Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 14, 1912, Image 7

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1 I
A Want Ad In The Lake County Examiner
Repeated n few times, if necessary, will find a customer
for that property of yours. They arc scanned closely
by intending buyers, and the cost is nominal 5 cents
the line for each insertion. Special long-time rates.
WANTKI-to ! Incnted oo first class
Km) m w. tilvw particulars, tut to
soli, climate, location, water, itin
b..r etc. W. M. Iliowu, 112, K. loth
St., i'orlliiiKl, On'tcon.
W PtU fl, MMIIWIIinii III t"M 11 '-
ernl vit'ollKUt dielda to sell our sjdou-
did llUfiMTJ St'Hk. A permanent
ulnre, t-snli weekly nul u square Unit k of you. Write for tmrtloulara.
WanMngtoo Nursery Co Tojniilli.
- - ttrx
ward tmtued by the Telephone
Company for dintroyluK 1U prop.
..Iv lUtf
FOR KENT Mil furnished room.
Heat, ruuiilng watr la room, do
lu. Inquire hsmntner ulllce. tf.
A KKWAKU of nfty dollar Is urs
br ottered for lulorwatlon that will
Uad to tit arrsa' and conviction of
.... Mini who baa atoUo wire or
I r property, from our Ooiupaoj!
kuij id asm rtmru
for taforniait"0 that will lead to the
. . m I Lm.Yrm nttmrmrt
mat and ;,n?lctlon or aoyoue "
troving tt property of the Company.
' Cham. Umbaoh.
Co. TL it Tel. Oo.
Secretary Ls
Don't forget that we carry In stock
tor aala all kind of Iron, bol'a and
obolue. thimble skeins and Iron ana
eleel sales Arzoer Uroa.
1.14(1 OHM AMMI-AB.
grade oi ..ujours and Ugara to le
found In Oreguu. "
Hotel Utsevlew bar. The beet and
purvet whisky niadw. tf
.'itii MAI K. litO seres, townahlp 33,
ramie SM, auction Malheur County,
On-Kou; valued at IH 00 per acre.
tSOUcttall or part payment, balanee
at six per tent II taken lit once.
JoHeph I'erlo, OK) o. Sth St.. St.
JdHeph. Mo. m7's
FOR SALE Oood piiylng bunnies
wood already rut. 1-iMjuire r.amu
iner oUlc. 1,11
FOIl KALE A few rMUKle
I ikrntiiirtoii Cockerel. I nee yi.uu
t to ir..00 each, according to Quality,
ICggs tor batching a.W tor 15. 1'urt
i llred. Winter lay tun strain. ' Mr
v Fannie C. Monroe, Willow Ranch,
4 MjkI.k- Oounty, California. tUtp.
ouilt." in irr,.ll IjlIlP (ourilv
. I.-nlz ,f th of the N W
W ol the BKt, Hection 3f. townHhlp
5?, ranne 21. ThU la a fine tract of
land w ith ft acre watr right and
IZS paid on the other 6 aeren water
rlKbt. For quick ale, Has. rite
Jen Horeneen, oo o.w, imn.m. .
KOR HALE W acre, Uike County,
OreK'on, the NV of the 8E4'. aec
tlou 3.. townHhlp 3fi, raniieE.
nr l Ij u imirul triLft uf laild.
... ill, t.nn " m - :
... . . ..... ..f IfkkH Hllli
IS nine o in "; . Z
tf mile irom n.inn. rr .ju
tliKi null i-ti IU AUiires ueui
Sortwm ii, bo63i, Harlan. Iowa.
mi uii.i.' ?i arrfH In cultivation
U'tDK part of the SL of hK o(
bee. 15, township .'IS.S. of 11. 37 K. in
Harney Co. 1'rlio ao per acre or
would take lot. in I'ortland. uray
lieal 4. Lurla, 6S2 Union Ave. No.,
Portlaud, Ore.
