I A DRY SADDLE WHEN IT RAINS IF YOU WEAR POMMEL SLICKER Thf font nil nJ tlx cnmioft It im mm M Am 'Slltler of Quality $3. SO Evanrwhev A. J. TOWER CO. BOSTON iATENTS rVA I J' A 11 Ui IS WHIM A TION Fit UK. If yon Im rran Inrru tlon or any patent matter, writ liiiuwdlntcly to IV. W. Wit l( HIT, rruiMlvn-il attorney. Loan it Trust MilK; WASJUSUTOS, IK V. J. I- LYONS, 0. U. 5. Dantlat Office In WiImd'i Block. Lake view, Oregon tiht Vtar. tjarianr Id Mtaanai. Nrviuu .1 lalrtraiir o Mtokiaa M. P. Hopkins EMPLOYMENT AGENCY REAL ESTATE Office: FOnn AWtf-t AT. Lakovlew : : Oregon J. N. Watson ESTATE Farm Land a Spoolalty LAKEVIEW t OREGON PRUDENCE It pays, to be prudent when it comes to pro tecting your gardens from the squirrel vannin HALL & REYNOLD'S SQUIRREL AND GOPHER POISON FOR SALE IN ALL QUANTITIES TTTGood wiring is 1 1 the very best insurance policy you can have and the cheapest. We do it. E.T.SPENCE $1,000 REWARD V i. Tfc. Oregon Oil. Ifnrula and Nerada rVV-. Live Htoea I'otoi Wri'l ! Asaoclalnn, ot whK'li to. unaur iKii.d lit mcmlwir Will glTK 1,IU0U0 ruwanl lot erluuiio. lflllllC to id. r r.al and conviction y of any par ly or par- ties nlt'all ii a borax., oaltleoa aiulun be lonrlUKtoaof of lla maniMira. in addition to Hi. ahoT., the uiHterdsusd offer, on th. atn.oondltlun IA O.0Olur.il hor M branded bornonhoa liar ou both or cither tiw. Brand reoordud lu eliat eotiutlei. Nairn. arui-T. Lake and Crook vouullea. Uorioa rented when told. Non. hut grown horaeaaold, and oulrln larire ohcliw W. W.UaowN.Kifa.OraKou. ALFRED BOORSE Practical Painter ' and Paperhangrer rrf I have recently located In UI Lakeview, und In conjune Hi tlon with the Lakeview MtuvHiitlfa Co., im prepared to liumllo uny work and supply material for nil contracts in this Hue. Let the Kxn miner figure on your next Job Printing. 'Pi l tTHWEST CROP PROSPECT BRIGHT This 8aion'i Harvest Will Add Millions to The Three States Portland, Oregon, June 17. (Special to tba Enamlner) IJumper crops and prevailing good prlcee ara eapected In put the farmer, of the I'aelflo North want In high (rood humor f hi Fall, and through him, tha three states ara ai pertad to prosper aa navar before, Kvery Indication la for big ylelde In all tha etaple producta and for aomo prlcea will ba very high. Tha biggest wheat crop aver harvest ad la predicted for Oregon, Washington and Idaho and it la thought tha yield will reach 70,000,000 buihela, worth S52.dO0.OO0. Oata ara expected 'jo add 118.675.000 to tha farmer'a bank roll and barley $9,900,000 mora. Fruit marketed thia Fall and Winter will add 115,000,000 to thla new weakh and hey th neat sum of t.15,390,000. The wool crop la estimated to be worth Sfl.GOO, 000, and hop. 14,650,000. Thia la a to tal Income for tha production of three atateaof almoat Si 50, 000, 000. If tha manufactured product were added to tba wealth of tha .oil. it la probable that the total would fall not far below $500,000,000 for tne year. Additional Briefs Hour King, of tha ZX ranch, laet weak, cama down from tba Cbawaucan country and retnrned with a large load of provisions for the boys. lira. I.ucy Walling Looeley lat week died at the home of her daughter, Mre. John Smart near Fort Klamath, at the ripe old age of 88 yea re. She waa an Oregon pioneer of 1847. Rumora have It that an eleortio rail way line I to ba ronatrocted between Klamath Falla and Bonanxa. Thla move waa being agitated at tba time tha government abandoned the aocalled Upper Klamath irrigation protect. Now that there ia liklihood of thia pro ject going through, the eleotrie Una baa alao come to life. K. J. Cooper one of the leading ad vertiaing agency men of San Franclaeo, laet week at a banquet at tha White I'elican hotel in Klamath Falla, atated that every family brought into a county meane S1000 to the community. If you ahould apend 15,000, aaid Mr. Cooper, in advertlaing your town or county and SSCeeed In vetting fifty new aettlnra, you would bava gotten your money back. The National Magazine aaya that moving picturea ara now used to ahow the maneuver of tha Boy Scouts. Thi will enable tha acouta in one portion of the country to have a view of their sol dierly brethern in another part when