Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 27, 1912, Image 4

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    Lake County Examiner
Official Paper of Lake County, Oregon
I !
Rnrnlar standing aU $1.00 an Inch. Htilt
o limn rmci!, rn't month. All aiauilin a I"
ffttncrri frw twtc a month, fort ot rompiwi
t in charted forll xlra rhanirva. All m-m-IkI
SHMlllon titra. All ataorl tnm a1a. tr
Hoadora, loral eolnmn, 10c. pr tncoh !n
r ilon. .ii ad. 6c. a lln ch inn rl'an
Ca-d of lliank il.OO. Keaoluiiont o. cou.1
toac. II. Ml and npwarda.
fjv-Tranalrnt AdTentaina and Job Prior
Bt.rub In adTauca.
A 1 bills moil be paid tbs Brttof each month.
vin Trot, in adTaooa,
fix nimh
I'ln--mmilha, "
aF"lf n ' nald la iitiinw, II SO lb raat
!.-! i :
Nattc ta 9aaer1ar
to Th Rtaailnpr who rmova
locality o another, ur rhanm
' addrvaa nhonifl rmmbtr to
u a card ao IhiMr paper it ail
.n tha rlf hi puaioMoc
Lakeriewr, Oregon, Thnrlv, .lune 27, 1912
One objection raised against th
adoption of a aewerage system at tbia
time, ia tbat tb membera of tbe coun
cil bave never bad any prevloua experi
ence in sewer construction. Wa rouat
acknowledge that we fail to sen the
force ot thia argument. It would be
impossible to secure a council of live
members from tbe citizens of Lakeview
wbo bave had such experience. All
tbat ia necessary for the council to da
ia to employ a competent engineer to
lraw tbe plans and epecicationa, and
after toe contracts are let, to employ
an engineer and inspector to aee tbat
the contract and specifications are car
ried out. Every month this engineer
would make a atatement to the council
that the contractor bad dore a certain
amoont of work and was entitled to ao
anucb money according to the contract,
which tbe council would authorize tbe
treasurer to pay. Tbe plan of pay
ment adopted is ao simple that when
tbe work ia dore that it would be an
easy matter for any citizen of the town
to calculate the proper eoat of tbe work
for himself. The council bas already
accomplished the most important fea
ture connected with tbe sewerage sys
tem. From the business 1 ke manner
in which tbey procured tbe complete
and detailed plans for the work to be
done, we believe tbey use the;
aame good judgment in performing.
tbe necessary duties after tbe bonds
Urged to Make Displays
on Exhibit Cars and at
Dry Farming Congress
Dr. E. 1). Everett, secretary ot the
Lakeview Commercial Clut, ia in re
ceipt of a letter from C C. Chapman,
secretary of the Portland Commercial
Club, urging tbat some method be
adopted to get the farmera of this sec
tion to make exhibits of their products
at all the tig Land Shows, Railroad
Exhibit Cara and at tbe Dry Farming
Congress. "Unless you send us the
samples you will not get tbe publici
ty," says Mr. Chapman.
He says to gather all products in the
proper season, and that he will fur
nish shipping directions later, the
thing to do nsw is to get available pro
ducts ready for shipment.
