1 Lakeview Saddlery A complete llneol wngon and buggy harness, whips, robe, bits, rtntea, spurs, Quiltn,roe ottes, etc., etc. Everything In the lino of carriage and horse furnish ings, ltepnlrlug by competent men. 77E fiESr VMQl"f?0 SADDLE ON THE MARKET AHLSTROM & GUNTHER, Props. Successors to S. F. AHLSTROM ENGINEERING, MAPPING AND SURVEYING S.A. MUSHEN County Surveyor City Engineer TOWNSITES SURVEYED AND MAPPED Land Reports Made Blue Prints of Government Townships BEFORE BUILDING GET PRICES ON Clear Lumber, Mill Work and Mouldings FROM THE FANDANGO LUMBER COMPANY . , ADDRESS: WILLOW RANCH. CAL. PROMPT SERVICE AND GOOD WORKMANSHIP CONSOLIDATED STAGE CO. P. M. CORY, LAKEVIEW - OREGON Operates 5 Life, carrying United StatcajMaila, Exprea and Passenger an tha following route.: ALTURA5 TO LAKEVIEW; LAKEVIEW TO PLUSH KLAMATH FALLS TO LAKEVIEW AITT010BILE3 OPERATED IN CONNECTION WtTM THE 5TAQES . FARES:- On. Way Round trip Klamath Falls Route - - $10.00 $18.00 Davis Creek Route .... 4.00 7.00 Plush Route 4.00 7.00 OEFICES: Lakavlew . . .... 5Ug. Off lea Pluah .... Sullivan Hotel lOam.,'' Falls . American Motel DaW.Ceek Slaua Office THE LAKEVIEW ABSTRACT & TITLE CO, ABSTRACTS TO ALL REAL PROPERTY IN LAKE COUNTY, OREGON OuKCompleto Tract Index Insure Accuracy, Prcwptmit and Reliability Such an Index is the ONLY IttLlARLE system from which an Abstract can be made, showing all defects of title. We A I so Furnish 9ffiI7.l1ZltF H. W.: MORGAN, Manager, LAKEVIEW, OREGON POSTOFFICB BOX 243 PMONU171 A WANT AD IN THE Lake County Examiner WILL BRING RESULTS A THANKSGIVING That Had Been Made the Hap pier by a Long Separation. By SADIE OLCOTT. (Copyright, 1SI0. bv American Pra Aaao- elation.) Some Mojt buy plwo up lh. no tion tbst there la a rent devil. 1 know tbnt there Is, and I kuow It from tuy oa experience, lie cut l"'u ue once so bud that liefore I ruuUI get blin out be had broken up the whole fainlljr. I mean my family my Mark, myself and our children. Mark and I were brought up on ad joining farina. He was the Ukellost young mau lu the neighborhood, aud a good many of the girls were trying to get til id. Amelia Jones was the hun griest of the lot for hi in aud was hound that If she couldn't get him no ono else should. 1 knew she was wniehlng hli" like a cat. and the way I f.l.ml It out was this: We were nt a cortihusklng. She aud tnu Tomkius were slttlug on the heap of corn to lx husked, and Mark and I were sitting ueur them. Mark struck red ear aud kissed uie. Amelia was looking straight At us, aud you should have soeu the look ou bt-r fiice! It was Just as If a rattle suake was colled for a spring. I was a fool or I would after this have known that she would strike tue whenever she could. There was a barn dance the evenlug before Thanksgiv ing, and Murk dauced ueurly every da nee with uie. Itut Amelia by this time saw how matters were golug and pretended not to care how they went. But she wits working iigalust me Un dettianded. She didn't dream, though, that when Mark took me home from the dance when Thanksgiving day was dawning tu the east what he was say ing to nie. But even If she bad known It she'd have tried to break it up. Mark and I were engaged Just one year. Amelia tried a number of times to make a break between us. but every time we found out that she was at the bottom of what was told Mark about rue. and so there was no harm done. Besides. Mark trusted me Implicitly. We concluded to be married on Tbanksslvlng day. Just one year from the time when Mark asked uie to be bis wife. The summer before we were mar ried Mark was building a house for us to live In. An uncle bad given hlra a little farm, but there was no house on It. and Mark spent the whole summer getting it re:idy. fie had a man to TUB DIXNEB OCH KJKCHITED FA1MI.T AT. belp blm till be got the-framework up. Then he did the rest of It himself. We planned it together, and I took tea times the interest In It that I would have taken if It had been built by others. I was busy most of the time making up what we would need In tho wuy of bedding and table liuen. The bouse wasn't quite finished by Tbunksgiviug day. but It was fairly comfortable. Resides, It was nice to finish up ' when we were In It. We were married Thanksgiving morning, und I cooked our Brut Thanksgiving dinner myself. Mark and I ate it alone. We wanted to be alone. After the children came we didn't wunt to be alone, but we did at this first Thanksgiving dinner. We ate together. It whs a very happy day, but I don't think It wns so happy us when we bad a lot of little ones at the table with us. Anyway, it wasn't the same kind of happiness. Ten years passed without any trou ble whatever, then a lot of It all came at