I Town Proporty "We Sell The Real Earth" O'NEILL & DUNLAP GENERAL REAL ESTATE Lakeview : Oregon Spring Spool ale In Far me and Timber IMOO.OO For a 7-roim rwldaiice, bath room, cellar, Wrxxlxtinl, barn, carriage lion', fruit Irooa, large lot cloau to huaiuraa center on Water rtt., rajr txririn. For tuliiMM office Mock, new and In good order, Jnil right fur Income Investment. In plng IH er cent net after pay Ing water, Insurance, lUhie and taxi's. 'I'.ixmy forma. 24f0. Ou Knr flnr imw fl-room hmim-, wood h1hh, chicken bonne and barn, large lot IftOxl&l, nil fencud, about ciiid block from High Hcbool, Juat built iHMt ytnr, easy term. 12.60 IVr acre for tto acre mo.t all tinder the O. V, L. main canal. Improve menu, houae. barn. well fenced. The reaauu for offering tbla property at euch aa nrea.o.able low price. It in part of an rat ata that tnnat be (old. Juration. 4)1 mi rawest of the O. V.I addition to Lakeview. "r n uiiK enoi, at oargain. j-pone or wire as. Per acra for 100 acre One timber cloae to mill. Over 2.000.000 feet. 17 11500 20.14 25 00 130.00 1'er acre for 240 F.aar term. acree, 8 tallea vest of town, good aage brush land I'er acre for 30 acree. 7tf mi lea N. W. town, 15 acre water right, moatly 5000.00 Takie 4 lota with large houwe chm to busiwse center on Wali-r atreet, will noil all or part. This I your ohsuca to get a btiHinesa location. Eaay urum. nnuer cuiutbtioo. iertna cash. 1'er acre for 100 acre flue grain land, aeven roil a from Lakeview, weat. I.aay tarrna. ' Xaftc Counts Cramlncr THURSDAY, MAJ'.CIl 21, 1012. DRIEF MENTION New Gingham at It & M'a. Italnlor Heor on draught at the Inn Watson & Htrlplln buy and well m ond hand goods, tf. A good cigar for five centa at Tho Froat. The only one In town. II. A. Urattain. of Faialev. ia resla tared at Hotel Lakeview thla week. Charlea Morrlaon and Iater Vernon Monday dame uo from New I'lne Creek. Nuw aurlng hlmry, allk, Hale and cotton, faucT raid plain, black and color at LI. A M.'a A verv enjoyable ,deee waa held In Wuard hall Saturday evening in which about twenty-five oouolee oarllcloated. Mra. D. C. Hrhmlnck Monday re turned from Hevie Creek where ahe haa been vlaltlne: with Mra. M. L). Willlama. Loula Gerber. the mutton buver. la In Lakeview tbla week interviewing our aheeo vrowera. No purchases have been reported aa yet. Laat Saturday Fred Fiaher aid family moved to their new home at New Pine Creek on the McCullev ranch which be recently purchaaed. The Klamath Daoere are devotinK much time enerirv and valuable aoace to a little newsoaoer controversy to aettle the ouestlon of "Wbo'a a lUrT" Laat week the old well curbing which waa In front of the I'alace aaloon. waa torn down and moved away. Thia waa an old land mark and ita diaauDearance ia nuite noticeable. Mr. and Mra. Georre W burton Fri day left on the aiiecial train for Reno and California cltiea. Mra. Whorton went for 'medical treatment and the lenctb of their trio ia indefinite. Uncle Dick Klngslev celebrated hia ttfth birthdav, March 15. Uncle Dick aava he can smulefoot faater and jump bivher and dive decner and come out drver than anv other old atlfT in Lake view. Mra. C. H. Parker, who haa been apendlnu the winter in California, vca terdav reached Lakeview on her way home. Mr. l'arker met her here and thla morning they left for their home at Adel. County Commiaaioner F. E. Ander mi Sunday came down from Fort Rock to attend the adjourned term of County Court. Court convened a couule of weeka ago but waa adjourned to await the arrival of Mr. Aoderaon who waa not in attendance at that time. Georee McGrath. la working behind the Hotel Lakeview bar during the ab ae'nce of George Harrow who left laat Friday for a few weeka viait in Reno and California polnte. Mr. McGrath waa oroDrietor of the Alcove aaloon in Alturaa which he recently aold. Charlea Allatrum and Mra. Julia Haker. brother and aiater of