Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 15, 1912, Image 5

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    Town Property
For n (1in new 6-room house, wood abed, chicken house aea hum, large
lot 1.'i0iI23, all fenced, annul one block from llljrb Hcliool, eat built last
)iiir, cav terms.
Tukea 4 lot with largo hone clime to buaineaa center on Water street,
will hI all or part. This li jrur ehance to jet a buaineas location.
ICaay terms.
For n nice 5-room house, alm gao l barn, Urge lot on Slash St.,
near the depot." Kaey terms.
For one of the liowt bungalows In the city; alao new hern, large corner
lot, n bargain, dou'ttnUelt. F.aay terui.
"Wm 8ml I Thm Rmal Earth"
Lakeview : Oregon
30.00 Per acre for IflO acres in meadow about a mile from depot. Eay tern-
116.00 Per acre for lOOacrealn meadow with boom and barn, all fenced. Esay
120.00 Per acre for 100 acree floe grain land, seven ml lea from Lakeview, weat.
Eaay term.'
f 31.50 Per acre for 140 acres floe grain land, 1 mile from tbe O. V. L. addition.
Easy Una a.
120.00 Per acre takes SX acree of timber land S mllee from the city. Boy close
If XX). CO
Zahc County Cp miner
tih;k-ji)ay, feukuaky is, im.
La Vogue aulte aod coate at the
Merc. Co.
For anlo, good dry wood. Phone
Ml. N. T. Cory. Fltf
Wat ton 1 Btrlplln buy and aall sc
ond band goods, tf.
Potatoes, l?t x-r pound. Kh? J. 8.
Lane or IS. R. Patch. if.
The Wltards will slve their regular
club dance next Saturday night.
Nice Hue of ladlua' two piece and
union uudorwear at Merc. Co.
The lieat butter Oil vr'a 40 centa
per pound at Weber's Caah ntore.
Jaa. 8. Wakefleid la down from Sil
ver Lake on a brief buaineaa visit.
If you waot a really good amoke
tor a ok kin, try Htorkiuan'a Leadar.
Uarry Cannon, tbe tombstone mao,
apent Isst week la Surprise vallev.
Potatoes, aack low, let pr pound.
& J. 8. Lane or E. II. Patch. tf.
E. Keller waa a representative of
New Pine Creek in our city Tueaday.
V. Conn, merchant of Palalev. waa a
tiialneaa visitor In Lakeviet. tbia week.
Pleaaant Shellhammer, of Crooked
Creek, waa a buaineaa viaitor in town
I P. P. Lane, of Warner Valley, waa
a buaineaa visitor to the county .aeat
last week.
It ia reoorted that a sugar factory
will soon be built at Madeline plaina In
Mod ro oountv.
Potatoes, lota of tbcin, 1 aack or
1200, at let a pound. Ke J.J. Ijine or
R. It. Patch, tf.
D. M. McLeman la over from Klam
ath and would buy horseslf he oould
find any for aale.
Pearl In tram, of the Foreit Service,
atationed at Salt Creek, ia spending a
eouple of weeka in town.
Furulahml froat room, ground floor,
J block from buNim-en center. Enquire
Eiamlorr otfli-e. rVpI4 tf
Itart Pratt haa'taken the position aa
fireman on the N.-C.-O. between Al
turaa and Lakeview.
Good dry 10-loch wood for nle by
B. H. Tatro. Leave ordere with (1.
Hhernmn Flutter. 8-22
F. A. Fitzostrick. superintendent
ot the ZX ranch in Chewaucan. waa in
town this week.
Kurt Rock precinct with 77 registered
Vetera, aa yet leada any precinct In
number of registration.
Henry Funk thia week purchased a
lot in bearer's addition and expect a to
build in the near future.
E. A. Snvder came over thia week
from Ft. Bidwell on a viait to hia
daughter Mra. John Arzner.
J. L. Sullivan, recently with Mike
Har has accepted a position with
Maurice Murphy at Paisley.
T. F. Dunawav and W. A. Dunaway.
of the N.-C.-O. Kv., were registered
Munday at Hotel Lakeview.
Charles Rice formerly of thia place
ia now located at Alturai and haa taken
charge of the Alturaa band.
Last Friday night was the regular
meeting of the Rebekahe and aeveral
new candidatea were initiated.
burn, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. New
combe, of Valley rails. Saturday. Feb
ruary 10. 1912. a 9 pound boy.
George Newoombe. the Valley Falls
blackmaith. haa removed his shop from
that place to the Chandler Ranch.
Mra. J. M. Batchelder haa been em
ployed temporarily in the Foreatrv
office during the present rush of work.
Dr. Everett last week waa called to
Plush to attend Mra. Joe Fine. The
Doctor left hia patient much improved.
