mmim HAS THE CIRCULATION- PRINTS THE NEWS- REACHES THE PEOPLE THE EXAMINER IS THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF U K'E COUNTY VOL. XXXIII LAKKVIKW, LAKK COUNTY, OREGON MAY 2. 1912. NO. 18 COURTEOUS PEOPLE SAYS MOUNAWAY Official- Expresses Appre ciation ofCltlxon's At titude To Road T. F. Dunawey, General Manager of the N.C.O. and C. N. Miller, Publi rlty Agent of the road were in I-ake-flew over Sunday. Mr. Dunaway baa warm xit In hla heart for Lake view. lie eaye that In hie forty-three yeara ot railroad work, moet of the time being connected with roads under construction, he haa never come In con. tact with w community ao enthusiaatio, broad minded, and elncere in Ita deal Infra with the railroad. The fact that Lake county ha fourteen .billion feet of merchantable timber, a large part of which la for a!t, haa made a deep Impression on the N.-C.-O. olticiala, and It la not at all unlikely that Iheae bod lee of tlmlx-r will te tapped at no far elietnnt date. Court Session Brief The regular May term of Circuit Court convene one week from next Monday, and at prevent It promiaea to be a brief aessinn. It la expected that Judge Honnon and Court Reporter Richardson will arrive about the mid dle of next week In order to clean up ome raea that are etill pending from the laat term, ao thnt there will tie no delay when the new term I called. It I not likely that there will be any rases of general intercut to be tried, a the criminal docket prominea to bo light and the divorce and civil caiea are not numerou. During the evenlnir punch from the garret a well a from away down In tha cellar will be served by Mine Mary Heryfnrd, Kuth Florence and Mil dred Heryford, and the young lad lea will have plenty of the delicloua bever age for all. Tha committee having general charge of the affair Include A. E. Plorcnce, lee Hi all and F. !'. Cronemlller, and thev are already engaging muaic for the occasion. Among the muaiciana will pronably ha Meaare. Darnell, Gott. Wallace. Mra. Illce, Mra. M. M. Barry and Cha. E. It ice, formerly of Lake view but now of Altura. While danc ing will be the chief feature of the occasion, yet other form of amusement will be provided for those not caring to dance, and there will certainly be a hot time In the old town on Friday night. May 17, 112. III1,! Hi BOY MEETS A TRAGIC DEATH Found Dead by Railroad Track Near Foot of Sugar Hill CREAMERY A CERTAINTY riR. CAUFIELD LEFT TO CHASE DAIRY STOCK PUR- Will Scour Different Sections In Search of StrainsThat Will Best Suit The Farmers Interested That Lakeview will have a creamery la at lent an aaiured fact. Mr. S. C. Caufield, whose arrival for tbia purpose waa noted In the Examiner a few week ago, ha canvassed the situation thoroughly, and will establish a cream- Jerary, Durham, Holatein, or other etrain. The building or the creamery buaim-aa to ita highest point will be l a gradual matter, and after securing enough milker to get the creamery , running It la hi advice that the young- Weather Favors Fruit The backward Spring cannot fail of being great benefit to the fruit crop, and it ia now abaolutely certain that the 1912 croo will be a record breaker. In Gooae Lake Valley tha tree are budding and a few warm daya will cause them to put forth bloaaoma in great profusion. In the Summer Lake section each, plum and cherry tree are now in bloom, and there is no doubt but that the crop there will ex ceed ita umuhI high (tandard. ELKS WILL HOLD BIG TIME MAY 17 Snider Opera House Will Do Dedicated With Grand Ball Sunday morning the sad newa waa telephoned into Lakeview that a son of Mra. George Kamer, of Davis Creek, had been found dead along aide of the track of the N.-C.-O. near the foot of Sugar Hill. The boy had started for the cows Saturday evening and did not return. It la thought that some faint nes or vertigo had eelxed the boy and In thla condition he fell with hla feet acroaa the track but in auch a way that the ongnleer failed tu aee him. Both feet were out off at the ankle, but no other bruises were found, and death waa doubtless cauaed by hemorrhage and shock. ery this season. He lett Friday by way er stock is when purchased the easier of Klamath Fall for the Sacramento, ' It will be for it to tecome acclimated, Kogua River and Willamette Valleys to ! and also better rtock can be secured. aecure i!re firat Installment of dairy Mr. Caufield haa been in no haste in stock, and within the next three or coming to hi determination, although four week will bring in on hundred he expressed himself within two daya head. After talking with the farmer of lis arrival as sstisfled be could make Mr. Caufield Is of the belief thst it It a auccesa. The farmers have given will be profitable to aecure aa much ! bim almost uniform encouragement, registered stock as posbible. It is not j and we will have an industry that will hia intention to secure one breed of: do much for the prosperity of the com cattle, but to suit the farmers, whether ' munity. of blanket, left two dogs to guard it, and returned to Warren Laird's at Blue Joint for assistance, aome 18 