Lake County Examiner Official Paper of Lake County, Oregon twrt. All tundinc aia. ADVBRTIMNO RATB5. aWalar atandtng ada. $1.00 an Inch iAiBM tr BMinth. All it and 1 thanrfl ITT mr a moniQ. fan 01 Won rharamt forall tra coanriMi. Allaiwtai oattlona ftra. All ahort Kra ada. lr Rpadrm, local enlumua, lOru pr line eartlon. W ant a1a. tc. a Mb ch lowftioa. ard of thanki $1.00. Rcaolutloni o. aoudo Mw, $1 JO and upward. (aV-Tranalrnt AdTartlainf and Jo Print n, caaa la adranca. AU bill mutt b paid ths Int af each month. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. va. Tar, la acWanea, til tnttolha, far, monlba, M II not paid la adraara, II. M lh a Natle ta SakocritMwa BNrnwn to Tha Bxamlnar who nmon from on locality to another, r rhtnn thl, iwatoffloa atldraa ahould narnwr drop tola office a rard ao their paper ran ba ad arcaaea to taa ricai poatonioa. Lakeview, Oregon, Thursday, March 28, 1012 MANY STAMPS USED BY CORPORATIONS ELECTION NOTICES SENT OVER COUNTY "If you were an office bo? and bad Notioet of the primary nominating to lick an average of 243.000 ooetan elections to be held on Aoril 19 have stampa every month how lone do too been sent out from the County Clerk's auDDoee that your tongue would laatT ! office to the election officials of every Do you think that one office bov could precinct in the county. The notices do HT The Southern Pacific Com Dan v carry the information that en that day eses this many stamDS every thirty the Republican and Democratic parties dava and wh'le one bov in the general I will choose candidates for United office of the eomoanv at aan Francisco ! States, state, district, county and ore- does not nlace all of them on en velooes. he has to perforate the initials ea each stamo before tbev are distri buted trom the treasurer's office. "In Jsnusrv of this year 24.000 ooe cent stamos were used bv the Southern Pacific. During the same oeriod 17S. 00 two-cent tamos. 10.000 three's. 13.00U four's. 130.00 five's. 4.000 eight's and 6.000 ten's were used. January is an average month in the use of stamos, av the clerka in the treasurer's offioe. The Southern Fscitto uses aoorozimate lf H8.TXX) worth ot Dostage stamos an naally." The above issued by the Bureau of Economics of the Southern Pacific Com pany's San Francisco office tends to show where the benefit would fall if the one cent postage rate on first class matter would oass. The Southern Pacifio Railroad is only one of the many corporations that would be benefitted by the adoption of this bill as corpora tions use large amounts of stamos. And aside from this, these stamos are aH purchased through first-class oost offices and the one-cent law would ma terially affect offices of lower class. cinct offices as follows : President oi tne united Mates, vice president of the United States, five electors for president and vice-prcsi dent of the United States. United States Senator in congress, renresen lauve in conrgess irom tne 1 to con gressional district, secretary of state, justice of the suoreme court. Oregon dsirv and food commissioner, commis sioner of the railroad commission of Oregon for the First railroad com missioner district district attorney for the Third judicial district, five state reoresentstives for the 21st represen tative district, county judge, county commissioner, county sheriff, county clerk, county superintendent of schools. county assessor, county surveyor, and county coroner, and justices of the peace of the various precincts. There are only nine registering dsvs left before the primary election and all who desire to cast their ballot at this election should prepare to register immedistely. President Cbas. C. Moore, of the Panama-Pacific International Exposi tion bss been selected to preside as Chairman and to deliver the address of welcome to the delegates to the Con gress of Festivals to be beld in the rooms of the Board of Directors of the 1915 Exposition on April 2nd next hat now on Invitations have been sent to the Cham bers of Commerce, County Fair and festival organizations to send dele sates to this convention which means so much to the entire Coast WILD BOAR KILLED IN WARNER VALLEY Modoc Republican: Mr. Bruner osme down from the mines a few days ago. He was uo looking over the situ ation for a few davs but could not do much on account