"Wo Soil Tho Roal Earth" Moro Bargain A'JMMI 00 Fur ik new A roitm in O'NEILL & DUNLAP GENERAL REAL ESTATE Lakeview : Oregon 120.00 per acre for 2110 acr of timber land, clown In, easy term. 115.00 -t acre for HO nre, 5 miles West of Lakeview; floe, deep rll, easy tcrmB. I'JO.OO I'er item lor 1M acre flue grain land, seven mik-s from Lakeview, went. Kasy tsrru. aw mill in flrt cla order, Including a larg quantity of dry, finished lumber; saw log and Iso aires of stundlux timber. The book will prove It to lm a floe Investment. 0 aeres of floe timber on the West Hide, clone to at mi mill. Sl atrea, duaert cUlm. with improvements. Relinquishment ran be secured very cheap. OfMMl tll and near the line of the O. E. Italiroad which will b built through there In a hort time. norner lot, lnt'si, lisj x I2T. rrult trM and Uwb, vloae In, on Powey Hint Collin rttrwta. Kuy f rii. $.'kHI 1)0 For (1-riM.m lii'w luinitaliiw, an IIhI up-tn-riaie homo, chm to renter of town on Hrnnrl Htrt. Kaey ti-rma. .MUt.00 Kor ri-romii di'W iMirikiiiow, wooiIhIm l nml I'lilckt'ii hourr. On 11 large rorm-r loi, liuierd, ! x K0. I,nn ami Huh f nil t twn ou Lust- fum-t. Ky term For a ni'w 4 room Iioiim. and oim) shed, lot 60 x l'ifi, k""I loruiiou. K.any If ruin. 110 00 M!00 (K) For nil up to dnte new Imiigulnw, la rlmln renldcnre part o( the Itjr. I'.aay t4-rin-. Town Property Xahc County ramlncr IIIHHIiAY. .MINK 2n, 1IH2. BRIEF MENTION Hliy not drink Italuiorf It's Til K lisr, 2l HI IIo-h sola .IIIiim and cord at MmrstiHv (Jo. i'at Murphy, the Paisley aheep man was one of I nit wrek'a visitors. The m-w road to 1'alslny la now in vary gud rumiltlon for travel. Ham I)irk, the Crocked Crock ranch er, waa a l.akevlew visitor lat week. Horn, In Lakeview, Tuesdsy, June 18, to Mr and Mra. Jay Ilickeraon. a baby girl. George Yount thai returned from a visit to his psrents at Talent, in the Kogue river vallev. Father Schmltt, of the Catholic church. Monday, Ir ft for Klamath Falla to be absent a meek. Mra. Messner, of Adul, baa been a visitor hers the past week, being in attendance on her daughter, Mrs. John Cronln. Kelton Gunther waa quite nick the first of the week as the rcsulta from a heavy cold, but la now , reported much better. Mra. C. C. LofTtua and children have removed from tnwn to their ranch on Crane Creek, where they will upend the summer months. Doctor Hall has had considerable dirt bauled to bla lot in Drenkel'a addition the dirt being secured from the exca vation for the Daly building. Miss Ilaxel McKee, formerly of Lakeview but now of Corvaltla, haa been elected to an olflee In the Pierian Literary Society at tha O.A.C. Psitor Ohe will preach at Drewa Gap Station at 10 o'clock, Sunday, June 23. All Lutherans "and the public in general are cordially invited to attend these services. C. H. Flory, a member of the Forest Service with headquarters at Portland, arrived here from Klamath Falla on a t business visit. He expects to be here for seversl weeks. Alex FiUpstrick of theZX Company, accompanied by hia chauffeur, Bert llarher, olherwiae known aa Harney OldAeld, Friday, oame down from Paisley on a businesa viait. It ia expected that a big erowd of Alturaa rooters will visit with ua Sun day next, when an excuraion train, will leave that city early In the morning, stopping at points enroute. Tha lumber for tha Catholic pastor's residence has been reoeived and carpen ters arc now at work on the building. The lumber waa ahioped in from the Feather River country by Crawford & Jaeger. Tha Preabyterian Ladies' Aid cordially invite the alster Aids, Metho dist and Baptist, with their pastors to asocial meeting at 2:30 p. m., Wed nesday afternoon the 26th in the Ma sonic Hall. a Mrs. Mulcaoy and children, of Love lock, Nevada, last week, arrived in town to join their husband and father, who has boen here fur sometime past. Mr. Mulcahy is a present employed on the Bailey & Massingill addition. Father Schmitt baa received word to the effect that a California lady had iust donatud two life-sir.e atatuea for the Catholic church here. They will be received abortly and installed in the wide altars of tha cbureh building. Arrangements are now being made by tha local boys to make up for their baseball defeat of Sunday last at the hsnds of Alturus. A sum of money waa collected this week tor the purpose ot getting things in readinesa for next Sunday's game. S. W. Miller, proprietor of tha "Home of Good Vegetables" at Willow Kancb was a businesa caller In tha city laat week. Mr. Miller haa