being reviewed by Vice Preaident Sher man. The picturea will do much to ahow tha boya bow a aoldierly bearing la not altogether associated with tha carrying of guna. DANNY WILLIAMS LOCATES NEW CAMP Much Free Gold In Sierra Nevada Ranee In Butte County (II lull Grade Newa) Danny Williams ia still on tha wing. Since hla arrival three months ago ba has been tireless in hla efforts to aa certain facta relative to mineral oondl tions in North East California. Mr. Williama baa juat returned from a ten day' jaunt into tbe Sierra' Nevada mountains of Butte county near Johnavllle on Berry creek where he has completed preliminaries to .place a brand new mining camp on tha map. Mr. Williama report finding the finest ledges of white quarts in porphy ry and slate contacts carrying fine gold. He found one ledge twenty ieet across and followed tha aurface out' cropping more than three miles. After High Grade baa been properly placed before the public Dan proposes to take a party of mining men to bia new camp. While on thia trip ha se cured an option on the Boulder mine at Ophir, Cal., where one can take gold from a four foot ledge with one hand and pick cherries with the other. - Prize Given Away Vnluuble'prlzd will be given awny Frtm by Hall & Reynold. A city lot in the towu of New Pine Crwk, worth ('250.00, free to the holder of the lucky number. A ticket with every dollnr punihuae. which entitles you to a chanco on the lot. A duplicate of enii tlt'ket will he dropped lot a Healed box. On the evening of June .'10th the tlrawliig will take place at Smith's Picture Show. Out of towu customers will receive their tickets by mail. Kveryone ban an equal chance. - BUUBCKIBK FOr"tI1E EXAMINER Mil GREAT ACTIVITY AT THE SUNSHINE Company is Now Operating-Five Sets of Leasers Busy-rSevcral Other Leases Are Pending (Mitch Qradw Newaj Thia ha. been a banner week In Camp High Grade and at tha Runahlne mine. Tha entire district thrill with an an thualaam. Many campa line tha can yona. The boom of blame ia heard in all direction. The Big Four, Seven Lake, Modoc, Sunchine and Alturaa management ara preparing to ahlp ore. Fort Bidwell people are up and doing In tba mater of booming the camp. New fine Creek bt'opla are a unit for Ita rapid development Schauer and Laugblin, 'he former ownera of the Hunthina mine, have taken lease on a block of Sonahine ground 400 feet weit of tha Sumb na haft Three thousand dollar float baa V-en taken from an open out in the ground. The leaner expect to get down Into aolid formation on hi leaoe within the next few day. Nelaon, McFall and Ssrger.t bave taken a leaite on a block of ground be tween the Sun.nine working and the Scbauera and Laughlin lease. Trumltack and Aaaayer Moore bave secured a lease adioining the Scbauera and Laughlin lease on the west Schrott and Mack bava secured the Lucky Dutchman lease on the northeaat corner of the Yellow Jacket 1800 feet from the Sunshine shaft and apparently on tba same vain. They have opened COLORADO PEOPLE BUY "GOLDSTRIPE" Rich Gold Basin Property to be Developed In the Near Future (nitfh Grade Newa) Interest and confidence in tbe prop erties of High Grade iarapidlv increaa-; ing. Another important deal closed laet I Saturday bv the terma of which the j Gold Stripe. Cedar and Ajax propertiea i is Gc!d Basin paaed from Frank Lynch ' and Tom to F. D. Sherry of Denver and Aria Keitel for a consideration of 110.000. I work ' There ia about thirty feet of done on the Gold Stripe disclosing an 18-incn pay atreak that will easily run 10 per ton. The entire four feet of vein matter haa averaged S9.6S per ton by aaaay tests. The purohaaera will begin work at once on the mine sinking a feet deep on the ore body. ahaft 100 Mr. May i has carefully inveaticated the entire district and is very enthusisstic over the ahowing in Gold Basin. He asserts I that be has found plenty of cine and ) carbonate there on the porphyry lime contact veins. He baa mined exten-1 aivelv In Leadville and says that Gold Basin ia in some particular similar to that ereat carbonate camp. Amendment Lost The frienda of Crater Lake have lost their right for an appropriation to build road and make other improvementa in Crater Lake