f. P. DUCKWORTH Office. Water St. H. VtnmOM H. HUNKER Telephone No. 101 Lakevicw Ice, Transfer and Storage Co J. l'A lll'CKWOKTH. Manaokr Transfer and Dray age Ice Delivered BAGOAGK AND HOrSKHOLl) GOODS STOKKU RATES ri RM!ll: ON DKMAM "OUU CUSTOM Kits AUK OUK A1VKKT1SEKS, City Transfer R. M. BOLLER PROPRIETOR I1AVIN0 AN UP-10-DATE OUTFIT I AM ABLE TO HANDLE ALL WORK PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. OFFICE AT KEENE A BARNES CIOAR STORE. PHONE No. 39m Piano & Safe Moving a Specialty PORCUPINE MINER IN HIGH GRADE Starts Now Dlstrlctof Rich Gold Ledges at Head of Kelley Creek LAKE COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY Incorporated. A Complete Record We hare made an entire transcript of all Records In Lake County which In any way. affect Real Property In the county. We have a complete Record of every Mortgage and transfer ever made In Lake County, and ever Deed given. ' Errors Found In Title In transcribing the records we have found numerona mort gage recorded In the Deed record and indexed; and many deeds are recorded In the Mortgage record and other books. Hnndreds of mortgages and deeds are not Indexed at all. and most difficult to trace up from the records. We have notations of all these Errors. Others annot find them We bno pat nn'idreds of dolla's bunting up these ernrn, Pad we con lolly guarantee our wo J. D. VENATOR, flanager. WALLACE & SON (Wm. Wallace, Coroner tor Lake County) UNDERTAKERS PKOMPT ATTENTION AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Parlors, next door to Telephone Office WATSON BUILDING $9.95 Round Trio BEND TO PORTLAND FOR The Rose Festival ALL WEEK JUNE 10-15 Tickets Sold June 9, 10, 11 Return Limit June 17 iThhv. CENTRAL OREGON LINE The Greatest Floral and Civic Carnival of the Year f-plendH parades, music, decorations, illumination, water and field sports every day. Oregon Trunk Railway trains run dally without charge between Central Oregon points and Portland. Train leaving Bend 6:30 A. M. Details will be furnished on request. W. E . COM AN, Gon'l Freight & Paan. Agt., PORTLAND, ORE. J. H.. CORBETT, Agt., BEND, ORE. THE BEST LAGER BEER W H I SK I E S IN TOWN AT THE KENTUCKY SALOON POST A KING. PROPRIETORS T. S. McDougal arrived In ramp from Porcupine, Canada, on May 1 and has been inventing and prospecting the district. Mr. McDougal is associated with Wm. Kilingford in a group of claims at the head of Kelly Creek. Surface rock from the ledges assay well. The formation is tegular anil minus the faults in evidence elsewhere in the district. Roth of these gentlemen have had long and varied experience tn the min ing game and both express unqualified confidence in Camp High tirade. Mr. Ellingford has operated at I'ark City and Mercer Utah, and at Delmar, Nevada. Mr. McDougal has operated in Colorado, Arizona and Alaska. They say that the territory occupied by the Big Four, Sunshine and Huckleberry groups is certain to produce great mines. High Grade News. EXPERT'S OPINION ON HIGH GRADE Capt. F. J. Evans With Ex tensive Experience Endorses Camp (High Grade News) Editor News: In response to your request for my opinion on the mineral conditiors ot this camp and- in constl deration of your earnest endeavor to make fair and conservative representa tions to the enquiring public. I wit briefly gie vou my impressions so fsr as I have examined the territory," The formations as I see them are porpvhry, trarite and phunolite, with ! andicite' lava