Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 11, 1912, Image 5

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Town Proporiy
"IV Sell Tho Real Earth"
Lakeview : Oregon
Spring Special In Farm and Timber
Peracifor320 acrearno.tllniiderihf.O. V. I.. tnln chm.1 Ireprove
Innnta, hoone, barn, well fenced 1b renin for o.Trtru thin property
at auch an nnreexouabla low prlw. It in pnrt of an fate that tnniit be
old. Location, mi ew wwi i.f tha O. V. I additloi M Lakeview.
Take a Ion hot at a barf aln. Phone or a Ire n.
Ir acra for Iflo nrrra One timber clo to mill, Over J.OdO 000 feet, 17
milea from Lakeview. (
Per acra for 240 acree, 8 mile et of town, good aagn bruah land'
F.aay term.
Per acra for 30 acrea. 7 miU N. W. into, 15 acra water right, moatly
under cultivation. Term eaah.
I'ar acre for 1W acres fine grain land, m ran miles from l-a.evlew, weat.
Eaay term. .
l'JOO.00 For a nw room liouan, woo'lhe and chicken bouan. Oo a large
corner lot, Ibmh1, loo x 125. r rult trw aud lawo, cloee la, on Itowey
unit College Htrvrta, Kny Win. .
t?y0.lO For (l-min new tmngalow, fin Ideal tip-to duu homo, cloee to ceoiar of
town on llernard Htrcet. V.nmy term.
12100.00 For 5-rootn now bungalow,
corner lot, fenced, 100 1M).
voodahed Anil chicken house.
Iiiwn and Ono fruit tree on
On 11 Urn
Lake Htrttt-t.
F.aay term.
12-tfO.OO For n, flna tie fl room bonne, wood abed, t hicken honna and burn, larva
lot lWlili", nil fwnrod, about one Mock from High Ncbool, Juat built last
yanr, r-av term.
Xnhc County Eynmlncr
Italnler Hour on draught at the Inn
White mercerised Krlnkla at IIAM'i
A new Una of tnssalinea at IliM'n
Rainier on drnugth at tha Hotel
Ihirk boerjfor (Itirman day at ('.
ItenkloV ?t
Hock lwr for Uermvn day at Bart
A Lynch'. 2t
Mrn'a no Ion aulUfroin tl.'il to fl.W)
at U & M'a.
Hock bear for German day at Flynn
lleryford'a. 2t
American beauty corset from 75 cent
to S3.60 at Smith' Millinery.
J. W. Nelaon. of tha Ana River pro
ject waa In Lakeview Saturday.
Get your aeed oata from l-nkevlew
Merc. Co. Car loud I'tah aaed oat
JiiHt arrived.
General Manager Dunaway. alaoWill
Dunaway. of the N.-C.-O. were In
Lakeview Sunday.
S. C. Caufleld went to New Tine
Creek Monday to can vim tha ranrhera
alonir (be vallev on the rreamcrv prop
uaition. Fort Ilidwell Newa: Attorney W.
Lair Thomnaon of l.akevlew waa here
for aeveral dava laat week on legal
RemcmUr that if It too late fur a
aorinx suit, we take ordera for the one
piece dresse. mado of ailk, and those
pretty white serge, at biniib'a Millin
ery. Daniel lloone the progresalve mer
chant of New Pino ('reck waa in I.ake
viwe Monday. He report thine mov
ing riiiht along In our neighboring
J. II. A u ten haa purchased the inter
rut, of B. K. Rtnchart in the hardware
and furniture atore of Auten & Rlne
hart. and will conduct the business
Lee Doton. of the J. Frank Adam
ranch, at Merrill, wua In Lakeview laat
week on hia way to the W. W. Hrown
ranch in the Wavontire country where
he will niircliBHo hnraea.
Fred U. Nell, of Fort Klamath, auc
cftled in nurfhaitinir about 150 head ot
rowi and atecra in the I'ainley and
Summer Lake aectiona. lleliverv will
he maile about the middle of May.
Juat received bv A. L. Thornton a
larye $200 Amberola and Own I'hono
grauh. ihcao are the very beat ma
chine of the Fdiaon make. He invite
everyone to reo and hear the machines.
U. A. Wataon. the sheepman, haa
returned to hi flock on the desert after
enjovinir a delightful vacation in Lake
view. He la well plcaaed with bla
treatment while here, and ava the peo
ple ot thia place are roval entertainer
and aure showed him a good time.
Sacramento Uee : The Klamath Fa I la
municipal bonda of $15,000 uf which
110.000 will be for a city hall, 18.000 for
flro aooaratu and $2,500 for a irarbairo
dumping aite have been bought ty
Well. Roth & Company of Chicugo.
The improvement will atart at once.
Man'a neifllKe alitrta, the laUit at I)
A M'a.
Drlok Hock lMor on.'.(lerman dny,
May 1. 1. 2t
Cedar and Jumper poata at lake
view Merc. ijo.
Pete Follett wa In town tha fora
part of tha week.
Fine awitchei from $2.75 to $7.50 at
Smith'! Millinery.
Pretty wnab dreaaea for younjr
mlaoa at 11 A M'a.
