Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 07, 1912, Image 1

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Proposed to Bond State in Sum of One Mil
lion Dollars Lake County's Share
Would Be $26,093.53
Last week Dr. K. Dalv returned
from Portland where he waa called to
attend a meeting of the Good Koada
Harmonising Committee. On the com
mittee with Dr. Dalv. were W. B.
Aver. C. F. Trail, of Portland. W. K.
Newell, of Washington countv and U.
K. Sienre. of Clackamaa countv. The
eomnuttre waa aooointed Kehruarv
l'2st bv Governor Wait fur the ourooae
of examining the varioua billa prepared
bv the Good Koada committee. State
Grange and different commercial bodiea
of the atate. Owlna to the dissenalon
of the original bills, the Harmonising
Committee waa aaacmbled to draft a
good road measure to the beat Inter
eat a of the people of the entire atate.
A valuable bill waa on-pared to super
cede the others which waa disapproved
only bv the State Grange. Thia body
emphatically oppoaed atate aid. Dr.
Dalv staled that no apparent reaaona
were offered for thia oMection and
that the people, as a whole, through
out the atate favored the oruooeed bill.
It la aooarent that Oregon In her
nresent condition decidedly needs a
atate aid measure to aaea cltv nroo
erty for road development. Sixty per
cent of Oregon's property valuaiion
is vei-ted In her city property and from
thia part not a cent is derived for
"Bills" Have Chartered
Train for Candidates
to Nevada Town
The first railroad excursion out of
LakeView will take place one week
from tomorrow, when a apecial Pull
man train will run through to Reno. It
will be known aa the Elk's Special, al
though a cordial invitation is extended
every one to ioin in and make it a big
success. While a number of "Hills"
and "to-be-Bills." together witn their
wives and sweethearts, will be aboard
the train, vet it is expected that there
will also be many other excursionists
from Warner. New Pine Creek. Dsvis
Creek. Alturss and other points along
the railroad, who will assist In making
the excursion one grand alTair. The
fare for the round trio haa been fixed
at S20. tickets bing good only on the
dav of sale but can be used on the re
turn trip on anv regular train within
IS da vs. The fare from intermediate
points will be one and one-third of the
regular rate.
There will probably be 20 candidates
for Elkdom aboard the train and a
number of Bill Elks will accompany
them to see thst thev get what la com
ing to them. However. It Is thought
that assistance will be needed to core
for the youngsters en route, and hence
a cordial invitation la extended tbe
general public to loin the excursion so
that there will be plenty of assistance
In landing the candidates should anv
attemnt to escspo before reaching
It will sure be worth the money,
whether vou are an Elk or not. for the
N.-C.-O. will continue its practice of
"The best is none too good for Lake
Wool Sales
The Oregon Wool Growers' Associa
tion has announced the following sales
dates for wool in thia state during 1912.
Echo, flrat salo May 30: second sale
June 10: Pilot Rock, first sale Mav 31.
second sale June 14: Heppner. first
sale June 4-5. second sale June 17:
Shanlko. first sale June 6. second sale
June 21 : Baker first sale June 8. second
sale July 8: Ontario first sale Juno 10;
Vale June 11: Metolius firs', sale Juno
24, second sale Julv 16: Enterprise
and Wallowa, June 28.
good roada. From the digest of the
new bill which we give below, its lm
oortanco to the voters of Oregon In
general la very aonarent. The new
measure proposes to bond the atate in
a rum not to exceed $1,000,000 annually
and the total indebtedness fur anv pur
Doae is not to exceed two per cent of
the assessable prnnertv in the state.
The bonds are to run 30 veara and bear
Interest not to exceud four and one-
half Dur cent. After ten vears a sink
ing fund will be instituted bv a direct
tax which will cav o(T the bonds at ma
turity, and the sinking fund is to be
invested In aame manner as ordinary
trust funds.
The apportionment ot money Is as
follows : Two-thirds of the s mount of
the original bond issue or SoG6.Go6.6G.
will be divided into three equal parts;
rat part to be apportioned among the
34 counties and by this apportionment
Lake would receive tfi.636. 11. The ae
cond nart or $222 222.22 will be appor
tioned to the various counties accord
ins to their area In aousre miles and by
this provision L,ke. owing to her area
embracing about eight per cent of the
entire state, would get eight per cent
of t222.2U2.22. which would be S17.-
777.70. The third oart. or S222.222.22.
Continued on pnu Hicbt
Various Commlttles Ap
pointed By the
Last Monday evening the Lakeview
Commercial Club held a very lively and
profitable meeting in the Club rooms
on Center street Much business was
taken uo and disposed of to the best
Interests of the countv. Professor
Burgess, who wss on the committee of
country life education, reported that
considerable interest hsd been aroused
in this move but returns form out side
points had not been received. Judge
Dalv. chairman of the school board.
made a very interesting talk in regard
to the line of educational work that
was proposed bv the new Lakevie'w
High School. He said an effort would
be exerted to create more interest in
fHrm li'e and demonstration gradening
bv pupils and manual training aa well
as a domestic science deoaitment for
girls would be provided.