Mows. The quarts in trusions beine rapped with iron gossen where decomposition has set tree gold values formerly held in the sulphide. Some very good values being found in the name. If granites were more strongly in evidence, 1 think the Trip pie Creek miner would find some ditfl culy in classifying any very material difference between this district and that a proper system of mining will in my opinion open up msny surprises, and I am quite sore this camp will be on the map as a producer for many years to oome. If mining is properly done and men are tound with the courage, to In vestigate in a legtiroate way. My con fidence is fully established and I am here to stay and will enlist capital for development work. Respectfully yours, F. L. Evans. C.E. and E.M. RICH DISCOVERY AT CEDARVILLE PASS Callfornian Discovers Sul phide Belt in Granite Limestone Porphyry These are the days in which sensa tions change each action in rapid suc cession in the Warner Range. Mr. E. M. Root a well known mining man of Sierra County, who has been in camp for over a month. Two weeks ago he made a trip to the Cedarville Pass country about 25 miles south, of New Pine Creek, returning on Wednes day, and bringing with him samples of ore. He had eight tests made of the sam ples, which represented surface out croppings. The lowest return was $1.20 and the highest $352.00. This assay is among the best return ed by W. S. Moore our local assayer. Mr. Root says that the general cock roach ot the locality is granite and limestone with dikes of porphyry and serpentine. The veins are large fissure in the contacts. The ore Is a highly siheious material carrying sul phides. Ualena is In evidence and one very high assay was made of a sample. Mr, Root's discovery has resulted in great excitement In the district and parties are outfitting for the new digg ings. High Grade News. 6U REWARD. A REWARD of fifty dollars is bere hy offered for I u formation that will lead to the arres1 and conviction of any person who baa stolen wires or other property, from our Company; and the same reward is hereby offered for information that will lead to the arrest and :nnviotlon of anyone des troying ti property of the Company. Chas. Urn bach, (Secretary Lake Co. TeL & Tel. Co Ifctf. . for uinmcrdlnrrolic. In chlluicu a:ay Uae t'liambtrlaifi's Culie Clioli-rs and IMsrroht'a Remedy sod cantor oil, sod a ipeedy ture l cer tain For title by all dealers Our First Looometlvss. The first looomotUe In the United Btales were lu-ottulit over from lCiig Inud by Homilo Allen of Now York In the fall vt ISini or the spring of KtO, mul one of them was art up on the lielswnre and Hudson railroad at Cnrbonditlo, Pit., tint, being found too henry for the truck, Its use was aban doned. The tlnt locnmollve construct ed In this country wna built by the West Point foundry nt New York In isao for the South Carolina rnllroed and named the Phoenix. A second en gine wna built the anme year by the same estsbllshnicnt and for the same road and named the West Point. In the spring of 1N31 a third engine was built by the same establishment for the Mohawk & Hudson rnllrond from Ail'itiiv to rVticucctady and ailed the IV Witt Clinton. This was the drat locomotive run lu the state of New York. The first Stephenson locomotive ever Imported Into tlila country wna the Robert Fulton, This engine wna brought out lu lite summer of 1H31 for the Mohawk & Hudson railroad. It was snb.eiiently rebuilt and named the