Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 27, 1912, Image 8

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"Special" Says League
Meeting Will Be Largost
Mrs. Casebeer and Mrs.
McKendree Have Pur
chatod Lot For Purpose
throughout this store. In every department you will find a marked
difference in the selling price of our goods. On broken lines and broken
sizes we make an extra cut price to sell the stock quickly. Compare
our merchandise and be satisfied with the quality. No store dare give
you as good for as low price. Watch our window displays, it will pay you
.4 Men's Suits . All Mens Suits All Men's Suits All Men's Suits
formerly Ct Q C formerly J 1 f9 ff formerly (1 Iff 9 C formerly f ff ff C
$12.50.' fOli J $17.50, J $20.00 tpIJ.cD to $25 OO.tjM . J
Men's Fancy Hose Men's black and tan Men's Fancy liovs' Suits in all new
formerly Oxfords, formerly Straw lints styles and weaves
?&3for50clga w $2.00 $?"y $ 1 .50 ":hw $ 1 .50
Ladies' White Duck Shoes Misses' White Duck Shoes Ladies' Oxfords, black and Ladies' odd sizes Oxfords,
formerly ( C f sizes d 1 a CT tans, for- (t A f reduced as ft f P
$4.00 ' p&DJ Sto2 p I JJ mcry $3 50 P 4 HJ low as tj) 1 SJ
Big Reductions In Boys9 Clothing to Close Out the Line
m Ladies' Elbow-length Gloves, pair . 75c
Children's black and tan Hose, pair . 10c
Valanciens Laces, 12-yard pieces
good $1.00 value for, piece .
The Store That Is Selling Out!
O. A. C. Official Deals on
Exterminating: Blight
and Leaf Curl
Property Has Been Taken
Over By The O.-W. R. &
N. Company
New Land Ruling1 Makes
Lenient Law for Homesteaders
Being Centrally Located,
Lots Make Good Buy In
Town Property
That the peach crop in the Willamette
Valley baa been almost wholly destroy
ed by a combination of cold weather
and fruit peata is the opinion of Prof.
H. S. Jackson of the entomology de-
A dispatch from Salem, Oregon,
aavs : "Articles filed for record in the
office of tne Secretary of State show
that the Oregon Eastern Railroad has
been dissolved and ita various proper
partment of the Oregon Agricultural j ties have been transferred to the Ore
College. When interviewed recently on gon and Washington Railroad and
the subject be said : ! Navigation Company.
"Peach growers are having trouble
from two causes, peach leaf curl and
California peach blight This is an
exceptionally bad vear for the leaf
curl. At the present time nothing can I
The Oregon Eastern was a Southern
Pacific Company, formed to build a line
across Oregon from west to east. The
California Northeastern, lrom Natron
to Weed, the Modoc Northern, the
be done for this disease except a cut-'Fernley and Lassen, and the Goose
ting back of the branches. Growers Lake Southern were all turned over to
ahoulld make a regular practice of it, and have in turn been transferred to
spraying tbeir peaches in the spring
with Bordeux mixture. ,
.The California peach blight attacks
the branches, causing small cankers
and copious gumming. For this dis
ease orcbadists should spray at once
with the mixture known as self-boiled
lime of sulphur. This mixture is des
cribed in circulars which may be ob
tained for the asking, from the college.
The Bordeaux mixture should te used
for thin pest about Nov. 1 each fall.
Both the leaf curl and the
the O. & W. R. & N. Co.
peach blight are microscopic fungus
There has been an unusually large
amount of correspondence this season
between orchaaists and the experiment
station. In the past fortnight fully half
these letters have been regarding the
two chief peach disorders and Prof.
Jackson believes there are not to be
sufficient peaches to supply even the
local demand, to say nothing of ex
ports. New Brick Residence
S. L. Bailey and wife last week
moved into tbeir new brick residence
on Park street off from Bullard. Mr.
Bailey holds the distinguished honor
of having built the second brick
Drislane Is Recovering
Despite the handicap ot an articfiial
windpipe supplied by surgeons, Wil
liam Drislane escaped from bis nurses
at St. Joseph's Hospital some time
during the nigbt and was at large sev
eral hours before his strange appear
ance and bandaged neck resulted in his
apprehension by a policeman. Dris
lane is a recent arrival from Ireland.
California j Overcome by homesickness, he cut his
throat three lays ago. After treat
ment at the Detention Hospital he
wbb returned to St. Jopb's, where, it
is believed, he will recover despite bis
The above is from a San Francisco pa
per and refers to Wm. Drislane who
it will te remembered, attempted to
take his life.last Spring by cutting his
throat. He was later taken to the hos
pital by Father Schmitt, and aocording
to the above la very much alive yet.
