Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 04, 1912, Image 1

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Modoc Metropolis Will
Make July 4th "Lake
view Day"-Many Will Go
Thumday, July 4lh will be "Lake
view Day" at Alturaa. The citizen
of that rnterprlalng little city, upon
the request of some of Lakeview lead
Ins bualneta representatives, cheerfully
conceded ua the honor of turnlug over
tbelr town to Lakeview on the National
holiday and many amusements have
been provided for the orrnsion. The
Lakeview ball team will go down the
day of the Fourth and a game will be
played between them and the Alturat
The N.-C.-O. Ky., haa granted ,
special rate of 13. 7R for the round trip
or the uaual fare of one way. Ticket
will I good for return until July H
The uaual arhedule will be followed,
the train leaving Lakeview at 6:30 In
the morning and raing through Al-
turaa at & :30 p. m. for the return.
Previous to the arrangement of mak
Ing the Fourth "Lakeview Day," num
erotia jxioplo from here had signified
tnelr Intention of attending the nele
bratlon at Alturaa. tut now that thla
concession haa been made, it la ri
pected tnat the delegation will probnh
ly be doubled. Aviator Cook will mak
aeveral flighta during the celebration,
a baae ball tournament will be held,
and numerous aide attraction will be
offered to assure plenty of amusement
for those who attend. The friendly
spirit of giving Lakeview the privi
leges of their town entitles Alturaa to
much commendation from Lakeview
citizens and it la to be hoped that this
appreaclatlon will be shown by sending
a large delegation to participate In the
enjoyment. The linking of the two
towns with tbe N.-C.-O. steel rails
affords Lakeview and Alturaa the op
portunity of many friendly vlaits,
which aside from a social standpoint,
means tbe ultimate result of coopera
tion In working for development and
advancement of tbla great inland
Hita oir to Alturaa I We appree ate
vour spirit and accept your kind invitation.
The Star Spangled "Banner
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ONE HUNDRED ysara age marked th bagmmng of tha war of 1812, a oenfliot whioh waa mad mimtra
bla br b luociim ef th Amr can fo'cat on th taaa and whioh toward ita oloa gava ris to th
- InoiOant that lad t th writing of "Th Star Spangled Bannar," th aong now ganorally regarded aa our
national anthom. Thia poom waa written by Trancia Scott Kay, an attorney who had gon to th Britieh
fleot in Cheaapoak bay undar a flag of true m an effort to arrange for the rolaaae of a prisoner of war.
Mr. Kay wa detained on beard a ship while the attick waa made on Baltimore, 8ept. 10, 1814. The flag
waa eti II flying when darkneaa hid the acene. and toward morning the firing ceased. Key know that th
battle waa ever, but ho did not know which tide waa victorious, and while paoing the deck of th British
va4 in roatlaaa anxiety he thought of the theme and competed most of the linea of "The Star Spangled)
Banner." Whon dawn same he aaw the flag tMI waving.
Train Boarded by 133 Pas
enters and Many Made
Trip by Auto
Lakeview Boy Says He Can
Serve People Best In
Private Capacity
The excursion for New Fine Creek
left here on the special train taut Sun
day carrying 133 passengers. The
spirit of enthusiasm which prevailed
made the trip a most delightful one to
all on board the train. The Lakeview
band was tsken to provide music for
the affair. A large delegation of
High Graders met the trsln at the New
Fine Creek depot and oonveyed excur
sionists to the town where they were
taken care of at different hotels and
private residences.
The chief event of the day was a
apirited tall game taking place during
the afternoon which resulted in a score
of 17 to 5 in favor ot Lakeview. Sev
eral local people attended in automo
biles and the day waa spent in visiting
the numerous pleasure resorts adjacent
to New Tine Creek, Including trips to
the new townulte, Fairport, lake shore
and the many pretty ranches surround
ing the town.
A goodly display of Iligb Grade ore
was on exhibition and a pan and molar
was placed for public use for any skep
tical visitors. One leature that bore
out the characteristics of a typical
mining town and one that created in
terest among the visitors, was the
transporting of three trucks of ore
from the Sunshine mine to the railroad
ready for shipment tc the smelter.
