Town Property "Wo So Tho Real Earth" O'NEILLS DUNLAP GENERAL REAL ESTATE Lake view : Oregon Spring Specaft In Farm 9 and Timber 3N00.00 For a naw A room hoiia. woo'Utied aim! chicken bonne. On a laras corner lot, fenoed, loo i 125. Krult trm aud Uwo, clone In, on Dewey And College Htreetn. Khx terms. $70(10 W For fl-room new bnnaalow, an Ideal up-to date borne, clone to center of town on Bernard mreet. Kan termn. I2ICO.00 For krrwm newbuniralnw, woodnlnd andehlcnen hoiiae. On k lirm corner lot, fenced, luo x NKi. Iwu tad Hot fruit trnen on Luke Hireet. Kny terms. 12410.00 For a Ann new 6 room houw, wood nhed, chicken bourn and barn, largn lot KiOil&l, all fenced, nboui on block Iroin High Mcb'iol, Just built last )nr, rnT term. 115.00 per acre for 80 acren, ft mile Weat of Lakevlew; fine, deep eay term. $20.00 per new for 200 acren of timber land, clone In, easy terms. $15 00 Per acre for lflO acren fine timber clone to mill. Over ' X.000,000 feet, IT mlfrn from Lakevlew. $20.fX) 00 $20.00 Per acre for 240 acre, 8 miles t of town, good sag brunh Innd' Eany teimn. Per acre for 30 acren, 1 milen N. W. town, 15 acre water right, montly under cultivation. Tertnaeaah. Per acre for 180 acres fine grain land, seven milen from Lakerlew, went. inttty term. Xnftc County Eramincr TIM UiDAY. MAY lit. 1912. II I it linn of inunllu underwear, Mee. 0. Rainier on draugth at tbn lloto) bar Why not drink Rainier? Ii'n Tilt: beer. 2t' J. Pnpke, ot New I'lnn Crnnk, nm In town Tuesdsy. J. L. Hemp ton, of Pslslny, win on of Monday ' arrivals who la still with s. ' When you want n ladles nult r member wn bave the La Vogue. Merc. Oo. Charlie Mahsn has accepted n posi tion with thn Lakevlew Water Com pany. K. R. Willi- la nn arrival from Klamath Kails to attend the session of court. Mr. and Mrs, Bert Tstro have re moved to town from their Weat Sidn rnncb. For Sal Cttenp I'otatoen In any nunoilty. Kee J. 8. l.ane or K. It. Patch. tf W. N. Kennedy has neeepted a posi tion as bookkeeper for Bailey & Mnss IngtlL Prank Pratt and son. Earl, of Pais lav, hnvn been visiting hern during the past week. Fred Snider, Jr., of the Chandler ranch, was in town Sundsy enjoying the sights. Mr. and Mrs. M. P, the proud parents of Watson & Htrlpllo buy and well see oud band goods. tf. Jim Boydstun, of the West Sidn, wss In town Tuesdsy. Colonial draterlen aod nets In big ?Hrli'ty, Mere. Co. Ask to sen thoen nnw perfumes at Thornton's Drug Store. Tom Murohy, the sheep onn, la now recovering nfter a severe nttsck of rheumatiem. ' Theodore Roosevelt and Champ Clark captured the presidential laurels of California. Bartholomau Diss, thn West Sidn rsncher, waa In town for seversl dsys lnt week. Frank llammersley has n Ann new barn constructed on his ranch, north west of town. II. A. Brattaln, the Cl.ewsucsn stockman and rancher, fa viaitlng with ua tbia week. Philip S. Barry la now enjoying a visit to San Francisco and other Cali fornia points. Mauricn Murphy, the Paisley busi ness msn, Tuesdsy, came down on some business matters. Jim Lane, the Silver Lake attorney and rancher, is in town this week attending court. Mra. C. C. Pratt is having some necensary repairs made to her Weat street residence. arriving Barry are no a bsby girl, the little onn bsving nrrived n few dsvs sgo. Supper fr those nttending tbn Elks dance, tomorrow evening will be nerved nt the Colorado Cafe and Ely 'a restau rant. Sam Bailey is in chsrgn of the foundation work on the Bailey & Mass ingill addition, nssisted by Elmer Hoyt Nest time you need n homo remedy ask for n Rcxall preparation at Thorn ton'a Drug Store. Every Rexall guar anteed. Michael M. Barry, the sheepman, is back In town after a seversl weeks beenoe with bis sheep, which are now Ismbing. George W. Msrvin, thn Silver Lake real estate man, is another of the many north enders who are with ua this week. Bill llammersley, the noted hunter, expects to leave In aeveral days for Klamath Falls, where he has accepted n position. K. M. Cbr!sman, tbn Silver Lake merchant and postmaster, is now visit ing with us, having mads thn trip down in his auto, Thn Drews creek saw mill ia now running at its full capacity. As soon as the O. V. L. flume lumber in aawed tbn mill will be moved to Warner can yon. Charles Pitcher. M. Williams, Ellis Adama and E. B. Brewer were a few more of the Silver Lake people who arrived here