JThis is one of tbe best means for ad
vertising a country. Lake County ia
capable ot aending in good exhibits
and she should be represented at these
public displays. It not only affords
j the producer to adverise the country by
I furnishing tbese exhibits, but it affords
i a chance to advertise bis own indi-
Boys' Suits Golf Shirts Ladies' Collars Wash Skirts
Your pick of one lot of Men's fine (iolf Shirts, An assoi ttnentof Ladies' Ladies' Wnsli SkirtH in
boys' Knee Taut Suitsthat that sold lonnerlv up to fancy Collars, and Collar white, tan mid figured inn-
formerly sold up to $0.50, $1.50, you buy them now ami CulV Sets, worth 7fc, tennis, worth up to $2.25
at only at your choice your choice only
$2.50 95c 45c $1.00
Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4
Consisting of Shoes and Consists of Shoes and Consists of Shoes and Consists of Shoes and
Oxfords sold formerly up Oxfords formerly sold up Oxfords, formerly sold up Oxfords, in black, tan and
to $2.o( a pair. White to $.l.;0 a pair. Mack mid . .,.- , ;minii4. v ,. , , 4, ,i
Duck Sandals and Shoes, tan leathers and patent " " P1a'1r' 1 , , leathers, worth
Vici Kid Oxfords ami Shoes leathers, in lace and but- a11 st',tf's nml k,;,1,K'rs of up to $5.00 n pair,
both blacks and tans. ton styles. the season. You take Your choice now, u pair
Choice, a pair Your choice at your choice at, a pair
$1.50 I $2.50 $3.00 $3.50
have been voted. At any rate the
laci remains mat me nreaem counci. W)lh hla own name ,nd to- pace where
waa Dut into office by a big majority I jt wag grown
f the votes of the citizens of the -
xown, principally for this very purpose, i BOOStS LakevFeW
On tbe sewerage question thev have Kundav'a Oreironian contained a man
vidual farm by labeling tbe product
lived up to their obligation in such a
aoanner as to juptify tbe confidence
placed in them.
At the last election the citizens of
Lakevie w showed that they wanted a
aewerage system and tbat tbey wanted
tbis council to build it, and the Exam
iner believes tbe town will vote tbe
aecessary bor.ds to carry it out.
No organization in a community is
f more importance than the band. It
ia always a true guide to tbe progrea
eiveness of any eitv. Tbe remark is
nf ten over heard to come from visitors:
"Thia town ia a live one. and is tull.'of ; UBPic ot the Portland Commercial
of the atate outlining the route by
which to reach Lakeview by automo
bile. Tbe purpose of this is for the
tr'p here in August, and in reference
to tbla, the Oregonian saya in part :
Unquestionably the longest all-Oregon
auotmobile trip trom Portland thia
Summer, and tbe one carrying the
largest number of Portland people,
will oe tbe motor excursion through
Central Oregon to Lakeview for the
convention of the Central Oregon De
velopment League August 20, 21, and
22. The journey will be under the
good enterprising people and bas a rat
tling gooa band best I ever beard for
its size. AH of which merely goes to
sbow that any locality is judged large
ly ty the company of musicians it
keeps. Boost for your band, it rep re-
Club and will occupy about 10 days
Party Visits Lake
Mr. and Mrs. John Pearson and two
children, of Portland, and Mr. and
Mrs. John Ryan, of Bend, last week
ents to the outside world what vou are: can,e down from the latter place.
I f k I A 1
n ii
The Home of Good Values The Home of Good Values
Cypay Word'aaa Language.
To couuuunicute with oue another
gyptiles now uso let tern and iboy use
the telosruph. too, when ne esstary
ei'lally In this country. Hut the
modern Komaiiy also follows the "pat
teran." trm-lni; the footsteps or wniron
tracks of bis frlemls on the rontf by
the same mi'thixl employed by his an
cient prototype, reading directions
where no words are written us cleitrly
as tbe tforglo docs a roadside sign
board. But the putterau ciin be rend
by the gypsy only It Is hiddeu and
secret, although It may be In plain
alKht, as a hiiilxarcl Is open and pub
lic. The imtieruo may be formed of
sticks or stones or grass placed crows
fashion at the parting of roads In such
manner that only a Bjpsy would In
stantly notice and uuderstuud. To biin
It means much tirst of all. the direc
tion taken by Komaiiy predecessor.
Century Magazine.