miles distance, where ha was furnished team and wagon and a companion to aasist in removing the body to Lake- view. He reached Plush the following morning, where Harry Rlgg supplied him with fresh horses, and coming on to Lakeview reached here about 12 o'clock Tuesday nigbt. Tha body taken to Wallace's undertaking par lore, and tbia afternoon will be buried in the Odd Fellows cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Jones came to Lake' view aome three yeara since, and are auite well known. In her sad affliction Mrs. Jones bss the heartfelt sympathy ot the entire community. The Recreation Club met with Mrs. C. H. McKendree Friday. Mra. F. P. Lane was the guest of honor. NEWSPAPER FOR NEW PINE CREEK First Issue Will Be Pub llshed on Saturday Of This Week Snidcr'a new opera house will be ded icated two weeka from tomorrow night with a grand public ball to be given by the local mem tier of H. P, O. Elks. Tha evwht promises to be one long re aiembered for the boya have an idea that they know how such thlhgs should be dune, and in the event that they make good there will be something do ing every mlnuto. It should nut be understood that the dance Is a private affair, for a cordial invitation ia ex tended to every body, but admittance can only be gained by the purchase of a tloket, the price of which will be S2. The grand march will take plane promptly at 9 o'clock, and will be led by Col. and Mra. F. 1. Light, and the Colonel is already practicing aeveral fancy steps in addition to those he already possesses which have been great ly admired by hia friends whom he re cently favored with an exhibition of the same. Among the entertainera will be Judge II. L. Benson, J. N. Watson, Dr. n. Daly, W. P. Heryford, F. M. Miller, J. D. Heryford, F. M. Ureen, G. D. Harrow .and R. A, Hawkins, while the floor will be looked after by Col. F. P. Light, James Judge, W. Lair Thompson, G. W. Rice, W. F. Grob, Lee Ueall, Dr. E. H. Smith, Gun Schroder, Harvey Thrasher, W. R. Boyd and other "Bill" Elks, - Thetiocurations will be in charge of J. N. Watson, M. H. Rice, C. E., Mc Kendree, E. O. Ahlstrum, and Mes dames McKendree, Florence, Thompson and Watson. Fred Reynolds, Elmer AhUtrom. A. L. Thornton, Henry Funk, Hatvev ThraHhor, D. C. Sohminck, F. O. Ahlstrom and A. II. Hammersley will aee tin t un opportunity ia afforded everv one to secure a ticket for the vent. Serious Accident Averted What came very near being a aerl oua accident occurred last Friday after noon when Donald Metzker in company with William Harvey were riding sad- i die horse aouth of the new High School buil'liig. At a point north of the N. T. Corey residence the former'a horse floundered in the mud and turned com pletely over with the rider on ita back. When the nimal finally regained its feet, it started to buck vigorously and young Metzker could not dislodge his foot from the stirrup, clung desperate ly to the saddle until the horse was quieted down. Fortunately neither ridornor auimal were injured, although the former waa quite badly ahaken up. Financial Condition Good The official report of the County Treasurer, which appcara in another column, ahould put at rest the vicious canard that has been floating about which rumored that although there was some 190,000 in the general fund of the County, the taxes had been raised Id the County unnecessarily, for rea sons not apparent to the average clt' sen. From the report ot thq auditing committee whish exported the books of the county two weeka ago, and. from this report, any one can aee the safe and economical manner in which the affairs of the county are handled. New Post Offices Named Oregonian: These Oregon cost olTloes have been established : Con ley, Lake county, Waren B. Graham, postmaster: Barnesdale, Tillamook County, Frank Barnes, postmaster; South Inslet, Coos County, Mrs. Lillian Saunders, postmistress : Agate Beach, Lincoln County, John G. Mackey, postmaster. EFFORT MADE TO PREVENT FIRES Slashings Must be Burned Before Beginning of Dry Season To All Timber Owners: Plana were made by many loggers, lumber com psnies and others owning land covered with inflammable material, for the burning of their slashings during the MRS. SIB. HARDER ADJUDGED INSANE Unfortunate Woman Will Be Conveyed to Stole For Treatment "The High Grade News" ia the name of a newspaper to be established at New Pine Creek bv E. C. Card, late of Cripple Creek, Colo., and J. Scott Taylor, of Klamath Falls. The first Issue will appear Saturday of this j week. Both gentlemen are experienced : in the newspaper game, and the State I Line town ia fortunate to have them locate there. Mr. Gard haa been in 1 many new mining camps and has the faculty of gaining newa from the in sider. Mr. Taylor owned the Daily Express at Klamath Falls, and waa at one time a candidate for State Printer I t a." The manv frienda throughout Lake oa ulroocr," and Modoc counties of Mrs. Sib Har- ... , . . . . . . . . iui u cuuuiv ueiu inu trusts IOHI ber will be deeply pained to learn that jt wii have a long and prosperous she has lost her mind and yesterday career and