Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 13, 1912, Image 7

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A Want Ad In Tho Lako County Examiner
Repented n few times, if necessary, will find n customer
for that property of yours. They nrc scanned closely
by intending buyers, and the cost is nominal 5 cents
the line for each insertion. Special long-time rates.
ruH incur
FOIl RENT House, anil burn, enq iir
Pieii suHMiii nls-rg. if
WANTF.D-to lM-ntion flrstrlass
Its) nrm. tilt psnicuiars, as 10
Moll, nimitfo, lis-sil water, tlm-
ber sic. W. l. I it n wo, 112, K. 10th
Ht, I'urllHUii oivuoti. 2tp
We mvil a salesman in sach of sav
f ml excellent nteld to sell or spina
dnl nursery sbs-k. A permanent
place, rssii weeMv ami asquars llrni
bark of you. Write fur particulars.
Washington Nursery Co Toppenlsh.
FOR It KM Nit fly liirtilshed room.
Heal, tunning water lu room, tltsts
In. lntulr' Mamlner nttles. if.
, . i. ii I i
llotxl Lakeview bar. Tlit' lMt and
plfl WttlekV Iliad", tl
i 1
H)H S.vLE Oi.e Mitchell wsko",
line atirrey. ooe set double haroess,
medium Weight, "" "H""' heavy
work hurut Everything lu tlrsi
class condition. lntilrt Mammoth
II vet y stahls
KOU BALK 42. liltM k "3, tract
Ht. ot ti t.f N. . of SWJJ, Hc. 18.
Twp. 3. Range 20. I acres 5 acres
water right. Taxes paid. Prlca 1230
riuh. Address K.V. Goglu, Oallup,
N. Mexico.
FOIl AI.E (.'II EA I' A iiuinlnr of
good Ullg lloriM-a, Kriade Pelvher-
ons; two good wagons; one Italu
3Si In front ami hind sxle; one
vter shinier 3.t4' axle slmost new
Apply to It. K. Funk, Lakeview,
Oregon. MU-ltu.
FOR HALE. 2S0 acres, good improve
ments and all under rulttvalion.
Located In (lit fruit tsdt of Goose
Lako Valley. Kay term. For par
tlculara address I'. () Box 1. Davis
Creek. Oahf. M2 3T
FOR HALF.. WO acres, sal able for
dairy, garden, orchard or alfalfa,
well Improved, all under cultivation,
. aiLlti L'tma tMrnm All
lull w r M r ri)(u'
FOR KAI.K Trai t (10, Ht 7. twp .10.
raoifrt 20, and lot 16, lilk 78. For
tiuick mhIu f.'M rowli It. Atl
.lr.N W S, Mulrliif, 143 LlDdale
Avti N, Mliiiienpolln. Mino.
rOK SALE 20 wrtn. N tl NEW ol
NWW of 8tototi 1. T 3S, It 20 K W
M. 10 iicrt.. Si tH)i of 8Kof
KE. Hwtlon 25. T 35. R 20 Tho
lot. ii. ai, 43 in block :12a. aoA. 5 lo
Lake view addition- Make me ao
oUt-r on pnrt or all. C. Uuaininlcli,
Ilakerflplil. Calif. J13 4t
FOR 8ALE Lot 38. I.Ik f2, O V L ad
dltioo, tract 81. wc 33, twp 80, reoijii
1U, 10 atrt'tt, 5 acre wter rlht,
paid for additional water
ri(bU. HUheMt bid taken. Ad
drott Dnolel Harjcuner, PocaUsllo,
Idaho. A18 4t
FOR KALE TlibMtequlpptd freight
Inu outfit lu Lake County, Inquire
( Cbowaacan Mcrcautllu coiupauy.
l'aiBlfj, Oregon.
$15,000 for 150 acn of flntmt land on
Htiore of Oootte Lake, Juat now open
ed to railroad. lapot ailjolna the
land. Cm-k runs throunb land,
full of brook trout. Fine Halting In
the lake; eight-room lioimo, larjfe
barn and outbutldioK". Thin land
can bo made into a bvautltul um
tnt'r rt-Hort, and that Ih what It
Mhould bt. Goom Lake Ih fortv-flve
tullt'H Ioiik aud flKbt to fifteen mllei
wide, lkevlew Itevelopiucnt Co.,
lavi Crwk. Cal.