John Hull. The Eaglat'a First Flight. IT. It. Mcephcrson gives dramatic account of the tint flight of an eaglet whose life from babyhood be bad watched. One dny he ventured to the edge of the cliff continuing his cradle and looked about. Suddenly bis moth er swung puM on slleut wings and "tried to tempt him from hi fast ness." Hut he wn miwIUlnz or afraid. Aguln the mother hovered round, and a wild, weird ry ring through the glen. "For the tlrt time t had heard the yelp of ttiu iidult eiicle. the voice of the queen of birds i ulllttg to her you uk. The enplft hecpod continuous ly until ho tluptcd to I tu' ery edge of the abyss, listening to her call. And now he. too, chnnged bit cry: hU voice eeeincd to brenk. iud the iidult yell burst from his throat. The eiiglc called to e;ich other, yelp siionerliig yelp. The young eiiie giutcd round hlui. spread out hi trlnnt w itijr nml vanished forever from m.v Night anion;: the ledges below. The eaglet bud left the nest and bad down. Baboons and Water. In Captain Drnyaou'a "Sporting Bcenes Among tho Kaffirs" we find the following: "Well." said Kemp, "when I go iuto a ro ii u try where there I not much water 1 nlwsys take my ba boon." "You don't drink him. do youT" "No, but I make hi in show me water." "How do you do that?" "In this way: When witter gets scarce I give the Rurlnn none. If be does not seem thirsty I rub a little suit on his tongue. I then take him out wltb a long string or chain. At first It wus dH'oVult to make him understand what was want ed, for he always wished to go back to the wagons. Now. however, he Is well trained. When I get him out some distance I let bin) go. He runs aloug a bit. scratches himself, shows his teeth at me. tnkes a smell up wind, looks all round, picks up a bit of gruaa, smells or en is It. stands up for mother sniff, canters on. and so on. Wherever the nearest water Is there be is aure to go." The Tyrant In the Field. There have bi-on few commanders so tyrannous as Loper, the dictator of Paraguay, when. In the war of 1SU5-70, It fought single bumlcd the neighbor ing countries of Argentina, Ilni7.ll and Uruguay. Lope, says Mr. W. IL Koe bel In bis "Argeutlun." was wont to carry the theory of victory or death to an uncomfortable point "Officer were executed for mere remarks whose tone fell beneath the standard of confidence that Ixipez had set up for himself. One. for Instance, was shot for having announced In the course of his duty that the enemy was strongly Intrenched: Another met his end on account of an unguarded speech to I ho effect that the Para guayan army was accustomed to count the enemy's losses and forget its own." Old Time Railway Travel. Third class passenger coaches In England used to be coupled ou next to the engine. The travelers came In for terrihle treatment when sny accident occurred. At times the engine was driven tender first. In which ease frozen bands could he warmed at the smoke, f'nek. The passengers were packed, seventy of them. Into a truck eighteen feet In length by seven aud a half lu width. There was no roof and not, as a rule, proper protection at the sides. Vigorous. Victim If your hair restorer Is good, why Is it that you nre bald yourself? Barber-Well, sir, onco I hud a very big order for ladles' plaits, aud to exe cute It I used some extra doses of my restorer over my hair and got half a dozen long plaits, sir. Hut it drew all the hair out of my constitution, sir." London Mall. Music. Of all the