Sally Gallaaher wa a New Pine
Creek vUitor to Lakeview Tueadav.
Bilk hose for 50 renta a pair in tan
and black at Smith's Millinery atore.
" Bart and Hmmett Wade were up from
New 1'ina Creek Monday and Tueadav.
Jaa. C. Dodaon returned from a
huaineaa trio to Suroriaa Valley and
other point Saturday.
Loat Somewhere in town, one Ice
cream packing tub and can; Pleaae
return to T. 11. Cloud.
Loat. between Ft. Hidwell and Lake
view, tire chain. Return to H. W.
Drenkel and receive reward.
In the auit club conducted bv Chri
Lanrelet Willliara Harresry. the painter
won the aecond auit of clothe, which
coat him $.'.
Fae. the little daughter of Mr. and
Mr. J. T. Honner, baa been Buffering
for aeveral dava with toniilltl. but 1
Atfer a week' emanation the Hidwell
NuHgett apicara aa the Fort Bidwull
Newa and ahowa evidence of being a
carefully prepared Paper.
Mr .C. N. Miller haa been appointed
nutilicitv airent ot the N.-C.-U. Rv.
with headguartera in Room 415 and 416
Clay Peter Ruilding, Reno. Nevada.
Mr. Dola Dewev Saturday loat a
valuable attrk pin of diamond and
pearla between tha McCrath rcildence
and the residence of Mr. William
Contractor Underwood began work
Monday morning at the aite ot the i
Hervford building, erecting the ahed
which will be uaed for etorage. ahop
work, and tool, while the building i
being erected.
Nelann Rounrevcll. a prominent real
eatate ojierator of Klamath Fa I la. and
J. Scott Taylor, a well known news
paper man of the aame place, arrived
in Lakeview Saturday evening on their
wav to Illkh (traae.
T. R. Bernard experts a shipment of
four E. M. F.'a and two Flander 20'
to arrive the latter part of next week.
While none of tho cars have been sold,
vet it is not expected that they will be
a drug on tho market for long, as they
are proving very popular cars every
where. A number of Lakeview'a prominent
citizens were New Pine Creek viaitors
Sunday. The mining boom seems to be
on tor fair, although the miners will
have to wait for the snow to deport bo
fore much extensive prospecting can
be done.
The new schedulo on the N.-C.-O.
goes into effect next Monday after
which date No. 1 will arrive at 8:45 p.
m. and No. 2 will leave at 6:30 a. m.
daily except Sunday. Freight trains
will arr've about noon and depart about
one o'clock on Tuesdays, Thursdays.
Fridays and Sundays.
Why out drink Italnler? It'a THE
bwr. 2t
A oomoleta line of waists at Smite's
Hock beer for Gorman day at post
A King. 2t
Good, dry 10 Inch wood at Lake
view Merc. Co.
Rov niurton wss in town from New
Pina Creek Tuesday.
The very latest In drsperiea and
sllkoleoc at 11 A M'a.
Horn to Mr. and Mrs. George Ver
on Aorll 6th, a 9- pound boy.
H. Wendt was among tha New Pine
Creek vintors to tha county sest Tues
George S. Oliver, Chief Engineer of
the N.-C.-O. Ry. was in Lakeview Fri
day. Dave Jones, of Plush was in town
for a few days the forepart of the
Ixat, diamond and penrla, creacent
broach Reward II returned to Mrs.
Uolu Dewey, Dr. Lyou'e office. tf
Lost : Ladies brooch, clover leaf sat
with small diamond. Finder leava at
Examiner office and get reward.
W. A. Wilahire. who started overland
with seversl high grade Jersey cows
from Ashland March 2Mth. arrived here
thia week.
Jack liolterfield. who has been suf
ering with blood poisoning in his hand
haa recovered, after about ten days
serious trouble.
Cy Uecraft of Long Valley waa in
Lakeview over Sunday for the purpose
of interesting Mr. Caufield the cream
ery man in his section.
Last Saturday evening at the resi
dence of Mrs. William Rehart, Fred
II. Baldwin and Mabel Linebarger were
united In matrimony. Rev. A. F. Sim
mons ofliciating.
C. L. Bee-raft, of Vistillis. was in
Lakeview the fore part of the week on
a buslneaa visit. He reported the out
look for good grazing tho coming sea
son as very good.
Twelve visiting members of the Esst
ern Star gave a pleasant and uniaue
entertainment to the resident members.
The entertaining members were dressed
in costume. After the program refresh
ments were served in the banquet
The reorganized band, under the
leadership of Jesse Darnell, held a
rehersal in Wizard Hall last Sunday:
two sections were set apart for prac
tice, the new members in one. and the
experienced band men in the other.
The prosect8 for an excelllent band
were never brighter.
The registration books were closed
Tuesday night to be again opened on
the 24th. when they will remain open
until May 15. The total registration
by parties is as follows : Republican,
647: Democrat, 284; Socialist. 57; In
dependent. 7; No oartv. 1; Refused to
state. 2; Total. 908.
