Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 23, 1912, Image 7

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A Want Ad In Tho Lake County Examnor
Repeated a few times, if necessary, will find a customer
for that property of yourn. They are scanned closely
hy intending IwycrH, and the cost is nominal 5 cents
the line for each insertion. Special long-time rates.
i im r
FOIt KKNT IUmium niiil barn, enquire
rioil HllHlllt lllHTlf. II
WANTKD-to lie located on flrstclas
liui aire, olv particulars, n to
Bull, climate, location, wnliT, tlm.
Iir Mc. W. M. Drown, E. 10th
rU , Portland, Oregon. 3ip
We ne-d a salesman In each of ev
fml ext-ellt-iit Hie.hU to sell our solan,
dill iiur-ety sba-k. A permanent
place, i'umIi week I v and a square rlrm
bark of you. Write for particular.
Wiuthtnutoa Nuraerjr Co Toppenlsti,
". .. .. i.i , ' ' - . - 'i' i, - ....
KOIl M ,LK One iljij Mitchell wskm",
out urrey, one net double, harness,
n.eiltum weight, and one set heavy
work linroi'M, Every tlnnic In first
clans condition. Inquire Mammoth
live, jr stable.
Poll 8LE-Lot 42. block 73. tract
SJ'of Nfcol N i4 Wee. 18.
Twp. ilH, Kange 20, 10 acre. 5 ocre
water right, Taxes aul. Price f 2 JO
canh Address K. J. Uoglii, tiallup,
N. Mxxlco.
FOIt -ALU CUBA I' A uimirtt-r of
good young horses, grade Fcrvher
ohm; two good wairons; one llaln
SSj In. front and 84 hind axle; one
iVUT Hhutlur a.4 axle nliiiuHt new
Apply to It. K. Funk, Lakeview,
Oregon. M9-liii.
FOR SALE Tract fiO, 8ec 7. twp 39,
raug-e 2i, and lot 10. I'lK 78. For
quick al l-'Mi cowli It. Ail
dies W H .Mulrlue, 143 Lludalu
AveN, MI.uh-bi.oIU, M i rio.
H)U8ALKHcrwi Nf of NKW of
NWW of bcctuti 2.1, T :W, H 20 h W
M. ID acre, ofH'i of HBof
8EV. Section 36. T ft. It 20. lo
lot 14. 20, 43 In block 323. 306, 93 In
ljikeview addition- Mnke tn no
oti-r on pnrt or all- A 1ft 4t
FOB 8AI.B-Lot !W, W, O V L nil
dltlon. tnu t 31. m-c 'M, twp !it. ron
1, 10 ai-rin. ft acre wnttr rlRht,
3i.60 pal'l or mlilitioiial wntor
riUU. IHiihitHt Ud taken. Ad
droHJt Daniel KarKuner, Poctllo.
Idabtr. A18 4
FOB HA LB TlieU'Hl,iju1pxi frfiitbu
Inn outtli In Lak Oouuiy, Inquire
of Cliawiim aii Mercunttla compuuy,
l'alnli-y, OrfKOU.
$15.000 fur 150 twrea of flnf land on
wtiiira of Ooone Lake, Jtmt now open
id to ratlroud. lK-pot adjoin ilia
laud. Orwk run through land,
full brook trout. Fln Uihlnx in
tlm lake; own-room uoiih, mrpi
burn and outlmlldlDK". ThU land
can be mado Into iv Ix-autlful Bum
inr iviiort, and that U what It
abirald Ikj. Uoohh Lake In fortv-flve
mll loiiff and Hfrht to Ofieen mlfea
wide. Lakevlnw lievelopineut Co.,
DavU Crwk. Cal.
Kilt WALK-Cream auDarator. 8ie
Fred 8panenberg. tf
Sc. White leghorn egga for vtttng.
11.00 per eetttng. Bnqulre Mr.
Fred bpanRetiberg. tf
FOR HALE tlood paying buaine
wood already cut. Bnqulre Bxain
luer otlic. "tf-
FOIl BALE A few 8inle Comb Buff
Orpington Cockerel. Trice $1.60
to fS.00 each, according to quullty.
Egg for hatching $2.00 for 15. Pure
Bred. Winter laylog atraln. Mr.
Fannie C. Monroe, Willow Ranch.
Modoc Oounty, CallfornU. 03tp.
