Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 20, 1912, Image 3

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    la) tKa lntrt of your
Wst W.aiher Comfort
Our REFLEX EDCE for ell w.ut
from running in at the lionl. Cam
lo UsUn only 5 buttons. Look like
n ordinary ov.reo.1.
$3.00 Everywhere.
Satisfaction CmwiImJ.
A. J. Tower Co. ,'212?.
Tr C).l CV, Ltd. '
FIClili. if you liHVf tin
flu or any imtvut innttvr.
nrfn Iminiillatily to i v.
WRIUIIT. n'titHtrntl ttnrw,v. t,nun
Jk Trunt IthlK., WASJIlSaToN, V. V.
J. L. LYONS. D. 0. 5.
' Office In Watson' Block. Lake
view, Oregon
Itlvai TW. ..parlanc. la Mi-aiaau
Wra-ioat. ul t slt.rallf 01 MUMni
M. P. Hopkins
Oflre; l ua IUlit.,S. Water St
Lakeview :: Oregon
J. N. Watson
Farm Land a Specialty
It pays to be prudent
when it conies to pro
tecting your nrdens
from the squirrel vnnnin
" Good wiring is
I the very best
insurance policy you
can have and the
cheapest. We do it.
$1,000 REWARD
n. urvann uai
tfoiula aud Merada
Live hum's Fou-c-
Iod Aisnclaton. of
wlilrli lb uudvr
alxn.d li member
will glT. i,(iuao
rrni) lot .rldono.
. luadiliK to lb. r
ret and oonvlotloo
'Jul anjr party or par
tlosnuialliis borwa,
oaltloor rouiu. be
longing to aujr of Its
In addition to th. abova, th. umlpritaned
offer, on th. .amaoondlilon f&O.OO for all hora
.. brandad hone-.ho. bar ou both or altbur
taw. Brand recorded In eight counties. Ransv
larnajr, Lk. and Crook oouulloa, Humus
vented when .old.
Nun. but grown hormaold, and onlyln larg.
aaboboi W. W. Hbown.FIi.. Orngou.
Practical Painter
, and Paperhanger
fjT I hare reovntly IwtttfHl la
UII Ltikevfow, it mi In coitfunc
11 tion with tue Liikevlew
Mnrcnntlto Co., tint irinwf to
buulfo nay work untl nutply
tnntvrliil for ull contractu In
tli In line.
, Let the Exuminer figure on
your next Job Printing.
I IifilV" .
I IMkI" Griidn Neas)
Mr end Mrs. A. M. Smith of Drews
vahey arc here visiting friend arid
W. H. I'upont arrived from Ff. Hid'
wall Monday find la busy getting I ho
Keller building In readlnese for hi
tor It of drug.
C. C. May, (imminent mining and
newspaper man of Msho Spring haa
been In rump weeK looking the
ground over. It ii rumored that Mr.
May contemplate atartlng news
paper aome where In tho dli trie t.
A.J. Paulson, manager of the Urllee
Orchard Tract of Davie Creek, waa a
New l'lne Creek visitor Monday night.
He came to aacerteln If gold really
grow on bushes In High Grade and
went home expressing the opinion that
Iba ramp Ii all right.
Mr. Newton Crumley, a brother of
Sherman Crumley arrived In Pine
Creek from Man Bernardino, California,
on Wedneaday. . Mr. Crumley if an old
Colorado and Nevada mine camp hunt
ler and will now eontrilmtebl abili
ty and energy In building up Camp
High Grade.
Mr. E. B. Trumen left fur Kanaaa
City and Chicago on Friday on bunl
neaa connected with mining Interest
in High tirade. Mr. Truman eipect
to tae In the National Kepubtlcan
Convention at Chicago, and will boost
for Tatt. He will return to the dis
trict on or atout July 15th.
The 53 toot eorner lately occupied
bv Mra. Wise for a restaurant will now
be vacated, aa Mr. Wise I moving
into ber new building Kant of the
Berry residence.
Kd Trumbach and family arrived in
ramp on Saturday and have located
bere permanently. Mr. Trurobacb
repreaenta wealthy Cripple Creek and
Colorado Sprlnga mining men.
W. H. Thompson, a building contract
or, of Loa Angelea, accompanied by
Mra. Thompson and Mr. Patty and
children, arrived here last Saturday
night and have become resident of
thl camD.
