Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 02, 1912, Image 5

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10. 00
Town Property
For a new ft-room hnti, wowImIii'iI and chicken hou. On a lara
eoruer lot, fpeoed, i 11, rrnlt tr aud lawn, cloe In, on Dewey
and College utrwta. Kay term.
For fl-rom now bnoKalow, in Ideal tip-to duo home, eloee tocunter of
town on llernard Htreet. Ky terma.
"IV Salt Th'o Real Earth1'
Lakeview : Oregon
Spring Spoof al In Far mm and Timber
12.50 lNr acre for SMacree moat all nnder the O. V. L. main eanel. Improve
menta, boose, baro. well fenced. The reaaou for offer-log this property
at such an nri,,.able low price, It in part of an estate that moat be
sold. Location, 4 ml r wmt of the O. V. I addition to Lakeview.
... , Tk a ,on, ,,ot " hftOtaln. I'hooe or wire on.
115.00 Ir acre for 150 acre fine timber cIom to mill. Over 3,000 000 feet. 17
mile from InkftWw. '
120.00 Per acre for 240 acre, 8 mllee wwt of town, good aage brush land
00 Per acre for 30 serin. 7tf mile N. W. town, 15 acre water right, moatlr
under cultivation. Terms cash.
130.00 I'er acre for leo acres fine grain land, seven mi lee from Lakerlew, weet.
For ft-ronm now himiralnw,
rornor Int. fenced, loo i )M,
roiMlxh! Ami chicken house.
Lawn ami fine fruit tree ou
On a Urge
Lake Street.
hey terms.
For a n nr new 8 room bonne, wood ahed. clilrkn houe aod barn, large
lot nil fenced, about iihk block from High Hchool, Juki built laat
)cnr, inhv term,
XAfcc County Cjamtncr
THURSDAY. MAY 2. 1012.
A new 11 nt of nii'saliiie at II A M'e.
Rainier on dnttiKth at the Hotel
tiotdrluk Rainier? Ii'a THE
Men'a neirllye hlrtn. the ItUii at U
A M'm.
The storms of toe past week put
top to building nperetioni.
J. P. Magnus, of Klamath Fa I la, was
a Lakeview visitor Saturday.
E. L. II. Meyer was; in from Val-
t.u L'.ll. I ka lm.t .1 Ilia waalf
I I T t - til V.ll.. a... I
in Lakeview Saturday. . Wanted : A bookeeper. Inquire
L, , Bailey A Maeilngill. Young lady pre-
Gua Schlagel male trip to Afturas forr,j
and return laat Thursday. .. .. . ....
... u.i.,. . .... Gabriel Arxner, the Auger Vallry
........ . . w .n ,uw .... WM 00 of vj.tu.y,., visitor
aaiataal. f l.aiw fallji'a hnn aiaiait af 1 '
with a.w.M Mw. a i iivi a, a i 1 ii vain, v i , .
town I town.
.",! i. . . i J- Brock lesby, the loca contractor,
For 8.1a C hen, h-Po .toes In any hi COBr,ot t0 buid ,ev.
quanllty. H J. H. Iwie or K. t. , fc , p ,
I'atcli. t(
... ... ,, . , . fc. K. Kinehart la in charge of the
. H.ndcm,n the wrll known loca Shcri(r. ofnce durlnf. th, ,b.enc, of
ahoepman. waa in from the de.ert Uat 8wriff w 8 ,d6
week for auppliea. . . ' .,
NUon Kountevell, of Klamath Falls
Mra. John MnCullvy. of the West M (jfW , Creek, was registered
Side, was In town Friday last on a ,f the Hotel Lakrview Saturday,
brief business visit. f)r Urfy G we k)owr oM
Borne very fine vlewa of the Interior umeT f Modoc county, died recently
of new Catholic Church are now being ,t hi- home fAmt Washington.
aold by Bert Fry.e. L c, Heckwith, the well known
Dick Wilcox Is this week having his civl en(-jneer of Flush, spent several
reaidem;e treated to a fresh coat of diy ln Lakeview during the past
paint. The work la being done by 11. wer(,
U1' Work on the new passenger depot
Henry Lehman, the fioose Lake val- h not been commenced as yet, but a
ley rancher and stockman, was up from nunttty of material is expected this
bis ranch Friday on a brief business Weck.
, ,, . , . hi. . X. Arxner is now having the lota
J. F. Hanson, of the Point rsnrh, , . .. . , ji-.i
, ' , . ., ,' about his house in tbe Denkel addition
msiio a flying auto trip to town on Fri- . , . . , . . . .
