Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 27, 1912, Image 7

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Classified Want Ads
A Want Ad In Tho Lako County Examiner
Kcpeatctl ii few times, it necessary, will find u customer I
for that property ol yours. Tlioy arc scanned closely B
by intending lm ors, nndthecb-t is nominal 5 cents
the line for each insertion. Special lon-timc rates.
FOH RENT Hmt" iiimI barn, enquire
Fieil HllHlllfl IllHTtf. if
WANTKD a reliable insurance r.l-
r with execu'lv. nbllltv. A iioimi
offr hr mi experienced writer who
an l to brtt.r hie preseut cotidi
tlou with ii i i.n.pany over 4 year
old. Top nou li commission and
renewals Inr the right party. A. II.
Comb. Msn.igcr HIM) Helling Build
ing, Portland. Oregon.
WANTH A live, extierioliced and
rckpuiisihle salesman to noil to
fanners. 'minors etockmon. etc., to
represent " Hi till territory. - utie
that kiiowii prices mid wopl. Dig
money for the right party. Addrc.s
Nmtih's Cnh Store, hn I ranclaco,
Uiil. Jn20-J4
WANTED-lo If banted on flrstrlass
ItM) acres, otvo particulars, as to
Mull, climate, loemlon. wilier, ilm
tier stc. w. M. mown, 112, E. loth
St.. Cortland, Oregon. 2tp
W oiv-d a salesman In each of
ersl excellent tilclda to sell our splen
did tiurwr.v slock. A ieriniiuiit
place, rrnili wecMv nnd a square llrtii
buck of you. Write for particular.
Washington Nursery To Topenlsh.
v """jt-w
STOLEN Mav 31st One very leggy
liv liiiiie, whim luce, white hlud
lags, "Itr" left shoulder, 1200 ll.
One leggv v. ry dark brown gclding
It in t:" oil left hip, HI year
oi l. One liny gelding "R" left hip
I UK) ll. quite old Liliernl reward
lor Information leading to their re
covery. O. J Maufler, II. Brook
ings, RoW at. Oregon. J n l3-'lt
1.14(1 OKe AKIKIUAi"
Hotel lakevlewbar. The bostand
tnirMt whisky made, tf
FOR BALE Livry & Sale Stable
Im-Ated at t'luMtt. Oregon. Com
plete ouitlt Including gasoline on
ulov, rorraU. He W ill t 11 for con
Ml.leralilii le than tlm tmlldliin
alone coi-t. A luouey inkr for a
gcoil livery man. Adilr J. J. Vo
Kelllen, Fhmh. Oreiion. Jol.'t U
FOH BALK Out of ilm Ix'nt 1'ornern
In thaclty of I aktviw, KKurA'i In
quire J. Chat Hint th, I'arlnlan Mill
inery. Main 8trw't. went ol Court
Uoumo JUt
FOK SAl.K Ono 4 MlU'hell w),
one turrey, on mi doutdo harueHM,
medium weijfht, and ono nut heavy
work harneiu. Kwrythtiig lu firm
i laiM coudltlou. Iiujulro Muminoih
lively mahle.
FOR HA UK Lot 4J. Mock 7:1, tract
HS Of NS' Nr.Jiof SWX. ls
Twp. 1W. UauRe 2i. 10 aereH. 6 acre
water rlKht, Taxe- paid. I'rloe
caah. Addrt-HU K. J. Uo(ln, Ciallup,
N. Mexico.
FOR --ALE CHEAP A number of
Koo.l yuunic norm, Kraile Pereher
oiih; two K1 waoiih; one Bain
3 In. front and S)i hlud axle; one
i'etor Shutler 3 axle almoet new
Apply to It. K. Funk, Lakevlew,
JJreVon. M9-ltu.
iFoRA LE Tract 0, Kec 7, twp ,
raogo 20, and lot 16. tilk 78. For
quick hIb fMi ciuth treta It. Ad
ilreta W 8, Mulrlue, 143 Lin dale
Ave N. Minneapolis, Minn.