Dr. Patterson, J. D. Hammeraley
and J. Moffett have put a Wlnton auto
on the road between New Pine Creek
and Lakeview. Thev arc prepared
carry passenger, baggage and light
relght to any point on short notica.
And now it I Judge Branley, if you
pleaae. Our worthy fellow townsman
J. P. Branley, has received the ap
pointment of iuatice of the oeace on
the California aide. The Newa bet a
dollar and four bit that he will be a
fair. Impartial and upright judge.
Ja'k Laughlin, a brother of Charley
Laughlin of the Sunaet mine, arrived
at New Pine Creek Tuesday evening
having accompanied Guy Merrill from
Klamath Fall. Jack I one of the
beat judgea of horses In the country
and came over to New Pine Creek to
tuy some mules. Jack lived here for
a number of year aad ha a bout of
friend in this viuinity.
Still Another District
(HlKli Orade n2wh)
M. C. Smith was In from bia new
camp about 12 mile eoutb of New Pine
Creek Sunday ami repot U having dis
covered phonollte quarts on one of hi
properties. Mr. Smith located many
of the Willow Ranch and Myrtle Creak
properties, aome of which begin to look
like mine. He la ono of the best pros
pector in the country and a good judge
of rock.
Mr. Smith ha ODened a ledge 200
yard from the residence of James
Kirpatrick, the ore from which return
t'-.OO per ton at the grass roots.
Thomas Kirkputrick and associates
have located a numler of promising
claim in Buck Creek canyon, two mile
east which BHsays S16 a ton in gold. The
ledge is eight to ten feet across and all
Mr. Smith has received a letter from
S. M. Mingusof Ely, Nevada, etsting
that he will have parties here soon to
take up Sites group of Copper mine
south of Ft. Bidwcll adjoining the May
dower and Morning Glory groups owned
by himself and Mrs. Mae Sites.
These properties are a continuation
of the ore dikes of High Grade pruiwr.
A Musical Prod Iffy
(High Grade News)
Harry Swilt, known all over the
West and elsewhere aa the "Piano
Prodigy," and who Is now playing
piano in the Kentucky House at Lake
view, will give one of his masterful
entertainments aa part of the "Great
West Panorama" program In Wendt'a
Opora House on Sunday afternoon and
evening June of 23rd.
' Swift is the swiftest piano player
alive today. He has played In manv
of the Western cities and mining
camps, after having toured the country
with a Wizard Oil troupe and after
ptaying Calliope and Kid Clown for P.
T. Harnum In hi trip around the
Nothing but "Native Genius," can
answer the question, How does he do
It. Switt is the only one of his class,
and is arranging to sign a contract for
another trip around the world with
the "Great West Panorama" people.
200 Ton of. Medium
Grade Ore Is Now
on the Dump
On laat Monday the Newa editor
visited the Big Four and Huckleberry
properties In the Core of Camo High
The Big Four I no being operated
under Inane by Mr. John P. Basler
who ha been in the dlsttict for irversl
Mr. Baiialer has been at work In the
mine all winter and now extimate
that he has 200 tone of ore on the
dump that will run from 120 to S1U0
per ton. The present development
consist of a shaft down on the vein R5
feet. This ahaft la intersected by a
tunnel from below driven 100 feet on
ore all the way.
A yet there haa been but very little
sloping done, and the ore on the dumps
represents what waa obtained from de
velopment work alone.
One cliff of rock on the property Is
estimated at 100,000 tone above the
aurface. Thia clifT ha been estimated
to average ; 14. Wi per ton In gold.
Several assays have been made and
the entire claim aeema to contain that
average value.
The property is equipped with with
shaft house, whim, dwelling and bunk
houses, tlackamith shop and a five
atamp mill, which la soon put in ope
ration on the lower grades.
Mr. Sassier states that he will beein
hipping ore at once and that the pro
ven condition of the property will en
able him to continue shipment dur
ing the time of hi lease. Mr. Bassler
is an old time Colorado miner, and has
operated successfully camps in many
of that state. High Grade Newa.
"Falrport, the Beautiful"
Now Assured of an Up-to-date
Reno, Nev Msy 27tb., 1912. Your
correspondent todsy interviewed Mr.
