Lake County Examiner OE Official Paper of Lake County, Oregon ADVERT! SI NO RATES. Rirnlar MaiMltnt H.OO an Inch. lnl o unm pnoi-. fT mnth. All tiul'n 1. tund Imt inf month. t'ort pi comp tien rhrMl tor si lr f hiir. All 'i ii position extra. All abort Xrtm ada. ritra Roadrra. Im ai rolamnt, 1(V. rr lln t-a.-h In prtlon. nnt a1a. . a line rach Inn rtlon Card of tbtnka 11.00. Revolution o. cud tcac. II X) and upward. O-Trannlmt Advertising aad Job I rtni nr.onh tn adranca. A 1 Bill! muat be paid the Brat ol ach ."th. MB5CRIPTION RATH. On I-' adranca. In nv.,nN fl.00 .7 il n .. ..aid In advanr. $J.Mthrat 2 uim-r Narlca ta ftaaacriaar to Tba Rxaatlnar who tvmova twain? to aiiotlinr. or rhanin tlv .r . '!( ' addrmai hiull rmmbrr to ilni) I.'. t a card ao thi-lr wpr c1 b ad-lr-- o in rtf kt poaioOlco. Lakeview, Oregon, rhir..v, ,lune 'JO, Uia HOE XOE QE 3E 3E ALTERATION SALE A SEKIOUS OnSTACLK The proposed aewer ayatem will eliminate one very unsightly, unaam- try and dangerous nuisance the old wooden flume. Instead of rebuilding very few years, it la proposed to build . a concrete sewer that will last for ever. It is said that it will be necea sary to spend about $3,000 on the flume oon. This amount of money will nearly pay one years Interest on the bonda of the whole sewer system. Then, agairi, the flume Is within the fire limits of the town. We do not see how the town can refuse its citizens the right to build wooden fire traps in this fire district on one hand and conscientiously, allow itself to build a wooden structure that during the dry season would be the mcst dangerous firetrao ot them all. for it would dis tribute the Are for its entire length Of course you can nail some boards together and throw some dirt around the aide much cheaper than you can build a concrete sewer, but it is simply a question of which ia the cheaper in the long run. It Is only necessary to recall only about two years ago when only heroic work on the part of many citizens. saved the Watson building, Thorntons Drug Store and Biebera store, and the merchandise of the entire business block, to see the necessity of settling this water question in a permanent manner. I a, ' first, nililit'titlou, thereof t ' I..- in 't on June 20, 1112. unci the laat ' l.ill t ' in thereof to Is tiiaite on Jul .V IVVJ. by ortier oi lion. n. L;' Judge of said Court. UlAKLKS A. NKLSON, Kxeeu tor of the Ijint Will and Testa ment of Roticrt Nolaon, IVcvas- ed. No. 1 55 Report of tbe Condition of The Hank of lakevlew i Lake- view In the State of Oreaon. i the close of business, June 14lh, 1912. KKSOrWKS. DOLLARS. C K N TS Homesteader Gets Land The following decision, pertaining to land in this county, which was rend ered last week in Judge Benson's court in Klamath county will te of consider able local interest: "A friendly action to decide whether a homesteader or purchaser of script for land on the Oregon Military Road Grant has Deen decided in favor of tbe homesteader by Judge John S. Coke, acting in place of Circuit Judge Henry L. Benson for Klamath County. "This decision means considerable to those involved in the old Military Road Grant cases. It was an action brought by James Taylor against C. W. Finch. Tavlor bomestended the land, which lies 60 miles east of Klamath near Blv. finch purchased the land script snd to clear bis title Taylor brought aotion. Judge Coke finds that the homesteader who has continually lived on the place lor more than ten years haa a clear title to the land and settles any further dispute on this score. Agricultural Year Book The Department of Agriculture at Washington has just issued its 1911 Agricultursl Year Book a bound vol ume of several hundred pages contain ing much interesting fend Instructive information regarding agriculture, horticulture, stock raising, etc. Each Senator and Representative has copies of this Year Book for d stribution and anv farmer can secure a copy by send ing to one of tbe members of the Ore gon delegation. Ioansaud Discount $d 11,880 02 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 2.S26 02 Bonds ami warrant 3.'t.fc) s Other real estate owned.. 