Lake County Examiner Official Paper of Lake County. Oregon ADYERTI5INQ RATES. XWnlar tan1ln ada. 11.00 n Inch, ttnU oiiimn anac. jwr month. All tantln a.. a. ehantt trr twl- a month. et rompnal lin rlanr1 for ll itra chtir. AM Mola oatttonaeiira. AU tbort term ada rtira Kniln. lorai rolnmna, lOr. tr tin. oh In tartlnn. warn ada. Sr. a llnaach Itwrtlon rd nf (hanks II 00. Resolution o. wudo-an-. l W and nrxarria. iiVTnnilcnl Adwttalm and. Jo Print Bti ruk in advanc. A Mil" mul t rNI th "rat of rl . SUBSCRIPTION RATE. v r, la adranca, lit trnlh. iirtuonu, " U.OO .71 faF-lt not paid la advance, 1 J. 10 th. r Natlc t. ftatecrlfcars OuMnifti to Tha Kxaaitn.r waa O lwm on locality to auothar, or hould Jwd to h rltkt DoaioBco. ' liana tomftmbor to tholr noatolHea add drop ih ! offlc a card ao tholr papvr ran b. ad' LakeTtew, Oregon, Thurnday, May 2. I12 FUIENIS AND FOKS I Regardless of what the retail of tb Republican nomination for President nay be, few men would car to under fo the experience eltner Taft or Rooee Telt baa bad. Men that were the cloe eet of frienda are now bitter enemies and are engaged in slinging mod la a way that puts the average admirer of either to shame. While many are of the opinion that President Tift was forced into the game by the rlerrt gatory statement of Roosevelt, yet at the same time the office nf Pre Wert should be above eucb Baying. The result is likely to be that neither Taft or Roooevelf will secure the desired plum, although it is practi eallv certain that Taft will name the next Republican candidate for Preel dert. insomuch as he will likely have enough delegates in the National Con' vention to dictate the nominee. While Attorney General Crawford' pinion to the effect that the delegatea to the National Convention selected at the recent primarv convention are not legally compelled to cast their votes for Roosevelt may be legally correct, yet at the same time it is not likely that they will care to do otherwise regard less of the statements that fol lowed their names on the ballot. It will be a mighty culd day for the can diriate or official choFen under the "Oregon system" when he 'goes con trary to the provisions, implied or otherwise, of t-at famous document. The directions say "Take It," and the dose must be downed, regardless of per sonal feeling in the matter, and woe to him who seeks to do otherwise. Justin McCarthy, the famous Irish novelist and home-ruler, died last week at Folkestone, England. He was chair man of the Irish parliamentary party in the Ho"?e of Commons, and ha al ways occupied a prominent position In politics. His detth will be universally mourned throughout the civilised world. Senator Bourne, on learning cf bis defeat at the primary election, sent the following very courteous letter of congratulation to his successful com petitor for the position, Ben Snelling: "I am informed that the Republicans of Oregon iiave nominated you as my suce?8or by a very handsome majority. Accept my sir.rerest congratulations and assurances of hearty eunport." Memorial Services Memorial services will be held at the Baptist Church next Sunday after noon at 3 o'clock, when the following program will be rendered: Song. "Pull for the Shore." Song, "Sweet By and Bye." Prayer, H. Smith. Song, Mrs. Copeland. Address, M. T. Wire. Song, "Sometime We'll Under stand." Mixed Quartette, Mrs. Norin, Miss O'Neil. Mr. Hunker. Mr. Alexander. Address. Tcv. Grigsfcy. Duet. Mrs. Farrell, Miss Hunter. Address, Rev. Simmons. Solo, Mrs. E. II. Smith. "Nearer My God to Thee," congre gation. Prayer, Dr. Prypc. Presbyterian Services At the Mhfcunic Hall next Sabbath at 1! A. M. and 8 P. M , divine Fervic;B in ! be expected as U Jiial. The Kev. Six rwond L. Grigtibv, of Medford, peiitor-evhrgiliHt of the Presbyterey of Southern