Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 27, 1912, Image 5

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Town Property
For it new II room tiniien, ohUIh Ami -lilckeu houoo. On a Urge
tiortMT lot. fenced, 1W x 12.1. rrult trw aud liwa, clomt la, on lhwry
and CoIIi-k) MtrwU. l-My twins.
For ft-mom new tiiingitlow, nn Ideal up-tn -Onto home, cIinm to center ol
town on Hcrnnnl Min ot, F.aay teriue.
Kor f MMiu iu'w lniiiL ti!ow. woodnhc tl ntxl lil(;kn Iioiim. (Mi d large
corner lot. d'Uivi, ihi liiit. Iwtwu ami Hun lrultir- ou l.nki Ktiwt,
"IV So Ti ?oa Earth"
Lakeview : Oregon
More Bargain
120.00 per acre for 200 Aero o( timber lanil, clou la, easy term.
115.00 pw acre for NO acre, .1 mile Went of Lakeview; firm, dwp all, ray t-rm.
120.00 I'er acre for lfiO arret fine grain land, eeven mil-e from Laketlf w, went.
fcay term.
Haw mill In flrat clns ordr, Including a large quantity of dry, finihH Inmher;
aw log and 1 ncrea of atandlug tiiiilxr. Tlw book wl I proe It to
Im a fine inct Tiifiit.
yfi Mnn of floe tlmtor on the Wput Hide, clone tn a haw mill
320 e rv, duwert claim, wlih improvement. Kxllnqiilehfiwnt, -nn bn mntirrd very
(heap. Oood hH and near the line of the O. K. l'.llroad which will
F.y ti-riim
For n in w 4 romu Ihhumi and
ojit ahwt,' lot 60 I 12ft, kooiI I'N'iitloa.
m-j .. .
Fur nit tit to ilittf now Imnc'ilow, la clioli n-Mlilcuc pirt of 1 1 . tit.
IChx irin.
! term.
im vuiiv iiriiu('i mere in a nil on time.
Xaftc County firamlncr
TIIITKSIA Y. JUNK. 27, 1012.
The Fourth of July it only one week
lUlnlr on draiitflli at the Hotel
Mr. and Mra. I'alrlrk Anglawl were
in town Taeaday fur supplies.
Charlie Harry has accepted poaition
at the N.-C. O freight depot.
Mr. and Mra. Doualaa Tracy were In
town over Sunday Irom their ranch In
Drewa Valley.
MayneM Honna waa up from High
Grade Tueedey, and returned with a
load of supplies.
Mra. Dutlon, of Pavla Creek, waa a
local eialtor last wi-ek aa the guest of
Mra. W. r. Dykeman.
Jamts H. Owens, the Hiy atockman
and rancher, la now In town attending
to aome bualneia mattera.
Father Srhmltt, of the Catholic
church, Saturday, returned from a
week'a vlait to Kiamntb Fall.
Amongst the vUitore Sunday from
Alluraa waa Mr. and Mra. R. A. French,
of the Alluraa I'Jaindealer.
Mra. Thoa. Farrrll Tuenday loft for
Klamath Fella to join her husbad who
waa called there aa a witness in the
Willie caae.
Jamea Hcrvtord haa aold hie old
Ituick auto and purchased new Clial-rmera-Oct
roll from the local agent
7.1m Baldwin.
Father O'Keilly, pastor of the Catho
lic church at Alturaa, waa one of Sun
day'a local visitors aa the gueat of
Father Scomttt.
Mra. O. M. Hedley and daughter,
Miaa Joaepblne, of Los Angeles are
visiting with the Hanaona at their Point
ranch on the Weat Side.
Mr. and Mra. I'hil Harry, of Uoano
Valley, laat week, arrived in town and
will visit here during the next few
weeks. Mr. Hurry la attending to aome
business mattera.
t - --. c... k - lfanffr In the
uiwrnuiv unlit... -
Forest Service at Willow Ranch, waa In
town Sunday on a vialt to bla alitor,
Mra. Erneat Brown. He came in on
the excuralon train.