Additional Briefs
l an Krnwn nr trttt llnffAl l.ab- i
- in t . . ii i . i so us to be able to leave about the tlrat
and, therefore, unable to cerform hla
usual strenuous dutiea. "Cap" say
the trip to Alturas did him up.
t .! M7 1 1 - . . m a l s
Lewnnjriu., iKenuur me Oregon ,, rtH1Mv .,.., ,hB
Pardan for Franklin V,
land. Informs us that he will return ! of those fine trout tbat prevail In the
there to locate and prartlro dentiatry. j Chewaucan. Why don't you grt 'cm.
He expecta to close hia buslneas here The Preaa. which Is now in the hands
of the authorities will be under the
of next week. Dr. and Mr. Uoyd have ; lngUBRement of Rev. Wilcox until an
lived in Lakeview several years, where administrator a appointed.
be has enjoyed a good practice, and '
they have made numerous friends who
news of their I
in Lakeview with District Manager E. i
N. Strong. Mr. Wylile has been desig
nated local representative for the com-!
pany here and has come to stay. His
family will shortly join him from
Prineville, where he was formerly sta
tioned. Mr. Wylde feela highly satisfied
with his new location.
President Taft signed tbe act of con
gresa limiting to eight hours the daily
service of laborers and mechanics em
l ployed on government work, and im-
The Hungarian Crown. mediately afterward issued an execu-
The HuuaarUn crown worn at their i t,ve order exempting any con'racta in
accession by the emperors of Austria j connection with the Panama canal Un
as kings of HiuiKury Is tbe Identical j til June 1, 1915. The canal now will
and where you're at.
Oregon will be urged to adopt a law.
in conserving livestock and to increase
production f cattle in particular, for
bidding tbe slaughter of a beiter or
female calf for three years, unless the
animal ia by nature made incapable of
propagation. All other states of tbe
Union will be requested to adopt simi
lar measures, aa a result of the draft cf
statute accepted by the National Stock
Exchange Association, just before it
adjourned its annual convention.
Tbey were brought down by Lorenzo
Fox in an automoble. The partv came
for the purpose of making a tour ot in
spection of the valley, but after ar-
i rival, Mr. Pearson received a very urg
ing telegram which compelled his im
mediate return to Portland. Mr. Ryan
has visited as before but it was tbe
first for Mr. Pearson and be expressed
himself as being highly pleased with
the country seen. They expect to re
turn later.
We Have
Just received a ship
ment of the famous
Goodman Bros.'
Including black and
tan. high and low cuts,
the latest styles for
Spring and Summer
Give us a call
von vc; ei
a 9
Economjy Store
Hall & Reynold, druggist, deterve
much praise from Lakeview people
for introducing here the piruple buck
thorn bark aud glycerine mixture
known as Arfler-t-ka. This ttimple
Oennan remedy first became fatuous
by curlnx appendicitis and it has now
been discovered that A SINGLE
DO.-E relieves sour stomucb and con
stipation INSTANTLY. It Is the on
ly remedy which never fails.
one made for Stephen and used at bis
coronation over 800 years ago. Tbe
whole Is of pure gold, except tbe set
tings, and weighs almost exactly four
teen pounds. The netting above allud
ed to consist of fifty-three sapphires,
fifty rubles, one emerald and 338
pearls. It will be noticed that there
are no diamonds among these precious
adornments. This Is accounted for by
the oft quoted story of Stephen's aver
sion to such gems because be consid
ered them "unlucky."
be finished before that date according
to the expectation of tbe engineers
Dr. W. It. Hovd, who last week re-
Mays, form
er atate senator for Multnomah county,
Oregon has been granted ty President
Taft on the ground that the govern
ment prosecutors had uaed improper
method in securing hia conviction for
land frauds at Portland in 1U07. Tbia ia
the second pardon in the Mitchell-Hermann
land cases, Willlard N. Jones
having been pardoned by the president
several days aao.
I C. E. Kobinaon, has received the
appointment of U. S. Commissioner
at Paisley, to till the position made va
cant by the resignation vf Geo. Parke.
All hi friend will be glad to learn of
Mr. Robinson's appointment, and will
congratulate him on hia success.