Oiegon, represent irg the Prentyterian H ard cf Hon)'; Missions, of New York Cit, wi!) preach morning and evening. Subject of the morning sermon, "Power From on High." At night subject, "Hope the Soula Sure Ancho ." A con' dl inv'4ation is ex tended to trie general pL.,ii Every body will be welcome. News In Brief Nelson Rounsevell. of New Fine Creek purchased the first car from the E. M. K. shipment received last week by T. E. Bernard. Mr. Rounsevell bad a Brush car, but it waa unable to tand up under the work, and hence he found t necessary to get another ear. O. W. Robinson and J. F. McGuire, of Klamath Kalis, who came over last week to see wbt waa doing in the High Grade district, returned home this week. They were well pleased with the outlook and will probably re turn again as soon a the weather ia favorable. A. P. Kooier, the Weat Side rancher and fruit man, brought In about a ton of field corn Friday, to be ground into corn meal at the local mill. Thia is the aecond lot he haa brought to town. having delivered 1,500 pounds some time ago. This hxs not yet proven a corn country, but it will grow. Friday night the Kebekaha held a reception in the I.O.O.F. hall for the local Oddfellows in commemoration of the 93rd anniversary of the found ing of that order. A large attendance was present and elaborate refresn menta were served. The greater part or the evening was spent in dancing. Miss Bessie Brown, the little daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Brown, Saturday afternoon, entertained sev eral of ber school friends at a party. Refreshments were served during the afternoon, various games were indulged in, and an altogether pleasant time was enjoyed by all the youngsters pre sent. The ladies of the Presbyterian Aid Society met Thursday afternoon last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Campbell. A very social time was en joyed by all present, but the feature of the meeting was the serving of some delightful English dishes, which had been nreoared especially for the occa sion by George Campbell. Mr. Camp bell and bis mother recently arrived here from Texas. R. M. Boiler, of the City Transfer, has secured the fcaggage privilege on the N.-C. O. trains. He will have an agent on all incoming trains who will check and handle baggage for passen gers just the same an is done on the big railroads. It will prove of much more convenience to traveler?, as they will not be bothered with looking after their bagagge on arriving at this eta tion. Mrs. Camp, the wife of an eastern lumber man, was visiting the ladies of the Presoyterian Aid Society last week at a Drier rest in a tour oi the West. Mrs. Camp also stopped to visit Mrs. L. E. Seager at Davis Creek before resuming her travels. Her in'erest in Lakeview was primarily aroused at the time of their bazaar a vear ago last winter and she has kept in touch ever air ce. T. J. Sullivan, the popular hotel man of Plush, remembered a few of bis Lakeview friends thia week by sending them some fine trout from the waters of Honey Creek. The fish Bre probably the best found in the waters of Lake county, and those who were fortunate enough to be remembered by Tom greatly appreciated bis thoughtfulness. Such kindnesses add much to the plea sure of living, and it is only to he re gretted that there are not more Tom Sullivans. A bunch of mules driven through town last Saturday attracted much at tention, from the fact that there is much construction work in view here bouts and it was at once concluded that some contractor was bringing in an outfit. However on inquiry it was learn ed that the mules belonged to J. F. Hanson and were fceing taken from' the feeding grour.ija ut New Pine treek where they were kept during the Win ter to the Point Ranch on the West Side. 30E pon I MbfN'b