Mra. John Arzner and children,
Km ma and Mabel. Tucadav morning,
left for a viait with Mr. and Mra. Wade
Snyder, of Hidwell. They will be ab
aent for about a week.
The excavation work for the new
Daly building la now practically com
pleted. It haa been held up aomewhat
during the past week while the old
foundation of the Friat National Bank
building waa atrengthened.
"Uncle Dick" Kingaley, of the
Ureen Garden llouae, la the lateat to
auccumb to automobile fever. He baa
ordered a Chalmers-Detroit, with all
the lateat contrivancea, and aaya he is
going to make a mahoot out of Major.
One of the many atrangera now in
town got to feeling to good early one
morning laat week that he puahed his
arm through a window in the Brewery
Saloon doorway. Later he waa gather
ed in by Marahall Dan Be mis and es
corted to the city jail.
Tom Murpbv, a local ahcep roan, ia
now nursing a broken jaw aa a result
of being bucked from a horse at Twelve
Mile Creek. Mr. Murphy struck on
a rock and the jaw bone, on the right
aide of his face, waa badly broken. He
is being cared for by Doctor Hall.
Mr. and Mra. Frank Schmidt, who
have a ranch several miles northwest of
town were taken quite ill Sunday while
in town, with an attack of ptomaine
poisoning. They were obliged to call
the doctor and were under hia care un
til the next morning. They are now
able to be about again.
Aa a culmination of the recent wars
waged between the sheep men and the
cattle ralsera of eastern Oregon, Gov
ernor Weat haa issued a prcolamation
in which he directs that a f500 reward
will be paid for the arrest and convic
tion of the parties responsible for the
outrages even now being enacted in the
gracing country.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Amick. of New
Pine Creek, last week returned from a
month's visit In Ashland. They were
joinod at that pUce by their two
daughtere, Mrs. T. H. Cloud and Misa
Cuba, and the party returned home to
gether. Mrs. Cloud has been absent
several weeks on a visit with her
sister, Mrs. Cannon in Woodland.
Calif., and from there she went to
Corvallis where her sister Miss Cuba
has been attending the O.A.C.
Why not ilnnk li&!oUrr It's TUB
I.t. 31
Jas. Harry waa among the aheepmen
noticed in town this week.
Krneet L. II. Meyers, of Valley
Fall, was In town over Sunday.
I'lillilri'iia white (Iri'KMfx, slum I to
fljcur. Ijskeview MirvitHtlle Co.
Hill .Simmons, of Valley Fatla, was
one of Lakeview's visitors during the
past week.
Mr. M Mra. Frank Hameraley were
in laat week from their ranch, north
went of town.
A. M. Smith, rf the Hunting ranch
In Drew's vallev., was in town the fore
part of the week.
Mr, and Mra. George Bents Monday
were visitors In the city from the
Drews creek dam.
Mra. Hen Daly ia now spending a few
days at Home 1'rairie as the gueat of
her mother, Mra. Jamea Barry.
J. Frank Barnes, the Summer Lake
rancher who ia well known about town,
Mondav, carne down on business.
If anyone aoubts that Lakeview has
a Urge number of good, husky rooters
they should have attended Sunday's
bHctiall game.
William Brown, clerk of the Forettt
office at Alturas, Sunday, came p on
the excursion train to look over this
part of the Valley.
Several teams are now being used
to haul lumlter f'om the Lkeview Land
& Lumber Co. 'a mill on Camp Creek
! for the Herytord building.
The lumber for the new Catholic
church rectory haa now arrived, and
work towards the completion of tne
building ia now being rushed.
Owing to the rush of business Sun
day, the Kandy Kitchen waa helped
out during the day by Mra. Hugo
I.eyva and Miaa Mae O'Sbea, who aa
stated the regular force.
Owing to the ruah of buaineas at the
local land office, incidental to the paaa
ing of the new 3-Year Homestead Law,
Guy Cronemiller ia acting aa tempo
rary clerk for a few days.
