Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 08, 1912, Image 1

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NO. 6
Northwest Towns!
Over Big
Everything Now In Readiness For Big Irrigation
Project At Paisley Pioneer Business
Han Now Retires
Mf.thout doubt the most Imoortant
realty deal that haa taken place In Lake
county for some time waa rinsed thia
week when the Northwest Townaite
Company took over Geo. Conn'a hold
In at FaUlev. The deal haa been
lending for eomrtlme, an out ion having
been taken on the profartv early lant
Fall. Negotiations between the eom
panv and the Slate regarding the tak
Inir over of what la known aa the Port
land Irrigation Project were under way
for aome time before a contract could
be determined upon that wastatisfao
torv to both oartlri. but an agreement
waa finally reached, and then the com
pany ouicklv cloaed Ita ooilon on Mr.
Conn'a holdlnira.
The nrcDertv Involved ineliidoa nearly
MO aerea of choice land adjacent to
Next Meeting of Boosters
Promises to Be Full
of Interest
The meeting of the Lakevlew Com-
merclal Club on Monday nlgbt. tne
12th. instant. Dromiaea to be full of tn-1
teresi. Itenia l.einir the regular tine-1
tion of officers for the ensuing; six
months, there ia imoortant business
connected with the publication ot the
oubllcitv pamphlet, and the considera
tion of other mattera of importance.
The week of February 6-10 haa been
aot awide bv the Oregon Development
League in conjunction with the school
authorities of the atate aa a period in
which to exert extra effort to stimu
late interest In Country Life Educa
tion. Lakeviow ia not behind In this
movement, aa la witnessed bv the plans
for agricultural education when the
new High School shall be occupied.
Last aoring nrlr.e waa awarded bv a
private individual for certain botanical
apeoimeng. a preliminary step. Now it
la the desire to awaken a atatewide
movement. The County and city super
i interdent and principals are receiving
Information and instruction along thia
line from the State Superintendent of
Public Instruction. It would be wise
for our Commercial Club to take form
al action, such aa appointing a com
mittee of three or five to co-operate
with our achool authorities along any
line In which they desire assistance,
especially in securing prizes aa an in
centive among children, in gardening,
poultry raising, housekeeping, carpen
ter work, and other branches of farm
work. The products raised can be ex
hibited at the Commercial Club Rooms
or other public place, and all such ex
hibits will be received at the State
' Fair at Salem in competition for which
lata of liberal prizes are offered. From
these -xhibits gathered at Salem will
be selected the materlnl to be exhibited
In the Land Show, exhibit cars, and
other exhibits and faira held east of
the Rockv Mountains. Kailroad trans
portation to gather these exhibits at
Salem and forward them to the differ
ent Land Shows. Expositions, etc., will
be arranged ao that the coat to the child
or local community will be practically
The importance of thia movement ia
accentuated bv the Oregon Agricultural
College through ita newly organized
College Extension Department, bv the
otivltv of tho Oregon Bankers' As
sociation, and bv the Portland Union
Stock Yarda Co.. Thia latter organiza
tion lava particular sirens upon the hog
raising part of the plan; if the success
of this plan eliminates the Importation
of S17.000.UUO worth of live atonic and
hog products it will certainly be worth
te Company Takes
Talalev. beaidca flouring mill and
stock of general merchandise. It doea
not Include the farat machinery nor any
Dcreona! property. The amount of
money involved In the transaction la an
proximately $60,000. and under the
clrcumstancee that aum ia considered
very reasonable. Mr. Conn retaina
aome timber land and a smsll stock
ranch on the upper Chewaucan. besidea
a few acrea In the town cf Paisley.
After an active and eventful lukineas
life he la now able to drive away dull
care and the worriea incident to life on
the frontier and take the world eatv.
lie haa alwava been prominent In the
affairs ot the county, and bla many
frienda aincerelv nope that he will en
joy to the utmont the pleasures he so
Cunt lllllfd no page el lit
Superintendent Le Pert
Announcos Opening of
Up-Town Office
e uperlntewianl or
telegraph or the N.-U-U., haa perfect-
J srrangementa for the uo-town cilice
of hi company. Aa announced by the
Examiner several weeks since.
office will be located in the Well a
Fargo express otlice in the rear of
Thornton's drug atore. with O. E.
Wood in charge. There will te both
telegraph and telephone aervice over
the I ne to Reno direct and bv connect
ing lines to all parte of the world.
Much difficulty haa been experienced
in getting the line into working order
but it ia expected that aervice will be
established today.
ror tne present me line win i
operated bv the railroad company, but
it ia expected that it will be taken over
bv the Western Union in short time.