SU1T 10 o o THE CELEBRATED HART SCHAFFNER & HARX GOOD CLOTHES EN ns n rule, leave many of the details in selecting ft suit of clothes to the judgment of the dealer anil the manulactuttr. We sell Hart Schnffncr & Marx clothes on their merit, and that merit is the pride of the maker, the dealer and the customer, U.S. & M. clothes have a marked distinction expressly their own. Kvcry thinir in the makeup of these clothes is the Tcry bestMaterial and Workmanship make the fact positive. We sell Hart Schaffncr & Marx clothes Spring 1912 Models at reasonable prices. $20.00$25.00- $30.00 M .lO'.'Svtrfi' HAT8 UNDERWEAR 8HIRT8 LMttvit Spriajr HltH-ks, nil Spring Weight Ribbed Men' Unit hiiiI Segllgrrm nliHilen, jiaaM Mad cotton light ' lnttrnii, Utrtt nor- lnltlevi ' rfr $1.50, S2.50, S3.50 COc to $1.25 75c to $3.00 BAILEY & MASSINGILL 0ZOE THE HOME OF GOOD VALUES 30E IE SOJC 31 Grocery and Hardwaro Department Fishing Tack I o Reel, Fly Hooka, Itankr-tit, Ply Mcnka, I-enlere, Linen, lUtt, KMi KoU of even ! cr(ptun from $1.20 to $25. OO Baso Ball Goods M Full Una of BtaaiUnl Mnjur trf'tigi" tJuoria, Cu teller, Kirat llio mi. I Held Mtlta. lint it $1.25 Bull dors' Materials New lot of ort Hud Windows IxH-ka, lilaiea, Hoah Fh tilers and Ltfta, Drawer Hulls, l)xr llvlln, Door ItniM. Fanoy Grocorlos Frenh Sfiratoa Ohtpn, I IIk by'a Mleel Hacon, ( rUco, Un derwood's Deviled flam, French I Vna, MuxlironuiN. 8 SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT Of the County TrenMoirr of Lake County, Oregon, lor the nix month ending March 30. 1912, of the money receiyed nod paid out, from what eour e received and what account pittd out. (J EN K It A L FUND To amount ou hand from liut report. received refund ou liounty. tinea clerka fti llijuor llceuHe ante of material ... tnxen sheriff fur error ... .. f.11, ars as .. 1.674 75 ,. 1,400 (X) . 2,HHi Hi 400 OO .1 AO . 30.537 77 5 01 Total amount received and on hand By amount paid for redemption of war ran ta .... By amount paid for etate taxea Balance on hand in general fund SCHOOL FUND To amount on hand from loot report.... i received " nuea " " " UtateLand Board... " " " DIh'j Uoun'ry Hoard " taxes . ls.ira ho M7,m 44 fl.ST? 29 6 OO 1,!K:1 34 m :t 12.H75 :,j lly amount uuer llevtal on tax roll, ami receipt un aued to April 1, M2 &H.0KU 22 Total amount received and on hand I21.S14 60 Dy umouut paid for redemption of warrant 0 CIS Oil Balance ou hand In gruool funl f 15,1'JS ItOAD FUND To amount on hand from hint report , $ U,.""H 71 " " received " Bale of material 110 00 " " taxeo 13,4:."i l' " " " " reluud from inllroad 5 W) " " " from refund from road dln't M 70 " " from btate Laud Board l.HOIl 31 51 Totnl $llft,71fl 19 I, W. It. Smilcr, Kherlff of Lain dainty, Ort-jron, do hfivli'v certify that the foreirolntf aiatemont. rompih-il from tn Ui roll of ltki- Coiiiur, Ore Kon, for the enr l'JI I, ehoirtim th total tax on Maid roll, t Uo Amount col lectcd t hereon, tdie lff'a aMOHHu uw, an ) other error., n-tiat. allowed ami tin balance uocolletud thereon, ia a full, true and correct ut atemeiil of all matter nffit iliiK my return tlierron. Dated tin 1st day of Apul, PJ12. W. B. KMDKK, Hherlff, KEMI-AXNUAL BKPOKrOF TIIK COUNTY CI.KKK OF LAKK CcUXTY, State of Oretrou. xhoalnir the aui itiui of capemliturc of lik County, Oreifcm for the tix moiiilm licKlciuiut October I, lull, and eiulliiK March 31, 1912. ninl nlxo aliowliiit the uitiount of ouUtaiiii and unpaid conut v-Wtr rant on the Hlt .lay of Mrch. PM2. n imllcated by the book of the ofUr of the County Clerk a follow, to M; Paid fr a.birle uto! clerical aNiiauce fr county odlccr. f O.OIS 83 ' utile "uppll.'M, mTiiiij. it li'tfraniH, etc 1.IM ili " " Wood, water, llbt. Janitor hire court liouae. ro- Plr, etc 1.31.1 M " " county road uud briil-e u 14 t7 " Circuit court ; , iua 'JO " " JiiMilee court 2i Oft " " Coroner court ;m7 g " " expeline of prlclnuer V'2 40 " " care of poor and limauo K Ul " " elet'fiou 2v,i 29 " " print Inn and publl.hlliK 3.3:ill 71 " " liouuty ou in auimal . , 4 ih) " " hi.