aasist in the upbuilding of ' arai 3 . f.n f iqii h tinn.A !n. ..rin!" adjudgc-d by the examining e i,ae vaney ana me county in the fall months msde it Impossible in physicians, Drs. Hall and Daly. Dur-! Be""1- " , the majority of easea to carry out this ing the past Winter her health haa not j m .... work. In order to reduce the fire bar- j been good, and it ia presumed that that j KOSS 1 UTUS Y U&IIISl ard during the coming sesson it is f set is the cause of her insan ty. She Lake County boya attending college therefore of the greatest importance im.gmea that .he ia afflicted with !continue making good, not only in their that all peraona or companiea having contageous diseaoe and that "spooks" I ,tudje but jn t weJ The ,,at slashings on their holding, make ar- , are aurrounding her She is being ten- , js from Geo RoM wbo , t. rangementa to burn this material dur-;derly nursed by loving friends until ; tending Stanford, and who took part in 1 t -i - t t- l . t ft. I miama a una Ty- m Calam tAjannaiAnlvMa' insurious m iriu we.i.ier o- . ... . u..v. wjui boxing tournsment last week. In an account of the event the Daily Palo Alturas Liquor Election Alturas, April 25. A petition haa been filed with City Clerk C. A. Bal lard for the calling of a special election under the local option law on the "wet or dry" question. It ia expected that the Trustees will call tha election for the latter part of June. The "wet or dry" question haa been a live issue for a long time in local affairs, and tho forces are well divided, both sides claiming a good working majority. The business men of the town, fearing that their Interests will suffer if the town goes dry, are en deavoring to efftict a compromise on a t.m Is of bign liuun.o tuia ttriut regula tion, but as yet nothing acceptable to the anti-saloon forcea haa been offered. tween now and the commencement of , to the State hospital. the extremely dry season. If this work receives the attention it should, hundreds of dangerous slashings can be burned without risk to green timber, and we can enter the fire sesson with one of our greatest menace, removed. Permita from State Fire Warden, must be obtained for all burning done after June 1. However, I cannot urge too strongly that you arrange for the burning of your slashings before this date, providing either conditions are favorable. Very truly yours, F. A. ELLIOTT, State Foreater. TRIBUTE PAID TO SCIIOOLBUILDING State Sup erlntendent Says Best High School In Northwest During her long residence in Lake view she has given of her services whenever she was needed and by ber sympathetic nature haa endeared her self to many of the best families here. That she should thus be afflicted in ber 1 declining years ia cause for pangs of 1 grief in the hearts of all. It ia feared that her ailment will be permanent, ai-l thoueh all hope that such will not ' prove the case, and that with proper treatment stie will regain ber reason and return to Lakeview to spend the remainder of ber life surrounded by friends of former days. MET WmTFAfAL ACCIDENT MONDAY Alto, the college paper, says: "The onlv fight between the special weights proved to be the fastest of the ; evening, the little men going at it hammer and tongs. Up to the bnal round G. M. Smyth led, but G. P. Rosa, by his whirlwind finish, won the t decision." The contest was for the championship of the University and the prize waa a gold medal, of which George is duly proud. Salem, Oregon, April 25. Returning from hia trip to Lakeview, Superinten dent Alderman stated today that Lake view has one of the finest high schools in the entire northwest. The school is new and la constructed on eight acres of land in the city limita. The school contains besides the regular features, a domestic science department, gym nasium, auditorium, where many pri vate theatrical entertainments are giv en, and also stands In the position of a people's college. He statea that the school will prove an agricultural ex periment station tor the people of that vicinity and stands in the position of a Y. M. C. A. in the larger cities. Ore gonian. The different shearing plants through out the county are now being put in readiness for the season, and shearing will likely commence soon. The local plant of O. T. McKtndree ia about completed and will be put in opera tion aa soon as there ia demand. Davis M. Jones Killed Accident Near Blue Joint In Dsvis M. Jones, Monday morning met with a fatal accident, near Blue Joint, about 50 miles east of Plush. Bill To Grant Lands Senator Chamberlain baa introduced a bill in the Senate granting lands cov ered by the shallow waters of Warner, Anderson, Abert and Summer lakes in this county to the State of Oregon ;'aloO the lands covered by subdivisions known aa Blue Joint, Flagstaff, Hart and Crump lakea. From this fact it would seem that the State haa no con trol of the waters of any of the lakes, and has no authority to enter lto a lease of the same, aa was reported to have been the case with C. M. Saine and associates in regard to Summer Lake. It is to be hoped that the status if the waters