V ANTED Hood houm-litvpinn tuaRa-
I iue require the aervlcea of n repre
SMentatlve lu Lukeview, to look
i aluT ubitcrlvlloii renewal and to
3stend circulation by eiu-clal nieth
loda which have proved uuumially
' ieucct'MHful. Salary and commliMlou.
Irrevloue experience desirable, but
iioteHentlal. Whole tlineorttpare
time. AdilreHH, with refen-ncen. J.
. V. FalrbaiiKH, tioed HounekeeptnK
iMavaRlue, 381 Fourth Ave.. New
York City. "
FOR SALE IK) acre In section an,
jtowi,hlp33, rane 3l. Einiulro of
-Keaiter Dro., I.akeviow, Ore.
TIE Lakevlew Atmtract A Title Co.
In making special price ou auhuiki.
s ko O. V. It. Co.' Tract uud Town
: ..Cota.
K MALE-Ixil 1, block 47, true! 18, "ttou
(iwuaUlp HW, rauio Ik). 10 aurua. I aiilltiU ao
Itl.rou llioaboveora prlcuon Hie adjoining
land. It I' Uoy, Uartlcld, Hvbr.
I OK HAI.K Lei S3, Uook 78, aud Triiot 8' ol
1 fe ol N W(-uf N Yii . boo JK, Twp, Kauge iW.
f lu aurei Vull walur rljilit AUdran tiad
arduor, LUbou, North Dakota
BK8A LK-Traot 8. Bio. 14, T. 88, K. 1, IU or4,
J. I'urtur, I'urtlaud, Tua.
K SAI.E-Traot 1, Hoc. 16. T. 87. H.'ii, 40 acre
. U. I'vanou.SS W Alameda Ava. puliYar.Col,
IK 8AI.K -lxt 24, blooa 188 an1 tract . Hee 18,
41, H 18, ) anrt'i. Aditruw llldeu Ward, 111
mi at, Dm Moiuei, lowa.
Ik HALE lot 14. block 180, and N!, ol HK',, of
VV4, M.O 17. I aw, n 10, xu avrt'B,
' ray. box n, ruugenciii, " mmu. n ywv.
BALK-U t S. Dlock Mt, O V L addition,
in (I tit, hWU, Ko 17, T86, H 84, 40 aurei.
Iddrcu J. fleroa Wolfe, Moorbaad, Miuu.
t, a k I ir t ha LlJui. at i n U I. aHltl.ifi.
hiX BV'ol NW ol WW4, Hoc 1V,TU6,
Want Ads
Not Coal Iand
Diartiiieut of the Interior, U. H.
Land Ofllcn at lakevtaw, Oregon,
February, 10, 1112.
Notice I hereby Riven that Dan
Chandler, of ltkevlew, Oregon, who.
on March 21. 1U10, niacin timber ami
tune application No. 0.II7U, for NKt
eeetion 8, towunhtp SB N., ran 18 K.,
Wlllamettti Merldinn. haa filed notice
of liileotloo to make final proof to
CMtahllnh claim to the land above de, tiefore the reitlater and re
reiver of the IJ. B. land ollke at Lake,
vlnw, Orei(on, ou the 11th day of
April, 1U1X
tlialmaut name a witneewM: J.
8. Fuller. I. M. Cory, L. E. Tracy and
Chai. ltuilta, all of Lwkevlew, Ore
Koo. A. W. ORTON, RegUter.
Not Coal lud
Department of the Interior, U. 8.
IjiuJ Oflir at Ikevlew, Oreou,
January, 24. 1WI2.
Notice la hereby given that John E
Lowe, ol Illy, oreicoii. who, on June
21, 1UI0, niHile homeetead entry No.
03711, lor N E4 NWX. NKNEl.hec
20. NWV4 NW4, Mection 21, townahlp
.1(1 H , ran ire 111 E, Willametu Merid
ian, ban Oletl notice of intention to
make final commutation proof, toe
tibllah claim to the land above dea
rrlbed, b. fore J. O. II amaker, l ulled
htatea Comtnlanioner, at Honama.Ore
Kon. oo the 1Mb day of March, J12.