-pilal hlKht '70,, oo Total amount paid' out by county clerk Count v wuriHiit outataiuilutc and unpaid. iieneral l'iil lt;jJi7 Boa I fnud ',Hv (2,510 31 Total amount received and ou hand 123.053 00 By amount paid for redemption of warrant H,ht;;i lis Balance oo hand in road fund $10,18U CITY OF LAKKVIKW FUND ro amount on hand from last report. $ 53 35 02 received taxeH . 3,U.".3 54 Total amount received and on hand I By amount paid tity treasurer 3.001 VJ 4'M S Balance un band lu City of Lakeview fund t 2,540 IX) LlbllARY FUND To amount on hand from lat report t 129 43 liy amouut paid Oregon Library CouimlHlon f Mr.. Birthday Party Wis, fJun?her yesterday eave 12S 03 Balance on hand In library fund $ STATK FUND To amount on hand from lat report $ 42 G.' 1 40 received tinea no 00 Total amount received and on band By amount paid Htate treanurer Win. La Hater 92 OS. 42 Oi 2 00 Balance on hand in atato treasurer fund $ M'ECIAL KOAD FUND To amount ou band from hint report $ 2,230 ." " received " gen. ral road fund... l.tiT'J Ch 25 00 Total a-; rwi? oiuki oi ureou. : of OrcKou, u ty of Lake. ) 02 Ha. Cou I. F. W. I'avne. count v clerk of IjiLu r..t ui.i. ,.i Oregon, do hereby certify that the foreKoln I a corns I Mtateuient of Hit- ei-lnlltun-H, made through my ollice, for Lake County, Orejron, for the tlx mouth ending March 31, 1 '.II 2. and alnn the amount of the county warraut uutalaudinir and unpaid on tb.i 3lt day of March, P.M2, as liidi-ate.1 bv the record of my olIW c. , i rrT I ,n t,'H,l",0"v hereof I have hereiiuto eel ut v hand jM'.ALf an.l nllUeil the aenl of the county court ihta lat day ' ' of April, 1W12. ' F. W. PAYNE, County Clerk. SEMI ANNUAL STATEMENT 7 of MSahrch 'pJl''10 "D8,ulul c0l"'", "n of I-"k' euuty, On'Koii, on the81t day IfESOUKCES Money in bamlof routity treaaiirer, IwlonKlnjr to all fund, a er a aternrritof F. O. Abltrom. county treaurer. herein .ii;., h.i a r-i no u-i Taxea unct)llected a p-r atatemeut ol W. B. Bolder, Hherlff, hereto 6H,0 22 attached Total resource LI A BILITI H31.Mi06 County warrant outtandliij and uupald 2,507 02 ll2S,ti4l 43 F. W PAYNE. Comity Clerk. Total amount received ami on band iiy amount pall for redemption of warrant. ... 3.910 33 2.DM2 07 party in hernr of her mother, Mr. Koxie ( lehiiid, the ocrxvion beincr the celebrati.'in of the anr.ivursarv of her r.irth. Kefrepbrnents were served and a rnoFt tniovable e"oci;.l viKit hnd hv all retent. Ti.e eues-i wt re : Mevdaniea K. A. I', .'.!. T. Whlters. S. T. (.'Jivwi, I. J. Mayiltoti. E. L. Dut-eri- b.ry, D.tniel Cror.. miller. C. E. Down. Mary P.uf-sell. E. J. Jackaon, II. W. Morgan. K. Cleland. A. McGrath and J. W. Maxwell. Chautauqua Circle The Chautauaua Circle will meet at the home of Mrs. Wrn. Pryee Monday May 6. 7:30 P. .M. Pribram: Koll call, current events. "TolKtoyism." Adamb, chapter XII, Mit-a Mabel Snelling. "Public Activities and In vestigations," Adams, chapter XIII, Mrs. Vanderpool. 2 Klametb Falls br.Ida L r city election ontbe 20thinBt. Itipromibea to be a regular Teddy and 'i'aft proposition before the election takes place, Mayor Sanderson baa his opponent for reelec tion the present'police judge, T. F. Nicholas, who has opposed some of the Mayor's 'ideas. Prize Given Away Valuable pi Ize will be iriven awav Flee by Hall & Ku.vnoM. A cl'V lot iu the town of New l'ine Creek, woith fc.".00. free to the bolder of the lucky number. A ticket w ith every dollar purchase, which entitle you to a chance on the lot. A duplicate of each ticket will be dropped int a eal -d box. Ou the evening of June 30th the drawing will take place at Krnltb'a Pi(;ture Show. Out of town customers will receive their tickets by mull. Everyone ha au equal chance. r OK SALE One '6 idltcbell wago", oneNurrey, one net double harueHH, medium weight, and one et heavy work hiirrje. Every tbinit In tirt l.i.