n uilV '11 ui'isu. NVnl NKW of
' NW ot Befclon 83, T6, R 20 K W
M. 10 acre. Ol n,-j oi ori w
HE. Section 26. T 3D, R 20, alno
lota 14. 20, 43 In block 323, 20&, 05 iu
Kakeview addition- Mnke uie uu
oUi-ronpart or all. V. Rmmnilch,
Hakerunelfl, Calif. J13-4t
FOUSALIv The bentequ!ppml freight
hiKoutntln Lake County, luipilre
of Chewuucan Mercantile company,
PuiHley, OreROii.
llo.OOOfor 1"0 acred of ft nor t land on
ehoro of Coomb Lako, Juiit now open
ed to railroad. Depot adjolim the
laud. Creek runs throiiKU land,
full of brook trout. Fine Unhing iu
t he lake; eltcht-rooui Uoiine, UrK
barn and outbulldinKH. ThU land
can te made Into a beautiful sum
mer reMort, aud that In what It
ehoiild be. U Lake in fortv-flve
oil lee Ioiik and eight to Dftoen mllea
wide. Lakevlew I)evelopiueut Co.,
Davis Creek. Cal.
FOR SALE 20 acrea lu cultivation
lieing part of tho KE of SICK of
beo. 15, towuuhip 35, S. of R. 87 E. in
Harney Co. Price (20 per wro or
would take lot in Portland. Gray
lieal &. Lucia, 052 Union Ave. No.,
Portland, Ore.
FOR BALE 20 acrea lo section 23,
townHhlp33, ranite 30. Enquire of
Scatter Droa., Lukevlew,-Ore
THE Lakeview Abstract Title Co.
U making special prlcea on Abstract!
to O. V. L. Co.'a Tracts und Town
f OK HAUC-I.ot 1, block 47, tret 111, iwtlon W
Uiwnaiilii :9, noiuulD. 1 're. I nollclt n
olt r uu tbu iibiiva or price on tliu adjolulug
IkUd. U If iloy, Garfield, Nebr.
roKBALK-UU IW, block 7. and Trot ol
ol N WU ol N W'4. boo lu, TwpOT. Knoge 0,
idaore Tull water rlniit AUilreM rel
Oarvluar, Llibon, Norlh Dakota
gOU S A LK- Traot 6, Ueo. 14, T. SO, K. ill, 10 aorea.
L, J. 1'urtur, lortlauU, Taxaa.
FOH BAUC-Traot 1, Heo. 1A. T. 87, K. 4, 40 aorva.
i, U. faaraou. nil W Alameda A va, Denver ,Col.
roH'Ai.K. I .- :. hlart l an1 tract , Sl I.
.1. k IK. M A1lr.aa llwlan Want, 111
. i ( Mini , Iowa
roM "M r- l ot 14. I'lie k tlM.aiift N1 ul ol
NWU. 17. T . ) a:r. . Kan-L.
Hray.t-ex H. hl.l.-fl i -sh. I'rlce inn.
roa KAl K--l't
and Nf.'-A, aw4, "it ti ai:r
Al4iau J. Hlarua Wo Vi , fif Vm.
aud NK4, wu,
Hit r n, ra.
KIT. kaI.E- Tiit U. uiipi'i . -'i.
and M ol NW4 l MW(, mi : . Inn M W, tk'
ac.-a, Atilrxa (;. C. Harmon 1" Kaoaaa ft,
HMlrlalil. H. I).
FOR HALri Totiie 'htcheHt bidder.
m arrea, Hrc. 7, I. 37, R. In. HprnKiie
River runs through If Mrn. J. 1
Kirhy, IWi Felix Hlrvet, til. Jimeph,
Mo. M3'iJii2()
FOR HLK Cood 4 foot and loch
coriUix.d. Delivery now or lu the
f4il. hee Dan llreoann. M30 jli20
ward honied by the Telephone
'oiiij. any for dent roylntr Ita prop
erty. Ifltf
Not Co I Land
Denartmeut of the Interior, U. S.
Land Ortlcn at Laknview, OreRoti,
May , ji2.
Notice Ih herebv lven that Evrena
M. lielietlet, whoHe pout oUlce ad
d roan Is l.nkeview, Oregon, did, on
the 22nd day of Hi-ptenitH'r, Jttll. tile
in this otUce Sworn Statement, and
Application, No. O-Jmni, to purchase
the Vi HEW. NEU NEX.