of the lakes will be eet- mJM SHEPHERD HAS BEEN FOUND Ben Linehan Became Lost While Attending Flock In Long Valley Ben Linehan, tha missing sheepherd er, baa been found. On Friday evening last Linehan, wbo la employed by Jim Barry, started out in Long Vallev te spend the night with a bunch of ewes and lambs, taking bis bed along. He did not ahow op in camp for breakfaat on tha following morning, and bis com panions started on a search for bim. The aheep were foond, with tbe ex ception of one which had been killed by a coyote : aa well aa Lineban's bed, which bad not been occupied on the nigbt previoua. No trace of tbe miss ing man could be found, however, al though tbe search waa again continued on Sunday. Tbe matter waa reported in town Sunday evening by Willises Denaby, wbo rode in from camp for that purpose, and on the following day five mounted men started out to bunt for Linehan. It waa not until Tuesday evening that he waa finally discovered by employee of the Forest Service, wbo were posting boundary notices in tbe vicinity of the C. L. Becraft resi dence, in Long Valley. He appeared to be none the worse for bia experience, and stated that he had become lost and was unable to find hia way back to tbe camp or sheep. Lorg VaUey is about four or Ave miles north west of Dog Lake. Will Soon Begin Project Jessie Hobson and R. A. Harrower, of tbe Northwest Townsite Co., left on Sunday for Portland, going as far aa Bend by auto. Tbey expect to return to Paislev in a very short time and will probably bt accompanied by President Bailey of that company. This will be the signal for the commencement of tbe active work on the ditcbicg of ttw big dam up tbe .Chewaucan. The co ra ps uy confidently expects to pot some of tbe land on tbe market this summer and President Bailey states in a letter to Mr. Hob9on that he intends to stay in Oregon until every foot of tbe twelve thousand aciea ia contracted. WOOL MARKET IS AT A STANDSTILL Oregonian Quotes Several Transfers Throughout Eastern Oregon Mr. Jones and hia 16-year-old aon 1 tied in tbe near future, thus permitting James were on their way to Blue Joint where Mr. Jonea bad a piece of land, and while going aown the rim the ton gue of the wagon broke, throwing Mr. Jones from the aeat. It waa Mr. Jonea practice to carry a shotgun on the seat with him, and when the tongue broke Mr. Jonea and the gun were hurled to the ground. On striking the ground the gun waa discharged and the load of No. 4 shot which it contained struck Mr. Jonea in the thigh. James waa some distance behind tbe wagon, and when the accident occurred the establishment of evaporating planta aa planned by Mr. Saine. Drislane Still Alive Mr. Drislane, the young Irishman who attempted suicide on the 8th In stant ia still alive and growing strong er, much to the suroriBe of all who have any knowledge of the case. Hia wind pipe waa completely severed In one place and almoat half severed in an other a couple of inches lower down. he 1 Tbe wound haa not closed and it will rushed to hia father'a assistance, but afttr gasping once or twice Mr. Jonea breathed hia last. It ia presumed that bis passing aoauickly was becaude of a weak heart, the shock causing it to stop boating. After ascertaining that bia father waa dead, Jamea placed the body in a roll be an almost unheard of thing in medi cal annals If the severed parte of tbe windpipe should unite. It ia probable that hia frienda will take him to San Francisco, where it Is barely possible that with expert surjora and rnmplfte hospital facilities, complete recovery may take place. As yet the local wool market shows no signs ot activity, inasmuch as shear ing is not yet under way and sheepmen generally are engaged in the more or leas pleasant pastime of lambing. The weather during the past week haa not been at all favorable lor young lambs, and unless conditions change the lose likely to be greater than usual. How ever, reports are to the effect that as yet there has been little loss, but sore fear ia expressed concerning tbe re sults of Tuesday night's storm. Relative to the wool market, the Oregonain of last Saturday Contained the following: "Wool buying in Eastern Oregon has been more extensive in the past few days, practically all the wools shown in aome sections have been disposed of. Fully, 1,000,000 pounds all told have passed out of tha hands of growers. Prices have ranged from 10 to 14 centa for fine and from 15 to 17 1-2 cents for medium wools. "Late shearing ia now under way and the dealers believe the growers will continue to sell and that many will not wait for the regular sales days. "Tbe heaviest buying to date haa been done by J. P. Dufour of the La fayette mills. Hia total purchases in. Washington and In Oregon are estimat ed at 750,000 pounds. ''Of the buyers who have been operat ing are J. Koshland & Company, C. 11. Green, Cummins & Peirce and Judd & Root. Several hundred thousand pounds were aold in the Arlington sec tion and transfers around kxho were even larger. "Thur.i have been no ohmprea In the Eastern or Foreign aitulation since the last report."