NEVER PUT OFF UNTIL TOMORROW WHAT YOU CAN DO TODAY! IT PAYS K GOOD LITERATURE IS GOOD BOOSTING Printing Must Be Attract Ive In Order to Ob tain Good Results IMPORTANT WATER DECREE RENDERED MRS. LEE EMERSON CALLEDjy DEATH Loving Wife and Mother Passos On After a Brief Illness TO PAY C AS With the advent of a Railroad in Lakeview, conditions are changing. Al ready many of our lines have been re duced to meet these conditions. Paying Cash will give you ever advantage. WI- ARB 1 00 lbs Cane The Royal Tailors We have just receiv ed a most elaborate line of woolen samples. Suits will be made to j-our individual meas ure. A fit guaranteed. SPRJNG SAMPLES 1912 RAILROADS GALORE FOR LM COUNTY Contract Let for Comple tion of Oregon Eastern Across the State One of the most imtxrtant railroad contracts ever made as far as North ern Lake Count? it concerned was re cently signed bv the Oreeon Eastern Railway with Kiloatrick Brothers, the well known railroad contractors, for the completion of the Oreeon Eastern from Lake Odell or Crescent Post Office in Northern Klamath County. cross Klamath into Christmas Lake or ! Peasant Valley near Fremont Post ! Office, tnen eastward throueh the val - I lev and a short distance north the nnat.on candidates, reg.stra of Fort Rock and on a line to the cen-, tion of voters 8nd 8,1 other thinE8 in ter of Pleasant Valley, thence east to cident and rUinine to the holdin the end of that valley, thence throueh of the reSu,ar biennial nominating he north end of Horse Mountain Val- election, "ball be enforced and effected ley into Edith Valley, from whence it will enter Harnev county. The con tract signed bv Kiloatrick Bros, will give them the lareest iob ot railroad construction in the United States at present as they have the contract to Davs Mountain in Hrnev county where their work will meet that being done bv the Utah Construction Company of Ogdp.n. who have the contract from Vale to Davs Mountain. The import ance of the contract to Lake countv can be appreciated when it is known that it will open to transportation directly with the outside world, an area til ful ly 600.000 acres of lands that are till able and adaoted to everv form of agriculture peculiar to this fertile part ef the country. The valleys mention ed until recently were the fartherest from railroad transportation of any section of Orceon. but the Oreeon Trunk being completed to Bend has brouebt them nearer to the railroad, and now that the N.-C.-O. Railway is at Lakeview, thev are in a position where the manv settlers of that por tion of the county can be assured of transportation within the next year or eo. There are several irrieation pro jects planned for this part of the countv. the largest of which is the Lake Odell Project, which would water something like 400.000 acres of lands lvine in theee vallove. thn Silver Lake Project will also water about thirty thousand acres, while all of this area has sufficient rainfall to insure produc tive croos with the ordinary tillaee. to sav nothing of "Dry Farming." One fine feature of the settlement of these vallevs is that they are close to an abundance of fuel, good water, school, stores and manv other evidences of value. Most of the lands in them can be taken under the 160 or 320 acre homestead acts or the desert act and will prove profitable in either case to the man who acts quickly and secures bis land now that a railroad through them is assured. SELLING Sugar $ 7.50 "Star Brand" Shoes Are made of solid leather throughout; styles are the latest; the lasts comfortable. The "STAR" on everv heel. LOOK FOR THE "STAR" VOTERS ARE SLOW IN REGISTERING Three Periods This Year, But Little Interest Thus Far Shown Owiner to the presidential election occurin? in 1912. there will be three registration periods this vear. The following, contained in Chanter 5. Section 2 of the 1911 Session laws of Oreeon. is self explanatory of this con dition : "In the vears when a president and vice-president of the United States are to be elected, said Dnmarv nominating election shall be held on the fortv-fiftb day before the first Monday in June of "id year: ,nd " l8WS ""t.inin to ; me name numoer or aavs oeiore me ! first Monday in June that thev were under the said nominating election law ; immediately before the chanee in the date of the regular election from the first Monday in June to the first Tues day after the first Monday in Novem ber." j According to the memorandum of i Election Dates and Laws prepared bv I the Secretary of the State. Count v Clerks are authorized to open registra tion books January '2 and to continue ooen until April 9, after which time thev are closed until April 24. this closed period allowing for the primary election which will be held on Friday. 