twenty-acre 0 garden on his ranch near the lake and asys prospects are excellent for a bountiful harvest. The Sunset Lake Lumber Co., has been incorporated with a capital of 42T0.000, tha incorporators being W. niton, I PaT6'. Lluhme andTbJTE! Kaalman.;.The head'omie oAhe'ooro pany will be at Falrbport with branch offices and lumber yards at all aur rounding towns Those from here who attended the Baptist Association in Bonanza last week were, Elder Simmons and family, Jas. Duke and wife, George Fitzger ald and wife, S. P. Vernon and wife and Misa Gertrude Vernon. The ses sion dosed Sunday evening. Kalnir on ilr niKtli at t ha Hotel bar. Haying haa begun on alfalfa crops down the valley. A line line of coloiilul drax-rles and iiDix at Mercantile Co. Herman Graaber waa In Monday from hia nomastead on the West Side. Wm. Thorn ia In town this week from the Manuel Santera aheep camo. Roy ''handler, of Crooked Creek, was in town the forepart of the week on buiiiness. W. F. I'aine and V. L. Hnellng were visitors to the new town of Fairport Tuesday. Mra. James Bernard entertained as guests her mother and two aisters, from Willow Ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rinehart were last Sundsy made happy by the arrival of a baby girl. Frank Owen, of Bly, was one of Tuesdsy'a local vlsitora. He waa ac companied on the trip by J. II. Owen, of Round Grove. Mr. and Mra. E. II. Clark Sundav went on the excursion trsln to Davis Creek, where they spent the dsy as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Seager. S. J. Dutton, of the Davia Creek hotei, la visiting in Lakeview tbla week. He baa numeroua friends here who alwaya extei.d him a warm wel come. Frank Struck who haa been meat cutter at the Lakeview Meat Market resigned his position and ia now em ployed by the Goose Lake Meat Com pany. Mra. Eva Rice went to Alturaa on the Sundsy excursion train where ahe will visit for a few weeks, after which ahe will continue to San Franclaco on an extended trip. Charlie Comba, of Batchelder & Combs, wss confined to his home for seversl dsya the past week with an at tack of chilla and fever. He la now aa well as usual. Clinton Combs of Vanderpool & Combs, hss accepted a position with the Forest Service and baa already assum ed his duties. Mr. Combs waa-formerly associsted with the Service. Dentiat W. R. Boyd returned the forepart of the week from Portland. He made the trip down from Bend by auto, as a result of wh'ch he exhibits a very aunburnt appearance. Minor repairs have been made during the past week to the Tucker house on Msln street. The work was done under the supervision of Mr. and Mrs. Tuck er, who are now on a visit here from California. An enhthuaiastlc meeting of the Ancient Order of Foresters waa held Monday evening in the Masonic Hall. Refreabmenta were served and a aocial chat enjoyed after the business had been attended to. Chas. L, Fulton the enterprising secretary of the Sunshine-High Grade Mining Co., waa a businesa visitor In the county aeat yeaterday. lie reporta that aeveral leases have been let on their property for immediate develop ment. The ateel framing on the Heryford building is being put in plsce quite rapidly. A gasoline hoist engine ia being used to raise the heavy ateel beams, and it will not be long before the mammoth structure will be taking shape. Professor O. M. Gardner, City School Superintendent of Forest Grove, Ore gon, is a Lakeview visitor this week. He came here to attend to attend the School Board meeting, held Wedneaday. Mr. Gardner is an old friend of Charlie Uliver, of the Assessor's office. In the militsry commissions In the regimental corpa of cadets at the Ore gon Agricultural College last week, Walter Dutton waa appointed Major, and Robert McKee and Guy Crone miller were commissioned Captaina. The promotions were for the coming year. Misa CarrenneCarr last week arrived from Lob Angeles and will spend aev eral weeks visiting with her sister Mrs. Jonas Norm at her home below Lakeview. Misa Carr ia a trained nurse ai.d is formerly of Morence, Arizona, where she was engaged in her profession. Wnile holding down second base for the Lakeview nine in laxt Sunday's game, Byron Gravea waa i.bout to tag out one of the Alturaa players when the latter leaped at bini, feet foremost badly mutilating hia tace and cheat. A doctor was summoned and took three stitches in Bud's nose, as well as otherwise fixed him up for the trip home. C. A. Howard, of Pine Creek, waa a Tueaday visitor. Cblllri:i' white dreswa six 2 to (I st Mr re until; Co. M. I). Kice, of the N.