(icortre Haukinn, of the Auto Livery
Company, last week returned from be
low with a new 30 horae power Gergeoll
car for use In the garage. The new
machine ia fully euuipped and presents
a dandy appearance. Its a $1 6.10 car.
Daniel F. Brennan, the genial clerk
In the Forest Service, ia making pre
parations to begin work on a new resi
dence house on hia lota In the Drenkel
Addition. John Arcner has the con
tract and will auperintend the work.
At a recent meeting of the Bend
city council G. P. Putnam was elected
Mayor of that enterpriaing little city.
The office of Mayor had been vacant
aince tbe resignation of Dr. U. C. Coe
laat March. Mr. Putnam ia editor and
prorietor of the Bend Bulletin.
II. P. Sootheran, of Seattle, repre
senting folk -Co., directory publishers,
waa interviewing Lakeview buaineaa
flrme thia week. He ia oompiling data
and taking ads for the next publication
of the Oregon-Waabington directory,
which ia now' being prepared for tbe
presa for the l?13-)4 edition.
Merchant A. Bieber ia another to
contract that dreaded disease,1 autorao
bilist. Lent week he placed an order
for a Chalmera 30, which will be de
livered August lat. Ills new car will
be a fourdoor, 1913 model and is said
to be one of tbe clasaieai machines
being put out this season.
A social dance will be given at the
Snider Opera house Saturday night of
thia week. Owing to the many re
quests for a dance in the opera house, a
few of the local enthusiasts got busy
and made arrangements for it to be
given this week. Good music will be
provided and everybody is assured a
of a pleasant time.
To prevent the city's affairs from
being impeded by the old charter tan
gle, exists at Klamath Falls, a commis
sion of attorneys and business men are
drafting a new city charter which will
be submitted to the voters in seventy
days. It is said that the charter com
mission represents every section of
Klamath Falls and every political fao
tion. Until the new charter is aocepted
the town will probably remain in a
Wm. Noonan, who haa been employ
ed on the Tboa. Flook ranch at Rock
Creek, this week came to own to have
bis eye attended to, which .he had the
misfortune to quite seriously injure.
While running after some sheep in the
willows, be went to qulokly dodge un
der a projecting twig and missing his
calculation the limb struck him in the
right eye. Dr. Hall dressed the wound
and the injured member Is recovering
as well as could be expected.
Lndii'4 milt sale at Lakeview Mr
en n tile Co,
Anton Schuster, of the Swamp Creek
country, was in town Sundav.
J. C. and Pleasant Shcllhammer, of
Crooked Creek, were in town Tuesday.
Louia Mauzey, of the Warner coun
try, waa one of last week'a local visi
tors. Mr. and Mra. A. Leonard have moved
Into the house recently vacated by Mr.
and Mra. 8am Bailey.
Roy Chandler waa In from hia ranch
the forepart -f the week attending to
aome businesa matters.
Mrs. ChsrUs Arthur returned Sun
day after a aeveral days visit with ber
folks in Drewa Valley.
One iloieti bouse dresses, assorted
pntt-roa and mum to close itt rm uced
price. Lakeview Mercantile Co.
Mra. Wm. Bernard laat week return
ed to Lakeview from Southern Califor
nia to join her husband and family.
The Lauer Brothera, well known
Alturaa businessmen, were among Sun
day's visitors on the excursion train.
A meeting of the Catholic Ladies'
Altar Society ia being held thia after-
noon at tbe home of Mra. Michael M.
Mrs. Lee Ilea 1 1 and children last
week returned from a aeveral daya
visit with Mra. Fitzpatrlck, of tbe ZX
ranch near Paisley.
Mra. Fred Longfellow, last week
acted aa clerk in the Kandy Kitchen
for aeveral daya during tbe absence of
Misa Ethel Bailey.
Chria Langalet, the enterprising
tailor, ia planning an addition to the
bouse he recently purchased in North
Lakeview, near the Grammar School.