Business Extending
The walls on the brick addition to
the Bailey & Massingill atore are com
pleted and work has begun on the roof
and finishing of the interior. The new
addition will increase floor space for
The new three-year homestead law is
now in effect, the United Stales Land
Office having received the rulea and
regulations applicable thereto a few
days ago. The law applies to entries
made under any other act, except the
reclamation act and the additional
homestead law of April 28, 1904. All
existing entries are effected by the
new law, but where the entryman de
sires to make proof under the law un
der whicb the same waa made be may
do eo by notifying the local Land Office
to that effect not later than Septem
ber 6, 1912. Otherwise his entry will
be subject to cancellation at the end of
the three year peri od.
Under the new law eatrymen are al
lowed Ave months' absence during each
year, providing they notify the Land
Office when the leave is to begin and
also when the entryman returns. The
word "cultivation is held to mean
that at least one-sixteenth of the entry
was in cultivation during the second
year and not less thsn one-eighth be
ginning with the third year. in the
case of entries under the 320-aore law
double the area is required to be In cultivation.
house in Lakeview. it makes a very this rapidly advancing firm, an adjunct
credible adjunct to that part of town which they greatly need.
and no doubt bis example will be fol
lowed by others. The building is made
in one story and covered with cedar
shingles. Being a brick mason, Mr.
Bailey attended to most of the mason
work as well as outlining the plana,
and specifications.
By good judgment, conservative
management, etc., the bouse was
erected at a nominal cost, and so ar
ranged that the Baileys are most com
fortably located for the future. gold locket and chain, Sun
day in t-aLeview. Locket was in
scribed with ft'Bls, F.E.I.. Finder
please return to E. H. Clark at Bank
f Lakeview and receive reward.
Storm Was Beneficial
Last Saturday evening this section
was visited by one of the hardest
storma of the season. A torrent of hail
and train brought down a vast amount
of moisture in a few minutes. The
shower covered nearly all the valley,
It waa first reported that the crops bad
been damaged by the storm but from
all late reports, it is stated that little
damage was done and in general it will
Drove beneficial. Some alfalfa hay
that had been cut prior to the downpour
was slightly injured, but little haying
has begun, and that cut represents but
a very email percentage of tbe crop.
According to newspaper report the
storm was general over the state and in
some place considerable damage was
done to hay and some fruits.
New Lumber Yard
The firm of Crawford & Jeager has
opened lumber yards in Lakeview and
New Pine Creek and will also furnish
lumber for the new town of Falrport
and High Grade.
W. J. Bradley will be local agent and
J. A. Crawford will represent the com-,
pany at New Pine Creek. They have the
contract for furnishing lumber for 'tne
I New Pine Creek School building, work
In making preparations for tbe
change of arrangements in their store,
they have begun a large alteration
sale as an inducement to more rapidly
dispose of certain lines of merchan
dise before they rearrange their stock.
The plan inaugurated ty this one busi
ness house to keep in stride with pro
gressive advancement and get yet
nearer to metropolitan ideas is only one
among the many in Lakeview.
Lakeview takes pride in the appear
ance of her substantial business estab
lishmente. and their new inmrnv:.
ments In self evi.Jert r the volume i f , on which 1,88 ulreH,iv 'tfun. The corn
ttibir.cra tvsnxacUd ... -,e. ! l,any ba" alf, takt" several n-drrs from
local people, which will mostly be used
Kingsley'a Addition to New Pine
Creek affords one of the best opportun
ities for a cheap ouy in a lot in that
thriving town. Kingsley'a addition is
located in Oregon on the atate line and
immediately joiaing tbe new resort
and business tow mite of Falrport on
tbe California aide. The location Is
opposite tbe beautiful home of Felix
M. Green the theme of prtiae for every
one who sees it.
In pursuance with "Uncle Dick's"
enterprising spirit, be haa made a
standing offer to present anyone with
lot, in tbla addition, who will move
on it and establish a business.
The town and surrounding country is
capable of supporting most any legiti
mate venture, and bis offer will no
doubt soon be taken up.
E. H. Pat-:h is sales agent, with
headquarters at New Pine Creek.
County Clerk Pavne last week issued
a marriage license to Frank Bussey
and Misa Hazel T. Miller, both of
New Pine Creek. The ceremony oc
curred at the home of the bride's
mother at that place last Sunday even
ing, Rev. A. F. Simmons, of this place
officiating. Roth young people are old
residents of the New Pine Creek sec
tion and are quite well known here.
A wedding dinner was served in the
evening at which about forty of the
immediate friends and relatives of the
young couple were present.
The Examiner extends con era to I a
In the construction of dwellings.
