Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 23, 1912, Image 4

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    Lake County Examiner
Official PAper of
et Jlar atanrtlnf tela. 11 .00 n Inrk
m nmn niM Mr antllth. All tl.ndl
, !(
All tl.ndln la.
huirpd Im iwlrc tnonlB. t oat ol comin-
. chairir! Inr.ll .tr.cbrifa. AHt'ii
f Mttont tr. All abort t.rm kU. .air.
R.lira. local rolutnoa, 10c. rr Itnaaauh In
a Hon. nl 1a. fro. 11nMch tuai-nion
Cord of thanka 11.00. ReaoluUoua . nt
) jo. JI M) aud
firTniiilt AdacrlUlnt aad Job Print-
llv.cuh In adranca.
All hllU nut b paid tbs ftol!oiilr.
Lakeview, Oregon.
The decision of JudRe H. C Han
ford of tbo United Stated district
court of Washington, nnullirg the
eitixenship of Leonard Olason, because
he ia a Socialist, baa been the meat of
much discussion and ia taken aa riling
f nation-wide importance. In hit de
eislon. Judge Hanford aaid be annulled
Olaaon'a citiaenship right because "he
admitted he ia Socialist, a frequenter
f assemblages of Socialista in woich
he participates as a speaker, advocat
ing a propaganda for radical change
in the institutions 01 me country.
and because he entertained those vie ws
at the t'me when he applied for bis
naturalization papers more than two
years ago."
A dispatch from Washington saya
that Justice Charlea E. Hughes will be
the compromise candidate of the
Chicago convention for the presidency.
Mr. Hughes is quoted as saying that
his candidacy depends entirely upon
the wishes of Mr. Taft Teddy saya if
he losea out at the convention be will
bolt Thia means that he will be a can
didate at the November election if he
baa to come out a non-partisan ticket
after the convention. This campaign
ia reaching overflowing proportions.
Additional Briefs
Wanted: Man to bud an graft about
100 fru:t trees. Anyone desiring to
make application for the work aboula
-do bo at the Examiner office at once.
For sale, twenty head cf horses.
Few bead broken, balance yearling,
twos and threes. For further parti
culars addretts Box 13, Davis Greek,
CaTf. M2 2t
Seaside, Oregon, was visited last
week by a 1200,000 fire. The buaineaa
aection waa almost entirely wiped out
and only two stores were left to feed
the town.
Mrs. Henry Herytord and daughter,
Hildred, of Lodi, California, were ar
rivals here the forepart of the week,
and will visit with their many old time
friends for a time.
In the tryouts for yell leader for 1913
at O. A. C. last week Walt Dutton
. was an easy winner There were aeven
candidates for the position, but Walt's
lungs were too powerful when it came
to rallying the rotters to come through.
At a recent miner's meeting held in
Fort bidwell, a resolution was adopt
ed compelling location to be completed
ia sixty days instead of ninety days, aa
was heretofore the custom. The Fort
Bidwell News says the meeting was
attended by two hundred mining men.
Armour Co. was indicted by the fed
eral grand jury charged with criminal
violation of the meat inspection lawa
in alleged interstate shipment of meats
without inspection by government
agents. The indictments were return
ed before U. S. District Judge Landis.
A very pleasant meeting of the De
gree of Honor, A.O.U.W., was held
Thursday evening last at the Masonie
Hall. Mrs. C. C. Lofftus was elected
a delegate to represent the Lodge at
the grand convention to be held in Pert
land. Refreshments were served after
the business matters had been attended
Mtraytd from Wlndv Hollow, about
May 10th tw? geldings; one white
landed TT on hip, hobbled,
ene flea-bitten grey, branded ace of
clubs on shoulder. Headed towards
Crooked Creek. Literal reward for
1nfirmation. N. T, Corey, Lakeview,
Oregon. M23
According to dispatches, unusually
cold weather has teen prevailing gen
erally throughout the country, but this
aection had not been reached until the
first of the week wheo the temperature
was reduced considerable which was
accompanied ty a chilly r, in and after
ward followed by a light snowfall.
It is reported that the Northwest
Townsite Company will use traction
engines in getting in their supplies and
material for the dam on the upper
Chewaucan. In such case it will be
necessary to construct a new road over
the mountain from the Seven-up ranch
which would permit of running autos
to the famous fishing grounds of that
section. ,
E. W, Garren, s large land holder
and stockman of Davis Creea, was s
business visitor in this city the first of
the week. Mr. Garren had recenty re
turned to Davis Creek from Southern
Californis, where bs expected to re
raain for the summer, but upon bid ar
rival hers he 'was called to Washing
ton on business.
