I 1 I E ci I EUCI Everything In Bieber's Cash Store Is Reduced? OT a few things here and there as leadersbut every article in every department is being sold at a substantial reduced price. The goods are this season's best. All the merchandise is new and strictly up-to-date and back of every purchase, irrespective of the low price is our regular guarantee of entire and absolute satisfaction. In our Grocery nor SJncyr. S.ifK RnH-tv T .rA .trr t Coaloil, Etc. at a very material saving. Bring your list of wants 5 here. We have a complete assortment of the best Groceries, g White Duck Button Shoes, Ladies' all sizes, $2 50, made to retail at $4.00. Misses' sizes at $1.65 Boys' Suits, a large variety of all styles anil sizes, priced to sell out as low as, per suit $1.50 Smoking That Maddens. Marihuana In a weed iced by people of the lower cIiim and sometimes by soldier, luit tlnm who nmke larger uo of II are prisoner sentenced to long teriua. The uao of the weed, and lt aale. (,Iw lljr In barracks and prison. MTt very eevorely punished; yet It lina many adept a, and Indian women cultivate It bocauae they eell It at rather high price. The dry leave of marihuana alone or mixed with to Imeco make tlie atnoker wilder llinn a wild beast. It la aald that Immediately after the flrwt three or four draft of moke amokcra begin to feel a alight liendnehe; then they aee everything moving, ami finally they loae all cou trol of their mental faculties, Kvery thing, the amoker aay, takea the shape of a monster, and men look like devil. Tiny begin to fight, and. of ooiirs everything amaahed la a mon itor "killed." Hut there are Imaginary beluga whom the wild man cannot kilt, and these Indira fear until the mun la panic atrlcken and mna. Mexican Herald. c in 1C AN OPPORTUNITY Men's $20.00 Suit values at $ 15.75 Men's $3.00 and S4-.50 Oxfords as low as.. Children's "WearweH" Hose, black and tan, at per pair $2.00 & 10c Men's $2.00 values New Weaves Straw Hats $1.50 Men's New Shape Silko Hats 50c Delineator, Fashion Sheets and Butterick Patterns jgj li for July are Now On Sale d The Curia of Cowdray. Cowdray. once the eatate of the earla of Kgtuont and now In the poaaeaalon of I.ord Cowdray, better known aa Sir Weetnmn Pearson, la the aubjert of a very Intcreatlng uperatltkn. Shortly after the dissolution of the monasteries Cowdray waa conferred upon 8lr An thony Mrowne. the father of the flrwt I.ord Montaguei, who had already beeo given Ilattlo AbU-y aa a reward for lila aervl. ca to Henry VIII. The atory goee that Sir Anthony, who had de nt royed tho chtireh and the rlolatera In llattlo AMh'.v, wna vIMtod In the great hall aa he wua holding his flrwt fiaat by one of the dlsiMwactwed iiumka, who after aolemnly turning him, prophesied that hU family ahould perish by flra and water. Two ccnturlea and a half later the prophecy waa tragically ful filled. In 1713 the bonne, waa destroy ed by Ore and within a week of that disaster the Inat Iord Montague loot hi life In Germany In an unsuccessful nttcmpt to a boot the fall of the Rhine. London New a. Difirnifying The Industries A new illustrated bulletin of 64 pages ahowing phases of the college work "dedicated to dignifying the indus tries," has just been 188064 bv the Oregon Agricultural College press. It contains 8 photograpbajn duo-tone reproduction, with accompanying de scriptive matter. The five new build ings erected this year and an archi tect's drawing of the sixth, the new school of mines building, now in pro cess of erection, are shown together with field, and labratory work of the students of mining, engineering, do mestic economy, forestry, poultry, husbandry, dairying, horticulture, agronomy, animal husbandry, pnar macv, commerce, art and architecture, industrial teaching, military tactics, and much space is also given to pnases of student life, extension work, the short summer and winter courses, and investigative work. CONTRACT LET FOR FAIRPORT HOTEL New Structure Will be Lo cated Within 400 Feet of Lake Shore Bill Becomes Law On June 6, President Taft signed the three year homestead bill per mitting entrymen on public lands to prove their claims in three instead of five years, allowing five months ab sence from a claim each year and re ducing the acreage to be cultivated on large claimB from 80 to 40 acres. The pen used was given to Reoresentative Taylor of Colorado. The bill is design ed to so liberalize homestead laws.'as to will follow, check the immigration of American farmers to Canada. V. L. Snelling received a letter to day from T. F. Dunaway, General .Manager af N.