of snow. He canned out some rock while there and secured a gold button containing about S30 in gold as a souvenir of the occasion. Mr. Bruner speaks very highly of the district A 1 1 i A large rem eBiaie cuujuhiiv wu or- j ganized in Cedsrville last week. The j company is known as the Surprise Val-1 ley Development Co.. and its officers ; are T. H. Johnson, president: Geo. C. Turner, vice president: Fred BuBh. Treasurer and W. L. Turner. Sec. and manager. The company will devote their effort, principally to colonization. The greatest development in the next few years will take piece on the Paci fic Coast, and. in order that tnis Coast A wild boar's lower jaw with the tushes curved tack and grown into the jaw again is the remarkable curiosity exhibition at the Inn I Saloon. The boar was killed over in Warner recently by J. E. York, and is said to have weighed about 600 pounds. For years he has been hunted by the stockmen and ranchers of that section, but none were successful in killing him. It is said that be would remain in the tules during the da v. coming out at night to fed. He was as shv aa a deer, and hence it was almost Impossible to get sight of him. Mr. York's dog bayed bim. and in that way he wa s finally killed. The jaw presents a wonderful ap pearance with its 8-inch tusks of ivory forming perfect curves. Where thev again entered the jawbone abscesses were formed years a 20, and the wounds caused thereby are plainly evidenced. The pain caused bv the abnormal growth must necessarily hsve been verv crest, and it almost causes one to shudder to examine the points of con tact. URGE FARMERS TO PLANT POTATOES N.-C.-O. Traffic Manager! Encourage Potato Qro wine ? H. V. McNsmara. Traffic Manager of the N.-C.-O. railway has mailed let ters to the company's agents at Davis Creek, Alturss and Lakeview. request ing them to urge the farmers of this section to raise more potatoes. Mr. McNamara atates. that owing to the eel worm having become so destructive to ootaoea in the Mason Vallev. Nev., tho crop this vear will cover only about thirty per cent of the normal yield. This in addition to the dry sesson In the Sacramento Valley, the lower country is figuring only on sixty per cent of the ususl crop this season. The present price of potatoes in San rrancisco ia SI. 55 per hundred, or about S31 per ton. These figures based on a yield of about four hundred bush els to the acre will mean about ttOO per care or a net profit of S200 an acre for potato growers, at the present market price. An expert farmer has been sent over this vallev aa well as the Surprise Val ley and the way he outs it is. "I be lieve those sections are the beat pota to countries I have ever seen." The N.-C.-O. is verv anxious for the farm ers to take up this matter and raise potatoes on a commercial scale, and the company has stated that thev can handle from 200 to 600 cars this fall. Wm. LaSater. deputy game warden. came down trom Silver Lake last week on local business. Mr. LaSater was in the Forest service last vear. but at present ia devoting hla whole time to the protection of game. He has made aeveral arrests and unless the law is more strictly observed more are likely to follow. II it: 1 r ii h Vv... E K aa . , , --i 11.11 IUI an, " v Wiacr V MAIN STREET West of the Court House Easter Millinery Smart and exclusive styles for everyone. We positively refuse to make two hats alike. livery season this presentation ol hats is eagerly awaited by the women who know, as they realize our millinery shop oilers the latest Kuropean ideas. This is a season when you may please your self, for fashion has been most gracious. She has sent us a hat for every mood. Niee too, to know that prices hein so modest one may gather hats for many moods with out undue extravagance. Trimmed hats for afternoon wear and trim med hats for evening functions that are things ol beauty no extreme, far-fetched ideas are displayed in the trimming of these hats they are refined, beautiful, yet, withal, original. The sample line of Dresses has arrived, and will only be here until Saturday. He sure and see them. You can save from $5.00 to 810.00 on every dress, while they last. Don't forget the place where you save money by buying for cash. THE PARISIAN MILLINERY could not be learned. In addition to caring for hia