Section 31. Towni-hlp 3H S., It..(e 21
E. Wlllani'-tte Meridian, and the tim
ber thereon, under the pnrvlaloiiH of
the net of June 3. H1H, and acta
amendatory known a the "Timber
and Htone Law," at audi value as
uitjcht bo alhxcd by aipraiaemetit,
and that pursuant to such applies,
tlou, the laud and timber thereon
have been npprsiaed, at (40.1 the tltn
Iter estimated l)20,(MH) board feet at
( .75 ht M. and tho land iioIIiIdk;
that said applicant will offer tlnal
proof in support of her application
and aworn atatement on the 12th day
of July 1912., before Retclnter ud Re
ceiver U. K. Land Office at Uikevlew,
Any ierson Is at lllMrty to protest
this purchase before entry, or Initiate
a contest at auv time U-fore patent Is
aues, by tiling; a corroborated slate
ment in this olllce. alleging facts
which would defeat tho entry.
A. W. ORTON. Renter.
The eatate of Saufoid Stephens,!, de
Notice Is hereby given that the un
designed as executrix of the estate of
San'urd Stephen. (Iceased haa tiled
her tlnal account lu the County Court
of the State .f Oregon, for Lake
County and that on Juue 17th 1912
at the hour of 10 o'clock in the fore
noon of the said day In the county
Indites olllce In the court hue, lo
,nkevlew, Lake Couotv, Oregon has
tM-n designated and fixed as the time
and place lor the hearing ot ob
jections thereto and the settlement
Executrix of the estate of
Sanford Stephens, deceased
Date of flnt publication May 23.
Estate of Meredith Wade, deceased.
Notion is hereby given that the ni
derslgned, Blrt Wane, was appoint
ed administrator of the estate of the
above named Meredith Wade, deceased
by the Honorable County Court ol
Lake County, State of Oregon, on the
9th day of May, 1012, and lias qualifi
ed as such administrator. Therefore
all persons having claim against
said estate are hereby required to pre
aent them with the proper vouchers
within six months from the date of
this notice to the said administrator
at the otUce of Ratchelder & Combs,
In t he Tow n of Lakeview, Luke Coun
ty, State of Oregon.
Duted this 23rd day of May, 1912.
I1IRT WADE, Adminis
trator of the estate of
Meredith Wade, deceased.
In the Couuty Court ot the State of
Oregon, for Lake County.
In the matter of the estate)
of V Citation
Eli Rnrnuni Deceased. J
To Earl liarnutu, Orva Barnutn,
Thayue IJarnum and Myrtle Payne,
and the unknown heirs of Ell Darnutn
In thu name ot the Htateot Oregon:
You and each of you are hereby
cited and required to appear In Cone
ty Court of the Btate ot Oregon, lor
Lake County, at the Court room
thereof In the City ot lakeview, Lake
Lake County, Oregou, od tho lUtu
day of July 1912, at the hour ot ten
o'clock A. M. and then and there
show cause, It any you have, why an
order ot sale should not be m ade, dl
reeling, authorising and Housing
Myrtle Payne, aa administratrix ot
said estate, to sell at private sal tor
cosh in hand the following described
real estate, belonging to the estate
of Eli llarnuiu, deceased, towlt:
- Commencing ut a point thirty feet
North and two hnudrod nfty-flve aud
three fourths (2-r5 3-4) feet East of the
Boutheost comer of the Southwest
quarter of the Southwest quarter ot
section ton (10) in Towiwhip thirty,
nine (39) South ot Range twenty (20)
East ot the Willamette Meridian, run
tug thence East one hundred twelve
and three fourths (112 3-4) feet; tbunce
running North two hundred sixty-four
(2(11) feet; theuce runuiug west one
hundred twelve and three fourths
(112.14) Ufi. thence running South
two hundred sixty-four (2II4) feet, to
tin place of beginning. Mid property
lelng situated la th Town of Lake
view, Irftkn county. Stat of Oregon,
In accordant- with the petition here
In on file, for said sals, to pay 'h
claim against the Mid estate and
till eklMiflMl-a lif III feilfiilnltff rMtliin.