'April 19. The books are opened for registration from April 24 until May 15. as described in above quotation. The books are reopened June 4 and continue so until Oct. 20. before tbe general election which is set for the 5th day of November or the first Tuesday after the first Monday in the month. While the registration periods are comparatively long it behooves everv prospective voter to register at his first GPLortunitv as this is necessary before one is entitled to vote at either elec tion or to sign a candidate's petition, j Registrations have been somewhat slow this far. County Cleric Pavne reporting but 63 registered voters up to Monday of this week. Trouble For Burns The County Court of Harnev has levied a special tax of three mills for court house purposes, which act seems to have aroused the ire of certain tax pavers. They concede the needs of h new court house but are of the opinion that its construction should be delayed until it is known "where the railroad is eoine." Burns wanta to take time bv the forelock and cinch its hold on the countv seat regardleas of where the railroad may strike, which it is generally supposed will be some dis tance trom that town. "The Quality Store" g That the literature to advertise Lake countv which is to be gotten out bv the Lakeview Commercial Cluli will meet with success is assured bv the promised support of neighboring towns and commercial organizations. Secretary Everett has mailed letters to all neighboring towns ot the countv and has received word from Silver Luke to the etTeet that their commer cial club would P eoge S150 and possibly more. Return from Valley Falls show that thev have raised t"5 uo to date. New Pine Creek has sent in S2f with a promise of more and Paisley has voiced her approval of the matter but has not a aaiciia sil v IIIUI ifr w sad V7l. 1 HIS iliaVK nut include all the places to be heard from, and no doubt when all the re turns have been received it will leave only a reasonable sum for Lakeview to subscribe. It would be a great favor to the secretary of the Lakeview Com mercial Club if outside places would advise him their pleasure regarding this literature. There is no question about the advan tage of this nature of advertising over anv other method as an attractive booklet renlete with photographs and short descriptions will command atten tion, where circular letters and news paper advertising will not. Lake oountv is sorely in need of advertis ing literature containing a con servative description of the re sources and possibilities, as everv in quiry received about this country con tains a request for literature of this sort. The results will be obvious and we hope the Commercia meet with everv success this demand. FIRE DEPARTMENT TO BE ORGANIZED Plans Are Well Under Way For Protection Against Fire In City Much interest is being taken in the local fire brigade which is now being organized. Thirty-eight memters have signed the petition and the prospect of several more are in view. The pe tition will be submitted to the town council at the next meeting. This body has already expressed their enthusiasm in the matter and the petition will no doubt receive their hearty support. It is the intention of the promoters of this laudatle move to ask nothing of the town other than necessary appara tus with which to work, nbout three departments will be organized and much time will be devoted to drill practice. The organization wiil be effected on a club basis and will have social functions in connection and n this way public entertainments or dances can be given which will have a tendency to keep interest alive and as sure success of the undertaking. Drills of the department will be executed at which it could be arranged to offer a prize to the division making the Pest run. A fire department is a necessary ad junct to the town of Lakeview and each citizen owes to himself to give it everv possible encouragement. PIONEERS' FIRST RIDE ONRAILROAD Mr. and Mrs. Mart Hen derson, of Davis Creek, Beat It from St. Joe Davis Creek. Jan. 20. Mr. and Mrs. Mart Henderson the oldest pioneers 'cf this vallev. boarded the train for Al turns Monday. This iB the Hrst time Mrs. Henderson ever got aboard a car. She is 84 vears of age. The only ride that "Uncle Mart." as he is familiar ly known, ever had was when the road was completed to Alturas. He rode from the depot to the river, a distance of about a mile. Thev have just kept ahead ot the railroads from St. Joseph. Mo., crossing the plains ia 1853 and settled here in Oavis Creek in 1871. Fire at Prlneville Fire which broke out in the most thickly populated district n the night of Jan. 24, almost totally destroyed four places of business on Prineville's main business street with a loss ap