Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 14, 1912, Image 5

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    ' Town Property
IX'iOO.OO For a 7-runm rcaldmica, luttb mom, cellar, wndbed, barn, carriage
lion, Iruit treoa, large lot cloee to lulu' o otrruD Water tit., eajr
"IV 77ie ? Earth' 9
Lakeview : Oregon
120,00 Per acrs for 40 acre, 8 mile wet of town, good sage brnab land.
F.mj torni,
125 00 Per acre for 30 acrea, 7J mi lea N. W. town, 15 acre water right, moatty
under cultivation. Term a caab.
130.00' Per acre for 180 acrea In meadow a boot mile from depot. Eaay terms.
20.00 Par acre for 100 acre fine grain land, acrea in ilea from Lakeview, weat.
Easy tarma.
20.00 Per acre take 200 acre of timber land S mtlea from the city. Boy ctoee
In and your profit will be large. Eay term-.
For kuHliiKHM office block, niw and In good order, just right for Income
Investment, la paring 1H ter cent net after paying water, InAUranoe,
lUht and taxes. Kiwy tonus.
For a fluff new 6-room Iiouhc, wood elit'd, chicken boo and barn, large
lot IWxIiU, Mil fenced, about one block from 1 1 1Kb NcUool, Juat built laat
year, easy term.
Tiike 4 Iota with large houae clow to bualneM center on Water street,
will im-II all or part. Thin It your chaiice to get a bumoeis location.
Easy U rnm.
Xaltc County Cynmincr
New Oinghaui at II A M'a.
Ideal Shirt, nil new at II A M'a.
All kind of oew Hblrt at 11 & M'a.
Tli lxat In won' ehoe at n. M.'a
Italnlor Heer oo draught at th Inn
Do you drink bwerT Aak for lUlnlcr
Ta Inn.
Iteipfmb-r, we aelllKnnan Khoe.
La Vogue uiU and ooaU at the
Merc. Co.
Rainier Beer on draught at the
WaUon A Htrlplln bny and noil see
oad band good. tf.
Oar spring Hoe of Kblrt WaiaU are
here. U A M a
Cedsrvllle. Calif., baa aeveral oaaea
of scarlet fever.
Our Hblrt Waist ale nobby and up-to-date.
HAM 'a.
New spring atylea In uin' ablrta
aad lloe. B. A M.'a
Wm. Tbom la In Lakeview tbl weak
taking In tb eight.
Do you want goxl Inter? Aik for
Kalnter. The Brewery.
Guy Nytwanar la driving stsee be
tween hare and Paialev.
New line of wool dreae good aud
eult pattern at Mure. Co.
Watch for our St. Patrick display of
candy. Cloud' Kandy Kitchen.
Woman' new aboe etylet., the cor
rect hoea (or epriug. II. & M.'a
A very extensive !1n of colonial
draperle la ahowu at Merc. Oo.
Puritan Muallu Underwear made
in aanltary factories. Merc. Co.
The beet butter Oliver 'a 40 cant
ptw pound at Bleber's Canh otore.
If you want a really giod smoke
fur a oickle, try Ktorkiimn'a leader.
Dr. B. Dnlv made a abort builnea
trio to Alturaa the flnt of the week.
For a real bargain for a house and
lot in Luke view, imo J. N . Watson. 2
J. W. and R. II. Bovdtun were In
from tbe Weat Side the firt of the
a big line of linens In white and
aatural colore for embroidery work
Marc. Co.
Manuel Sander, one of Lake county's
prosperous sheep men ia sojourning in
tbe city.
J. W. Fitiwater. this week was
buslnes visitor in the city from the
Weat Side.
John Warn and J. F. Hanaon were in
from the Point Kanch on the weat aide
About thirty will join the Elk ex
cursion which will leave for Reno to
morrow. Kor sale: l-0 acrea aitgo brush land
under canal, fenced, $36 per acre. See
J. N, Wutioii. 6f
Tbe city dada have made arrange
ments with Contractor Kiddel to All in
the low places by the flume on Canvon
street. Tbe dirt will be used from
tNs excavation on the Hervford block.