-C.-O. Ky., stating that he bad let the contract in Reno for the Hotel at Fairport, the new town on tne N.-C.-O. Ry., in Modoc County California, 2 miles southwest of New Pine Creek, Oregon. The Hotel will occupy a corner lot, opposite the aew passenger depot to be erected by the N.-C.-O. Ry. and will be about 400 feet from the shores of Sunset lake, a parkway intervening. The plans show a two storv building in the Mis sion style, containing about 35 rooms. The contractor has ordered his building material, and expects to have the hotel fully completed within three months. ibis is the first important move on the part of the Fairport Town and Land Company toward the develop ment of the summer resort feature of their Fairport plans, aud others eomolisb our object." "Are you two men citizens of the United States?" asked the Gazette rep resentative. "No," they replied. "We are both citizens of Great Brit- tian." Can you secure work if you want it," waa asked. "Yes." they replied, "rut we don't want work for the wagea now paid. We don't want work we want wagea." "We believe absolutely in the agita tlon being carried on by the I. W. W. in San Diego, Cal." Glynn continued, "and we intend to go there and aid in the meantime.' Balta by tha Pound. A western senator of ample physical proportions waa endeavoring to obtain a belt at a Washington haberdashery. He waa having a difficult Urn In se lectlng a belt whnae design at nick hta fancy aa well as of proper rxjti!re ments for Ida girth. "How much la time one?" h de manded of the clerk, who was entirely unaware of the distinguished cbasjic ter of the pntrou. "That la $4." an Id the auleanian. "Four dollar!' exchilroed the sena tor. "Isn't that an awful price for a u-itr "Tea. air," admitted the man behind the counter; "but. you see, air, after they get Into the regular aurclngle alia we charge for em by the pound." Chicago Itecord-IIerald. Wedding Bells County Clerk F. W. Payne .Monday issued marriage license to Grover Mulkey and Miss Laura Howell. Mr, Deeds Are Recorded Last week the Northwest Townsite Company recorded with County Clerk ! Mulkey is a son of Mr. and Mrs. D. F Payne deeds to the large George Conn Mulkey, of Davis Creek and MIbs ranch at Paislev. This tract comprises Howell is a resident of Paisley. 800 acres and contains some of the The joyous words that will make the best soil in tbat favored section. No young couple inseparable through life important development work bas yet . were pronounced last evening by Mel been undertaken by the company tut it ' ville T. Wire at the Matbodist parson is expected that as soon aa all prelimi- j age. The Examiner extends congratu nary steps have been disposed of that : lations. atrenuoua work will begin j Has RenutatrlAn . , ( a iair idea or the character, aims Ft. tlidwell News: 1 was talking ! and purposes of tha l.W.W. vagabonds I. W. W. Vagabonds A fair idea of the character. with Margaret lies the other day about j may be gained from the following in ner summer season in Surprise Valley. "Isn't it a little ambitious," I ven tured, "to go in for stock productions away up here?" "I've always under stood," she repiled, "that Surprise Valley is a great stock country." terview by a reporter by the Reno Ga zette with one of their agitators : "What is the object of the l.W.W. movement?" asked the Gazette re presentative. "The ultimate object," said Thomas r l . . i - ... Kever Urv h,,n,B .,n a i.,r.,..v w,ih,,t "'J"'". ' io man a revolution in bottlo 'of ciiaiiitierluln's Colic, chokra and : this country. When we want to t ecu" Ui-T'i'-' '.