once. A letter canto one day for Murk addressed In a woman's band. Either of us opened the family letters, and I opened this mighty quick. It was from some one I'd never beard of, but was ull about things that bad been happening between her and Mark for a long while. I was so wild when I read It I but I couldn't absorb any thing In particular except the end. which whs. "With a thousand kisses, your loving," etc. That was the time when (be devil got Into me. I Just pinned the letter on a cushion, look the children and went right over to mother's, leaving a note for Mark suylng I never wished to see him again. As soon as I got quieted down I th'ii"iit. after all. there was a slight chance I hot (here might be some mistake. Then I waited for Mark to come and at least try to mnke an ex planation. Rut Mark didn't come. Then I whs frightened for fear he had gone away wt-h the woman who bad wrlttpn blm the letter. I went to the bouse to see If be bad left any message for me. I found tha bouse Just as I had left It I went lu ami looked about for u note. I did not fluri anything at all from Mark. Tueu It rushed over nit all at once what a fool I bad tiern. 1 hud aluiply given way to the other woman. I bad left everything In a state of uueertatuty. If I hud walled till Mark came homo and showed him the letter he might luive explained It. Aud yet I didn't see how he could Months pasted and nothing came from Mark. One day In the next Octo ber I wns walking along the fond when who should I meet but Amelia Jones, She wns un married aud had become a skinny o'd maid with a sour face. Wis ijliln't live near us any more, and I hudu't ceu her for years. I doubt If I should have known her had It not been for the look she gave roe. It was one of malicious triumph. "Oh, for the hind's sake!" I cried. "Whnt have I done? I've gone and helped thnt viper to ruin me!" I an It all now. She bad written the letter that hml conm for Mark. I could huve screamed. My first Impnlso was to turn inul curse her. Rut she had gone on, and I hesitated. In a few minutes It occurred to nie that If I charged her with the crime she would only snll sway with her nose in I ho air. It would i-omplcte her revenge. I went heme and spout the rest of the day crying. I thought over the things about me she had contrived In get to Mark's ears when we were en rnsred and how he hud told me of them. And how hnd I repaid him for his confidence? I hnd simply played Into our enemy's hands. Mark wits a very high strung man. mid doubtless u i. v action in leaving liliu without giv ing him a chum e to say a word In ex planation and my hnvlng considered hi 'it guilty of the crime had killed his love for me. If I could ouly know where he had gone I would go to hi in on my knees. I lived In hopes thnt Mark would some day come back to me, but he did not. The houe remained Just as I had left It Kvery Thanksgiving day I would go there hoping thnt. It being the anniversary of our wedding. Mark would relent and come back there. Hut he never came. There wus a small Income from some property he hml Inherited from his father, and Mark before going away had given an order that this Income should ! ald to tue. So I didn't suffer for funds. Mark had been gone five years, and every year I bad gone to the house on Thnnkselvlng morning hoping to find him there. On the fifth anniversary I determined to go there the evening before Thanksgiving and sleep there. I lighted a fire on the hearth and sat In my little rocker thut I used to sit j In beside Mark before that very ' hearth. I drew his own big easy chnlr up beside me. And there I sat think- Ing of blm and what a happy family ; we had lwcn until I had broken It up ; by my folly. I blamed myself alone ! for falling into such an open trap, j And. thinking, I cried myself to sleep. . I dreamed troubled dreams. First I was back ut the husking with Mark. ! Amelia Jones wns sitting near us on j the pile of unhusked corn looking at ' us. und her eyes seehicd like eouls of fire. Then wo were walking along the road running past the house. 1 Mark was bending over me, telling mo j the story he had told me years before, j Aud I said: "This Is uot renlly Mark. I Murk went away, and I have never xecn him since. And yet here ho Is walking beside nie." I woke up from . this dream, my heart bcutlug wildly. I didn't wish to go to bed. I feared 1 would lie awake for hours. So I took , a book from a table neur me and rend. Rut I fell uslcep agalu aud recoin- , inenced my dreaming. This time I j dreamed Mark came In aud sat lu I his chulr beside nie. I awoke and what did I seel Why, Mark really sittlug beside me. Ilod j It not been for the reassuring suillo on his face I should have thought that , what I saw wus his gliost. I sprang 1 toward him, aud be took nie in his ; iiruis. "Oh. Mark!" 1 cried. "Have ypu for- j given me?" j "Yes, I have forgiven you, and I j have things to tell you. Wheu I came i home and found you and the children ' gone, tho letter pinned to tho cushion'. I I na w at a glance thnt Amelia Jones had come up ufter a long silence to strike us. 1 was uugry angry wltb you for fulling into the trap, for not huving confidence In mo. I determined to go away forever. "Rut I pined for my home, my wife und my children. I wus about to come buck when I was drawn Into a specu lation. 