The committee composed of O. C.
GibbH. J. O'Neill and J. B. Auten ap
pointed to examine and report on the
contents of the various good road bills,
hud compiled a very elaborate report
on the gist of the bills, and made clear
many plausable reasons why they should
not be suoported bv the voters. How
ever, owme the state wide criticism of
the good roads bills, the Harmonizing
committee appointed bv Governor
West, had previously disapproved of
the ones in question and prepared
a bill to auoercede the original mea
sures. Judge Dalv, who was on the
committee, gave a very clear descrip
tion of the purport of the new bill, the
digest of which appears elsewhere. A.
W. Orton. Chus. Combs, and O. C.
(jiblB were appointed as a committee
to report on the advisablitv of the
Commercial Club endorsing the new
good roads bill, as well as the Brown
Immigration bill which provides for
the protection of immigrants against
fradulent real estate dealers.
In the matter of awarding the print
ing of the literature to advertise the
oountv. Secrearv Everett read the vari
ous bids which he had received from
several printing houses. The bids rang
ed from practically $500 down to S2G0
which was submitted bv a San Francisco
house. A vote was taken on the sub
ject and tbe Examiner Publishing Co.
was awarded the contract at a price of
1420 for ten thousand conies. The en
tire cost of the publication will amount
to about SooO. including half-tones, and
S480 has already been pledged. Upon
a motion Prealdent Britten appointed a
eommitlee of Ave. to assist in preparing
the cony for the orlntera subject to the
anuroval of the commercial bodiea of tbe
sections to be represented in the book
let. Those - named on the committee
are E L. Britten. Dr. E. D. Everett,
E. C. A hint rum. H. P. Welch and Kaloh
E. Koozer.
Twelve new members have been ad
ded since the !at meeting and ceneral
interest in the club seems to be rain
ing. The next regular meeting will
be held Monday evening. March 11.
Davis Creek Booming:
Claudd Sesger. sales msnsger of the
Davis Creek Orchards Co.. Tuesday ar
rived In town on a short business trio.
Mr. and Mrs. Sesger have been mak
ing their home in Sacramento but con
template on moving to either Lakeview
or Davia Creek about May 1. He sava
Davis Creek is on the boom and pros
pects are favorable for a very lively
aeaitnn. His com can v will plant about
20.000 fruit treea there this vear.
Nations to Unite In Con
tinuing Integrity
of China
England. Russia, tiermanv and Jap
an have responded favorably to Secre
tary Knox's invitation to place them
selves on record with the United States
for the continued Integrity of China
and joint action, without seeking in
dividual advantage in anv concerted
movement of the powers which may be
come nerceasarv lo the present distur
bances. France. Italy and Austria, to whom
copies of the note were sent, have not
The inter change waa called forth bv
Secretary Knox's letter on February
3d to Count Von Rernstorff. the Em
bassador from Germany, in which the
views and the attitude of the United
States toward the situation in China
were made a subject of record.
Diplomats generally interpreted the
note as an Indictsion that Germany and
the United Statea were agreed and
would stand together to continue the
intorsitv of China while at tbe same
time it waa construed as invitation to
other powers to place themselves on
Largo Delegation Will At
tend Development
Parties including Dr. Dalv. W.
Thompson and V. L. Snelling.
have recently visited Portland
other outside cities, state they have
been given every aeauranoe that all the
large business houies and railroads
will be reoresented at the meeting ot
the Central Oregon Development Lea
gue at Laaevlew In August. Dr. Dalv.
while In Portland last week, visited
the banking Institutions of that city
and came back with their promises of
sending delegates to this meeting.
"We want to aid In making this the
grandest event ever pulled oft In the
gout he, n part of the state" is the sub
stance of the encouragement received
bv Messrs Thompson and Snelling while
Interviewing the business men of Ore
gon's metropolis In regard to the sub
ject. B. V. Kevins, freiaht agent of
the Western Paclfio who was in Lake
view the first of the week, stated to an
Examiner man that he would take up
the proposition with his company to
establish a reduced rate during the
period of the celebration. Manager
Dunaway of the N.-C.-0. assured Mr.
Snelling thut he would grant anv con
cessions possible to help Lakeview on
this occasion. .