-.Liuud)- lit tliuoil ciialn in te control of all the industries of tde needed aud c.nout I obtained wheu aboard country and run them ourselves. We the can or ileauuhlpi Koraaleby all dealers I . . . .. ..' ... j Intend to keep agitating until we ac- At The Opera House The production of the Jolly Ameri can Tramp Sunday evening at Snider's opera bouse by the Margaret Ilea Com pany proved to be an attractive perfor mance. The curtain was raised at 8:30 and the performane completed at an early hour. The bill waa lively, replete with good, clean comedy and was well presented by the troupe. This play, while alightly bordering on the melo drama, type, had an interesting plot and many witty lines, which supplied i won wiovcr atbiii uiauo u a wuciujr bill. One of the attractions of their per formances is the specialty songs by Miss Ruby Soutbstone. She baa a very sweet voice, a well chosen list of lace songs and the ability to render them in a most charming fashion. The company next Sunday will put on the old favorite play "In Old Ken tucky," which has been a popular drawing card for yeara. In this per formance the troupe will be aug umented by two people from San Fran cisco. It ia one in which Mr. Meade and Miss lies are well up in and it is expected that the play will be well at tended. Monday night, June 17, the Leota Howard Uramatic company will begin a seven night engagement in a reper toire of uptodate plays. This suction waa treated to a nice warm rain fall last Sunday evening which deposited a good supply of mois ture in the ground. We received an other pleaant dose Tuesday afternoon. The showers are of wonderful benefit to the country. Rltflit In your bmleiitaeaon when you bave the leant time to (pare you are inui' likely to take dlarrohca and loe several days time, un !' you httve ChaniberlalD's Colic, Cholera aud lilarrolica iteineIy at baud aud take a done on the flmt appearance of tbe dlieaae For sale by all dealers Vary Brief. A record of brerlfy In a holiday cor respondence wua established by a Frenchman In tbe eighteenth century. Voltaire and I'ltnn, the eplgrauimatlat, exchanged challenge to write tbe shortest KsKlble letter. Ho, when Vol taire waa starting on a J'-.rney, be wrote to Ptton, "Ko nia," wblcb la the complete Latin for "I am going to the country." I'lton's answer waa Just "I" foinplete Latin for "Go!" In buHlncMM correspondence the rec ord la divided Itetwecn Victor Hugo, who, anxious to know bow bla "Lea Mlserablea" was going, wrote to the publisher, and tbe publisher, who triumpbuntly replied. "!" A 8ervlle House of Lords. When King Henry VIII.'s name waa spoken In hi prexonce In tbo house of lords every peer prostrated himself with Asiatic aervlllty. An entry In the records of the liou.se gives the sub stance of n speech delivered by the chancellor on Jtin. 10, 1541, In wblcb tbe king's goodness and wisdom are extolled, and it tella us tbat whenever bis majesty waa mentioned, "which happened often," all tbe lords prostrat ed tliciiiHclvos, bowing to tbe ground as one num. 1 To Buy Muslin Under wear and Shirt Waists On account of the increasing tlcnmnd for our Millinery, and our limited store space, wc will discontinue handling Muslin Underwear ami Shirt Waists. Therefore, in order to close out at once, wc are offering these two lines regardless of cost. Conic early before the sizes are broken. BJ THE PARISIAN MILLINERY MAIN STKliLvT, 0 IE EE WliST OF COURT IIOUS1S EE E3 L 2 The Important Personage. "Are you the owner of thin place?" linked tht) book ugetit. "I am," replied Farmer Corntaaael. "Anything I can do for you?" "No. Tho chances are thut you are too hard worked to have time to read anything and (but you haven't uuy aparo cbungo miyliow. Let nio talk to the hired mun." Washington Star. Poor Simile. "I never sow any ono ao timid aa Ilenpeek la," remarked Wlgger. "Why, he's like a mouse lu bla own bouse." "NonseuHft!" exclaimed Wagger. "Ills Wife isn't tho leiiHt bit afraid of him." And War Continued. Miss Goodley Bess soya she's ready to make up if you are. Miss Cutting Tell her I'd bo ready to make up, too, If I bad a complexion aa muddy aa hers. I'blladelphlu Lodger. Patienoe. ITer Mother You muat be patient with him. Tho Iirldo Oh, I am. I know It will take time for him to aee that be can't have his own way. National