Avast change in New Pine Creek was
planly noticable by those who had not
visited there for some time the
change from a quiet little agricultural
village to a hustling and exciting min
ing town.
The homeward bound train left on
the roturn at 5:30 in the evening,
oaded with a crowd of people all of
w ho had spent a pleasant day.
George Wingfleld, of Reno, July first
sent Governor Oddie a letter declining
the honor of accepting the appointment
of U. S. Senator which the governor
tendered him after the death of Sena
tor Nixon. Immediately upon receiot
of the refusal of Mr. Wingfield, the
governor appointed Hon. W. A. Mas
sey, formerly chief lustice of the sup
reme court of Nevada, a leading mem
ber of the legislature and a leading
member of the bar, to the office. ,
Mr. Wingtleld'a numerous friends in
this section have anxiouHly awaited his
decision in the mstter of accepting the
appointment, but understsning his con
scientious scruples, his refusal la no
great surprise. While we would have
been pleased to see him accept this
honored potiition, we admire him in the
stand he has taken.
His final letter to Governor Odd la
was lengthy and he clearly set forth
the reasons for considering that he
could best serve the people of his state
in private capacity.
Case Tried at Klamath
Faiis Bate holder &
Combs for Defense
Gov. Marshall, of Indiana,
Chosen for Vice-President
With Wilson
Richard Willis, who was tried in
Klamath Falls on a perjury charge
which waa brought against him on the
grounds that he swore to a false state
ment in giving in his schedule ot losa lot,
Governor Wood row Wilson, of New
Jersey, Tuesdsy was nominated for
President of the United States at the
He received D90 votes to Speaker
Clark'a 84 on tbe nal vote. Tbe
42nd ballot gave Wilson 490 to 430 for
Clark, and the big jump that Wilson
took during tbe next four ballots land
ed him the honor with a substantial
majority. Governor Marshall of In
diana, was chosen for vice-president
as running mate with Wilson. News
false pretenses was dismissed by an or-1 from Reno yesterday stated that Bry
der from Judge Benson. The case was an was offered the honor of candidate
trought up at the Spring session of for the vice-presidency, but this he
circuit court here but a change of ven- flty refused. Mr. Bryan waa an ar
ue was requested and granted, and dent supporter of Wilson's candidacy,
was set for trial at Klamath Falls. Governor Wilson is classed as a Pro
The defendant waa represented byiKreg8jve Democrat while Speaker
AiiuriicjB umiuciucr . tytuiiuB, ui unamp (JlarK is rated as a conserve
Lakeview, assisted cy J. U. Keutnie,
sustained fn the Snider block fire last
Februsry, was acquitted Monday even
ing of this week. The jury bad been
out five houra when the verdict of not
guilty waa returned. Tbe second
charge upon which Willis was Indicted
for attempting to secure money under
Local People Become
terested In High Grade
Mining District
W. V. and J. D. Heryford have
bought a large interest In the Sunshine
Mine and will hereafter be Identified
with the company aa directors. These
men, together with F. M. Green and
F. M. Miller, will give to
or Klamath Falls. Mr. Willis holds a
policy in a Muutal Company of Salem
and the verdict rendered by the jury
on the perjury charge probably signifies
that the defendant is eligible tor the
insurance policy.
Paul Drenkel Tuesday returned to
Lakeview ty auto, accompanied by
Atty. Chas. Comba and C. U. Snider,
111. W. Drenkel, Walter Drenkel, Thos.
land Wm. Burton, F. E. Harris and
i W. Stephenson, who were subpoenaed
n-1 from here as witnesses.
