t ; Lakeview Saddlery A complete llneof Wilson hihI bupKy iiarti es, vrhlpa, robot, bits, rtiUe a, opiirtt,qutItii, roae ettes, etc., etc. km j Every thing In the Itne of currlage and home fnrnlnh lnjf. ' ltepatrlnir by competent men. THE BEST VAQUERO SADDLE ON THE MARKET AHLSTROM & GUNTHER, Props. Successors to S. F. AHLSTROM SNIPER'S OPERA HOUSE SUNDAY NIGHT JUNE MARGARET ILES CO- 3 IN "MISS TEXAS" Curtain Will Rise Promptly at 8:15 Read The Examiner Want Ads GOJtfSOLIDATED STAGE CO. P. M. CORY, LAKEVIEW - OREGON Operate Stage, carrying United State Mall, Expreu and Pamenrer th following reate: ALTURAS TO LAKEVIEW; LAKEVIEW TO PLUSH KLAMATH FALLS TO LAKEVIEW ALT010BILE5 OPERATED IN CONNECTION WITH THE STAGES PARES: On Way Round trip Klamath Falls Route - - . $10.00 $18.00 Davis Creek Route .... 4.00 7.00 Plush Route ' 4.00 7.00 OhFICES: Lakeview . Stag Office Pluak .... Sullivan Hotel KlaiFfH Fall . American Hotel Davl. C eek Stag Offlc ENGINEERING, MAPPING - AND SURVEYING S.A. MUSHEN County Surveyor City Engineer TOWNSITES SURVEYED AND MAPPED Land Reports Made Blue Prints of Government Townships THE LAKEVIEW ABSTRACT & TITLE CO. ABSTRACTS TO ALL REAL PROPERTY IX LAKE COUNTY, OREGON Our Complete Tract Index lnuri Accuracy, Prompt net and Reliability Nucb au index it tbe ONLY JihLI AliLE sytttem from which an Abstract ran be made, showing all defect of title. IVo Also Furnlsh ffiriffiAlZ H. W. MORGAN, Manager, LAKEVIEW, OREGON POSt I OFFiCti BOH 243 PHONE 171 Sunset Valley Sofjrt by mountain, laved by th waters of Sunset Inks and Hotted by the home) of an industrious, InU-lll Kent and prosperous people wealthy from the lniom of ranch, rang: and forest, Sunset valley rent lea at the weiitern base of the Warner range, a little empire of pear and prosperity a oream of delight the pride of the great Northwest. 1'en of romancer or poet nor brush of artist can never picture a spot so fair, so perfectly magnificent, ao bewilder injjly beautiful, so enrapturingly en-trancing. Kich beyond measure in energy and artn that have come and Rone. , A II who make the busy mart, and contri bute to human advancement In aolence, trade or morals. All who hav been, are, or will be. Ancestry, and poatcrl ty. Influence and result. The busy brain and hardened brawn of man has earned and deserves a HOME. Man's dream and hope, his right and duty, is acquire and own, and enjoy a home. The sweet breath of springtime, the warble, of song birds, melodies from lute and harp swept by unseen bands, emotions that thrill and find responses in affinity. Tht nage brush desert, blistered by produetivenesa of soli, charming b-' tho nn snil swopt by the storms of yond description in the scenie elfocls of environments and promising coniec ture in future possibilities, Sunset val ley presents to the world its allure ments of certain profits and salubrity of climate in a land that baa no equal under the sun. A valley of homes with all the en dearments which the word implies. Combined with the numberlcsa charms of Warner range and Sunset Lake the story is complete. A paiorama of magnificent landscape, wild, wierd imageries of topographical wondors, with glimpses of fairyland and en chanted realms, mountains piercing the clouds, bathed in eternal blue aitd kissed by the sun. Crags beaten by the storms of ages. Lightening riven cliffs and chasms riven by the eroding hand of the elements during thousands of centuries ; mountain mirrored lakes and rivers reflecting the clouds; water falls wreathed with rainbows ami foam-crested rapids; health-giving springs gushing from subterranean chemical laboratories, veritable foun tains of immortal youth. Slopes clad in perennial venture, sequestered glens where butterflies flit and sunbeams dance and where zephyrs, laden with fragrance of columbine, blue bell and daisy whisper their melodies of peace. Haunt of the denizens of forest, moun tains and lake. Sunlight radiant as a vision of heaven ; moonlight gorgeous with dreamy splendor. A place where grandeur rivals beauty in an eaual contest for supremacy and where ambition grapples with effort lor possession and enjoyment of that which eye beholds. A land that within the near future will teem with busy thous ands snd now invites the multitudes to make it their home. Desire for a habitation s instinctive in all animal life. From the lowest in the scale to man, "Home" is the one thing paramount. Finny tribes of the deep have their regular abiding place, to which they return no matter where or how far they may roam beneath the waves. Insects sre strong and unerring in their instincts ot inhabitiveness. The ant knows where its tiny sutterranean home is hidden and the bee flies straight for ita biva laden with honey. Birds migrate for thousands of miles with the changing of the seasons, and after months of habitation elsewhere, ' twitter again under the same eve or in the same tree which provided them homes the preceeding year. Homing pigeons will fly hundreds of miles to coo again from their native cotes after being carried in confinment to locali ties they have never seen Oefore. And man, no matter how nomadic, wants and loves a borne. The wander ing Gypsy and the Arab on the desert, both born to roam, regard their tem porary abiding