! Witness tin Honorable II. Dalr.
, Judge of said County C urt. with tho
II Ol HI Kl UlMirt AtllXel I 111 lltll
I 'I i.T of June, 11)11'.
. F. W. PAYNE. County Clerk J11J13
lathe County Court of the State
of Oregon for the County of Lake,
In the rnattxr of tho Partner
ship. Katntw of DAN ORAF
now ilfcenaed, and PAT
HA li KY, doing business on
der thu til rui name of U RAF
To all w honi It may concerns No
tice la hereby it I veil that the under
sikiivil whs by an order of Hon. It.
Daly, Judge of the County Court of
the State of Oregon for the County
of Lake made and entered lu the
above entitled Court, and Matter tin
thr2", day ol May, 1012 duly appointed
a Administrator of the partnership
ttnt of Dan Oraf, now decwoia I,
and I'nt Barry, partners doing busi
Iies3 under the llrm name of Ural &
Marry, and that he has qualified as
such administrator.
All pcrs.;a having claims Against
said pnrtuerahlp estate are hereby
required to present the aame, duly
verified. Accompanied by the proper
vouchers, within six month from
the date of the flrat publication of
this notice, to ald Administrator at
he Law O flic J of U f. Conn, In the
Town of Lakeview, Lake County,
Dated and first p'ibllsben this .TO to
day of May, 1912.
PAT HARRY. Administrator
of the partnership estate of
' tiraf A Harry aforesaid.
To tli Honorable I ninty Court ol tba State
Ol Or-you lor l.ak Counlj
Wa. tbxiinil rilxncf li'al rotrra of North War
Bar rrrrlfint, Lake onulf, Hiateol
ouora In Iom aoaiitlllea than on gallon In
North W arorr IWlnn, Lake County, hiate of
Ori'ton, tor a iwrlnd of iMelva Montba, aa In
dm r bound wa 1U af rav
nicuRouiuinpf a j snow
Kirhnfd Allen
Charlca Island
1 1 Knott
W K Srhurtor
Jano-a l O'Connor
Ftillln I) r Courier
V E Taylor
L : Hpckwltb
0 B Brown
V m A I turd
F e lin
J II lurplo
t, V l.atia
1 U Bruwa
i at llah'll. jr
C W lr,l
T S Bung, ran
N K t:aoli-rwo4
Frank V' Murtihr
It II (irl...
Mlrhai-I Ijina
L I' MaiiM-r
A T tiliilirill
I J Van Krulen
R A I'rlday
M L Terpronlnf
5 8S
1. A M Bonnrr bntns flrat duly aworn ao
oordln in law.depoae and aa : That tba lora
(hi( petlUon co uma the alunaturts of aa
actual maforlly of tha whole number of trial
votrreol Nortb Warner p.rclnct, Lake county,
(.trefoil, that i-arb ol aald alirnatun-a la snuulua
that each of Hit, peraona wboae alunatun-a are
lan.'d to aald ua'HUoii li an actual realdent lu
aid preelnel at the date hereof and waa and
baa been au actual realdent of and reildlna In
aald prerlnrt at Iraat thirty daya immediately
precrrdlua' the date he aurned Ihli petition and
alao of tba fllliif of the aama
Hiiharrthed and aworn to before me tolJ7ih
day ul Mai luU
1 i VAN KEILKM NoUry fubllc
for Oreron
hollc I hereby riven that tbe undemUnrd
will apply lo the Honorable County Court
of l-k i-County.Mtateol Orei;on,ontbe srddayol
JulylSIt for a. lloenae toaellaplrlluoua mallany
vluuoua Uouora lo leaa quanlltlea than oue
f-llon In North Warner i'reciut, Iaka (ternt
iregon lor a period of li months frorj tba Stb
day of July, UU
Department of tho Interior, United
States lind Office, Lakeview, Ore
gon, June 3, 1912.