FOR SALE A fttw JSinnle Comb Buff
Orplnirton CockprelM. Price $1.60
to ..0 eaclu acot.rdlnK to quality.
F.Kjra for liatchinif $2.50 for 15. Pure
Hred. Winter layltijf atrain. Mra.
FaunleC'. Monroe, Willow Ranch.
Mttdot: Oounty, California. 03tp.
FOR SALE 20 acra In eultivatlon
tH)ing part of thf HKX of HEX of
bee. 15, towUHhip 35. K. of R. 87 K. in
liarney Co. I'rlce 20 ptr acre or
would take lot in I'ortlaud. Gray
Iteal & Lucia, 652 Union Ave, No.,
Portland, Ore.
FOR SALE 20 acres to Kt'ctton 23.
towoHhlp 33, rane 39. Euqulre of
beager liroi., Lukeview, Ore.
THELakeview AtiBtract Title Co.
1m making ptHiial prlmti on Aim tract
to O. V. L. C'o.'i Traotii uud Town
rOH BALK-Lot 1. bluok 47, rct l, Miotlon 38
ownhlp8, ran8t. 10 aorei. 1 atilloll an
ol too the abuvvor a prlue on the adjoiulng
Uuda. li V Hoy. Oarntild, Nvlr.
f OR BALK Lot UK, block It, and Tract M ol
A ol N WU of K WM. '"i TwuW, Kaugy to.
l6 aorea Vull water right AddrtiM rtd
uaraner, uiuun, Aorin uui
TOOXnCTrioTJTftiTH, T.ito. R. li. 10 aorai:
L.i. fortvr, I'orllaud, Tuxu.
r)H HA I K -Trm t I. HW l.T. 87. K. J4. tprwi.
J. ii, furmu.DW aIimbiI Ave. U nver,t,ol.
Jfjk MAIK Lot M. bloo IWl mid tract o.Hoolil.
41. K 18, waorn. AdUrt-iu TlKluti Ward, 111
it Ht, JJk Uoluui, low.
TOK WALK lot It, blot'k IDU.atiU N'j of WSi ol
NWW, Biio 17. Tin). . 0 iter. . Km L.
M ray. box U, RldKuBtil fib. Frlot IMX).
rok BALK Lot lib- . 1. addition,
audWKW, HWU, J 8j. m 40 aurtta.
Addraai J. Pleroa Wo, le Wii'.or. t . uu.
Want Ads
fOU HAl.K- lot '.'I, hlM'k t. . ;ln,
t at,u Ni itl Htti(,M i KM, K
mrrm Art i, .-.'. Ilrmnu Km kauaaa Ht,
KkIDiiM. b. Ii.
MlK A LK To Hit' lilKhet, Mililt-r.
Hit at na, H c. 7, 1.37. R. M. Mirniie
lilvtr runa throuuh If Mra .1. U
Kirby. 1 ION Felix Hinrt, Hi. Jowplt.
Mo. M3i Jn20
FOU HA I, K Ili it of baled hay at 4'c
per bale. Inquire of linn Hrenuati.4t
K(K HALE Cootl 4 foot and 1 luch
cordwtHid. I it'll very oow or III the
fall. Heo Dan Hreonan. M30 Jn20
TO RET -Meiitlow and uluw land,
IH aerea. Inquire, of W. Melxkar. 2t
ward laatietl by the Tilepbone
oiiii any for (lea troy In if Ita prop
ertv lit!
i LJ
The Cudahy Packing Co., a cor
poration, 1'latutlff,
George W, ISoattuan, Defendant.
To deorgu W. Boatman, the above
named di'fMinlaut:
la the name of the Htate of Oreuon,
you are hereby required to appear
and aiiHWer the romplalut of the
above-n tilted phlntlff lo the above-eu-lltleil
court on tile with th clerk of
until court, within alx wt-cka from the
date tif the (Imt poblltatlou of thla
auiiimona, the date of the flrt publl
cation tieing given liertjintx low, aud
you are notnleil that if you fail to ap
pear ami aoawer aald complaint a
hereby required the plutlitirt will take
jutliinient agatnat, yoti for the aum of
InO.47, with Inter! thereon from the
th day of September, lull, at the
rate ol alx per cent per annum, and
for the further aum of (137.42, with to
tereat thereon from the IDih day of
September, 1911, aud for plulutlffa
coat and dUburaenientM in thia action
Ily order of the Honorable 11. Daly.