Spend Their Honeymoon
Trip at Bermuda
New York. January 81. A marriage
license was procured at the citv hall
thia afternoon bv Owen Johnson and
Esther Ellen Cohb of clan Francisco,
Johnson, who la a writer and the sun
of Robert Underwood Johnson, editor
of the "Century." aged 33. Mlaa Cobb
la 2 and the name of her father waa
Denjiman M. Cobb. She la a ainger.
Esther Cobb made her debut in Eu
rope and won recognition for her talents
in 1U10. She Bang under the atage name
of Mile. (Jobina. One of ber first pub
lic appearancea was in Mozart's "Magio
Flute" at Mainz, on the Rhine, and the
critics there gave her more praise than
ia ordinarily accorded to vojng Ameri
can singers.
Miss Cobb ia a native ot Lakeview,
Oregon, but her chlidhood was spent in
San Francisco and Oakland, where she
studied under local teachers. In 1907
she went to Germany to complete the
development of her voice under the
more famous European instructors.
The above in addition to a large pic
ture of the bride was published In the
San Francisco Examiner of February 1.
The wedding occurred on February 1.
at the Episcopal Church 'in New York
Citv. in the presence of about twenty
rive invited guests. Shortly after the
ceremony the happy couple departed
for the Bermuda Islands on a three
weeka hone v moon trln.
Miss Rather Cohh. more familiarly
known among her local trienda aa
"Essie" la the daughter of Mra. Delia
Cobb of this dice. She la very well
known in Lakevlew and vicinity having
anent the major portion of her early
life in Lake County. Her ability and
talents aa an artresa and ainger are
widely heralded, she having acuuired
much tame in the theatrical world
Mr. Johnson, aa the quotation states,
ia an autho and now has a aerial atorv
entitled "Stover at Yale" running In
McClure'a Magazine.
Mrs. Cobb-Johnson haa nn intention
of giving uo ber stage life and will con
tinue her work even more diligently
than before. Her husband takea great
Interest in her abilitiea and he will
travel with her and continue hia writ
ing. The duuole will make the trip to
Lakevlew tbla summer to visit with
relative and frienda of the bride.
Lakeview takea no little pride in ber
national crime donna and the Examiner
joina in extending heartv congratula
tions to Mr. and Mra. Johnson and well
wishes for their future happiness and
Was An Old Time Stock
Raiser In Lake
At the age of 78 years, on January
30. Thomas W. Colvin died in Lincoln.
Placer Co.. California.
Mr. Colvin was a native of New
York state and came to Lake County.
Oregon in 18f9. He was for several
vears associated with George Freeman
in the cattle business in the Chewau
can vallev. After selling out his in
teresU in that vallev to Hervford
brothers. Mr. Colvin removed to New
Pine Creek where he invested in land
at which place he resided until about
ten yeara ago. His holdings at New
Pire Creek comprised about 400 acrea
of land which waa sold to Robert Mc-
Culley two vears ago. Since leaving
that place. Mr. Colvin had resided, un
til the time of hia death, at Lincoln.
Deceased waa a brother of Gus and
Sidney Colvin of Lake county, botb of
whom preceeded him to the grave. He
ia survived only bv a daughter. Mra.
Frances J. McLaughlin and three
children who were with him at the
time of his death, and one other grand
son. Enic.t Uolvin. of New Pine Creek
whose father. Darvin Colvin met hia
death aome time beo in a railroad acci
Mr. colvin was a man or generous
heart and broad ideas and one who
waa held in tht highest esteem bv hia
neighbor and fellcw man. He waa
brave and perserving pioneer and did
much toward the early settlement and
development of thia country. He was
honest and conscientious in hia dealings
and had amassed a comfortable fortune
for himself and dependents. He haa
many frienda in Lake county who
deenly mourn hia death.
J. Murohv haa again resumed charge
of the Shamrock Liverv Stables, east
of Main Street. Mr.. Murohv conduct
ed thia stable when it was first opened
and bv his agreeable and affable nature.
showed the public be was capable of
serving hia patrons in a proper manner.
Hia ad appeara elsewhere in thia issue.
Council Will Submit the
Proposition to
The town council met Tuesday night
at the citv hall at ita regularly month
ly session. Four applicants for citv
marshal and night watch had been pre
sented. W. P. Dvkcman. D. Bemis. J.
E. MoCoul and Win. McCuIley were
applicants for citv marshal and D.
Bemis also entered hia application for
night watchman. Owing to the absence
of Councilman J. F. Mayfleld the mar
shal Question waa not voted upon and
was postponed until a future date.
The petition for a volunteer Are de-
partment was not presented at thia
meeting and hence no action was taken
In the matter.