J. M. Batchelder waa met at tbe
Falls by his wife and her mother who
came from Albany, where Mrs. Bat
chelder haa been visiting, and they re
mained over for the Fourth ot July
D. N. Blood, of Madeline, Cal.,
father of C. R. Blood, assistant secre
tary of the Twin Valley Land Co., last
week arrived in Lakeview and will
tbst com-1 spend several daya in looking over the
The news
seemed to be
in Lskeview. and numerous citizens
arc- wearing banners bearing the name
of the successful candidate.
of Wilson's nomination
quite joyously received
Former Lakeview Boy Ap
pointed Cashier of Taft,
California, Bank
The following from a Bakersfleld,
Cal., paper contains the following good
news ot the promotion of C. L. Shirk
In the First National Bank of Taft,
California. lie is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Shirk, of thia city, and his
pany an unusually strong directorship, oountry. He baa been farming in the, many friends will be pleased to learn
as they combine a successful busir.ias Madeline aection and states that con- of this advancement:
career witn an unlimited amount or eiaerauie oi mai lanu oas peen sown . unuu m i iwuu ui.wv-
weulth. Their identification with the to sugar beets this season. He says tors of the first National Bank or
w,rrnr,.. munnu that th.i ?nm;hlne ! the fleets on old land will Droduce a Taft, held June 28, 1912, Mr. C. L.
Dronerties will be systematically, ecrfn- good harvest while those on new land , Shirk and L. R. Jeffords were appoint-
..mim.iiu nri anninaf nil v daveloned have had insufflc ent moisture for best , ea assistant cuemers or me rim na
along conservative business linea. results.
tional Bank of Taft. Mr. Shirk haa
J. L. Wheeler States Th.. '
Contracts for Ditches
Will be Let Soon
J. L. Wheeler, Jr, and brother, who
are working on their Dry Creek Irriga
tion projeet, were in town yesterday.
Mr. Wheeler statea that tbey aave a
crew of ten men working on the dam
near tbe moatb of tbe canyon and that
work is progressing nicely. Tbey have
tbe sheet piling acroaa the. creek eom-plet-d
and have instslled a gssoline
engine to divert tbe water so that work
can be prosecuted on tbe foundation of
tbe dam.
He said that contracts for tbe ditch
work would be let soon and that no
obstacle stands in the way of tbe esrlv
completion of the system. Wben thia
project is finished it will furnish water
for nearly all the land in tbe Dry creek
vicinity and thus be a great factor to
ward the early development of numer
ous acres of fertile soil.
Proceeds Will Start Fund
to Buy Street Sprinkler
For Town
Tbe ladies of tbe L.C.I.C. will give
a musical program at the Wir.srd hall
Wean'esdsy evening, July 10, to start
fund for a street sprinkler wihch the
ladies intend furnishing the town. An
admission charge of 25 cents will te
made. Mr. Smith who is operation
picture abow in the hall kindly donated
it use to the ladies for thia occasion.
Tbe beat possible musical talent in
Lakeview will be secured for the enter
tainment and the ladies have prepared
a very interesting program.
Tbe move to get a street sprinkler
for tbe town is a step in the right di
rection, ana tbe citizens should show
their appreciation of tbe effort by
everyone turning out and patronizing
the entertainment. By donating the
hall for thia laudable cause Mr. Smith
indicates the public spirit in which be
haa alwavs worked to help public bene
fits, and bis deeds are worthy of commendation.
State Hotel Inspector
Hotel men and traveling aalesmen
have come to an understanding on tbe
hotel Inspector measure, to be eub
mitted through the initiative at the
next election. A bill creating the
office of hotel inspector waa introduced
in the 1911 session of tbe Legislature,
but was defeated. li the present
draft, all the former objectiona have
teen eliminated and tbe measure ia be
lieved to be a big step toward better
sanitary conditions in the hotels of the
state. The hotel men's association pre
ferred to have the bill submitted to the
Legislature rather than placed on tbe
ballot, but the principal advocates in
sisted on, using the initiative, arguing
that if sent to the Legislature it would
be baaly mutilated. Tbe provisions of
tbe bill apply chiefly to the smaller
Today is the glorious Fourth of July.
been with the bank since tbe doors
opened last October, coming from
Lakeview, Oregon, where his lather is
president of the First National Bank,
ot Lakeview. Mr. Shirk waa former
ly assistant cashier of the Lake County
Loan and Savings Bank at Lakeview.