proximately of 25.000. Those who Buffered loss were: L. Kamstra, jewel er; F. E. Brosius. saloon; Charles Fretz. restaurant; A. W. Long, con fectioner. The fire started either in the restaurant, or the candy kitchen. Damage Suit of Porters Against Goo. Small Is Dismissed George H. Small, tho pioneer resi dent of Northern Lnke County, was surcersful In a decision of the Supreme Court handed down on the 23rd Uv of January. In the two cases of Wesley. Porter et al. vs. George II. Small and John C Porter vs. George H. Small, conv of the opinion in the cases having iut been received bv W. Lair Thomu son. attorney for Kir. Small, and thus ends the first echo of the now famous litigstion over the waters of Silver Creek, which is known among the le gal fraternity as the cane of Hough vs. Porter. In that case the Circuit Court for Lake countv decreed to Mr. Small a prior right to use six hundred and fifty inches of the water ot Silver Creek. The heirs of S. A. D. Porter, deceased, and John C. Porter bv his I guardian appealed the water suit to the Supreme Court where the case re mained for nearly six veara before a decision was reached, the Supreme Court then awarding the Purlers a prior right over Mr. Small and limiting the water that Small was entitled to considerable less than six hun 'red and fifty, inches. Something over a vear ago the Porters filed two separate actions against Small for dnmnees ag gregating $00,000 for having used the waters of Silver Creek under the de cree of the lower court until re vernal thereof bv tho Supreme Court. In the Circuit Court Mr. Smail'a counsel con tended that an action for damages would not lie against a man who did nothing more than follow the decree of the Court and Judge Noland so du- bodies will cided. The Porters appealed to the in supplying Supreme Court and the case was argu ed before Oregon's highest judicial tribunal on the 4th (lav ot January when Mr. Thompson was in Salem. The judgment thus handed down bv the Supreme Court sustains the deci sion of the Circuit Court for Lake countv in everv particular, which will doubtless end the unseeminglv inter minable litigation over Silver Creek. Mr. Small is at present in Caifornia. AUTOISTS SHOULD GET 1912 LICENSE Sub I act Tn Arrt n nrl Fine If Car Has Not a Green Tag Out of about forty automobiles in Lakeview up to January 20. but nine machines have been registered with Secretary of State Ben W. Olcott. Preparatory to sending out the lists of automobiles registered to all the countv clerks of the state Secretary of State Olcott is having conies printed which will be forwarded immediately after February 1. The entire registration is sent to each countv clerk to be used for readv reference in identifying vio lators of the auto laws and tor other purposes. Apparently there are some automobile owner in this who are subject to arrett and fine because of non-renewal of their license for the opening of the present vear. This vear the color of the tags are green with black letters for the state and anv other color or design can bo put down as bogus. In regard to the enforce ment of the automobile law of this state. Secretary Olcott savs: "The enforcement of the provisions of the law are vested in the police officer of anv citv. anv marshal, denutv marshal or watchman of anv incorpor ated village, or anv sheriff of anv countv. or anv constable of anv town ship, have full power and authority within the limits of their jurisdiction to arrest anv person known to rfhen officer to have violated anv provisions of the law. and to immediately bring such offender before anv magistrate naving lunsuiction as provided in sec tion 27. All police judgcB or recorders of any citv or town, or iuHtice of the peace of the eojntv shall have juris diction of all violations excepting those mentioned in section 24. as provided in section 26. "Inasmuch, therefore, as the office of the secretacry of state is not vested with polioe powers you will readily un derstand that it is without the provi sion of that official, or his official fami ly, to preform other than such duties as mav be required of him under the pro visions of this act. '"All violations of the law should be promptly reported to the police officers of vour city whouedutv it is to arrest the violators and bring them before a magistrate having iurisdiction under provisions of this act." Mrs. Dick Klngslev and son. Maior, are now visiting in San Francbo. Thev will make a trip to Southern California before returning to Lakeview. Mrs. l ee Emerson died on the morn ing of Jan. 2Tth. at the family home 10 miles north of Lakevirw. after a brief Illness, aged 33 vears and 23 duvs. Deceased was bom Jan. 2. lKT'.l. at Richmond. Kentucky. Her maiden name was Mablu Parks. She was mar ried March 8. 