general merchandise business and managing the Lake ooatofhee, Mr. F. A. Reming ton has found time to plant 40 acres of fall rve. 10 acres of fsll wheat and pre pa re ground for 30 acres of spring rye and 10 acres of black oats. New Pine Creek Items Elocution Recital The elocution ouoiis of Miss Jose phine Beach gave a verv entertaining recital to the public on lust Saturday shall come into its own. every live ! " -noai cnurcn. wire community should loin the get-to-j Cnn81der,ng the ltjn,ftn "'time that ffethermovemer.tthatisBweerinrf.verltheclaslina8Leen UD'ler tfae BUPervl- the west Bhore and cementing the greater cities in one of common interest. grand commuinty Claude C. Covev. Superintendent of, tiie Warm Soring Indian Reservation i carried out : sion of Miss Beach, thev all did re marakblv well. It wuiild be hard to say which did the beat, as eacn number was so well rendered. following is the program as it was has announced his candidacy for the nomination for Congressman from the Second Congressional district on the Democratic ticket. The Donulation of the metropolitan district of Portland, which includes the area within ten miles of the citv, is given by the officials of the United States census aa 259.715. This shows a gain of 114.3 in ten years. From a million to a million and a half of women will have something to say in choosing the next President. In at least six states the hand that rocks the cradle will also cast the ballot. Notice 7 Notice is hereby given that our con nection with the Goose Lake Valley Land & Orchard Company was severed on or about March 11. 1912. and we will liereatfer until further notice transact a cenral Real Estate business under the firm name of Alger Land Company with offices at Lakeview and New Pine Creek. Signed.- II. B. ALGER. JNO. ENS WINGER. bobby Shafftoe." Miss Lucile Bailey. "Who is She?" Leah fleall. "Our Chickie Hen." Fern Ahlstrom. "Keeping a Stat at a Benefit." monolog. Olive Bailey. Vocal Solo. Mrs. Copeland. "When Mother Cleans House." Barnara Corey. "Scraping the Frosting." Enid Light. Poses, illustrating the class work of taking attitudes of emotion quickly, Lucile Bailey. "TearB of Tullia." Frances Mayfield. Little folks pantomine. by five little girls. "In the Morning," Fred Cronemiller. Quartette. Chester Dykeman. Walter Dvkeraan. Willard luenhart and James Burgess. Tom'a Little Star." Dollie Black burn. Original Pantomine. illustrating "the way she does it" when dressing for the party. Fred Cronemiller. GrouD of Inspiration poems, Gladys Chandler. Life Studies. Characteristic poses and peculiarities of different people in Lakeview. "O wad some power tfee ciftie trie us. to see ourHiles as itfavrs see us. Vick Maxwell of Lakeview came down Monday on a business trio. Rob McCullev has purchased a lot of Mrs. Araick on the State Line Street. 110 foot front by 175 deep. Consideration 1500.50. Among the Lakeview business men who visited New Pine Creek Monday were V. L. Snelling, Ben Daly and Jack Flynn. Doc Barry will leave Friday for Al- toras on a business visit. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Henderson were called to Oakland. Calif., last week by the death of Mrs. Henderson's fsther. R. P. Tavlor. Mr. Taylor was former Goose Lake Vallev resident nd it is with sincere regret that bis many friends learn of bis sudden death. H. P. Grist left Friday for Willow Ranch. Bird Reed who has been suffering for several weeks with rheumatism. has gone to Lakeview to try the hot mineral baths. John Lewis of Lakeview came down Tuesday to spend several weeks with his mother. Mrs. James Hervford. Mr. and Mrs. Rod McCullev will leave Tuesday for their new home in Cedarville. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas spent the week end at the home of Albert Sanderson at Willow Ranch. Mrs. Jim Hervford who has been spending the winter in the South, re turned last week. William Schauers and Al Gallagher are contemplating building a fine store room on the lot adjoining the Fleming Bros. Store on Main Street. Mr. and Mrs. Rob Wade made a busi ness trio to Alturas Monday. J. McCoul of Lakeview came down to New Pine Creek Monday. New Pine Creek is expecting a hard ware store in the near future. C. E. McCleary together with sev eral gentlemen from Lakeview and some of our prominent townsmen were closeted most of the afternoon Mon day, organizing a new mining com pany. The name of the incorporation to be the "730 Gold Mining Company." and will embrace several claims on the mountain. Several prospectors are locating claims in the snow, everyone seems to know that there is to be something do ing. J. A. Ewing left Tuesday for Alturas where be will recefve medical treat ment for his hand. For rent. House and barn. Enquire E. E. Carr. Postmaster Wendt was a Lakeview business caller Monday. Paisley Pick-ups (CliewHUcnn I'rtH) Word was received in Paisley last week ot the death of J. F. Landon. wnicb occurred on the 14th of March, i In the M. E. Hospital of Omaha. Neb raska. Forest Ranger Jay Billings return ed from a trip to the East Saturday. While In Pennsylvania he had an attack of chicken pox but came out of it all right. He proceeded to Lakeview Mon day. Deputy State Game Warden William La Sater came to town veaterdav and swore out a warrnt for the arrest of A. F. Christen on the charge of burning tules at a time when such burning ia prohibited bv Isw. Mr. Christen, whom evervvone knows as Al. is employed as foreman at the White house ranch on the ZX orooertv and. in accordance with instructions from Manager Kiti patrick. was burning the dead tules in the marsh. Thia is absolutely neces sary if anv hav is to be cut this year. But the state law reads that it is un lawful to turn tules or reeds between the first of March and the first of Sep tember ol eacn vear in tuie swamps or marshea where ducks and geese are in the habit of laying eggs. Justice of the Peace Young being absent, the warrant was issued by Recorder Farrow, who is now Justice of the Peaoe and it in structed the deputy sheriff to bring the prisoner to PsiBley for a hearing. Of course the arrest of Mr. Christen is merely for the purpose of finding out who is really responsible for the burn ing, as Al wss only acting undervorders It is understood that the ZX company will fight the case to the finish, for they claim that the law as stated above does not apply to tules on private lands. Medford, O ., say a: "Tlu inlille stHteiiicnt I iav In prnliw of Duaira Kid nev I'llla in llMiT till lioldn good. I (xvnaionnll,, take this rrinedy and ' 11 ud that It keep my kldnryit In prop er working; ordrr. A tall was the rauao of kliln.y rotnpliiint ill my ca. Tho kidney- aorrrtloim were iintiliiral and sonift IliitHt I had audi acute paina In my bnrk that 1 could imrdly ttid over. I dlil not hIwd well and diwplte the un ol plaattirN.linluii'nts find rem edlea of various klnda, 1 contiuuttl to Muffor. While In that condition, Doan's KMney'a I'llla acre brought to my attention and procuring a supply. 1 coiiimciufd tlit'lr lim. In about two wit-ka I felt Ix'tti-r and tin-content ot two hoxea made iik well I have . rH'oiiiiiiiidid I loan 'a Kidney I'llla to I many other iH-uplc." For aale by all dealer. Price '0 cent. Koater-Mllliurn Co.. ItiifJttlo. New York, sole nn nts (or t tit United KtJllCH. ; lU'iiu'inU'r the name Dosn's ami i take no otliT POLITICAL CARDS Continued on Pagi Thrw John P. Cook, A. R. Han. I. (En,) Architect, Sanitary Knglaeer Lukevlow, Oregon FOR COUNTY COMMISSI! )NKH of Warner Valley Relieving that the inujorlty of the voterH of Lake county can uppre. elate the claim of the Warner Val ley for r-prventatioti In county af f.ilra, and at the ear dent Hollcttatton of my neighbors', and iiiciiiIhti of my party, I hereby announce my. Helf a candidate for the nomination of County 1,'ouimlsMioner of i-ake eotinty Muhject to the voter of the Democratic party at the primary nominating electloo to m held A pr'tl 1'J, 1112. T. II. WAKEFIELD. PltotiKKSHiva Rki-i iii.KAN Can inn ATI roa Co.m.hkhb. Silver Lake Items (Silver Lake Leader) Silver Lake will vote on corporation April 4. instead of April 19, as pre viously announced. Twenty dollars an acre is a new record price for raw aage brush land in Silver Lake valley was set last week. when the homestead of A. T. Under- dahl. one mile south of town changed hands for a consideration said to be t3,2U0. The name of the purchaser NOTICE TO ORCHARDIST8 OF LAKE COUNTY Notice la hereby given that the law in regard to spraying fruit trees will be atrictly enforced during the bcuhou of 1912. A. M. SMITH, m28-2t County Fruit Inspector. FOR