Lake County, Oregon
,n fr. Undrnnoa,
Mi munlha, '
rar mouths,
afar If not paid la adTaue., t J SO m
hfettc t. SabasrltMrs
O uharrioort to th. Ki.anlnrr who lnw
v from nw looaltty to another, vt
iti'lr tvumo aUdrvaa ahould ramrmbrr to
limit this itlllM a card Ml thtttr MMf Ml b nd
! aiwwi to u riat poaiomr..
Tlmrdiy, May 2.1. 1012
Mr. Roosevelt cannct support Mr.
Taft for President Mr. Taft cannot
support Mr. Roosevelt for President
It either ia nominated the other must
bolt.-New York World.
The pupils of Professor Darnell, the
music teacher, are now spending their
Sunday atternoons in practice work for
the band this summer. They sbo
great progress for the short time they
have been studying,
AlturM New Era: A new post
office baa been esUMisbcd north of
Willow Ranch, which is to be called
"The Limit." Thia certainly the
limit a far aa selecting the name for
a post office is concerned.
A. P. Close, special agent ot the
United States Fidley and Guaranty
Company, waa an arrival from Port
land this week and spent several daya
in the city in the interests of bia com
pany. LL P. Welch is loca 1 agent for
the company.
The supervisors of San Francisco
hope, within the next few years, to
build a huge bridge to connect San
Francisco with Oakland, making it pos
sible to travel from one city to the
other across San Francisco Bsy. by
train, in five minutes. The structure
is planned to reach from Telegraph
Hill to Goat Island, and from thence
to the Oakland shore.
Considerable excltemen t waa
caused at N-C-O. depot yesterday
morning wnen fire broke out in
the roof of the smoker car. The
blaze waa caused from the pipes which
became hot and ignited the car between
the roof and ceiling. An ax was pro
vided and as soon aa access waa gained
to the burning parts the names were
quickly extinguished.
A party traveling by auto, consist
ing of Howard W. Turner, publisher of
the Madraa Pioneer, and his wife, O
O. Pruce. banker, and wife, and J. L.
Campbell, a Madraa butcher, arrived
in i.akeview last week and spent sever
al davs in looking over the country. It
was their first trip in this section and
all members of the party expressed
themselves as being well impressed
with the country here.
George Csmpbell, brother of J. G
Campbell, foreman of the Examiner, i
late arrival from Dallas, Texas is i
culinary artist of no mean ability. We
had the pleasure of attesting this
statement by sampling one of "Camp
bell's Meat Pies" which he is now put
ting on the market They are on sale
at the meat markets and the palatable
neas of these pies is unquestionsble.
The uniform to be worn by Elks at
Portland Convention will consist of
double breasted blue serge coat, white
flannel pants, smooth braid sailor straw
oat with straight br m, white canvas
shoes, wnite negligee shirt, purple
socks and tie. Every member of the
Portland lodge Is expected to supply
bimselt with a uniform.
D. P. Malloy, who last week returned
from San Francisco where be and W
a. Snider were called as witness to
appear against a Chinaman being tried
for murder of another chinaman, says
that it looked pretty serious for his
Royal Chinkdom. The testimony had
not been finished when Mr. Malloy left,
but said the evidence was developing
pretty strongly against the defendant
Chewaucan Press: Paul Drenkel,
who runs a Dorris car out of Lakeview,
did some fancy running around this
week. On Friday he took A. E. Pear
son, of San Francisco, to Alkali Lake
and then picking up F. L. Young went
on to Bend. Sunday he brought Mr.
Young and Geo. M. Bailey to Paisley,
then took the former tack to Alkali
and returned to Paisl.'y, arriving here
about 10 p. m. Monday morning he re
turned to Lakeview.
Farmer J. F. Hanson of the West
Side informs us that he has sown about
700 acres of grain and allalfa thia sea
son. Mr. Hanson is some farmer aside
from being a contractor, railroad
builder, etc., and has done much to
ward development ot the West Side
country. He has acauired considerable
of land since locating on the Point
Ranch, and all land that he buys""he
immediately puta under cultivation.' t
The Examinertbie""week is in re
ceipt of a copy of the Denver Post
which contained a picture of Eva Clark,
who is attending a dramatic school in
that city, and the announcement of her
winning a prize in the Tennis TcurnT-n-tnt.
