Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 02, 1912, Image 3

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Kin gsley's A ddition
Burnt Tlmi Hertld : Is tha Mal
heur Canyon going to ba ilia pass for
on of tha grestest railroad projeeta
ver umlttrtsksn In racant yaaraT
Jaa. J. Hill going to coma Into
Harney country from tha north
aaat aa wall aa from tha tha west
than Mouth to Kan FrannlaooT
8uoh la tha intimation from tha In
formation weiveri. - It la atatad that
tha Hill system has combined with
tha Chicago A Northwestern, Hock Is
land and Canadian Pacific and that a
trunk Una la to verge from tba Cana
dian Paolfle In Canada down into Mon
tana, through tha Hlackfoot reserva
tion then on south to Missoula then on
over to connect with the J'.I.N. road
running from Welser to New Meadows.
From Welser It will run across to Mal
heur canyon and from hla valley on
south to Han franelaeo. Whether thla
proHNted line la to go up tha BliUen
and out that way to the aouth or con
tinued to tba Deschutes line la not cer
tain. If tha Hill system owns tha lira
now running from Keno to Lakevlew it
ia posslblo such a connection would
be made.
At any rate, regardless of where It
verges from the enst and west line, it
means greet things for this county.
Should tha line go up tha Illitzen and
Catlow Valley it would open tip a much
greater territory of this particular sec
tion and bring a vast territory in touch
with transportation.
Thia newa doesn't correspond with
tha pessimistic views of some who think
the Hills have abandoned thla terri
tory and had enough of Oregon.
From indications they hsve hardly
atarted on the big plana In view to de
velop thia territory. 1 hey are Interest
ed In vast trarta of land which when
lonJod and developed will create vast
tonnage for railroads.
It ia not reasonable to reaaon that the
Hill system would merely build tn liend
and tnen abandon the vast territory
further on where the real business for
a railroad ia to be found.
From tbia Information it appears that
tho Malheur Canyon la to play a more
irniKrtant part in railroad circlea than
waa ever though and that the Harney
Country ia to be a very Important ter
niory a no lis renin development is a
Chewauran Crass: II. T. Stanley., Reno Gazette : Tha geld excitement
who has a fine ranch aouth of town, has that haa taken New Tina Creek and
discovered that ha alao haa a gold field. , the High Grade District by storm, haa
uncanny re aiuea a roupio or cnicaena , nnany rear hen Lakevlew and proa
tha for dinner and In dressing them found
and I In their crops two small nuggeta of
and 'gold, one about tha size of a rslsin
seed and tha other slightly smaller.
They were worn smooth, aa if by tha
action ot water, and appeared to be
tha pure article. These chlckena may
have been trying to emulate tha ex
ample of the goose well known to feme
as laying golden eggs, but Tom killed
them just the ssme and It la safe to
ssv thst ha search's tha crops of every
fowl that la slaughtered on his ranch
these dsvs. This Is lust another proof
that I'lne Creek ia not tha only place
that can produce the yellow metal that
looks so good to us all. Only one by
one the many asset of I'aialey and the
Chewaucan country are being discover
Alturaa Flaindealer: Saturday even
ing J. H. Adama and Henry W. Mil
burn arrived In Alturaa from High
Grade, and remained over Sunday. In
conversation Mr. Adama stated that
be had taken a bond on the Consolidat
ed Minca property in Hlh Orade. He
atated that the bond waa for one mill
ion dollara, but we did not learn the
time limit of the bond. These gentle
men made a thorough examination of
a number of proertiea in High Grade,
and had no healtation in pronouncing
it aimply "marveloua." He stated
that he had examined mines in differ
ent parts of lha United Statea, Mexico
and Alaska, but nowhere had he found
auch a ahowing at the same atage of
Mr. Adama stated that work would
begin at once, In fact, five men are
already at work under directiona of
competent superintendent. Now that
a greater portion of the propertlea
have passed to men with experience
and capital, the future of High Grade
la fully assured and all ts Doubting
Thomases will be compelled to take a
back aeat and meditate on what "darn
ed fools we wore that we did not get
in on the ground floor."