-C.-O. R. R., waa a Lakeview visitor on Tuesdsy. found, a psir of automobile tire chslns. Owner inquire at thia ofllce. Mini G loster, of the First Nstloiisl Bsnk, Sundsy paid a viait to her folka at Alturaa. Jim Huckelby and Carl McKse, of the. 7T Ranch, were over from Warner Friday laat. K. P. Lane, of the 7T ranch, was over from Warner last week attending to varioua busineaa mslters. It appears that Roosevelt la begin ning to realize the inadequacy of the big stick to quell the steam roller. A. A. Henry, of Paisley, wss one of Isst week's visitors. He msde the trip down by auto, coming over the mountain from Paisley. Supervisor Brown and Clerk Bren nan, of the Forest office, last week, made a trip to Paialey on business con-, nected with the Service. Parties from Lakeview who are aub penoed aa witnesiea in the Willie trisl, which is set for June 24 at Klamath Falls, will lesve for thst plsce next Sundsy. Mr. and Mra. Alden Anderson, of Sacrsmento, Tuesdsy arrived here in their auto. They are making a pleas ure trip through this section of the country. The scheme to move the government mint from San Franciaco baa been de feated. It is ssid that Judge KaWer played a prominent part in getting this decision. Mrs. H. P.. Csmobell, baa leased the Fred Fisher house on Main atreet and will begin occupancy thia week. Mrs. Campbell will conduct a boar a and rooming house. Mra. Aleo Macnab, a former Lake view resident, is now enjoving a visit here aa the guest of Mrs. Ay res. Mra. Macnab came up from Fallon, Nevada, where her husband ia now located. m One of the most successful Rose Fes tivala ever held in Portland waa brought to a close Sturdsy. It is es timated that 50,000 visitors were trougbt to Portland on this occasion. C. O. Mianer, of the Twin Valley Land Co., left on thia morniug'e train for Surprise Valley. After a short stay there be will proceed to Loa Vsgss, Nevada, where he will remain for about tour weeka. A. V, and C. B. Koozer were in from tbeir Weat Side ranchea thclfirst of the week. They put 1500 pounds of Sunset valley corn meal on the market while here. The meal waa ground at the Lakeview Flour Mills. M. Wygant, a United Statea Deputy Surveyor with main headquartera at Newport, Oregon, Saturday, arrived in town enroute to Denio. Mr. Wrgant claims to have the fullest data obtain able in regard to landa in Linooln c ounty. Jim Iliggina, well known locally aa pitober of the 1310 Lakeview baseball nine, Sunday, came up from Alturaa on the excursion train for a brief viait with his many friends here. Jim has been employed for sometime past in Alturaa. At a meeting of the A. O.U.W mem bers, held Thursday evening last in the Masonic ball, William Gunther, of the firm of Ahlstrora & Gunther, waa elect ed a delegate to attend the Grand Con vention which wlil be held in Portland sometime next month. A. Bieber was elected an alternate. S. P. Moss, who had been suffering from blood poisoning, last week was taken to the Lane Hospital in San Franoisco for treatment. Mr. and Mra. Wm. Mosa accompanied him on the trip. The family yesterday re ceived a communication from Mr. Moss atating that he was improving. On Fridsy evening June 14th the monthly aocial meeting of the Inter mediate League of the M. E. Church waa held at the home of Misa Ada Warren on Flower Street. Besides the young people of the League and the pastor, Rev. M. T. Wire, there were also present aeveral friends of the family. A very enjoyable evening waa spent. LaBt week wc received pleasant visit from II. B. Millard, of Portland, pur chaser of the Lakesbore property at the lower end of the lake and who is interested In Warner Valley Irrigation project. Mr. Millard waa here upon a tour of inpection of hia intercata and apant aeveral daya in this valley as well aa Warner country before return ing home. Athens underwear for Isdiea at Merrsntlle Co Ben Shsnahan, the sheep msn 'wss over from Pluso Mondsy. The front of the Inn Saloon waa treat ed to a fresh cost of psint Sundsy last. Bartholomeu Diaz, the West Side rancher, was one of Monday's visitors. C. A. Nelson wss In from his went side ranch the latter part of last week. Th Jim Dodson residence wss trest ed to a fresh costing of paint during tha past week. M. E. Eahtman and A. G. Duhme, Monday ware visitors in the city from New Pine Creek. Mr. and Mrs. John Cronin, of Adel, are now the proud parents of a bsby boy, born here on Fridsy morning last, Paul Drenkel made a flying trip to