While it was no, officially acted upon
at the meeting of the Lakeview Com
mercial Club Monday evening, it was
the prevailing aentlment of the major
Ity present to dispense with a Fourth
of Julv celebration for Lskevlew this
year and to center all energy and ex
pense In tne Development Lesgue cele
bration. However this Is a plan to be
solved later and It is time that it
ahould te acted uoon. The burden
of expense of the Development League
celebration should not fall entirely up
on boslnesa men of the town but should
be met bv citizens of the entire county.
The benefit will be mutual, it is not
going to benefit Lakeview anv more
than anv other section, hence there is
no excuse why the citizens of the
countv should not be interested in
msking tbe meeting a memorable one
and one of mutual benefit.
Painful Accident
While attempting to take a gun
through a door. Tuesday morning. M.
J. An tone, a homesteader in tbe north
end of the vallev. accidentally dis
charged the firearm and the buMet
penetrated the flesh cart of bis left
arm. Tbe gun waa a 25-35 calibre
and inflicted a verv painful wound.
Dr. Everett dressed the wound and
tbe patient Is recovering as rapidly as
i -i ...
Will Make No Direct Re
ply to Roosevelt's
Wathingtm. Feb. 28. President
Taft will s 'on slsrt a vigorous speech
making campaign to explain hia posi
tion on current Questions and further
his candiascv for the renominstion. Be
fore the Republican National Conven
tion meets in June, the president will
aoend man-' dava on the road and is ex
pected to deliver scores ot speeches.
He will travel as tar west as Chicsgo.
north as far as New Hampshire and
south as fsr as Georg'a. Other engage
ments mav be made within a few
Although no announcement was made
as to the subjects of his speeches, it
is practically sure he will not fail
to include the recall of judges, the
"recall" of . judicial decisions, possib
ly the initiative and referendum and
topio touched on bv Roosvelt in his
Columbus speech. Taft will make no
direct reolv to that speech and it haa
been stated with emphasis that he will
not Indulge in personalities, but that
he will make clear hia own views on
msny doctrines advocated bv Roosevelt
in Columbus is almost certain.
Club to Be Formed at the
Court House Next
Monday Evening:
Monday evening is the time fixed for
the organization of the Lake countv
Taft Club, and the onlvfesrexoressed is
thst as practically everv one favors the
renominstion of the President that onlv
few of the faithful will be present.
It is therefore earnestly reauested that
all who tavor the renominstion of Presi
dent Taft be present at tbe Court
House next Monday evening and show
bv their presence that they believe that
the best interests of the country can
best be subserved bv his reelection.
A special invitation is extended to the
ladies. lor it is almost a foregone con
clusion that the right of sufferage will
be extended them at the next election
in Oregon. The brass band will furnish
music for the occasion, while a number
of sueskera will be in attendance.
Heavy Loss of Hay
Klamath Herald: Luke Walker.
whose ranch is Just this Bide of Blv.
recived a telephone message seating
that fire had destroyed about 200 out of
260 tons of bay he had stacked on his
place, and was still burning. On ac
count of the shortage of hay in that
viuinitv the loss will prove more than
usually serious.
But two davs ago the owner was
offered $7 uer ton for tbe product. Mr.
Walker brought with him to this city
to market eighteen head of beef tattle.
Will Be a Magnificent Structure Constructed
of Brick and Stone With Tiling
and Marble Finishing
Bids for the construction of Lake
view's depot will be ooened at Keno
Saturday next, and it is understood
that work thereon will immediately
follow. A aet of plana were received
last week bv I. A. Underwood, and
tbev show that the building will be not
only a credit to Lakeview but to tbe
N.-C.-O. Kv. as well, being modern
and op to date in every particular. It
will be tuilt of brick and stone, with
fine floors, plate glass and marble
finishings, the estimated coat being
$15,000. The brickwork will be of
flemish construction, which sbowa the
raised black mortar between tbe bricks
themselves, while tbe trimming will be
of cot stone, and the roof of galvanized
iron tiling.
Tbe building will be full two stories
in height, with the boiler room in tbe
basement. On the first floor will be the
ticket office, waiting room, baggage
room, toilets, etc. The waiting room
is of handsome proportions, having an
arched ceiling extending an into tbe
second story, and being 20 feet in tbe
clear. It is well lighted with numer
ous large plate glass windows, and has
magnificent entrancea on both tbe east
and west sides. When completed tbe
building will be 75x35feet 6 inches in
size, with a drive way on the south end.
Time is Limited to Regis
ter Before the April
The latest date on which vou can
register before the April Primariea is
April S. Following is a list of tbe
registered voters bo far from the differ
ent precincts : Summer Lake, 5; Sil
ver Lake. 85: Paisley, 6; Crooked
Creek. 9: North Warner. 3: South War
ner. 0; North Lakeview. 47: South
Lakeview. 96: Drews Vallev. 9: Goose
Lake. 16; Cogswell Creek. 60; Thomas
Creek. 8: Lake. 2: Fort Rock. 84.