Mr. and Mra. Sam J. McKee returned
Saturday after aeveral dava viait in
Lake City to relativea of Mrs. McKee.
N'odee Man and wife wanted on
stock ranch. For particulars aee F.
M. Miller, Hank of Lakeview. Flotf
Saturday was a buav day In our citv
three being numerous people in from
the country to do their week end shop
ping. Why shouldn't Lakeview start a
troop of cavalry to participate in sum
mer or fall manoeuvers at Klamath
Wm. Pioudfoot. stock inspector, re
turned last week from the Warner
country where he had teen on a tour of
inspection of stock. He reporta ani
mals in a healthful condition in that
Tbe ladiea of the Civic Improvement
Club. Tueaday will hold their regular
meeting at their club rooms on Center
Alsska has been severely shaken by
earthquakes during the past few
months. The Isstone occurred on Feb
ruary 1.
Miss Julia Gloater returned this week
to her uuties aa bookkeeper in the First Bank, from a pleasure .trio in
It is now significant that La Follette'a
supporters have flooded to Kooaevelt.
whoae candidacy it is ssid will be an
nounced soon.
John Buchanan, a former merchant
of Klamath Falla. died last week in St.
Mary's hoaoitat In San Francisco, of
Since Will McCullevwss elected Citv
Marshall. Tom McCullev, of the West
Side, bss been employed to haul gravel
on the atreeta.
Tim Shehaa. a formea Lakeview bov.
but now a reaident of San Francisco,
csme In a few days since on a visit to
old-time friends.
Miae Afton Young, recently of Cas
cade Locks, is acting aa clerk in the
U. S. Land office during the absence
Clerk Wm. Towner.
A general street railway atrike.
affecting botb aurface and elevated
roads,, waa to have been ordered In
Chicago tbia week.
C. W. E. Jennings, the Vallev Fslls
booster, waa in Lakeview the past week
and reported everything in good ahape
out in the Chewaucan.
County School Superintendent J. Q.
Willits. who is teaching school at Adel.
came over Friday evening to soeod the
week end with his family.
An heiress to the Geo. Winvfleld mil
lions, in the wsv of an eleven pound
baby girl, arrived at the Wingtield
home in Reno February 6.
R. H. Ureen. proprietor of tbe Print
er. Long Beach. Calif., apent a few
dava of last week in Lakeview and the
vallev. viewing the country.
W. L4ir Thompeon and G. W. Rice
left yesterday for Portland to attend
the session of Irrigation Congress
which will be held Feb. 19-21. -
W. H. Smith, editor of a Truckee.
Nev.. paper waa shot ai.d kited last'
week bv P. M. Dovle. a business roan
of that place. Doyle ia in jail.
Auten & Rineharthave added an im
provement to the interior of their store
in the wav of a new oltice being parti
tioned off in the rear of the building.
The ice on Goose Lake haa become
quiet aoftand in many places the water
ia open. It only reauires a strong wind
to complete piling it up on the shores.
The Goose Lake Valley Land & Or
chard Co. this week eold the Arthur
Holmes ! property In Watson's First
Addition to F. J. Blaha. of the I
N.-C-O; j
"China Tom" thia morning left for
the Flowery Kingdom, and if the in
surgents do not capture him he ex
pects to return with a wife in the near
Word has been received from Frank
Parker, who waa formerly employed in
Arzner Bros, blacksmith shoo to the
effect that he ia now located in Colton.
Mr. and Mra. C. B. Parker, ot Adel.
arrived in Lakeview the first of the
week and will spend several days visit
ing with friends and attending to busi
ness matters.
Harry Kiggs and daughter arrived
from Seattle a few dava aince on their
return home. ' Miss Riggs haa been
attending achool at the Sound citv dur
ing the Winter.
The 62 minora who were entombed in
the Bunker Hill Mine last week iby a
cave in of a ahaft. were rescued after
12 hours of desperate work. None of
the men were Injured,
E. C. Thruston and family thia week'
moved Into their new home on Center
street. Mr. Thruston recently pur
chased this property through H. 3.
Alger, of Dexter Amlck.
Geo. Conn came down from Paisley
thia week on a business visit. Having
disposed of near! vail of hia holdings
to the Northwest Towmilte Co., he is
now in a position to take life easy.
Lee Beall. of the firm of Bailey &
Mussingill, Sunday returned from Med
fordjwhere he has been the past two
weeka on a visit to relativea and busi
ness connected with the family estate.
The new N.-C.-O. wire ia giving
splendid aervlce to outside points, con
versation being carried on between
Lakeview and Sacramento and San
Franoisco aa easily aa to Davis Creek.