FOB HA LB 30 acrea In cultivation
Xmuu part of the Hfc of HBK of
bee. 16;t.ownhii 35.S. of It. 37 E. In
Harney Co. Price $20 per acre or
would take lot in Portland. Uray
tieal & Lucia, 652 Union Ave. No.,
1 Ul IIUIIU, v.v,
FOB BALE 20 acreH In Mention 23,
townahl:)3, range 30. Enqulm of
Scager Uro., Lakeview. Ore.
Portland, Ore
THE Lakeview AbHtrottA Title Co,
1h jnaking Hpocinl prliH! on Abatracta
to O. V. L. Co.' Tract and Town
rOK HALB-IxU t, bliHik 47, tract 18, wotlon '
lowu.hlp , rnae 111. 10 auiwu. I lmll an
nS rou tlie aliuveor a irlc m tbeailjululug
land. U r Hoy, uarimio, cieoy
FOR BAI.K Lot R.1. blook 78, and Tract B of
1U acrea Tull wiitvr rlulu AddraM Fred
Uarduer, Lliboo, North lOakota
FOR HA LK Tract t. o. 14, T. BH, R. It, 10 aoraa.
L. J. fortvr, lortUuil,
rOB iALE-Traot I. Bo. 16, T. 87, R. IU, 40 acre..
J . H . Yttn .saWAlamedaAva. Dunvar.Uol.
rOH 8 ALK-Ix)t M, bluoc 188 and tract 8, 8ec 18,
T4I, H 18, !W anrvi. AddruaaTlldaa Want, 111
K lt HI, Pea Muluth, Iowa.
FOR BALK 'Lot 14, block 180,and NJ of BKH pf
NW'i, Boo 17. T8, K 1. 80 aorui. Kata L.
W ray box 14, Rldaelleld, Wa.h. rrloa6U.
KOR BALK Lot 8, block 868,0 VL addition,
andNKW, HW, Hbo 17, T 88, R 84. 40 aoraa.
Addrau J. flvroa Wolia, Hoorbaad, tlluu.
FOR BALK lit 34, blook 81), O V L addition,
aud of N W'K of BW, HttO 1, TH8, R86. JW
aura. Addrcta C, 0, Harrnou 108 Kauaaa Bt,
Rednald.H. D.
ward IbhikmI by the Telephone
Company for deBtroylng Ita prop
erty. lotf
FOB BENT -Nicely furnlHhod room.
Heat, rnuiiing water In roout, clue
In. Inquire Examiner office. tf.
Want Ads
l lqillllM AKUI MMK.
Hotel l.avtw bar. The bot and
pit.! whlukv m ll If. If
Mot Coal Land
Department of tho Interior, It. B.
land office at Utkcviuw, Ore., April
10. 1113.
Notice In hereby kIvoii that William
Hidimldt, of Lakeview, Ore., who, on
May 20, 1U07, made huinuMiead entry
No. 11774. aerial 014T.', forBNW.
Sec. 31, T. M H., It. 20 B., and on July
17, 1IHIH, made additional hinetea4
N. OlOfl, for W NKl, Hi'c. 21, town
dip 80 H. 1C. 30 B. Willamette Meri
dian, ha filed notice of Intention to
make final live-year tToof, toeetati
llnii claim to the Uod above dcm-rlbcd,
iH-foru Ib-utBter ami Ileceiver, United
Hlattw lauil office, at Lakeview, Ore.,
ou i he 3(1 Hi day of May, 1012.
Claimant oamea a wttneHft:
D. M. Ilryan, John liranch. Henry
Darker and Oeo.Sttbinlilt, nil of Lake
view, Ore.
A. W. ORTON, HeKtMter.
'I'Iih Cudahy 1'ackiiiK Co., a cor-"! .
iioratinu, I'lulntiff, i
ve. j
Oeorun W. Hoatman, Defendant, j
To (leortce W. Uoatman, the above
named defendant:
In the name of tho Bute of Orctton,
you lire hereby required to apMar
and aimwvr the coinplnlut of the
abovn-n imed pldntlff tu the ahove-eu-t
II led court on tile with tht clerk of
Hid court, within x w-eka from the
date of the II rut publication of thin
ummona, the data of the limt publl
cation being j;iven hereintwlow, and
yon are notiiled that if you fall to an
Mar and aoawer eald complaint a
hereby nquln-d the dalntlff will take
lildument aKuliiM', you fur the aura of
I NO. 47, with i nte rent thereon from tbe
Vth day of September, 1911, at the
rate ol aix per cent per annum, and
for the further aum of 1137.43, with lo
tereat thereon from the lUih day of
Bcplember, l'Jll, aud for plaintiff'
coeta and dlHbiiraenient in tuia action
l!y order of the Honorable I). Daly,
Judge ol the County Court of the etate
d Oregon, for Luke County, made on
the 3rd day of May, 1U13. thin sum
mon U eerved upon . ou ty publica
tlon tor lx conaecuttve week In the
Lake County Bxamlucr, a weekly
newapaper of general circulation,
imblUlied In Lakeview, Iake County,
Oregon. The data of the lirtt pnbll
cation hereof ia the 0th day of May,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Department of the Interior, United
State Land Office, lakevlew, Oregon,
April 13, 1U12.