Jutlge of the County (Vurt of the atate
of Oregon, for Lake County, made on
the 3rd day ol May, 1912. tlila aum
iiioii la eerved upon jou tiy publica
tlon for tlx toiiBecutivr week in the
Lake County Examiner, weekly
uewapaper of general circulation,
ntibllahetl In Lukeview. Lake County,
Oregon. The date of the flrat publl
ration hereof la the Uth day of May,
Attorney fr Plalutiff.
Not Coal Land
Department of the Interior. U. S.
Laud Oft I re at Lakevlow, Oregon,
May 9, 1912.
Notice la hereby given that Evreoa
M. lie lie tlcl, wboae poat olllce ad
drenala lukeview, Oregon, did, on
the 22nd day of HepU-mkter, 1911, file
id thia office Hworn Statement and
Application, No. 0490(1, to purcuaae
thW BE!,'. NEli 8EX. i,V N YX,
Hecttou S4, Tuwnahlp 38 S., Itauge 21
E. Willamette Meridian, and the tlm
Wr thereon, under the provlalona of
the act of June 3. 1S7N, and acta
amendatory, known a the "Tluiber
aod Sttine Law," at aucb value an
might be allixed by appraisement,
and that puntuaot to Much applica
tion, the land and timber thereon
have been appraiited, at $405 the tim
ber eatlmattHl 020,000 board feet at
$ .75 per M. and the laod nothing;
that aaid applicant will offer final
proof in aupport of her application
and awornatatement oo the 12th day
of July 1912., belore Reglater and Re
ceiver U. S. Land Oflke at Lakevlew,
Any peraon la at liberty to proteat
thla purchuae before entry, or initiate
con teat at any time before patent le
uea, by filing a corroborated state
ment in thla otfii-e. alleging facta
which would defeat the entry.
A. W. ORTON, Register.
Department ot the Interior, Untied
Stateu Land Office, Iikevlew, Oregon,
May Zi, 1912.
To Peter Hertert, ot Lakeview,
Oregon, Conteatee:
You are hereby notified that George
S. LewlM, who give Lakeview, Ore-
Son, aa hia poatottice atldreaa, did on
lay 23, 11)12, file in Una office Ida
duly corroborated application to con
teat aud aecure the cancellation of
yoar hometttead entry No. 02N(i8,
Berial No' 0208 made Dec. 30, 1909,
for Vof KE4, BWJ4 otNEU,aectlon
4, towimhtp 39d., raiiKe 17 E., W, M.
Lake Co.. Ore., aud ua ground! for
hlacoutetithe allegea that eutryman
wholly abandoned aaid land; never re
aided thereon, exoept about ten days
did not cultivate the land nor hat
placed any iuiproveiueuta thereon
except a small cabin without a door,
window or fhor.
You are, therefore, further notified
that the aald allegations will lie taken
by thia office aa having been coofeaaed
by you, and your aaitl entry will be
canceled thereunder without your
further right to be heard therein,
either lieford this office or on appeal,
if you fail to file In this office within
twenty days after the fourth publica
tion of thla notice, aa ahown below,
your answer, under oath, apectflcally
meeting aod reapouding to these al
legatioua of content, or If you fall
wlthiu that time to tile in thisotliue
due proof that you have served a
copy of your answer on the said con
tent ant either lu person or by regis
tered mull. If thla vervlce Is made by
the delivery of a copy of your answer
to the contestant lu pernon, proof of
such service must be either the aald
contestant's written acknowledgment
ot hla receipt of the copy, showing the
data of its receipt, or the affidavit ot
thi txraoa by whom tli dollTtrr waa
inatle atatlnir wh-n and where the
copy waa dellremf: If made by reifl
tt'rcd mall, proof of aucli atrvlce matt
tvitiatat of tho allldavltof the pentoo
by whom the copy waa mallfd atatlni
when and thn poet oUW to which It
waa mailed, and till affidavit muat
I e coin pit nleil by the poattnaater'a
rt-clpt for the letter.
Yon Mhould atate In yoor anawer
tho nam ol the poatoHlce to wblrh
you denlre lot ore uotlcea to le aent
to you.
