Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 23, 1912, Image 3

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    Esamlne lk Rfl Edt Th. Inside
Storm Up Th. I'ar'srl Waterproof,
tng el
ea4 r wfTI b,11, m tta( U ika
MM I'HACnCAL and bM lookinf slicker
ran can buy.
J A.j" Tower Co.
i Fit ;.'. Ifyu ii tin ve n n In wit
Hon or ntiy imleiit umttt-r,
writ Inuiiril lut ly to W V.
WflHUIT, rrfrlHtfrtit mtnrnry, l.onn
ll Trut Hldg., W'ASHISUViiS, IK V.
J. L. LYONS, D. U. 5.
Offlc. In Wilson's Block. Lk
Vltw, Oregon
(l.n Veer's rac-Mrine in Ml niau
UnulMif al t rovers) if ol Mwkiser
M. D. Hopkins
Office: Fly u n Hid it., N. Water St
Lakeview : : Oregon
J. tM. Watson
Farm Land a a Specialty
It pays to be prudent
when it comes to pro
tecting your gardens
from tho squirrel varmin
TTTGood wiring is
the very best
insurance policy you
can have and the
cheapest. We do it.
$1,000 REWARD
The Oregon :!
Ifornla anil Nevada
Live Moot I'otot
Ion Atsorlatou, i(
which lb. under
aliened Ii a meinlKt
reward fur evidence
. loading to the r
jre.t aua eonviotion
vol aur narlT or o.r-
llesaleallns horat-s.
oaltleor inulos be
lonKhiK (o any oj In
la addition to th. above, the undersigned
oOersoii the .ame condition ifttu.oo for all hora
as branded horse-shoe bar on both or either
law Brand recorded In eight eounllea. RaiiK"
llaruey, Lake and Crook couuiion. Hoiv
vented whuu sold .
None butgrowu bors.issold, and onlTln large
tobohv W W. IIkown. Kile Oregou.
Let the Hxa miner figure on
i'j . i
your next Job Printing.
Royally Rtcelvcd by Min
ers and Protpoctort
Of the Camp
(lllKli Officii. News)
Tic. within th last thirty day
N. E. Uuyot hi been Riven an ovation
ly the tuny bees of Now fine Creek.
Th flrit wi on th. occasion of . call-
ed meting of th New l'ln. Creek
Commerclsl club on Thurwlay niRht,
May 2, to welcom. Mr. Guyot and Har
ry Newton, editor f th. Daily Mining
Kecord of Denver, and to tender the
thanki fo th. club to them for th. In
trt they have taken in th. High
tirado diatrict and the Influences they
have exerted in lit liehaS.
Th. arrond waa th. demonstration
that greeted him when he responded to
a call by a meeting of th. miner, and
urnspertors of th. diatrict to add reef
them Wedncsdsy night. The meeting
waa called to discuss mattera of gener
al intcreat to th. camp. Mr. Guyot at
tended a a vtaltor. II. waa invited to
sddress th. aaa.mllag. on matter, of
vital intereat to th. diatrict. Mr. Guy
ot waa received with a burnt of ap
plause and waa frequently and vigor
ously applauded during hla brief ad-
The Nwa la glad to glv. Mr. Guyot
credit for having presented th. wonder
ful wealth of Camp High Grade to th.
world. Th. writer knew him aa th
first aassyrr in th. great gold camp of
Cripple Creek, and there, aa In High
Grade, h. waa in tb. forefront to pub
liah tt merit! of th. district to the
Guyot'a wingi have not sprouted aa
yet. Neither doea ha regal, himself
with harp and balo and th. long, whit,
robe and sanctimonious look and pose.
Rut he la far and awav abov. th. aver
age man In mattora of integrity, and
in th. lor. of th. rocka and minerals
h. aafely stands in th. front ranks.
Pin. Creek's glad hand given to Guy
ot ia cordail and sincere. W. recog
nise bis merit and his worth to th. dis
trict, and th. News, In behalf of th.
coming greatest gold camp on tbia old
glob., dealrea to alwaya b. able to bid
Napoleon E. Ouyot "Welcome."
lb. chair appointed Col. Kellogg and
Chaa. L. r ulton of Los Angeles, Harry
Shell, of Cripple Creek, Dr. U. A.