Claimant uamea aa wltiienec: El
mer Joiicm, W. F. Oarrett, Jame
Taylor aud Win. Lowry, all of ly,
A. W. ORTON, Regiater.
In the County Court of the Mate
of Ori'Koti, for the County of Lake,
lu the Matter of the hatate of 1
Ivceaeed. 1
To all whom It may concern : No
tice I herebygiven that the uuder
aliened wan by an order of Hon. 11.
Daly. Jodtfe of the Count v Court of
the State ol Oivkou, for the County
of Iake, duly made and entered in the
above entithnl Con rt und matter on
the 20th day ol February, 1U12, ap
pointed Adinlnt-ator of the Kutate
of Kdwanl A. Snyder, dtveaMed, and
haa duly (ju all tied a uchadmlntalra
tor. All perrona having claim
HKalnat aiilil decedent or Hiilcl eetat
are hirtby required to preeimt the
Name, duly verllh-d and accompanied
tj the proier voucher, to the under
bikiicO at tiie law ollloe of L F. Conn,
in the towu i.f l.akevlew, lake County,
(ricou. within al& moutha from the
date of the first publication of thie
Dated anil flret imblUhed thl S2ud
day of February, 1912.
AdmlliHtrator of the Eetate ol
Edaard A. Kuyiler. deceaeed.
Not Coal Ijtndrt
Department of the Interior. U. S.
Ijind Otllce nt Lakevitiw, Oregon,
February 12. 1H12.
Notice Ik hereby Riven that Michael
Ime, of rltiah, Ort-Kon, who, on Oc
tober 2, 1(JU8, made homeetead entry
No. 0U28, for SS, lot 10, 8.-C. 22,
and lot 4, Sec. 23. townelup 3U S.,
ranxe 24 K., Wlllametto Meridian haa
tiled. notice of Intention to make final
commutation proof to etftablieh claim
to the laul above deecritied, lefore
the reglater and receiver of the United
btateH land oHU-e at Lakeview, Ore
Kn, on the 22nd day of March. 1012.
Claimant name aa wttneseea:
Jame D. O'Couner, of I'IuhIi, t Ire if on.
William Inoe, of Lukeview, Orevon.
Wm. Kepiiel Harry, of Flueh, Oregon,
and John Murphy, of Flueh, Oregon.
A. W. ORTON. Reenter.
Ih-partmeut of the Interior, United
State Land Otllce, Lakeview, Oregon,
February 23. 11112.
To CornelltiH McSwetucy, contented.
You are hereby notllled that John
WalNha who Rive Lakeview, Oregon,
8 bin poatolllce addrea, did oo Feb
rnary 23, 1912, tile In thlH ottloe hi
duly corroborated application to con
tent and wcu re the cancellation of
your hometead entry No. 3U2rl, tajrlal
No. S131H made July ftli. lBOtl, for
8W4- of NW4'. NW of 8W. tectlon
27, and NEi of NEW and NEW of HE
aection 2. townahlp 30 Houtu. ramie
9 t'RHt, Wlllamutte Meridian, and a
ground for hi contest tie allege that
you have wholly and voluntarily
abandoned aald land more than tlx
month prior to euid February 23,
11)12, and have voluntarily and con.
tlnuouHly remained away from said
land for more thau six month prior
to aald February 23, 11)12, without
JiiHt cauee or any reason or exuuae.
lou are, tnereior lurtner notineu
that theaaid allegation will be taken
by till otllce a having Iteen cou
teMed by you, and your eald eutry
will be canceled thereunder without
your further right to lie heard therein,
either before this otllce or ou appeal,
if you mil to tile in tin otnee within
twenty days after the fourth publica
tion of thl notice, aa shown In-low.