Mra. C. E. i,ontwav. have arrived from CriuDle Creek. Colorado, and have permanently located in Lakeview. Mr. Allatrum haa acquired an Intercut in the Colora do Cafe and Hakerv and will assist in conducting the buaineaa in the future. Ideal Nhlrts, all new at H A M'a. Do you drink beerT Ak for It iluler The Ion. Our Shirt WuIhU ale nobby and op to date. II A M'a. L. P. Klippel waa down from hia Hummer Lake ranch thla week. The Froat la whnre you can vet vour Eaater Candlea and Kaiter novetiea. Dick Mahoaev the well known Irian lad. waa In town the foroait of the week. Mra. John Metzker veaterday return ed from a vialt to Reno and other oolnta In the lower country. ' 100 ncrea anin-brtiah land on Weat Hide (or atita at 1 10 per acre, bar gain, ft J. N. Wataon. Of I. A. Underwood, contractor and builder, haa begun work on the new home for Clarence Kinehart on Main atreet. Jamea Turpin and Frank Roeere two ofLake countv'a aheeo men. came over from Pluah to attend the funeral of Pnil Lvnch. ItOHK COMIi White and Drown Legborna, eyga $1.60 per aettlng, apet-lal price on two or more aettiiiga. E. C. Alilatrom. 2t Andy Morria. the Adel dairyman waa in Lakeview Saturday. He atated that be would aoon move to hia aum aier quartera in Camaa Prairie. The Preabvterlan Ladiea Aid will meet at the Maaonic Hall on Thuradav afternoon. March 28. Mra. O'Neill will aerve refreabtnenia. AH are cor dially invited to attend. Indian John, the pioneer red akin of thla aectlon. la over from Yanlx. John ia a hale old warrior from the Piute tribe and hia acuualntance ex- i tenda over a large area of the Went. D. M. Jonea. a reaident of liarnev county laat week came over to viait hia aon. Henrv Jonea. He baa anent the winter montha in trapping for covotea and bob cata and reporta quite a aue ceaaful catch. All kioda of new Hhlrta at It & M'a. 1m Vogun auita aod coata at the Merc, Go. Do you want good leer? Aak for Ititliiler. The Urewery. F. P. Lane, auoerintendent of the 7T ranch In Warner, ia in town. If yon want a really good emoke for Dickie, try Htorkman'a Leader. A big line of linen In whit and natural color for embroidery work Marc. Co. A. L. Thornton, who left on the Flk'e Special for Keno. continued to San Francisco to attend to buiineea mattera, G4ntlrnao dcalrea room aud board In private family without youngchll dnn. Apply at tbla office Dy letter atatlng terms. ' M21 tf C. U Snider left foran Francisco Sunday, whither be goes ' to purchaae manle flooring and ataea fittinga for hia new Uoera boose. ' - M. Whorton and wife and Mr. and Mra. Montegomer 3 'nosy made a abort buaineaa vialt to New fine Ureek. re turning borne on Monday's train. For Sale Cheap. Edkon phono graph. 40 4-ialn. records, 00 2 nilo. records, alao aet tit Encyclopedia Bilt annlca .11 veil. Koqulre Examiner office. tf. The Red Rose Division of the M. E. Ladiea' Aid will aerve a chicken oie auooer at the Civic Improvement Club rooina. Saturday. March 23. from 6 to 7 :30. 50 eta per cover. VT. F. tirob veaterday returned from Reno after an absence of 10 dava or more. He went on tbe Elka' excuraion. and tbe event waa ao jovoua tnal he gave himself credit for double time. Mra. E. E. Woodcock who haa been auite eerioualv ill in Lakeview tbe paat few weeka. laat Friday waa taken to Portland to enter a sanitarium where it ia hoped ahe will regain her health. Mra. Guv Foster, of New Pine Creek will give a demonstration of tbe Flet- Atluras Plaindealcr: J. E. Nllea ! cher vitem of teaching muaic at the Civic Improvement Club rooms. Tues day. March 26. at 2 P. M. Every one interested in music ia cordially Invited to be oreaent. will take charge ot the Hotel Curtia on the 20th of thia month. Tbe building formerly occupied aa tbe Hotel Nilea will be ooconied tv the First National Rank of Alturas. Miaa Gladva Chandler and Miaa Veva Whorton entertained a number of their friends Friday