Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 23, 1912, Image 5

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    'Wm Sell The Real Earth"
Lake view : Oregon
Spring Special In Farm and Timber
115.00 per acre for 80 Amu, 5 mi lea Went of Lakevlew; fine, deep aval, cm terms.
120.00 per acre for 200 Acre of timber land, clone in, easy terms.
1 14.00 Per acre for 160 acres fine timber cloae to mill. Over 2.000,000 feet, 17
miles from Lakerlew,
$20.00 Per acre for 240 acree, 8 mile wet of town, good sage brash land
Eon teime.
$ 00 Per acre for 30 acrre, 1 tmlee N. W, town, 15 acre water right, mostly
under cultivation. Terma CAab.
20.00 Par acre for 1(10 acre floe grain land, seven no ilea from Lakerlew, west.
Easy term.
tfSWO.OO For a tie ft. room bona, ohIiIii1 ami chicken tionsn. On a larva
eoroer lot, faenwj, luu i Fruit tr and lawo, cIlhm U, on Dewey
And College rttrrvt. Kasy tonus.
I'JrXO W) For fl-room new tinncaluw, An Ideal op-to duto homo, eiom to cooler of
town on ilvrnard Mtreet. Kim; Urn,
921(10.00 For A-rotun now litinKalow,
rurner lot, fenced, I 'to i lfri.
vnodahid And chicken Iioiim.
IAwn and 0 oh Irult trwa on
On a large
IdAke Hirer t.
f.mny term.
J4 0.00 For a fine new 8 room lion, wood slu'd, chicken boue aod harn; Urre
lot KiOilt, nil fam-ed, about one block from High Hrhool, Junt built laat
year, taut term.
Town Property
laltc Count? iCramlncr
TIICIHDAY. MAY 21, 1912.
Big Hue of niiiNllii underwear, Mere.
lUlnir on drnugtli at the Hotel
Dave June, the sheepma.-, wm in
from camp laat weak.
Hill Curtla, of tha 70 ranehl wai a
viallor Monday laat.
A. M. Smith, of tha Bunting Ram-b
in Drews Valley, waa In town 'lucid ay
Mr. and Mra. ftoea W. Flnlay, of lily,
ware Laksvlew visitors on Monday
MikVO'ttullivan, tha well known
sheep man, waa one of thia week'a
Con Curtln waa another of the sheep
men who appeared in our midat during
the week.
Frank Knggera, of the Warner coun
try, aent a few daya In town the
forepart of the week.
Charlea Umbach haa had a fine new
fence erected about hie place at the
corner of Slash and Main streets.
Many of tha treea In the various
yard about town are now in bloaeom,
and all preaent a pretty sight indeed.
"Ounnla" an old time realdent ma-
bala of I.akeview died thia morning at
tha Indian Camp on the bill above
W. C. Laird waa in town laat week
after bia big pumping outfit to be uaed
in irrigating bia meadow land at Blue
A cordial invitation la extended to
the publio in general to attend the
dance Saturday evening at Snidcr's
Opera Houae.
Meaara. Venator and Dkyensn en
joyed a fiablng trip Sunday Hat to the
Urewa Valley Dam. The trip waa
wade by auto.
Frank Payne la now having aome re
pa Ira made to the bouae which be re
cently purchased from George Wbor
ton, on Water street.
Tbe Standard Oil Company laat week
paid a fine of S50.000 to tbe clerk of
tbe Supreme Court aa a result of being
proaecutad aa a trust
Mr. and Mra. Tom Sullivan, of Pluah,
Friday, arrived here on a aeveral daya
viait. They received a hearty welcome
from their many local friends.
Joe and John Arzner left Monday for
he Auger Valley country, where thev
will apand about week in cutting
tbeir winter's supply of wood.
Mike's Saloon, owned by Meaara
Hart and Lynch, waa treated to a fresh
coating of paint during the pant week
Tbe work waa dune by Jamea Judge
Collection of garbage must not be
confined to the business section alone
aeo that every part of town la cleaned
even if it be in the moat remote sec
'tion. For aale, nearly new piano, choap for
caab or will trade for horses or cattle.
. Enquire N. Fine, Pluah or Mra. Hunt
ington care Mra. M. Whorton,, Lake
view, Oregon.
Mra. Llbby Salmon, who haa been
viaiting for aeveral montha in Lake
view with her daughter, Mra. N. A. Ms
Curdy, thia morning left lor her home
in Marshall, Michigan.
Mra. Jack Hun'.ington, formerly Kit
ten Fine, daughter of Mr. and Mra. N.
Fine of Pluah is visiting in Lakevlew
this week. Mrs. Huntington has been
residing in San Franciaoo.