Knci, of San Francisco, J. C. Marden,
ot Denver an E. Chapln Card, of New
Tin. Creek to confer, with a lik. com
mittee from Fort Bidwell Wednesday
night next on camp rules, regulationa
and boundari.a.
A Qood Position
Can be had by ambitious young
men and Indies in the field of "Wire
lee." or railway Udegrapby. Blare
the 8-hour law became effective, and
since the wlrt'Ws compantVs are es
tablishing stations throughout the
country there is a great shortage of
telegraph rs. Positions pay begin
era from $70 to 90 per month, with
good chance of advancement. The
National Telegraph Irmtltntlo" of
Portland, Ore., operate, under super
vifion of R. K. and wireleiw officials
and places all graduates into poitl
tlonn. It will pay you to write them
for full details.
Kidney Diseases Are Too Danger,
for Lake view People to Neglect
The great dauter to kidney trouble,
la that they get Arm hold bet ore the
sufferer recognises them. Health In
gradually undermined. Backache,
headache, nerrouHDcas, lumbago,
lain.ueaa, aorenesa, urtnary troubles,
droprty, gravel and Itrlghi'a dteeaae,
follow In niercileaa micccHHion. Don't
neglect your kidneys. Help the kid
ney, with the reliable and aafe reme
dy, Doan's Kidney Pills, which has
cured people right here lu this vicini
ty. N. Mnrchnnd, Warden Ave., Klam
ath Falls, Ore., aaya: "About two
years ago I first noticed symptoms
of kidney trouble. My buck palued
me Intensely at night, owing to too
frequent puKsages of the kidney se
cretion. Doao'a Kidney Pills were
finally brought to my attention and
I begun UMibg them. They restored
my kldueys to a normal condltlou,
stopping the pains in my buck. 1
give Douu's KUluey Pills the credit
for my cure and highly recommend
them to other kidney sufferers,'
For salu by all dealers. Pile. 50
cents. Foster-Mllburu Co.. Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the Uulted
Keinorubor the name Doau'a and
take no other. '
Notice to Sheepmen
My corrals In On nut a Prklile v. Ill be
rvitdy for shearing by May 5. (lood
rutigo surrounding; corrala. All are
enpoclully invited to shear there.
Good California cn.w. Terms rea
sonable. A18Jol5
Centonnlal State to Gtart
Tent City and Develop
the Mines
(lllh Grade New.)
J. C, Kamage, of Denver, Col., ar
rived In ramp Saturday aa advance
agent for a Colorado syndicate former)
to operate extensively in th. High
Grads district.
Mr. Kamage received two car loads
of freight from his company at th.
N.-U.-O. depot Monday consisting of
tenia and other camp equipment which
will be UHed by th. syndicate during
the summer season.
A tent city will b. established as
soon as P. H. Mitchell, th prinriDsl
factor in this enterprise, arrives from
Denver. The location of thia nomad
metropolis hss, aa yet, not bren deter
mined. It will b. unique and interest
ing in many particulars. It will be
prclimi.-.ary to a permanent, subatantial
town to be erected later on. Th. com
pany has already become intereated in
aom. of th. best mine on th. hill and
will begin develomng them at once.
A New District Looming
Up South of New
Pine Creek
(High Grade News)
Already a promising mineral belt has
been discovered at the western base of
the Warner rang, and several dozen
prospectors are busy opening properties
there. Tb. new diatriot baa been
christened Gold Baain, because of the
topography of th. country and the sur
prising gold valuea returned from its
The district baa been known to the
residents cf Goose Lake valley for
many years and prospecting bas been
don. there at intervals for a quarter of
a century. The formation ia aimilar to
that of Gold Basin proper, excepting
that the dikes and veina at Greenhorn
are more exposed and more clearly de
fined. Valuea are about the same.
Camp Gold Basin is located five miles
south of New Pine Creek on the west
ern slope of Warner range near the val
ley and only two miles from tbe N.-C.