3.000 00 Due from banks (not reserve banks) 157 65 Due from approved re serve banks 41.776 43 Checks and other rash Items 6,094 1 Cash on hand 35,452 65 Total. ..734.GS$ 11 LIAMI.ITIKH. DOI.I.AHH CTS Capital stock paid in f 100.000 00 Surplus fund lOO.WK) 00 Undivided profits, less ex penses anil taxes paid... 72,744 53 Due to banks and bankers 27 25 Individual deposits sub ject to check 277.1W2 60 Demand certificates of .de posit 14.R02 97 Time certificates of deposit 164,574 77 LlaMlities other than those above stated 4.755 99 w BEGINS FRIDAY, JUNE TWENTY-FIRST V ORK HAS BEGUN on the enlarging and romodling of our present store building It will be modernized In every respeot. An addition whioh extends our present building to the alloy, will contain a baloony abovo and offices and rest rooms below. The interior arrangement will bo oompotely changed; the present display windows will bo replaced by one otthe latest plan of store fronts; a steam heating plant will be a part of .the modernizing Improvements, These changes will ne cessitate room for the workmen; thle room we have not at the present time. We there fore are inaugurating this Alteration Sale to reduce stock and make room. Thousands of dollars worth of merchandise will be offered to our customers at a loss of profit In order that we may have room and be able to conveniently make the ohanges planned. WATCH OUR WINDOWS; WATCH OUR ADVERTISEMENTS; WATCH OUR COUNTERS. We will keep adding to the list of bargains dally while the sale lasts. Ladies' Shoes and Oxfords REDUCED FOR OUR. ALTERATION SALE Total T34.0$S 11 State of Okkoon, "I S3. County or Lake I. F. M. Miller, cashier of tbe above-named bank, do solemnly swear that tbe above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. F. M. MILLER. Cashier. Correct Attest: B. DALY Signed W. 1'. HERYFORD, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19th day of Jnne, 1112. CHARLES UMBACII, Notary I'ubltc Lot, 1 Consisting of Shoes ami Oxfords, sold formerly up to $2.50 a pair. White Duck Sandals and Shoes, Vici Kid Oxfords and Shoes both blacks and tans. Choice, a pair $1.50 Lot 2 Consists of Shoes and Oxfords, formerly sold up to $3.50 a pair. Black and tan leathers and patent leathers, in lace and but ton styles. Your choice at $2.50 Lot, 3 Consists of Shoes ami Oxfords, formerly sold up to $ t-.L'5 a pair, includes all styles and leathers of the season. You take your choice at, a pair $3.00 Lot, 4 Consists of Shoes and Oxfords, in black, tan and Nu-Huck leathers, worth up to $5.00 a pair. Your choice now, a pair $3.50 No. I56. Report of the Condition of The Lake County Loan and Savings tsanic at Loteview, in the State of Oreeron, at close of business June 14, 1912: BB80DBCKS DOLLARS CT8 Loans and Discounts 194.954 15 Due from approved re served banks 10.791 23 Cask on hand 4,789 96 Total $114,535 34 SUBSCRIBE FOR THE EXAMINER .-.-JJj-F-.-IPj.-SHLu 'VaNTED a reliable insurance writ er with executive aMIity. A good offer for an experienced writer who ants to better his present condi tion with a company over 4 years ld. Top notch rnmnilKMon aod renewals for the riifht pnrtv. A. K. C unbs, Manager 36 Selling Build inir. Portland, Oregon. LIABILITIES DOLLARS CT8 Capital stock paid In $ 40,000 00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid .. 1.183 24 Dividends unpaid 32 00 Time certificates of deposit 5,291 01 Savings deponlts 17,029 09 ALTERATION SALE OF Men's Furnishings Golf Shirts This lot of Shirts includes those lines that sold up to $1.50 each, in soft and pleated bosoms, in a varie ty of colors. Your pick of the lot 95c Golf Shirts Consisting of Shirts sold up to $2.00 each. This lot is composed ot our best styles and makes, assorted stripes and figures. Your choice $1.25 ALTERATION SALE OF Ladies' Dress Skirts $8.00 Skirts Ladies' fine Panama Dress Skirts; blues, browns and blacks that formerly sold up to $8.00. Your choice $4.95 Wash Skirts This lot consists of Wash Skirts worth up to $li 15. Made from a variety of plain and stiiped materials Your pick at $1.00 ALTERATION SALE Total $114,53.-. 34 Statkof OltKGOX, ' HS. WANTED A live, experinnced and renpitnHible salesium to sell to funm-rn, miners ttockmeu. etc., to represent us In this territory. One that knows prices and people, iilj; inonev for the ri'ht party. Address smith's Cash 8tor-, iSau J rancisco, Cal. Jir.iO-.J4 NOTICE OF FIN A L SETTLEMENT In the County 'onrt of the State of Oregon, for the County of Lake. In the matter of the estate of Rob ert Nelson, Deceased. To all whom it may concern: No tice Is hereby arlven, that the under siuned, execnto' of the lact will and testament if Robert Nelson, deceased ha filed the final account of his ad mlnistrati"ii if aald estate, and that the liou. D. Daly, Judge of bald court ha, by hd order duly made and eu- teied In shIi! Court and matter on the 14tb day of June, lrfl2, fixed and ap pointed the Itr day of Auguat, lUl.', at the hour of 10 o'clock In the fore noon of said day, at tlm Court room of said Court, ar. the County Court House of