T. U. Mcliatten. a Klamath Falls
jeweler and Alex Davis, a Klamath
eounty stoekman. have atarted for an
extenalve tour In South America. Mr.
Davla ia looking for a place where he
can atill raise range cattle.
P. Dohr. president of the Reno Brew
ing Co.. paid Lakeview a bu'lneae visit
laat week. The product of hia brewery
la now on aale in four of Lakeview'4
thirst emporiums, and "keg beer" ia
becomming a popular beverage.
Klamath Herald: Chester A very.
I who to date baa been the only avowed
' democrat after tbe office of sheriff baa
j withdrawn, and It la ssid B. St. Geo.
I Binhoo may nr the vace for the same
j nli. aa a m,mh,r nf Ava-rv'a nartv.
r - - ------ -
Bert Harber last week went to Plush
to bring over Miss Laura Snelling. who
ia teaching achool at that place. Tbe
; trio was made bv auto 'and aside from
' getting stuck In a enow bank at Mud
creek, no trouble waa encountered on
the journey.
A. Bieber. the local merchant. Sun
day left for San Francisoo where be
will ourchaae bla soring and aummer
line of merchandise. Before returning
be will visit bis daughter Mias Doratbv.
who Is attending tbe King'a Conaerva
torv of Music at San Joae.
P. P. Barrv. the aheeoman. waa in
from the deaert thia week and reoorted
range conditiona excellent, although
the water is scarce in some sections.
However sheeo are in splendid condi
tion and the wool promises to be of
auperior oualitv thia aeason.
Cedarville Record : G. J. Wentzell
baa been appointed to fill tbeunexnired
term aa paetor of the Esgleville church.
He will hold services there next Sun
day morning at eleven o'clock and in
tbe evening, and will continue tbe ser
vice every Sunday trora now on.
The aecond artesian well on A. H.
Hammerslev'a ranch waa completed
last week bv Geo. Ede. tbe flow being
fully aa good aa the first one. although
it ia at a higher elevation and 420 feet
in depth. There will no doubt be
aeveral wells sunk during tbe coming
A call haa been aent to tbe commer
clal organizationa of the Northwest to
aend delegates to the Immigration Con
gress In Tacoma. February 21 and 22.
Tbe congress ia called by the commer
cial bodies of Tacoma. Speakera are
assured from Washington. D. C, and
Andy Underwood thia week returned
from a combined business and pleasure
trio to California. He aaid the plana
for the large Hervtord building would
arrive next week for Mr. Hervford'a
consideration and hia future intentiona
regrading the building will then be
In the competitive drilla at Corvallis
laat week the Lake county boya won
out In thfir company teats. L. F. Crone
miller of Company O, and G. D. Crone
miller of Company C. winning in the
Sergeants' competitive drill, while W.
L. Dutlon of company D won in the
privates' drill.
Alturaa New Era : John P. Cook,
left here Monday for Lakeview. where
he will locate and follow hia profession
of architect. Mr. Cook came well re
commended, and made many warm
friends, while here. Lskeview is for
tunate in adding auch a good citizen to
ber population.
S. H. Adama. F. W. Henderson, and
R. N. Kohlman. reoreaentativea of the
Jacobs Stine Realty Co.. of Portland
are in Lakeview selling Portland
property. Thev have made aeveral
deala here and will probably remain for
a couple of weeks. Their ad appears
elsewhere in thia issue.
The Circle will meet at
the home ef Mra. J. D. Venator. Mon
day. Feb. 1 at 7 :30 P. M. Program :
Roll call, current eventa. "Realism
and Romance." (Hamilton, chapter
II.) Mrs. N. T. Corev. "The Nature
Tt Narrative." (Hamilton, chanter 1
II.) Mra. T. V. Hall.
Another aale of Center-street prop
erty was reported bv H. W. Drenkel
last week when H. H. Riddles purchas
ed three lots from Lee Beall and W. F.
Grob. The lota are located on the north
aide of the street and soma four tlocks
from Main street. Tbe price paid is
reported to be about $500 each.
Mra. M. S. Barnea entertained the
Ladiea Aid of the M. hi. Church. Wed
nesday, Feb. 7. and after the regular
business meeting dainty retreshroents
were served. Those present were:
Mesdames Combs. Alger. Wilson.
Harris Cronemiller. Arzner. Amick.
Dver. Morgan. Woodcock, Nolte, Sim
mons. Dvkeman. Wood. T. E. Bernard,
Castele. Miler, Patch. Cloud. Warren.
Michel. Corey. Sellman. Hahn. Willits,
Corbett. Leonard. Kuasell. Tracev.
Chandler. Barnea. Peacock, and Edith
Mrs. Mary J. Sutton, a pioneer
woman of Klamath, died last week
at the home of berdauahte", Mra. Geo.