Tralta. It takea one hour to know a French man, one month to know a German and almost a lifetime to know aa Eng lishman well. Itonie Corrlere. It la ever true tbat be who does nothing for others does nothing for himself -Goethe. VOTE ON MANY MATTERS (on tinned from flrat page county. Tha governor shall apKlnt the attor ney general, secretary of atate, state printer, superintendent of public in struction, aecretary of labor and state business manager, who ahall constitute state oabinet. A atate auditor ahall be elected by the people, and no per son shall be eligible who haa not had at least Ave years' experience aa ac countant or auditor. All local officers shall be subject to the recall. The governor may appoint a atate business manager. All boards and com missions, except the state railroad commission will be abolished. The governor ahall introduce all bills tor tha appropriation of public money. Full home rule for every county with the right to adopt or reject by initia tive or referendum all matters effecting the county. The otlicera of county judge, and county commissioners (ball be abolished and three county directors shall elected in their placea, for a term four yeara. jier day a the lowest wage for man; another fixing tne eight hour standard for a day'a work In Oregon. The matter of abolishing capital pun- ! lahment in Oregon. There are many other matters of j leas importance, and tbe voter to be fully Informed on tbe many matters ta be voted on will have to do aome careful reading and thinking. Distilled Oold. The Inreatlgiiilons of a French rhemlat show thnt gold In the electric furnace bolla freely at a temperature 9f '.4oo degree '. In I wo or three minutes. It la anld. from KM) to l.V grama of gold puxa Into the atate of ! vnjKir. In condensing upon a cold ( txHly tlila golden vapor forme till form mnasea aud cubic eryotala. At Ha temperature of ebullition gold die sole a little inrlsMi. which at tbe time of rottolldlflcntlon la deposited lit I lie form of graphite. In au alloy of ; gold and copwr. copper dlalilla Oral. In an alloy of gold and tin. the tin dl- tllla more iilmmliiuiiy limn the gold, and when a in rue iuuntlty of these mixed vnpor Is taken the tin burn on i-oiitiiel with the otygen of tha air. be i forming oxlilc nf tin, colored purple 0f j by a tine tliiKt ol condensed gold. This ! Is iiiii- iiietlmil of preparing the color fa sslua." liar- employ a buainess manager In the same; capacity that the atate shall also em ploy. No municipality ahall Incur an in debtedness greater than one tenth of the asaessed valuation. Voting on the referendum petition against the appropriation for the uni versity at Eugene of lr03,000. Giving women the power to vote. Six good road billa aa drafted by the governor'a harmony commission. An initiative Grange good road bill, two propositions. Tbe graduated single tax amendment. aa prepared by W. S. U'Ken, A. I). Cridgo, W. S. Eggleson, E. S. J. Mo Alister, II. I). Wagner and othera of the Single Tax League. knou n aa "purple of per'" WCekly. The CI Hade. "Why not cet jour "'tip for young fellow? Ile'a Nhigle aud off- "Ye. I in; !e. lull he knows be' well off." that wel A Desperate Case. John -I'll I 'iic oii a f.irl;. air. The Cutonier V!:.i f'.rV .lom-The Cn-nieml.i-ri. nlr The 'n t oner-A fork'a no good, itring revolver. Km lunge. Well Trained. "Mr .li'nei ne er Interrupts one, anil be a tl.e liet ll-'elier I ever met." "No voiiiler; In-' I -on married three times." Good humor mid p-ncroalty carry the dny wltti the ixipuinr heart all The minimum wage scale, fixing S2.G0 over the world. - Alexander Hmltn. I HOTEL IS NO W OPEN Furnished Rooms To Let LOCATED IN THE OLD COLORADO HOUSE ON NORTH WATER STREET Good Service Guaranteed Meals, Daytime 35c Meals, After 8 P. M,,..... 50c THREE OF A KIND Hwkliifr nlhf from the Sum mer liont. They'll conipure nutvH In their own I'lulne way about the latent fanh Inn In hone millinery and llurnesn! Your horse should have comfortable harness, and ho him It If you boiifrht It from un, for It In all hand' tHwii,und ntudied carefully In every pleee. All klndn but only hoiwut jtrleea. E. F. CHENEY LAKE IE W .'. OREGON