Kurntahei front room, ground floor,
I block from boMlness center. Enquire
Kxamloer office. re;M If
Good dry 10-locli wood for sale by
B. H. Tatro. Leave ordera with (J.
Hherman KaaUtr. 2 32
Our many new pretty pattern of
wah iioode uiuet be seen to be appre
ciated. II. A M.'a
New spring hoisery, llk. Hale and
cotton, fancy and plain, black and
colors at B. A M.'a
Mrs. H. O. Kubl was last week call
ed to Salt Lake Cltv by tbe aerloua
lines of her mother.
100 acre sagebrush land on Weat
Side for sale al f 10 per ewre, a bar
gain. Bee J. N. WaUon. 01
Tbe ladies of the Presbyterian Aid
Society will meet with Mr R. M.
Corbet this afternoon.
N. T. Corv and family will movt
into tbe Fred Fiaber residence on Main
street tne first of next week.
Mr. and Mr. Chs. Umbscb today
returned from an extended viait to San
Francisco and other California eltiea.
F. M. Miler leavea on the excursion
tomorrow for Berkeley. Cel.. wbere be
will spend a few day with bia family.
Andy Cantleburv. the government
bunter la spending a few days In tbe
cltv. after a aeveral month atav in tbe
Mr. and Mr. Tbomaa Sullivsn. nee
Miss Christine Flvnn. ware over from
Plush laat week visiting with Lakeview
H. W. Drenkel last week sold a lot in
the Sherlock addition to Cbaa. Dun
lap, adjoining tbe property be bought
of N. T. Cory.
. Warren Kilgore. of Langell Vallev.
and Mia Louise Flockers. of Yonna
Vallev. were recently married at
Klamath Falls.
HOSE COM It White and Brown
Legborua, eggs 1.60 per setting,
special price on two or more settings.
K. C. AhlHtroui. 2t
One ot the N.-C.-O. steam shovel
that ha been stationed at the penin
sula down the valley has been taken to
Keno for reoaira.
The drill team of the Rebeksh lodge
will practice in the I. O. O. F. ball
tomorrow evening and all member
are requested to be present.
For Hale Cheap. Kdlnon phono
graph, 40 4-into, records, 00 2-iuln.
records, alxo Met of Encyclopedia Brit
annlca 111 vol. Knqulre Examiner
office, tf.
K. W. Elliott, who waa formerly em
ployed in the McCurdv barber shop.
will return from hi visit to the east'
in a abort time and resume hia former
position in the ahon.
It la aaid that nearly all Americana
have abandoned Mexico in the Past few
dav and have concluded to remain
over the border until the Mexican aitu
ation baa been cleared.
H. L. Chandler and family of Crook
ed Creek, spent aeveral dava of last
week in town and while here Mr.
Chandler sold bia property on Weat
street to Nate Wilcox.
The "Blue" half ot the Ladies' Aid
Society of the M. E. qhuruh will give
a social in tne Masonic nan rrinav
evening. A program will be rendered.
Refreshments will be served for 15cts.
A recital will be clven In the Metbo
diat ehurcb Saturday evening. March
23, at 8 P. M.. bv Miss Beacb'a puoils
in expression. No admission. All
friends Interested are cordially invited.
If you want a dollars worth of sugar
vou go to a grocers, or a keg of nail
vou go to a hardware store. For thia
reason vou ahould buy your candy at a
candy store. We are manufacturera.
Tbe Frost.
Monday evening Dr. Smith was call
ed to Pluah to attend Phil Lvnch. but
when the doctor reached Warner can
yon word waa awaiting bim that It was
unnecessary to continue farther aa tbe
patient waa resting eaaier.
Mra. E. E. Woodcock, who ha been
serlousy ill for the nsst two week,
waa a few days ago presented with a
a beautiful boauet of carnations wblcb
ber sister of the O. E. S. Needle
Club had thoughtfully ordered.