This shows the total number of regis
tration to be 491 thus far. aeainst UC3,
the total number of voters registered
in the' countv at the last election.
Many do not consider the importance of
voting at the primary election, but
with the large number of candidates in
the political arena this vear it behooves
evcrvone to get busy and register so as
to be able to assist in choosing tbe best
candidate for the regular election.
The neglect of manv voters to regis
ter early is causing candidates much
trouble in getting the necessary number
of signatures to their petitions.
Only voters who have registered are
eligible to sign a candidate'a petition.
and as a certain percentage in at leaBt j
three precincts of the countv are re
Quired before be can get hia name on
the ticket much time is necessary in
which to hunt uo the eligible signers.
In North and South Lakeview pre
cincts the trouble is not so great but
outside of those two precincts but few
voters have thus far taken the trouble
to register. It should be remembered
that only those who have registered
are eligible to vote at the primary
election, and one can not "swear in
his vote" as is the case at regular elec
tions. The following from the Portland
Telegram shows the total registration
of the state by counties uo to about a
week ago:
With a total registration in the atate
already uo to 61.065. with about a
month and a half lett for the electors
to register, it appears as though the
registration for the coming primaries
will eclipes the registration for those
of last election. The registration by
counties as received at the office of the
Secretary of State is as follows : Baker,
Tbe second floor is devoted to offices,
which are reached by an eaav stairway
from tbe center of the building.
The different elevations of tbe build
ing indicate that it will present a
handsome appearance from both the
railroad track and from town, as well
as from the sooth. It is striking ia
appearance, and F. J. De Longehampa.
tbe architect, is certainly to be con
gratulated on the splendid plans and
appearance of tbe building that be haa
worked out.
C. W. Class, tbe very efficient agent
for the company at this station, is now
preparing plana for beautifying tbe
grounds, it being bis intention to bay
a park between the freight and pass
enger denote, so that incoming oassen
gera will be greeted by a pleasant sight
on their arrival in Lakeview. Mr.
Class will also have a space allotted in
the waiting room for display of the
products of Goose Lake Valley and other
portions of Lake countv. so that
homeseekers can at once ae what ia
produced in this section. Thst tbe
N.-C.-O. ia still msking good ia evi
denced bv the wise saving that by
their "works ve shall know them."
The building will doubtless be placed
at the font of Center street, where it
will present a most imposing appear-
Ashland Man Makes In
ducement to Goose
Lake Farmers
The secretary of the Lakeview Com
mercial Club is in receipt of several
letters from an Ashland man who is
desirous of establishing a creamery in
Lakeview or vicinitv. Bv the urging
tenor of bis varioua letters it would
seem thst be Is ouite anxious to give
Lakeview this industry.
He promises at all times of tne vear
to pay within 2. 1-2 cents of tbe San
j Francisco price tor cream and at sea
sons will oav the standard price. ... He
i also proposes to sell cows to the larm-
era and take payment in cream. All
! tbe encouragement he asks for' to es
tablish a creamery is the assurance of
, tbe milk from 300 cows.
I Without a conference with the farm
ers of the valley the Commercial Club
is unable to intelligently take uo the
' matter, and to this end fie Club rooms
will be offered for a meeting of the
farmers. This meeting is necessary
to ascertain the number of cows that
can be handled for this purpose and the
farmers are urgently requested to con
fer with Secretary Everett and arrange -for
a meeting to discuss the matter.
In addition with use of the train to
convey the product to the creamery, on
the south, a number of farmers can ar
range transportation jointly. It thus
J seems that the required number of cows
. could be secured, and it is to be honed
; the fsrmers will tske immediste action
uoon getting a creamery installed here.
Klamath Falls is advertising its first
annual "Rodeo" to be held under the
auspices and direction of Klamath Falls
lodge No. 1247 B.P.O.E.. to tske place
May 81 to June 2. ; Many of tbe local'
Elks anticipate attending.
1775: Benton 775; Columbia. 650; Coos.
1260: Crook. 760: Lurry. 85: Douglas.
2225; Gilliam. 840: Grant. 970: Har
ney, 690; Hood River. J630; Jackson.
1765; Josephine.. 850; Klamath. 600:
Lake. 420: Lane, 500; Lincoln. 550:
Linn. 925: Malheur. 125; (Marion. 180:
Morrow. 465: Multnomah. 17.800; Polk,
1460; Sherman. 210; Tillamook. 600;
Umatilla. 2060: Union, 1890; Wallowa.
925: Wasco. 1680; Washington. 1100;
Wheeler, 420. and Yamhill. 1470.