A. W. ORTON, ReRlater.
Date of flrat publication, May 30,
1 Hate of avnd pabllcatlon, June
i 112.
Iai of third publication, June l.i,
Out of fourth publlcatltin, June 20,
In the Cnuiit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Iaka County.
In the matter of thoeatate)
of (
J. Q. Adam, Decaswd. )
Notice la hereby given trat. In pur
nance of an order of the County
Court of the Htate of Ongon, for
Lake County, made on the 25) I h Day
nf April, 1!)I2. In the matter of the
estate of J. Q. Adams, tleceaaed, the
untie raiarned administrator of aald
eatate with the will annexed, will
from and after Friday the 7th dnv of
June 1!(I2.ii1I to the hlght bidder
for rash, lawful money of the United
State ami subject to confirmation
by the above entitled court, all the
right, title. Interest and ewtate of the
said J. 4- Adams at the time of his
death; and all the tight, title and in
terest that the eatate lias by operatloo
of law or otherwise acquired other
thnn or In addition to that of the
aaitl J. Q. Adams at thn time of bin
death in and to all that certain lot,
piece or parcel of lantl t-ituated In the
Connty ol l.ake, and State of Oregon,
bounded aud described as follow, to
wit: The south west quarter nf the south
went quarter of section fourteen (14);
enst half of southeast quarter: south
west quatter of southeaat quarter of
section fifteen (15), township thirty
six south, range twenty-six (20) east
Willamette Meridian.
Administrator with the will an
The estate of Kauford Stephens,! d
Notli-e Is hereby given that the un
deratKiied executrix of tlieeatatnof
Han'ord Mephenn. deceased haa filed
her liual account In the County Court
of the Mate of Oregon, for Lake
Cotiaty and that on June 17th 1012
at the hour of 10 o'clock in the fore
noon of the said day In the county
Indites office lu the court house, la
Lakeview, Lake County, Oregon has
been designated and fixed as the time
and puce for the hearing of ob
jections thereto and the settlement
Executrix of the eatate of
Sanford (Stephens, deceased
Date of flrat publication May 23.
Estate ot Meredith Wade, deceased
Notice is hereby given that the ni.-
dendgned, Blrt Wane, waa appoint'
ed administrator of the eatate ot the
above named Meredith Wade, deceased
by the Honorable. County Court of
Ijike County, Htate of Oregon, on the
9th day of May, 1912, and haa qualifi
ed a such administrator. Therefore
all persoos having claims against
aid estate are hereby required to pre
sent them with the proper vouchers
within six months from the date of
this notice to the said administrator
at the office of Batchelder & Combs,
In the Town of Lakeview, Lake Conn
ty, Htate of Oregon.
Dated this 23rd day of May, 1913.
BIRT WADE, Adminis
trator of the eatate ot
Meredith Wads, deceased.
Not Coal Land
Department of the Interior, U. 8.
land office at Lakeview, Ore., May
20, 1912.
Notice Is hereby given that Everua
M. Beneflel (as heir at law of James
T, Heneflel, deceased) of Lakeview,
Ore., who, on May 20, 1912, made
homestead entry No. 05714. for SWW
8W)-, Sec. 20,WKNWJi,NWWSWJ.
Sec. 2 9, T. 3 7 S., R. 31 E.,
Willamette Meridian haa tiled notice
of Intention to make final five-year
proof, to establish claim to the land
above described,' before Register and
Receiver, United States land office,
at Lakeview, Ore., on the 21t day of
June 1912.
Claimant names aa witnesses:
Robert L. Beneflel, Edwin Beneflel,
J. C. Shellhammer and G. A. Rehart,
all of LakevUw, Oregon.