M. B. Beaworth. a horse buyer of
an Francisco, is spending several days
in tbls vicinity looking over the local
horse market. He reports as having
made seversl purchases since his ar
rival. Local friends of Tom, son ot Mr.
and Mrs. Matt McCullev, will be orry
to bear that he UJagsin confined in St.
Mary's Hospital at Santa fRosa, Cali
fornia, this tlma with an attack of
Tbe Ladies Aid of the Methodist
Churoh, representing "The Roses,"
Saturday evening, gave another enjoy:
able supper at tbe Civic Improvement
Club's rooms. Tbe supper waa well
attended and neat sum recleved.
During the past several days quite
heavy storms have occured which will
le of greet benefit to growing crops
nd tbe range. Farmers and stockmen
are acooraingly very jubilant, although
townspeople are not inclined-to ap
preciate such weather conditions as
much ss tbey should,
Why not drink Kaliilcr? It's TIIK
Wr. 3i
Ned O'Connor wss In from tbe sbeep
camp Sunday.
Lee Ponton, of Salt Crack, waa one
of Monday's visitors.
Roy Chsndler la now suffering from
an sltsek of rbeumstlsm.
Charlrs Harvey ,of Pine Creak, wss
one of last weeks' visitors.
Flima plllowe and pillow cords
(imre and oblong, Merc. Co,
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Abbott moved into
town Ssturdsv last from the West
Mr. and Mra. Atel Wallace, of the
Chewauotin country, were In town thia
Lend every assistance to the ladiea
In helping to make the city beautiful,
John Lewis snd bis team are now
employed by the city hauling gravel
for the roada.
Prince Christian has been proclaimed
King of Denmark since tbe recent
death of Fredrick VIII.
An'on Schuster, a homesteader, of
tha South Creek country, was one of
this week's local visitors.
At the Ohio primaries Tuesdsy,
Theodore Roosevelt csrrled the state
wltii a lead of 15,000 votes over Taft.
A tine aet of polished borns, mounted
by A. II. Csnterberry, Is now on ex
hibition in the McCurdy Barber Shop.
W. J. Bradley, formerly of the N.-C.-O
Railway, Friday came up from
Pine Creek and la now here wltb bis
Ed Stevenson, Dsn Jones and Tim
Murohy were among the last of sheep
men who visited wltb us during the
Tim O'Connell, tbe sheepman, waa in
town over Sundav. He baa taken
charge of aome aheep for tbe Mercan
tile Company.
Bob McCulley, of Cedarville, is now
tbe proud possessor of an auto, accord
ing to letters received by some of bis
local friends.
There Is no excuse! Have the garb
age collected and placed in an acces
sible placa ana the L.CI.C. ladies
will superintend the rest.
C. W. Reynolds, the West Side
rancher, Friday, eame into town and
Incidentally attended the Elk's dance
at the new Opera House.
Mr. and Mra. George Bents were in
last week from the O.V.L. dsm, and
apent aevreal days here aa the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Dsn Chandler.
William Michaels is now visiting wltb
bia mother after an absence of five
months, during which time he has vis
ited several of neighboring atates.
R. rJ. Florence, of Southern Cali
fornia ta apendlng aeveral days in
Lakevlew visiting with his brother A.
E. Florence, president of the Lakeview
Mercantile Company.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Barton have re
moved from the former George Whor
ton residence on Water street, now
owned by Frank Payne, to the Moss
property on Center street.
R. T. Striplin returned the fore pert
of the week from Fresno, California,
where he went to represent the local
order of Foresters at their Grand Con
vention. He reports a very nice time
while absent.
F. J. Delongcamps, the architect, ar
rived In town the forepart of tbe week
to look after the work in connection
with the Heryford building and new
depot, as well ss to take any new work
that might offer.
Miss Pearl Wilshire arrived from
Ashland lust week and will spend the
summer in Lakeview aud vicinity. She
left here several 'years since and on
her, return waa warmly welcomed by
a large) circle of friends.
At the convention of the Ancient
Order of Foresters,' held Isst week at
Fresno, California, it was voted to
spend 1100,000 towards the erection of
a building at tbe World's Fair. R. T.
Striplin was convention delegate of the
local lodge.
Plans are now unoer way to have a
good taseball team here during tbe
coming summer. The team Is now be
ing picked and will include our best
local players and Mr. Cooper, of the
Inn ' Saloon, who Is reported to be a
crack Ditcher,
If you want something choice and
dainty in tbe way of eatables, just try
one of Campbell's meat pies on sale at
the butcher shops. They are homemade
and bave the flavor that tickles the
palate to a frassle. Tbe Examiner has
been favored with ssmples and there
fore has no hesitancy in recommending
Colonial draperies And nuts In Mg
variety, Merc. Co.