places, if occupied but for a staple night, as home. The African in the jungle has bis hovel: the Indian has his wigwam; tne Eskimoox bas bis ice but; barbarous bands of the far off isles of the ses have their crude places in which to dwell. All the bloody wars that have marked with crimson the trail of man kind since the dawn of history have been waged for home and native land or for dominions in which to build homes in future. Man's sweetest dream and fondest hope, hia tenderettt aspiration and sternest duty is home. His best in telligence and strongest struggles are expended for "home" and its en dearments. "Home" ia the "unwrit ten law" for which man will face pris on, bars and the gallows. Home Eternal is the basis of all the religions that have swayed mankind from thy beginning. "Mother. Home and Heaven" was the theme ot one of the grandest ser mons ever delivered from the pulpit. Three words more dear to civilization than all others. Maternity and eartlile abiding place, and a home beyond. The caress of dear old mother' "Home, Sweet Home." Destiny. The Great Hereafter. All that breathe. All the tribes of centuriea; bleak, blank and unforbidd ing. Uninviting, desolate, unproduc tive. A pain and a remorae. A rebuke to human aspiration. But surely "Cod hath made every thing beautiful in its time and place. , The desert disapears, ami the HOME la there. Meadows, and grain fields, orchards and gsrdens, the rsnch and range, flocks and herds, and happy homes. Out of the wilderness nd the desert hath sprung splendid commonwealths. Water and air have been applied where needed, and no fairy tale ot oriental splendor can eel ipso tne results. The Nile has kept its record unsullied fur thousand of years. The Great West will surpass Old r.gypt so many times in ao many few years thxt civilization will stand appalled. There ia no other name that gladdens like that of "Home." There is no other thought that thrill like "Home, Sweet Home.'' And here 10 Suiuet valley on the shores ot Sunset Lske, in the shadows of Warner range, in "The Vallev Where Dreams Come True, " ia home for you. Cuntrltiored. Find Petrified Wood (lll;ll tirade .Newt) Charles Larkin brought a flno speci men of petrified wood to the News office on Tuesday. The specimen was found by Arthur Strong and Tom Dick while projecting on the North Otton wood. The specimen is 16 inches in length and five inehes in diameter and clearly shows tbe configurations of original wood. It is on exhibition at the News office and has attracted much attention. A largo number of New Pine Creek people joined the Lakeview excursion to Alturas last Sunday and report a most enjoyable time. They are loud in praise of Alturaa peotile for courte ous and kind treatment. Ith OF JULY CELEBRATION ALTURAS CALIFORNIA LaRcvicw Marble Works HARRY H. CANNON, PROPRIETOR OFFICE AND STOCK WALLACE UNDERTAKING PARLORS WILLIAM WALLACE Local Rprmntatlvm Lakeview -:- Oregon PROaBAM July Second Ball Game 2 P.M. Social Dance 8 P.M. July Third Aviation 10 A.M. Ball Game 2 P.M Moving Picture ShonS P.M. July Fourth Auto Parade... sharp 0 A.M. Speaking, Ltc, sharp 10 A.M Address of Welcome I. W. GIBBIXS Oration A. K. WYL1E Aviation 11 A.M. Juvenile Sports 1 .30 P.M. Base Ball 3 P.M, Grand Ball S:30 P.M, July Fifth Base Ball 0 A.M. A via tion 11 A.M. Base Ball 2 P M. EnVment& DanccS:30 P.M. July Sixth Broncho Busting and and Steer Tying9:30 A.M. Baseball. 2 P.M. Boxing Contest ...H-,30 P.M. Baseball Purses as follows First Prize $500 Second Prize $300 Third Prize $200 S.4 it: 3i ;: ic You'll Like The Difference SaasaBeBaBBBBsaBaBsaaaBaBBBSBa There is n marked difference between the Matchless Brand Clothes ami the ordinary kind. To understand it you must see them. To an. predate it you must wear them. Right now is the time to find out about them. .'kicks: Mkn's $12.50 to $25.00 Hoys' $l-.50 to $12.00 Come in and let us show you. ! Exclusive Clothing and Cents' Furnishing Store The Matchless Store Tailoring, Cleaning and Repairing . Outfitters to Man and Boy 2 Doors North I. O. O. I Uldg., Lakeview, Ore. ay f j BEFORE BUILDING gist pricks on Clear Lumber, Mill Work and Mouldings FROM Tllli FANDANGO LUMBER COMPANY YARD: Center Street, Lakeview, Ore. PROMPT SERVICE AND GOOD WORKMANSHIP E. Arabolad & Co. General Merchandise Ladles' and Gent's Furnishings and Groceries Sntrar, iutc wt $7 00 EiiIaiio Caul Oil, ensn 10 ifilloijM $4.20 Extra Star Coal Oil, ensf 10 khIIoiih $S.SO Star I'ottl Oil, can 10 unllooH $.1.80 Standard Cun Corn, eatie 2 down $3 00 Extr Standnrd To ma toe, cane 2 doMi'ti $3.2.1 Extra Solid It.u k Tomatot-s, cane 2 duirn $4.00 SATISFACTION OS ALL SALES AllSOLUTELY GUARANTEED OR YOUR .MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER AND ' I1ECOME CONVINCED OF THE QUALITY OF OUR GOODS AND LOW STANDARD OF I'RICES New Pine Creek, Oregon Money Saved Is Money Earned We Can Save You Money on Anything IN THE MEAT LINE Always Something New at Goose Lake Valley Meat Co. May field & Fctherolf, Preps. SHAMROCK STABLES J. MURPHY, Proctor COUKr HOU" Special Attention to Transient Stock Horses Boarded by the Day, Week or Month Always Open Phone 571 LAKEVIEW OREGON in n 3H J A WANT AD IN THE Lake County Examiner WILL BRING RESULTS SUBSCRIBE FOR THE EXAMINER. I i