A. W. ORTON, Register.
To tho Honorable County Court ot the State
of Oregon for 1-aia County
We, th undersigned It-gal Totera of North War
ner l'relui't,,lku County, Btataof Oregon, re
auvclfully eililon the ilonorabla County
Court of Lako County, Btatf of Oregon, lo grant
a licence toJA M Hoguvrof Pluab.Lake County
Oregon, to aell aplrltuoua, malt and vlnoua li
quors in lM quantities than one (nliou In
North Warner frt'otiicl, Ikt County, Htata ol
Oregou, for a period ol Twelve Uontba, aa lu
duty bound we IU aver pray
KldhariMUulnee A C Snow
Kicbard Allen Cbarlea leland
J M iiaudley i S fckutt
C W Pent W K Schuster
T 8 Bungerae J a nun l O'Connor
N K Calderwood Plilllp D O'Conuer
Frank W Murphy V E Taylor
R ii O rise I L C HxckwltO
Michael Lan O B Brown
L V Mauney W mAlford
A T HlglillU F V Una
J J Van Keulen i H lurulo'
E A Friday L V Una
U L Teruennlng J B Brown
I. "A M Boguer being first duly aworn ac
cording to law, depose and say: That the fora
irning petition Co' tains the signaturea of an
actual majority of the whol-iiuinlx of levat
volorsul NorlU VVarmir iH.rvlnvl, Luke couat,
urugon, tuaieacu oi sulci signatures is genuine
that each of the persons wIiom) slituaturca are
signed to aald petltlou It an aotual rosldent in
said preclnut al the dale hereof aud as aud
bat been auaotual resident of auu residing In
anld precinct at least thirty days tmim-diatelv
prt'c.xcillug Iho date ho Itiica tuis I'Viltlouauu
also of the filing of lbs same
SubHcrlbed and aworn tu beore m tbli t7th
day ol May Mil
i i VAN KKULKN Notary PubUc
lor Oefa
Motlre la beraby glrn that tha Bndfsltal
will apply tn the ilot)orat,l County t'onrl
of lit kH.nanty. State of OiMna.ontbe Sr4dayot
JulylVlI for a liens tnsll .lrltnoiit mallany
tlniiobs liquors In less qnntHIs than ona
f allon In North Vtrnr I m-lnt, Lake "nt
rou for a period ! It rnoiiths Irou tha tb
day ot July, ikll
In the County Court of the State) of
Oregon, for the County of Lake.
In (lis matter ot the estate of
To Whom It May Concern.
Notice la hereby alveo that the un
dersigned executors of the Last Will!
and Testament of James T Metxker,
deeeaed, hate filed the floal account ,
of their HilinlnUlratUm of said estate i
aod that tte Hoo. B Daly, .lud.e of,
said Court, lots tiy an order duly
tiist'e and entered In said Court sod
matter on the 11th ilav ol May, 1912
fixed and appointed Friday, the 14ih
day of Jans, 1912, r.t the hour of 10
o'clot-k lo the forenooo rf aald day
at the court room of said court, in
the county -sourt house of said coun
ty, la the Town of Jwtkevlew Ore
goo, as the time and plu.-e for the
hearing ohjnctioo to ald final ac
count, Ifaoy there be, aod the settle-1
meot theretrf.
This o.;tlce is published in the Lake j
County Examiner, a weekly oewa-1
parer publl.-hed io said utke county, ;
Oregon, once a week for four sum- 1
alve weeks, the flrat publlratlori :
thereof to 1st made on May 16, 1912,
and the last publlcntlot thereof to be
made on June 13, 1912, by order of
Hoo. B. Daly, Judge of tba said
Executors of the Will
aud Testament of Jaoiea.
T. Metxker, Deceased
In the County Court of the Htate
of Oregon for the County of Lake.
In the matter nf the Partner
ship. Estate of DAN GRAF
now deceased, aod PAT
BARKY, doing busioess un
der the til rm name of GRAF
To all whom It may com em: No.
tics la hereby given that the under
signed was by uo ortler of Hon. B.
Daly, Judge of the County Court of
the State of Oregon for the County
of Lake mads and entered In the
above entitled Court aud Matter on
the 27, day of May,19l2duly appointed
as Administrator of the partnership
estate of Dau Graf, oow decease.),
and Pat Barry, partners rtointr luisi
ties3 under the firm name of Graf Hi
Barry, and that he has qualified as
such administrator.
All persons having claims against
said partnership estate ate hereby
required to present the came, duly
verified, accompanied by the proper
vouchers, within six mouths from
the date ot the first publication of
this notice, to said Administrator at
the Law Offlca of L. F. Conn, In the
Town of Lakeview, Lake County,
Dated and first publlehen this 30th
day of May, 1912.
PAT BARRY. Administrator
of the partnership estate of
Graf 4 Barry aforesaid.
Department of the Interior, United
Htates Land Office, Lakeview, Ore
gon, J nne 3. 1912.