The main subject of discussion was
the means of getting at the initiative
steos neresoarv to be taken in establish
ing a sewerage system for Lakeview.
Bv reauest of the council and mayor.
0. W. Rice submitted an estimate on
the cost of a survey and plans of the
svatem which be would furniHh for
1500 and necessary help for the field
work. Tbla outline would be a com
plete survey of the proposed mains and
laterals and minor points of the svatem
that ia necessary to have before any
thing canbe done toward installing the
svntem or bids for cost of construction
be obtained. The matter waa laid over
for further diacussion with Mr. Rice
concerning various detaila of the work
and no definite conclusion waa reached.
The voice of the town officials was
unanimous in approval for a sewerage
system for the town and thev are lust
now threshing out all preliminary prob
lems preparatory to submitting this
proposition to the citizens for their
approval which the Examiner predict
will also be unanimous.
Urges Delegation To At
tend Development
That Mr. William Hanlev holda a
warm Boot in'hia heart for Lake countv.
is shown bv the tenor of the following
letter sent to the Mavor and President
of our Commercial Club. It is juat
more assurance of a large delegation to
attend the meeting of the Central Ore
gon Development League which will
be held here thia year. Thia meeting
will mark one of the most imoortant
epochs in tiie history of L.ake
and it ia nearing the time when - real
work shou'd begin on the outline of pre
parations tor this important celebra
tion. Mr. Hanlev'a suggestion about
attending the meeting at Medford in
June should be well taken, aa many
ideas can be gained at the assemblage
of this Development Congress.
Mr. Hanlev, the people of Lakevlew
and Lake Countv appreciate the courte
sies vou have shown ua. and we thank
Portland, Oregon, January 31, 1912.
Mr. E. E. Rinehart. Mavor,
Mr. E. L. Britten. President.
Commercial Club. Lakeview,
Gentlemen : Sorrv I was not able to
attend vour celebration held in honor
of the completion of the Nevada-Oregon-California
Railway to vour citv.
Fully appreciate the truenesa of vour
feelings of this great change in your
condition on the man. and fully, in
sentiment, reioice with vou in the suc
cessful completion of this compromise
for vour present benefits and will sav to
vou that there will be no lack of at
tendance from the country west and
north of vou for the meeting of the
Development Congress in vour city in
August, but want vou to be aure to
send a good atrong delegation to Med
ford for the Development Congress
meeting there in June.
All conditions are good for future
development of your and all the bal
ance of the country, with crystallized
sentiment of the people.
Best regards to the people of Lake
view and vicinity.
Yours very truly.
To Be Written Uuon Sub
jects of Revolution
a r y War
The Oregon Society of the Sons of tbe
American Revolution are offering
prises totalling $100 to the pupils of
tbe public schools of Oregon for essavs
on subjects connected with our War of
Independence. One prise of $25. one
of $15. and one of S10 will be awarded
for the first, second and third beBt
essavs written by high achool pupils
on subjects assigned "Treaty of
Alliance with France." "The Injuries
of the Colonies Under Great Britian."
aud "Relation of the New England
Opera House, Furniture Store and
Thornton Residence Destroyed
Heroic Work Prevent Flame From Reaching
Abjolning Buildings, But Many Were
Scorched and Damaged
Last Monday evening at 6:20 o'clock
the fire alarm brought out the citizens
of .the town to witness the moat des
tructive fire that has visited Lakeview
in several vears. The fire started in
the C. U. Snider building on the corner
of Main and Court street and com
pletely destroyed the Opera House.
Willis Furniture Co. 'a store, Antlers
rooming bouae and the Thornton resi
dence. Several individuals were heavy
loosen in tbe conflagration wbo were
occuoving rooms and apartmentc Id the
Antlers rooming bouae, and tbe total
loss in all will aggregate about $30,000.
on which amount about tl 0.000 waa
covered by insurance.
Aa to the origin of tbe fire it ia only
coniecture. Tbe fire waa first discover
ed bv Bome of the voung ladies of the
Mr. McKendree Returns
From Extended Trip
to Old Mexico
C H. McKenoree returned Saturday
last, from an extended business trip ! morning that H. C. Sehaffer of Christ
whieh included Klamath Falls. Califor-j maa Lake vallev and died that morning
nia points and Old Mexico. While I at four o'clock from two bullet wounds
away Mr. McKendree made arrange-1 fired from the guns of deoutv sheriffs
menta with W. J. Moore for the our- ! who were seeking his arrest Deoutv
chase of the Moore property in Lake-1 District Attornev Venator and llpmitw
view. E. rJ. Hall. Claude Liaggecu oi
KUmiilh Falla anii Mr. McKendree.
of Lakeview are the parties who will
take over the prooertv. Mr. McKen
dree made no statement aa to what
would be done with the block but said
the early consumption of the aale was
assured. Mr. McKendree's business to
Mexico was to investigate the propo
sition of importing cattle from that
country to be ranged uoon Lake and
Klamath countv lands. He was rep-
resenting both local and El Paso. Texas
parties in this scheme, but tbe prob
abilities of tbe plan have not as yet
materialized. I
Citizens Assured of Con
tinuance of Excellent
This week Postmaster Ahlstrom re
ceived advices from tbe Postmaster
General at Washington to the effect
that the contract allowing the N.-C.-O.
