Mtnttte HAS THE CIRCULATION- PRINTS THE NEWS- REACHES THE PEOPLE THE EXAMINER IS THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF LAKE QUNTY - ... i VOL. XXXIII LAKKVIKW, LAKK COUNTY, OREGON APRIL 25. 1912. NO. 17 f RESULT OF PRIMARIES VOTE WAS LIGHT AND LITTLE ENTHUSIASM MANIFESTED Roosevelt, Selling, Sinnott, and Olcott, Carry County --Irwin Nominated For District AttorneyUtley For County Clerk Friday opened Ihf ; gave many startling Stat and County, breathing spell It will lltlcal pot and results In both After a abort te tin) to watch development! aa they aria looking toward the November election. In the State Roosevelt waa the choice of the Republican party for presidential candidate by a plurality of over 4,000. For Senator Bourne waa defeated. Selling carrying the State by 7,000 plurality. For the se cond district Slnnot waa nominated over Ellis, C. E. Rooeevelt and Rusk. Olcott defeated Field for Secretary of State. For I'roaecuting Attorney for the aerond prosecuting attorney dis trict Irwin secured the nomination over Kuykendall. For State Senator W. Lair Thompson experienced no opposi tion, and secured the nomination with out a struggle. For State Representa tives for the 21st district Forlea and Smith, the only candidates on the tick et were nominated. On the Democratic ticket Wilson carried the State over Clark and Har mon by lfiOO plurality. Dr. Harry Lane waa nominated a U. 8. Senator, and James B. Kyan aa Secretary of State. In Lake County the complete vote for National, State, and Distlrct offices gives the following results; Republican ' For President: Taft, 139: Roose velt, 177: La Follette, 71. For I). S. Senator: Pourne, 116: Lowell, 43: Morton, 33: Selling, 150, For U. S. Representative, Second District: Cochran, 31: Ellis, 73 Roosevelt. 23; Rusk, 03: Sinnott 123. For Secretary of State : Fielda, 129 Olcott, 142. For Prosecuting Attorney, Second District, Irwin, 12: Kuykendall, 187 For State Senator: Thompson, 327, For State Representative, 21st Uis trlct : Forbes, 209; Smith, 232. Democrat For President : Clark, 94: Wilson k . r j 4 The First Nntioni Hank, Lakeview, Oregon Lakcview's Business Houses Tholr Financial Condition Appoarm Elaowhoro In Thl astro Continued uu pnjre Lnr ALFALFA ADAPTED TO DRHARMING Many Experiments Will Be Tried In Central Oregon Oregon Agricultural College, Cor vallls Ore. ADril 20. The growing of alfalfa on the drv farming lands of Oregon In cultivated rows for the pro duction of seed has been the special dry farming hobby of Prof. H. D, Soudder of the Oregon Agricultural College. He has advocated thia plan widely through Eastern Oregon for the past Ave years, and is beginning to see practical rcaulta on a large scale. A prominent wheat farmer at Ar ington has planned to put in 160 acrea of al alfalfa on his dry land, and has asked the aeronomv department of the col lege for special Instruction and for the beat seed. Another man, one of the larirest wheat farmers in Gilliam County, la to put in 1,000 acres of al falfa this soring. The great number of letters coming to Prof. Scudder from all Darts of eastern and central Oreuon on thia subject indicates the first great change for the better in dry farming agricultural there. MINING FEVER IS VERY CONTAGIOUS Claims Staked In all Dl rectlons and Prospect ors Scour County ROOSEVELT, CLARK WINNERS IN LAKE Presidential Vote of Lake County as Cast By Precincts is the vote cast for Re Democratic Presidential Ft The mining fever la certainly conta gTous, judging from the number of per- aona hereabouts who are afflicted with the trouble. Claims are being staked oft all over the country, and prospect holes can be seen dotting the landscape in every direction. At Eagle Point just south of town some prospecting is being done, while reports of atrlkea in many different directions are current. The present excitement, if such it may be termed, recalls to the old tim ers similar occasions of year ago. They relate how In many instances the aame ground waa located yeara ago, and more or lest develooment work done then. It la said thit many samples have been ent to Denver, Reno, San Franclsoo and other places to determine the value or worthlussneaa of the ore, but as yet few returns have been received. The crowds continue to assemble at New Pine Creek, awaiting the time Following publican and nominees in the several precincts of Lake County Silver Lake Taft 12, Roosevelt, 21 La Follette, 11: Clark 10, Wilson 1. Summer Lake Taft 2, Rooeevelt La Follette 7. Harmon 1, Clark 4, Wil son 4. Paisley Taft 17, Roosevelt 31, La Follette, 12: Clark 12, Wilson 7. Crooked Creek Taft 4, Roosevelt 2, La Follette 2; Clark 2. North Warner Taft 11, Roosevelt 7, La Follette 6: Clark 4, Wilson 3. South Warner Taft 1, Rooeevelt 6, La Follette 3; Harmon 1, Clark 4, Wil son 4. North Lakeview Taft 30, Roosevelt 21, La Follette 8: Clark 15, Wilson 2. South Lakeview Taft 49, Roosevelt 33, La Follette 6 Harmon 1, Clark 29, Wilson 6. Drew