fine arts, music la that which hns most Influence on the pas sions and which the legislator ought the most to encourage. Napoleon Do. naparte. In Portions. Host (at village inn, entering bed room at 3 a. ui., tu occupunt of the bed i -I! eg pardon, sir, but two more tourists have arrived. Have you slept enough? Vague Information, "What did the fellow do who atole the drum from the band when be saw the lender coming with a policeman" "Tie bent It." Hultluiore American. eorfulness la nn offshoot of good und wisdom. Bovee. EVANS BUYS THE DE1FL0Y MINE Portland Man Invosts and Will Sink the Shaft 500 Foot High (Irn.ls News) Another High tirade top notchrr has been rocured by outside people, Capt. K. L. Kvans, of Portland, who has been Investigating High Grade properties for a week, has closed a deal whereby he secures from Kd. Keller, 1. 8 Smith and Hirt Wade the famous Del Floy procrty located between the Sunshine and the Hlg Four. The terms of the contract necessitat es sinking the shaft uOO feet and the expenditure of $.",000 In development during the tirst six month. Work will begin witin ten days on a practical up-to-date system and will be pushed with vigor. Capt. Evans hs plenty of money be hind him. Ho is certsln tha' he has se cured a fine property and being an ex perienced mine operator and the News expects to hear good reports from tho Del Fhy. Cecil Rhodes on Mining The late Cecil Rhodes, the million are mine owner and operator of large mining concerns in Africa, ha been quoted several times upon thla subject, the following being from one of his Ister Seeches: "I speak advisedly, and ssy what every man who has investigated knows OFFICIAL DlkLCTOKY STIUSt. Hr.'.lit.nl Wllium . Tart rililiit Ji"r. N,l,.lmj, Smiramrj nlHlslt. I'lillitiiili'r I), a una (wri-mif ol 1rpiitf,.,...rritkllii Mm'V.(i, fc-mclnrj l Wr .Ucnli lnhlii,i AlUHUKf HIrl (loot, W, H lrni,,,m roiinainr (laupral... ., , . . fiaiik II, Inn n, ,h rtvi iviarrol Nr Ii.iiiai ,,n, x,.Tr w.rrlaij Itilvriiir ... riaiirr i.nai jr nl Arlcu!liiia laun W na,,u 'trlfynl riiimiri' .. I tiaar Naa i ii in j m .i it v . n.r ". r , i warn w ttiit I'. S. Jallalon I nuiuilaaliiiiat . . Ulrlianta ..I'.S. I ml I oiiimlaaiuuuf OawaJd Waa STATS, .du.imir iei ievair of Stale Imaaumr Aiuiruff tlaueral Kiifi. I'ubilo luairuotlon, . 1'riui.if Oa.rj ml Fnot Uii ... Hi-a W. liit-,,(l ,. ..I h.Mj. M. liar .. A. M. raoluri . I., M. Alili-rman .W. S. Imna W. hall.. ...... l i"'irmn iiuuriiM. j .-- J ,. a. rh.uih.r;;ii, - I?.w':!!:;.'tv; frsaacni'at Ohlrf Jualliw M.S. Saaa F. A. Mi AaaiH lsl Juatlraa ,., i r. a. Miiort 1 II. 1, Bran 'in. II. Hiiia.ii 11. A. Mrllrl.la ' aiiTa jciunau niariuoi. Iu.l .'t'" "'Kann i. V. lLU)rku,uu isuiaiariva J ilnlHciiaior.,. Hpfaaelllalna (I, H. Mrriuai. 11 f MoUoaf LTbiaa.ju J" fw u s. can 0 of ram, iftliur w. (irinu fr4 I' I ruiii iulilcr i.. Mrlaan . ..Hnalar roKxsi orru:g (ilitx-rt t lltown Ni'iaun J. KUiitira Nurittaa JaHiliaun 1. f. Hrrnnau HUWTlaor Uraalna; Aaaiaianl . . folval Aaaiaianl Irorval 1 1 LAkicuuHry ' B Half i-it r w. rami kra W BsuiUar Irraaurar P. O. Ahlaima Aaarwir A.J, fnaur Hl Siit, J. t Wuiita 1ur.ur .S. A, Muaban Uimuiiaaliiur J J:vA: '' ' ' t r.m Aal-rau t oumr 4to-k luawriir.. U r.Mallnf Hafof Hi" or las sv is v. K. K. Kluabait K. K I liaiiaf i K. M. Imko i (feaaalii... to be the truth, that lens money Is lost j i;, Vih I proportionately In mining than any other business in the world, and Isrgrr fortunes are made in