evening. March 15. at the Chandler home on Water Street. Various games were olaved and dainty refreshments aerved. It ia rumored that George Wingfield. of Keno. haa atated that he will viait Lakeview about the first of April when it ia expected that some definite information will be given out regard ing hia contemplated hotel building In Lakeview. Anna M. Neilon Sunday returned from San Francisco where ahe haa been the paat month attending to buaineaa Mr. and Mra. Ben Cloud have re turned from California where thev spent the Winter. Thev got back just in time to get the effects of Fridav'a, heavv atorm. which waa the first really bad weather thev had experienced aince a year ago. Miaa Mellie Vernon, trained nurae. daughter of Mr. and Mra. T. B. Vernon of thia place. Monday returned to Salem after spending several moniha visiting, with relatives here. She Intenda to per manently locate at the State Capitol where ahe will follow her profession. W. K. McCormack. a prosperous farmer and aheepman of Summer Lake, thia week cama to the" county aeat to mattera and making purchases In mill-, attend to business mattera. While here ...... ..5.1 Ifl.l!.... Ck. ..Ill k. n.H. unnaman l t1 . inerv and women's outfittinge. She will conduct a fashion ahow at her millinery parlora the latter part of the week. A heavy anow fall occurred through out thia entire section last Friday and Saturday, which will be of vast benefit to crooa and summer range. Un the hills bask of town the snow ia now sev eral feet in depth, which Insures plenty of water during the Arrowing season. he made arrangements with the Foreat Service and J. F. Kimball for hia sum mer range on which to graze bia stock. Harry Vernon, aeoretarv of the Lakeview Tranafer company, and wife came un from the firm's ranch at Davia Creek laat week. He baa sown some grain thia soring and on account of the recent storms feela verv opti mistic aa to crop proaperta thia season. The Home of Good Values Special Inducements for March Shoppers fTT New Spring goods arc coming in. Winter goods are Hi Kn ou' liven in the new purchases there are special values because we picked up special lots at lower ed prices. In the Winter goods prices only represent part of their hrst cost. So whether it be in the NHW or the OLI) that your wants can be best supplied, we can fill your needs satisfactorily and economically here. Sec our Window Display of Shoes fTT We offer you all the correct styles for Spring 1912. A few bargain lots of lines to be discontinued still remain. And the prices of these latter will be marked down and down until they are gone. BAILEY & MASSINGILL The beat In men's ahoes at H. M.'a Rainier Beer on draught at the Brewery. New line of wool divan gooda and an It patterns at Merc. Co. Women's tie w utioe sty I, the cor rect shoea for spriog. B. A M.'a Sam Dieka, a farmer of the Crooked Creek valley, apent Ssturday in town. Mrs Ida Courtney a former property owner In Lakeview. yeaterday returned from Kansas. Mra. Fred Revnolda returned on Monday's train from a short viait with relatives at New Pine Creek. Walter Dent and wife Tuesday re turned from San Francisco where they have been spending tbe past two montha. E. K. Henderson, of Silver Lake, thia week paaaed through town enroute home after having spent the winter in San Franciaco. We bave tbe only cigar that ia a good cigar In town for five cents If vou don't think ao. come and we will prove it to vou The Froat Al Smith, tbe picture ahow man. Monday received bia new trauaformer and ia now prepared to give abowa every evening except Saturdava. George M. Jonea. stockman of tbe Cbewaucan valley ia In Lakeview thia week attending to buaineaa mattera and viaiting with George Jobnaon and family. P. G. Vougbt. recently of Liona. Kanaaa. laat week came to Lake county to caat hia future lot. He ia a farmer and expecta to inveat in some land here and follow