T. F. Dunaway regarding the new town
of Fairpurt, Calif., which ia being de
veloped upon the line of the Nevada-California-Oregon
Rv. Speaking of tbe
project Mr. Dunaway aaid :
The road has long felt that tha won
derful resources of the Golden Goose
Lake Valley warranted the estsbllsh
ment and development ot a substanial
town. We have always been ready to
lend our support along any consistent
lines to further any plan having this
object in view. In the so-called pre
mier fruit sections of this country they
have been frantically smudging to save
their crops. In spite of all their efforts
they lose a crop once in two or three
years. .1 his valley ha never bad a
total failure and ha never smudged.
I make the prediction that every acre
of thia land adapted for fruit will sell
for from $250 to S500, and that with the
developmenta of its orchards it will
rival the other famoua fruit sections
of the country in safe and pro6table
fruit culture.
Continuing he said : The ranches of
this entire country ara too large and
too valuable to be farmed indifferently.
There ia an awakening at hand. The
influx of immigration has been turned
westward and this beautiful country,
practically virgin, is going to come in
to its own. ' You can say for ma that
work upon the depot for fr'airport is al
ready under way. 1 want to tee this
country develoDed and believe that the
plana of the Fairport Town & Land Co.
is going to stimulate the valley from
one end of the road to the other.
Straved From the Holbiock ranch
uti Hay Creek, last week, one light
hay Keldlug, with mealy nose. Weight
about 1000 pounds. Dim brand on
left shoulder. Horse bad low build,
heavy ret aud was very fat. Finder
inform G. L. Holbrook, Lakeview,
Oregon, who will pay them for their
trouble for recovery of borne. JutVtf
Rlk'ht In your builvat tcanon when you hav.
the least tint, to spare yon ara mua' likely to
take dlarrohea and loae several days time, un
less you hav. Chambsrlalti's Colic. Cholera
and Dlarrchea Remedy at hand and take a
dose on the first sppearauce of lbs dlseaso
For sale by all dealers
Prlxe Given Away
Valuable prise will be given away
Free by Hall & Reynolds. A city lot
in tbe towu of New Pitie Creek,
worth 1250.00, free to the holder of
the lucky number. A ticket with every
dollar purchase, which en titles you to
a chance on the lot. A duplicate of
each ticket will bedroDoud lot a sealed
box. On the evening of June 30th the
drawl u will take place at Smith's
Picture Show, Out ol towu customers
will receive their tickets by mall.
Everyone haa aa equal chance.
Burma's Oild.d Pagoda.
nangiMiii. tin i lij nl I'.iirma.
fi-W Up Hr'HIIld lU ml'Tfd apot im
V Mi'h I 1:11.11 I lie priMf Jtim) I in;.-' ill
p'iiHwi. i.iie nf Its pi m l nl wriilcr.
"Itlflnu to ri ImMkIiI if MM li ft. I.M a'
Im Ki'-.itly enhiiiiifd d;. iii Mi l thin Ii
Simula on an eml!nli.-e llml U i!rlf lHl
fi-H iibove I be n" "I ii, i In- ill,.." miy
a writer. "It tn ovcri lth oure
' gold from he to Milium, and once lo
very generiitluii thl cold l ciiiiiili-te-ly
renewed by public Jtilmyrlptlmi. Yel
throughout I hi' Inicrvnl ilie prorex of
reitlMInx ii' w mi pi'rix-tuiilly. I'l"iis
ppopli who mi'k In thin wuy to exprcus
their triHTiitMn unit to add 'to tlii'lr
store of ilrliiinl merit climb up dully
with little HtiiterliiK iisckHx of cold
leaf, which tlic fiixtcn on some frnc
' t'n of If trront .nrface There la no
' more pi luri-Kiiie sight offered by It
thnn Hull of h i;Mtli of theae Milken
worithlM-ri imtlliii-d blull uruIiiki Its
gold In the net nf coo' rllnit Inn their
mail quota to lis splendor. The pn no
ds Itaelf hits no Interior. It la a solid
atupn of brick rnlKvd over a relic
Old Man of th Mountain.
i " The title "Old Man of th Mountain"
waa Brut applied lo 1 1 anna u Hen Bab
bat. who founded a formidable dynas
ty In Kyrla A. t. 10!i0. lie was the
prince or chief of the nect of the Mo
hammednnM. Having tieeo tmnlnbed
from IiIm country, he took up bis abode
In Mount Ibunon and gathered round
blm a bund of followers, wbo soon be
; came the terror alike of CbriHtUtna,
' Jews and Turku. They paid the most
Implicit obedience to bis commands
and believed that If tbey sacrificed
tbelr lives for bis aske tbey would be
rewarded wltb the highest joys of
paradiHe. For 200 years these "assas
sins." a they called themselves, con
tinued lo be tbe terror of tbe country.