-h e..i.ill!ii.j. l::,iuie Maluluoib lively table. WANTED Lakeview City or Country property In exchange for 40 acre of finest fnuit land in Kogue Kiver Valley. 25 acres in cultivation and fenced, 5 acres pe8ch orchard, value Jjl500. For lurther particulars write T.B.P. Examiner office. Balance on hand In npeclal road fund SPECIAL hCHOOL FUND To amount on hand from l'it report r,3';0 27 " " rei-lved " taxes 7,41 Ml " " " " ale of iioudH 15.K.0 00 Total amount received arid on hai.d f2x.01Q By amount paid to diwirlct clerk li,!s.i$ " " " for lutercMt on bond 1,102 $ 02S 20 Balance on baud In special scbo-jl fund flO,372 4S To amount on hand in trust fund received from non rcMdcnt 8(! 73 To balance (n hand In di't boundary board fund : 100 00 " " " " "eHcbeatfuml UU 411 " " " " " liiHtltuto fund 277 50 Balance on hand In all fund f73.0.7J 83 I, F. O. A hlMtrjin, do hereby certify that the foregoing i u true state ment of the amount received, paid out and remaining ou band In the county treauury of Luke county, for tboelx moritb ending March 30, l!)12. F. O. AiiLbTKtJM, County lrcaurer. SEMI-ANNUAL KEl'OKT OF S11EKIFF OF LAKE IIOl'NTY. OKEtJON Dr. To total amount tax Koll 1911 112,2!iM 53 To sheriff's annesmneiitH . ,,; 3,4lli 00 Cr. By amount collected for which receipt were IwHiied to April 1, PJI2 Oeneral fund I'il.liSl 45 School fund ; . . . , 10,2' 0 5fl Koad fund 10.G54 2IJ Town of Lakeview 2,47 04 Bchool dltrlct 7 023 3l " " 14 181 2s 2 :3 .-, 107 K.J 3,()!"i 23 07 (ill 21 34 1,051) 07 is . 23.. 21.. 20.. 27.. Total collected $55,433 33 By rebate allowed 1,09 40 By double BHhesameuts and other errors 5114 24 Resolutions of Condolence To the Womhioful MaHtcr, Wardens and Brethern of Lnkevluw Lodge No. 71, A. F. & A. M. Whereus: The (I rand M8tcr of the Universe having been plcuued to call from earthly labor to elcrnul refresh ments on April 10, 11)12, our well belov ed brother, l.eland B. Whoron, who during the ptriod that he has been a member of this lodge ho endeared him- j nelf to us by his courtesy and afTabllitv ; that his memory will ever be cherished J in our hcarti, therefore bo it 1 Kesolved : That in thia bereavement , thia ludtfe is deprived of un active, zeaious ana painstaking member who was thoroughly imbued with the pre cepts and principles of our order, who evinced in a life marked by integrity and uprightness the cardinal Masonic virtues and who presented not only to his tirethern t;ut to the community an example and an inspiration to better deeds. Kesolved : That bowing bs we do In humble submission to the Divine will we mourn the loss of an ellieient and $115,710 FJ earnest brother, a devoted adherent or rree .Tiasonry and a faithful friend whoBe daily life so clearly reflected the I fundamental truths and tenets of our jraiurmiy. Kesolved : That we sincerely, deeply and affectionately eymputhizo with his afllicled family in their sorrow, re minding them that 'lie. who temner the wind lu Uiu ahum luinb,' looks down with infinite compassion upon iiiciu 10 uiu nour 01 ineir desolation. I Kesolved : That a copy of these res lolutions be sent to the beloved wife of I our deceased brother and also spread in full upon the minutes of this lodge. Committee: A. W. OKTON, J. N. WATSON, J. S. FULLEtt. We Have Just received a ship ment of the famous Gotzian and - Goodman Bros.' Shoes Including black and tan, high and low cuts, the latest styles for Spring and Summer wear. Give us a call before you buy elsewhere. Economy Store o 0