Mr. and Mrs. George Chandler were
among laat Saturday's visitors.
Bill Bsrton has accepted a position
ss taamater for H. II. Riddles Com
For Bale Cheap Potatoes In Any
quantity. Hee J. 8. Lane or E. K.
Patch. tf
Michael P. J. Barry, the sheepmen,
wss In from Guano Valley for several
davs last week.
J. B. Auten, the hardware man, Sun
day retruned from a buaineaa trip to
Klamath Falls.
Mr. and Mrs. Willism Hotchklaa, of
Vslley Falls were In town on Frldsy
snd Saturday laat.
F. B. Whlttaker, a homateader of
tbe Cbewaucan country, waa one of
last week'a viaitora. -
C. A. Nelson and G. F. Arthur, ot
the West Side aection, were Saturday
and Sunday visitors here.
Willis C. Scammon. a former Warner
Valley resident, arrived bere from
Bakerafleld on Monday laat.
Harold Fraim, of tbe O.V.L. Com
pany, waa in town laat week from the
West Side, where he la now employed.
The large carpet for the new Catho
lic church waa received a short time
ago, and thia week was laid in position.
R. A. Harrower, chief engineer of
the Paisley Irrigation Project bar been
in Lakeview several days during tbe
psst week.
George Ross, who is known to every
body locally, Bsturdsy, returned from
Stanford University for the Summer
Mr and Mra. C. C. Pratt and family
and Joe and X. Arzner, SOnday, Da id a
visit to tbe O. E. Prstt ranch down
tbe Valley.
Quite a number of shearers left Sun
day morning for some of tbe loesl
sheering corrals, where they expect to
be busy shortly.
Mr. and Mrs. Felix Green and child
ren, of Pine Creek,, were visitors over
Sundsy aa the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Willism Heryford.
Father Schmitt, of the Catholic
Churoh, Thursday, returned from San
Francicao and San Joae, where be bed
been on a two week's visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Baxter left tbe
forepart of the week for tbe Dick's
rsnch at Crooked Creek, where they
expect to spend a few days.
A good house and two acree of
land, within three blocks of tbe Pub
lic School, for sale at a aacraflce.
Easy terms. Inquire at this office.
The Wi tarda have secured Snlder's
Opera House for a dance Saturday
evening. Wltb good music thia is an
assured aucceas. Everybody invited.
Dan Malloy and Pat Murphy, both
well known locally, last week, returned
from San Francisco where they enjoy
ed a few dsys viewing tbe tall build
ings, etc.
A large meeting of tbe A.O.U.W.
is scheduled for this evening in tbe
Mssonic hall. A delegate will be
elected to attend the Grand Conven
tion in Portland.
Work on the Catholic parish resi
dence is now progressing nioeiy under
the supervision of Contractor Graves.
The foundation of stone and cement
has been completed.
A number of Reno stone masons ar
rived here laat week and went out to
the Berney Construction Company
works,' where they will be engsged on
some work for tbe Company.
Bill Drislsne, the Irish boy who at
tempted suicide bere sometime sgo, is
reported to be getting along nicely and
in a fair way towards recovery in one
of the San Francisco hospitals.
The Railroad Commission of the state
of Cal. ia in session In Alturas this week
for the purpose of ascertaining whether
or not the N.-C.-O. Railway is justified
In raising the preaent passenger rates
to seven cents a mile.
" The'tri-state convention of postmas
ters of presidential appointment, which
Includes the postmasters of first, se
cond and third classes of Washington,
Idaho and Oregon, takes place at Port
land June 11 to 14, during the Rose
Festival. Special leave of absence has
been granted to alll the postmasters to
A dispstch from the United Press
under date of May 16th states thst
over i00 fires are so far reported in
western Wsshington. Guess weather
conditions in those parts must be con
siderably drier than hereabouts, where
our streams are now running over,
grass green and conditions ideal for
stock feed, etc.
Wataon & Btrlplln buy and sell sec
ond band goods. ' tf.
Mr. snd Mrs. Pstrick Anglsnd were
visitors bere tbe forepsrt of tbe week.
When you want a ladiea suit re
meralrt'r we bave the La Vogue. Merc.
E. J. Davis, of Paisley, wss in town
Mondsy attending to some buaineaa
William Tbomas and Harry Morren,
of Valley Falla, were among Monday's
Ernest Meyers, tbe Vslley Fslls
merchsnt. was in town Isst week on a
business visit.
Pbil S. Bsrry returned after a sever
al dys visit in San Francisco and other
California points.
Letters from Cslifornis friends indi
cate that the weather in those parts ia
at best 95 degrees above zero.