To OuMtive J. Bchnell, of Fremont,
Oretron. Conteatee:
Vim are hereby notiiled that Walter
If. DoukUmh, who give Barton, Ore
gon, B. F. D. No. 1, a hi poatotllce
addree. did on April 13. 1U12, file in
tin office hi duly corroborated ap
plication to content and necure the
cumulation ol y our noineateaxt enir.v
aerial No. OH'Sl made May 12. lUOtf.for
NWJ' section 21. township 25 8., rane
13 taut, Willamette Meridian, and a
Itrotind for blaconteat he alleges tuat
aid 0.Hchnell baa totally abandoned
aald laua. una not iieen on it aioce ni
Imr on May 12. 1001): haa made uo Im
ErovementH of any kind on tbe laud,
a not cultivated or erected any
uulidlngH of any klud.
You are, therefore, further notified
that the aald allegation will be taken
by till office aa having been confessed
by you, and yoar nid entry will be
canceled thereunder without your
further right to ihj heard therein,
either before thin office or on appeal.
if you fail to file In tula olllce within
twenty days after the fourth puonca
tlon of thla notice, aa shown below.
your anawer, under oath, cpeclllcally
meetlug and reHpoudiug to tbeee al
legation of content, or tf you fail
within that tun to die in thin omce
due proof that ou have served a
copy ol your answer on tn aaiu con
tcMtant either in person or by regl
to red mail. If thi vervlce Is maile by
the delivery of a copy of your answer
to the contestant in peraou, proof of
such service must be either the said
contestant's written acknowledgment
of hi receipt of the copy, showing the
data of It receipt, or the affidavit of
the person by whom tb" delivery was
made stating when and where the
copy was delivered: If made by regis
tered mail, proof of ucb service must
couslst of the affidavit of the person
by whom tbe copy was mailed statin
when and the pot office to which it
was mailed, anil tbl aiuciavit must
be accompanied by the postmaster's
receipt for the lotter.
You should state In your answer
tho name of the postofflce to which
you desire future notices to be sent
to you.
A. W. ORTON, Register.
Date of first publication, May 2,
Date of second publication, May 9.
Date of third publication, May 16,
Date of fourth publication, May 23,
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Lake. .
In the matter of the eatate of
To Whom It May Concern.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned executors of the Last Will
aud Testament of James T. Metxker,
deceased, have filed tbe nual account
of their aduiluhitratloa of said estate
Ntid (hat. the Hon. II Da), Jud,e of
aald Court, ban by aa order duly
iniu'e and fnlered In aa'd Court od
matter on the IDh day of May, 11H2
fixed and appointed Friday, the 14th
day of Jnne, 1912, at t he hour of 10
o'clock lo tlm forenoon of said day
Ht the court room of mild court, in
the county viirt house of said coun
ty, in the Ton of Lakeview Ore
gon, as the time and plaee fur tbe
hearing olJctlon to aald final ac
count. If auy there be, and the settle
ment thereof.
This n .He la published In the Like
Comity P.xamliier, a weekly new
purer piibllhed iu said uik county,
Oregon, once a week for four nueri'S
lve waekn, the fl rat piiblleatlnn
thereof to be made on May lfl. 1912,
and the IhmI imbllcatloi thereof to no
made on June 13, 1012, by order of
lion. it. Daly, Judge of tbe aald
Court, .
Executors of the Last Will
ml Testament of Janie
T. Metzker, iJeceaaed
Not Co. I Land
Department of the Interior, U. 8.
Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon,
May 9. 1012.