Zim Baldwin, agent for the Chalmers-Detroit,
returned from Klamstb
Falls Monday with a new machine for
Attorney Jamea Lane of Silver Lake.
Considerable lumber ia now on tbe
f andango Lumber Company's yard in
Lakeview and nearly every freight
train bringa from one to three oars
from the Willow Ranch station.
j Tom Boyler and John Crutchen, two
! young men of Woodland, Calif., have
arrived in Lakeview, fully convinced
that thia ia the proper place for them,
and have decided to locate with ua.
Bill Barton ia now nursing an iniured
wrist aa tbe result of being thrown
from the Missner automobile while
rounding rJsgle Point one day laat
week. He waa not serioualy injured.
Owing to tbe fact that Mra. K. E.
Lofftus hss tound it impossible to at
tend the annual convention of the De
gree of Honor, A.O.U.W., Mrs. Lillie
Harris will act aa local representative
and will leave for Portland in aeveral
A dispatch aays that work is being
rushed on the Natron cut off near Kla
math Falla on the S. P. line. We have
bad aesurance that immediate work
will begin en the Goose Lake Southern
through thia valley when thia cutoff la
Dave Fouta who haa been working
on the O.V.L. telpehone line, was com
pelled to quit work Monday and come
to town on account of an abscess on his
hand. The affected member Is very
painful and willl keep him from work
for aome time.
Cedarville Record : The Margaret
Ilea Troupe showed here last Friday
night to a good bouse. The troupe ia a
good one and will render a performance
here every Friday night. E. H. Meade,
the Manager, purchased two automo
biles from Chas. Lamb and now covers
tbe circuit in their own automobiles.
J. H. Cochran and J. F. Hutcbson,
representatives of the Mutual Life In
surance Company, last week arrived
from Medford and spent a tew dava
here, after which thev went to Paisley
and canvassed that territory. E. H.
Clark, local representative of the com
pany, accompanied them on the trip.
Perry Curamings, proprietor of the
Lakeview Variety Store, laat week re
turned from an extended trip to Cen
tralia, Wash., where be has been the
paat few mentha. Mr. Cummings is a
horse trainer and went to Centralia
with tbe understanding that It was a
good field for bis line, but after his
arrival found it to be rather quiet, and
hence waa glad to return to Lakeview.
Alturaa New Era: Ueo. C. Turner
of Ceadvrille, left here this week on a
trip to South America with a view to
making inveatments there. He waa ac
companied by Prof. Rose, who speaks
several languagea fluently and goes aa
as an interpreter. The professor also
will take bla camera along and gather
material for use in hie next term of
high aihool. They are going by way ot
New York, and expect to take passage
from that ci y on a south bound steam
er on July 20th.
Lee Emerso'i, of Sslt Creek, was one
of Sunday's local visitors.
See those Indie skirt at hiilf price
at Lnkeview Mercantile Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Grisel, of the!
Warner country, wre in town over j
Wanted: Furnished or housekeeping j
rooms, for family of four. Apply at
this office.
Mlas Ida Howard ia in the city this
week visiting with her sister, Mrs. C. j
D. Arthur.
Bert Barton haa accepted a position ;
as cook for tbe Kiddels Construction
Lew McCulley, is now spending a
few days in town, having come over
the forpart of the week from Cedar
ville. William Keir, an old time reaident of
Lakeview, and now employed aa a atone
mason at Alturas, was one of Sunday's
Chas. E. Rice, leader of the Alturaa
band, Sunday came up on tbe excursion
and atayed over Monday to attend to
some business mattera.
Attorneys Batchelder and Combs
went over to Klamath Falls the first
of the week to be present at the Willis
trial which waa begun last Monday.
Calude R. Seager, of tbe Davs Creek
Orrharda Co., accompanied by hia
wife, yeaterday came up from Davia
Creek for a few days visit in 'he city.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bernard accom
panied by Misa Bernlce Massingill,
daughter of W. A. Massingill, the first!
of tbe week arrived kin Lakeview to
apend tbe summer months with rela
tives. .