'J he occwBiun waa held on Alhe
letic day at Wolfe Hall, and in men
Honing the prize winners the Post Bays,
"Miss Eva Clark and Miua Dephine
Shader were the winners of the doubles."
HUT'S THE QUESTION that pimcls the house-
wife nt this senson of the year. The winter's
supply of canned fruits ami vegetables arc
gone, fresh fruits ami vegetables are not ready,
and spring appetites are the hardrst to please.
Fancy Canned Fruits; Del Monte Preserved Ft nits;
Fancy Canned Vegetables, including 'com, string
beans, asparagus tips, and sweet jtotatocs; Dried
Peaches, Apples, Apricots, Prunes and Raisins.
Pork and Iieans, Clams, Lobster, Shrimp, Salmon,
Cornctl Itccf, Veal Loaf, Doneless Pigs Feet, Potted
Chicken, Kipye red Herring, Deviled 1 lam, Roast Hecf
Now for the Trout!
IF YOU at folnt ntt thtm. ft nlr In liM tn lri
kin( aalil the toimt,. La4 xmr trap. r NOW S
rt Tttk!ii( la otirf. AnS k aura IrU foar I'
catefatt? ana that If la vlghl. Sttttf attil, t yattlt a
KINGFISHER LINS In 4 hf fata oa aia ritl. Lfl II al!..
tell 1S9 hard-lav atvrr nVut "tha b.g cna tSjt lot away.' pa
can alarara Iratl Ilia KINCHSHK hl tht, ,mt ant alvian thai
Cacaa la a&4 at. anyhow, an4 awan Sih yam. an4 ia!t It .
W ara fearer too hair la talk about Kahtrtg t-t ttrr aa lota ot
"ow iMaga' to look arar. Va catty a carrfal.y alttfl auKl
a4 I ha mat taa-aa-aai lackLa anal atythie ten ika liakatauo.
Bailey & Massing 1 1
Barker-Heryford Nuptials
Judge Daly last evening officiated at
a very pretty wedding at the home of
the bride's sister, Mrs. F. O. Ahl-
strom, that united in marriage Mr. G.
W. Parker, of Butte Kalis, Oretron and
Miss Hszel Heryford, of this city. The
young couple left on this morning's
train for the groom 'a home where
tbey will reside.
Mr. Parker ia connected with the
Butte Belt Banning Co., of Butte
Falls, and ia a very pleasant gentleman
to meet. The bride ia a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Heryford who are
now living at Lodi, California. Misa
Heryford returned to Lakeview some
months ago and baa been employed in
the Ahlstrom Bros, store aince her re
turn. She ia a very charming young
lady who ia popular in the younger set
and baa many frienda who will regret
her leaving Lakeview. The Examiner
wishes tbem bon voyage.
Double Wedding
Saturday last a double wedding waa
solemnized at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. T. E. Bernard on Main street,
when Melville T. Wire performed the
cermony that made James S. Bernard
and Miss Lorina Plummer husband and
wife and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Sr. cel
ebrated their silver wedding, to com
memoerate the twenty-fifth anniver
sary of tbeirblissful wedded life.
The groom is the eldest son of Mr.
and Mrs. T. E. Bernard and haa been
practically reared in this valley. He
is a very steady young man and has
developed much genius aa a mechanic,
and ia now employed in bis father's
hardware atore. The bride ia a charm
ing you ng lady of Willow Ranch and has
made many friends in this section upon
ber previous visits here. The Examl
ner joins their many frienda in wishing
the young couple all the joys of life.
New Auto Line
Through Auto Stsge line just estab
liahed by the Lakeview ' Garage of
Lakeview and the Prineville-Redmond
Auto Co., of Bend. Auto will leave
Lakeview every Tuesday and Friday at
noon, via Paisley, Summer Lake, Ft.
Rock, La Pine and Bend. The farea
will be the same aa by train via Kla
math Falls, and one day shorter. Local
fares will be from Lakeview to Pais
ley $7.bU; from Lakeview to Bend
125.00, from Lakeview to Portland
$32.00. Call up Lakeview Garage for
further information. Phone 782
Notice to Telephone Users
Notice is given that no free aervice
will be allowed Lakeview telephone
users over the Lakeview-P4ne Creek
Telephone line, between Lakeview and
New Pine Creek below the dairy, after
June 1st.