O. railroad. The new camp is a sur
priae to old timers snd to the hundreds
of mining men now coming into the
Wsrner range. No prospestor ever
struck his pick into finer looking pros
pecta. Great ledges standing out like
long, straight walls, mineralized and
colored by oxidation, contacts and
fissure veins filled with qusrtz and talc
to the grass roots, much of it resonding
in'plentiful colors of gold when panned,
Among the best properties in the
new csmp is th. Big Blizzard owned
by Win. Mears and Pat Gallagher. A
tunnel bas been driven on the vein 175
feet. A email streak of free milling
gold ore is now exposed in the breast
of the tunnel. Work is being prosecut
ed vigorously on this property. The
Kairview lodes Nos. 1 and 2 are group
ed with the Big Blizzard.
The Mammoth group, owned by Wm
tsurgun, Wm. "dears snd others, is a
net work of huge dikes and fissures,
well mineral i d from the surface and
increasing in value aa depth is attained
Mining men unanimously predict that
tbe Mammoth is tbe making of a great
Dustln, Gentry, Smith and Belcher
have aeveral tine looking claims in
Gold Basin. The Bonnie ia one of
the most promising claims in the dis
triot. Work is being pushed on this
Some of the properties in this district
return surpising values in silver and
much of the ore contains bromide of
silver, giving it the appearance of
azurite copper ore.
A. TD. Lisonbee snd H. J. Mears own
the Blue Grouse Nos. 1 and 2 and the
Golden Eagle on Pleasant Hill. Tbe
dike is twenty feet across and the
contact material pans strings of gold
two'.inches long.
D. M. Mahoney and John Snyder op
erating the Red Lead Nos. 1 and 2 and
tbe Nellie May lodes. The ore pans
well. Mr. Mahoney also owns the
White Lead in the same locality.
A REWARD of fifty dollars is here
by offered for iu formation that will
lead to the arres and oonviction of
any peison who has stolen wires or
other property, from our Company i
and tbe same reward Is hereby offered
for iuformut1,D that will lead to tb.
arrest and :onviotion of anyou. des
troying the property of the Company.
Chas. Umbaoh,
Secretary Lake Go. Tel & Teh Co.
Now Is tbe time to got rid of your rheuma
tism. You will flud Chamberlain's Uulnuiit
wondurfully eftoutlve. One application will
oouvlnce vou of Its merits. Try It. For sale
by all dualvrs.
Mining Camp Scenes Re
call Stirring Memories
To Old Timers
(High C-rarie New-)
The rush to High Grade is on. The
camp Is a picture of busy men. The
canyons sr. iined with tents. On th.
trails are th. miners and prospectors
with pick and shovel and dinner pail.
Tb. Doom of blasta re-echoes among the
gorges snd peaks of tbe Warner range.
The snow line ia creeping toward th.
summit and ia closely followed by gold
D'twn In the vslley by the lake
everything ia astir. The sound ef th.
builder's hammer rings clear and
strong on every side. Buildings are
going up lik. magic and lumbermen are
weeks behind on orders There is a
scramble for desirable building and re
sidence lota. New business enterprises
are being established and others pro
jected. Everybody Is in a hurry. Dozens of
automobiles fairly fly through the prin
cipal streets daily. The Nevada-Cali
fornia-Oregon railroad depot is glutted
with' incoming baggage and freight.
Assayer Moore is working overtime
testing samples of ore snd withal Camp
High Grade is a scene that thrills tbe
nerves snd stirs ths blood.
Veteran mining men smile when they
behold this reproduction of tbe good
old dsys in tbe Black hills, Leadville,
Georgetown, Cripple Creek snd Gold-
field on the desert at Tonopab, and
amid the piles of eternal snow .in tbe
Lend of tbe Midnight Sun.
The best snd brainiest lot of pros
pectors that ever traced float to its
mother ledge ere here to demonstrate
the merit ot this "Snow-Robed Won
der of th. Nortnwest." Tbe future
holds the story of tbeir efforts and that
the result will spell success norody in
camp hss the slightest doubt. That
High Grade is destined to be one of tbe
gresstet gold csmps of sll time now
seems certain.
Praise High Grade
(High Grade News)
'Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Bucelle of Crip
ple Creek bsve been in the district for
a month and are eonvinced that it will
be a record breaker.
