 16. and 17 and SW of
NhU olbection 2. SS of SK of Section
4. Lots 1 and 2 and 8J of NEJ of
section o. m; oi section v and N WJ4
of Section 10. T. 40 S. R. 24 E.
All blda must be accompanied by a
regularly executed application to pur
chase and at least one fifth of the
amount offered. Blank furnished up
on request.
The right la reserved to reject any
and all bids.
Applications and bids should be ad
dreseed to O, G. Brown, Clerk State
Land Board Salem. Oregon, and
marked, "Application and bid to pur
chase Swamp Land."
U. O. BROWN, Clerk Staeo
Land Board.
Dated at Salem, Oregon, June 5,
1912. Jn 13-A 13
In tbe matter ot the estate of Char
les W. Moon?, deceased.
Notion In hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed by tbe
Couuty t ourt of Lake County. Ore
gon, Administrator ot the above en
titled estate, aud all persons having
claims agalost the said estate are re
quired to present tame duly verified
aud with proper vouchers, to the un
dersigned at bin ofllce in Lakeview,
Oregon, within six months from the
date ot tbe first publication ot this
Dated and first published this 27th
dsy ot June, 1912.
. nilolstrator.
A new pair
if thty np
LEVI STRAUSS & CO.. HK, ha Fttadaa
TaTm tnf
Ji JL VwMaaV. .
Continued from pg two -art,
a pair of tow legs and the last ra
mama of a strong, able bodied pipe,
boarded th train at Davia Creek to
wheez into my ear the aneedoU that
ha has lived in (hi vicinity ever since
Roots Lake n a small frog pond.
And onward and ioyward rolled Hi
ram and bia gladness.
Johnny-On-The-Spot Jonet boarded
th train at Alturas. I thsll always be
lieve that Jcne needs a little tinkering
In the region of hit noodle.
He persisted In poking hit flr.gar 'o
wsrd my oomplexlon while endeavoring
to explain the slmilarltv between a
petrified pe wee and a Native Son. I
felt ao aorry for him before be finally
quit that I nonest'y believe there it
something the matter with both of us
yet. 1 am not a bad man and never
owned a grave yard in my life. Bot I
do most strenuously object to a man who
is only about balf my tize, ahrieking In
my ear a slogan to the effect that I
am a no good old ousa. And ao Jonea
went back to hit widowed wives and
orphan children in Salt Lake to per
suade them to belp bim regret IL
At a way ttttion I asked a man with
several holes in his blue denims and
the dust of ages on hie hat, where be
waa pumping water from. He elevat
ed hie right fore finger to bit ear and
shook bla bead. I understood imme
diately what had happened. One aad
time in tbe drear dead past, in an evil
hour and the rear end of a dream fac
tory be bad listened to tbe analytical
diagnosis of the difference exittng be
tween 1-37 of porphyry dyke and 99 100
of h-l of a good time by Fraction Jack.
And from that day be was deaf and
dumb, and can only see large objects
where tbe son sbines orighL
On ano on over golden tenia the
csctus that don't like to quit at Doyle
where the Western Pacific perfoTmTali
tbe unfinished business of tbe N.CVOt
And then that ride over tbe Sierras
where delight eternally bumps up
sgainst amazeraeit and Where Oily
Tongued Oliver would stutter when be
began to tell it. And then down the
Feather River by moonlight where
reminiscence is wesving itself with
picturesque beauty in the brain like
cobweha in the chimney corner.
Beautiful realma where "For Fine
and Feathers ," entice the pilgrim for
pastime and tbe seekers for shekels
I wonder how Old Lomax could do iL
He Is now certainly tbe king bee in
tbe hive of American Railroad Scenery,
1 have arranged to place upon bis besd
a crown of good old yellow glittering
gold from Krooked Kreek K any on.
And the Sacramento valley with
oranges as big aa a crockadile and
flowers the frsgrance of which tickles
tbe nostrils of the Fiju Islanders.
It wss a grest trip which 1 shall
never forget if I live to be as old as the
cheese in Lonxewsy's restaurant It
touched me in 17 or 18 very tender
spots. It was more touchingly touching
than tbe sad aee taw of a Katy-Did,
she did, where tbe sweet magnoliams
bloom, and it was more intensely en
tertaining than listening to very latest
from Buck Horn Basin by Pompadour
1 have not bad so much fun at any
one time since my step father died.
Ard tbe only thing that made me cry
was tbe rememberance that Old Quarts
could not participate in my hilarity.
(High Grade News)
Clark Freeman returned from Har
ney coubty Sunday.
E. R. Patcb, who was on the sick
Your personal interest is best served
if you examine our rates and policy
contracts before you sign an applica
tion for life insurance
is the only company "exclusively
Oregon." Receives preference from
discriminating buyers.
Home Office; Corbett
A. L. Mills
L. Samuel
Qeneral Mgr.
We Have
Just received a ship
ment of the famous
Goodman Bros.
Including black and
tan, high and low cuts,
the latest styles for
Spring and Summer
wear. Give us a call
before you buy elsewhere.
Economy Store
list the fore part of tbe week and eon
fined to his home here is now in his
nsusl health.
I am prepared to do discovery and
asseflement worn at reasonable rates
on contract. Fred n- Wright, New
Pine Creek, Oreg n.
Two ot the choicest lots In Rounse
vell'a Addition for sale by Alger
Land Co. at a special price. Excep
tionally fine resident Lota. . tt
Frsnk Johnson arrived from Sinaloa
Mexico, last Sunday. He left Mexico
on account of tbe insurrection and will
try his luck in High Grade.
Tbe Alturas property is open for in
pection and a portion of the ground is
open' for lease on which can be shown
good prospects on reasonable terms te,
tbe right parties.
J. P. Branley, manager of the Seven
Lakea Mining and Milling company,
reports a S16 assay from ore taken
from four feet in width in tbe bottom
ot a 12-foot shaft on tbe Laat Chance
claim. '
E. N. Strong, district manager of -the
Oregon Life Insurance company
of Portland and Lewis Wylde of Lake
view, resident agent for tbe same com
pany, were here Friday soliciting busi
ness for tbe company. 1
A. Sorrick has his restaarant open '
on the Seven Lake property. He has
five tegular boarders and ia setting op
a first-class meal for fifty cents.
Wm. Mack and Oscar Stewart are
doing discovery work on the Mollie
Mack and Lucky Bill claims on Cot
tonwood creek. These claims are
good looking and promising properties.
The committee soliciting subscrip
tions to water worka stacks had S2800
rsised yesterday. As only $4000 has to
be raiaed here this looks ss though
the proposition would go through all
Charley Larkin while trenching on
hia claim at the head of Cottonwood
creek struck ore that assayed $64.
Charley waa surprised at the result of
the assay and hurried back to the
claim to push development work.
Building:, Portland
Lewis Wylde
Agent, Lakeview, Ore