National Park for the preset? at least. Thia newa is contained in the follow ing Washington dispatch : "The house haa rejected Congress man Hawley'a amendment to tha sun dry civil bill for $50,000 for Crater Lake Park. The amount carried for the park is S3, 000 only." Thia mean that no money will be available during the present term of Congress for building the road around tbe rim of Crater lake or for other roads projected in the park. The bill had passed the senate but the house turned it down. The $3,000 mentioned in the regular appropriation for the i park will barely cover the running ex penses of the superintendent and no improvement can be made thia year. A Good Position , Can 1 had by ambitious young men and ladle in the flqld of "Wire less" or railway telegraphy. Since the 8-hour law became effective, and alnce the wlreleaa compautea aro ea- tahllablusr stations throughout the ootiutry there I a great shortage of telegraphera. 1'oBltlon pay begin- era Iroiu 70 to 00 per month, with good cliauce of advancement. The National .Telegraph Inatltntton of Portland, Ore., operates under super vision of R. K. aod wireleae official and places all graduate Into por tions. It will pay you to write them lor full detnl's. Never loavo home ou a journey without a bottlo ot rbamborlaln's Collo, Cbolera and Plarrohea Ruiu.dy Its almost curtain to b. j needed and canuot b. obtained when aboard I lb. car or ileauublpa For sal. by all daal.ra body of ora that aaaaya 1250 to S500 per ton. A. 11. Oldmen Co.. ara busy on their lease adjoining the Lucky Dutchman. All of these lesser ara now working and all have aplendid aurface Indica te! na. Geo. Bever, manager of the Kojal Gold Co. of Han Franciaco operating In 8iklyou countv, Cal., baa taken a lense on the Sunshine 450 feet weat of the abaft and will begin work about Juna 22. Negotiationa ara pending whereby it la propbable that tha entire Sunshine property will be let to leaaera within tha next few daya. Tbia leasing la a long str'de in tbe right direction. Leasing ia the thing that baa made many ramps great rapidly. Leaning made Cripple Creek. Ooldfleld, Tono- pah and many other diatricta famous N. E. Guyot of the Modoe Minea Co, baa thrown the entire property ot the company open to leasers, a baa alto J. P. Branley of tba Seven Lakes Co From every locality in tha district coma tha molt encouraging newa of actiivity and rich find. The Newa ia pleased to chronicle the word all tba O. K. which tbe ablest mining men of tbe world ara placing on Camp High Grade. i ', GOLD DASIN LEADS RICH DISCOVERIES Pleasant Canyon Presents the Very Latest Sensa tion In District (High Grade Newa) Wm. Nance, George Callahan, Matt Holt and Jack Maston have opened up a fine body of sulphide gold ore in tbe Wood Tick, located at the bead of Pleasant Canyon : Tua locality bears all tbe ear marks of a good mining district Tbe hanging wall of the Wood Tick ia blue lime and tbe fbat wall ia brown porphyry. Tbe aurface outcroppinga assayed $2.00 par ton. At tbe bottom of tbe abaft an 1 inch atreak 4 of talc assays $3.00 per ton and the remainder of tbe foot ; quarts 4 vein returna $5.00 per ton. These parties also own tbe Rain Storm Noa. 1 and 2. Tbey also own Nellie and Ruby lodea at ita bead of Pleasant Uanyon. All or tbeir propertiea are promising properties and the ownera think they will be mine owners when 'he claims are developed. FIVE MEN WORKING ON SHASTA VIEW Victor, Colorado Man En thusiastic and Active In High Grade (High Grade News) Ed. McWilliams, of Victor, Col., In the Cripple Creek daitrict, haa taken a lease on the Shsata View and is sinking a ahaft on the dyae with a force of five men. Mr. McWilliams came into the dis trict over a month aao from the great Colorado gold camp and waa immedi ately Impressed with the conditions in High Grade. He closed a deal from I the Shasta View and put bia men to ' work. He is now down fifty feet and will sink to a depth of 120 feet. Tbe Shasta View adjoins the Moun- tain View and Mr. McWilliams Intends drifting to connect with the Mountain View vein. The Shasta View claim adjoins the Consolidated on the south. M J Howell, a popular drugglas ot Green' burg, Ky, .ays, "We uo Chamberlain'. Consh Remedy in our own bouaebold and know It 1. t'xcelloiil Business Locals Rainier Beer oa draught at tbe Inn Rainier on draugth or in bottles at the Brewery. 