Haluter llwr on draught at the Inn
We Want Your
You will want ua to
have it when you see
our samples and hear
:: :: OUR PRICES a ::
Call at thU qffic tvhtn
in netd qf anything
in the line of
Rainier on draugth or in bottles at
the Urewery. 2t
Cedur and Juoiper posts at Lake
view Merc. Co,
BInk beadaobe results from a dlsordured x n
dltlon ot tli itoiuaob, and can l oured by Ibe
ui of Cliambvrlalu'i Htomaoh and Liver Tab
let. Try It. For sale by all dealers
Chewaucan Tress: The Monarch
mine, aituated in the hills aouthwest of
Paisley hss been an unknown quantity
for a number of years, but thsnks to
the persistency of C. E. Csmpbell,
and L. P. Kllpple, who control it, it la
now likely to come Into the limelight,
aS one of the beat psying projKMiitlons
in the country. Samples recently tsken
from the tunnel hsve been asssyed and
show remarkable values. One of these
sent to II. L. Mellsm. of Spoksne, and
an asaayer or note, showed 77.0 ounces
of gold, 10.70 ounces of ailver, and 60
HO ounces of lead the total value being
at tha rate of I20G.27 per ton. Wra. II
Stovall St Co., of the ssme city anatyz
ed another aample which ran $167.72 to
the ton. Samplea taken from a dis
tsnce from the msin lesd show vslues
of llS.Ut" and 114.52 to the ton. There
la little doubt that the promoters will
commence, to work '.he mine in earneat
from now on, and that the reault will
exceed their fondest dresms.
It hss long been believed thst there
is gold in psying qusntitles in the
mnuntslns around I'aialey. It haa been
possible to secure smsll qusntities by
waihing the gravel of almoat any of
the amall creeks thst run into the
Chewaucan itaelf. Tiny nuggets bsve
been found mixed with the grsvel
but never in qusntities sufficient to
make it pay to aearch for it. There ia
good reaaon to suppose thst these par-
ticlea of gold come from aome deposit
higher up in the mountain! and it only
remaina for the enterprising prospector
to find it. The Monsrch mine will be
the pioneer in the field and will no
doubt attract many gold seekers to this
Bend Without Mayor
the Oregon Journal aaya that a
deadlock that may hold for months
exists In the city council over the elec
tion of a mayor to aucceed Dr. - U. C,
Coe, whose resignation wss accepted
on March 22. The aix members of the
city council are evenly divided. What
ever man ia proposeed by one fsction,
Is opposed by the other.
The charter of the citv provides that
a vacancy in an elective offloeshall fbe
filled by the council, but aeta no time
within which this must be done. Only
one vote haa been taken on the mayor
altyj question at a council meeting, but
several men have been'discucsed by the
councilmen and none has been mention
ed yet that ia acceptable to four f the
aix officials. In the meantime Council
man H. E. Allen, president of the
council, is acting mayor.
pectora are ataking clalma within two
hundred feet of the town limlta and
hava Mt. Blackcap, an extinct volcanic
crater In one.
r. J. Little, well known in Nevada,
la in charge of one group of locators.
Many Lakevlew people are In the hills
east of town and are ataking every
thing thst looks like a pile of rock,
some of them with little or no know
ledge of mining conditiona. It ia be
lieved that the entire range of moun
tains from Willow Ranch or Fandango
Paaa, fifteen milea south of Pine Creek
to Abert Lake, 2G milea north of Lake
view, a total distsnca of C5 miles, and
extending east and west from 15 to 23
miles, ia In a highly mineralized belt.
The countrv in the mineral belt la
rough and broken, with ledgea and for
mations running in all directiona until
the Covote Hills, 45 milea northeast of
Lakeview, la struck, here the forma
tion takea the form of pornhry dik.
Ith fissure veins of an older acidic
'ormation ahowing where the prospec
tors hsve done any development work.