1 concluded to wait for It to make me rich before returning. It took all I had put luto It. I tried an other and another till recently I struck what bus paid me. Then I re sol ved to come back, forgive yon. ask your forgiveness and unite our fam ily." He went to the bureau, took the let ter which hud been for Ave years on the pincushion anil, bringing it back with him. tossed it In the Hume. "Rum!" he said, watching It as It shriveled. "You have miide trouble enough. It would be well If (hero were a heavenly fire In which we could burn all past disagreements." ' Oli. the happiness of that moment! Though It whs lute, we went to moth er's, tool; the children from their beds and put theiu in their cribs at our own home. I hnd thought thut no Thanksgiving dinner emt'd be as Imppy us the ono Mark nt;d I hud eaten together on tho day of our wedding. Rut that one was nothing to the dinner our reunited family ate together on the day after Mark burned (lie letter that had mused our separation. Rut It was a happiness thnt had been sharpened by ycirs of pain. "T7T EE 3 l- l-i IE 11 S3 I ONCIi OUtt eUSTOMliH ALWAYS OUK IIOOSTHK FOR CASH ONLY 10 WHY PAY MORE? TIIE NO NAME" HAT FOR STYLISH, SNAPPY CLOTHING OMIJ to the Match m;ss Mom:. A new stock shipped tlirtct from the fiietoHr, opcneM lor vottr inspection, and von are 3Ejcor('iinilv invited to look than over wlicth- lil er von want to Imv or not. Walk a Mock El trom thehih rent district ami save live dollars. IiXCLl'SlVli CI.OTIIINO STOKK I.AUOKST STOCK IN TOWN The MATCHLESS STORE 2 Doors North I. O. (). I Wd., Lakcvicw. Ore. Rose P o rt I an d tTIUUAIMMtaJWJBM BIDS YOU TO HER Festival JUNE 10-15 Tickets will he for sale from till Stations on the O-W. R. & N. Juho 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 1012 O.Vi and OSE-TIURD FARE for the Round Trip A I'mitriiin him htt'ii inviMml which will iirinnn un,r urmrr. .irritate in Mifinl u wivk in 1'urtlninl, miiJ h necr nt North Beach on th Viwltic. KKDt.'CKh I'AHES w ill tit rffirt (nun Port Intnl. niul tho O'W. R. A N.'m ExvumIuh Stvttnirr lie tuuklntt dully runs. WM. MoMURRAY General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. E. Arabolad & Co General Merchandise Ladies' and Gent's Furnishings and Groceries Stixnr, per curt $700 ICuhtnti C'nil Oil, ei.ve 10 khIIoiih $4.20 Extra. Star Ciml Oil, cun 10rallnwi $3.00 Stnr font Oil, enno 10 gnllonH $11.20 Stand urd Cau Com, ansa 3 doMon $3 00 Extr Standard TomatoeH, cane SI doivn $3 23 Extra Solid Hack Toinatoiw, case 'J doton $1.00 SATIS PACTUM O.V ALL SALES AIISOLETELY (JL'AICASTEEII OR YOUR MOSEY ClI EEltlTLLY REFUNDED -;- GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER AND RECOME CONVINCED OF THE QUALITY OF OUR OOODN AND LOW STANDARD OF PRICES New Pine Creek, Oregon BRIEF MENTION (High Grade. News) "I visited the High Grade district last summer and ascertained that there ta plenty of mineral there. It will re quire money to develop the properties, but it will make a great camp." M. J. Holt. Hon. E. Chapin Card, at one time1 a well known mining man of Colorado and also a newspaper writer of nation al note, has left us and gone to Oregon to the new minlugcamp of High Grade where he has started a paper and will do his best to let people now all about that camp. Rocky Mountain Herald, Miss Anna Wendt arrived In the me tropolis of High Grade on Thursday of last week from her home In Jackson ville, Ore., Miss Wendt la a sister of Postmaster George Wendt and will re main here permanently ui an attache of the poBtoflice and fctore. Her intelli gence. and pleasant manner have won for her many friends in New Pine Creek. , If you want good potatoes at t low price, seeJ. H. Lune or E. It. I'utch. tf f or aoruneaacf ths roiiacii-a wliotbor Inducad by vloliiut oxuraliu or Injury, Cbambsrlsin'i UniDiout li escelluat. Tills liniment is also highly eatcumod (or tbu rulli-f It sBortla In castii of rhimmatliiu. far aal. by all daalera. 8URHritHJK FOR THE EXAMINER The Best Bib Overall Two Horse Brand A New Pair FREE If They Rip LEVI STRAUSS A. CO. MfRS., BAN FRANCISCO