Whenever tbelr chief, the "Old Man
of the Mountain." considered himself
Injured be dispatched some of bis aa
aasMlns secretly to murder tbe aggres
sor. This Is tbe origin of our use of tbe
word assussln for a secret murderer.
8arp.nt and Music
Barnard concludes from bis personal
' observation of cobras In Ceylon, saya
: the Scientific American, that tbe aer
peut'a trndltlonal love for music Is a
pure fable aud that the only effect of
music la to arouse tbe reptile's curios
ity, which Is excited by any loud and
acute sound. The cobra protrudes its
. bead from Its burrow alike on bearing
1 tbe snake charmer's flute, tbe rattling
' of a chain or tbe sounds made by
. beating the ground wltb a switch. It
appears to perceive only sounds of
high pitch, for It paya no attention to
the low notes of tbe flute or tbe beat
ing of the drum. Barnard also coo-
i Armed la Ceylon the results of obser
vations made in tbe London soological
garden on the supposed power of fas
cination exerted by serpents upon
birds, and he concludes tbat thia pow
er of fascination la also purely imag
inary. Arms and th Man.
"I aee yon bare your inn In a sling."
said tbe Inquisitive passenger. "Bro
ken, is it 7"
"Yea, sir." responded the other pas
senger. "Meet with an accident?"
"No. Broke It w hlle 1 waa trying to
pat myself on the back."
"Creat Scott! What forr
"For minding my own business,"
"I see. Never could happen to me.
could It?"
"And If It did I wouldn't be blame
fool enough to tell it"
j Then there was silence in tbe car.
1 Chicago Tribune.
Th Chang of a Nam.
How family mimes change, in the
course of many year Is Illustrated by
the conversion of "Botevlle" Into
"Tbynne." An English deed beuring
date Id the closing days of tbe fifteenth
ceutury shows three brothers then
flourishing John Botevlle of Botevlle
aud Thomas and William Botevlle.
The trio are distinguished from all oth
er Uoteviles by the explanation "of the
Inue." or family residence, the title to
which had come to their Joint posses
sion. John's grandson wus known as
Ralph Botevlle-of-the-lnne. from which
the transition to Ralph Thyme Is easy.
Ills descendants have been Tbynnes
ever since.
H. Wanted Figs.
At a small stag dinner the only
young and unnoteworthy person p res
cut sut throughout tbe meal commun
ing with bis own bashful soul, afraid
lest by speaking be betray bis sophis
tication. Dessert being served, be felt
be must have some of tbe candled
fruit at the other end of tbe table.
Clearing bis voice, he fixed tbe nearest
waiter with a glittering eye and. amid
a sudden total silence, peremptorily
called out at the top of his voice, "Pigs,
fleas!" Exchange.
Found Wanting.
Mrs. Laytebyrd (aa Laytebyrd comes
In unsteadily at 3 a. m.) You have no
excuse for coming home at this hour
and la this condition. Laytebyrd I
had oue, my dear, and It was a grand
one, but I can't think what It waa.
Th Head of th Family.
In Germany the father la tbe head of
tbe family. In France the mother. In
England tbe eldest son. In America
the daughter. Don C. Selts.
The Pr.s.nt Tim. k
Now Is the ouly point of time of
great moment to you. If you devote
yourself to now tbe past will be a
dream, the future a present realization
Nothing Is stronger than aversion.
(Hig;li Orsde News)
Tbe boom eontniues n It refusal to
bust. Capital I meandering this war
by the hogshead. The hammer of th
forlorn-faced knocker ha ceased to
produce vfbratfona. The piker ha sent
for a bunch of physicians and surgeons
to diagnose his totberculosi of the
Everybody I on tbe wide track hav
sunshine in their complexion and a
merry ba ha on their vocal chords that
wakee the welkin several time every
twenty-four hour.
Stuttering Steve ha located a new
lid nn hi bump of celfesteem.
Melancholy Mike wear a pair of
new green panta and a light lavender
Brick Allen' torch of red ripe balr
is seversl time redder thsn before tbe
There is plenty in everybody's psntry
and a full grnwn hope for the future.
Slim S loan's drill baa penetrated a
pay streak tbat will never peter out.