The diatrlct ia organized and morn
work haa been done on aome of the
claima here with ahowfnga of large
quantitiea of low grada ore and aome
fairly rich material that runa asssva of
several hundred dollara to the ton on
samples tested.
Heretofore there hsve been occea
aional reports of rich float being found
in varloua places in the hills esst of
thst town but nothing hss been done to
systemsticslly prospect the country,
though from the wsy that mining' men
are coming Into the country thia sea
son will sea an impetua to mining,
never dreamed of bv the men that have
lived there for many years, the majori
ty of whom have been engaged in stock
raising and have grazed their cattle or
sheep on some of the most promising
portions of the anown mineral zone.
Many prospectors are outfitting at
Lakeview preparatory to giving the
country a thorough working over.
Nevada State Journal : That B. X,
Dawaon and associates who hsve been
making an examination of the Sunshine
mine at High Grade will take over the
property ia practically a certainty.
Accompanied by their engineera they
have made a thorough examination ot
the mine and upon their return to New
Pine Creek expressed satisfaction with
the property.
It haa been wrongly stated that the
camp waa inaccessible from the Pine
Creek aide. Aa a matter of fact two
of the officials of the N.-C.-O. railway
visited New Pine Creek to ascertain
the true state of affairs. They found
that there ia a conisdersble amount of
snow on both sides of the mountain and
that it waa impossible to get up on the
Fort Bidwell or Pine Creek slopes with
teams, out that miners were going up
to the camp on foot from New Pine
Creek and Fort Bidwell every day.
New Pine Creek ia the only direct
route In the camp. This town is but a
mile from the railroad and the camp ia
but eight milea up the canyon' from
Great interest ia being mnanifeated
in the town of Pine Creek, Cal., which
haa just teen platted.
Reno Gazette: The Windy IMIow
mining district, In the Coyote Hills,
forty five miles northeast of Lake
view, Is experiencing audden boom
Incidental to the excitement that haa
taken the High Grade district by
storm. These two districts so close to
gether are not alone In the "eld. for
the indlcationa are that verv foot of
the hills will be covered with pros
pectors within the next month.
One feature of the Windy Hollow
district is thst the snow does not inter
fere with present operations aa there
la very little In that aection of the
eounty, while the motintalna in the High
Grade district have sufficient anow to
prevent the higher ground being pros
pected for sometime, though the foot
hills are now bare and men are search
ing every foot of them.
Some fine ore bearing rock hss been
found near New Pine Creek and within
a quarter of a mile from the center of
the town, during the past few daya,
while at Willow Ranch prospectors
hsve Indications thst cause them to
busy themselves without going farther
into the district.
Old Fort Warner, estaolished in the
early "60'a" and lying twenty-five
milea northeast of Lskeview, hss plac
er gold and men are now reviving the
Two and a half miles north of 'Lake-
view, la a stringer of wire gold that
comes close to the surface and ia ex
tremely rich though the quantity ia ao
far ia small. Many men are coming
there from Klamath Falls aa well aa
other parts of the state, overland by
stage and auto and the indicationa are
that the field will be thoroughly gone
over as rapidly aa men can get there.
Trout Have Hookworm
Oregon Journal : Trout in aeveral
aoutbeastern Oregon streams are said
to hsve been attacked by the "hook
worm." L. A. Davie, game warden
tor the Klamath District, discovered
the trout's newest enemy. He has just
made a report to the State Game War
den in which be describes the "hook
worm." Lewis explsins thst the worm at
tacks the trout by getting under the
skin where it is ususlly found coiled.
Its presence Is easily detected by
lump on the side of the fish. Sports
men are frightened over the report be
cause they fear that the worm will
make the fish so indolent that they will
refuse to riae to a fly.
Klamath Elks Buy Lot
Klamath Falls Northwestern. : The
local lodge of Elka voted to purchase
lot at the corner of Third and Main
streets on which to erect their project
ed home. The purchase price ia 1113,
200. The lot baa a frontage of aixty
two feet, and will be improved with
a fine modern buninesa block, in which
will be included lodtre rooms and a club
or home for the members of the order.