To Leonard S. Davis of unknown,
You are hereby notified that Theo
dore W. Flnie who give Fort Rock,
Oregon as his poHt-efllee address, did
on May 11, 1912. tile in this office his
duly corroborated application to con
test and secure the cancellation of
your homestead Entry No. 04H50, Ser
ial No. O-ltTiO trade May 19th. 1911, for
NX Section, Township 24 South,
Range 14 East, Willamette Meridian,
and s grounds .for hi contest he al
lege that said entry man uever estab
lished or maintained residence on
said land; that said entryman cul
tivated or Improved Mid land In any
manner: that said entryman has ab
andoned said land for more than six
months last past.
You aie, therefore, further notified
that the said allegations will be takeu
by this office as having oeen confessed
by you, and your said entry will be
canceled thereunder without your fur
ther right to be heard therein, either
before this office or on appeal, If you
fall to tile iu this office within twenty
daya after the Fourth publication of
this notice, as shown below, your an
swer, untler oath specifically meetlug
and responding to these allegations
ot contest, or if you fall within that
time to Bio in this office due proof
that you have served a copy of your
answer on the said contestant either
In person or by registered mall. If
this service Is mad by the delivery
ot a copy ot your answer to the con
test ant in person, proot of such ser
vice must be either the said contest
ants written acknowledgment of his
receipt of the copy' showing the date
of its receipt, or the affidavit o. the
person by whom the delivery was
tuado stating when aud where the
copy was delivered; If made by re
gistered mall, proof ot such service
mast consist ot the affidavit of the
persou by whom the letter was mail
ed stating when aud the post office
to which It was mailed, and this affl
davit must be accompanied by the
postmaster's receipt for the letter.
You should state In your answer
the name ot the post office to which
you desire future notices to he sent
to you.
A. W. ORTON, Register.
Date of first publication June 13, 1912
" "second " " 20, "
" " third " " . 27, '
" "fourth " July 4, "
Department of tho Interior, United
States Land Olllce at Lakeview, Ore
gon. June 4,1912.
To Mrs, James S. Roberts, widow
ot James 8. Roberts, deceased, uud to
the unkuowu heir ot said James fc.
Roberts, deceased, Contcstces
Yon nrs hereby not Hied that Charles
Cleland, w bo give Pluah. Oregon, a
his post ofllce addrswM.dld on Juue 4tn
1912. file In this ofllce his duly corrob
orated application to contest and st
cur the cancellation of Homestead
Entry No. 04u47, Serial No. 04047
maile OtUbr 7th, 1910. by James M
RuiM-rtM, now d.'. PHMed for NW.V of
NE.'4j. NEtf of NW!f it. d Lot 9, Mrc
foil 22, TowijmIiio ;JUS. Range 24 K,
Willamette Meridian, and a grounds
for Ida (olitanl he allege Hint said
Entryman now deceased nor bis
whiow, or heirs have ever re-lded on
said bind, never built a bullulug u
said laii'i nor fenced or cultivated the
land In rontst. or any part. theeol.
You, therefore, further notified
that the said allegations will Is tak
en by this office as having been con
fessed by you, and our said entry
will be cancelled thereuudcr without
vour I urt tier rUhtr. tn I mi ln-aril tliere-
io .either Iwiori-tlils office or on apNal.
If yoti fall to tile in tins office within
twenty daya after tlie Fourth publi
catiou of this notice, as shown below
your answer, tinder oath, rpecltlolly.
meeting and responding tothee al
legations of contest, or 1' you fail
within that time to tile In this olllce
due proof that yon have served a
copy l your answer on said contest
ant either in person or by registered
mail. If this servlee Is made by the
delivery of a copy of your answer to
the contestant In person, proof of
such service must lie either the
said contestant' written ackoow.
ledgeineiit of hi receipt of the copy,
showing the date of It receipt, or tbe
affidavit of tho person by whom the
delivery was made stating when and
where the copy was deliver d; If made
by registered mall, proof of such ser
vice must consist of the affidavit
of tbe person by whom the copy was
mailed stating when and the post
office to which It was mailed, and this
affidavit must be accompanied bv
the postmaster's receipt for the letter.
You should state In your answer
the name of the post office to which
you oealre future notice be sent to
A. W. ORTON, Register
Date of first publication June6th, 1912
" " second " , " 13th, 1912
" " third " " 20th, "
" " fourth " " 27th, "
Notice Is hereby given that the State
Land Hoard will receive sealed bids
until 10 o'clock, A. M., August 13.