your aiiiwer. under outn, aieclncally
meeting and responding to those ai
h'Hiitlous of contest, or if you fall
within that time to file In tula ofbee
due proof that you have served a
copy of your aiiBwer ou the said con
testant either in person or by regis
tered mall. If till service I made by
the delivery of a copy of your answer
to tiie contestant iu Ktrsou, proof of
bucIi service emst be either the said
contestant' written ncknowledg
ment of his receipt of the copy, show
ing the date of It receipt, or the af
fidavit of the person by whom the
where the copy w delivered f tf made
by reentered mail, proof of each mr
vice must constat of the affidavit of
the pcraon hy whom the copy wat
mailed slating when and the pout
olllce to which It wa mailed, and
this aflldavtt mimt te rcoiiipntiled by
the poalmaater'a receipt for the let
ter. You should state In your answer
the naiiiM of tin poatollicd to which
you dealr future notice to be went to
A. W. ORTON, Reidster.
Dale of Urat publication, Feb, 20.
HiUe of aecond publication, March
7, 1D12-
Dat, of third publication, March
U, 1012.
Due of fourth publication, March
21, 1012.
"The men who are following Roose
velt remind me of a bny who wa rid
ing runaway bull. When aiked
where be wa going, the bov reolied.
'1 dont' know. Aik tbe bull.' That is
exactly the Dredicament of those men
who are following ex-Presdent Roose
velt. Thev don't know where thev are
going. Aak Roosevelt."
This la Dart of a severe arraignment
of Colonel Roosevelt made at the or
ganixatlon of the Tafl Republican of
California by Orove L. Johnson, father
of Governor Johnson of California.
Governor Johnson has been auesrested
as the running mate of Roosevelt.
Orove L. Johnson, known aa a South
ern Pacific machine politician, was one
of the most conspicioua figure at
the conference, which wa attended
bv 200 Taft suDoorters. He declared
that Rooeevelt'a re-election would res
"menace" and that the Colonel is
"dangerous to the country."
Colonel Charles Miffin Hammond,
brotbcr-in-law of Roosevelt, was elect
ed chairman of tbe club.
While tbe men were meeting to
form a Taft organization. Remiblican
women who favor tbe re-election of
Taft were meeting to organize a Taft
women's club. It is tbe first time in
the history of the state that California
women are Dreoaring to parlisiDate
actively in a Presidential campaign.
The women, who have been recently
enfranchised, will be a big factor in
the state. Thev comoleted their
organization of the Women State Taft
Republican Club bv electing Mrs. Abbie
Kerbs president.
Some Debt
New York city has a dett of one
thousand million dollars to be exact,
$1.087.81 17.18.81. This is 20.000.000
more that the debt of the United
Ststes Government. It is one thousand
dollars for each family In the city. It
is more than five times tbe dett of
Chicago. Philadelphia snd Boston com
bined. The mere increase in 1911 Is aa
large as Boston's total debt. We
think that our nation! debt is nrettv
Isrge. but if our national debt were as
large, oer capita, aa New York Citv'a
debt is. it would amount to the appall
ing ard unpayable sum of nearly
Their Unceasing; Work Keeps Us
Strong- and Healthy
All the Mood In the body passes
through the kidney once every three
minute. Tbe kidneys Alter the
tbe blood. They work ulght and
day. Wben healthy they remove
about five hundred grains of Impure
matter daily, when unhealthy some
part of this iinfurj matter Is left In
the blood. This brings many diseases
and symptoms pain in tbe back,
beadacb?, nervousness, hot, dry akin,
rheumatic pains, gout, gravel, dis
orders of the ej. sight and hearing,
dlizluesa, irregular heart, debility,
drowsiness .dropsy, deposits In the
urlue, etc. But It you keep the filters
right you will have no trouble with
your kidneys.
A, 11. Scofleld, Ashland, Ore., says:
"It gives me pleasure to endorse
Donn's Kidney Pills. They brought
me gieat relief from a severe attack of
kieney complaint and I am now en
tirely free from the troubte. Doan'a
Kidney Fills can be relied upon to
dispose "f buchache aud difficulty with
the kidney secretions."
For sale by all dealer. Price 60
cents. F'oster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agtnts for the United
Rememlwr the name Dosu's and
take no other.