Mr. Bucelle was a leaser in tbe great
Colorado gold camp for years and is
a nractical mining man.- He ts a close
observer and puts the glass on what
ever he investigates. He baa taken
plenty of time here to form his con
clusions and he is now satisfied that
Hiirh Grade will develoD into a won
derful camp.
Mrs. Bucelle represented different
newsDSpers in the Cripple Creek dis
trlct and in that capacity fully qualifi
ed herselt to pass upon the merits 01
a camn. She ioins Mr. Bucelle in bis
favorable opinion of High Grade.
Business Locals
New White Buck Pumps at Merc. Co.
Rainier Beer on draught at the Inn
Potatoes for sale. Lane and
Patch. tf
God. lry 10 iuch wood at Lake-
view Merc. Co.
Itecleaned Utah seed ottsat Jake
vlew Merc. Co.
Rainier on draugth or in bottles at
the Brewery. 2t
Cedar and Juniper poets at Lake
view Merc. Co.
The beet butter Oliver'a 40 cents
per pound at Bieber's Cash otore.
If you want a really good smoke
for a oickle, try Btnrkmau's Leader.
For a real bargain for a house and
lot in Lakcview, Bee J. N . Watson. 2
For sale: 120 acres sage brush land
under canal, fenced, $26 per acre. See
J.N, Watson. 6f
Auto bus for depot 25cts. Leave
orders at Duckworth's, phone 101, or
at Luke view garage, phone 782.
Ranch for sale. 160 acres, Camas
Prairie, 1500 cords wood; giod shear
lug corrals; large bouse, barn auJ
outtulldlugs. Apply at this office.
Puppies For Sale
Poppies for tale ba't blood and fox
hounds, guaranteed to be gtod trail
ers and full ot staralny. Price $5 each,
II. A. Utley. Valley Falls. AM 25
On the 12tb day of April of this year
the Interstate Commerce Commission
handed down a decision reducing the
rates on wool from the West. It bas
been given as the 'opinion of the Na
tional Wool Growers Association that
this will benefit the wool raisers of the
range states more than a million dol
lars. Tbe reduction was not all that
was asked for but tbey say the growers
should be satisfied with the decision.
Is there anythtmr In all this world that Is of
more Importance to ou Hull voud dlgiationT
Food must bo eaten to suataln 11 in and must he
diKemrd aud converted luto blood. V. beu the
dlgi'iilon fails the whole body aurlori. Cham
berlain's Tableu are a rational aud reliable
cure for liiilltruaiiuu They iuureeae the flow
of bile, purity the blood, sirem tten the atom
eon and toue up the whole dlguative appara
tus to a natural aud healthy aclluu for sale ai
Sll dealers
Th e High Grade Ne ws
If you want the f nets and all the NEWS
about the High Grade district Rend $2 to
The High Grade News
New Pine Creek, Ore.
Nmw Plnm Crk Im on th N.-C' O. R. R. only vmn
ml lorn from tho hoatrt of tho ttlttrlet
SAT1PLE ROOfl 3: f, t '
ur wi si iuavinu
irn n cni as lx J
LIOHT & HARROW, Proprietors
HD Agent
Dorris Motor Gars
announces that all Dorris Cars sold by
him will be taken do-vTn and overhauled
once each year absolutely free of charge
Daily Service Reno to Lakeview Except Sundays
No. 1 Arrives Lakeview at 8:45 P. M.
No. 2 Leaves Lakeview at 6:30 A. M.
Daily Except Sunday
Money Saved Is Money Earned
We Can Save You Money on Anything
Always Something New at
Goose Lake Valley Meat Co.
May field & FethcrolT, Props.
. MURPHr, Proprietor
Special Attention to Transient Stock
Horses Boarded by the Day, Week or Month
Always Open I f hone 57V
a Ihn only kind wfl korp at thin
innrkft. Wn i1nn every ronut,
t-vrryntcnk told tn tnnke triendn
for us. .S't we noil only the
cjrf nnd prlment and t
prlrrn which ndd nothing to
the ctt of living by trading
Lakcview :
Meat Market
, I
for the
.'.. .... 1 ' U L J t 1. ! , Jit Ik t r