bis choen pursuit. C. C. and John Loftua. mine owners in the Windv Hollow district were In Lskeview this week. John Loftus recently returned from Orland. Calif., where he has been spending tbe win ter. Geo. Roea ia taking a prominent part In all muaical events at Stanford. "G. P. Roes. '14. of tbe University Band, cornet solo." aopeara in almost every program, evidenUy being a drawing card. Cbas. Dunlao. wbo laat week arrived in Lakeview from New Jersey, baa en tered into the real estate buaineaa with J. O'Neill. Mr. Doulao is a very plea sant gentleman and his association with Mr. O'Neill will add to the strength of the firm. Mr. and Mrs. Hsrrv Riggs came over from Warner thia week on buai neaa before tbe local land office. Mrs. Riggs recently filed on a desert claim, and in connection therewith under a recent ruling it is necessary for her to make affidavit to the citizenship of her hue band. C. M. Oliver waa a buainesa visitor in the citv thia week from hia farm be low New Pine Creek. Mr. Oliver ia a prominent farmer and stock raiser of the valley and reports prospects verv bright in that vicinity. He has a few head of horses Including a fine stallion which he intenda to put on the market in tbe near future. The Examiner is in receipt of an elaborate folder descriptive of the Grand Lodge Reunion of Elka to be heid in Portland July 8-13 thia year. The celenration will be a memorable event in Oregon thia season and will be attended from all over the atate. Rates bave been established by all the railroads and an effort will be exerted to make the reunion a grand success, Now is the tims to U30 stationery to advertise the meeting of the Central Oregon Development League I n Lake- view next August. Tbe Examiner has s handsome cut for use on envelopes aa well as an appropriate one for letter heads. No extra charge is made for the use of the cuts as tbe price is tbe same aa for ordinary printed station ery. Last Friday Mr. and Mra. W. B. Sni der departed on tbeaoecial for southern California where thev will remain for some time for the benefit of Mra. Snider'a health. She has been auite poorly of late and it is hoped bv her manv friends that a change to a lower altitude will result in her, recovery. During tbe absence of Sheriff Snider. E. E. Kinehart will officiate in thia capaoitv. M. D. Williams and wife this week came up from their Davis Creek ranch on a short vacation and to visit with Lakeview friends. Mr. Williams ia verv optimistic as to croo prospects in hia vicinity and savs the recent storms have sufficiently insured results. He ia also enthusiastic over establishing a creamrev in the valley and is of the opinion that tbe move will meet, with like fsvor among the other farmera ot his locality. Walters Addition OHers the Best Close-In Home Sites in Lakeview! Near Schools, Churches, Depot and Business Center. Buy Now! Lots 50 x 125, $140.00 to $275.00 Easy Terms. W. F. PAINE & CO., Agents (Tff To be sure that the style of your EASTER SUIT is correct and that the quali ty and workmanship are the best your money can buy wait for the "BENJAMIN" We will have these in a few days and you will want to see them before buying. BRITTEN & ERICKSON PC A GALLERY OF SPRING STYLES r3 D T the Mercantile Store is a line of Spring Goods that will do you good to look at; also you will note with pleasure the Substantial Recuctions all along the line. Cheaper transportation and taking advantage of the markets before the rise in cotton, enable us to do this and our customers reap the benefits. We have a nice line of Ginghams, Japanese Crepes Searsuckers for Underwear, and many new novelties in Summer Dress Goods. We are showing a big assortment of Messalinesand Foulards which are priced lower than all previous years. We in vite you to come and let us con vince you we are right in all our statements. The LAKEVIEW MERCANTILE CO. 3 C 30C m m D (i n