Sunday to attend Circuit Court. The present sobool term wtil end on Msy 2tUh, just about two weeks 'more, and we may then expect toaee the kids enjoying themselves to their heart'a content. The usual number of Lake and Klam ath County officials, witnesses and in terested spectators are in town this week attending the Circuit Court pro ceedings. J. J. Van Keulen, a leading busi ness man of Flash as well aa United States Commissioner, came over the first of the week from the Warner metropolis. Local friends of Carl Ewing, who is well known here, wlil be surprised to hear that he baa resigned from the Fo resteer vice to enter the dairy busi ness.", He has.our best wishea for suc cess. Col. F. P. Light will leave Saturday for Pendleton, by way of Klamath Falls, whither he goea as a delegate from thn Lakevlew I. O. O. F. lodge to attend the annual meeting of the Grand Lodge. MIsm Afton Young,Jho7haa been isitlng her sister, Mrs. A. W. Orton, for the past several months, today leavea for her! home at Cascade Locks. She was accompanied as far as Klam ath Falls by Mr. nnd Mrs. Orton. ! creamery Butter, 50c a quare nt C. L. Becraft, the Long Valley ran cher, wss in town the forepart of the week for supplies. Mrs. Pearl Ingram left yeaterday by auto for Portland, where ahe wil I vlait witn her mother. District Attornev 1). V. Kuykendall arrived form Klamath Falls Sunday to attend bis duties at the present term ot Circuit Court. Ceo. P. Ross, who hss been attend ing Stanford University during the past yesr, is expected borne next Mon day evening. Ben Daly, the aheep man, has re turned after about a montb'n absencn In Guano Valley, where his sheep are now located. The Elka desire to announce that a cordial invitation is extended to all to attend the dance at the opera house tomorrow night. Mrs. J. N. Wntson conducted the ex aminations for the eighth grnde pupils, which were held latt week nt thn local Grammer school. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Graves, Sunday, took a trip to New Pine Creek as the guests of Mr. and Mra. Bradley and daughter, Katherme. Doctor Patterson and family, of New Pine Ceek, were Lakevlew visitors on Friday last. Tbe trip up was made .in the doctor's auto. Mrs. E. K. Bond, who baa been Buf fering from a severe attack of rheumn- tiHm for some timn past, is now report ed somewhat better. Wild flowers now cover the bills in profusion, and many varieties am found In all aectiona. Over on the West Side wild psnsies are numerous, as well as msny other kinds. Esrl S. Porter, of Los Molinos, Cal., la exhibiting some One Percheron stal lions in this section this week. He is putting the horses on market at a very reasonable price. Some ten acre traots are being clean ed nnd plowed in aection 23-39-19. This is some of the best ssge brush land In the valley and will surely psy for good cultivation. Mr and Mra. Herman Graeber were made happy Monday by the arrival of a bouncing baby boy. That fact ac counts for tho broad smile which now adorns Hermsn's face. Found, about two weeks ago, a bunch of keys on the road to the Drews dam. Owner may have same by call ing at this office, identifying property and psying for this ad. George Brockleaby haa returned from Paisley, where he constructed several dwelling nouses during the past tew weeks. Mr. Brockleaby pre dicts a bright future for the Chewau can country. Mr. and Mra. Pearl Mulkey' of New Pine Creek, were Lakeview visitors the forepart of the week. Mrs. Mukley waa formerly Miss Bertha Greaber, who for a time acted as waitress In the Lakeview hotel. E. R. Patch ia kept very busy these days on hie auto livery line between here and New Pine Creek eonveylng passengers between the two towns. Ed is a hustler nnd is entitled to the pat ronage he receives. A grest msny shearers am In town from day to dsy. J. S. Kelssv. of Paisley, is onn of tbia week 'a local visitors. Csrl Hsrtlg, of New Pine Creek, was In town over Sunday. Lee Emerson, of salt Creek, is now spending a few dsys in town, Thn Rebeksb Ten Cup Club will meet tomorrow nfternoon nt tbe home of Mrs. Harry Bniley. More new lend hss been put in eul- tlvntion on thn West Side this yesr thsn for seversl yesrs psst. Lorenxo Krskes, of the Werner coun try, Is in tovtn this week nttending tbn Circuit Court doings. D. Z. Robinett snd K. C. Buick were Silver Lake people who