J. E. Hswblll. the well known secre
tary of the Central Oregon Develop
ment League, ha resigned bia position
aa manager of the Bend Commercial
Club and baa accented a aimilar posi
tion with tbe Burns organisation.
U. S. Stock Inspector Wm. Proud foot
and D. P. Mallov Monday left for a
tour on the "desert" to inspect various
bsnds of sheeo. It is reported there
is some Infected aheeo in thst territory
and tbe cases will be investigated. -
Zsck Whit worth wss in from the des
ert thia week, looking hale and hearty.
Zaok reports rang condition ideal, and
tbe atorma of tbe paat week will add
much to the length of time in which
stock can be held on tbe winter ran gee
Wm. Alford laat week came over from
Pluih to visit hi father. Thoa. Alford
who ia aeriously aick in Lakeview.
He returned Monday to move hia fami
Iv over where he will be able to be in
regular attendance upon hia father dur
ing bia illness.
Tbe Bonanza Bulletin laat week con
tained a cut of the American Eagle on
its front page. The object of thia dis
play ia manifested on the streamer from
the birds beak, with the inscription
proclaiming the success of tbe Horse
fly irrigation project.
Cbaa. Arthur and wife Monday re
turned from San Francisco. Thev have
been absent aince last fall and Mr.
Arthur has been spending moat of tbe
time at San Francisco and Merrill at
tending to numeroua shipment of mut
ton to California markets.
Mrs. Peter Poet, who baa been aeri
ously ill in Lakeview for tbe past aev
eral wreka. Monday waa taken to a
hoepltal in San Franoiaco for treat
ment. Her brother Finia Hiokerson
and Dr. Leitbeed. of Fort Bidwell
accompanied ber on tbe trip.
The political aituation la extremely
auiet and there aeema to be no indca
tion that they will te different before
the primary election in April. Thus
far the registration scarcely exceeds
200. and unless voters get busy there
will be but few votes cast at the elec
tion. ,
W. L. Clapp, veaterdav brought over
four passengers from Klamath Falls by
auto. Among the passengers were
Mrs. J. F. Kimball who came over to
join her husband, and Walter Dver who
was on bis return from the east where
he wss called bv the illness of bis
The Home of Good Values I
Special Inducements
for March Shoppers
flTT New Spring goods are coining in. Winter goods are
KineJ out liven in the new purchases there are
special values because we picked up special lots at lower
ed prices. In the Winter goods prices only represent part
of their first cost. So whether it be in the NEW or the
OLD that your wants can be best supplied, we can fill
your needs satisfactorily and economically here.
See our Window
Display of Shoes
JTT We offer you all the correct styles for Spring 191 2.
j A few bargain lots of lines to be discontinued still
remain. .And the prices of these latter will be marked
down and down until they are gone.
J. Bruner. a mining man who recent
ly came to New Pine Creek, was In
Lakeview vesterdsv attending to busi
ness mstters. He hss tsken options on
some property In the High Urade dis
trict and waa here negotiating with
some of the interest of the Mountain
Sheeo for an option on their holdings.
Work ha progressed ouit rapidly on
tbe Snider opera bouae despite the ad
verse weather and under suitable con
ditions would soon near completion.
An idea of the appearance of the build
ing when completed can be gained
from tbe frame already up and it will
no doubt make a handsome opera
Tuesday. March 12. marked tbe 43rd
vear of Hon. C. U. Snider's residence
In Lske County. Mr. Snider'a career
In thia section hss been a most success
ful one and bis accomolishmenU bave
been many. Tbe Examiner bones be
will live to enjoy many more anniver
ssries and the fruits of bis untiring
L. C. Vinvard of New Pine Creek
last week returned from an extended
trio through California. He came uo
to Lakeview Saturday and helped to
swell tbe increasing throng of Exam
iner subacribera. Corwin aaid be ssw
plenty of country while away but noth
nig that looked ao good as Goose Lake
Fire generating from soontaneoua
oombusticm. damaged the plant to the
Nevada Uaa Company at Tonaoab.