To Leonard H. Davla of unknown,
You are hereby notified that Theo
dore W. Flnley who gives Fort Rock.
Oregon a his postsffice address, did
on May 11. 1912. file in this office hla
duly corroborated application to con
test andtucura the cancellation of
your homestead Entry No. 0450, Ser
ial No. 04050 made May 19th. 1911. for
NX Section 25. Township 24 South,
Range 14 East, Willamette Meridian,
and as grounds for hia contest he al
leges that said entryman never estab
lished or maintained residence on
aald land; that said entryman cul
tivated or Improved aald laud In aoy
manner: that said entryroau has ab
andoned said land for more than six
months last past.
You ate, therefore, further notified
a sure means to a desired end. This exolusive feature of
the Monarch Typewriter results in more work because the
Monarch is so much easier to operate than other typewriters
--less physioal energy is required. The work is uniformly
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O'Clock Fatigue," and finishes fresh right up to closing
Write for desoriptive literature.
307 Bush Street
that thsaald alls-atloos will be takeo
by this off Ire. as having oeeo coof.-aser
by you. and your said entry will be
eaoceled therenndsr without your fur
(her right to l heard therein, either
before this oft Irs or on appeal. If you
fall to file in this office within twenty
dvs alter the Fourth publication of
this notice, as shown below, yoar an-
ter, o oiler oath apeelficaily meeting
aod responding to these allegations
of contest, or if you lall wit bin that
time to file la this office due proof
that yon have served a copy of y nr
answer on the said cooteatant ahber
In person or by registered mall If
tins acrviCM Is mads by the delivery
of a copy of your answer to the coo
teetaot in t-rnn, proof of such ser
vice must lie either the said contest
aots written at-know ledgrnent of his
receipt of the copy' showing the date
of its receipt, or the affidavit o the;
j arson ,v whom the delivery whs
made stating when and where the
opy was deii vereu; If made by re-j
gUtered mall, proof of such service
iiiut consist of the affidavit of the
person by whom the letter was mail
ed stating wlitn and the post office
to which It waa mailed, and this affl
daivlt must be accompanied br the
postmaster's receipt for the letter.
You should state In your answer
the came of the post office to which
you desire future notices to be seat
to you.
A. W. ORTON, Register.
Date of first publication Jane 13. 1912
" "second " " 2. "
" " tblrd " " 27, "
" "fourth " July 4.
lo the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregoo for Lake County.
Frank M. Duke, plaintiff
U. T. Peolnger and
Maria Peninger, defend
ant. To whom it may concern.
Notice Is hereby given. tbt under
and by virtue of an execution aod or
der of saleduly issued out of the office
of t he Clerk of the Circuit Court of
Lake County, Oregon. June 4th, 1912
In the atove entitled salt upon a de
cree made aod entered to said Circuit
Court, to-wit: the 23rd dsy of May.
1912. in favor of the above named
plslntlff, Frank M. Duke, and ajralnst
the at-ove named defeodaots, U. T.
Fenir.gtr and Maria Peninger. ordrr
inir the sale of the herein s tier describ
ed premises, which premises are par
ticularly deactlbeu in sal suit aod de
cree; said premises to be sold to sat
isfy the ltdatement and decree of thla
court in ssid suit in the amount of
four thousand eight hundred thirty
five and 55 100 I H335 55) Dollars, with
Interest thereon from the 23rd day of
May, 1912, at the rate of six ptr cent
um per annum, and the further sum of
ten (110 00) Dollars as costs and dla-
buisement and lor accruing costs. ,
Now, therefore, by virtue of said
execution and order of sale, and tn i
compliance therewith and In com
pliance with the order of the court
recited In ssid writ, I will, on Satur
day the 6th day of July. 1912. at the
hour of ten o'clock a. m , of said dav
at the tront door of the county court
house in Lakeview, Lake Connty,
State of Oregon, sell at auction
to the highest bidder for cash in hand
all the right, title., interest, estate or
demand what-oever, at law or in eq
ulty, including the tenements, berdi
t a menu and appurtenances thereto
belonging or tn any wise appertaining
to the lieieinafter descrthed premises,
belonging to the. said defeodaots
above named, or either of them, being