George Wbortou, of the Inn Saloon,
last week made a trip to Reno and re
turned with a brand new 1912 model
Overland. The machine has all the
lateat appliances, with foredoor, and is
a handsome car.
The city dsda are doing a most com
mendable piece of work in having
Weat Street graveled from Slash to
Center. The work is being done under
the supervision of Wm. McCulley, and
Is' almost completed. I
Mra. Wm. Wallace Saturdsv nivhtl
returned from Woodland, where she
bss been visiting the past few weeks.
She waa called there to accompany tbe
body of her mother for burial, and
aside from thia aad mission the visit
waa enjoyed.
. Roas Farnum, a brilliant and promis
ing young attorney, of Portland, last
week arrived in Lakeview, and ia so
favorably impressed with the town and
surrounding conditions, has decided to
caat hia lot here. He is a graduate
from the Willamette Univeraity and
we wish him success in bis newly
chosen field.
E. Cbapin Card, of the High Grade
Newa, who ia now in San Francisco,
aent a telegram to Chas. L. Fulton,
stating that San Francisco feels meet
friendly toward High Grade camp and
that they would send press representa
tive to the camp, and that also State
Mineralogist Storm would soon visit
tbe district
One hundred and eleven thousand
pounds of wool were aold at Madraa
i. Crook 'county, laat week. The
highest price paid was 63-1 c cts and the
lowest 11 cents, tbe total average being
about 15 cents. It is said that over
300,000 pounds of wool are being held.
although the price offered was about tbe
ssme as for that sold.
D. S. Bryant and O. E. Blattner,
of Pasadena, Cal., last week arrived
in the city to investigate some of our
possibilities. They made a trio Sunday
to tbe west side of the lake in company
with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Orton and
S. A. MuBhen, to inspect some land in
that section. The party stopped for
dinner at the Koozer ranch on Dry
From this date we give the folowlng
prices for Ice Cream: One gallon
S2.25 delivered, two gallons SI. 75 per j
gallon and 25 cents for delivery, five
gallons and up Sl.oO per gallon and 25
cents for delivery, Sherbet $2.00
single gallon delivered, two gallons
and up S1.75 per gallon for delivery.
Satisfaction and quality guaranteed.
Phone your orders one day in advance.
T. H. Cloud.
The Leota Howard Dramatic com
pany cloaed a successful week'a en
gagement at Snider opera house Sun
day, evening, when they presented the
laughable comedy, "The Basom Friend
of Bower." The company while here
made good decidedly in every particu
lar, and they are dramatic organiaation
oom poaed of respectable people travel
ing through the country giving good,
clean performances, and are entitled
to tbe people's patronage.
Oflcrs the Best Close-In Home Sites in Lakeview!
Near Schools, Churches, Depot and I'usincsa Center.
Buy Now! Lots 50 x 125, $140.00 to $275.00
Easy Terms.
W. F. PAINE & CO.,
We carry the 'Faultless Q
Day Shirts, Night Shirts and
Pajamas so widely adver
tised in all the leading
magazines. Priced at
$1.50 to $2.50
Silk Socks, in black and
colors, at 25c
Silk Plaited Socks, extra
quality, at 50c
New Washable Ties, at
The "Reiser" Barathea,
all bright Silk Ties, in a
variety of plain and fancy
colors, at
50c to $2.50
We sell "BENJAMIN"
Clothes, sold by all the
leading clothiers in the
land. Prices range from
$20.00 to $25.00
You will do well by look
ing them over.
be closed out at big reductions.
These are hew goods and snappy styles.
Notice the following prices:
$15.00 Suits $IO.OO$22.50 Suits $16.50
18.50 Suits 13.50 25.00 Suits 18.50
20.00 Suits 15.00 27.50 Suits 20.00
$30.00 Suits $21.50
About one dozen in the
lot, so come and get choice
as they will soon go.
We also have a few J9JJ
Skirts we are closingout
at half price.
Don't overlook
these bargains!
It avoids the unsightly sp4 '
on front of neck '
Ask to see the New
CO. 2