It baa been learned that Eli, proprie
tor of Eii'a Keataurant, ia to atart a
cafe at Paialey in the near future.
Excavation work for the First Na
tional Bank addition baa been held up
aome thia week owing to tbe a tor my
F. M. Miller Monday evening returned
from Bakerafield, Cal., where be was
celled sb s witness in tbe case of Ber
nard C. Site.
Mr. and Mrs. Benefiel, of Croooked
Creek, were in town Tuesdsy. Tbey
were accompanied by Mrs. Pleaaant
Jim WakeBeld, of tbe Warner coun
try, was in town the forepart of tbe
week, snd from here took a trip over
to Klsmatb Falls. .
Vinton Miller, who baa been attend
ing tbe University of California,
Monday evening, arrived in town to
spend tbe holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Dicks were Sun
dsy visitors from Crooked Creek. Tbey
were entertained aa guests at the home
of Mr. and Mra. Don Baxter.
Will Wright, State Bank Examiner,
made an offical examination of the Bank
of Lakeview and Lake County Trust
and Savings Bsnk this week.
I fTtiBrloa MoPaka ahn until MMntlv
was clerk in the Post Office store.
returned laat week from Grants Pass
wbere be enjoyed a several day's visit.
Tbe proper collection of garbage and
its icineration mean more to the health
of tbe people of Lakeview than can
be computed in mere dollars and cents.
Word bss been received from Mr.
and Mrs. Sam McKee, former residents
bere, to tbe effect thst tbey bsd pur
chssed sn 80 acre ranch in tbe vicinity
of Corvallia.
Maurice Murphy and Jack Sullivan,
laat week, returned to Paialey after a
aeveral daya visit. Mr. Sullivan ac
auired bis final naturalization papers
from Judge Benson.
G. E. Turpin, of Rhyolite, Nev., is
among the mining men who are in
vestigating tbe posibilities of tbe High
Grade district. Mr. Turpin is a ne
phew of Jim Turpin, of Warner seotion.
N. T. Cory, the carpenter, returned
last week from the Windy Hollow min
ing diatiict, where be spent seversl
dsys. During his absence be bsd the
misfortune to lose bis team of horses.
George Yount, until recently em
ployed by the city, left tbe forepart of
the week for Ashland, where bis folks
now reside and wheae be may locate
permanently. He took his team with
Tbe Sunday Oregonian May 19, con
tained a finely illustrated article des
criptive of toe resources of Central
Oregon. Jesse P. Uobson was the au
thor and such an article is of much
worth to this section.
Miss Alice Linton who has beenspend
ing several months in Lakeview visit
ing with her sister Mrs. S. A. Musben,
Saturday will lesve for her borne in
Pawtaucket, K. I. Miss Linton has
msde numerous friends in Lakeview
during her stsy who deeply regret ber
Professor Darnell of the Lskevlew
band informs us that two more ssxa
phones will arrive thia week for use in
the band, which will make a quartette
of these Instruments. He also atatea
that much progress Is being accom
plished at the rehearsals and feels con
fident that be will have a good band for
the town in a reasonable time.
C. U. Snider began operating his
motion pioturo show in th.i new opera
bouse at a matinee Sunday afternoon
and ia giving regular parformanoea
every night. The program changes
three times each weok, Sunday, Tues
dsy and Thursday eveninga, Mr. Snider
is using San Francisco service and tbe
pictures are highly sstisfactory.
Walters' Addition
Oflcrs the Best Close-In Home Sites in Lakeview!
Near Schools, Churches, Depot and Business Center.
Buy Now! Lots 50 x 125, $140.00 to $275.00
Easy Terms.
W. F. PAINE & CO.,
Price, $5.00
OVER model is called the
"Dope." It has
a high and medi
um wide toe giv
ing your toes
plenty of room
high arch and mil
itary heel. This is
one of the seasons
snappiest lasts. Carried in high and low
cut, tan and black calf, button and lace.
A splendid showing of Odd Pants, of the
celebrated 'Stag and 'Sweet Orr' brands.
All sizes and a good line of patterns, rang
ing in price from $1.50 to $10.00.
"Wear a Benjamin"
The Best Values
in Shoes
Queen Quality stands for all the name
implies in both style and quality The
little custom touches that women look
for are embodied in the
new models
fit the foot and have no
cit i; v '-ps i " " 1 t.-
Vw-cAafM .J.L wr 1 e
vSir wc navc rccavea a nice
" Jr line of Pumps and Half
Soles in white buck and canvas, velvets,
satin and all style leathers. Prices $2.50,
$3.00, $3.50, $4.00. Try them, they
will give satisfaction as g
Lakeview Mercantile