Silver Lake lastThursdsy in hia Dorfia auto, accompanied ty several passen gers. Now that the real warm weather ia here, fishing and camping partiea are getting rather numeroua, and vacation tripa are being planned. There will be a apecial meeting ot the Lakeview Commercial Club Mon day night. Every member ia urgently req jested to te present. Camas 8swmtll la now runolnj; right along. Any and all persons waotlog lumber will find li here. All orders promptly filled. Sttuifilg & Christie. Ju20-tf Jim Dodson and family, Sunday, made a trip in their Dorria auto to Al- I turaa, at which point tbey joined the train cxeuraionists from Lakeview and other points enroute, I, Andrew Vlnyard, have one bay borae that came to my ranch June f, 11112. Branded TE on the left shoul der, owner please come and pay for ad and take the horse. Jn 20-A22 Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Shirk yeaterday returned from a pleaaure trip to Port land where tbey attended the Rose Carnival. The drive in tbeir car waa made in one day from Lakeview to Bend. Contractor Riddlea last Saturday fin ished grading work on the Fairport townaite. '1 he ground ianow in good ahape and construction work wiil soon begin on the depot, hotel and other contemplated buildings. George Reid camp tender for Manuel Sanders' camp, ia apending thia week in town while the aheep are being oborn at the Wilcox corrals at Warner Canyon. George took advantage of the Alturaa excursion Sunday. W. Lair Thompson and fsmily made a trip to Ft. Bid well the first of the week. Lair is highly enthusiastic over hia new Dorris. He made the drive op the east side of Fandango mountain on the intermediate at the rate of 15 milea an hour. Manager T. F. Dunaway of the N.-C.-O. Saturday came op from Reno in the "Lakeview" and Sunday returned on the excursion train aa far aa New Pine Creek, where he apent the day in looking over the company's new town aite, Fairport. Value of Advertising: Judge Coke, of Coos county naa de cided that the court cannot build a court house on the Hot Spring aite in Klamath Falls, and that H. F. Mur doch, the plaintiff, must pav the costs. The case will be appealed. The court determined to build, and the decision means the pushing of the recall pro ceedings started a few months ago. The fight against the court is being re newed by the Commercial Clubs. "Bije" Has More Trouble Ft Bid well News: "Biie" the In disn whose wife waa killed last year under ciroumatances which finally ex onerated him. was arrested again Fri day on complaint of his present wife. She appeared at the Indian School with a cut on her forehead and one eye clos ed. When "Bije" was brought in be testified that she had started the troub le. "Biie" ia a sober, industrious In dian, but is either unfortunate in hia choice of wivea or Injudicial in hia me thods of domestio aicipline. Casebeer Home Burned The home of E. Casebeer, one mile this side of Blv, waa completely de stroyed by fire at about 11 o'clock Mon day morning. It la said that the piano was the only thing rescued from the flames. It is believed that the fire was caused from a flue in the kitchen. The building bad been fitted up for a hotel, and waa uaed to care for the stage travel before it was changed to the old Bly atation. The loss ia esti mated a, about $10,000 which waa covered by S3, 000 insurance. Walters' Addition Oflcrs the Best Close-in Home Sites in Lakeview! Near Schools, Churches, Depot and Business Center. Buy Now! Lots 50 x 125, $140.00 to $275.00 Easy Terms. W. F. PAINE & CO., Agents HE WARM WEATHER APPAREL ...$i oo "Poros-Knit" Union Suits, short sleeve, knee length, at "Munsing" Union Suits, extra light weight for summer wear, at $1 50 to $3 00 ' A splendid line of "E. & W." Shirts, with soft collars to match, at $1 50 to $3 00 Light weight Summer Hats, at 50c to $1 00 "Gordon" Straw Hats in a variety of shapes and grades, ranging from 35c up to the genuine Panamas at $7 00 The Home of Walk-Over Shoes Benjamin Clothes Sweet-Orr Overalls Working1 Men's Clothing BRITTEN & ERICKSON HO DO 1 SUMMER GOODS w E AREJSHOWING A BIG line of Ladies' Parasols in all colors and new shapes and at prices that are very reasonable. Also we are headquarters for Ladies' Muslin Underwear of all kinds in cluding the new Searsucker Gar ments. Ladies' Tailored Skirts, Silk and Lawn Waists, long Kid and Silk Gloves and Kahki Skirts and Jackets. Silk Skirts from $2.75 up. We also have a good line of Children's Muslin Drawers and Skirts. Lakeview Mercantile Co.