Since coming to Taft Mr. Shirk haa
held the positions of receiving teller
and paying teller, having held the lat
ter position since January.
L. R. Jettords, note and draft teller,
came to the First National Bank of
Taft from the Union Trust Company
of Pittsburg, Penn., last December,
and has held tbe positions of receiving
teller and note teller since bis arrival.
Thesu appointments are the reward
of tbe good and efficient service render
ed the bank and the public in general
by these men. Tbis will fully com
p'ete the corps of officers to enter the
new bank building nearing completion,
the opening of which will take place in
about two weeks.
4. tland Man Says Better
oose With Taft Than
V flth Roosevelt
Oregonian : Oplniona are divided Jon
tbe outcome of tbe election of Presi
dent since the nomination of Taft was
announced. On tbe streets many say
that Roosevelt waa robbed of atates
that belonged to biro, and that the out
come will be a Democratic President,
William O'Donnell, a retired Portland
attorney and lumber manufacturer,
takes an optimistic view of tbe eitan
tion. "It would be better to lose with Taft
than ot win with Roosevelt," aaid Mr.
O'Donnell, "aa It would bave disrupted
tbe Republican party bad Roosevelt
been nominated.
"Roosevelt will divide tbe vote of
tbe Democrats as much as that of th
Republicans. Taft wilt win because
only 40 per cent of the Republican par
ty voted at tbe primaries and the other
60 per cent atay at borne vote will be
straight Republican.
"Roosevelt Wba backed by a Morgan
banker, beef trust man and other
moneyed interests. Taft will be help
ed in tbe November election by that
fact and because Penrose and other
bosses did not want bim. Tbey bad to
select him to defeat Roosevelt cecaue
bia record was clean.
"Heney and Johnson did more to
hurt Roosevelt than any two men of
Taft'a did.
"Tbe Democratic convention probab
ly will atampede to Bryan in obtaining
a progressive Democrat.
"Roosevelt said tbnt Taft and Root
were the two best men in bis cabinet
and awarded both with positions of
highest bonor. If tbey are as bad aa be
makea out at present, why should be
be allowed to select another Cabinet
and perhaps make similar mistakes?
"That the Democratic party is not
competent to rule baa been shown.
More people were fed by charity dur
ing Cleveland's administration than in
tbe 60 years of Republican administra
tions which preceded."
Product Should be Thinn
ed to Insure Quality and
Safety of Trees
Fruit growers should soon attend to
tbe matter of thining out fruit now on
the trees. Some fruit men have been
quoted as saying the proper way of
cutting out excessive apples is to thin
them out to six inches apart. It would
seem that hearty treea would be able
to bear more fruit than tbis method
would leave. Tbe trees this year are
more heavily laden with fruit than
tbey bave been in years.
Thia partially is due from us escaping -
any irosts in tbe early spring wnicn
sometimes destroys some of the blos
soms. AH fruit is now sutncientiy ad
vanced to be out of danger of any
frosts, and it is taking such shape that
it requlrea considerable sap to sustain
it. Any excessive fruit is now a detri
ment and should be cut off tbe limb.
There are so many young trees that
just begin bearing this year, too heav
ly loaded with fruit and growers should
be careful about this aa the limba are
weak and a heavy crop will damage:
their trees.
We bave a wonderful ooportuhity
thia season to test what can be done
here in the hardier fruit line and farm
ers should take advantage of it by giv
ing the industry the proper care and
experiment on thinnig out choice speci
mens and produce some samples to send
away tor exhibition.
Mies Ethel Southstone left Lakeview
for Los Angeles Saturday morning to
make that city her future home. Not
that she does not think this is an ideal
place to live, but she Is going down
there to be married. Her husband will
be Ednie Tetzlaff, a younger brother
of Teiluio Tetzlaff, the pront racer.
She v i" bave a hard kep Ed
die from the race as he ehovs a great'
tendency for speed and nerve.