mining and In investments of mining stocks then in any busines or any investment on earth. A good mining stock will pay the investor more easily twenty, thirty, forty 'or one hundred per cent, annually then municipal bonds, railroad bonds and stock for government bonds can possibly psy five per cent. Money in vested in a good mining stock is ssfer than in a bank, than In mortgages, railroad securities, municipal or govern ment bonds. "The security of good mining stock is the raw material of money itself; it is the 'stuff' at whose feet governments, cities banks railroads, mortgiges, lsnd corporations ai d all forms of business kneel. "I speak only of gold and silver mines, from the metsl of which blooms and develops the everlasting dollar. The crude metsl In our gold and silver mines is the first and best security In all the world. This is whst mskes tsnklng a possibility: thla is wbat gives legs to a municipality, I spine to a government and creates the business of the world into a living, breathing, active creaturo of life." These words are from one who made mining a study and whu I. as been em inently succebsful In its pursiut. He gives us the advice of a man who Wm. Raltai-e Konrw t'VT.'- Treaaurat F.a k a v i a w co m m ai-1 a I r i.r a J-fa.t.l. ut K L. Hrtllaa Vie. I'r. aidant Kliurr C. Abl.lruu, Swii-lafjr r. g (J. tt.ar.ll Trnaaurar rrai k riles Iruaic J. W. Munlar, 11. Vt . Muraaa, W. f. ft.wa r -PaMi-a ajaaaaa, CMURCM DIRIiCTORV riSHT MttHOUlHT tMt'Hrit-stlKDA? Icbuol al lu a. in. fiaarhlng ttvrr buailaf at II a. ra. ami 7.40 p. ra. tiootlU I aaua ai.rt m)ar r..iiilli at :. Vrajmr Mavilua; Thun lar al 7 :u i. m. l'6..lr niwllng al S:B)p. m, ..allna' Aid K.ary lurla at l:u p, ta, ivvrjrbotl cunllalijr IuvIUnI i all arrvtc.. M . T. Vt IKK, raalur. riKxT HArllnT 11ILKCM or l.AKKVIr.M rrnarhln asrvlr al II A M ami 7:au V M oa Utiuiliiil Hun, hiiDilar Hrbixtl al 10 A M. ;uulnr S. lniy al I Ml r M. Hapllal taunt 1'a.iplo'a I nu.o m l:w r X no vara Humlaf. eiayrf Mcviint al 7 U 1' M M l uaatlar ava. alng. Kraribvol lnvltr la ailu all vt ' icaa. kKV. A. r. SIMMONS CAt HOI.K'l Ht'kl M-SVKKY Mt'NUAV M AMH al:uuaad lua.ni ( Roaerr at 7:10 u.ta. Maaa ou Markdayi at J:uo a m. Krvln-a In lha hair I tiurcb. MATIUAH WNMlIt, SJ. HHnr ruKMHYIKKIAN I'llUKrll Or LAXK V1KW. uiu In Ilia Maaiinlo Hall. Similar Ki buol al 10 no A.M.i Mnruma; Hvrvleaal lra K.aiilm wrTira al 7:W. I'larr Mvalin an VYrdiuaUaya al 7:30 P.M. All ara rordlalli U. TUr.l KKV, W, M 1-HYwK. I l . l-a.uir. knows, who has no a.xc to grind, and Is prV. i"fL'.1.'. J,"",,",'j""1 "P" . , . ui-?tluaa U)m call, si'litrallr Halurdar ei the exact onuosito of tro unreliable " viaiiinK br.uiiran wriminii. vv, L promoter who has nothing tu offer hut unproven theories and the worthless I u!i'.A w.'I'K.,V,f lxtlHl HK '"; advice of inexperience. Fl KMT HAKllrit lll'KI II Ktt WHMI 1.4 Kt al Naw I'lna iik, uriv.iB. rraarbltll ar rlcraal 11 A M ami 7:mi M at aacto Siinoai ol ar uinutb. humlav Srhwil alio AM. frarn-r Krrrli al 7:SUon Wclnolar a.anlna il aaca aja.l. All ara cufliallji lovllatl lo tllvud ibe aarvlcra. KKV. U HHNtHKmiN, JJUJK)EJ)lk LAKKVIKW MUMiK No 71. A. K. at A M. Holila aialrd mwiluai halunlay on or l lora full iniMin. January S.ih. Wan d 2nl, Marrb JSJiu laj ra- Lair -lUonipaon., w. M. i A. W.Ortuu.Sve'jr Mlnfirus Returns (High (Jradn News) S. M. Mingus returned from a circle whirl to Sacramento, San Francisco, Oakland and Reno on Monday night after an