Nev., March 8. to tbe extent of S25.000.
Generators, pumps, compressors and
other mscbinerv were burned and the
building destroyed. Tbe structure waa
owned bv tbe California Light and Fuel
On March 9 Abe Attell of San Fran
cisco, former featherweight champion
of the world, went down to defeat be
fore the greater weight of Narlem
Tommy Murpbv before a killing crowd
at Jamea Co (froth 'a Colma arena. Tbe
fight waa aaid to be one of the fastest
and bloodiest ever seen between good
fighters in San Francisco.
Warren Laird last week returned
from California, where he haa been
spending tne winter with bis family,
When be left tbe Golden State the out
look was bad for stock and crops, the
rainfall having been short. During the
past week, however, there haa been a
good rain, bat it ia possible tbst It
csme ton late to be of much benefit.
The orchard Industry 1 reaching such
proportions at Davis Creek that tbe
advisability of atationing a fruit com
missioner at that place Is now being
considered. W. A. Green, secretary of
the California Fruit Growera Ex
change, recently paid that section a
visit, and be la of the opinion that such
action should be taken Immediately.
J. M. bmall last week concluded a
deal for F. W. Klipoel'e holdings in
Summer Lake, consisting of 200 acrea
of deeded land and assignment of 160
acrea of deaert land. Mr. Kliooel
expects to spend tbe Summer In
Southern Alaska, where he will pro
mote a large financial undertaking, the
nature of wblcb has not been made
About twenty of the local Gaelic
football enthusiasts will lesve for Plush
tomorrow where a contest will be held
Saturday beween the Lakeview and
Plush teams. A dance Friday evening
will be one of the festivltiea of the oc
casion and a grand time ia promised
to those able to attend. Jesse Dsrnel
hss been engsged to furnish music for
the dance.
A very enjoyable whist party waa
held last Thursday evening at the Dod
aon home on Water street Miaa Delia
Walker assisted Mrs. Dodson aa hostess
and a verv pleasant evening is report
ed. Hve tables were occupied by tbe
games and prizes were awarded. Paul
Drenkel captured first prise while
Murray Heard walked away with the
consolation trophy.
Fred O. Ahlstrom has again an
nounced himself as a candidate for
county treasurer which office he haa
held tbe last three terms. He needs
no introduction to tbe voters of this
county as he ia one of the beat known
men in the country. Bv bis past re
cord in the office he again seeks, he
Is willing to allow the people to judge
as to hia fitness for the place.
J. Chas. Smith & Co.. proprietors ot
the Parisian Millinery are advertising
their Grand Millinery opening and Se
cond Aniversary sale to take place
March 23. Mrs. Smith recently return
ed from Chicago and other eastern
ci(ies where she made purchases In the
I a teat creatigns in millinery and the
reputation established bv this house
in its previous openings warrants its
share of the publio'a patronage.
Walters' Addition
Offers the Best Close-in Home Sites ia Lakeview!
Near Schools, Churches, Depot and Business Center.
Buy Now! Lots 50 x 125, $140.00 to $275.00
Easy Terms.
Agent a
inn nun
. Medium and light
weight wool, also
mercerized cotton,
good weight for
Wry - . nrvi
Complete stock of
Popular price
garments, per suit,
$2.50 to $3.50
izzn HDL
T the Mercantile Store is a
jfil line of Spring Goods that
will do you good to look
at; also you will note with
pleasure the Substantial
Recuctions all along the
line. Cheaper transportation and
taking advantage of the markets
before the rise in cotton, enable
us to do this and our customers
reap the benefits. We have a nice
line of Ginghams, Japanese Crepes
Searsuckers for Underwear, and
many new novelties in Summer
Dress Goods. We are showing a
big assortment of Messalines and
Foulards which are priced lower
than all previous years. We in
vite you to come and let us con
vince you we are right in all our
TheLAKEVIEW mercantileco.