Chastaln. of Klamath Falla. She waa
a aister of John. David and William
Wm. Towner, clerk in tbe U.S. Land
office, left Tuedav In company with bis
wife for New York Citv. Mra. Towner
bas not been enjoying good health of
late and tbe trio will be made for ber
Tbe ususl morning services will be
held in Mssonic Hall. Sunday achool at
10 and preaching service at 11. The
aubject of the sermon will be Washing
ton and Lincoln, tbe two greateat
Americana. An invitation is extended
to all. There will be no evening ser
vice, on account of the meetings in the
Baptist Church.
The Irish bovs are planning a foot
ball game between Lakeview and Plush
tesma. tbe gsmes to be plaved under
the Erin rulea. Conaiderable rivalry
exists, and big crowda will no doubt
witness the several contests. Tbe first
gsme will probably take place in tbe
near future at Plush and the second
at Lakefiew about the Fourth of July.
The ladles of tbe Catholic Church are
still working on tbe entertsinment
which will be given February 16. on tbe
eve of t. Patrick'a dav. The enter
tainment will be in the form of vaude
ville performance and promises to be
full of mirth. Tbe proceeds will go to
the Church and no doubt tbeadiea will
be successful in giving a very enjoy
able entertainment.
. The Examiner Press this week com
pleted a handsome 32-cage catalogue
for Ahlatrom & Guntber. the local bar
nws and aaddle manufactures. This firm
supplies a large territory with their
goods and Lakeview haa acquired a
wide reputation through the production
of the famous Lakeview aaddle which
ia manufactured b y Ahlstrom &
Ashland Record : Tbe public library
building committee of Ashland have
received the Brat installment S2400, of
the X15.000 to be furnished by Andrew
Carnegie for tbe new Carnegie library
building. Work on the building so far
aa it ia possible to proceed at tbia sea
son ia now in progress. Tbe masonry
work will be stsrted about March first
and rushed to completion.
Klamath Herald: Owing to hia in
disnoaition. Judge Henrv L. Benson in
the cirouit court haa decided to take a
respite, and announoed to tbe jurors
of tbe. present panel that they would
be excused until next Wedneaday morn
ing. Tbe judge baa been suffering
from a bad cold, and feeling unfit to
go on even with tbe esse now on. but
bss desired to bold out rather than to
interrupt an action or which a jury
haa been drawn and the testimony be
Again a "Telegram Coast Special"
haa gone wrong. In an article In the
Porltand Telegram giving an account
of the Lakeview fire it stated the Court
bouse and Herald office went uo in
smoke, besides containing a picture
oioture of that portion of the town
marking the fire area bv the court
bouse. Such informstion ia verv mis
leading and the report of the court
bouse being burned caused a great
deal of excitement among the north
end residents who feared that the
county records had been destroyed.
The team attached to the Western
stage took a lively apin about town
Tuesdav morning previous to their de
parture with the mails. Driver Walt
Tindall ateered them around through
the highways and bvwavs and finally
brought them to a halt in tbe Drenkel
addition. One tug oame loose and a
bridle was pulled off one of the wheel
era, which made the case all the more
interesting for Tindall. After running
a mile or ao the team waa brought to a
halt, repairs made and tbe stage left
but a few minutes behind the sche
dule time.
Plans are now under wav here for the
organization of a Gaelio Football
Association among the local Irish boys.
A large number have already contribut
ed for tbe purchase of the necessary
equipment, and more are signing uo
from time to time. A meeting of the
aasiciation will be held in the near
future, as soon as the rules and bylaws
are received, and officers will be elect
ed at auch time to aerve during the
football aeason. Similar associations
are to be organized at Plush and Pais
ley, and aa considerable interest ia be
ing manifested in the movement at the
varioua placea. it ia thought that aome
lively matohea will te aeen here dur
ing the coming summer and fall. For
the oreaent all busineses for the local
organization is being managed bv Ned
if. MURPHY, Proprietor
Special Attention to Transient Stock
Horses Boarded by the Day, Week or Month
Always Open Phone 571
a popular
Shown in Plati
num Calf, button
and lace at
Other Walk-Over Models shown
from which we know you will be
able to select your style
Here They Are
Every Ladtest Suit in the House Must
Go And Go Quick,
FTfT Also a few Ladies' & Misses'
vJJ J9J0 Coats to go at Exactly
1 1 pjajf price. Come and look
them over they are bargains.
Lakeview Mercantile Co.
i' 'i
Look At These Prices:
Regular $16.50 Suits, now $11.00
18.50 " " 12.50
20.00 " 14.25
22.50 " " 16.50
25 00 . " " 17.50
27.50 " " 18.50
30.00 " " 19.50
35.00 " " 22.50