The order will have its annual rodeo in
thia citv in June, when thousands are
to be in attendance. The local Elka are
to ao to the Grand Lodge at Portland
by special train and In uniform.
Men's fine rade underwear white
lisle aud French balbriggan at B
& M's.
ltecloaned Utah seed ottta at Lske
view Merc. Co.
Is there anything- lu all this world that Is of
more Importation to you thuo rood dlgustion?
Pood must be onten to susuln life ud must b
dlKtwti'd and couvorted Into blood. Vt'ben tbs
dlgt'stlon (alii tho whole body suitors. Cham-
bvrlaln's TabluU are a rational and reliable
oura (or Indigestion They Increase tba tiow
of bile, purity the blood, strengthen the stora-
aoh and tone up the whole Ulgwtlva appara
tus to a natural aud hoalthy aollou For sale by
all dealers
Pine Creek Is Booming
Alturaa Plalndealer: A New Pine
Creek correspondent writes us aa fol
lows, under date of April 16th. He
ssvs: "Everything is in a high state of
excitement here and every tract of
ground near town ia being purchased by
speculators, and ia then being cut up
and aold as residence lots. Every day
there are several transfers made.
Prospectors are camped all over the
mountain now, and all the way up Pine
Creek Canyon. It Is prophesied bv many
that the boom being worked up for this
camp will equal the stampede to Gold-
field or Cripple Creek."
The beet batter Oliver's 10 cents
per pound at Bieber's Cash Store.
Business Locals
For aale: 120 acres sage brush land
under canal, fenced, $2o per acre. See
J. X, Wataon. 6f
Furnished rront room, ground floor,
block from business center. Enquire
Examiner office. Se?I4 tt
Good dry 16-inch w ood for sale by
B.S. Tatro. Leave orders with G
Sherman Easter. 2-22
160 acres sagebrush land on West
Side (or sale at (16 per acre, a bar
gain. See J. N. Watson. 6f
If you want a really good smoke
for a cickle, try Btorkuian's Leader.
For a real bargain for a house and
lot in Lakeview, see J. N. Watson. 2
Potatoes for sale. Lane and
Patch. tf
Pretty waah dresses lor young
misses at B A M'a.
The very latent In draperies and
ei'.kolenes at B & M's.
Men's unioc suits from f 1.25 to f 1.50
at B & M'm.
White mercerized Krinkle at B & M's
Hart Scbaffner Marx clothing, the
latest styles, B & Al's.
The Best Bib Overall
Two Horse
A New Pair
If They Rip
E. Arabolad & Co.
General Merchandise
We are Open For Business and Invite
You to Give ns a Call
Ladles, Gentlemens' Furnishing
Goods, Grocorlos, Eto,
New Pino Creek, Oregon
Jlmt Lot In tba Liveliest town In Oregon. Only Six
in Ilea from tha Illffh Gratia Mine. Day now and double
your money In thirty daya. Price Right. Term Eaay
LIGHT & HARROW, Proprietors
isssp- - , (T sh ' 1 m, J - - J. aaa
i r
Agent for the M-
Dorris Motor Gars
announces that all Dorris Cars sold by
him will be taken down and overhauled
once each year absolutely free of charge
Daily Service Reno to LaReview Except Sundays
No. 1 Arrives Lakeview at 8:45 P. M.
No. 2 Leaves Lakeview at 6:30 A. M.
Daily Except Sunday
Money Saved Is Money Earned
We Can Save You Money on Anything
Always Something New at
Goose Lake Valley Meat Co.
May field & Fetherolf, Props.
J. MURPHY, Proprietor
Special Attention to Transient Stock
Horses Boarded by the Day, Week or Month
Always Open Phone 571
Let The Examiner Figure on Your Next Job Printing
here you pay for more than just
ordinary meat. Your money
must buy entire satisfaction
also or we don't want it. You
read In the papers a lot about
the Lif-n cost of living. Now
come bere and learn ly actual
experience that much ot tbe
talk Is a myth so far aa meats
are concerned.
Lakeview :
Meat. Market.