HALF The best equipped freight ing outllt In Lake County, Inquire of Chewuucan Mercantile company, j umiey, uregon. FOR SALE 10 acres, T. 1. Sec. 25, T. K. 35, It. 20, lot 27, 1.1k. 92, Lake Co., Oregon. AddroHH II. E. Free man, 44U Ohio Ave., Topeka Kan aaa. M2S-2t 'Vv, '.' T . V S' V, v, s4 : .X'.. :i- III Ilia County Court of the State of Oregon, tor tha County of 1-akr. lu the matter ot the eatate) CITA J. 11. Adaum, DtH-aaard.) TION To Oeorge Adams mid Elisabeth AdauiM, and the unknown heir of J. 11. Adams, den-axed : In the name of the State of Oregon: You and ewh of you are hereby tiuvl ami required to apenr In tho County Court of the (State of Oregon, for Lake l otioty, at the court room thereof lu thaii'y of Lakeview, Ore gon, on the 2tfth day ol April. 1012, a 10 o'clock A. M., and then ami there show catrne, II any you have, why au order of wain ahould not lie made, directing, mil liorlslng and II ceualtig M. D. liopkioa, na admlula trutor with the will annexed of aald estate, to nell at private Male for raah In hand the IoIIowIiik demrltM'd real rotate, belonging to the eatale of J. !J. Adams, diieawd, to wit: The Mouth weat quarter of the aout hweat quarter of taction fourteen ( 14) and tlioeiutt half of the Mouthetat uuarter: tieoutheMt quarter of tho south- eMt quarter of Meet Ion ttftevn (LI), towiiahip thirty nIx (3C) aoiith, range twenty six (2) eant, Willam ette Meridian, like County, Oregon, lu accordance Willi the petition here in oil Die for said Mile, to puv the. claims againat Maid fHtale and the ex penned of admiiilHtratinii. WitnenH the Honorable H. Daly, Judge of auid County Court, with the Heal of raid court alllked thia 2."th day of March, 1912. F. W. PAYNE. County Clerk. r oi iae. late of 1 V, lea Med. J DOING THEIR DUTY Scores of Lakeview Readers are Learning; the Duty of the Kidneys To Alter the blood Is the klndeys' dnty. When they fall to do this the kid neys are sick. Hack ache and many kidney ills fol low. Help the kidneys do their work. Doan's Kidney Tilla Lave cured thousand) of severe casew. Proof In the follow lag: Mrs. William Charley, Urapu (St., N. 8. SINNOTT. n.j.hinnott, xiepuiillcan congres sional candidate at the coining pri marles, was bora at The Dalles, Ore gon. For the past twelve years he has tieeu the law partner of Judge A. H. Iteuuett under the Arm name of Bennett & fiinuott, at The Da Hub, Ore gou. He represented Wasco aud Hood River counties In the last two Hesslons in tho (State Senate. Advocates the trial la thia congrea- alonal district of civil and criminal cases arising therein and triable In the federal courts. I'reventiou of gambling la farm products. Iucome tax. Direct election of U. M. senators. I'resldeutlal primaries. Maintenance of the Oregon system. More liberal boiiies toad laws in line with the Borah homestead bill. Parcels poMt. Freest use of forest reserves aud natural re sources cony latent with liberal cornier vatlon Ideas. A tariff based on tho difference lu the cost of products at home and abroad. Free canal for American Hlilps, Restoration to Ore Jgon of Its Just share of the reclama tion fund, NOTICE Tt v.UEDITORH In the County Court of the IState of Oregon, lor tlieCotiuiy of Ike. lu the matter ol th Kali VICTOR HARVM', Oecean To all whom It may concern : No tice la hereby given, that the uniler Mgaed win by an order of Hon. It. Daly, Judge of the County Court of the Mate of Oregon, for the County of Iwtke, duly made anil entered In the atiove court and matter on the 23rd day of March, 1912. appointed ad mlulMtratrlx of the eat ate of Victor Harvey, decciuied. and haa dulv nualt. i. lieu IIH MUCH. All porno mm having rlalma against said decedent of Maid estate, !are here by required to preaent tha same, duly verllled ami accompanied by the proper vouchera, to the utidcrHigncd, at the law olllce of L. F. Conn, lu the town of Lakeview, Lake couuty, Oregon, within mIx months from the date of the Ana publication of this , notice. Dated ami flrnt pulilUlied March 28th, 1912. ALICE A. HARVEY. AdinlnlMtratrU of tl.o Entitle of Victor Harvey, Deceased, We Have Just received a ship ment of the famous Gotzian and Goodman Bros.9 Shoes Including black and tan, high and low cuts, the latest styles for Spring and Summer Give us a call you buy wear. before where. else- Economy Store