the following described premises, to
wiu The North half of the North
west quarter of section thirty-five (35)
Townshiu thirty-nine South, Range
twenty (20) East of the Willamette
Metldlsn, (expect two and one half
acre lying lu the Northwest quarter
of the Northwest quarter ot -aid sec
tion thirty-five (35) which has been
heretofore conveyed by F. M. Duke
and wife to S. P. Vernon the descrip
tion whereof is more fully eet forth
In the conveyance thereof as recorded
in Book 10 of deeds page 123 of Lake
Coanty records); also the Northwest
quarter of the Southeaat Quarter of
the south 11 a it oi the a ortneast uuar-
terot section ttiirty-tkree (33); the
In a commercial sense, the
employer is interested in the
quantity and quality of the out
put of his typists. It is evi
dent, too, that it is to the
best intesest of the operator
that eaoh day shall show a sat
isfactory amount of work well
operator find
HiiUrhwest quarter of the Northwest
quarter of section thlrty-fonr (34);
the East halt of the West half ot sec
tion twenty-sis (2), all In Township
thirty-olo (W) Month of range twenty
(2i ) East of the Wl lamettn Meridian,
Oregon, or such psrt thereof os may
be necessary to sa'isfy ssid execntloo
sod amounts named therein. Includ
ing Judgment, costs. Interest and ac
cruing costs; the proceeds of said sal
to be aiipll. d to the satisfaction of
said execution, order of sale and de
cree, including aald Judgment, cost,
Interest and accruing Interest, aod the
overplus, If any therebe, to be paid
loto the court to tss applied as may
Is required or r!lrrb d
Iated lakeview, Like County,
Htate of Oregia, this fiili day of Jan
W. B. RAIDER. Hherlffof Laks
county, rtts-e) of Oregon.
E. E. KfXEHART. Depoty.
Mpartrnent of tha Interior, United
States Ixod ' 'fftce at Lakeview, Ore
gon. June 4.1912.
To Mr. Jitme S. Rolierte. widow
of James .!. Kotx-rts, deceased, and to
the noknown h irs ot said James 8.
Roberts, deceased, Conteetees.
Yon are hereby notified that Charles
Clelaod, w ho gives Plush. Oregoo, aa
hs poet otili-- sddrews.dld on J one 4th
1912. file In this office his duly corrob
orated application to contest and se
cure the cancellation of Homestead
Entry No. 04O47, Serial No. 04047
made October 7th, 1910, by James 8
Roberta, now deceased for NWJ of
NE. NEofNWJi a..d Lot 9, Sec
tion 22, Township 3Hti. Range 24 E,
Willamette Meridian, aod aa grounds
for his contest be alleges that aald
Entryman now deceased nor hia
widow, or heirs have ever resided oa
said land, never hnllt a building oa
said land nor fenced or cultivated tha
land in contest, or any part, thereof.
You -re. therefore, further notified
that the said allegations will be tak
en by this office ss having len con
fessed by you, and your said entry
will be cancelled thereunder without
your further right to be heard there
io.elther betorethis office or on appeal,
If you fall to file in this offlca within
twenty days after the Fourth publi
cation ot this ootlce, as shown below
your answer, under oath, specifically,
meeting and responding to these al
legations of contest, or It you fall
within that time to file In this offlca
due proof that yon have served a
copy of your answer on said contest
ant either la person or by registered
mail, if this service is made by the
delivery of a iopy of yoor answer to
I the contestant in person, prooi oi
such service must be either the
said contestant's written acknow
ledgement of his receipt of the copy.
' showlug the date of lis receipt, or the
, affidavit of the person by whom the
j delivery was made stating when and
. where the copy was deliver, d; If made
' liv registered mall. Droof of such ser
vice must consist of the affidavit
of the person by whom ths copy was
mailed stating when and the post
offlre to which it was mailed, and thla
affidavit .must be accompanied bv
the postmaster' receipt lor the letter.
Yt.u snoald state In your answer
the name ot the post office to which
you desire tuture notices be sent to
A. W. ORTON, Register
Date of first publication Juneoth, 1912
" "second " " 13th, 1912
" " third " " 20th, " ,
" " fourth "... " . . " 27th. "
Practical Painter
and Paperhanger
grrt 'ibave recently located in
VI 1 1 Lakeview, and ia coitfuBC
HI tlon with tbe, Lakeview
Mercantile Co., am prepared to
bundle any . work and supply
material for all contracts in
this line.
employer and
San Franoisco, Cal.