sal County, in the Town of Luke view, Oregon, an the time aud place for the bearinx of objections to said linul account if any there be, aud for the sett'emcnt the.eof. KThls notice is puLlinheil in the Lake County Examiner, a weekly newa paier published in Lake Couoty, Ore gon, once a week for fonr successive Cocntv or Lake I, H. O. Cressler, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that tbe above fctatement is true to the fieet of my knowledge and belief. ISealJ S. O. CKESSLEK, Cashier. Correct A test; f W. If. SHIRK. DICK. J. WIIXJOC, lirectori. Suit-critx;il and sworn to before me this Kith day ot June, 1:j12. Seal DANIEL F. BRENNAN, Notary Public for Oregon. Men's Underwear One lot of Men's fine rib bed Shirts and Drawers, summer weight, most all sizes, worth up to $1.00 a suit. Your choice a suit 45c ALTERATION SALE ALTERATION SALE Children's Stockings Pine, fast black Child ren's Stockings, lace effect, sizes G to TVa, worth up to 25c. Your choice, a pair 15c Back Combs Barrettes Pyralin, Hack Combs and Uarrettes.l in assorted styles and colors. Worth up to 35c. Now, each 10c ALTERATION SALE Wash Goods One line of Flaxons which formerly sold up to 25c a yard, selling now at only, a yard 15c o BAIi "THE EY HOME OF MASSINGILL GOOD VALUES" No. 7,244 Report of the Condition of The First National Bank of Lake view, at Lakeview, In the State of Oregon, at the close of business, June 14th, l!i!2: KKSOtllli.'KS JlOI.I.AHH lioaus and discounts J19,H49 14 Overdrafts, secured aud unsecured 164 30 United States Bonds to se cure circulation 50,000 00 U. S. Bonds to M- ure I.'. S. Deposit ITi.OOO 00 Bonds securities, etc 7,640 14 Banking house, furniture, aud fixtures 1:1,753 04 Due from National Banks ( not reserve ajjen ts ) 7,34") 10 Due from Ktate aud 1'rlvute Banks and Bankers, Trust Company, and Saving Banks . 3,081,79 Due from approved re serve ugents 58,505 28 Chocks aud other cash items 714 87 Notes of other National Banks 1,920 00 Fractional paper currency, nlciels, and cents '. . 15 OE IOC SO ao Lawkll Money Kkhehvk in Bank, viz : Kpecle 10,397 65 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer ( 5 percent of circulation) 2,500 00 true to the best of my knowledge and Is-llef. Hkai. S. O. t itles I.KK, Cashier. Correct Attest : W. II. SHIKK ) DICK J WILCOX Directors II. A. BUATTAIN ) Subscribed and sworn to Istforo me Total 1107,772 26 I this Mtli day of June, 1912. 'HEAL) I.IAHIMTIKS DOM. A ICS Capital stock, paid In f W,(MK) 00 Surplus fund .'10,000 00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid, 11,2'9 75 National Bank Notes out standing 48.000 00 Due to other National Benka 43.1 90 Due to Trust Companies and Havings Banks 10,791 23 Dividends Unpaid 130 00 Individual deposits, sub ject to check 207,535 29 Demand certificates of de posits 21,203 25 United (States deposits 20.H68 71 Deposits of U. 8. disbursing officers 3,900 07 Notes and bills rediscounts! 3,200 00 DANIKL b BKENNAN. Notary Public for Oregon. Total f 407,772 20 tatb op Ohegon, County or Lakk I, B. O. Cressler, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement la Do You Want To Make Money? If no, mid you have tlif quull flcutiniiH to Imniih the very latest, bent uuil fully tzuurunte etl lighting H.VHtumx In thin din trlrt, write at onto with full lirtlculnrs to M huh fact unfit Agi'iit, rare of h. A. KLKIN, I'HHTLASn, IHIWIOS, I Will Do in Town within the next few iluyn anil talk mutters over with you. Write u t once. This u1 vertlso wiit will not iippeir usnln. MAY PROVE FATAL When Will Lakeview People Learn The Importance Of It? Ita the little kidney ills The lame, weak or achlnu back The unnoticed urinary disorders That lead to dropsy aod Bright's dlaeuse, When tbe kidneys are sick. Help them with Bonn's Kidney Tills. A remedy especially fr sick kid neys. Doau'a have been curing, kidney troubles for 76 years. lOndnraed by 60,000 people endors ed by people of thin locality. W. I Oould, 110 W. Jackson Ht . Medford, Oregoo, says: "I used Doau's Kidney i'iliw at Hasklu'a Drug Store aud am pleased to say that they have given ma more relief than any other kidney medicine I have ever taken. Other members of my family have also used Doan'a Kidney Tills and the reeolta have been so HiillHfactory that I do not hesitate one moiueot in giving this ta lenient." For aale by all dealer, price 50 cent. Foater-Mllbuni Co., Buffalo, New York, sole ng nU for the United States. Home mbcr the name take no other. -Doan'a and ' The Best Bib Overall Two Horse Brand A New Pair FREE If THey Rip LtVI STRAUSS a, CO. MPRS., SAN FRANCISCO