Notice Is hereby given that Evrena
M. Beiieflel, whose ptt office ad
ilreoa Is Lakeview, Oregon, did, ou
lb 23ud day of HeDtemls-r, IPIl, file
in this office Sworn .Statement and
Application, No. 04900. to purchase
the HVM. NBJa' KK, HK NKK,
Kectlou 34, TownnTili liH S., Ita.ige 21
E. Wblamette Merldiso, and the tim
ber thereon, under the provlMona of
the act of June 3. 1H"H. and acts
amendatory, known tbe "Timber
and Ktone Law," at such value aa
might Ixi allixed by apfiralieinent,
and that pursuant to such applies
tiou, the laud and timiier thereon
have la-en apiirsised. at f 4tT the tim
ber estimated C30.IHIO board fet at
$ .75 er SI. and the hind nothing;
that said applicant will ortcr final
proof In support of her application
mid aworn tati im nt on the 12th Uy
of July 1'J12., iK'fore U.Klmtr and Ib
celver U. 8. fjind Office at Lakeview,
Any person Is at liberty to protest
this purchase before entry, or Initiate
a coniest at anv time Ixdore patent ts
ruea, by filing a corroborated slate
n lent in thi otfice. alleging fact
which would defeat the eotry.
A. W. ORTON. Ueglater.
Iu the County Court of the Ktute of
Oregon for the l ouoty of Lake.
In the matter of the eatate of )
Mary E. Kinney Deceased. )
In the name of the state of Oregon :
Greeting; to Frank Klaikey, Iella
(Jllmore, Will Klmxey, and Clara
Hastings, aud all known and on
known heirs at law of tbe ald Mary
B. Klmxey, deceased.
By order of the above entitled court
duly made aud entered on the 22nd
day ol April, 1912, you and each of
you are hereby cited to appear In tbe
above entitled court at tbe court
room thereof In the city of Iikeview,
I-ak ouuty, state of Oregon, at ten
o'clock In the forenoon on the 4th
day of June, 1912, and then and there
lo ahow cause if any there b. why an
order of thla court should not be made
authorizing and directing E. F.
Cheney as administrator of tbe eatate
of Mary E. Klmxey, deceased, to sell
at private auto In the manner pro
vided by law the following described
real property, belonging to said eatate,
Lot number three In block numtier
five and lot number four In block num
ber Ave in tbe city of Lakeview, Lake
county, Oregon.
And it is further ordered that this
citation tm served upon non-residents
and unknown heirs by publication in
the Lake County Examiner, a new
paper of gtaeral circulation published
In Lake Couuty, Oregon, for a period
of four weeks prior to tbe said 4th
day qf June, 1912.
Witness the Hon. II. Daly, county
Judge of the county court of tbe count v
of Lake, state of Oregon, with the
seal ol said court affixed this 22nd dav
of April, 1912.
Seal F. W. PAYNE. Clerk.
A 25 M23
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Lake County.
In the matter of the estate)
of V
J. Q. Adams, Deceased. I
Notice is hereby given that, in pur
suance of an order of the County
Court of tbe State of Oregon, for
uake Oounty. made on the 39th day
of April, 1912, in the matter of tbe
estate of J. Q. Adams, deceased, the
unuersignea administrator of said
eatate with the will annexed, will
from and after Friday the 7th day of
June 1912, sell to the highest bidder
for cosh, lawful money of the United
States and subject to confirmation
by the above entitled court, all the
right, title. Interest aud estate of the
said J. U. Adams at tbe time of his
death; and all the right, title and in
terest that the estate has by operation
of law or otherwise acquired other
than or in addition to that of the
said J. Q. Adams at the time of his
death in and to all that certain lot,
Iriece or parcel of laud situated In the
Jounty of Lake, and State of Oregon.
bounded and described aa follow, to-
The southwest quarter of the south-
west quarter of section fourteen (14):
east half of southeast quarter: south
west quarter of southeast quarter of
section fifteen (15), township thirty
six south, range twenty-six (20) east
Willamette meridian.
Administrator with tbe will an-
Prize Given Away
Valuable nrlzn will tm iriven awav
Free by Hall & Reynolds. A city lot
in the towu of New Pine Creek,
worth V350.00. free to the holder of
the lucky number. A ticket with every
dollar purchase, which entitles you to
a chance on the lot. A duplicate of
euch ticket will be dropped int a sealed
box. On the evening of J uue 30th the
tl rawing will take place at Smith's
Picture Show, t lut of towu customers
will receive their tickets by mall.
Everyone ha au equal chance.