absence of three weeks. Mr. Mingus is extensively interested in the High Grade district both on the hill and at Willow Ranch. He hns lined up a bunch of mining men who will visit the district soon with a view to investing. He reports that many people will visit the ramp during the season. M J Unwell, a popular drtiKKlnaa ol Uruan burs, Ky, aya, "We ua dmiulHTlaln'i (,'oinh llnini'dy In our own tiouaebold ami know II li txuullia.it Business Locals Uiilnler Heer on druught at the Inu Rainier on lirangtli or in bottles at tho Brewery. 2t The best butter Oliver's 10 cents per pound at Hieber's Cash otore. Ifyoiiwuotu really good smoke for a oickle, try Btorkinau's l-uder. For a real bargain for a house and lot in Lukuview, nee J. N. Watson. 2 For sale: 1J0 acres sago brush land under canal, fenced, $25 per acre. See J. N, Watson. (if MpU rr atN'.iud and Inurtb Tnaratlar ol ai:b rminib. III Maaiulc Hall, Lakailaw. I'faaa. Tounlugaru. M.W.j Wiu. liuntbur, K. Ufct.KKS or IIUNOK -LAK tMMOKK 1., or. No. 77, l. of II., A.O. U. W Moaia ,r-i and third Tburailaya ot each noutU nur Hall: Mary 1'oai, r. ol II.; J. Halle Anaar. I. ol II.; Uira huydur li. ot C.J AlauiMla lirovtn, Kvmrdnr. I o. o, K -LAKKVIKW MjihjI, No. Si. 1 O K., meeu ovary Saturday vvuuiik . j , i rollowa Hall, al fiHVo'clmiV, Irom Odini vi 1 Ui April 1, aud at olrlm k Iroiu Apni 1 lo SVpU'UitxT su. It. u. Hoiula, N. U.; t'tiunt-y, SH:rilary I. O. O. K.-i.AKfcV Ir.W KN( AMI'MKM' NO. 1 1. O. O. F., uirvta Ilia Aral and ihird Thuia Jay erruliiiiiulvaeb mouth lu Odd follow. Hall, Ijiacvlew. C. 1). Aribiir, (J. 1'., A. II ainuii-ralny, rkrlon. KKHKk' All I.OIMIK-I.AKKVIKW I.OIX.K, No tt, I. o. o. r imnia Ilia HHx,nd aud tourib Krldaya ol t-arb moiilh In Odd Kellnwi Hail. Mra Ki-lla I li.-n. y, N ii; Mlaa Ixiulaa Htora nan, V; Allcu iiuutlug, Triiaaurur; M. 1. Moaa, Hw-.'jr. A Good Position Cau be had by ambitious young men and ladles in the field of " Wire loss" or railway telegraphy. Hlnce the 8 hour law became effeqtlve, and since the wireless companies are es tablishing stations throughout tho country there is a great ahortngo of telegraphers. 1'osltlons pay begin- era from $70 to 90 per month, with good chance of advancement. The National Telegraph Institution of Portland, Ore., operates under super vision of R. K. and wireleHs oflli-iafo mid places all gradunti'M Into posi tions. It will pay you to write tbem lor full details. O k. M. OK1KNTAL II AITKH, NO t, LaKK flow, OrKou, Meola on 1 uia.lay, ou or ba :ir full iiiihiii and two weoka liurualler, In Uaaonio Hall.at7;ikio'clock. Vlaliing luuinour arn vonllally Invlttid. I.II.I.IK UAllUlH, W.M, IDA t!MBACII.H.i:iular. PROFbSSIONAL CAUDS AuriTuirvvrTntTofj Attorney-at-Law Notary I'ublic All 1'ractlcA Kxwpt U. H. Land Oiflce Huiluess. L,. K t;iin Attorney at Law and Notary Public Ukrvlrw, urea" OFKIOE-Ilalr Building. J, D. VENATOR Attorney at Law. Idind natters Mprrlnlty OKflOE Half Rulldlns. rjllARLKH UMUACH Land and Law Ottlce Abstractor of Titles Kitabllahed IKSi lkarlxw.Of W. LA1K THOMI'HOISI Attorney at Law Office tu O. V. L. Oo.'m Hiillding. Lakevikw. 0Ffr" llupidnat (llrl In Lincoln 4 Llnooln, Neb., girl wrlt, "I bad " ailing lor aoiuellum with rhrouln tuiiiall ' I and alinnai h Iroulile, 1 lit itan taking, l -win-In itiiln'a Htoinai'h and I Iviir Tali eiH and In Hires daya 1 wat atilo to be up and got Inner rl k li along I am tho prondt at atrl lu Mm-oln In Mud auub a good remedy" For aala by ! duaturi