1912, for the following dettcribea
swamp lands acquired by the State
fiotn the Warner Valley Stock Com
pany, to-wit:
Lot 4 of Section 15. SF.U of 8W
ot Section 23. N) of SEt. SE of
SEX and ol SW!-4' of Section 25,
Lot 6 of Section 27. T. 39 S. R. 24 E.
Lots 6, 6. and 7, Section 20 and Lot
2, Section 29. T. 39 S. R. 25 E.
Lot 15, 18. and 17 and SW' ot
NKV of Section 2, H of of Section
4. Lot 1 and 2 and H)4 of SFM of
Section 6, NEW of section 9 and MVW
of Section 10, T. 40 S, R. 24 E.
All bids must be accompanied by a
regularly executed application to pur
chase aod at least one tilth of the
amount offered. Blanks furnished up
on request.
The right Is reserved to reject any
and all bids.
Applications and bid should be ad
dreeeed to O. M. Brown, Clerk Btate
Land Board Salem. Oregon, and
marked, "Application and bid to pur
chase Swamp Lands."
ti. O. DROWN, Clerk Staee
Land Hoard.
Dated at Salem, Oregon, Juoe 5,
1912. Jn 13-A 13
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Lake County.
Frank M. Duke, plaintiff
U. T. Penlnger and
Maria Peninger, defend
ant. To whom it may concern.
Notice Is hereby given, that under
and by virtue of an execution and or
der of sale duly issued out of the office
of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of
I mm
a sure means to a desired end. This exolusive feature of
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Write for descriptive literature.
lk County, Oregon. June 4tb, 1913
I th at wire eo titled stilt upon a de
cree made and entered In aald Circuit
Court, to-wit: the 23rd dsy of May,
1912. in favor of the above named
plaintiff, I-rank M. Duke, and against1
tbe atiovr? named defendant, U. T.
Penlnger aod Maria Penfnger. order
Ing the sale of the hereinafter describ
ed premise, which premises are ir-
i Ocularly described In snl suit and de
cree; Mid premln-a to b Sold to sst
i iafy the Judgement am) decree of this
court In sairi aolt lu the amount of
four thonaaod eight hundred thirty
0v and fio 100 ((I'm 66) Dollars, with
Interest thereon from the 2-ird day of
May, 1912, at the rate of six ptr cent
um rr annum, and the further sum of
ten (110.00) Dollars as cost and dl- !
bursements and for accruing cost
Now, then-fore, by virtue of said
execution ant order of sale, and In
j CiMipllaoc therewith aod In com-
pimo'e wun me orner oi I ue court
recited In said writ, I will, oo Satur
day the 6th day ol July. 1912, at th
hour of tea o'clock a. in , of said dav
at ihe front door of theoounty court
house in lakeview, lake County,
"-iiste of Oregon, sell at auction
in the hlgheat bidder for cash lo hand
ad the right, title, interest, estate or!
demand whatsoever, t law or in eq I
ulty, including the tenements, herd!
lament and appurtenances tluTe'o
belonging or In any wine appertaining
to the heieinafur described premises, i
belonging to the said defendants!
alwv named, or either of them ts-lng !
the following deacrllied premises, to
wlU The North half of the North
west quarter of section thirty-five (35)
Townsbln thirty-nine South. Range
twenty (20) East of the Willamette
Meiidlsn, (expect two and one half
acrea lying iu the Northwest quarter j
ot the Northwest quarter of aid awe.
tlon thirty-five (30) which ha been!
heretofore conveyed by F. M. Duke
and wife to S. P. Veroon tbe dtecrlp- i
, Hon whereof is more fully ret forth)
I in the conveyance thereof as recorded 1
lo Hook 10 of deeds page 123 of Lake I
I County records); also the Northwest
; quarter of tbe Southeast Quarter ot
the South Half of the Northeast Qaar
l terof section tblrty-tbree (33); the
' Southwest quarter of the Northwest
quarter of section tlilrty-Iour (34);
the East half of the West ball of sec
tion twenty-six (2ft), all In Towneblp
thlrtv-nine (39) Sonth of range twenty
(3lt) East of tbe Willamette Meridian,
Oregon, or such part thereof a may
be necessary to satisfy said execution
and amount named therein, includ
ing Judgment, costs, Interest and ac
cruing costs; tbe Jprix-eeos ot Mid sale
to be applied to the satisfaction ot
said execution, order of sale and de
t ree, including said judgment, cost,
interest and accruing interest, and the
overplus, ittany there be, to be paid
Into the court to be applied as may
be required or directed.