The Number Will 6urpa
Those in the Last
Oregon voter In th November elec
tion thi year will be called upon to
paa on at least 40 measure, sub
mitted under either the Initiative or
the referendum, in addition to elect
ing President, Vice Presifent, United
State Sentor,Krprentatives In Con
grea and various state and county
officer. The number will aurpsss those
in the general election two yeara ago,
when tbe total was only 32,
01 the 40 measure already in sight,
and the time for filing Initiative meas
ure with tbe Secretary of State, not
expiring; until July 4, aix bave been re
ferred to the people bv the 1911 session
of the Legislature. They consist of
proposed constitutional amendments a
follows : Creating the office of Lieutenant-Governor,
three measurea on
taxation eliminating from the constitu
tion, tbe single tax. plank that wa
adopted by the people two year ago,
requiring an affirmative vote of a ma
iority of the total number of vote cast
in tbe election before any amendment
to tbe constitution, proposed under the
Initiative, shall become operative;
making stockholders in banking cor
porations liable to pay for the benefit
of depositors an amount equal to the
par value of stock held by any stock
holder in addition to having originally
nafd the par value therefor.
The referendum baa teen invoked on
three other measures enacted by the
last Legiftatore. Two of these are
known as the University of Oregon
appropriation bills, giving the state
institution at Eugene additional fund
to tbe amount of S503.258.92. The third
i Senator Marey's public service com
mission bill.
An Initiative bill already ie on file in
the Secretary of State's office for a
conatitutional amendment giving wo
men tbe right of sufferage.
In addition to tbe aix good roads bills
drafted by Governor West's "harmony
commission," the State Grange will
resort to the initiative and proooae two
bill prescribing a method for highway
construction. Petitiona for all eight
measure are now being circulated
throughout the state for signature.
(High Grade New-)
Joe Cboclate and Mike Barbara, two
first class miners from Idaho, are in
camp waiting for tbe snow to dis
aDpear. This week J. P. Atkin&on beean work
on the Gold Hill group adjoining tbe
school section on tbe north just across
the line in Oregon.
Send your watch and jewelry re
pair to A. Kaufmann, watchmaker
and Jeweler, Lakeview. First class
work guaranteed. tf.
Ben Roger and James Good bave
completed location work on the North
Star lying Immediately east of the
town of High Grade.
President Geo. C. Weber, of the Con-
Monaroh Servioe is established for you the moment the
maohine comes into your offioe, and continues during all
the years it is in use. We are always at your oommand.
Send for Monaroh literature -- it thoroughly explains
the oonstruotion whioh has given the Monaroh its remarkable
Light Touch.
307 Bush Street
niemac. Is expected In from Denver
thi weeefc to begin work on the group
secured for the company.
Johnny Moore of Kedinond brought
In bunch from Bend, Ore., on Thurs
day in hi big auto. He reports all Ore
gon aflame on High Grade.
A. M. Gillespie, of Tonopah, former
ly of Leadville, Aspen and other Colo
rado camps, flashed bi headlight on
High Grade Monday night. He i in
vestigating and i well , pleased with
what he ha seen.
II. B. Bassacof Lor Angelea has cast
bi lot with us and has been admitted
to full membership in the Ancient and
Honorable Order of High Graders. He
come in the Interest of heavy capital
in tbe City of Angela.
A force of men Under J. P. Brand ley
has been at work to open the road to
the mine for the last two day. They
report the anow disappearing and the
road now passable between New Pine
Creek and Ft. Bidwell.
D. J. Richards, wide awae mining
man of Salida, Col., has come to the
great gold camp to get rich and go back
J to his native beatb on the Arkansas in
a few month to y to tbe doubting
one "I told you o."
C. E. Whalen, of Cripple Creek, bat
been in camp five weeks and ia opening
a fine group of claima. lie aay that
there is a better showing in High!
- I- -..A 1 ........ k. I. r.!nr,l. I
uriuc U uctkvs n n j m man au
Creek at the same stage of develop
ment. Tbe ever elert and alwaysamiling
"Sherm" Crumley of all Colorado and
the Great West loomed up at the High
Grade botel Tuesday night. Sherm
Is fresh from the quietude of Denver
and hungry for tbe big valuea of High
Mrs. Anna Blorton has taken charge
of tbe Blurton House and ia again con
ducting it aa a strictly first class bost
lery. Mr. Blurtcn has eatabbS bed an
enviable reputation aa a hostess, ber
table being tbe talk of tbe local and
traveling public.
C. E. McCleary has completed bis
handsome new building, on California
avenue which is to be used aa the High
Grade Mining Stock exchange. It is
one of tbe best built structures in town
and is admirably fitted for tbe uses for
wbicb it is intended.