2t The beet butter Oliver's 40 cents per pound at Bieber'a ('ash rStore. If yon want a really good smoke for a olckle, try 8 to rk man's Leader. For a real bargain for a taouae and lot in Ijikcview, ae J. N. Watson. 2 For fain: 120 acres sage brush land nnder canal, fenced. $25 per acre. See J. N, Watson. Of Kif auniioerdUi-rohealn children alwayi use C'latuborlalu'. Colla Cholyre aud Ularrohea Remedy aud cantor oil, and a speedy cur. Is cer tain for sal. by all dealers . FAIRPORT BOOMING IN MANY WAYS Buildings Being Erected Streets Opened- Launch to be Placed on Lake These ara buy days at the town of Fafrport adjoining New Pin Creek. A large force of men I busy opening atreeta, excavating for buildings and starting preliminary work on tba pier opposite tbe new depot site. W. F. Paine, agent of the townaita company, and V. L. 8nelling, preai dent, have been on the ground moat of the week directing work and preparing for whirlwind campaign to plae opon tbe map one of the most besutiful, at tractive and wealthy sites in tba North west Tbe location ia a dream. No finer landscape ever gladdened tbe gaze of mortal man. With gold on one aide. fish, pleaaure and traffic boating: on tbe other, tbe big red. apple between and the blue sky bove, Kairport, tha Classical ia deatlned to grow mora rapidly than any new town ever started in tbe Weat. T. F. Uunsway haa purchased a beautiful ateam launch which will bt placed in operation on Sunset lake in tbe very near fotore. Tbe proper men and tbe essential pluck and push are behind Fair port to guarantee ita immediate growth and importance. Pine Creek Will Celebrate (High Grade Newa) At a meeting held in Wendt'a Opera House last night it waa decided to cele brate our National Day in New Pine Creek in a manner becoming patriotic American citizena. Tbe following committees were ap pointed : Finance: Heracbal Fleming, Ed Keller and Henry Wendt. Program, Dr. G. A. King. E. C. Gard, and Chaa. L. Fulton. Amusement Chas. W. Taylor. A. L. Montgomery end David Anderson. MEATS AND Th e High Grade Ne ws If you want the facts and all the NEWS about the High Grade district send $2 to The High Grade News Ne w Pin e Cre e k, Ore. Nw Pino CreeA on (na N.-C- O. ft. ft. only seven mlloa from tho hoart of tho district HOTEL LAKEVIEW A ERECTED IN lOOQ MODERN TMnVfcZm FIRST-CALSS MFfr" SAflPLE Roon MSt'ii- For COnnERCIALHH Tn A mt rn e. ""I'.-t "T-j-'i COURTEOUS -V J-.'-"' tT"..- "Tl TREATMENT L1QHT & HARROW, Proprietors Ft P. LIGHT GEO. HARROW NEVADA-CALIFORNIA-OREGON RAILWAY Daily Service Reno to Lakeview Except Sundays No. 1 Arrives Lakeview at 8:45 P. M. No. 2 Leaves Lakeview at 6:30 A. M. Daily Except Sunday C. W. CLASS, AGENT :: Visits New Pine Creek Mr. and Mrs. James Kilmer and Mrs. Pat O'Conner drove over from O'lonrcr'e Forks Monday morning to witnca tha chunge that ia coming over the scene In this land of surprises. Pst O'Conner is ore of tha livest oraa In tha dsltrict and Mr. Kilmer is a goo safe aecond in the rustle and hustle 1o good yellow gold. This wss Mrs O'Connor's first visit to New Pine Creek although livlrg in the district almost five years. ' The Best Bib Overall Two Horse Brand IP. A New Pair FREE If THey Rip a Levi STRAUSS aV CO. urns., SAN MANCISCO CHICHESTER SPILLS BRAND r-AXIBS IA T . for CHT-CHM-TKa'9 A blAkUMO fcitAND PUJ.8 la Uno and A m Goto aaetallia bom, anted wits laaaM Ml aak aw cai-Cuas-TCm a V )IAJ 111. FILLS, for twmtT-flv) yean regarded a. Best, Bale, Atway. Rr liable, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS JUDOon. 1111 WO OTIIl. Bar a. m ' TTMR T&UU EVERYWHERE SSEffi W. F. PAINE & CO. Real... Estate LAKEVIEW, OREGON PROVISIONS may be ordered from this market by phone with just aa much confidence as If thejr are m-lected In person. We send them promptly Just as ordered. You'll be disappointed In nei ther time of delivery or tbe qua'lty of tbe roods. Try It for a cbanpp. f Lakeview : Meat Market HAYES A GROB. props ( aVj. -A LAKEVIEW, OREGON j&ti ill n id WAMONO VrtCi -ysaJei' T?$