Clark & wrioiit
debkut lands,
tontkut and mining casks bcu1pt
Associats Wobk Fob Attobnbys
J. L. LYONS, D. D. 5.
Office In Watson's Block, Lake
view, Oregon
aval Yvar'a tprl.naa In Mloblaan.
UraUaal of loiveriUy of HUihlaaa
The Secretary of the Interior has
recently decided a number of import
tan t land esses of interest to home
steaders snd others, s digest of which
Is given herewith:
The deosrtment Is without suthorltv
to extend the life of sn entry and per
mit the entrvman to make comolianc
with the law as to either residence or
cultivation, auhsauent to the expira
tion of the statutory life thereof.
Where lands which have been with
drawn from all disposition are restored
to entry, no soplicstion will be receiv
ed or snv rights recognized ss initiat
ed bv the tender of sn soolicstion for
any lands until the order of restitution
is received bv the local office. Citing
George B. Prstt. 38 L. D. 146.
The act of 1908. providing for second
entries, has no retroactive effect which
will operate to cure a defective right
based uoon a claim of prior settlement
snd at tbe same time cut oil and de
feat the assertion of a superior adverse
eleim. In other words, one disquslified
to Initiste a valid settlement riht
cannot claim the privilege of having
bis status ss sn entrvman determined
as of tbe date of his application to
protect such fnvslid settlement right.
The right will only be protected from
the dste the impediment to its Initia
tion is removed snd the right attaches. !
Tbe act of February 13. 1911. extend-1
ing time of residence in certain states
is a remedisl ststute snd should be '
construed liberstlv. Therefore, tbe j
ssme covers period of time from
December 1910. until Msv 5. inclusive.
Act of J one 23. 1910 providing for
sssfgnment of entries or parts thereof,
made within reclamation projects un
der act of June 7. 1902. covers only
those claim wherein tbe entrvman has
sstisfsctorv proof of residence, im
provement snd cultivstion for five
years, reuuired bv tbe act.
A successful contestant does ' not
scauire any pecuniary riehta. Be is
entitled to a period of thirty dsvs from
notice of tbe cancellation of the entry
within which to apply to enter tbe land,
but tbe payments made bv the former
entrvman can not be credited to him.
nor is be entitled to the lower rate per
cent for building charges, but must
psv tbe charees obtatning at tbe time
nis soplicstion to make entry Is filed.
One who makes desert entry of pub
lic lends must clearly show. In sub
mitting proof, not only that he has the
right to a sufficient supply of water to
successfully irrigate the lands, but that
the svstem of ditches is sdeauste for
that purpose, and also that the necess
ary supply of water has been actually
used on ssid Isnds in s manner to prove
tbe beneficial results.
The register will be held liable for
the costs of republication of final proof
where an error in description of land
is made by him. Tbe record is in pos
session of tbe register and he should
see that the descriptions sre correct
before directing publication. Publish
ed instructions of August. 1909. 38 L.
D. 131. Affirmed.
Where the proof is to residence is
weak, but here is strong proof ot cul
tivation of the land in sdded area snd
with increasing yield of crops - each
year, and evidence ahowing a persistent
a sure means to a desired end. This exclusive feature of
the Monarch Typewriter results in more work because the
Monaroh is so much easier to operate than other type-writers--less
physical energy is required. The work is
uniformly better because the operator is not hampered by
"Three 0'Clook Fatigue," and finishes fresh right up to
dosing time.
Write for desoriptive literature.
307 Bush Street
effort to maintain an aetoal4'home uoon
the land, the proof will be deemed suffi
cient. The Isw permitting essh entry of
j timbered snd non-timbered Isnds does
I not fix a definite period for msklng final
proof. However, it must be reasonable
j and made witbin seven vesrs from data
I of entry, as In ordinary homestead
entries bss been considered ss the limit
of time, which msv properly be sl-
' , a m . l li . - . m m
iuwcu i or in making oi nnai prooi 01
entries of this clsss.