1902. at Hamilton. Mon tana, and was the mother of four child ren, the eldest being 9 vears old. three ot whom survive her. together with her husband. In eomnanv with her hus band she immigrated to I.akn county aomo time since, he taking up a home stead, unon which thev madn their home. The funeral toon place from the Wallace undertaking parlors, at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon, brief religious service being rendered bv Key. M. T. Wire, accompanied bv sacred songs bv the choir of the M. E. church, the burial leing in the Odd Fellows ceme tery. Deceased is anuurned because of her loving disposition, her gentility, meek ness, purity of character, and those dualities which make up the life of the faithful wife, the loving mother, the true friend. The undersigned hereby tender their heartfelt thanks to the mnnv friends for the manv unsolicited acts of kind ness rendered on the sad occasion of the death and burial of our dear de parted wife and mother, which we will ever hold In nacred remrmbrance. Lee Emerson and Children. CHEWAUCAN PRESS HAS PREFERENCE Heartily Supports Can didacy of Thompson, Snider and Foster Tiie Chewaucan Press heartilv sup ports the candidacy of W. Lair Thomp son and W. II. Snider for State Sena tor and Sheriff respectively, aa well as A. J. Foster for Assessor, and rela tive to their candidacy savs: W. Lair Thompson, of Lakeview. at present a member of the state legis- ! lature. is a CBmlidute for htate senator ! from the district formed bv Lake. Klamath and Crook counties. Mr. Thompson's record in the legislature ia a credit to him and to the district which elected him and for this reason the Press is for him. first, last and all the time. It is not exoectod that he will have anv opposition. Sheriir Warner Snider is again a candidate for the office. Thin should mean his election, for he has been a thoroughly capable officer. Assessor Foster has also made good and should be re-flctte 1 without opposition. The i Press cares nothing about a man's poli-! tics; it believes in keeping a good pub lic servant as long as he does his work satisfactorily. LOW COMMODITY RATES I'ont lnni"l from tirnt iis" vice-president and general manager ; W, F. Dunawav. superintendent: M.D. Hire. asst. sunt. : II. V. McNamara. traffic! manager ; K. P. Dunbar, auditor: M. E. Pudden, traveling auditor : W. H. O'Neil. asBt. traveling munager; Geo. S. Oliver, cnlef engineer: F. M. I.e Pert. chief electrician: W. C. Hickev. suut. bridges and buildings; D. L. Rice, sunt, steam shovel ; A. Howe, master mechanic ; C. W. Class la the agent stationed at Lakeview and W. J Urad lev has been appointed agent for New Pine Creek. The carpenters completed the freight house and temporary depot at this sta tion Tuesday of this week and were re moved to New Pine Creek to begin con struction of a building at that Place which is to be an exact duplication of their house at Davia Creek. Upon completion of the permanent depot here the present depot location will be used for freight offices. The railroad offices are to he immdiatelv connected bv tele phone with the up town central office, which will be a great convenience to both officials and patrons of the line. A long distance telephone system willjalso be established which will enable oae to sit in their office and tulk to anv point between here and Including San Francisco. Local Agent C. W. Class predicts a great influx ot peonle to this territory this season and states that the corres pondence department is swarnoed with inguiiics concerning Information re garding this section. Walter Over left Monday for Lan- sing. Mich., where he was called bv the serious illness of his father. H . pects to be away about three weeks .ml during his absence Thos. Barton will assist in the barber shoo. Stop as you go by the The Economy Store and price their stock uf Groceries, also their Shoes, Socks, Gloves, Woolen Underwear, Sweaters, Dress and Winter Ovcrshirts. eDonft look back and regret that you did not trade at the Economy Store fTTTGood wiring is 1 1 is the very best insurance policy you can have and the cheapest. We do it. E.T.SPENCE LAKEVIEW HOSPITAL Oiifhlock from Hotel l.nkr view. I'jitliiits n-rt iwil ut ttn.r limp. 1'hiinHiit room x Mini voniii trnl it ii r lux II I 77.W II EA St A II I. E. MIIS. II. It. Al.dEll , Mittrtm PHONE 892 P. 0. BOX 359 Till- USUI-KTA KING department of the Willis Furniture Co. has been enlarged. The if Hearse has been refitted with new curtains. We are up-to-dntc and deserve your patronage. Phone No. 981 Night or Day WILLIS FURNITURE CO. Victor and Edison Phonographs Disc and Cylinder Records ON SALE AT Hall & Reynolds Drug Company LAKEVIEW - ORECON W. F. PAINE & CO. Real... Estate LAKEVIEW, OREGON