Rickety Rodney forgot to stutter
when relating bis anecdote of finding
gold knot bole in tbe mahogany
bushes at tbe bead of K rooked Kreek.
The golden eggs which a certain
gooe la ssid to have deposited were
found in a nest on tbe shore of Goose
Lake not very far from Krooked
Ten Cent Tansy spent twenty cent
for a psir of bloomer and thirty cents
for a number six straw bat for one of
ber tin-horn friends. Tbat look to
tha pale-eyed philosopher of the
Krumbler very much like prosperity.
John Larkin baa let a contract for
tbe construction of a mission at tbe in
tersection of Nugget street and Bonan
ta avenue.
Theodore Fleming brought down a
aack of high grade from tbe Hoot Owl
mine last Thursdsy that made ninety
per cent of the old timers weep for
Doc Amsden shot into a 17-foot
stresk of the pure old quill in cross
cutting from tbe Hedgehog to tbe
Tbe Gutter Snipe upraise shows 11
inches of peroxide that will easily as
SBy 2,000 pounds to the ton.
The Dead Horse lode in Rough Neck
Baian baa opened a. large body of meta-,
morphoaed tellurium between well de
fined walla to the second level.
Tbe Sure Thing Mining, Milling,
Smellting, Refining, Minting&Trana
portation Co.. ot Frisco haa opened
the principal office ot the company ii
Krooked Kreek and baa aeveral tons
of Al stock certificate printed on
Golden Rod bond paper now ready for
the market. A poly to Hiram for in
side hunches and an easy road to
Old Quartz is still in bed. One of
Th e High Grade Ne ws
If you want the facts and all the NEWS
about the High Grade district send $2 to
The High Grade News
New Pine Creek, Ore.
Vev Plna Creesr on the N.-C- O. R. K. only seven
mil from the heart of the district
Acconnon.vnoNs vplojiv
For connppciAi EaJ
LIGHT & HARROW. Proprietors
Daily Service Reno to Lakeview Except Sundays
No. I Arrives Lakeview at 8:45 P. M.
No. 2 Leaves Lakeview at 6:30 A. M.
Daily Except Sunday
his floating ribs looks like a combina
tion of remorse and unsatisfied longing,
MorMflcaf ioon at the loose end and gan
grene st the other has induced him to
purchase a New Testament and the lat
est edition nf Gospel Hymns. When
Old Quart is not entertaining the In.
habitants of this grst gold csmp with
wsr whoops while the doctors are saw
ing him op Into finishing lumber he Is
prsetlcing hi melodious csrol entitled
"Tha Beautiful Gales Ajsr" on tha
zephyr which have chosen Krooked
Kreek Kanyon aa tb nearest, best
and chespest route from the Snmmlt
to the Sea.
Fraction Jack drove bis pick into a
well-defined ledge of expectation and
absolute certainty in his 2X6 frsction
ret ween the Red Rooster and the
Rough Rider Isst Wednesdsy.
Tim ber line Doyle wsded across Goose
Las from Klamath Falls onSsfurdsy.
When he arrived in camp there were
trout in bis blue overalls and cloud
in hi whiskers. Doyle measures more
distsnce between heaven end esrth'tban
any man in Krooked Kreek Kanyon. lt
take three day for hunger to travel
from bia stomach to tbe gray ma
terial in bia noodle. He ba located tbe
Long John and Skyscraper claims in
htsr Chsser Gulch and if ha livea long
enough he will be fixed so tbat he will
never be abort.
Denver Promoter Here
(High Grade New)
A. L. Arnold and Albert Wagner ar
rived from Dnever Thursdsy night and
are now making careful examination
of toe district. Both of these gentle- '
men have exhibited unfaltering faith
in ard loyalty to High Grade from tbe
beginning and have given it more ex
tensive advertising than any other two
men. Both are already heavily in
terested in tbe eamp and will no doubt
soon be contributing liberally to tha
maintaiuancfl of tbe camo pay roll,
which in all district ia among tbe first
and most important of tbe indispensi
bles. Mr. Wagner has bad many years of
experience in mine promotion and they
are fully eapable to be of ineatimable
value to Camp High Grade.
The Newa bids Arnold and Wagner
a cordial welcome.
There ere meny surprises furnished
for ns aa we work oar way through
life, aome of which are argeeable and
pleasant and others we would like to
. : .J 2- r
-..C-.i7J!VT2rE. Om enta BttHfcTi, I