A contest affidavit filed against a
desert land entry during the pendency
oi an application ior extension or time
under the act of March 28. 1908. ahould
allege fact tending to overcome tbe
prima facia showing of right to such
extension. Citing Hoobler vs. Treffry.
39 L. D. 567.
The entryman's rights to such exten
sion of time Is prims facia, by resaon
of the mere filing of tbe application,
and the burden of proof is upon con
testant to controvert toe f sets set forth
in the soplicstion or extension of time.
A motion to dismiss will not be
grsnted. where It aopesrs thst the in
terests involved are Urge snd the
! United States is in truth and in fsct s
! psrtv in Interest, but will be disposed
of on its merits.
President Urges This Fcr tha
Good of the Pacific
To open Alaska and develope its
resources. Is the recommendation of
President Taft in a recent message.
Tkls Is a step the people of the coast
have worked for for years. Oregon
people ha we not been able to see any
Justification for going' to middle West
ern coal mines for fuel and hauling
it by train half way across the coun
try, when enormous coal mines In
Alaska, easily accessible from tide
water, can be opened and coal brought
by ship-load at a remarkably cheap
rate for use here.
President Tift favors the leasing of
coal and phosphate lands In Alaska as
well as In the United States, so that
these sources of wealth may contri
bute their part to theprosperlty of the
nation. The president also favors a
commission form ot government, at
Abstracts to O.V.L. Property
-B. ssv assr fr each tract of land in Lake Co.
SfoZ .73 j i for each Town Lot in Lakeview,
rm " 1 Oreeron. including first deed from
' the
Get our special prices for Abstracts of Title to any
' real estate in Lake County.
In a commercial sense, the
employer is interested in the
quantity and quality of the
output of his typists. It is
evident, too, that it is to the
best interest of the operator
that each day shall show a
satisfactory amount of work
well done.
Therefore, both employer and
operator find in
least half of which should be elective,
for Alaska.
In bis desire to open Alaska an
develop It, tbe president goes so far
as to urge a government railway from
Seward to the Matunska coal Held
and Into the Tanana and Yukon val
leys. That these steps are favored by
the president, only because of their
benefit to the people of tbe west, la
his own statement. He said:
"I think the United States owes tt
to Alaska and to tbe people who have
gone there, to take an exceptional
step and build a railroad that shall
opea the treasures of Alaska to the
Pacific and to the people who live
along that ocean on our Western
Nation Owe Debt ef Gratitude.
Money Indebtedness Is not the only
sbllgatlon we Incurred and assumed
la the treat Civil War. There was a
till greater debt, aa everlasting obli
gation that could never be paid In
lulL But in years that have followed,
fhe Republican party has Inaugurated
and developed pension laws under
which over three and a half billion
dollars have been paid to disabled
veterans, or to the survivors of those
who gave their lives for their country
and their flag. This pension system,
a product of the policy of the Repub
lican party, has no precedent in his
tory and no equal In Justice and gen
erosity among the nations of the
earth. Hon. Jamrs S. Sberman.
A well known minister who bad been
preaching a begging sermon, concluded
it as follows: "I don't want: any to
contribute who have not paid their sub
scription to tbe home pa oer. for coun
try papers need monev a great deal
more than do the heathen." That min
ister knew what he was talking about.
John W 8ickeimiUi, Oraenabora. Pa. has
three children, and like moat children they fre
quently take told "We bare tried several
klndi of const medicine," be says, "bat hava
never found anv yet that did them aa tnoea
good as Chamberlain's ougtj Remedy" For
ale by all dealers
A woman went into a newspaper
office and wished to advertise for her
husbsnd who hsd disappeared. Whea
told that they charged two dollars aa
inch she went out, saving it would
break her no at that rate aa her hus
band was over six feet long.
When yoo have rbenmattam In yoor loot mt
Instep apply Chamberlain's Liniment and yea,
will get quick relief For sale bv alt dealers
San Franoisoo, Cal
tfi dfleld, a. p.
delivery wni made itutlng when and