Prize In Demand
following tbe announcement that
the Northwest Development League
would award a $f0,000 prize for the
best five bushels of wheat produced in
the American Northwest and exhibited
at the Northwestern Products Exposi
tion in Minneapolis during November,
several hundred growera have signified
tneir iatention of competing for the
The league has prepared a foar page
leaflet telling all about the conditions
under whicb the prize la offered, the
rules for judging etc These are sent
free to everyone applying to the mana
ger of the Northwestern Products Ex
position, Minneapolis.
H. A. Utley, republican nominee
for County Clerk, last week returned
from a tour over Modoo countv and
Southern Lake, where he waa taking
orders for nursery stock. Mrs. Utley
will join him from Valley Fall this
"Seeing Orogon" Yet
Portland, Or, June 25. Special--'I he
most extenlnve "Seeing Orrgon" trip
ever undertaken from Portland will be
the bin excursion to Laksview next
August. Business men ot the metrop
olis will go by automobiles, covering
about 2,000 miles. Alternate routes will
be taken going and coming, so that
an immense area of the state will be
At Lakeview the Central Oregon De
velnpment League will te In session
August 20, 21 and 22, ami the iourney
will cover ten days. Some will go by
train to Bend, others ty auto, and all
will leave Bend and motor southward
to Laaevlew, following difftre.'.t routes
Returning the Klamath county and
Crater Lake will be visited and dele
gates from Portland will take the train
to Bend for home.
Neoretary C. C. Chapman, ot th
Oregon Development league, Is miking
plana for the trip and those who go will
have a better knowledge of the Inter
ior Oregon than ever before.
Silver Lake Items
(Silver Lake Loader)
Alex Fitipatrick accompanied by a
wool buyer to whom he had aold his
wool, went up to the shearing pens
Wedneedsy to weigh and deliver the
Mrs,. Long and Mrs. Bennett of
Shumway, Cel., who have bet-n visiting
their brother, Dave Dotson departed
for home yesterday morning, Dave
accompanied them aa far as Lakeview
in High Adam'a machine.
School Sucerintemlent Willita has
been holoing an examination of ap
plicants tor teauhers certificates In Sil
ver Lake this week, the following er
sons are undergoing the ordi-al r
George S. McCallahan, View Point:
Carev II. MiUm, Silver Lake: Ralph
K. Strong, M. Eugenia Strong, Nellie
Patison and Stella M. Pottison, of Fort
Hi Adams, the Silver Lake stockman
and rancher, last week came down on
a brief visit. Hia auto refused to work
somewhere enroute between Silver
Lake and this city, and be was obliged
to come on to Lakeview by other
means and return with anme necesssry
repairs in order to complete the trip.
Klamath Herald : The report comra
from Bly that Mrs. E. Casebeer, whose
home was burned Monday, causing a
losa of about $10,u, la to erect a
hotel building In Bly. It Is said that
Mrs. McKendree will be Interest'
with Mrs. Casrtieer In the proportion.
Last August the only hotel at Bly
was burned, and alnre that time tbe
travelling public has been forced to
seek accomodations with friends or
some of the ranchers In the neighbor
hood. This spring Mrs. Casebeer pur
chased a lot 100x100 feet, aerosa the
atreet from the poitolhVe at lily, wile
the Intention of erecting a hotel, and
plana had all been prepared. It is said
that the recent destruction of the Case
beer borne will not interfere with the
plana of the building of the hotel, and
that wnrk is to be started soon.
M-sa Delia Walker left Monday for a
short visit In Plusb.
nt IiiiiimI from nVst imue
endation. W. J. Bryan Is quoted as be-
nlg unsatisrfld with the choice.
It Is being agitated to have the
candidate who receives the second
highest number of votes on the final
ballot accept the nomination of Vice
Baltimore, June i. --William J. '
Brvan met defeat at the hands of the
democratic convention when Judge Al
ton B. Parker, of New York, defeated
him for temporary chairman of the
democratic convention, and In the opin
ion of many party leadera here elimi
nated himself for the rare for the pre.
idcntlal nomination. The vote b
which Parker defeated Bryan was GTS
to 610.
A'ci Fs tatc 11 ro k ers
High Grade Mining- Stock
Omemm mt
Attention. Horsemen
Will sell or Trade for broke or unbroken horses,
One imported IVrchcron Stallion, registered, weight
1800 lbs. S years old.
One Jack, 7 years old, weighing 970 lbs.
Have papers to show they are perfect foal-getters.
Inquire at the MAMMOTH STANMJS, where they
can be seen.
Curtain Will Rise Promptly at 8:15
The Comfort of
The Saddle
bun all to do with thefdeus
uro of the ride, You will
Ami our middles uh comfort,'
able an an arm chair even
after a bard jfallop. And
they uro as comfort utile for
the hone too. While you
are looking at one don't
forfait we have the latent
brldhw and the best of bits.
week and they will reside in Lakeview.