,,..,,, . filled in, reseeded, and trees planted
day last. Mr. Hanson la now busy
:.. , . ' about tbe place.
with bis sheep. '
. , . .. . . A Mr. llerkman, who haa home-
J. 8. Lane was one of the Lakeview- . , i
. ... . . , , alcad In the Chewaucan, has accepted
i tea to get nterested in New P ne .., , , , , , .'.
, , , . . . .. ' a iiuun as cicru in ino ai. u. nuicn
Creek developments; be made the . . .
' hardware store,
trip Thursday.
. ,, , rx . 'I he Bed Hose division of the Metho-
Mr. and Mrs, Charlna I). Arthur .. . a , . ... ,
. . . . . ... . ... . dist Ladies' Aid Society will give
have had their Went Street renldenre. . ... , ,
... . . creamed chicken dinner bsturday
treated to a fresh coat of pa nt dur ng ,, ,a
the psst week. , evening. May 18.
I Mrs. Wm. Bernard left for vixit
"Uncle Joe" Morrow, ono of Wr-iwilh California relHtlvcs last week.
ner a omesi resiucnis, spent several si,, - i h.lh ami ,,
In mui'h benetilled ty the trip.
tflautt in tnivn tl.n tnrA iturt tf f lw tvvflt '
renewing acquaintances.
A meeting of the local Soriatiyt
organization was held Sunday evening
in the Burris carpenter shop. Leo
Hsnel acting ns Herretary.
Kslpli Haymer, of Alturas, was a
visitor here the forepart of the week.
Mr. Kaymer was formerly an emoluyee
of the local telephone company.
Charles Larkin of New Pine Creek,
Mrs. James Moftltt left Ust week to j hss purchased an auto truck for his
join her huntiand, who is now a partner; nihrket garden business, and will doubt
in a meat market at Pino Creek. Mr. j less profit by his up to-date-ness.
Moflitt left about a month ago. j ... Cnd( oU .e nQW BelinK ,t
It is not pisying a shoestring when ' $75 and up, with every prospect of an
you buy a lut in High Grade but a sure early advance. Write Joe Liruncr,
shot to win. Get in on the ground floor Fort Hid well, anil make your reuerva
and make a killing when tbe tide sets tion now.
Tom McCulley, who until recently
Mr. and Mrs. Turpin and children, I was employed for hauling gravel for
Sunday rimde a trip to New Pino Creek ! the city stri-otn, Thursday, left to ae
on a sight seeing tour. All were fav- j ect a position with Simon Jum to, the
orably impressed by the little mining ' sheep man.
town. j c. K. Oliver, Ma?e Kingley, Jack
Mra. W. J. Uradluy and duughter, Hallinan, Win. Dnnuhy, and Jim and
Katherlne, expect to leave soon for i Phil Harry were among those who as-
New Pine Creek to join Mr. Bradley, '
who Is acting as ticket aucnt for the:
N.-C.-O. :
pitted in the search for Ben Linehan
who was lost several daya in Long
Mra. H. 11. Riddles la mourning the
loss of a pet dog.
Watson A Hirlplln bay and all sec
ond band goods. tt.
Miss Lena MoHnane hss accepted a
potitlon at '.he Steam Liundry.
Mr. and Mra. James Burns are visit
ing Mr. and Mr. Frank Fetach.
irir. Mecham of South Warner, was
In Lakeview the first of the week.
Mrs. John Arxner and Mrs. D. F.
Bronnan, Monday, made a trip to tbe
Auger Vallev.
Mrs. bid uartier has had some re
pairs made about her residence on
Dewey street.
C. E. MoClesry, New Pine Creek
booster and mining man, was in Lake-
view Thursday last.
Dick Kingslry displays a continuous
smile these dsvs. Musinesa is extra
good and Uirk can afford to.
The Presbyterian Aid Society will
meet r.?U Thursday with Mr. Everett
at her resilience on Center Street.
Mrs. D Kirkpatrick is able to be
about agsin.after a several weeks' ill
ness at her home on the West Side.
Mrs. Jessi M. Carr, of New Pine
Creok, was visiting ber many friends
in Lakeview during the past week.
Lamhintr season is now on and all
the aheep men ere in the midst ofjtheir
biiMest season, assisted by many 'extra
Mrs. T. V. Hall and son returned
home Monday evening from a visit of
two ffeclts with her parents at Willow
Frank P. Lane, manager of tbe TT
ranch, was over from Plush the fore
part of the week attending to some
business matters.
R. R. Vandervort; the local carpen
ter, ia now employed at New Pine
Creek, where many new residences are
being constructed.
Sheriff W. B. Snider left Monday
morning by train for San Francisco,
where tie will join bis wife. Mrs.
Snider ia reported to be quite ill.