Dated Lakeview, Lake County,
8tate of Oregon, this Gth day ot Jane
W. B. SNIDER. Sheriff ot Lake
county. State of Oregon.
E. E. R1NEHART, Deputy.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for tbe County of Lake.
In the matter of the estate of Rob
ert N-lson, Deceased.
To all whom it may concern: No
tice Is hereby given, that the nnder
mitt oed. executo' of the last will and
testament cf Robert Nelson, deceased
has tiled the final account ot his ad
itiluistration of said estate, and that
tbe Hon. B. Daly. Judge of said court
has, by in order duly made and en
tered In said Court and matter on tbe
14tb day of June, 1k12, fixed and ap
pointed the 1st day ot August, 1912,
at the hour of 10 o'clock in tbe fore
noon of said day, at the Court room
of said Court, at the County Court
House of said County, in the Town of
Lakeview, Oregon, a the time and
place tor tho hearing of objections to
said dual account If any there be, and
for tbe settlement tueieof.
This notice Is published in the Lake
County Examiner, a weekly news
paper published in Lake County, Ore
gon, once a week for four successive
week, the tint, publication, thereof to
be made on J une 20, 1912, and the last
In a commercial sense, the
employer is interested in the
quantity and quality of the out
put of his typists. It is evi
dent, too, that it is to the
best intesest of the operator
that each day shall show a sat
isfactory amount of work well
Therefore, both employer and
operator find in
iVJiWMUlU Mill
poblicatlnn thereof to be made on
Jnly 1H. 1912. by order of Hon. B.
Only, Judge of said Court.
tor of th Last Will and Testa
ment ot Roliert Xwlann Ikwoaa.
ed. ' ,
Lucky Dutchman Has an
Eight Foot VeinSacks '
Ore at the Surface
(High Orade News)
Fred Schrott and R. L. Wade, orv
eratlng the Lncky Dutchman leassi on
tbe Sunshine, hsv made a sensational
strike. Within threw day after secur- '
ing tbe leas these enterprising leasers
have uncovered an 8-foot ledge that
pans bonanza gold and assays (252.88 '
per ton at the surface.
The strike ha more than vindicated
all tr.e claims that have been made
from Camp High Grade. It bu
crystal Ized confidence in th intrinsic .
merit of. tbe district It has placed
tha camp at the bead of the proc-ssion
in all mining history. It ( an absolute
demonstration that the pot which
boiled on the Warner range deposited
some of the richest mineral ever die- '
CapL F. L. Evans is visited the
cene of the strike and examined the
property at tbe request of the leasers.
He states be found a well defined vein
in place from which be panned several
pieces of rock getting surprising re
turns. He brought in a sample which ,
assay very high.
When Will Lakeview People
Learn The Importance 01 It?
Its the little kidney Ills
The lame, weak or aching back
The unnoticed urinary disorders
That lead to dropsy and Bright's
disease, . - .. .
When tbe kidneys are sick.
Help them with' Doan's Kidney ,
Pills. i
A remedy especially for sick kid
neys. Doan's bave been coring kidney
trouble for 75 years.
Endorsed by 50.000 people endors
ed by people ot this locality.
W. P. Gould, 119 W. Jackson St.
Medford, Oregon, says: ,"t used
Doan's Kidney Pills at Haskln'
Drug Store and am pleased to say
that they bave given me more relief
than any other kidney medicine I
have ever taken. Other members of
my family have also used Doau'a ,
Kidney Pills and the results have
been so satisfactory that I do not
hesitate one moment in giving this
For sale by all dealers. Price 60
cents. Foeter-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo,
New York, sole agtnta for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
San Franolsoo, Cal.