Railway to carry mail into Lakeview
had been signed uo and would be effee-
tive February 12. The train haa been
bringing the mail to Lakeview but in
reality was not according to orders as
Mr. Cory's contract with the govern-1
ment was still in effect. He was not
anxious for the job. however, and was
willing that the train should handle the
mails so long as no objection was offer
ed at headauarters.
The news cf this contract will be
welcomed rv the people here as it as
sures continuation ot the exoeilent ser
vice given bv the N-.C.-O.
States to tbe Revolution." Similar
prizes will te awarded to e-rade punils
on the following subjects : "Alexander
Hamilton." "Capture of Ticonderoga
and Crown Point" "George Rogers
Clark and the Conauest of the Western
The essavs are limited to there thou
sand words and aigned by the writer.
giving ooetofnee address, and forward
ed to John K. Kollock. 313 Corbett
building, Portland, and should reach
their destination not later than March
15. 1912. Tbe composition will be
judged bv originality, accuracy of state
ment, manner of treatment, ortho
graphy, avntax. punctuation, neatness
and legibility.
G.G.G. Club who were on the atage in
the ooera bouse, rehearsing for a play,
which waa to have keen put on by that
club. Thev discovered amoke coming
no through the atage from underneath
and immediately gave tbe alarm- Tbe
Willis furniture atore was separated
from tbe opera bouse by a thin wall and
it baa not been determined whether tbe
fire started underneath the stage or in
the rear of tbe store. The flames when
I once started burned so desperately that
1 If tmnM,;iU a a - " IL. k.JJj: -
- wwmv .ujwwoiwiv iv BITS LUC UUIIUIIlgS
where they started, and only bv the
heroic and incessant work on the part
of the people, were adjacent buildinga
saved from tbe ruin. Tbe flamea were
intensified bv aome varnishes, turpen
tine and alcohol which were in the fur-
Contiuuetl on page 8
North End Bad Man Met
His Waterloo
I Word reached Lakeview Tuesday
Coroner Chas. Wallace left for the
' scene tbe same day to investigate the
case and take charge of the body.
According to the reports received
here, a stranger, whose name we have
not learned, came to the Sehaffer place
and asked to be shown a piece of gov
ernment land on which he could locate.
Sehaffer agreed to show him the land
gratis. After he showed the man the
land. Shaffer demanded $50 which re
auest was refused. Shaffer tben com-,
mitted assault and battery on his vic
tim and beat bim until be was compet
ed to comply witn bis wishes and he
gave Shaffer the reaaired $50. After
reacning Silver Lake, the stranger
swore out a complaint for the arrest of
Sehaffer and Deputy Sheriff P. D.
Reader, it "company with P. W. Jones
and C. Buick left to secure their pris
oner. Uoon arriving at the Sehaffer place
Mondav afternoon, the officers were
met at the gate bv Sehaffer. Thev
stated their purpose and alter a few
words between the officers and the
man, Sehaffer called to a woman in'the
house. Mrs. Frances Wilson, to bring
bim his gun and while she was handing
j him the gun. they all three fired
j Sehaffer. two bullets taking effect.
seems while the men were riding away,
; the woman fired several shots at them
but none of them hit their mark.
Sehaffer it is said was a man about
35 vears old and had a bad reputation.
It will be remembered that last sum
mer he stood off two officers with S
gun. P. D. Reeder and G. W. Marvin,
who tried to serve biro with attachment
papers. Various reports confirm the
fact that he was a very disagreeable
character and it is said that he was
feared by many citizens of the northern
part of the county.
Preparations are being made for the
big Lean Year Ball to be given Wed
nesday night. February 14 at Wizard
ball. The voung people are taking
great interest in this affair and
promise a most enjoyable time for the
attendants. The danoe will be conduct
ed exclusively bv the ladies and Mrs.
James Judge, Mrs. J. GibLIiu. Mrs
Wm. Gunther. Miss Elsie Post andMJss
Dooia Willita have been chosen as Floor
Managers to have charge of the 'occa
sion. " '