sppesred in our midst tbis week. Mrs. Nettle Sherlock and daughter, of Paisley, were among last week's visitors to Lakeview. Jiminle Clelami, of Plush, is another of tbe many Warner Valley people wbo are visiting with us tbis 'week., Mr. and Mrs. John Arzner, Sundsy. made a tr p to Camp Creek, where some fine fishing wss enioyed, F. A. Fitzpstrick came down from the ZX ranch last week in hla Frank lin with Beit Harber at toe wheel. n A late dispatch from Jaures, Mex., ssys it is a current rumor thst Genersl Oroczo hss been killed bv bis own men. cords Creamery Butter, 60c a Square at JL' Yesterday waa tag day nnd those wbo weren't "tagged" must bsve been pretty fsat runners to avoid the Indies. Mr. nnd Mrs. Roy Chandler, of Crooked Creek, were in town Isst week on n b'ief visit with relatives. They msde tbn trip by auto. The county court has taken steps to wards the preservstion of the Slssh grsde by transplanting willows along esoh side of tbe grade. Moving picturea will be put on at Snider'a opera bouse Monday evening, if the arrangements therefor can be perfected by that time. Mike Hart, tbe local business man. is now exhibiting n very nice enctus enne, received from a friend In xonn. Its sum n dandy. Miss Mabel Hotcbkisn onme in from the ranch the forepart of tbe week and is now spending a few dnys here nn the guest of ner grnndmotber. Hsrry Roberts wss a welcome nrrival from thn Warner Valley thia week. Harry has a host of friends wbo alwaya extends him tbe glad hand. Hi Adam, of Silver Lake rancher snd auto entbusisst. ia another of the mnny people from the north end wbo in visiting with us this week. G. a. Minton, n former resident on New Pine Creek, but mom recently of Tennessee, bss leased the Dr. A. A. Withnm ranch at Summer Lake, during tbe Utters abence in California. Vint Miller, wbo has reen attending school at Berkeley, Cel., will arrive home next week to spend his summer vacation. Mra. Miller nnd Hobart will not return for a couple of weeks. Andrew Nelson, who baa a homestead near Paisley was called to Lakeview thia week to aopear aa a witness before the Grand Jury. He reports crop con ditions in bis section as very good. Strswberries are now quite plentiful, J. P. Duckworth having received his first shipment Isttt week from Califor nia. Tbe local berries will not be in the market for few daya, nt least. Al bmith, or theatre fame, made a business trip to San Francisco last week to look over the latest ntyles in motion picture machines preparatory to re-entering the business in Lake Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Easton and son, Friday, returned from Los Ange les, where they have been for the past month. The boy is feeling consider ably better after having been operated on for appendicitis. Mr. George Whorton returned Fri dsy night from San Francisco, where ahe went for her health some months ago. She ia now feeling greatly im proved, which is good newa to her many local friends. Tracy B., aon ot Mr., and Mra. Her bert Kittredge, formerly of Silver Lake, waa a member of tbe graduating class nt the University of California this year. He took the law course nnd passed with high honors. Frsnk Pavnn has purchased from George Whoiton the house owned by the latter on Main Street, juBt south of the Cressler residence. He expects to occupy it shortly. The deal was consummated by Chss. D. Fiak. Finns plllown aod pillow no, mire snd oblong, Merc. Co. Jny Billings left VYednesdsy for Sil ver Lske snd the country sdiscent. Jnck Halllhan hss accepted a position ss driver on tbe wentern stsgn route. Wm. Pitts Is now employed leveling the rook on tbe rond nlong West Street. C. S. Hobson nnd J. A. Muore, resi dents of Bend, Ssturday, registered nt tbn Hotel Lnkeview. G. L. H'llbrook is now entertnlnlng as guests his fstber nnd mother, wbo srn here from the ensL A program for the Decorstlon Dsy exercises will eppesr in next week's Issue of the Exsminer. Work hss been commenced on the foundstion for tbe nddition to tbn Bniley & Massfngill storn. John Wnrd, of thn Point Rnncb. wss in town on Friday Isst nttending to vsrioua outlines matters. - . Engineer Gilmore, of tbe Portland Irrigation Compsny, wss a local visitor tbe forepart of the week. C. C. Harris, of Summer Lske, nr rived in town the forepsrtof tbe week. He made the trip in hla auto. J. J. Van Keulen, of tbe Warner Valley Mercantile Company, Is over from Plush from court week. W. Lair Thompson bss purchssed a Dorris auto and expects tbe car to ar rive from Reno in a few dnys. Sheriff W. B. Snider Inst night re turned from California where be was railed by the serious ilnets of bis wife. He left ber greatly improved. E. R. Patch, the auto man. moved hia family and bouaebold effects to New Pine Creek tbia week, where they will take up their future residence. Joe Ambrose bss reconstructed the Mulkey shearirg earrola and is now reedy for sheep. Joe believes in hav ing things snd work just right. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Houston, of South Wsrner, are now spending a few days in town. They were accompanied on the trip over by their children. Chas. E. Rice will assist Messrs. Ari-1 Darnell, Volk and Wallace and Mrs. Evn Rice in furnishing the music for the Elks dsnce tomorrow night. "Cap" Brown is now in possession of his final naturalization papers, ac quired Monday last, and is consequent ly the happiest person in the world. ' ' Nojservices were held Sundsy last at tbe Catholic church owing to tbe continued absence of Father Schmitt, who was on a visit to San Francisco Lost: last Tbursdsv between my residence and Mssonio Hall, a Isdies' brooch, in smsll envelope. Kinder please return to Mrs. H. W. Morgan. W. O. Hnrmon, until recently of the U. S. Geological Survey nnd who waa stationed in tbia city, Tuesday, left by auto for Paisley, enroute to Portland. The local members of the B.P.O.E. and their lady friends expect to have a busy day tomorrow decorating tbe new Opera House tor the dance to be given in the evening. W. R. Bernard is getting out timbers for the new barn he is going to build on the land recently bought from Frank Barnes. This will be one of tbe larg est barns in the valley. W. E. Berney, wbo spent the past several months In tbe east, returned short time since aid is now engaged on tbe Drews creek dam. He spent sev eral daya in town tbia week. Mrs. Edminston is teaching a very successful term of school in the Union district. The advancement made by the children is satisfactory to all. Much credit ia due ber for her work. John Peacock, the former City T Mar shal, is now recovering from a painful iniurv to his right ankle, oaused by a hesvy log rolling on it. The accident happened in Warner Canyon, where Mr. Peacock has a timber claim. Tbe Bank of Lakeview haa been de signated a United States Depository for Postal Savings Funds of the Lake- view postoffice, and Postmaster Ahl stroio haa already commenced deposit ing such funds in that institution. Hon. A; W. Orton, J. C. Brocklesby and J. B. Auten tbis morning left in the iatter'e nuto for Klnmath Falls, where they will be inducted into the mysteries of the Royal Arch Chapter of tbe Mason io order at that place. Strayed from Windy Hollow, two grey geldlngn, beaded toward Crooked Creek. -One hobbled, branded a Double T ou one hip, other branded Ace of Clubs on shoulder. Communi cate with N. T, Corey, Lakevlew, Ore. Walters' Addition Oficrs the Best Close-la Home Sites in LakeviewJ Near Schools, Churches, Depot and Business Center. Buy Now! Lots 50 x 125, $140.00 to $275.00 Easy Terms. W. F. PAINE & CO., Agents OI What'syourchoiccforanEarlySummerHat? o aaf Price $3.00 D Price $3.00 Of course, it will be a Gordon! But will it be Soft or Stiff? We are showing them in new shapes and color ings that are making the young- fellows wbo want snappy, new ideas, sit up and take notice. . r t I They're just as popular with the more con servative who think more of quality than style. Come in today while our stock is complete, and we can offer you a generous selection. 0 BRITTEN & ERICKSON The Home of Benjamin Clothes The Best Values in Shoes Creamery Butter, 50c a ?V Square at is" Creamery Butter, OOo a Bquaro at Queen Quality stands for all the name implies in both style and quality The little custom touches that women look for are embodied in the new models, QUEEN QUALITY SHOES f;. r i 1 (.! "ic loot ana nave no gpf xTf equal in wearing qualities. We have received a nice " line of Pumps and Half Soles in white buck and canvas, velvets, satin and all style leathers. Prices $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00. Try them, they will give satisfaction. g g g S sift si a i i 11 t'V-M The Lakeview Mercantile Company o