County Court Proceedings
in the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Lake County.
Thursday, May 2, 1912.
Court convened pursuant to adjourn
ment with same officers present, when
the following proceedings were had,
to-wit :
The following claims against Lake
County, Oregon were examined, al
lowed and warrants issued, as by law
provided, in payment of the same, to
To be paid out of General Road
Fund :
Bank ot Lakeview, For cnh
advanced for work and ma
terial 310 43
8. B. CliaDdler, road work 259 26
Ueorge Down, same 607 80
Woodcock & LeoDard' repair
of road tools 32 75
' vJr- U-
L. II. llayt'ts fond work
It. D. McDowell, ha tut ,
M. II. Caldwell, annie
Frank M. Harrl. ame ,
Kay Nah, maiiic..,.
12 W
203 60
113 M
JO 00
30 00
14 00
8 73
8 75
35 10
10 60
10 CO
II. W. Drvnkel, nam
Lilburn Morrttf, Koad Chair
CrwMl IVudleton, Jr., sumo...,
S. A. Munht'u, road survey...,
K. A. I'm too road viewing....
Cited lVndK-ton. name. .'
T.J. Hulllvau, caatt advanced
for road work 104 00
To be paid out ol the General Fund
of th county:
American Uw Book Co., for
law books
Trixy McVey. for clerical asxlst'
ance, Sheriff's office
T, 11. JVernsn, clerical anoint
nnce. AHaieHMor't) office ,
7 no
100 oo
70 00
F W. Payne, caaih advanced
for clerical aMsiatance, stamps
express, etc 276 25
Baud of Iakeview, cah ad
vanced lor paint, oil, etc 201 17
J. It. (Jlllaui, hall rent, primary
electloo 4 50
Hotel Iak- view, Board of pris
oners 15 00
J. II. Buckner, care of John
Ukxall, tuna?? aud attend
ance atexamiuatloii
W. I). Sulder, expeDaea alter
prlMODera outttide of state)....
Wm. Thorn, wit neat J notice
Court. Mate vh. Reyuoldii...
Wm. Wallace, con ruling pri
mary election returnee
38 30
91 70
4 00
3 00
ttlaata & Pruohomuie Co., office
aiippliea 24 3b
Lakeview Tailoring Co., rent
ol room lor primary election 6 00
W. B. Sulder. h tamos aud tele
grams 139 23
In the matter of the resignation of
A. M. Smith, aa Fruit Inspector of
Lake County, Oregon : The aaid A. M.
Smith having filed hia resignation in
writing with the Clerk, of the Court.
It is therefore hereby ordered that the
resignation of A. M. Smith aa County
Fruit Inspector of Lake County, be
and the same is hereby accepted.
In the matter of the appointment of
Justice of the Peace for the town of
Lakeview, Oregon:
It ia hereby ordered that Thomas 8
Farrel, who has been nomianted for
said office at the recent Primary Elec
tion be and he is hereby appointed Jus
tice of the Peace of Lakeview, Ore
In the matter of the Petition of J. C.
Oliver. E. S. Morris ,et al, for a Coun
ty Road in Road District No. 10.
The report of R. A. Paxton, and
Creed Pendleton, viewers and S. A.
Musben, County Surveyor, who were on
the 15th. day of November, 1911 ap
pointed ot view and survey a road peti
tioned for aa above atated, having been
tiled with the County Clerk of Lake
County, Oregon, on the 30th. day ot
April 1912. Said report waa duly and
publicly read in open Court for the
first time thia 2nd. day of May 1912,
and the matter continued for hearing
Concluded Next Week
Notice to Sheepmen
The Wilcox shearing corral at War
ner Canyon will be ready to receive
sheep May 27. A full crew ol ahearers
will be employed and patrons ara
guaranteed first class aervice. M9-27
61c k beftdacb reauka from a dlaurde red oua
dltlon of tbe alomawli, sod can bo cured by tba
uae of Cbkmberlalu's Htomacb and UrcrTab
leta. Try It. For file bjr all dualera
Tbe estate of Hanford Stewhens, de
ceased. Notice la hereby given that tbe un
dersigned aa executrix of the estate of
1115 vSUlT that
bears the label of
Marx has all the
u alifications
that the words
"Good Clothes"
can possibly imply. The
latest creationr in Men's
Clothes by II. S. ik M.
are the ones we show.