Valley Taft 1, Roosevelt 2, La Follette 1, Wilson 2. Goose Lake Taft 1, Roosevelt 6, La Follette 8, Clsrk 2, Wilson 1. Cogswell Creek Taft 3, 14, La Follette 6, Harmon 1, Wilson 3. Thomas Creek Roosevelt 4, Clark 1, Wilson 1. Lake Roosevelt 11 : Clark, son 11. Fort Rock Taft 8, Roosevelt 16, La Follette 7, Clark 8, Wilson 4. Totals Taft 139, Roosevelt 177, La Follette 71, Harmon 4. Clark 94, Wil son 60, Roosevelt Clark 6, 2 Wil Misa Lena McShane haa returned home after spending some time at Plush with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Dent The Paisley Commercial Club, ac cording to the Chewaucan Press, has taken up the matter of a different mail route between Lakeview and Paisley to accomodate more patrona along the line, and haa received assurances from Congressman Hawley that he wilL use all hia influence to secure such a rRite. when they can move into the High Grade distlrct and prospect, which at present ia greatly hindered by the pnow which covers the ground to a depth of several feet. However, many of the most adventurous propectors are scour ing the hills in hopea of making a strike, and it ia pribable that many new discoveries will be made during the early summer. ... 4 2f --. : ' v v-- ... . . J. . C s 'C i," ks! ins - . 'fe225i flA&D The Dank of Lakeview, Lakeview, Oregon POSTOFFICE BUSY ilACE RECEIPTS SHOW 20 PER CENT IN CREASE OVER LAST YEAR Efficiency Of Office Increased By Installation Of One Hundred New Boxes Mails ; Handled Very Expeditiously The raoid growth of Lakeview is! well attested by the increase of re ceipts in the postoffice, aa reported by Postmaster Ahlstrom. The receipts for the quarter ending March I, 1912, show an increase of practically 20 per cent over that of the corresponding quarter of 1911, the exact amount being XI 404 .35 for 1911 and S1650.13 for 1912. In postal circles the Bret quarter ia always the dullest of the year, and hence a much greater growth ia confidently ex pected for the three remaining quarters of the year. All salaries and clerk hire for the respective offices are based upon j the receipts for the first quarter, and aa a consequence Postmaster Ahlstrom J will receive $100 additional for clerk hire but no increase in salary. Owing to the increased business Mr. Ahlstrom haa found it necesary to in crease the efficiency of the office, not withstanding bia aalary remains the! same, and consequently thia week hej intalled 1U0 additional boxes of tbej latest pattern, which increases the number of call and lock boxea to 283. i The boxea are of the combination-lock style, and are self-lockiner, being mod ern and up-to-date in every particular. Tbey will prove of much convenience to the patrona of the office, for there is greatly increased demand for private boxea along with the business of the offioe. Since the change in the time of the arrival of the train, the mails do not reach the postoffice until after 9 o'clock, thus avoiding any neoeessity of the distribution of mails at night, to aay nothing of the fact that the De partment only requires the postoffice to remain open until 8 P. M. How ever, the mails are distribestea early in the moraine, and it ia generally in the boxea by 7 o'olock, although the gener al delivery doea not open until 8. In thus accommodating the patrona of the offioe Mr. Ahlstrom is entitled to much credit, for with hia limited foroe it would be practically impossible to give tetter service, and his efforts are cer tainly appreciated by all familiar with existing conditiona HIGH GRADE SCENE OF MUCHACT1VITY Interest! Items Gleaned From Paper Published Near District HOMESTEADS MAY DE RELINQUISHED Right Retained In Case Of Filings Made Prior To February 3, 1911 Persona who made homestead entry before February 3, 1911, and desiring to relinquish the aame and still retain their rights are permitted to do so un der the act of February, 1911. Here tofore it has been the custom for Con gress to pass such acts permitting se cond entries where the entries had been relinquished or abandoned prior to a certain date, but in thia instance the date of entry and not the time of re linquishment or abandonment ia the time to be considered In making a se cond application. Hence an entry is abandoned or relinquished today or at any time in the future, a second appli cation will be allowed if the entry waa allowed prior to February, 1911. The provisions of the act referred to where only called to the attention of the local land office officials this week, they having previously been under the impression that the entries must have been abandoned or relinquished prior to February, 1911, before a aecond application could be allowed. A. L. Thornton, the popular drug gist, has quite an up-to-date window display, which attracts the eye of everyone of an evening, in the shape of an electrically lighted revolving cylinder of colored prisma. ROAD PETITIONS DEING CIRCULATED Proposed Bills Are Heart ily Endorsed by Lake's Citizens