Dsvid B. Cameron, of Denver, ar
rived in camp Tuesday night in the in
terest of the High Grade Grub Stake
Pool of that city. Mr. Cameron is one
of tbe keenest prospectors in tbe west
and will no doubt make good for the
company be represents. .
Tbev are coming from everywhere
under tbe sun : in carriages, autos, on-j
bicycles and afoot: by buro caravan
and lumber wagon. It is tbe greatest
rush since Cripple Creek and as yet not
a single knock from those wbo have
investigated High Grade. i
Col. Wm. Thompson, of tbe AHuraa
Plaindealer, "Tbe Grand Old Man" of
tbe northwest, spent Thursday in Pine
Creek aiding. in the initial work of
bringing a big excursion in tbe region
about July 1st. Col. .Thompson has
hosts of friends in this locality.
C. A. Howard has returned from a
week's sojourn at Paisley, 40 miles
northwest ot Lakeview, where be went
to investigate the mineral possibilities
of that great big country. He report
some splendid indications of mineral'
When you buy a Monaroh type
writer there is immediately es
tablished for you a most unique
service. You are made to real
ize that the manufacturer who
made your machine is going to
stay baok of it.
The Monarch Typewriter Com
pany does not forget a type
writer as soon as it passes
into a customer's hands, but
their interest is, as keen in
the Monarch that has been in
use many years as the one on
its way to a prospective
with on mine developed and showing
good values.
Tbe Modoe company has ordered a
bolst which la now on the way from San
Francisco. A force of men will be at
work on the property aa soon aa tbe
road is opened.
Wm. Berry, of Oklahoma City, Okie.,
la a late arrival In the camp. Mr.
Berry is interested in old Mexico. He.
however, is fsvorsbly impressed with
our district and is wsiting for the snow
to d Issppesr.
John Savage, a prospector here, csp
tured a young bob kitten op Keller
creek last Tuesdsy. It is apparently
two weeks old and was probably de
serted by its mother. John fed tbe lit
tle pet on milk with a tesgpoon- after
exhibiting it to many interesting people.
And still tbe caravane move on High
Grade. The wise men of the world are
meeting on tbe Warner range. This
time it Is W. C. Leavitt, W. H. Hobbe,
Wm. Young and Frank Phoenix of Red
mond, Or. Tbey are here for buaineas
and express surprise at tbe showing
The Misses Scott anl Madden came
over from Kslmath Palls lest week and
are so pleased with New Pine Creek
that they have decided to locate ber.
They bave ordered furnishings for the
new Worthington residence where tbey
will be prepared to care for patients aa
trained nurses.
And tbe great white tbrong continues
- .. . aw . . . m. WUIOUII,
of Ludwig, Mason Valley, Nevada. The
soft breezes of tbe desert rustled tbe
silvery sage brush with its gentle pres
sure whisbering to this man ot the west
ita alluring story of the riches of High
Grade ; and be is here.
Officer Peter Pollett escorted a
drunken Mexican to tbe county bastiie
at Lakeview last Saturday nigbt on a
warrant awcrn out in Judge Aldridge'a
court charging drunkenness and distur
m rnmo hia 1 1 mm , t tm a T. HaI.m
bance Tbe Mexican has been a nois-
snce and dangerous- character aboat
town for several months.
Quite a little stir and talk was occa
sioned in town last week by reason, of
the discovery of placer gold in gravel
from a welt recently dog on tbe c re
mises of Mrs. M. E. Cannon on Main
street. There is ru question but that
creek canyon is a neb placer bar.
Monte Montgomery ba renamed bia
popular soft drink emporium and bill
iard ana pool haii ibe Mineral. Monte
tormerely called hia place Tbe High
Grade. He says there are getting to be
too many High Gradea in 'New Pine
Creek and for that reason he changed
to a more distinctive name. The Min
eral is a niee, clean and pleasant resort
ln;wbicb to while away the time and
Monte is a good fellow.
A. D. Parfray, locally known to tbe
boy as Dad Porphyry, formerly of Sac
ranton and Pittsburg. Pa., was in
town Wednsedsy from the Consolidat
ed. Mr. Parfray was formerly super
intendent of tbe Pittsburg Terminal
railroad and other railroad lines in tbe
east. Dad is owner of tbe Red Wing
and Red, White and Blue claims in the
High Grade district, is an expert min
ing man and expects to interest.eastern
capital in his properties. He has just
staked two claima known as tbe J. T.
J. Nob. 1 and 2.
San Franoiaoo, Cal.