The prices the lowest,
consistent to good value
$20.00 to$30.00
Spring Styles in Head
gear in plenteous vari
ety Straws or Pelts
all the latest shapes
and shades.
$1.50 to $3.50
13. & M.
The Homo of
Good Values
Snn'ord Stephen, deee-med haa flled
I er final ncrount In the County Court
ot the Stale i.f Oregon, lor Ijikn
County ami Hint on Juno !7th 1U13
lit the hour ol 10 o'clock in the fore
noon of the aaid day In the conuty
JmltreN olllce lu tho c mrf hue, In
Lakeview. Lake Coiiutv, Oietroti Iirm
U-cn (h'Hluuated and tiled tut the time
mill pltce (or the lirnrliitt of ob-Ji-ctloiiM
thereto and the aettlcinent
t hereof.
Kxccutrlx of the etnte of
Sntitord Stephen, diTeaaed
Date of erst puM'ratlon May 23.
Fttate of Meredith Waile, dnceaiaed.
Notice in hereby ifiven that the ni.
derxlKiieil. Dirt Wane, waa appoint
ed adiiitiiUtrator ol the eai ate of the
above uatned Meredith Wade, deceased
by the Honorable County Court ol
Lake County. State of Oregon, on the
9ih day ol May, 1UI2. anil has qualifi
ed an such administrator. Therefore
all eriioaH having claim against
said extate are hereby required to pre
nent them with the proper vouchers
within Ml uioutha (roin the date ot
thin notice to the said admlnintrator
at the office ol Itatchelder A. Cotnba,
In the Town ol l-nkeview, Iike Coun
ty, Htate ol Oregon.
Dated this 23rd day of May, 1912.
DIRT WADE, Adminis
trator of the eaitate of
Meredith Wade, deceaa-ed.
Not Coal Iand
iH-parimeot of the Interior, V. B.
land office at Lakeview, Ore., May
30, 1U12.
Notice Ih hereby txtven that Everna
M. Heiienel (aa heir at law ol Jamea
T. He tie Mel, deceaMed) of Lakeview,
Ore., who, on May 20, 1912, made
liotneHtead entrv No. 05714. for HWtj'
8Wtf, Bee. 20,W NWJtf.NWW HWK
See. 2 9, T. 3 7 H., R. 2 1 K.,
Willamette Meridian baa tiled notice
of Intention to make flnal Ave-.year
proof, to CHtabllHb claim to the land
above donor I bed, Ix'fore Reiclster and
Receiver, United BtateH land office,
at Lakeview, Ore., on the 21st day of
June 1912.
Claimant oilmen aa wltnesaies:
Ruliert L. Bennni-1, F.dwin Iteoeflel,
J. C Hliellhainmer and C. A. Rehart,
all of Lakeview, Oregon.
A. W. ORTON, ReKlMtcr.
Fresh Daily
zOn Salez
Saturday Morning
Goose Lako Valley
Meat Co., and Lake'
view Meat Market
Good Clothes
l 'Ml
r 7f)
Ml Kit
!pPrli Han krkaaTkat at Mail
FOR hALK, 20 acre, iiimm! improve
mem and all under cultivation.
LiNftted tu the fruit Ih U of Oooae
Lake Vnllev. Kny terms. For par
ticular H(Mrvr. () Box IN, Davie
Creek, Calif. M2IMTT
FOR HALK. 100 acre, an I able for
dairy, garden, orchard or alfalfa,
well Improved, all under cultivation,
lull nicr right. Kay terms. Ad
dream I'. O. Ilox IN, Davl Creek,
Cal. M20-3t
We Have
Just received a ship
ment of the famous
Goodman Bros.
Including black and
tan, high and low cuts,
the latest styles for
Spring and Summer
wear. Give us a call
before you buy else
where. Economy Store
Real Estate Brokers
High Grade Alining Stock
Offlfti mt
A Few Of
Our Many
6S0 acres, fwracre, $M
Timber 9400
10 " nut! Town Lot... $2M
cun all be Trrlg'd 9m
6-room Cottage, furnlnhej SUM)
8-ronu) Cottage, lot 30-210, $1000
Goose Lake Valley
Land & Orchard Co.
Lakeview -; Oregon