re- Initiative petitions have been ceived ana are being circulated for the compromise good roads legislation proposed by the Governor's conferenoe last winter. There are six separate petitions, viz; for issuance of State Road Bonds and creation of State High way Fund and State Road Board to enable counties to vote, issue bonds and to construct roads: to amend Sec tion 10 of Article XI of the Constitu tion regarding legislation of the limi tations of the powers of counties to contract debts : to amend Section 7 of Article XI of the Constitution regard ing the limitations of the powers ofthe state to contract debts: to prohibit em ployment of penitentiary convicts in comDetition with free labor and pro hibiting employment of county, city or town convlcta in competition with free labor. These bills were exhaustively ex amined ty a committee of the Lake view Commercial Club composed of prominent attorneys of Lakeview, and were recommended by auch committee, and a synopsis of their report waa pub lished in last week's Examiner. K, Madsen, a Klamath Falls dealer, arrived in Lakeview last with a shipment of pianos. muaic week Fort Bidwell News : We are inform ed that a stock exchange ia to be es tablished at New Pine Creek within i short time. It is said to be installed by Colorado men. New Pine Creek will soon be well supplied with restaurants. One haa just opened up, another is under, construe tion and in the near future three more will be estblished. It is reported at Reno that W. H O'Neill bad added aix additional claims to hia holdings at High Grade and that hia last purchase waa the Trafal gar grouo of claima. C, A. Howard of Loa Angeles, who is now at New Pine Creek, states that he has been in the mining business for many yeara and haa never seen better Dossibilities than at the High Grade Camp. The snow is fast disappearing and the mountains will soon be bare enough to allow prospectors to get down to business. The rush has started and the hills will soon be alive with busy min ers and prospectors. It is reported that the Searchlight and HapDy Hill mines have been bond ed by capitalists. It is said a big fig ure will be paid for the properties. These two claims adjoin the Sunshine bonanza and they will make good. H. W. Drenkel, the real estate man was from Lakeview, spent several days in Fort Bidwell last week looking over the situation and exoesssed himself as being highly pleased with the outlook and for a very prosperous year for this section. Will Raise Turkeys Big Valley Gazette : George Wing- field, the wealthy Nevada mine owner, who is investing in ranches and who now has a rich and well stocked game preserve in Lessen county, is going to commence the raising of turkeys in Churchill county. He has become the principal . owner of the Churchill Creamery company, owning two big ranches in Churchill county on the is land in Churchill county and ia going to raise 5000 turkeys on these ranches this year. He will raise a turkey that will be a ciosa between the tame tur key and the Virginia wild bronze tur key. The latter turkeys will be taken to Fallon from his game preserve. NOTHING TO IT RUT RIMFVFIT LIU 1 llUUULil Liljl "Teddy" Leads The Way In Oregon With Taft a Poor Third PORTLAND, April 22. The vote at the Oregon presidential primaries as tabulated stand : Roosevelt 25,391, La Follette 20,194, Taft 15,219, Selling 29,697, Bourne 23,692, Wilson 6,387, Clark 6,493, Harmon 590. Still incom plete as hown be the returns received. For congressman, W. C. Hawley, N. f. sinnott and A. W. letter ty, re publicans : secretary of state, Ben W. Olcott, republican: John Ryan, demo crat: supreme court justice, Robert Eakm, republican: food commiss ioner, John 1). Mickle, republican, William Schulmerioh, democrat; rail road commissioner, Clyde B. Atchison, republican. Lew Anderson, democrat. Ben Selling and Harry Lane are the respective candidates for United States senators. The Republican delegates to the Naitonal Convention are C. W. Acker- son, U. C. Campbell, C. H. Carey, Henry Waldo Coe, Phil Metschan, Thomas McCusker, of Multnomah, Fred S. Bynon and Or. J. N. Smith, of Marion, Daniel Boyd, of Wallowa, and D. D. Hill, of Wasco. NORTHERN LAKE DESIRES OUTLET Will Improve Road From Silver Lake to Klam ath Falls Klamath Falls Herald: B. E. Bur- rell of Fort Rock Is waiting in Klam ath Falls for the weather to get in such shape that the work of improving the new road through to Silver Lake may be nushed under hia supervision for Klamath county. So far the county has spent only SI, 300 on the road, Mr. Bur re 11 says, and haa about S600 yet to use. There remains to be done some grading through Solomon'a Flats, which is a very Important need. The Binisbing of this road will mean a tone thing for Klamath Falls Deople as well as those of Summer Lake, Christmas Lake and Fort Rook neigh borhoods, mutually considered, as it will bring- them much closer together. It will give the northerly and north- Goucluded from uago 4