Paisley Pick-ups
(Chewaucan 1'n-ns)
Mr. Eph Miller and wife returned
from a few days business and pleasure
trip to tbe County Seat.
Lota of fisherman along the river.
turned from an extended trip to Port-j but we haven't seen anyone with any J
In the matter ot the estate of t'lutr
leu W. Moore. deceuMed.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has Itd appointed by the
County ourt ol Lake IViunly. Ore
gon, Administrator of the ab"ve en
titled estate, mid nil Hrsona having
claim against the said siat are re
quired to p.CHciit aame duly verified
and with projs?r vouchers, to the un
dersigned at Ins otllce In I-akevlew,
Oregon, with In nix month trom the
dato of the II rut publication of tbla
laUd and first published tbla 27th
lay ot June. 1U12.
W. LA 111 THOMPSON. Ad-intnlatrator.
Battle of tha H.rringa.
The battle of the herrings was the
comical name given to a flgbt between
an English force and a French detach
ment not far from Orleans In 1-129.
The English were conveying a largo !
quantity of supplies, maluly herrings,
for It was Lent, to the army that woa
besieging Orleuns. The Ensiib bad
l.UO men. the French C.00O. The for
mer repulsed the assailants and saved
the herrings, so the buttle was named
In honor of tbe supplies.
Discriminating Buyers of Life
Insurance Give Preference to
. n if
The Only Company "Exclusively Oregon"
rVfKA YED or stolen last week I rum
the Ulckerson ranch near Fort iiid
well, Cal., one black horse, weight
alKjut 1200 pounds, branded FH on
left stifle, wire cut on front foot.
Keward will be paid for any In
formation leading to recover . No
tify ;A. J. Ulckerson, Lakeview,
FOK BALE One epaii matched bay
geldings, 4 years old, well broke,
Mound, weight 27"0 pounds.
One span geldings 11 years old,
round, true team, weight 2700 lbs.
Price for fonr with chsin harness
550. Write or see M. D. Williams,
Davis C'Jeek, Calif. Jo 27tf
Camas Sawmill Is now running
right along. Any and all persons
wanting lumber will hud It here. All
orders promptly filled. Ktlmfilg 4
Christie. JuO-tf
I, Andrew Vlnyard, have one bay
horse that came to luy ranch June 5
i:12. iiiaiidcd IJ, on the leit shoul
der, owner pleH come and pay for
ad and take the horse. Ju )-A22
Willing to Tak Th.m Back.
A letter came from the clothing firm
oaying that the cloth that bad been
sent them was full of moths. Was the
wholesale house taken uliack? Not it.
By return post went a missive to this
effect :
"On looking over your order we find
that you did not order any moths. It
was our error, and you will please re
turn them at once at our e .use."
Couldn't Help Himself.
"He lived next door to a man for
ten years without even learning bis
neighbor's name."
"Can you Imaglue anybody being so
"Oh. yes. You see, the warden
". ouldu't let them talk." Birmingham
One Consolation.
"My wife Is suing me for divorce,"
sighed the man. "I wish I were dead."
"Cheer up, old boy. It's a wbola lot
better to have your wife spending ali
mony than life Insurance." Detroit
Free Press.
CIom Mouthed.
Caller So your sister and ber flanca
are very close mouthed over their en
.'iipeiuent? Little Ethel Close mouth
ed! You ought to see them together!
Auckland News.
In 1909 OrCgOn Life sold more policies
In Oregon than any other company !
In 1910 OregOIl Life sold more policies
in Oregon than any other company I
In 1911 Oregon Ufesold more policies
in Oregon than any other company I
In 1912 Oregon Life is greatly surpass
ing all of its former achievements!
Best for regonicims
A. L. Mills
Home Office; Corbett Building:, Portland
L. Samuel
General Mgr.
Lewis Wylde
Agent, Lakeview, Ore,