Alturas New Era: J. C. Dodson. of
Lakeview. is in town today looking
after business matters. He recently
purchased all the livestock of the Lake
Shore Cattle Co. 'a ranch, and has now
sold the entire lot of cattle, horses,
etc.. to the firm of Leland & Meyers.
who have large tracts of land in the
western purt of.the countv.
DON'T lose sight of one fact; it
isn't so much the way your
clothes look when you first get them
that's important; it's the way they're
going to look after six weeks' or
two months' later.
Hart, Schaffner d& Marx
Clothes are made for long service. You'll be ns
well pleased with them when you've worn
them awhile as when you buy them.
Suits $20.00 and up
This Store is the Home of hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes
Copr'iiiht lUlt kluflnel Mi
Rainier on draugtli or in bottle at
tha Brewery. 2t
Dock lxf for Oermm day at Lane
A McAullfTt. 2t
For Bale Cheap I'otatoe in any
quantity. Kee J. 8. Lane or E. K.
Patch. tf
ltecleaned Utah seed otta at Lake
view Merc. Co.
Wataon & Btrtplln buy and aell sec
ond hand goods. tf.
Mrs. E.E. Carr of New Pina Crwk
Is reported as ouite alok.
A verv nice line of muslin underwear
at Smith's Millinery store.
Fred Keene ba been absent for sev
eral days on his desert claim at Ana
Men's floe grade underwear white
lisle and French balbriggan at 13
& M'a.
Dr.S. S. Thayer of Paisley made the
Examiner a pleasant call on Saturday
the 6th.
Mrs. Blanche Cannon and Miss Libby
Cannon were up from New Pine Creek
Tom Sullivan, tha Flush bona face,
and wife were in Lakeview over Easter,
and to attend the Barry-Snelling nup
tials. E. Arabolad & Co. ahve eauipoed a
general merchandise atore in New Pine
Creek and will open to the public Sat
urday. John P. Cook, the architect who re
cently located in Lakeview left Friday,
for San Francisco, where he will re
main until Julv. when he will return to
Fort Bid well News: John Moffitt of
Lakeview has purchased a half interest
in the butcher shoo at New Pine Creek
and will soon move to the new town
with bis family.
The Presbyterian Ladies' Aid Societv
meets this afternoon in the Masonic
Hall, and refreshments will be served
bv Mrs. H. W. Morgan.
J. C. Bachtel of Cedarville. recently
appointed bee inspector for Modoo
Countv. was in Lakeview last week, on
business connected with his office.
John Uskila. a homesteader in the
Fort Rock section was declared insane
this week bv the authorities. It ap
pears that his trouble is hereditary,
and while he is rational at times it was
considered best to have him treated at
the asylum for a time.
Word has been received that Mrs.
Cbarlutta George, grandmother of
Ceorgn L. Whorton. and mother of
John George, formerly of Lakeview but
now residing in Santa Rosa, died at
Little Shasta. Siskiyou. County. Cali
fornia the forepart of the week.
W. II. Benefield came over from
Warner a few days ago, and reports
that last week a fire in the tules came
near destroying several stacks of hay
besides causing other damages over
about the 7T ranch. The wind whipped
around in a different direction which
prevented any serious damage being
W. A. Massingill of the Lakeview
Land & Lumber Co.. made a trio last
week to the Camp Creek sawmill,
where he found considerable snow.
Owing to the demand for lumber the
company desires to begin operation as
soon as possible, but it will likely be
a couple of weeks before the mill is
The gun club met in a rather inter
esting meeting Monday night in the
ollice ot the Fremont National Forest.
It seems more than probable that steps
will be taken to atock some of the
Lake countv streams with black bass.
The club also decided to do some trap
shooting at clay pigeons during the
The new fire chief Saturday made a
run in his official capacity, likewise in
the delivery wagon, when the alarm of
fire came in from the Hayes residence
in the south part of ' town. The fire
caught from a defective flue, and was
easily extinguished with only nominal
damage.'tbefore the arrival of the tire
A heavv rainstorm visited this sec
tion during the past 86 hours which
will be of inestimable value to crops
and range. Rain commenced falling
early Tuesday evening and continued
almost uninterruptedly for 24 hours.
Practically all of the moisture went
into the ground, thus insuring bumper
crops again thia year.
II. J. Stein, who made his reputation
while conducting the Mud Creek sta
tion, was in town several dava during
the oast week. He is now ranching
over near Plush, and during his stay
here told an Examner representative
a number of interesting happenings
in his neighborhood which perhaps
had better not be published.
Walters' Addition
Oflcrs the Best Close-In Home Sites in Lakeview! 1
Near Schools, Churches, Depot and Business Center.
Buy Now! Lots 50 x 125, $140.00 to $275.00
Easy Terms.
W. F. PAINE & CO.,
ftenjarrijn Qotfyes
STYLE, like beauty, may be only skin deep,
but we all want it. What's more, we're go
ing to have it, and we're going to look
around until we find it We're as fussy as you
you are about style and fit.
La Vogue Suits Possess
All these Qualities
Prices $15.00 to $30.
Ladies who come here will find that style,
comfort and durability predominate in every
LA VOGUE GARMENT. The Spring Line is
nicer than ever. COME IN AND LET US SHOW