Kmit'h for nle. 1W acre, (lamas
I'rnlrle, 1 jl0 ci.rila wood; gnul alien r
Inir rorrnl; Isrp. hou, burn and
oiittnil.lliiKH. 4pply at this ollUe.
Pat Murphy, the former Plush husi
ners msn, is over from Warner on a
several days viidt. Mr. Murphyjiispoa-
ed of his saloon interests some time
ago to Wm. Moss.
William Pitts, who for sometime
past lias been employed by tfie city,
ia now convalescing after a Beveral
day's illness which necessitated his ab
sence from dutiea. '
Rial Striplin expects to leave in a
few days for Fresno, Cal., where he
will attend a convention of the Ancient
Order of Foresters, acting as delegate
fur the local lodge.
Wayne Alger, son'of Mr. and Mra.
H. K. Alger, has arrived in Laaeview
from Southern California, and will
prjbably remain, assisting his father
in the real estate and collection bisi-ness.
A. J. Foster returned from Summer!
Lake Thursday.
Josle Storkmsn was a New
Creek visitor Tbursdsy.
Douglas Tracy was In from hi
Drew Valley ranch on Saturday laat
Tom Lynoh, the Warner Valley
beepman, was one of thi week'a visi-
Cbarlea W. Reyoolda, .the West Side
homesteader, waa in town on Tuesday
A new sign, 'surrounded by electric
lights, ha been Installled In front of
the Palace saloon.
M. D. Rice, road foreman, for the
N.-C.-0. Railway, was one of Ust
week'a visitor.
Lost, diamond and pearls, -reicnt
broach Reward li returned to Mrs.
Dola Demey, Dr. Lyon'a office. tf
Auto bus for depot 2fcU. Leave
orders at Duck worth's, -phone or
at Lukeview garage, phone 782.
Mia Stella Walker is now able to be
about again after a several week'a ill
ness at ber borne on North West
Mr. and Mrs. II. Habner, with
their children, Saturday, made a trip
into town from tbe Drewa Gap stage
Mr. Crock, a bomeateader of the
Fort Rock country, ia now spending
a few days in town attending to cusi
ness matters.
Byron Graves left last week to join
the ballasting crew on the N.-C.-O.
Railroad line, where he will be em
ployed for sometime.
No service will be held Sunday next
at tbe Catholic church, owing to tbe
fact that Father tichmitt ia now on a
visit to ban Francisco.
The weather haa again made a very
decided change, and this morning tbe
sun was shining and gave every indi
cation of good weather.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fisher and child
ren, who now reside on tre old
Culley ranch down the Valley, were
visitors in town Ssturday and Sunday.
It has been learned that the mem
bers of tbe local gun club are to do
considerable trap shooting this summer
on their grounds at this endof the Lake.
R. H. Fawcett a former deputy State
Game Warden for Lake County, who
is now loceated at The Narrows, Ore
gon, was a brief visitor here last week.
Klamath Falls ia likely to have a
government building to cost $112,000,
the bill fur tbe same having oassed the
Senate last week. It now will be acted
upon by the House.
Tbe Oregon Journal under a Washing
ton, D. C. date line says that Repre
senetative Hawley has asked the fish
commission to send bass to stock Goore
Lake at Lakeview.
Turn Sullivan, the Plush business
msn,"ia certainly a wonder when it
comes to catching big fish, as was evi
denced by some samples recieved Tues
day evening by several of his local
Walters' Addition
Offers the Best Close-la Home Sites in Lakeview!
Near Schools, Churches, Depot and Business Center.
Buy Now! Lots 50 x 125, $140.00 to $275.00
Easy Terms.
W. F. PAINE & CO.,
1 r i
3 EE
u U J
There la 'Walk
Over" Shoe for
every day In the
year. A variety of
grades and good
stock of sizes car
led. Prices $3.50
to $5.50.
"Sweet-Orr" Yel
low ticket working
pants, best , made.
Buy a pair if you
want to find out how long it takes to wear
them out. Big Value Little Price. They
sell for $1.50 per pair.
Showing a splendid Line of the cele
brated "Stag" trousers, ranging in price
from $1.50 to $1O.00 per pair.
Patented Ground; Pcrfed: Title; Warranty Deed Abstract; with each
Sir? IP
S75-08 UP
I 0' 1
lisp, hMW
III iilf
mm w&m
only skin deep,
more, we're go
going to look
fussy as you
STYLE, like beauty, may be
but we all want it. What's
ing to have it, and we're
around until we find it. We're as
you are about style and fit.
La Voguo Suits Possess
All thoso Qualities
Prloos $15.00 to $30.
Ladies who come here will find that style,
comfort and durability predominate in every
LA VOGUE GARMENT. The Spring Line is
nicer than evi-
ome iix -vnd u;r US SHOW